path: root/lib
diff options
authorSean McGivern <>2019-07-24 12:37:05 +0100
committerSean McGivern <>2019-07-30 10:00:52 +0100
commit18cdc5ba6ce1810c19982475eca89fd385fe31e2 (patch)
treeda5bb763305bc081a671a514bb1a1a267cd0ef74 /lib
parent004b72fe165a38dd97cab1fb531f1094261a4eba (diff)
Remove line profiler from performance bar
1. The output isn't great. It can be hard to find hotspots and, even when you do find them, to find why those are hotspots. 2. It uses some jQuery-specific frontend code which we can remove now that we don't have this any more. 3. It's only possible to profile the initial request, not any subsequent AJAX requests.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
2 files changed, 1 insertions, 125 deletions
diff --git a/lib/peek/rblineprof/custom_controller_helpers.rb b/lib/peek/rblineprof/custom_controller_helpers.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 581cc6a37b4..00000000000
--- a/lib/peek/rblineprof/custom_controller_helpers.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-module Peek
- module Rblineprof
- module CustomControllerHelpers
- extend ActiveSupport::Concern
- # This will become useless once
- # is merged
- def pygmentize(file_name, code, lexer = nil)
- if lexer.present?
- Gitlab::Highlight.highlight(file_name, code)
- else
- "<pre>#{Rack::Utils.escape_html(code)}</pre>"
- end
- end
- # rubocop:disable all
- def inject_rblineprof
- ret = nil
- profile = lineprof(rblineprof_profiler_regex) do
- ret = yield
- end
- if response.content_type =~ %r|text/html|
- sort = params[:lineprofiler_sort]
- mode = params[:lineprofiler_mode] || 'cpu'
- min = (params[:lineprofiler_min] || 5).to_i * 1000
- summary = params[:lineprofiler_summary]
- # Sort each file by the longest calculated time
- per_file = do |file, lines|
- total, child, excl, total_cpu, child_cpu, excl_cpu = lines[0]
- wall = summary == 'exclusive' ? excl : total
- cpu = summary == 'exclusive' ? excl_cpu : total_cpu
- idle = summary == 'exclusive' ? (excl - excl_cpu) : (total - total_cpu)
- [
- file, lines,
- wall, cpu, idle,
- sort == 'idle' ? idle : sort == 'cpu' ? cpu : wall
- ]
- end.sort_by{ |a,b,c,d,e,f| -f }
- output = ["<div class='modal-dialog modal-xl'><div class='modal-content'>"]
- output << "<div class='modal-header'>"
- output << "<h4>Line profiling: #{human_description(params[:lineprofiler])}</h4>"
- output << "<button class='close' type='button' data-dismiss='modal' aria-label='close'><span aria-hidden='true'>&times;</span></button>"
- output << "</div>"
- output << "<div class='modal-body'>"
- per_file.each do |file_name, lines, file_wall, file_cpu, file_idle, file_sort|
- output << "<div class='peek-rblineprof-file'><div class='heading'>"
- show_src = file_sort > min
- tmpl = show_src ? "<a href='#' class='js-lineprof-file'>%s</a>" : "%s"
- if mode == 'cpu'
- output << sprintf("<span class='duration'>% 8.1fms + % 8.1fms</span> #{tmpl}", file_cpu / 1000.0, file_idle / 1000.0, file_name.sub(Rails.root.to_s + '/', ''))
- else
- output << sprintf("<span class='duration'>% 8.1fms</span> #{tmpl}", file_wall/1000.0, file_name.sub(Rails.root.to_s + '/', ''))
- end
- output << "</div>" # .heading
- next unless show_src
- output << "<div class='data'>"
- code = []
- times = []
- File.readlines(file_name).each_with_index do |line, i|
- code << line
- wall, cpu, calls = lines[i + 1]
- if calls && calls > 0
- if mode == 'cpu'
- idle = wall - cpu
- times << sprintf("% 8.1fms + % 8.1fms (% 5d)", cpu / 1000.0, idle / 1000.0, calls)
- else
- times << sprintf("% 8.1fms (% 5d)", wall / 1000.0, calls)
- end
- else
- times << ' '
- end
- end
- output << "<pre class='duration'>#{times.join("\n")}</pre>"
- # The following line was changed from
- #
- # This will become useless once
- # is merged and is implemented.
- output << "<pre class='code highlight white'>#{pygmentize(file_name, code.join, 'ruby')}</pre>"
- output << "</div></div>" # .data then .peek-rblineprof-file
- end
- output << "</div></div></div>"
- response.body += "<div class='modal' id='modal-peek-line-profile' tabindex=-1>#{output.join}</div>".html_safe
- end
- ret
- end
- private
- def human_description(lineprofiler_param)
- case lineprofiler_param
- when 'app'
- 'app/ & lib/'
- when 'views'
- 'app/view/'
- when 'gems'
- 'vendor/gems'
- when 'all'
- 'everything in Rails.root'
- when 'stdlib'
- 'everything in the Ruby standard library'
- else
- 'app/, config/, lib/, vendor/ & plugin/'
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/peek/views/redis_detailed.rb b/lib/peek/views/redis_detailed.rb
index a64ea672895..b95307deddb 100644
--- a/lib/peek/views/redis_detailed.rb
+++ b/lib/peek/views/redis_detailed.rb
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module Gitlab
detail_store << {
cmd: args.first,
duration: duration,
- backtrace: Gitlab::Profiler.clean_backtrace(caller)
+ backtrace: ::Gitlab::Profiler.clean_backtrace(caller)