path: root/lib
diff options
authorGrzegorz Bizon <>2017-09-13 07:21:41 +0000
committerGrzegorz Bizon <>2017-09-13 07:21:41 +0000
commitb097d065c5e8d2e4115a4ad6361f61cbbac78a9e (patch)
tree1b64cda5d6db1c10ebc8cf50d8c25e980c55c057 /lib
parent373ff978dfb6898ee5e1d4d6355313c349a60a96 (diff)
parente83a8187510b3c44cfd699109ac0bcf02f693fbd (diff)
Merge branch '5836-move-lib-ci-into-gitlab-namespace' into 'master'
Resolve "Move `lib/ci` to `lib/gitlab/ci`" Closes #5836 See merge request !14078
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
13 files changed, 732 insertions, 722 deletions
diff --git a/lib/api/lint.rb b/lib/api/lint.rb
index ae43a4a3237..d202eaa4c49 100644
--- a/lib/api/lint.rb
+++ b/lib/api/lint.rb
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ module API
requires :content, type: String, desc: 'Content of .gitlab-ci.yml'
post '/lint' do
- error = Ci::GitlabCiYamlProcessor.validation_message(params[:content])
+ error = Gitlab::Ci::YamlProcessor.validation_message(params[:content])
status 200
diff --git a/lib/ci/ansi2html.rb b/lib/ci/ansi2html.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b9e9f9f7f4a..00000000000
--- a/lib/ci/ansi2html.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
-# ANSI color library
-# Implementation per
-module Ci
- module Ansi2html
- # keys represent the trailing digit in color changing command (30-37, 40-47, 90-97. 100-107)
- COLOR = {
- 0 => 'black', # not that this is gray in the intense color table
- 1 => 'red',
- 2 => 'green',
- 3 => 'yellow',
- 4 => 'blue',
- 5 => 'magenta',
- 6 => 'cyan',
- 7 => 'white', # not that this is gray in the dark (aka default) color table
- }.freeze
- bold: 0x01,
- italic: 0x02,
- underline: 0x04,
- conceal: 0x08,
- cross: 0x10
- }.freeze
- def self.convert(ansi, state = nil)
-, state)
- end
- class Converter
- def on_0(s) reset() end
- def on_1(s) enable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:bold]) end
- def on_3(s) enable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:italic]) end
- def on_4(s) enable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:underline]) end
- def on_8(s) enable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:conceal]) end
- def on_9(s) enable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:cross]) end
- def on_21(s) disable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:bold]) end
- def on_22(s) disable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:bold]) end
- def on_23(s) disable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:italic]) end
- def on_24(s) disable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:underline]) end
- def on_28(s) disable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:conceal]) end
- def on_29(s) disable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:cross]) end
- def on_30(s) set_fg_color(0) end
- def on_31(s) set_fg_color(1) end
- def on_32(s) set_fg_color(2) end
- def on_33(s) set_fg_color(3) end
- def on_34(s) set_fg_color(4) end
- def on_35(s) set_fg_color(5) end
- def on_36(s) set_fg_color(6) end
- def on_37(s) set_fg_color(7) end
- def on_38(s) set_fg_color_256(s) end
- def on_39(s) set_fg_color(9) end
- def on_40(s) set_bg_color(0) end
- def on_41(s) set_bg_color(1) end
- def on_42(s) set_bg_color(2) end
- def on_43(s) set_bg_color(3) end
- def on_44(s) set_bg_color(4) end
- def on_45(s) set_bg_color(5) end
- def on_46(s) set_bg_color(6) end
- def on_47(s) set_bg_color(7) end
- def on_48(s) set_bg_color_256(s) end
- def on_49(s) set_bg_color(9) end
- def on_90(s) set_fg_color(0, 'l') end
- def on_91(s) set_fg_color(1, 'l') end
- def on_92(s) set_fg_color(2, 'l') end
- def on_93(s) set_fg_color(3, 'l') end
- def on_94(s) set_fg_color(4, 'l') end
- def on_95(s) set_fg_color(5, 'l') end
- def on_96(s) set_fg_color(6, 'l') end
- def on_97(s) set_fg_color(7, 'l') end
- def on_99(s) set_fg_color(9, 'l') end
- def on_100(s) set_bg_color(0, 'l') end
- def on_101(s) set_bg_color(1, 'l') end
- def on_102(s) set_bg_color(2, 'l') end
- def on_103(s) set_bg_color(3, 'l') end
- def on_104(s) set_bg_color(4, 'l') end
- def on_105(s) set_bg_color(5, 'l') end
- def on_106(s) set_bg_color(6, 'l') end
- def on_107(s) set_bg_color(7, 'l') end
- def on_109(s) set_bg_color(9, 'l') end
- attr_accessor :offset, :n_open_tags, :fg_color, :bg_color, :style_mask
- STATE_PARAMS = [:offset, :n_open_tags, :fg_color, :bg_color, :style_mask].freeze
- def convert(stream, new_state)
- reset_state
- restore_state(new_state, stream) if new_state.present?
- append = false
- truncated = false
- cur_offset = stream.tell
- if cur_offset > @offset
- @offset = cur_offset
- truncated = true
- else
- append = @offset > 0
- end
- start_offset = @offset
- open_new_tag
- stream.each_line do |line|
- s =
- until s.eos?
- if s.scan(/\e([@-_])(.*?)([@-~])/)
- handle_sequence(s)
- elsif s.scan(/\e(([@-_])(.*?)?)?$/)
- break
- elsif s.scan(/</)
- @out << '&lt;'
- elsif s.scan(/\r?\n/)
- @out << '<br>'
- else
- @out << s.scan(/./m)
- end
- @offset += s.matched_size
- end
- end
- close_open_tags()
- html: @out.force_encoding(Encoding.default_external),
- state: state,
- append: append,
- truncated: truncated,
- offset: start_offset,
- size: stream.tell - start_offset,
- total: stream.size
- )
- end
- def handle_sequence(s)
- indicator = s[1]
- commands = s[2].split ';'
- terminator = s[3]
- # We are only interested in color and text style changes - triggered by
- # sequences starting with '\e[' and ending with 'm'. Any other control
- # sequence gets stripped (including stuff like "delete last line")
- return unless indicator == '[' && terminator == 'm'
- close_open_tags()
- if commands.empty?()
- reset()
- return
- end
- evaluate_command_stack(commands)
- open_new_tag
- end
- def evaluate_command_stack(stack)
- return unless command = stack.shift()
- if self.respond_to?("on_#{command}", true)
- self.__send__("on_#{command}", stack) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend
- end
- evaluate_command_stack(stack)
- end
- def open_new_tag
- css_classes = []
- unless @fg_color.nil?
- fg_color = @fg_color
- # Most terminals show bold colored text in the light color variant
- # Let's mimic that here
- if @style_mask & STYLE_SWITCHES[:bold] != 0
- fg_color.sub!(/fg-(\w{2,}+)/, 'fg-l-\1')
- end
- css_classes << fg_color
- end
- css_classes << @bg_color unless @bg_color.nil?
- STYLE_SWITCHES.each do |css_class, flag|
- css_classes << "term-#{css_class}" if @style_mask & flag != 0
- end
- return if css_classes.empty?
- @out << %{<span class="#{css_classes.join(' ')}">}
- @n_open_tags += 1
- end
- def close_open_tags
- while @n_open_tags > 0
- @out << %{</span>}
- @n_open_tags -= 1
- end
- end
- def reset_state
- @offset = 0
- @n_open_tags = 0
- @out = ''
- reset
- end
- def state
- state = STATE_PARAMS.inject({}) do |h, param|
- h[param] = send(param) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend
- h
- end
- Base64.urlsafe_encode64(state.to_json)
- end
- def restore_state(new_state, stream)
- state = Base64.urlsafe_decode64(new_state)
- state = JSON.parse(state, symbolize_names: true)
- return if state[:offset].to_i > stream.size
- STATE_PARAMS.each do |param|
- send("#{param}=".to_sym, state[param]) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend
- end
- end
- def reset
- @fg_color = nil
- @bg_color = nil
- @style_mask = 0
- end
- def enable(flag)
- @style_mask |= flag
- end
- def disable(flag)
- @style_mask &= ~flag
- end
- def set_fg_color(color_index, prefix = nil)
- @fg_color = get_term_color_class(color_index, ["fg", prefix])
- end
- def set_bg_color(color_index, prefix = nil)
- @bg_color = get_term_color_class(color_index, ["bg", prefix])
- end
- def get_term_color_class(color_index, prefix)
- color_name = COLOR[color_index]
- return nil if color_name.nil?
- get_color_class(["term", prefix, color_name])
- end
- def set_fg_color_256(command_stack)
- css_class = get_xterm_color_class(command_stack, "fg")
- @fg_color = css_class unless css_class.nil?
- end
- def set_bg_color_256(command_stack)
- css_class = get_xterm_color_class(command_stack, "bg")
- @bg_color = css_class unless css_class.nil?
- end
- def get_xterm_color_class(command_stack, prefix)
- # the 38 and 48 commands have to be followed by "5" and the color index
- return unless command_stack.length >= 2
- return unless command_stack[0] == "5"
- command_stack.shift() # ignore the "5" command
- color_index = command_stack.shift().to_i
- return unless color_index >= 0
- return unless color_index <= 255
- get_color_class(["xterm", prefix, color_index])
- end
- def get_color_class(segments)
- [segments].flatten.compact.join('-')
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/ci/assets/.gitkeep b/lib/ci/assets/.gitkeep
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d..00000000000
--- a/lib/ci/assets/.gitkeep
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/lib/ci/charts.rb b/lib/ci/charts.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 76a69bf8a83..00000000000
--- a/lib/ci/charts.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-module Ci
- module Charts
- module DailyInterval
- def grouped_count(query)
- query
- .group("DATE(#{Ci::Pipeline.table_name}.created_at)")
- .count(:created_at)
- .transform_keys { |date| date.strftime(@format) }
- end
- def interval_step
- @interval_step ||=
- end
- end
- module MonthlyInterval
- def grouped_count(query)
- if Gitlab::Database.postgresql?
- query
- .group("to_char(#{Ci::Pipeline.table_name}.created_at, '01 Month YYYY')")
- .count(:created_at)
- .transform_keys(&:squish)
- else
- query
- .group("DATE_FORMAT(#{Ci::Pipeline.table_name}.created_at, '01 %M %Y')")
- .count(:created_at)
- end
- end
- def interval_step
- @interval_step ||= 1.month
- end
- end
- class Chart
- attr_reader :labels, :total, :success, :project, :pipeline_times
- def initialize(project)
- @labels = []
- @total = []
- @success = []
- @pipeline_times = []
- @project = project
- collect
- end
- def collect
- query = project.pipelines
- .where("? > #{Ci::Pipeline.table_name}.created_at AND #{Ci::Pipeline.table_name}.created_at > ?", @to, @from) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/SqlInjection
- totals_count = grouped_count(query)
- success_count = grouped_count(query.success)
- current = @from
- while current < @to
- label = current.strftime(@format)
- @labels << label
- @total << (totals_count[label] || 0)
- @success << (success_count[label] || 0)
- current += interval_step
- end
- end
- end
- class YearChart < Chart
- include MonthlyInterval
- def initialize(*)
- @to =
- @from = @to.years_ago(1).beginning_of_month
- @format = '%d %B %Y'
- super
- end
- end
- class MonthChart < Chart
- include DailyInterval
- def initialize(*)
- @to =
- @from = @to - 30.days
- @format = '%d %B'
- super
- end
- end
- class WeekChart < Chart
- include DailyInterval
- def initialize(*)
- @to =
- @from = @to - 7.days
- @format = '%d %B'
- super
- end
- end
- class PipelineTime < Chart
- def collect
- commits = project.pipelines.last(30)
- commits.each do |commit|
- @labels << commit.short_sha
- duration = commit.duration || 0
- @pipeline_times << (duration / 60)
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/ci/gitlab_ci_yaml_processor.rb b/lib/ci/gitlab_ci_yaml_processor.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 62b44389b15..00000000000
--- a/lib/ci/gitlab_ci_yaml_processor.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-module Ci
- class GitlabCiYamlProcessor
- ValidationError =
- include Gitlab::Ci::Config::Entry::LegacyValidationHelpers
- attr_reader :path, :cache, :stages, :jobs
- def initialize(config, path = nil)
- @ci_config =
- @config = @ci_config.to_hash
- @path = path
- unless @ci_config.valid?
- raise ValidationError, @ci_config.errors.first
- end
- initial_parsing
- rescue Gitlab::Ci::Config::Loader::FormatError => e
- raise ValidationError, e.message
- end
- def builds_for_stage_and_ref(stage, ref, tag = false, source = nil)
- jobs_for_stage_and_ref(stage, ref, tag, source).map do |name, _|
- build_attributes(name)
- end
- end
- def builds
- do |name, _|
- build_attributes(name)
- end
- end
- def stage_seeds(pipeline)
- seeds = do |stage|
- builds = pipeline_stage_builds(stage, pipeline)
-, stage, builds) if builds.any?
- end
- seeds.compact
- end
- def build_attributes(name)
- job = @jobs[name.to_sym] || {}
- { stage_idx: @stages.index(job[:stage]),
- stage: job[:stage],
- commands: job[:commands],
- tag_list: job[:tags] || [],
- name: job[:name].to_s,
- allow_failure: job[:ignore],
- when: job[:when] || 'on_success',
- environment: job[:environment_name],
- coverage_regex: job[:coverage],
- yaml_variables: yaml_variables(name),
- options: {
- image: job[:image],
- services: job[:services],
- artifacts: job[:artifacts],
- cache: job[:cache],
- dependencies: job[:dependencies],
- before_script: job[:before_script],
- script: job[:script],
- after_script: job[:after_script],
- environment: job[:environment],
- retry: job[:retry]
- }.compact }
- end
- def self.validation_message(content)
- return 'Please provide content of .gitlab-ci.yml' if content.blank?
- begin
- nil
- rescue ValidationError, Psych::SyntaxError => e
- e.message
- end
- end
- private
- def pipeline_stage_builds(stage, pipeline)
- builds = builds_for_stage_and_ref(
- stage, pipeline.ref, pipeline.tag?, pipeline.source)
- do |build|
- job = @jobs[build.fetch(:name).to_sym]
- has_kubernetes = pipeline.has_kubernetes_active?
- only_kubernetes = job.dig(:only, :kubernetes)
- except_kubernetes = job.dig(:except, :kubernetes)
- [!only_kubernetes && !except_kubernetes,
- only_kubernetes && has_kubernetes,
- except_kubernetes && !has_kubernetes].any?
- end
- end
- def jobs_for_ref(ref, tag = false, source = nil)
- do |_, job|
- process?(job.dig(:only, :refs), job.dig(:except, :refs), ref, tag, source)
- end
- end
- def jobs_for_stage_and_ref(stage, ref, tag = false, source = nil)
- jobs_for_ref(ref, tag, source).select do |_, job|
- job[:stage] == stage
- end
- end
- def initial_parsing
- ##
- # Global config
- #
- @before_script = @ci_config.before_script
- @image = @ci_config.image
- @after_script = @ci_config.after_script
- @services =
- @variables = @ci_config.variables
- @stages = @ci_config.stages
- @cache = @ci_config.cache
- ##
- # Jobs
- #
- @jobs =
- @jobs.each do |name, job|
- # logical validation for job
- validate_job_stage!(name, job)
- validate_job_dependencies!(name, job)
- validate_job_environment!(name, job)
- end
- end
- def yaml_variables(name)
- variables = (@variables || {})
- .merge(job_variables(name))
- do |key, value|
- { key: key.to_s, value: value, public: true }
- end
- end
- def job_variables(name)
- job = @jobs[name.to_sym]
- return {} unless job
- job[:variables] || {}
- end
- def validate_job_stage!(name, job)
- return unless job[:stage]
- unless job[:stage].is_a?(String) && job[:stage].in?(@stages)
- raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: stage parameter should be #{@stages.join(", ")}"
- end
- end
- def validate_job_dependencies!(name, job)
- return unless job[:dependencies]
- stage_index = @stages.index(job[:stage])
- job[:dependencies].each do |dependency|
- raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: undefined dependency: #{dependency}" unless @jobs[dependency.to_sym]
- unless @stages.index(@jobs[dependency.to_sym][:stage]) < stage_index
- raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: dependency #{dependency} is not defined in prior stages"
- end
- end
- end
- def validate_job_environment!(name, job)
- return unless job[:environment]
- return unless job[:environment].is_a?(Hash)
- environment = job[:environment]
- validate_on_stop_job!(name, environment, environment[:on_stop])
- end
- def validate_on_stop_job!(name, environment, on_stop)
- return unless on_stop
- on_stop_job = @jobs[on_stop.to_sym]
- unless on_stop_job
- raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: on_stop job #{on_stop} is not defined"
- end
- unless on_stop_job[:environment]
- raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: on_stop job #{on_stop} does not have environment defined"
- end
- unless on_stop_job[:environment][:name] == environment[:name]
- raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: on_stop job #{on_stop} have different environment name"
- end
- unless on_stop_job[:environment][:action] == 'stop'
- raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: on_stop job #{on_stop} needs to have action stop defined"
- end
- end
- def process?(only_params, except_params, ref, tag, source)
- if only_params.present?
- return false unless matching?(only_params, ref, tag, source)
- end
- if except_params.present?
- return false if matching?(except_params, ref, tag, source)
- end
- true
- end
- def matching?(patterns, ref, tag, source)
- patterns.any? do |pattern|
- pattern, path = pattern.split('@', 2)
- matches_path?(path) && matches_pattern?(pattern, ref, tag, source)
- end
- end
- def matches_path?(path)
- return true unless path
- path == self.path
- end
- def matches_pattern?(pattern, ref, tag, source)
- return true if tag && pattern == 'tags'
- return true if !tag && pattern == 'branches'
- return true if source_to_pattern(source) == pattern
- if pattern.first == "/" && pattern.last == "/"
-[1...-1]) =~ ref
- else
- pattern == ref
- end
- end
- def source_to_pattern(source)
- if %w[api external web].include?(source)
- source
- else
- source&.pluralize
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/ci/mask_secret.rb b/lib/ci/mask_secret.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 997377abc55..00000000000
--- a/lib/ci/mask_secret.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-module Ci::MaskSecret
- class << self
- def mask!(value, token)
- return value unless value.present? && token.present?
- value.gsub!(token, 'x' * token.length)
- value
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/ci/model.rb b/lib/ci/model.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c42a0ad36db..00000000000
--- a/lib/ci/model.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-module Ci
- module Model
- def table_name_prefix
- "ci_"
- end
- def model_name
- @model_name ||=, nil,"::").last)
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/ci/ansi2html.rb b/lib/gitlab/ci/ansi2html.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ad78ae244b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/ci/ansi2html.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+# ANSI color library
+# Implementation per
+module Gitlab
+ module Ci
+ module Ansi2html
+ # keys represent the trailing digit in color changing command (30-37, 40-47, 90-97. 100-107)
+ COLOR = {
+ 0 => 'black', # not that this is gray in the intense color table
+ 1 => 'red',
+ 2 => 'green',
+ 3 => 'yellow',
+ 4 => 'blue',
+ 5 => 'magenta',
+ 6 => 'cyan',
+ 7 => 'white', # not that this is gray in the dark (aka default) color table
+ }.freeze
+ bold: 0x01,
+ italic: 0x02,
+ underline: 0x04,
+ conceal: 0x08,
+ cross: 0x10
+ }.freeze
+ def self.convert(ansi, state = nil)
+, state)
+ end
+ class Converter
+ def on_0(s) reset() end
+ def on_1(s) enable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:bold]) end
+ def on_3(s) enable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:italic]) end
+ def on_4(s) enable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:underline]) end
+ def on_8(s) enable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:conceal]) end
+ def on_9(s) enable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:cross]) end
+ def on_21(s) disable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:bold]) end
+ def on_22(s) disable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:bold]) end
+ def on_23(s) disable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:italic]) end
+ def on_24(s) disable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:underline]) end
+ def on_28(s) disable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:conceal]) end
+ def on_29(s) disable(STYLE_SWITCHES[:cross]) end
+ def on_30(s) set_fg_color(0) end
+ def on_31(s) set_fg_color(1) end
+ def on_32(s) set_fg_color(2) end
+ def on_33(s) set_fg_color(3) end
+ def on_34(s) set_fg_color(4) end
+ def on_35(s) set_fg_color(5) end
+ def on_36(s) set_fg_color(6) end
+ def on_37(s) set_fg_color(7) end
+ def on_38(s) set_fg_color_256(s) end
+ def on_39(s) set_fg_color(9) end
+ def on_40(s) set_bg_color(0) end
+ def on_41(s) set_bg_color(1) end
+ def on_42(s) set_bg_color(2) end
+ def on_43(s) set_bg_color(3) end
+ def on_44(s) set_bg_color(4) end
+ def on_45(s) set_bg_color(5) end
+ def on_46(s) set_bg_color(6) end
+ def on_47(s) set_bg_color(7) end
+ def on_48(s) set_bg_color_256(s) end
+ def on_49(s) set_bg_color(9) end
+ def on_90(s) set_fg_color(0, 'l') end
+ def on_91(s) set_fg_color(1, 'l') end
+ def on_92(s) set_fg_color(2, 'l') end
+ def on_93(s) set_fg_color(3, 'l') end
+ def on_94(s) set_fg_color(4, 'l') end
+ def on_95(s) set_fg_color(5, 'l') end
+ def on_96(s) set_fg_color(6, 'l') end
+ def on_97(s) set_fg_color(7, 'l') end
+ def on_99(s) set_fg_color(9, 'l') end
+ def on_100(s) set_bg_color(0, 'l') end
+ def on_101(s) set_bg_color(1, 'l') end
+ def on_102(s) set_bg_color(2, 'l') end
+ def on_103(s) set_bg_color(3, 'l') end
+ def on_104(s) set_bg_color(4, 'l') end
+ def on_105(s) set_bg_color(5, 'l') end
+ def on_106(s) set_bg_color(6, 'l') end
+ def on_107(s) set_bg_color(7, 'l') end
+ def on_109(s) set_bg_color(9, 'l') end
+ attr_accessor :offset, :n_open_tags, :fg_color, :bg_color, :style_mask
+ STATE_PARAMS = [:offset, :n_open_tags, :fg_color, :bg_color, :style_mask].freeze
+ def convert(stream, new_state)
+ reset_state
+ restore_state(new_state, stream) if new_state.present?
+ append = false
+ truncated = false
+ cur_offset = stream.tell
+ if cur_offset > @offset
+ @offset = cur_offset
+ truncated = true
+ else
+ append = @offset > 0
+ end
+ start_offset = @offset
+ open_new_tag
+ stream.each_line do |line|
+ s =
+ until s.eos?
+ if s.scan(/\e([@-_])(.*?)([@-~])/)
+ handle_sequence(s)
+ elsif s.scan(/\e(([@-_])(.*?)?)?$/)
+ break
+ elsif s.scan(/</)
+ @out << '&lt;'
+ elsif s.scan(/\r?\n/)
+ @out << '<br>'
+ else
+ @out << s.scan(/./m)
+ end
+ @offset += s.matched_size
+ end
+ end
+ close_open_tags()
+ html: @out.force_encoding(Encoding.default_external),
+ state: state,
+ append: append,
+ truncated: truncated,
+ offset: start_offset,
+ size: stream.tell - start_offset,
+ total: stream.size
+ )
+ end
+ def handle_sequence(s)
+ indicator = s[1]
+ commands = s[2].split ';'
+ terminator = s[3]
+ # We are only interested in color and text style changes - triggered by
+ # sequences starting with '\e[' and ending with 'm'. Any other control
+ # sequence gets stripped (including stuff like "delete last line")
+ return unless indicator == '[' && terminator == 'm'
+ close_open_tags()
+ if commands.empty?()
+ reset()
+ return
+ end
+ evaluate_command_stack(commands)
+ open_new_tag
+ end
+ def evaluate_command_stack(stack)
+ return unless command = stack.shift()
+ if self.respond_to?("on_#{command}", true)
+ self.__send__("on_#{command}", stack) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend
+ end
+ evaluate_command_stack(stack)
+ end
+ def open_new_tag
+ css_classes = []
+ unless @fg_color.nil?
+ fg_color = @fg_color
+ # Most terminals show bold colored text in the light color variant
+ # Let's mimic that here
+ if @style_mask & STYLE_SWITCHES[:bold] != 0
+ fg_color.sub!(/fg-(\w{2,}+)/, 'fg-l-\1')
+ end
+ css_classes << fg_color
+ end
+ css_classes << @bg_color unless @bg_color.nil?
+ STYLE_SWITCHES.each do |css_class, flag|
+ css_classes << "term-#{css_class}" if @style_mask & flag != 0
+ end
+ return if css_classes.empty?
+ @out << %{<span class="#{css_classes.join(' ')}">}
+ @n_open_tags += 1
+ end
+ def close_open_tags
+ while @n_open_tags > 0
+ @out << %{</span>}
+ @n_open_tags -= 1
+ end
+ end
+ def reset_state
+ @offset = 0
+ @n_open_tags = 0
+ @out = ''
+ reset
+ end
+ def state
+ state = STATE_PARAMS.inject({}) do |h, param|
+ h[param] = send(param) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend
+ h
+ end
+ Base64.urlsafe_encode64(state.to_json)
+ end
+ def restore_state(new_state, stream)
+ state = Base64.urlsafe_decode64(new_state)
+ state = JSON.parse(state, symbolize_names: true)
+ return if state[:offset].to_i > stream.size
+ STATE_PARAMS.each do |param|
+ send("#{param}=".to_sym, state[param]) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend
+ end
+ end
+ def reset
+ @fg_color = nil
+ @bg_color = nil
+ @style_mask = 0
+ end
+ def enable(flag)
+ @style_mask |= flag
+ end
+ def disable(flag)
+ @style_mask &= ~flag
+ end
+ def set_fg_color(color_index, prefix = nil)
+ @fg_color = get_term_color_class(color_index, ["fg", prefix])
+ end
+ def set_bg_color(color_index, prefix = nil)
+ @bg_color = get_term_color_class(color_index, ["bg", prefix])
+ end
+ def get_term_color_class(color_index, prefix)
+ color_name = COLOR[color_index]
+ return nil if color_name.nil?
+ get_color_class(["term", prefix, color_name])
+ end
+ def set_fg_color_256(command_stack)
+ css_class = get_xterm_color_class(command_stack, "fg")
+ @fg_color = css_class unless css_class.nil?
+ end
+ def set_bg_color_256(command_stack)
+ css_class = get_xterm_color_class(command_stack, "bg")
+ @bg_color = css_class unless css_class.nil?
+ end
+ def get_xterm_color_class(command_stack, prefix)
+ # the 38 and 48 commands have to be followed by "5" and the color index
+ return unless command_stack.length >= 2
+ return unless command_stack[0] == "5"
+ command_stack.shift() # ignore the "5" command
+ color_index = command_stack.shift().to_i
+ return unless color_index >= 0
+ return unless color_index <= 255
+ get_color_class(["xterm", prefix, color_index])
+ end
+ def get_color_class(segments)
+ [segments].flatten.compact.join('-')
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/ci/charts.rb b/lib/gitlab/ci/charts.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7df7b542d91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/ci/charts.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+module Gitlab
+ module Ci
+ module Charts
+ module DailyInterval
+ def grouped_count(query)
+ query
+ .group("DATE(#{::Ci::Pipeline.table_name}.created_at)")
+ .count(:created_at)
+ .transform_keys { |date| date.strftime(@format) }
+ end
+ def interval_step
+ @interval_step ||=
+ end
+ end
+ module MonthlyInterval
+ def grouped_count(query)
+ if Gitlab::Database.postgresql?
+ query
+ .group("to_char(#{::Ci::Pipeline.table_name}.created_at, '01 Month YYYY')")
+ .count(:created_at)
+ .transform_keys(&:squish)
+ else
+ query
+ .group("DATE_FORMAT(#{::Ci::Pipeline.table_name}.created_at, '01 %M %Y')")
+ .count(:created_at)
+ end
+ end
+ def interval_step
+ @interval_step ||= 1.month
+ end
+ end
+ class Chart
+ attr_reader :labels, :total, :success, :project, :pipeline_times
+ def initialize(project)
+ @labels = []
+ @total = []
+ @success = []
+ @pipeline_times = []
+ @project = project
+ collect
+ end
+ def collect
+ query = project.pipelines
+ .where("? > #{::Ci::Pipeline.table_name}.created_at AND #{::Ci::Pipeline.table_name}.created_at > ?", @to, @from) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/SqlInjection
+ totals_count = grouped_count(query)
+ success_count = grouped_count(query.success)
+ current = @from
+ while current < @to
+ label = current.strftime(@format)
+ @labels << label
+ @total << (totals_count[label] || 0)
+ @success << (success_count[label] || 0)
+ current += interval_step
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class YearChart < Chart
+ include MonthlyInterval
+ def initialize(*)
+ @to =
+ @from = @to.years_ago(1).beginning_of_month
+ @format = '%d %B %Y'
+ super
+ end
+ end
+ class MonthChart < Chart
+ include DailyInterval
+ def initialize(*)
+ @to =
+ @from = @to - 30.days
+ @format = '%d %B'
+ super
+ end
+ end
+ class WeekChart < Chart
+ include DailyInterval
+ def initialize(*)
+ @to =
+ @from = @to - 7.days
+ @format = '%d %B'
+ super
+ end
+ end
+ class PipelineTime < Chart
+ def collect
+ commits = project.pipelines.last(30)
+ commits.each do |commit|
+ @labels << commit.short_sha
+ duration = commit.duration || 0
+ @pipeline_times << (duration / 60)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/ci/mask_secret.rb b/lib/gitlab/ci/mask_secret.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0daddaa638c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/ci/mask_secret.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+module Gitlab
+ module Ci::MaskSecret
+ class << self
+ def mask!(value, token)
+ return value unless value.present? && token.present?
+ value.gsub!(token, 'x' * token.length)
+ value
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/ci/model.rb b/lib/gitlab/ci/model.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3994a50772b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/ci/model.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+module Gitlab
+ module Ci
+ module Model
+ def table_name_prefix
+ "ci_"
+ end
+ def model_name
+ @model_name ||=, nil,"::").last)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/ci/trace/stream.rb b/lib/gitlab/ci/trace/stream.rb
index 8503ecf8700..ab3408f48d6 100644
--- a/lib/gitlab/ci/trace/stream.rb
+++ b/lib/gitlab/ci/trace/stream.rb
@@ -56,13 +56,13 @@ module Gitlab
def html_with_state(state = nil)
- ::Ci::Ansi2html.convert(stream, state)
+ ::Gitlab::Ci::Ansi2html.convert(stream, state)
def html(last_lines: nil)
text = raw(last_lines: last_lines)
buffer =
- ::Ci::Ansi2html.convert(buffer).html
+ ::Gitlab::Ci::Ansi2html.convert(buffer).html
def extract_coverage(regex)
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/ci/yaml_processor.rb b/lib/gitlab/ci/yaml_processor.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7582964b24e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/ci/yaml_processor.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+module Gitlab
+ module Ci
+ class YamlProcessor
+ ValidationError =
+ include Gitlab::Ci::Config::Entry::LegacyValidationHelpers
+ attr_reader :path, :cache, :stages, :jobs
+ def initialize(config, path = nil)
+ @ci_config =
+ @config = @ci_config.to_hash
+ @path = path
+ unless @ci_config.valid?
+ raise ValidationError, @ci_config.errors.first
+ end
+ initial_parsing
+ rescue Gitlab::Ci::Config::Loader::FormatError => e
+ raise ValidationError, e.message
+ end
+ def builds_for_stage_and_ref(stage, ref, tag = false, source = nil)
+ jobs_for_stage_and_ref(stage, ref, tag, source).map do |name, _|
+ build_attributes(name)
+ end
+ end
+ def builds
+ do |name, _|
+ build_attributes(name)
+ end
+ end
+ def stage_seeds(pipeline)
+ seeds = do |stage|
+ builds = pipeline_stage_builds(stage, pipeline)
+, stage, builds) if builds.any?
+ end
+ seeds.compact
+ end
+ def build_attributes(name)
+ job = @jobs[name.to_sym] || {}
+ { stage_idx: @stages.index(job[:stage]),
+ stage: job[:stage],
+ commands: job[:commands],
+ tag_list: job[:tags] || [],
+ name: job[:name].to_s,
+ allow_failure: job[:ignore],
+ when: job[:when] || 'on_success',
+ environment: job[:environment_name],
+ coverage_regex: job[:coverage],
+ yaml_variables: yaml_variables(name),
+ options: {
+ image: job[:image],
+ services: job[:services],
+ artifacts: job[:artifacts],
+ cache: job[:cache],
+ dependencies: job[:dependencies],
+ before_script: job[:before_script],
+ script: job[:script],
+ after_script: job[:after_script],
+ environment: job[:environment],
+ retry: job[:retry]
+ }.compact }
+ end
+ def self.validation_message(content)
+ return 'Please provide content of .gitlab-ci.yml' if content.blank?
+ begin
+ nil
+ rescue ValidationError, Psych::SyntaxError => e
+ e.message
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def pipeline_stage_builds(stage, pipeline)
+ builds = builds_for_stage_and_ref(
+ stage, pipeline.ref, pipeline.tag?, pipeline.source)
+ do |build|
+ job = @jobs[build.fetch(:name).to_sym]
+ has_kubernetes = pipeline.has_kubernetes_active?
+ only_kubernetes = job.dig(:only, :kubernetes)
+ except_kubernetes = job.dig(:except, :kubernetes)
+ [!only_kubernetes && !except_kubernetes,
+ only_kubernetes && has_kubernetes,
+ except_kubernetes && !has_kubernetes].any?
+ end
+ end
+ def jobs_for_ref(ref, tag = false, source = nil)
+ do |_, job|
+ process?(job.dig(:only, :refs), job.dig(:except, :refs), ref, tag, source)
+ end
+ end
+ def jobs_for_stage_and_ref(stage, ref, tag = false, source = nil)
+ jobs_for_ref(ref, tag, source).select do |_, job|
+ job[:stage] == stage
+ end
+ end
+ def initial_parsing
+ ##
+ # Global config
+ #
+ @before_script = @ci_config.before_script
+ @image = @ci_config.image
+ @after_script = @ci_config.after_script
+ @services =
+ @variables = @ci_config.variables
+ @stages = @ci_config.stages
+ @cache = @ci_config.cache
+ ##
+ # Jobs
+ #
+ @jobs =
+ @jobs.each do |name, job|
+ # logical validation for job
+ validate_job_stage!(name, job)
+ validate_job_dependencies!(name, job)
+ validate_job_environment!(name, job)
+ end
+ end
+ def yaml_variables(name)
+ variables = (@variables || {})
+ .merge(job_variables(name))
+ do |key, value|
+ { key: key.to_s, value: value, public: true }
+ end
+ end
+ def job_variables(name)
+ job = @jobs[name.to_sym]
+ return {} unless job
+ job[:variables] || {}
+ end
+ def validate_job_stage!(name, job)
+ return unless job[:stage]
+ unless job[:stage].is_a?(String) && job[:stage].in?(@stages)
+ raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: stage parameter should be #{@stages.join(", ")}"
+ end
+ end
+ def validate_job_dependencies!(name, job)
+ return unless job[:dependencies]
+ stage_index = @stages.index(job[:stage])
+ job[:dependencies].each do |dependency|
+ raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: undefined dependency: #{dependency}" unless @jobs[dependency.to_sym]
+ unless @stages.index(@jobs[dependency.to_sym][:stage]) < stage_index
+ raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: dependency #{dependency} is not defined in prior stages"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def validate_job_environment!(name, job)
+ return unless job[:environment]
+ return unless job[:environment].is_a?(Hash)
+ environment = job[:environment]
+ validate_on_stop_job!(name, environment, environment[:on_stop])
+ end
+ def validate_on_stop_job!(name, environment, on_stop)
+ return unless on_stop
+ on_stop_job = @jobs[on_stop.to_sym]
+ unless on_stop_job
+ raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: on_stop job #{on_stop} is not defined"
+ end
+ unless on_stop_job[:environment]
+ raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: on_stop job #{on_stop} does not have environment defined"
+ end
+ unless on_stop_job[:environment][:name] == environment[:name]
+ raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: on_stop job #{on_stop} have different environment name"
+ end
+ unless on_stop_job[:environment][:action] == 'stop'
+ raise ValidationError, "#{name} job: on_stop job #{on_stop} needs to have action stop defined"
+ end
+ end
+ def process?(only_params, except_params, ref, tag, source)
+ if only_params.present?
+ return false unless matching?(only_params, ref, tag, source)
+ end
+ if except_params.present?
+ return false if matching?(except_params, ref, tag, source)
+ end
+ true
+ end
+ def matching?(patterns, ref, tag, source)
+ patterns.any? do |pattern|
+ pattern, path = pattern.split('@', 2)
+ matches_path?(path) && matches_pattern?(pattern, ref, tag, source)
+ end
+ end
+ def matches_path?(path)
+ return true unless path
+ path == self.path
+ end
+ def matches_pattern?(pattern, ref, tag, source)
+ return true if tag && pattern == 'tags'
+ return true if !tag && pattern == 'branches'
+ return true if source_to_pattern(source) == pattern
+ if pattern.first == "/" && pattern.last == "/"
+[1...-1]) =~ ref
+ else
+ pattern == ref
+ end
+ end
+ def source_to_pattern(source)
+ if %w[api external web].include?(source)
+ source
+ else
+ source&.pluralize
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end