path: root/lib/api/helpers.rb
diff options
authorTimothy Andrew <>2016-04-25 09:00:20 +0530
committerTimothy Andrew <>2016-04-28 22:28:36 +0530
commitb22a47c62e076acddd254e2d659f38261085bf01 (patch)
tree18a5ae522e9f1129622f526e69c2133b8c4f0782 /lib/api/helpers.rb
parentfc4bce755d19d570c4a00241048517c38aa839b3 (diff)
Combine `API::Helpers::Core` and `API::Helpers::Authentication` back into `API::Helpers`
- Makes the MR easier to read; this can go in a separate MR - This is a (sort of) revert of 99bea01
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/api/helpers.rb')
1 files changed, 397 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/api/helpers.rb b/lib/api/helpers.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fb30ef3e252
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/api/helpers.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+module API
+ module Helpers
+ PRIVATE_TOKEN_PARAM = :private_token
+ SUDO_PARAM = :sudo
+ PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN_PARAM = :personal_access_token
+ def parse_boolean(value)
+ [ true, 1, '1', 't', 'T', 'true', 'TRUE', 'on', 'ON' ].include?(value)
+ end
+ def find_user_by_private_token
+ private_token = (params[PRIVATE_TOKEN_PARAM] || env[PRIVATE_TOKEN_HEADER]).to_s
+ User.find_by_authentication_token(private_token)
+ end
+ def find_user_by_personal_access_token
+ personal_access_token_string = (params[PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN_PARAM] || env[PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN_HEADER]).to_s
+ personal_access_token =
+ personal_access_token.user if personal_access_token
+ end
+ def current_user
+ @current_user ||= (find_user_by_private_token || find_user_by_personal_access_token || doorkeeper_guard)
+ unless @current_user && Gitlab::UserAccess.allowed?(@current_user)
+ return nil
+ end
+ identifier = sudo_identifier()
+ # If the sudo is the current user do nothing
+ if identifier && !( == identifier || @current_user.username == identifier)
+ render_api_error!('403 Forbidden: Must be admin to use sudo', 403) unless @current_user.is_admin?
+ @current_user = User.by_username_or_id(identifier)
+ not_found!("No user id or username for: #{identifier}") if @current_user.nil?
+ end
+ @current_user
+ end
+ def sudo_identifier()
+ identifier ||= params[SUDO_PARAM] || env[SUDO_HEADER]
+ # Regex for integers
+ if !!(identifier =~ /\A[0-9]+\z/)
+ identifier.to_i
+ else
+ identifier
+ end
+ end
+ def user_project
+ @project ||= find_project(params[:id])
+ @project || not_found!("Project")
+ end
+ def find_project(id)
+ project = Project.find_with_namespace(id) || Project.find_by(id: id)
+ if project && can?(current_user, :read_project, project)
+ project
+ else
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ def project_service
+ @project_service ||= begin
+ underscored_service = params[:service_slug].underscore
+ if Service.available_services_names.include?(underscored_service)
+ user_project.build_missing_services
+ service_method = "#{underscored_service}_service"
+ send_service(service_method)
+ end
+ end
+ @project_service || not_found!("Service")
+ end
+ def send_service(service_method)
+ user_project.send(service_method)
+ end
+ def service_attributes
+ @service_attributes ||= project_service.fields.inject([]) do |arr, hash|
+ arr << hash[:name].to_sym
+ end
+ end
+ def find_group(id)
+ begin
+ group = Group.find(id)
+ rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+ group = Group.find_by!(path: id)
+ end
+ if can?(current_user, :read_group, group)
+ group
+ else
+ not_found!('Group')
+ end
+ end
+ def paginate(relation)
+[:page]).per(params[:per_page].to_i).tap do |data|
+ add_pagination_headers(data)
+ end
+ end
+ def authenticate!
+ unauthorized! unless current_user
+ end
+ def authenticate_by_gitlab_shell_token!
+ input = params['secret_token'].try(:chomp)
+ unless Devise.secure_compare(secret_token, input)
+ unauthorized!
+ end
+ end
+ def authenticated_as_admin!
+ forbidden! unless current_user.is_admin?
+ end
+ def authorize!(action, subject)
+ forbidden! unless abilities.allowed?(current_user, action, subject)
+ end
+ def authorize_push_project
+ authorize! :push_code, user_project
+ end
+ def authorize_admin_project
+ authorize! :admin_project, user_project
+ end
+ def require_gitlab_workhorse!
+ unless env['HTTP_GITLAB_WORKHORSE'].present?
+ forbidden!('Request should be executed via GitLab Workhorse')
+ end
+ end
+ def can?(object, action, subject)
+ abilities.allowed?(object, action, subject)
+ end
+ # Checks the occurrences of required attributes, each attribute must be present in the params hash
+ # or a Bad Request error is invoked.
+ #
+ # Parameters:
+ # keys (required) - A hash consisting of keys that must be present
+ def required_attributes!(keys)
+ keys.each do |key|
+ bad_request!(key) unless params[key].present?
+ end
+ end
+ def attributes_for_keys(keys, custom_params = nil)
+ params_hash = custom_params || params
+ attrs = {}
+ keys.each do |key|
+ if params_hash[key].present? or (params_hash.has_key?(key) and params_hash[key] == false)
+ attrs[key] = params_hash[key]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Helper method for validating all labels against its names
+ def validate_label_params(params)
+ errors = {}
+ if params[:labels].present?
+ params[:labels].split(',').each do |label_name|
+ label = user_project.labels.create_with(
+ color: Label::DEFAULT_COLOR).find_or_initialize_by(
+ title: label_name.strip)
+ if label.invalid?
+ errors[label.title] = label.errors
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ errors
+ end
+ def validate_access_level?(level)
+ Gitlab::Access.options_with_owner.values.include? level.to_i
+ end
+ def issuable_order_by
+ if params["order_by"] == 'updated_at'
+ 'updated_at'
+ else
+ 'created_at'
+ end
+ end
+ def issuable_sort
+ if params["sort"] == 'asc'
+ :asc
+ else
+ :desc
+ end
+ end
+ def filter_by_iid(items, iid)
+ items.where(iid: iid)
+ end
+ # error helpers
+ def forbidden!(reason = nil)
+ message = ['403 Forbidden']
+ message << " - #{reason}" if reason
+ render_api_error!(message.join(' '), 403)
+ end
+ def bad_request!(attribute)
+ message = ["400 (Bad request)"]
+ message << "\"" + attribute.to_s + "\" not given"
+ render_api_error!(message.join(' '), 400)
+ end
+ def not_found!(resource = nil)
+ message = ["404"]
+ message << resource if resource
+ message << "Not Found"
+ render_api_error!(message.join(' '), 404)
+ end
+ def unauthorized!
+ render_api_error!('401 Unauthorized', 401)
+ end
+ def not_allowed!
+ render_api_error!('405 Method Not Allowed', 405)
+ end
+ def conflict!(message = nil)
+ render_api_error!(message || '409 Conflict', 409)
+ end
+ def file_to_large!
+ render_api_error!('413 Request Entity Too Large', 413)
+ end
+ def not_modified!
+ render_api_error!('304 Not Modified', 304)
+ end
+ def render_validation_error!(model)
+ if model.errors.any?
+ render_api_error!(model.errors.messages || '400 Bad Request', 400)
+ end
+ end
+ def render_api_error!(message, status)
+ error!({ 'message' => message }, status)
+ end
+ # Projects helpers
+ def filter_projects(projects)
+ # If the archived parameter is passed, limit results accordingly
+ if params[:archived].present?
+ projects = projects.where(archived: parse_boolean(params[:archived]))
+ end
+ if params[:search].present?
+ projects =[:search])
+ end
+ if params[:visibility].present?
+ projects = projects.search_by_visibility(params[:visibility])
+ end
+ projects.reorder(project_order_by => project_sort)
+ end
+ def project_order_by
+ order_fields = %w(id name path created_at updated_at last_activity_at)
+ if order_fields.include?(params['order_by'])
+ params['order_by']
+ else
+ 'created_at'
+ end
+ end
+ def project_sort
+ if params["sort"] == 'asc'
+ :asc
+ else
+ :desc
+ end
+ end
+ # file helpers
+ def uploaded_file(field, uploads_path)
+ if params[field]
+ bad_request!("#{field} is not a file") unless params[field].respond_to?(:filename)
+ return params[field]
+ end
+ return nil unless params["#{field}.path"] && params["#{field}.name"]
+ # sanitize file paths
+ # this requires all paths to exist
+ required_attributes! %W(#{field}.path)
+ uploads_path = File.realpath(uploads_path)
+ file_path = File.realpath(params["#{field}.path"])
+ bad_request!('Bad file path') unless file_path.start_with?(uploads_path)
+ file_path,
+ params["#{field}.name"],
+ params["#{field}.type"] || 'application/octet-stream',
+ )
+ end
+ def present_file!(path, filename, content_type = 'application/octet-stream')
+ filename ||= File.basename(path)
+ header['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename=#{filename}"
+ header['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = 'binary'
+ content_type content_type
+ # Support download acceleration
+ case headers['X-Sendfile-Type']
+ when 'X-Sendfile'
+ header['X-Sendfile'] = path
+ body
+ else
+ file
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def add_pagination_headers(paginated_data)
+ header 'X-Total', paginated_data.total_count.to_s
+ header 'X-Total-Pages', paginated_data.total_pages.to_s
+ header 'X-Per-Page', paginated_data.limit_value.to_s
+ header 'X-Page', paginated_data.current_page.to_s
+ header 'X-Next-Page', paginated_data.next_page.to_s
+ header 'X-Prev-Page', paginated_data.prev_page.to_s
+ header 'Link', pagination_links(paginated_data)
+ end
+ def pagination_links(paginated_data)
+ request_url = request.url.split('?').first
+ request_params = params.clone
+ request_params[:per_page] = paginated_data.limit_value
+ links = []
+ request_params[:page] = paginated_data.current_page - 1
+ links << %(<#{request_url}?#{request_params.to_query}>; rel="prev") unless paginated_data.first_page?
+ request_params[:page] = paginated_data.current_page + 1
+ links << %(<#{request_url}?#{request_params.to_query}>; rel="next") unless paginated_data.last_page?
+ request_params[:page] = 1
+ links << %(<#{request_url}?#{request_params.to_query}>; rel="first")
+ request_params[:page] = paginated_data.total_pages
+ links << %(<#{request_url}?#{request_params.to_query}>; rel="last")
+ links.join(', ')
+ end
+ def abilities
+ @abilities ||= begin
+ abilities =
+ abilities << Ability
+ abilities
+ end
+ end
+ def secret_token
+ end
+ def handle_member_errors(errors)
+ error!(errors[:access_level], 422) if errors[:access_level].any?
+ not_found!(errors)
+ end
+ end