path: root/lib
diff options
authorJob van der Voort <>2015-04-21 16:21:51 +0200
committerJob van der Voort <>2015-04-21 16:21:51 +0200
commita8e93b7f51d968c1380ed210499869b62b07fd15 (patch)
treec864e80dfd9cf4f83fcede678acc986e3a125bf5 /lib
parent0625b15a481b3a3edd88110b3c18031ad9068d2f (diff)
Version 7.10.0.rc5v7.10.0.rc5
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
164 files changed, 0 insertions, 10766 deletions
diff --git a/lib/api/api.rb b/lib/api/api.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 60858a39407..00000000000
--- a/lib/api/api.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-Dir["#{Rails.root}/lib/api/*.rb"].each {|file| require file}
-module API
- class API < Grape::API
- include APIGuard
- version 'v3', using: :path
- rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound do
- rack_response({ 'message' => '404 Not found' }.to_json, 404)
- end
- rescue_from :all do |exception|
- # lifted from
- # why is this not wrapped in something reusable?
- trace = exception.backtrace
- message = "\n#{exception.class} (#{exception.message}):\n"
- message << exception.annoted_source_code.to_s if exception.respond_to?(:annoted_source_code)
- message << " " << trace.join("\n ")
- API.logger.add Logger::FATAL, message
- rack_response({ 'message' => '500 Internal Server Error' }, 500)
- end
- format :json
- content_type :txt, "text/plain"
- helpers APIHelpers
- mount Groups
- mount GroupMembers
- mount Users
- mount Projects
- mount Repositories
- mount Issues
- mount Milestones
- mount Session
- mount MergeRequests
- mount Notes
- mount Internal
- mount SystemHooks
- mount ProjectSnippets
- mount ProjectMembers
- mount DeployKeys
- mount ProjectHooks
- mount Services
- mount Files
- mount Commits
- mount Namespaces
- mount Branches
- mount Labels
- end
diff --git a/lib/api/api_guard.rb b/lib/api/api_guard.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b9994fcefda..00000000000
--- a/lib/api/api_guard.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-# Guard API with OAuth 2.0 Access Token
-require 'rack/oauth2'
-module APIGuard
- extend ActiveSupport::Concern
- included do |base|
- # OAuth2 Resource Server Authentication
- use Rack::OAuth2::Server::Resource::Bearer, 'The API' do |request|
- # The authenticator only fetches the raw token string
- # Must yield access token to store it in the env
- request.access_token
- end
- helpers HelperMethods
- install_error_responders(base)
- end
- # Helper Methods for Grape Endpoint
- module HelperMethods
- # Invokes the doorkeeper guard.
- #
- # If token is presented and valid, then it sets @current_user.
- #
- # If the token does not have sufficient scopes to cover the requred scopes,
- # then it raises InsufficientScopeError.
- #
- # If the token is expired, then it raises ExpiredError.
- #
- # If the token is revoked, then it raises RevokedError.
- #
- # If the token is not found (nil), then it raises TokenNotFoundError.
- #
- # Arguments:
- #
- # scopes: (optional) scopes required for this guard.
- # Defaults to empty array.
- #
- def doorkeeper_guard!(scopes: [])
- if (access_token = find_access_token).nil?
- raise TokenNotFoundError
- else
- case validate_access_token(access_token, scopes)
- when Oauth2::AccessTokenValidationService::INSUFFICIENT_SCOPE
- raise
- when Oauth2::AccessTokenValidationService::EXPIRED
- raise ExpiredError
- when Oauth2::AccessTokenValidationService::REVOKED
- raise RevokedError
- when Oauth2::AccessTokenValidationService::VALID
- @current_user = User.find(access_token.resource_owner_id)
- end
- end
- end
- def doorkeeper_guard(scopes: [])
- if access_token = find_access_token
- case validate_access_token(access_token, scopes)
- when Oauth2::AccessTokenValidationService::INSUFFICIENT_SCOPE
- raise
- when Oauth2::AccessTokenValidationService::EXPIRED
- raise ExpiredError
- when Oauth2::AccessTokenValidationService::REVOKED
- raise RevokedError
- when Oauth2::AccessTokenValidationService::VALID
- @current_user = User.find(access_token.resource_owner_id)
- end
- end
- end
- def current_user
- @current_user
- end
- private
- def find_access_token
- @access_token ||= Doorkeeper.authenticate(doorkeeper_request, Doorkeeper.configuration.access_token_methods)
- end
- def doorkeeper_request
- @doorkeeper_request ||=
- end
- def validate_access_token(access_token, scopes)
- Oauth2::AccessTokenValidationService.validate(access_token, scopes: scopes)
- end
- end
- module ClassMethods
- # Installs the doorkeeper guard on the whole Grape API endpoint.
- #
- # Arguments:
- #
- # scopes: (optional) scopes required for this guard.
- # Defaults to empty array.
- #
- def guard_all!(scopes: [])
- before do
- guard! scopes: scopes
- end
- end
- private
- def install_error_responders(base)
- error_classes = [ MissingTokenError, TokenNotFoundError,
- ExpiredError, RevokedError, InsufficientScopeError]
- base.send :rescue_from, *error_classes, oauth2_bearer_token_error_handler
- end
- def oauth2_bearer_token_error_handler
- do |e|
- response =
- case e
- when MissingTokenError
- when TokenNotFoundError
- :invalid_token,
- "Bad Access Token.")
- when ExpiredError
- :invalid_token,
- "Token is expired. You can either do re-authorization or token refresh.")
- when RevokedError
- :invalid_token,
- "Token was revoked. You have to re-authorize from the user.")
- when InsufficientScopeError
- # FIXME: ForbiddenError (inherited from Bearer::Forbidden of Rack::Oauth2)
- # does not include WWW-Authenticate header, which breaks the standard.
- :insufficient_scope,
- Rack::OAuth2::Server::Resource::ErrorMethods::DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION[:insufficient_scope],
- { scope: e.scopes })
- end
- response.finish
- end
- end
- end
- #
- # Exceptions
- #
- class MissingTokenError < StandardError; end
- class TokenNotFoundError < StandardError; end
- class ExpiredError < StandardError; end
- class RevokedError < StandardError; end
- class InsufficientScopeError < StandardError
- attr_reader :scopes
- def initialize(scopes)
- @scopes = scopes
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/api/branches.rb b/lib/api/branches.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 592100a7045..00000000000
--- a/lib/api/branches.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-require 'mime/types'
-module API
- # Projects API
- class Branches < Grape::API
- before { authenticate! }
- before { authorize! :download_code, user_project }
- resource :projects do
- # Get a project repository branches
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/:id/repository/branches
- get ":id/repository/branches" do
- branches = user_project.repository.branches.sort_by(&:name)
- present branches, with: Entities::RepoObject, project: user_project
- end
- # Get a single branch
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # branch (required) - The name of the branch
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/:id/repository/branches/:branch
- get ':id/repository/branches/:branch', requirements: { branch: /.*/ } do
- @branch = user_project.repository.branches.find { |item| == params[:branch] }
- not_found!("Branch") unless @branch
- present @branch, with: Entities::RepoObject, project: user_project
- end
- # Protect a single branch
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # branch (required) - The name of the branch
- # Example Request:
- # PUT /projects/:id/repository/branches/:branch/protect
- put ':id/repository/branches/:branch/protect',
- requirements: { branch: /.*/ } do
- authorize_admin_project
- @branch = user_project.repository.find_branch(params[:branch])
- not_found!("Branch") unless @branch
- protected_branch = user_project.protected_branches.find_by(name:
- user_project.protected_branches.create(name: unless protected_branch
- present @branch, with: Entities::RepoObject, project: user_project
- end
- # Unprotect a single branch
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # branch (required) - The name of the branch
- # Example Request:
- # PUT /projects/:id/repository/branches/:branch/unprotect
- put ':id/repository/branches/:branch/unprotect',
- requirements: { branch: /.*/ } do
- authorize_admin_project
- @branch = user_project.repository.find_branch(params[:branch])
- not_found!("Branch does not exist") unless @branch
- protected_branch = user_project.protected_branches.find_by(name:
- protected_branch.destroy if protected_branch
- present @branch, with: Entities::RepoObject, project: user_project
- end
- # Create branch
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # branch_name (required) - The name of the branch
- # ref (required) - Create branch from commit sha or existing branch
- # Example Request:
- # POST /projects/:id/repository/branches
- post ":id/repository/branches" do
- authorize_push_project
- result =, current_user).
- execute(params[:branch_name], params[:ref])
- if result[:status] == :success
- present result[:branch],
- with: Entities::RepoObject,
- project: user_project
- else
- render_api_error!(result[:message], 400)
- end
- end
- # Delete branch
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # branch (required) - The name of the branch
- # Example Request:
- # DELETE /projects/:id/repository/branches/:branch
- delete ":id/repository/branches/:branch",
- requirements: { branch: /.*/ } do
- authorize_push_project
- result =, current_user).
- execute(params[:branch])
- if result[:status] == :success
- {
- branch_name: params[:branch]
- }
- else
- render_api_error!(result[:message], result[:return_code])
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/api/commits.rb b/lib/api/commits.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0de4e720ffe..00000000000
--- a/lib/api/commits.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-require 'mime/types'
-module API
- # Projects commits API
- class Commits < Grape::API
- before { authenticate! }
- before { authorize! :download_code, user_project }
- resource :projects do
- # Get a project repository commits
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # ref_name (optional) - The name of a repository branch or tag, if not given the default branch is used
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/:id/repository/commits
- get ":id/repository/commits" do
- page = (params[:page] || 0).to_i
- per_page = (params[:per_page] || 20).to_i
- ref = params[:ref_name] || user_project.try(:default_branch) || 'master'
- commits = user_project.repository.commits(ref, nil, per_page, page * per_page)
- present commits, with: Entities::RepoCommit
- end
- # Get a specific commit of a project
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # sha (required) - The commit hash or name of a repository branch or tag
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/:id/repository/commits/:sha
- get ":id/repository/commits/:sha" do
- sha = params[:sha]
- commit = user_project.repository.commit(sha)
- not_found! "Commit" unless commit
- present commit, with: Entities::RepoCommitDetail
- end
- # Get the diff for a specific commit of a project
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # sha (required) - The commit or branch name
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/:id/repository/commits/:sha/diff
- get ":id/repository/commits/:sha/diff" do
- sha = params[:sha]
- commit = user_project.repository.commit(sha)
- not_found! "Commit" unless commit
- commit.diffs
- end
- # Get a commit's comments
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # sha (required) - The commit hash
- # Examples:
- # GET /projects/:id/repository/commits/:sha/comments
- get ':id/repository/commits/:sha/comments' do
- sha = params[:sha]
- commit = user_project.repository.commit(sha)
- not_found! 'Commit' unless commit
- notes = Note.where(commit_id:
- present paginate(notes), with: Entities::CommitNote
- end
- # Post comment to commit
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # sha (required) - The commit hash
- # note (required) - Text of comment
- # path (optional) - The file path
- # line (optional) - The line number
- # line_type (optional) - The type of line (new or old)
- # Examples:
- # POST /projects/:id/repository/commits/:sha/comments
- post ':id/repository/commits/:sha/comments' do
- required_attributes! [:note]
- sha = params[:sha]
- commit = user_project.repository.commit(sha)
- not_found! 'Commit' unless commit
- opts = {
- note: params[:note],
- noteable_type: 'Commit',
- commit_id:
- }
- if params[:path] && params[:line] && params[:line_type]
- commit.diffs.each do |diff|
- next unless diff.new_path == params[:path]
- lines =
- lines.each do |line|
- next unless line.new_pos == params[:line].to_i && line.type == params[:line_type]
- break opts[:line_code] = Gitlab::Diff::LineCode.generate(diff.new_path, line.new_pos, line.old_pos)
- end
- break if opts[:line_code]
- end
- end
- note =, current_user, opts).execute
- if
- present note, with: Entities::CommitNote
- else
- render_api_error!("Failed to save note #{note.errors.messages}", 400)
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/api/deploy_keys.rb b/lib/api/deploy_keys.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 06eb7756841..00000000000
--- a/lib/api/deploy_keys.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-module API
- # Projects API
- class DeployKeys < Grape::API
- before { authenticate! }
- before { authorize_admin_project }
- resource :projects do
- # Get a specific project's keys
- #
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/:id/keys
- get ":id/keys" do
- present user_project.deploy_keys, with: Entities::SSHKey
- end
- # Get single key owned by currently authenticated user
- #
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/:id/keys/:id
- get ":id/keys/:key_id" do
- key = user_project.deploy_keys.find params[:key_id]
- present key, with: Entities::SSHKey
- end
- # Add new ssh key to currently authenticated user
- # If deploy key already exists - it will be joined to project
- # but only if original one was is accessible by same user
- #
- # Parameters:
- # key (required) - New SSH Key
- # title (required) - New SSH Key's title
- # Example Request:
- # POST /projects/:id/keys
- post ":id/keys" do
- attrs = attributes_for_keys [:title, :key]
- if attrs[:key].present?
- attrs[:key].strip!
- # check if key already exist in project
- key = user_project.deploy_keys.find_by(key: attrs[:key])
- if key
- present key, with: Entities::SSHKey
- return
- end
- # Check for available deploy keys in other projects
- key = current_user.accessible_deploy_keys.find_by(key: attrs[:key])
- if key
- user_project.deploy_keys << key
- present key, with: Entities::SSHKey
- return
- end
- end
- key = attrs
- if key.valid? && user_project.deploy_keys << key
- present key, with: Entities::SSHKey
- else
- render_validation_error!(key)
- end
- end
- # Delete existed ssh key of currently authenticated user
- #
- # Example Request:
- # DELETE /projects/:id/keys/:id
- delete ":id/keys/:key_id" do
- key = user_project.deploy_keys.find params[:key_id]
- key.destroy
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/api/entities.rb b/lib/api/entities.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 36332bc6514..00000000000
--- a/lib/api/entities.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-module API
- module Entities
- class UserSafe < Grape::Entity
- expose :name, :username
- end
- class UserBasic < UserSafe
- expose :id, :state, :avatar_url
- end
- class User < UserBasic
- expose :created_at
- expose :is_admin?, as: :is_admin
- expose :bio, :skype, :linkedin, :twitter, :website_url
- end
- class Identity < Grape::Entity
- expose :provider, :extern_uid
- end
- class UserFull < User
- expose :email
- expose :theme_id, :color_scheme_id, :projects_limit
- expose :identities, using: Entities::Identity
- expose :can_create_group?, as: :can_create_group
- expose :can_create_project?, as: :can_create_project
- end
- class UserLogin < UserFull
- expose :private_token
- end
- class Hook < Grape::Entity
- expose :id, :url, :created_at
- end
- class ProjectHook < Hook
- expose :project_id, :push_events
- expose :issues_events, :merge_requests_events, :tag_push_events
- end
- class ForkedFromProject < Grape::Entity
- expose :id
- expose :name, :name_with_namespace
- expose :path, :path_with_namespace
- end
- class Project < Grape::Entity
- expose :id, :description, :default_branch, :tag_list
- expose :public?, as: :public
- expose :archived?, as: :archived
- expose :visibility_level, :ssh_url_to_repo, :http_url_to_repo, :web_url
- expose :owner, using: Entities::UserBasic, unless: ->(project, options) { }
- expose :name, :name_with_namespace
- expose :path, :path_with_namespace
- expose :issues_enabled, :merge_requests_enabled, :wiki_enabled, :snippets_enabled, :created_at, :last_activity_at
- expose :creator_id
- expose :namespace
- expose :forked_from_project, using: Entities::ForkedFromProject, if: lambda{ | project, options | project.forked? }
- expose :avatar_url
- end
- class ProjectMember < UserBasic
- expose :access_level do |user, options|
- options[:project].project_members.find_by(user_id:
- end
- end
- class Group < Grape::Entity
- expose :id, :name, :path, :description
- end
- class GroupDetail < Group
- expose :projects, using: Entities::Project
- end
- class GroupMember < UserBasic
- expose :access_level do |user, options|
- options[:group].group_members.find_by(user_id:
- end
- end
- class RepoTag < Grape::Entity
- expose :name
- expose :message do |repo_obj, _options|
- if repo_obj.respond_to?(:message)
- repo_obj.message
- else
- nil
- end
- end
- expose :commit do |repo_obj, options|
- if repo_obj.respond_to?(:commit)
- repo_obj.commit
- elsif options[:project]
- options[:project].repository.commit(
- end
- end
- end
- class RepoObject < Grape::Entity
- expose :name
- expose :commit do |repo_obj, options|
- if repo_obj.respond_to?(:commit)
- repo_obj.commit
- elsif options[:project]
- options[:project].repository.commit(
- end
- end
- expose :protected do |repo, options|
- if options[:project]
- options[:project].protected_branch?
- end
- end
- end
- class RepoTreeObject < Grape::Entity
- expose :id, :name, :type
- expose :mode do |obj, options|
- filemode = obj.mode.to_s(8)
- filemode = "0" + filemode if filemode.length < 6
- filemode
- end
- end
- class RepoCommit < Grape::Entity
- expose :id, :short_id, :title, :author_name, :author_email, :created_at
- expose :safe_message, as: :message
- end
- class RepoCommitDetail < RepoCommit
- expose :parent_ids, :committed_date, :authored_date
- end
- class ProjectSnippet < Grape::Entity
- expose :id, :title, :file_name
- expose :author, using: Entities::UserBasic
- expose :expires_at, :updated_at, :created_at
- end
- class ProjectEntity < Grape::Entity
- expose :id, :iid
- expose(:project_id) { |entity| }
- expose :title, :description
- expose :state, :created_at, :updated_at
- end
- class RepoDiff < Grape::Entity
- expose :old_path, :new_path, :a_mode, :b_mode, :diff
- expose :new_file, :renamed_file, :deleted_file
- end
- class Milestone < ProjectEntity
- expose :due_date
- end
- class Issue < ProjectEntity
- expose :label_names, as: :labels
- expose :milestone, using: Entities::Milestone
- expose :assignee, :author, using: Entities::UserBasic
- end
- class MergeRequest < ProjectEntity
- expose :target_branch, :source_branch, :upvotes, :downvotes
- expose :author, :assignee, using: Entities::UserBasic
- expose :source_project_id, :target_project_id
- expose :label_names, as: :labels
- expose :description
- expose :milestone, using: Entities::Milestone
- end
- class MergeRequestChanges < MergeRequest
- expose :diffs, as: :changes, using: Entities::RepoDiff do |compare, _|
- compare.diffs
- end
- end
- class SSHKey < Grape::Entity
- expose :id, :title, :key, :created_at
- end
- class Note < Grape::Entity
- expose :id
- expose :note, as: :body
- expose :attachment_identifier, as: :attachment
- expose :author, using: Entities::UserBasic
- expose :created_at
- end
- class MRNote < Grape::Entity
- expose :note
- expose :author, using: Entities::UserBasic
- end
- class CommitNote < Grape::Entity
- expose :note
- expose(:path) { |note| note.diff_file_name }
- expose(:line) { |note| note.diff_new_line }
- expose(:line_type) { |note| note.diff_line_type }
- expose :author, using: Entities::UserBasic
- end
- class Event < Grape::Entity
- expose :title, :project_id, :action_name
- expose :target_id, :target_type, :author_id
- expose :data, :target_title
- expose :created_at
- expose :author_username do |event, options|
- if
- end
- end
- end
- class Namespace < Grape::Entity
- expose :id, :path, :kind
- end
- class ProjectAccess < Grape::Entity
- expose :access_level
- expose :notification_level
- end
- class GroupAccess < Grape::Entity
- expose :access_level
- expose :notification_level
- end
- class ProjectWithAccess < Project
- expose :permissions do
- expose :project_access, using: Entities::ProjectAccess do |project, options|
- project.project_members.find_by(user_id: options[:user].id)
- end
- expose :group_access, using: Entities::GroupAccess do |project, options|
- if
- options[:user].id)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- class Label < Grape::Entity
- expose :name, :color
- end
- class Compare < Grape::Entity
- expose :commit, using: Entities::RepoCommit do |compare, options|
- Commit.decorate(compare.commits).last
- end
- expose :commits, using: Entities::RepoCommit do |compare, options|
- Commit.decorate(compare.commits)
- end
- expose :diffs, using: Entities::RepoDiff do |compare, options|
- compare.diffs
- end
- expose :compare_timeout do |compare, options|
- compare.timeout
- end
- expose :same, as: :compare_same_ref
- end
- class Contributor < Grape::Entity
- expose :name, :email, :commits, :additions, :deletions
- end
- class BroadcastMessage < Grape::Entity
- expose :message, :starts_at, :ends_at, :color, :font
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/api/files.rb b/lib/api/files.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3176ef0e256..00000000000
--- a/lib/api/files.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-module API
- # Projects API
- class Files < Grape::API
- before { authenticate! }
- resource :projects do
- # Get file from repository
- # File content is Base64 encoded
- #
- # Parameters:
- # file_path (required) - The path to the file. Ex. lib/class.rb
- # ref (required) - The name of branch, tag or commit
- #
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/:id/repository/files
- #
- # Example response:
- # {
- # "file_name": "key.rb",
- # "file_path": "app/models/key.rb",
- # "size": 1476,
- # "encoding": "base64",
- # "content": "IyA9PSBTY2hlbWEgSW5mb3...",
- # "ref": "master",
- # "blob_id": "79f7bbd25901e8334750839545a9bd021f0e4c83",
- # "commit_id": "d5a3ff139356ce33e37e73add446f16869741b50"
- # }
- #
- get ":id/repository/files" do
- authorize! :download_code, user_project
- required_attributes! [:file_path, :ref]
- attrs = attributes_for_keys [:file_path, :ref]
- ref = attrs.delete(:ref)
- file_path = attrs.delete(:file_path)
- commit = user_project.repository.commit(ref)
- not_found! 'Commit' unless commit
- blob = user_project.repository.blob_at(commit.sha, file_path)
- if blob
- status(200)
- {
- file_name:,
- file_path: blob.path,
- size: blob.size,
- encoding: "base64",
- content: Base64.encode64(,
- ref: ref,
- blob_id:,
- commit_id:,
- }
- else
- not_found! 'File'
- end
- end
- # Create new file in repository
- #
- # Parameters:
- # file_path (required) - The path to new file. Ex. lib/class.rb
- # branch_name (required) - The name of branch
- # content (required) - File content
- # commit_message (required) - Commit message
- #
- # Example Request:
- # POST /projects/:id/repository/files
- #
- post ":id/repository/files" do
- authorize! :push_code, user_project
- required_attributes! [:file_path, :branch_name, :content, :commit_message]
- attrs = attributes_for_keys [:file_path, :branch_name, :content, :commit_message, :encoding]
- branch_name = attrs.delete(:branch_name)
- file_path = attrs.delete(:file_path)
- result =, current_user, attrs, branch_name, file_path).execute
- if result[:status] == :success
- status(201)
- {
- file_path: file_path,
- branch_name: branch_name
- }
- else
- render_api_error!(result[:message], 400)
- end
- end
- # Update existing file in repository
- #
- # Parameters:
- # file_path (optional) - The path to file. Ex. lib/class.rb
- # branch_name (required) - The name of branch
- # content (required) - File content
- # commit_message (required) - Commit message
- #
- # Example Request:
- # PUT /projects/:id/repository/files
- #
- put ":id/repository/files" do
- authorize! :push_code, user_project
- required_attributes! [:file_path, :branch_name, :content, :commit_message]
- attrs = attributes_for_keys [:file_path, :branch_name, :content, :commit_message, :encoding]
- branch_name = attrs.delete(:branch_name)
- file_path = attrs.delete(:file_path)
- result =, current_user, attrs, branch_name, file_path).execute
- if result[:status] == :success
- status(200)
- {
- file_path: file_path,
- branch_name: branch_name
- }
- else
- http_status = result[:http_status] || 400
- render_api_error!(result[:message], http_status)
- end
- end
- # Delete existing file in repository
- #
- # Parameters:
- # file_path (optional) - The path to file. Ex. lib/class.rb
- # branch_name (required) - The name of branch
- # content (required) - File content
- # commit_message (required) - Commit message
- #
- # Example Request:
- # DELETE /projects/:id/repository/files
- #
- delete ":id/repository/files" do
- authorize! :push_code, user_project
- required_attributes! [:file_path, :branch_name, :commit_message]
- attrs = attributes_for_keys [:file_path, :branch_name, :commit_message]
- branch_name = attrs.delete(:branch_name)
- file_path = attrs.delete(:file_path)
- result =, current_user, attrs, branch_name, file_path).execute
- if result[:status] == :success
- status(200)
- {
- file_path: file_path,
- branch_name: branch_name
- }
- else
- render_api_error!(result[:message], 400)
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/api/group_members.rb b/lib/api/group_members.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ab9b7c602b5..00000000000
--- a/lib/api/group_members.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-module API
- class GroupMembers < Grape::API
- before { authenticate! }
- resource :groups do
- # Get a list of group members viewable by the authenticated user.
- #
- # Example Request:
- # GET /groups/:id/members
- get ":id/members" do
- group = find_group(params[:id])
- users = group.users
- present users, with: Entities::GroupMember, group: group
- end
- # Add a user to the list of group members
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - group id
- # user_id (required) - the users id
- # access_level (required) - Project access level
- # Example Request:
- # POST /groups/:id/members
- post ":id/members" do
- group = find_group(params[:id])
- authorize! :admin_group, group
- required_attributes! [:user_id, :access_level]
- unless validate_access_level?(params[:access_level])
- render_api_error!("Wrong access level", 422)
- end
- if group.group_members.find_by(user_id: params[:user_id])
- render_api_error!("Already exists", 409)
- end
- group.add_users([params[:user_id]], params[:access_level], current_user)
- member = group.group_members.find_by(user_id: params[:user_id])
- present member.user, with: Entities::GroupMember, group: group
- end
- # Update group member
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a group
- # user_id (required) - The ID of a group member
- # access_level (required) - Project access level
- # Example Request:
- # PUT /groups/:id/members/:user_id
- put ':id/members/:user_id' do
- group = find_group(params[:id])
- authorize! :admin_group, group
- required_attributes! [:access_level]
- group_member = group.group_members.find_by(user_id: params[:user_id])
- not_found!('User can not be found') if group_member.nil?
- if group_member.update_attributes(access_level: params[:access_level])
- @member = group_member.user
- present @member, with: Entities::GroupMember, group: group
- else
- handle_member_errors group_member.errors
- end
- end
- # Remove member.
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - group id
- # user_id (required) - the users id
- #
- # Example Request:
- # DELETE /groups/:id/members/:user_id
- delete ":id/members/:user_id" do
- group = find_group(params[:id])
- authorize! :admin_group, group
- member = group.group_members.find_by(user_id: params[:user_id])
- if member.nil?
- render_api_error!("404 Not Found - user_id:#{params[:user_id]} not a member of group #{}",404)
- else
- member.destroy
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/api/groups.rb b/lib/api/groups.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cb9f920975..00000000000
--- a/lib/api/groups.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-module API
- # groups API
- class Groups < Grape::API
- before { authenticate! }
- resource :groups do
- # Get a groups list
- #
- # Example Request:
- # GET /groups
- get do
- @groups = if current_user.admin
- Group.all
- else
- current_user.groups
- end
- @groups =[:search]) if params[:search].present?
- @groups = paginate @groups
- present @groups, with: Entities::Group
- end
- # Create group. Available only for admin
- #
- # Parameters:
- # name (required) - The name of the group
- # path (required) - The path of the group
- # Example Request:
- # POST /groups
- post do
- authenticated_as_admin!
- required_attributes! [:name, :path]
- attrs = attributes_for_keys [:name, :path, :description]
- @group =
- if
- @group.add_owner(current_user)
- present @group, with: Entities::Group
- else
- render_api_error!("Failed to save group #{@group.errors.messages}", 400)
- end
- end
- # Get a single group, with containing projects
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a group
- # Example Request:
- # GET /groups/:id
- get ":id" do
- group = find_group(params[:id])
- present group, with: Entities::GroupDetail
- end
- # Remove group
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a group
- # Example Request:
- # DELETE /groups/:id
- delete ":id" do
- group = find_group(params[:id])
- authorize! :admin_group, group
- group.destroy
- end
- # Transfer a project to the Group namespace
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id - group id
- # project_id - project id
- # Example Request:
- # POST /groups/:id/projects/:project_id
- post ":id/projects/:project_id" do
- authenticated_as_admin!
- group = Group.find(params[:id])
- project = Project.find(params[:project_id])
- result =, current_user, namespace_id:
- if result
- present group
- else
- render_api_error!("Failed to transfer project #{project.errors.messages}", 400)
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/api/helpers.rb b/lib/api/helpers.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index be133a2920b..00000000000
--- a/lib/api/helpers.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-module API
- module APIHelpers
- PRIVATE_TOKEN_PARAM = :private_token
- SUDO_PARAM = :sudo
- def parse_boolean(value)
- [ true, 1, '1', 't', 'T', 'true', 'TRUE', 'on', 'ON' ].include?(value)
- end
- def current_user
- private_token = (params[PRIVATE_TOKEN_PARAM] || env[PRIVATE_TOKEN_HEADER]).to_s
- @current_user ||= (User.find_by(authentication_token: private_token) || doorkeeper_guard)
- unless @current_user && Gitlab::UserAccess.allowed?(@current_user)
- return nil
- end
- identifier = sudo_identifier()
- # If the sudo is the current user do nothing
- if identifier && !( == identifier || @current_user.username == identifier)
- render_api_error!('403 Forbidden: Must be admin to use sudo', 403) unless @current_user.is_admin?
- @current_user = User.by_username_or_id(identifier)
- not_found!("No user id or username for: #{identifier}") if @current_user.nil?
- end
- @current_user
- end
- def sudo_identifier()
- identifier ||= params[SUDO_PARAM] ||= env[SUDO_HEADER]
- # Regex for integers
- if !!(identifier =~ /^[0-9]+$/)
- identifier.to_i
- else
- identifier
- end
- end
- def user_project
- @project ||= find_project(params[:id])
- @project || not_found!("Project")
- end
- def find_project(id)
- project = Project.find_with_namespace(id) || Project.find_by(id: id)
- if project && can?(current_user, :read_project, project)
- project
- else
- nil
- end
- end
- def find_group(id)
- begin
- group = Group.find(id)
- rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
- group = Group.find_by!(path: id)
- end
- if can?(current_user, :read_group, group)
- group
- else
- forbidden!("#{current_user.username} lacks sufficient "\
- "access to #{}")
- end
- end
- def paginate(relation)
- per_page = params[:per_page].to_i
- paginated =[:page]).per(per_page)
- add_pagination_headers(paginated, per_page)
- paginated
- end
- def authenticate!
- unauthorized! unless current_user
- end
- def authenticate_by_gitlab_shell_token!
- input = params['secret_token'].try(:chomp)
- unless Devise.secure_compare(secret_token, input)
- unauthorized!
- end
- end
- def authenticated_as_admin!
- forbidden! unless current_user.is_admin?
- end
- def authorize!(action, subject)
- unless abilities.allowed?(current_user, action, subject)
- forbidden!
- end
- end
- def authorize_push_project
- authorize! :push_code, user_project
- end
- def authorize_admin_project
- authorize! :admin_project, user_project
- end
- def can?(object, action, subject)
- abilities.allowed?(object, action, subject)
- end
- # Checks the occurrences of required attributes, each attribute must be present in the params hash
- # or a Bad Request error is invoked.
- #
- # Parameters:
- # keys (required) - A hash consisting of keys that must be present
- def required_attributes!(keys)
- keys.each do |key|
- bad_request!(key) unless params[key].present?
- end
- end
- def attributes_for_keys(keys)
- attrs = {}
- keys.each do |key|
- if params[key].present? or (params.has_key?(key) and params[key] == false)
- attrs[key] = params[key]
- end
- end
- end
- # Helper method for validating all labels against its names
- def validate_label_params(params)
- errors = {}
- if params[:labels].present?
- params[:labels].split(',').each do |label_name|
- label = user_project.labels.create_with(
- color: Label::DEFAULT_COLOR).find_or_initialize_by(
- title: label_name.strip)
- if label.invalid?
- errors[label.title] = label.errors
- end
- end
- end
- errors
- end
- def validate_access_level?(level)
- Gitlab::Access.options_with_owner.values.include? level.to_i
- end
- def issuable_order_by
- if params["order_by"] == 'updated_at'
- 'updated_at'
- else
- 'created_at'
- end
- end
- def issuable_sort
- if params["sort"] == 'asc'
- :asc
- else
- :desc
- end
- end
- # error helpers
- def forbidden!(reason = nil)
- message = ['403 Forbidden']
- message << " - #{reason}" if reason
- render_api_error!(message.join(' '), 403)
- end
- def bad_request!(attribute)
- message = ["400 (Bad request)"]
- message << "\"" + attribute.to_s + "\" not given"
- render_api_error!(message.join(' '), 400)
- end
- def not_found!(resource = nil)
- message = ["404"]
- message << resource if resource
- message << "Not Found"
- render_api_error!(message.join(' '), 404)
- end
- def unauthorized!
- render_api_error!('401 Unauthorized', 401)
- end
- def not_allowed!
- render_api_error!('405 Method Not Allowed', 405)
- end
- def conflict!(message = nil)
- render_api_error!(message || '409 Conflict', 409)
- end
- def render_validation_error!(model)
- if model.errors.any?
- render_api_error!(model.errors.messages || '400 Bad Request', 400)
- end
- end
- def render_api_error!(message, status)
- error!({ 'message' => message }, status)
- end
- private
- def add_pagination_headers(paginated, per_page)
- request_url = request.url.split('?').first
- links = []
- links << %(<#{request_url}?page=#{paginated.current_page - 1}&per_page=#{per_page}>; rel="prev") unless paginated.first_page?
- links << %(<#{request_url}?page=#{paginated.current_page + 1}&per_page=#{per_page}>; rel="next") unless paginated.last_page?
- links << %(<#{request_url}?page=1&per_page=#{per_page}>; rel="first")
- links << %(<#{request_url}?page=#{paginated.total_pages}&per_page=#{per_page}>; rel="last")
- header 'Link', links.join(', ')
- end
- def abilities
- @abilities ||= begin
- abilities =
- abilities << Ability
- abilities
- end
- end
- def secret_token
- end
- def handle_member_errors(errors)
- error!(errors[:access_level], 422) if errors[:access_level].any?
- not_found!(errors)
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/api/internal.rb b/lib/api/internal.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f98a17773e7..00000000000
--- a/lib/api/internal.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-module API
- # Internal access API
- class Internal < Grape::API
- before { authenticate_by_gitlab_shell_token! }
- namespace 'internal' do
- # Check if git command is allowed to project
- #
- # Params:
- # key_id - ssh key id for Git over SSH
- # user_id - user id for Git over HTTP
- # project - project path with namespace
- # action - git action (git-upload-pack or git-receive-pack)
- # ref - branch name
- # forced_push - forced_push
- #
- post "/allowed" do
- status 200
- actor =
- if params[:key_id]
- Key.find_by(id: params[:key_id])
- elsif params[:user_id]
- User.find_by(id: params[:user_id])
- end
- unless actor
- return, 'No such user or key')
- end
- project_path = params[:project]
- # Check for *.wiki repositories.
- # Strip out the .wiki from the pathname before finding the
- # project. This applies the correct project permissions to
- # the wiki repository as well.
- wiki = project_path.end_with?('.wiki')
- project_path.chomp!('.wiki') if wiki
- project = Project.find_with_namespace(project_path)
- if project
- access =
- if wiki
-, project)
- else
-, project)
- end
- status = access.check(params[:action], params[:changes])
- end
- if project && access.can_read_project?
- status
- else
-, 'No such project')
- end
- end
- #
- # Discover user by ssh key
- #
- get "/discover" do
- key = Key.find(params[:key_id])
- present key.user, with: Entities::UserSafe
- end
- get "/check" do
- {
- api_version: API.version,
- gitlab_version: Gitlab::VERSION,
- gitlab_rev: Gitlab::REVISION,
- }
- end
- get "/broadcast_message" do
- if message = BroadcastMessage.current
- present message, with: Entities::BroadcastMessage
- else
- {}
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/api/issues.rb b/lib/api/issues.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ff062be6040..00000000000
--- a/lib/api/issues.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-module API
- # Issues API
- class Issues < Grape::API
- before { authenticate! }
- helpers do
- def filter_issues_state(issues, state)
- case state
- when 'opened' then issues.opened
- when 'closed' then issues.closed
- else issues
- end
- end
- def filter_issues_labels(issues, labels)
- issues.includes(:labels).where('labels.title' => labels.split(','))
- end
- def filter_issues_milestone(issues, milestone)
- issues.includes(:milestone).where('milestones.title' => milestone)
- end
- end
- resource :issues do
- # Get currently authenticated user's issues
- #
- # Parameters:
- # state (optional) - Return "opened" or "closed" issues
- # labels (optional) - Comma-separated list of label names
- # order_by (optional) - Return requests ordered by `created_at` or `updated_at` fields. Default is `created_at`
- # sort (optional) - Return requests sorted in `asc` or `desc` order. Default is `desc`
- #
- # Example Requests:
- # GET /issues
- # GET /issues?state=opened
- # GET /issues?state=closed
- # GET /issues?labels=foo
- # GET /issues?labels=foo,bar
- # GET /issues?labels=foo,bar&state=opened
- get do
- issues = current_user.issues
- issues = filter_issues_state(issues, params[:state]) unless params[:state].nil?
- issues = filter_issues_labels(issues, params[:labels]) unless params[:labels].nil?
- issues.reorder(issuable_order_by => issuable_sort)
- present paginate(issues), with: Entities::Issue
- end
- end
- resource :projects do
- # Get a list of project issues
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # state (optional) - Return "opened" or "closed" issues
- # labels (optional) - Comma-separated list of label names
- # milestone (optional) - Milestone title
- # order_by (optional) - Return requests ordered by `created_at` or `updated_at` fields. Default is `created_at`
- # sort (optional) - Return requests sorted in `asc` or `desc` order. Default is `desc`
- #
- # Example Requests:
- # GET /projects/:id/issues
- # GET /projects/:id/issues?state=opened
- # GET /projects/:id/issues?state=closed
- # GET /projects/:id/issues?labels=foo
- # GET /projects/:id/issues?labels=foo,bar
- # GET /projects/:id/issues?labels=foo,bar&state=opened
- # GET /projects/:id/issues?milestone=1.0.0
- # GET /projects/:id/issues?milestone=1.0.0&state=closed
- get ":id/issues" do
- issues = user_project.issues
- issues = filter_issues_state(issues, params[:state]) unless params[:state].nil?
- issues = filter_issues_labels(issues, params[:labels]) unless params[:labels].nil?
- unless params[:milestone].nil?
- issues = filter_issues_milestone(issues, params[:milestone])
- end
- issues.reorder(issuable_order_by => issuable_sort)
- present paginate(issues), with: Entities::Issue
- end
- # Get a single project issue
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # issue_id (required) - The ID of a project issue
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/:id/issues/:issue_id
- get ":id/issues/:issue_id" do
- @issue = user_project.issues.find(params[:issue_id])
- present @issue, with: Entities::Issue
- end
- # Create a new project issue
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # title (required) - The title of an issue
- # description (optional) - The description of an issue
- # assignee_id (optional) - The ID of a user to assign issue
- # milestone_id (optional) - The ID of a milestone to assign issue
- # labels (optional) - The labels of an issue
- # Example Request:
- # POST /projects/:id/issues
- post ":id/issues" do
- required_attributes! [:title]
- attrs = attributes_for_keys [:title, :description, :assignee_id, :milestone_id]
- # Validate label names in advance
- if (errors = validate_label_params(params)).any?
- render_api_error!({ labels: errors }, 400)
- end
- issue =, current_user, attrs).execute
- if issue.valid?
- # Find or create labels and attach to issue. Labels are valid because
- # we already checked its name, so there can't be an error here
- if params[:labels].present?
- issue.add_labels_by_names(params[:labels].split(','))
- end
- present issue, with: Entities::Issue
- else
- render_validation_error!(issue)
- end
- end
- # Update an existing issue
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # issue_id (required) - The ID of a project issue
- # title (optional) - The title of an issue
- # description (optional) - The description of an issue
- # assignee_id (optional) - The ID of a user to assign issue
- # milestone_id (optional) - The ID of a milestone to assign issue
- # labels (optional) - The labels of an issue
- # state_event (optional) - The state event of an issue (close|reopen)
- # Example Request:
- # PUT /projects/:id/issues/:issue_id
- put ":id/issues/:issue_id" do
- issue = user_project.issues.find(params[:issue_id])
- authorize! :modify_issue, issue
- attrs = attributes_for_keys [:title, :description, :assignee_id, :milestone_id, :state_event]
- # Validate label names in advance
- if (errors = validate_label_params(params)).any?
- render_api_error!({ labels: errors }, 400)
- end
- issue =, current_user, attrs).execute(issue)
- if issue.valid?
- # Find or create labels and attach to issue. Labels are valid because
- # we already checked its name, so there can't be an error here
- unless params[:labels].nil?
- issue.remove_labels
- # Create and add labels to the new created issue
- issue.add_labels_by_names(params[:labels].split(','))
- end
- present issue, with: Entities::Issue
- else
- render_validation_error!(issue)
- end
- end
- # Delete a project issue (deprecated)
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # issue_id (required) - The ID of a project issue
- # Example Request:
- # DELETE /projects/:id/issues/:issue_id
- delete ":id/issues/:issue_id" do
- not_allowed!
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/api/labels.rb b/lib/api/labels.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 78ca58ad0d1..00000000000
--- a/lib/api/labels.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-module API
- # Labels API
- class Labels < Grape::API
- before { authenticate! }
- resource :projects do
- # Get all labels of the project
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/:id/labels
- get ':id/labels' do
- present user_project.labels, with: Entities::Label
- end
- # Creates a new label
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # name (required) - The name of the label to be deleted
- # color (required) - Color of the label given in 6-digit hex
- # notation with leading '#' sign (e.g. #FFAABB)
- # Example Request:
- # POST /projects/:id/labels
- post ':id/labels' do
- authorize! :admin_label, user_project
- required_attributes! [:name, :color]
- attrs = attributes_for_keys [:name, :color]
- label = user_project.find_label(attrs[:name])
- conflict!('Label already exists') if label
- label = user_project.labels.create(attrs)
- if label.valid?
- present label, with: Entities::Label
- else
- render_validation_error!(label)
- end
- end
- # Deletes an existing label
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # name (required) - The name of the label to be deleted
- #
- # Example Request:
- # DELETE /projects/:id/labels
- delete ':id/labels' do
- authorize! :admin_label, user_project
- required_attributes! [:name]
- label = user_project.find_label(params[:name])
- not_found!('Label') unless label
- label.destroy
- end
- # Updates an existing label. At least one optional parameter is required.
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # name (required) - The name of the label to be deleted
- # new_name (optional) - The new name of the label
- # color (optional) - Color of the label given in 6-digit hex
- # notation with leading '#' sign (e.g. #FFAABB)
- # Example Request:
- # PUT /projects/:id/labels
- put ':id/labels' do
- authorize! :admin_label, user_project
- required_attributes! [:name]
- label = user_project.find_label(params[:name])
- not_found!('Label not found') unless label
- attrs = attributes_for_keys [:new_name, :color]
- if attrs.empty?
- render_api_error!('Required parameters "new_name" or "color" ' \
- 'missing',
- 400)
- end
- # Rename new name to the actual label attribute name
- attrs[:name] = attrs.delete(:new_name) if attrs.key?(:new_name)
- if label.update(attrs)
- present label, with: Entities::Label
- else
- render_validation_error!(label)
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/api/merge_requests.rb b/lib/api/merge_requests.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f3765f5ab03..00000000000
--- a/lib/api/merge_requests.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-module API
- # MergeRequest API
- class MergeRequests < Grape::API
- before { authenticate! }
- resource :projects do
- helpers do
- def handle_merge_request_errors!(errors)
- if errors[:project_access].any?
- error!(errors[:project_access], 422)
- elsif errors[:branch_conflict].any?
- error!(errors[:branch_conflict], 422)
- elsif errors[:validate_fork].any?
- error!(errors[:validate_fork], 422)
- elsif errors[:validate_branches].any?
- conflict!(errors[:validate_branches])
- end
- render_api_error!(errors, 400)
- end
- end
- # List merge requests
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # state (optional) - Return requests "merged", "opened" or "closed"
- # order_by (optional) - Return requests ordered by `created_at` or `updated_at` fields. Default is `created_at`
- # sort (optional) - Return requests sorted in `asc` or `desc` order. Default is `desc`
- #
- # Example:
- # GET /projects/:id/merge_requests
- # GET /projects/:id/merge_requests?state=opened
- # GET /projects/:id/merge_requests?state=closed
- # GET /projects/:id/merge_requests?order_by=created_at
- # GET /projects/:id/merge_requests?order_by=updated_at
- # GET /projects/:id/merge_requests?sort=desc
- # GET /projects/:id/merge_requests?sort=asc
- #
- get ":id/merge_requests" do
- authorize! :read_merge_request, user_project
- merge_requests = user_project.merge_requests
- merge_requests =
- case params["state"]
- when "opened" then merge_requests.opened
- when "closed" then merge_requests.closed
- when "merged" then merge_requests.merged
- else merge_requests
- end
- merge_requests.reorder(issuable_order_by => issuable_sort)
- present paginate(merge_requests), with: Entities::MergeRequest
- end
- # Show MR
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # merge_request_id (required) - The ID of MR
- #
- # Example:
- # GET /projects/:id/merge_request/:merge_request_id
- #
- get ":id/merge_request/:merge_request_id" do
- merge_request = user_project.merge_requests.find(params[:merge_request_id])
- authorize! :read_merge_request, merge_request
- present merge_request, with: Entities::MergeRequest
- end
- # Show MR changes
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # merge_request_id (required) - The ID of MR
- #
- # Example:
- # GET /projects/:id/merge_request/:merge_request_id/changes
- #
- get ':id/merge_request/:merge_request_id/changes' do
- merge_request = user_project.merge_requests.
- find(params[:merge_request_id])
- authorize! :read_merge_request, merge_request
- present merge_request, with: Entities::MergeRequestChanges
- end
- # Create MR
- #
- # Parameters:
- #
- # id (required) - The ID of a project - this will be the source of the merge request
- # source_branch (required) - The source branch
- # target_branch (required) - The target branch
- # target_project - The target project of the merge request defaults to the :id of the project
- # assignee_id - Assignee user ID
- # title (required) - Title of MR
- # description - Description of MR
- # labels (optional) - Labels for MR as a comma-separated list
- #
- # Example:
- # POST /projects/:id/merge_requests
- #
- post ":id/merge_requests" do
- authorize! :write_merge_request, user_project
- required_attributes! [:source_branch, :target_branch, :title]
- attrs = attributes_for_keys [:source_branch, :target_branch, :assignee_id, :title, :target_project_id, :description]
- # Validate label names in advance
- if (errors = validate_label_params(params)).any?
- render_api_error!({ labels: errors }, 400)
- end
- merge_request =, current_user, attrs).execute
- if merge_request.valid?
- # Find or create labels and attach to issue
- if params[:labels].present?
- merge_request.add_labels_by_names(params[:labels].split(","))
- end
- present merge_request, with: Entities::MergeRequest
- else
- handle_merge_request_errors! merge_request.errors
- end
- end
- # Update MR
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # merge_request_id (required) - ID of MR
- # source_branch - The source branch
- # target_branch - The target branch
- # assignee_id - Assignee user ID
- # title - Title of MR
- # state_event - Status of MR. (close|reopen|merge)
- # description - Description of MR
- # labels (optional) - Labels for a MR as a comma-separated list
- # Example:
- # PUT /projects/:id/merge_request/:merge_request_id
- #
- put ":id/merge_request/:merge_request_id" do
- attrs = attributes_for_keys [:source_branch, :target_branch, :assignee_id, :title, :state_event, :description]
- merge_request = user_project.merge_requests.find(params[:merge_request_id])
- authorize! :modify_merge_request, merge_request
- # Validate label names in advance
- if (errors = validate_label_params(params)).any?
- render_api_error!({ labels: errors }, 400)
- end
- merge_request =, current_user, attrs).execute(merge_request)
- if merge_request.valid?
- # Find or create labels and attach to issue
- unless params[:labels].nil?
- merge_request.remove_labels
- merge_request.add_labels_by_names(params[:labels].split(","))
- end
- present merge_request, with: Entities::MergeRequest
- else
- handle_merge_request_errors! merge_request.errors
- end
- end
- # Merge MR
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # merge_request_id (required) - ID of MR
- # merge_commit_message (optional) - Custom merge commit message
- # Example:
- # PUT /projects/:id/merge_request/:merge_request_id/merge
- #
- put ":id/merge_request/:merge_request_id/merge" do
- merge_request = user_project.merge_requests.find(params[:merge_request_id])
- allowed =, user_project).
- can_push_to_branch?(merge_request.target_branch)
- if allowed
- if merge_request.unchecked?
- merge_request.check_if_can_be_merged
- end
- if
- if merge_request.can_be_merged?
- merge_request.automerge!(current_user, params[:merge_commit_message] || merge_request.merge_commit_message)
- present merge_request, with: Entities::MergeRequest
- else
- render_api_error!('Branch cannot be merged', 405)
- end
- else
- # Merge request can not be merged
- # because it is already closed/merged
- not_allowed!
- end
- else
- # Merge request can not be merged
- # because user dont have permissions to push into target branch
- unauthorized!
- end
- end
- # Get a merge request's comments
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # merge_request_id (required) - ID of MR
- # Examples:
- # GET /projects/:id/merge_request/:merge_request_id/comments
- #
- get ":id/merge_request/:merge_request_id/comments" do
- merge_request = user_project.merge_requests.find(params[:merge_request_id])
- authorize! :read_merge_request, merge_request
- present paginate(merge_request.notes), with: Entities::MRNote
- end
- # Post comment to merge request
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # merge_request_id (required) - ID of MR
- # note (required) - Text of comment
- # Examples:
- # POST /projects/:id/merge_request/:merge_request_id/comments
- #
- post ":id/merge_request/:merge_request_id/comments" do
- required_attributes! [:note]
- merge_request = user_project.merge_requests.find(params[:merge_request_id])
- note = params[:note], project_id:
- = current_user
- if
- present note, with: Entities::MRNote
- else
- render_api_error!("Failed to save note #{note.errors.messages}", 400)
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/api/milestones.rb b/lib/api/milestones.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c5cd73943fb..00000000000
--- a/lib/api/milestones.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-module API
- # Milestones API
- class Milestones < Grape::API
- before { authenticate! }
- resource :projects do
- # Get a list of project milestones
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/:id/milestones
- get ":id/milestones" do
- authorize! :read_milestone, user_project
- present paginate(user_project.milestones), with: Entities::Milestone
- end
- # Get a single project milestone
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # milestone_id (required) - The ID of a project milestone
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/:id/milestones/:milestone_id
- get ":id/milestones/:milestone_id" do
- authorize! :read_milestone, user_project
- @milestone = user_project.milestones.find(params[:milestone_id])
- present @milestone, with: Entities::Milestone
- end
- # Create a new project milestone
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of the project
- # title (required) - The title of the milestone
- # description (optional) - The description of the milestone
- # due_date (optional) - The due date of the milestone
- # Example Request:
- # POST /projects/:id/milestones
- post ":id/milestones" do
- authorize! :admin_milestone, user_project
- required_attributes! [:title]
- attrs = attributes_for_keys [:title, :description, :due_date]
- milestone =, current_user, attrs).execute
- if milestone.valid?
- present milestone, with: Entities::Milestone
- else
- render_api_error!("Failed to create milestone #{milestone.errors.messages}", 400)
- end
- end
- # Update an existing project milestone
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # milestone_id (required) - The ID of a project milestone
- # title (optional) - The title of a milestone
- # description (optional) - The description of a milestone
- # due_date (optional) - The due date of a milestone
- # state_event (optional) - The state event of the milestone (close|activate)
- # Example Request:
- # PUT /projects/:id/milestones/:milestone_id
- put ":id/milestones/:milestone_id" do
- authorize! :admin_milestone, user_project
- attrs = attributes_for_keys [:title, :description, :due_date, :state_event]
- milestone = user_project.milestones.find(params[:milestone_id])
- milestone =, current_user, attrs).execute(milestone)
- if milestone.valid?
- present milestone, with: Entities::Milestone
- else
- render_api_error!("Failed to update milestone #{milestone.errors.messages}", 400)
- end
- end
- # Get all issues for a single project milestone
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # milestone_id (required) - The ID of a project milestone
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/:id/milestones/:milestone_id/issues
- get ":id/milestones/:milestone_id/issues" do
- authorize! :read_milestone, user_project
- @milestone = user_project.milestones.find(params[:milestone_id])
- present paginate(@milestone.issues), with: Entities::Issue
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/api/namespaces.rb b/lib/api/namespaces.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b90ed6af5fb..00000000000
--- a/lib/api/namespaces.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-module API
- # namespaces API
- class Namespaces < Grape::API
- before do
- authenticate!
- authenticated_as_admin!
- end
- resource :namespaces do
- # Get a namespaces list
- #
- # Example Request:
- # GET /namespaces
- get do
- @namespaces = Namespace.all
- @namespaces =[:search]) if params[:search].present?
- @namespaces = paginate @namespaces
- present @namespaces, with: Entities::Namespace
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/api/notes.rb b/lib/api/notes.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3726be7c537..00000000000
--- a/lib/api/notes.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-module API
- # Notes API
- class Notes < Grape::API
- before { authenticate! }
- NOTEABLE_TYPES = [Issue, MergeRequest, Snippet]
- resource :projects do
- NOTEABLE_TYPES.each do |noteable_type|
- noteables_str = noteable_type.to_s.underscore.pluralize
- noteable_id_str = "#{noteable_type.to_s.underscore}_id"
- # Get a list of project +noteable+ notes
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # noteable_id (required) - The ID of an issue or snippet
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/:id/issues/:noteable_id/notes
- # GET /projects/:id/snippets/:noteable_id/notes
- get ":id/#{noteables_str}/:#{noteable_id_str}/notes" do
- @noteable = user_project.send(:"#{noteables_str}").find(params[:"#{noteable_id_str}"])
- present paginate(@noteable.notes), with: Entities::Note
- end
- # Get a single +noteable+ note
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # noteable_id (required) - The ID of an issue or snippet
- # note_id (required) - The ID of a note
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/:id/issues/:noteable_id/notes/:note_id
- # GET /projects/:id/snippets/:noteable_id/notes/:note_id
- get ":id/#{noteables_str}/:#{noteable_id_str}/notes/:note_id" do
- @noteable = user_project.send(:"#{noteables_str}").find(params[:"#{noteable_id_str}"])
- @note = @noteable.notes.find(params[:note_id])
- present @note, with: Entities::Note
- end
- # Create a new +noteable+ note
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # noteable_id (required) - The ID of an issue or snippet
- # body (required) - The content of a note
- # Example Request:
- # POST /projects/:id/issues/:noteable_id/notes
- # POST /projects/:id/snippets/:noteable_id/notes
- post ":id/#{noteables_str}/:#{noteable_id_str}/notes" do
- required_attributes! [:body]
- opts = {
- note: params[:body],
- noteable_type: noteables_str.classify,
- noteable_id: params[noteable_id_str]
- }
- @note =, current_user, opts).execute
- if @note.valid?
- present @note, with: Entities::Note
- else
- not_found!("Note #{@note.errors.messages}")
- end
- end
- # Modify existing +noteable+ note
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # noteable_id (required) - The ID of an issue or snippet
- # node_id (required) - The ID of a note
- # body (required) - New content of a note
- # Example Request:
- # PUT /projects/:id/issues/:noteable_id/notes/:note_id
- # PUT /projects/:id/snippets/:noteable_id/notes/:node_id
- put ":id/#{noteables_str}/:#{noteable_id_str}/notes/:note_id" do
- required_attributes! [:body]
- authorize! :admin_note, user_project.notes.find(params[:note_id])
- opts = {
- note: params[:body],
- note_id: params[:note_id],
- noteable_type: noteables_str.classify,
- noteable_id: params[noteable_id_str]
- }
- @note =, current_user,
- opts).execute
- if @note.valid?
- present @note, with: Entities::Note
- else
- render_api_error!("Failed to save note #{note.errors.messages}", 400)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/api/project_hooks.rb b/lib/api/project_hooks.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index be9850367b9..00000000000
--- a/lib/api/project_hooks.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-module API
- # Projects API
- class ProjectHooks < Grape::API
- before { authenticate! }
- before { authorize_admin_project }
- resource :projects do
- # Get project hooks
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/:id/hooks
- get ":id/hooks" do
- @hooks = paginate user_project.hooks
- present @hooks, with: Entities::ProjectHook
- end
- # Get a project hook
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # hook_id (required) - The ID of a project hook
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/:id/hooks/:hook_id
- get ":id/hooks/:hook_id" do
- @hook = user_project.hooks.find(params[:hook_id])
- present @hook, with: Entities::ProjectHook
- end
- # Add hook to project
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # url (required) - The hook URL
- # Example Request:
- # POST /projects/:id/hooks
- post ":id/hooks" do
- required_attributes! [:url]
- attrs = attributes_for_keys [
- :url,
- :push_events,
- :issues_events,
- :merge_requests_events,
- :tag_push_events
- ]
- @hook =
- if
- present @hook, with: Entities::ProjectHook
- else
- if @hook.errors[:url].present?
- error!("Invalid url given", 422)
- end
- not_found!("Project hook #{@hook.errors.messages}")
- end
- end
- # Update an existing project hook
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # hook_id (required) - The ID of a project hook
- # url (required) - The hook URL
- # Example Request:
- # PUT /projects/:id/hooks/:hook_id
- put ":id/hooks/:hook_id" do
- @hook = user_project.hooks.find(params[:hook_id])
- required_attributes! [:url]
- attrs = attributes_for_keys [
- :url,
- :push_events,
- :issues_events,
- :merge_requests_events,
- :tag_push_events
- ]
- if @hook.update_attributes attrs
- present @hook, with: Entities::ProjectHook
- else
- if @hook.errors[:url].present?
- error!("Invalid url given", 422)
- end
- not_found!("Project hook #{@hook.errors.messages}")
- end
- end
- # Deletes project hook. This is an idempotent function.
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # hook_id (required) - The ID of hook to delete
- # Example Request:
- # DELETE /projects/:id/hooks/:hook_id
- delete ":id/hooks/:hook_id" do
- required_attributes! [:hook_id]
- begin
- @hook = ProjectHook.find(params[:hook_id])
- @hook.destroy
- rescue
- # ProjectHook can raise Error if hook_id not found
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/api/project_members.rb b/lib/api/project_members.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c756bb479fc..00000000000
--- a/lib/api/project_members.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-module API
- # Projects members API
- class ProjectMembers < Grape::API
- before { authenticate! }
- resource :projects do
- # Get a project team members
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # query - Query string
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/:id/members
- get ":id/members" do
- if params[:query].present?
- @members = paginate user_project.users.where("username LIKE ?", "%#{params[:query]}%")
- else
- @members = paginate user_project.users
- end
- present @members, with: Entities::ProjectMember, project: user_project
- end
- # Get a project team members
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # user_id (required) - The ID of a user
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/:id/members/:user_id
- get ":id/members/:user_id" do
- @member = user_project.users.find params[:user_id]
- present @member, with: Entities::ProjectMember, project: user_project
- end
- # Add a new project team member
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # user_id (required) - The ID of a user
- # access_level (required) - Project access level
- # Example Request:
- # POST /projects/:id/members
- post ":id/members" do
- authorize! :admin_project, user_project
- required_attributes! [:user_id, :access_level]
- # either the user is already a team member or a new one
- project_member = user_project.project_member_by_id(params[:user_id])
- if project_member.nil?
- project_member =
- user_id: params[:user_id],
- access_level: params[:access_level]
- )
- end
- if
- @member = project_member.user
- present @member, with: Entities::ProjectMember, project: user_project
- else
- handle_member_errors project_member.errors
- end
- end
- # Update project team member
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # user_id (required) - The ID of a team member
- # access_level (required) - Project access level
- # Example Request:
- # PUT /projects/:id/members/:user_id
- put ":id/members/:user_id" do
- authorize! :admin_project, user_project
- required_attributes! [:access_level]
- project_member = user_project.project_members.find_by(user_id: params[:user_id])
- not_found!("User can not be found") if project_member.nil?
- if project_member.update_attributes(access_level: params[:access_level])
- @member = project_member.user
- present @member, with: Entities::ProjectMember, project: user_project
- else
- handle_member_errors project_member.errors
- end
- end
- # Remove a team member from project
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # user_id (required) - The ID of a team member
- # Example Request:
- # DELETE /projects/:id/members/:user_id
- delete ":id/members/:user_id" do
- authorize! :admin_project, user_project
- project_member = user_project.project_members.find_by(user_id: params[:user_id])
- unless project_member.nil?
- project_member.destroy
- else
- { message: "Access revoked", id: params[:user_id].to_i }
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/api/project_snippets.rb b/lib/api/project_snippets.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 54f2555903f..00000000000
--- a/lib/api/project_snippets.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-module API
- # Projects API
- class ProjectSnippets < Grape::API
- before { authenticate! }
- resource :projects do
- helpers do
- def handle_project_member_errors(errors)
- if errors[:project_access].any?
- error!(errors[:project_access], 422)
- end
- not_found!
- end
- end
- # Get a project snippets
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/:id/snippets
- get ":id/snippets" do
- present paginate(user_project.snippets), with: Entities::ProjectSnippet
- end
- # Get a project snippet
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # snippet_id (required) - The ID of a project snippet
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/:id/snippets/:snippet_id
- get ":id/snippets/:snippet_id" do
- @snippet = user_project.snippets.find(params[:snippet_id])
- present @snippet, with: Entities::ProjectSnippet
- end
- # Create a new project snippet
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # title (required) - The title of a snippet
- # file_name (required) - The name of a snippet file
- # code (required) - The content of a snippet
- # visibility_level (required) - The snippet's visibility
- # Example Request:
- # POST /projects/:id/snippets
- post ":id/snippets" do
- authorize! :write_project_snippet, user_project
- required_attributes! [:title, :file_name, :code, :visibility_level]
- attrs = attributes_for_keys [:title, :file_name, :visibility_level]
- attrs[:content] = params[:code] if params[:code].present?
- @snippet =, current_user,
- attrs).execute
- if @snippet.errors.any?
- render_validation_error!(@snippet)
- else
- present @snippet, with: Entities::ProjectSnippet
- end
- end
- # Update an existing project snippet
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # snippet_id (required) - The ID of a project snippet
- # title (optional) - The title of a snippet
- # file_name (optional) - The name of a snippet file
- # code (optional) - The content of a snippet
- # visibility_level (optional) - The snippet's visibility
- # Example Request:
- # PUT /projects/:id/snippets/:snippet_id
- put ":id/snippets/:snippet_id" do
- @snippet = user_project.snippets.find(params[:snippet_id])
- authorize! :modify_project_snippet, @snippet
- attrs = attributes_for_keys [:title, :file_name, :visibility_level]
- attrs[:content] = params[:code] if params[:code].present?
-, current_user, @snippet,
- attrs).execute
- if @snippet.errors.any?
- render_validation_error!(@snippet)
- else
- present @snippet, with: Entities::ProjectSnippet
- end
- end
- # Delete a project snippet
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # snippet_id (required) - The ID of a project snippet
- # Example Request:
- # DELETE /projects/:id/snippets/:snippet_id
- delete ":id/snippets/:snippet_id" do
- begin
- @snippet = user_project.snippets.find(params[:snippet_id])
- authorize! :modify_project_snippet, @snippet
- @snippet.destroy
- rescue
- not_found!('Snippet')
- end
- end
- # Get a raw project snippet
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # snippet_id (required) - The ID of a project snippet
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/:id/snippets/:snippet_id/raw
- get ":id/snippets/:snippet_id/raw" do
- @snippet = user_project.snippets.find(params[:snippet_id])
- env['api.format'] = :txt
- content_type 'text/plain'
- present @snippet.content
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/api/projects.rb b/lib/api/projects.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e3fff79d68f..00000000000
--- a/lib/api/projects.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
-module API
- # Projects API
- class Projects < Grape::API
- before { authenticate! }
- resource :projects do
- helpers do
- def map_public_to_visibility_level(attrs)
- publik = attrs.delete(:public)
- publik = parse_boolean(publik)
- attrs[:visibility_level] = Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PUBLIC if !attrs[:visibility_level].present? && publik == true
- attrs
- end
- def filter_projects(projects)
- # If the archived parameter is passed, limit results accordingly
- if params[:archived].present?
- projects = projects.where(archived: parse_boolean(params[:archived]))
- end
- if params[:search].present?
- projects =[:search])
- end
- projects.reorder(project_order_by => project_sort)
- end
- def project_order_by
- order_fields = %w(id name path created_at updated_at last_activity_at)
- if order_fields.include?(params['order_by'])
- params['order_by']
- else
- 'created_at'
- end
- end
- def project_sort
- if params["sort"] == 'asc'
- :asc
- else
- :desc
- end
- end
- end
- # Get a projects list for authenticated user
- #
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects
- get do
- @projects = current_user.authorized_projects
- @projects = filter_projects(@projects)
- @projects = paginate @projects
- present @projects, with: Entities::Project
- end
- # Get an owned projects list for authenticated user
- #
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/owned
- get '/owned' do
- @projects = current_user.owned_projects
- @projects = filter_projects(@projects)
- @projects = paginate @projects
- present @projects, with: Entities::Project
- end
- # Get all projects for admin user
- #
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/all
- get '/all' do
- authenticated_as_admin!
- @projects = Project.all
- @projects = filter_projects(@projects)
- @projects = paginate @projects
- present @projects, with: Entities::Project
- end
- # Get a single project
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/:id
- get ":id" do
- present user_project, with: Entities::ProjectWithAccess, user: current_user
- end
- # Get events for a single project
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/:id/events
- get ":id/events" do
- events = paginate
- present events, with: Entities::Event
- end
- # Create new project
- #
- # Parameters:
- # name (required) - name for new project
- # description (optional) - short project description
- # issues_enabled (optional)
- # merge_requests_enabled (optional)
- # wiki_enabled (optional)
- # snippets_enabled (optional)
- # namespace_id (optional) - defaults to user namespace
- # public (optional) - if true same as setting visibility_level = 20
- # visibility_level (optional) - 0 by default
- # import_url (optional)
- # Example Request
- # POST /projects
- post do
- required_attributes! [:name]
- attrs = attributes_for_keys [:name,
- :path,
- :description,
- :issues_enabled,
- :merge_requests_enabled,
- :wiki_enabled,
- :snippets_enabled,
- :namespace_id,
- :public,
- :visibility_level,
- :import_url]
- attrs = map_public_to_visibility_level(attrs)
- @project =, attrs).execute
- if @project.saved?
- present @project, with: Entities::Project
- else
- if @project.errors[:limit_reached].present?
- error!(@project.errors[:limit_reached], 403)
- end
- render_validation_error!(@project)
- end
- end
- # Create new project for a specified user. Only available to admin users.
- #
- # Parameters:
- # user_id (required) - The ID of a user
- # name (required) - name for new project
- # description (optional) - short project description
- # default_branch (optional) - 'master' by default
- # issues_enabled (optional)
- # merge_requests_enabled (optional)
- # wiki_enabled (optional)
- # snippets_enabled (optional)
- # public (optional) - if true same as setting visibility_level = 20
- # visibility_level (optional)
- # import_url (optional)
- # Example Request
- # POST /projects/user/:user_id
- post "user/:user_id" do
- authenticated_as_admin!
- user = User.find(params[:user_id])
- attrs = attributes_for_keys [:name,
- :description,
- :default_branch,
- :issues_enabled,
- :merge_requests_enabled,
- :wiki_enabled,
- :snippets_enabled,
- :public,
- :visibility_level,
- :import_url]
- attrs = map_public_to_visibility_level(attrs)
- @project =, attrs).execute
- if @project.saved?
- present @project, with: Entities::Project
- else
- render_validation_error!(@project)
- end
- end
- # Fork new project for the current user.
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # Example Request
- # POST /projects/fork/:id
- post 'fork/:id' do
- @forked_project =
- current_user).execute
- if @forked_project.errors.any?
- conflict!(@forked_project.errors.messages)
- else
- present @forked_project, with: Entities::Project
- end
- end
- # Update an existing project
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - the id of a project
- # name (optional) - name of a project
- # path (optional) - path of a project
- # description (optional) - short project description
- # issues_enabled (optional)
- # merge_requests_enabled (optional)
- # wiki_enabled (optional)
- # snippets_enabled (optional)
- # public (optional) - if true same as setting visibility_level = 20
- # visibility_level (optional) - visibility level of a project
- # Example Request
- # PUT /projects/:id
- put ':id' do
- attrs = attributes_for_keys [:name,
- :path,
- :description,
- :default_branch,
- :issues_enabled,
- :merge_requests_enabled,
- :wiki_enabled,
- :snippets_enabled,
- :public,
- :visibility_level]
- attrs = map_public_to_visibility_level(attrs)
- authorize_admin_project
- authorize! :rename_project, user_project if attrs[:name].present?
- if attrs[:visibility_level].present?
- authorize! :change_visibility_level, user_project
- end
- current_user, attrs).execute
- if user_project.errors.any?
- render_validation_error!(user_project)
- else
- present user_project, with: Entities::Project
- end
- end
- # Remove project
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # Example Request:
- # DELETE /projects/:id
- delete ":id" do
- authorize! :remove_project, user_project
-, current_user, {}).execute
- end
- # Mark this project as forked from another
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id: (required) - The ID of the project being marked as a fork
- # forked_from_id: (required) - The ID of the project it was forked from
- # Example Request:
- # POST /projects/:id/fork/:forked_from_id
- post ":id/fork/:forked_from_id" do
- authenticated_as_admin!
- forked_from_project = find_project(params[:forked_from_id])
- unless forked_from_project.nil?
- if user_project.forked_from_project.nil?
- user_project.create_forked_project_link(forked_to_project_id:, forked_from_project_id:
- else
- render_api_error!("Project already forked", 409)
- end
- else
- not_found!("Source Project")
- end
- end
- # Remove a forked_from relationship
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id: (required) - The ID of the project being marked as a fork
- # Example Request:
- # DELETE /projects/:id/fork
- delete ":id/fork" do
- authenticated_as_admin!
- unless user_project.forked_project_link.nil?
- user_project.forked_project_link.destroy
- end
- end
- # search for projects current_user has access to
- #
- # Parameters:
- # query (required) - A string contained in the project name
- # per_page (optional) - number of projects to return per page
- # page (optional) - the page to retrieve
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/search/:query
- get "/search/:query" do
- ids =
- visibility_levels = [ Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::INTERNAL, Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PUBLIC ]
- projects = Project.where("(id in (?) OR visibility_level in (?)) AND (name LIKE (?))", ids, visibility_levels, "%#{params[:query]}%")
- sort = params[:sort] == 'desc' ? 'desc' : 'asc'
- projects = case params["order_by"]
- when 'id' then projects.order("id #{sort}")
- when 'name' then projects.order("name #{sort}")
- when 'created_at' then projects.order("created_at #{sort}")
- when 'last_activity_at' then projects.order("last_activity_at #{sort}")
- else projects
- end
- present paginate(projects), with: Entities::Project
- end
- # Get a users list
- #
- # Example Request:
- # GET /users
- get ':id/users' do
- @users = User.where(id:
- @users =[:search]) if params[:search].present?
- @users = paginate @users
- present @users, with: Entities::UserBasic
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/api/repositories.rb b/lib/api/repositories.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fbf3dca3c6..00000000000
--- a/lib/api/repositories.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-require 'mime/types'
-module API
- # Projects API
- class Repositories < Grape::API
- before { authenticate! }
- before { authorize! :download_code, user_project }
- resource :projects do
- helpers do
- def handle_project_member_errors(errors)
- if errors[:project_access].any?
- error!(errors[:project_access], 422)
- end
- not_found!
- end
- end
- # Get a project repository tags
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/:id/repository/tags
- get ":id/repository/tags" do
- present user_project.repo.tags.sort_by(&:name).reverse,
- with: Entities::RepoTag, project: user_project
- end
- # Create tag
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # tag_name (required) - The name of the tag
- # ref (required) - Create tag from commit sha or branch
- # message (optional) - Specifying a message creates an annotated tag.
- # Example Request:
- # POST /projects/:id/repository/tags
- post ':id/repository/tags' do
- authorize_push_project
- message = params[:message] || nil
- result =, current_user).
- execute(params[:tag_name], params[:ref], message)
- if result[:status] == :success
- present result[:tag],
- with: Entities::RepoTag,
- project: user_project
- else
- render_api_error!(result[:message], 400)
- end
- end
- # Get a project repository tree
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # ref_name (optional) - The name of a repository branch or tag, if not given the default branch is used
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/:id/repository/tree
- get ':id/repository/tree' do
- ref = params[:ref_name] || user_project.try(:default_branch) || 'master'
- path = params[:path] || nil
- commit = user_project.repository.commit(ref)
- not_found!('Tree') unless commit
- tree = user_project.repository.tree(, path)
- present tree.sorted_entries, with: Entities::RepoTreeObject
- end
- # Get a raw file contents
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # sha (required) - The commit or branch name
- # filepath (required) - The path to the file to display
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/:id/repository/blobs/:sha
- get [ ":id/repository/blobs/:sha", ":id/repository/commits/:sha/blob" ] do
- required_attributes! [:filepath]
- ref = params[:sha]
- repo = user_project.repository
- commit = repo.commit(ref)
- not_found! "Commit" unless commit
- blob = Gitlab::Git::Blob.find(repo,, params[:filepath])
- not_found! "File" unless blob
- content_type 'text/plain'
- present
- end
- # Get a raw blob contents by blob sha
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # sha (required) - The blob's sha
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/:id/repository/raw_blobs/:sha
- get ':id/repository/raw_blobs/:sha' do
- ref = params[:sha]
- repo = user_project.repository
- begin
- blob = Gitlab::Git::Blob.raw(repo, ref)
- rescue
- not_found! 'Blob'
- end
- not_found! 'Blob' unless blob
- env['api.format'] = :txt
- content_type blob.mime_type
- present
- end
- # Get a an archive of the repository
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # sha (optional) - the commit sha to download defaults to the tip of the default branch
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/:id/repository/archive
- get ':id/repository/archive',
- requirements: { format: Gitlab::Regex.archive_formats_regex } do
- authorize! :download_code, user_project
- begin
- file_path =
- user_project,
- params[:sha],
- params[:format]
- ).execute
- rescue
- not_found!('File')
- end
- if file_path && File.exists?(file_path)
- data =, 'rb').read
- basename = File.basename(file_path)
- header['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename=\"#{basename}\""
- content_type MIME::Types.type_for(file_path).first.content_type
- env['api.format'] = :binary
- present data
- else
- redirect request.fullpath
- end
- end
- # Compare two branches, tags or commits
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # from (required) - the commit sha or branch name
- # to (required) - the commit sha or branch name
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/:id/repository/compare?from=master&to=feature
- get ':id/repository/compare' do
- authorize! :download_code, user_project
- required_attributes! [:from, :to]
- compare =, params[:from], params[:to])
- present compare, with: Entities::Compare
- end
- # Get repository contributors
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a project
- # Example Request:
- # GET /projects/:id/repository/contributors
- get ':id/repository/contributors' do
- authorize! :download_code, user_project
- begin
- present user_project.repository.contributors,
- with: Entities::Contributor
- rescue
- not_found!
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/api/services.rb b/lib/api/services.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ad59cf3adf..00000000000
--- a/lib/api/services.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-module API
- # Projects API
- class Services < Grape::API
- before { authenticate! }
- before { authorize_admin_project }
- resource :projects do
- # Set GitLab CI service for project
- #
- # Parameters:
- # token (required) - CI project token
- # project_url (required) - CI project url
- #
- # Example Request:
- # PUT /projects/:id/services/gitlab-ci
- put ":id/services/gitlab-ci" do
- required_attributes! [:token, :project_url]
- attrs = attributes_for_keys [:token, :project_url]
- user_project.build_missing_services
- if user_project.gitlab_ci_service.update_attributes(attrs.merge(active: true))
- true
- else
- not_found!
- end
- end
- # Delete GitLab CI service settings
- #
- # Example Request:
- # DELETE /projects/:id/services/gitlab-ci
- delete ":id/services/gitlab-ci" do
- if user_project.gitlab_ci_service
- user_project.gitlab_ci_service.update_attributes(
- active: false,
- token: nil,
- project_url: nil
- )
- end
- end
- # Set Hipchat service for project
- #
- # Parameters:
- # token (required) - Hipchat token
- # room (required) - Hipchat room name
- #
- # Example Request:
- # PUT /projects/:id/services/hipchat
- put ':id/services/hipchat' do
- required_attributes! [:token, :room]
- attrs = attributes_for_keys [:token, :room]
- user_project.build_missing_services
- if user_project.hipchat_service.update_attributes(
- attrs.merge(active: true))
- true
- else
- not_found!
- end
- end
- # Delete Hipchat service settings
- #
- # Example Request:
- # DELETE /projects/:id/services/hipchat
- delete ':id/services/hipchat' do
- if user_project.hipchat_service
- user_project.hipchat_service.update_attributes(
- active: false,
- token: nil,
- room: nil
- )
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/api/session.rb b/lib/api/session.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cc646895914..00000000000
--- a/lib/api/session.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-module API
- # Users API
- class Session < Grape::API
- # Login to get token
- #
- # Parameters:
- # login (*required) - user login
- # email (*required) - user email
- # password (required) - user password
- #
- # Example Request:
- # POST /session
- post "/session" do
- auth =
- user = auth.find(params[:email] || params[:login], params[:password])
- return unauthorized! unless user
- present user, with: Entities::UserLogin
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/api/system_hooks.rb b/lib/api/system_hooks.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 518964db50d..00000000000
--- a/lib/api/system_hooks.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-module API
- # Hooks API
- class SystemHooks < Grape::API
- before do
- authenticate!
- authenticated_as_admin!
- end
- resource :hooks do
- # Get the list of system hooks
- #
- # Example Request:
- # GET /hooks
- get do
- @hooks = SystemHook.all
- present @hooks, with: Entities::Hook
- end
- # Create new system hook
- #
- # Parameters:
- # url (required) - url for system hook
- # Example Request
- # POST /hooks
- post do
- attrs = attributes_for_keys [:url]
- required_attributes! [:url]
- @hook = attrs
- if
- present @hook, with: Entities::Hook
- else
- not_found!
- end
- end
- # Test a hook
- #
- # Example Request
- # GET /hooks/:id
- get ":id" do
- @hook = SystemHook.find(params[:id])
- data = {
- event_name: "project_create",
- name: "Ruby",
- path: "ruby",
- project_id: 1,
- owner_name: "Someone",
- owner_email: ""
- }
- @hook.execute(data)
- data
- end
- # Delete a hook. This is an idempotent function.
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - ID of the hook
- # Example Request:
- # DELETE /hooks/:id
- delete ":id" do
- begin
- @hook = SystemHook.find(params[:id])
- @hook.destroy
- rescue
- # SystemHook raises an Error if no hook with id found
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/api/users.rb b/lib/api/users.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 032a5d76e43..00000000000
--- a/lib/api/users.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-module API
- # Users API
- class Users < Grape::API
- before { authenticate! }
- resource :users do
- # Get a users list
- #
- # Example Request:
- # GET /users
- get do
- @users = User.all
- @users = if params[:active].present?
- @users =[:search]) if params[:search].present?
- @users = paginate @users
- if current_user.is_admin?
- present @users, with: Entities::UserFull
- else
- present @users, with: Entities::UserBasic
- end
- end
- # Get a single user
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a user
- # Example Request:
- # GET /users/:id
- get ":id" do
- @user = User.find(params[:id])
- if current_user.is_admin?
- present @user, with: Entities::UserFull
- else
- present @user, with: Entities::UserBasic
- end
- end
- # Create user. Available only for admin
- #
- # Parameters:
- # email (required) - Email
- # password (required) - Password
- # name (required) - Name
- # username (required) - Name
- # skype - Skype ID
- # linkedin - Linkedin
- # twitter - Twitter account
- # website_url - Website url
- # projects_limit - Number of projects user can create
- # extern_uid - External authentication provider UID
- # provider - External provider
- # bio - Bio
- # admin - User is admin - true or false (default)
- # can_create_group - User can create groups - true or false
- # confirm - Require user confirmation - true (default) or false
- # Example Request:
- # POST /users
- post do
- authenticated_as_admin!
- required_attributes! [:email, :password, :name, :username]
- attrs = attributes_for_keys [:email, :name, :password, :skype, :linkedin, :twitter, :projects_limit, :username, :bio, :can_create_group, :admin, :confirm]
- admin = attrs.delete(:admin)
- confirm = !(attrs.delete(:confirm) =~ (/(false|f|no|0)$/i))
- user = User.build_user(attrs)
- user.admin = admin unless admin.nil?
- user.skip_confirmation! unless confirm
- identity_attrs = attributes_for_keys [:provider, :extern_uid]
- if identity_attrs.any?
- end
- if
- present user, with: Entities::UserFull
- else
- conflict!('Email has already been taken') if User.
- where(email:
- count > 0
- conflict!('Username has already been taken') if User.
- where(username: user.username).
- count > 0
- render_validation_error!(user)
- end
- end
- # Update user. Available only for admin
- #
- # Parameters:
- # email - Email
- # name - Name
- # password - Password
- # skype - Skype ID
- # linkedin - Linkedin
- # twitter - Twitter account
- # website_url - Website url
- # projects_limit - Limit projects each user can create
- # bio - Bio
- # admin - User is admin - true or false (default)
- # can_create_group - User can create groups - true or false
- # Example Request:
- # PUT /users/:id
- put ":id" do
- authenticated_as_admin!
- attrs = attributes_for_keys [:email, :name, :password, :skype, :linkedin, :twitter, :website_url, :projects_limit, :username, :bio, :can_create_group, :admin]
- user = User.find(params[:id])
- not_found!('User') unless user
- admin = attrs.delete(:admin)
- user.admin = admin unless admin.nil?
- conflict!('Email has already been taken') if attrs[:email] &&
- User.where(email: attrs[:email]).
- where.not(id: > 0
- conflict!('Username has already been taken') if attrs[:username] &&
- User.where(username: attrs[:username]).
- where.not(id: > 0
- if user.update_attributes(attrs)
- present user, with: Entities::UserFull
- else
- render_validation_error!(user)
- end
- end
- # Add ssh key to a specified user. Only available to admin users.
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - The ID of a user
- # key (required) - New SSH Key
- # title (required) - New SSH Key's title
- # Example Request:
- # POST /users/:id/keys
- post ":id/keys" do
- authenticated_as_admin!
- required_attributes! [:title, :key]
- user = User.find(params[:id])
- attrs = attributes_for_keys [:title, :key]
- key = attrs
- if
- present key, with: Entities::SSHKey
- else
- render_validation_error!(key)
- end
- end
- # Get ssh keys of a specified user. Only available to admin users.
- #
- # Parameters:
- # uid (required) - The ID of a user
- # Example Request:
- # GET /users/:uid/keys
- get ':uid/keys' do
- authenticated_as_admin!
- user = User.find_by(id: params[:uid])
- not_found!('User') unless user
- present user.keys, with: Entities::SSHKey
- end
- # Delete existing ssh key of a specified user. Only available to admin
- # users.
- #
- # Parameters:
- # uid (required) - The ID of a user
- # id (required) - SSH Key ID
- # Example Request:
- # DELETE /users/:uid/keys/:id
- delete ':uid/keys/:id' do
- authenticated_as_admin!
- user = User.find_by(id: params[:uid])
- not_found!('User') unless user
- begin
- key = user.keys.find params[:id]
- key.destroy
- rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
- not_found!('Key')
- end
- end
- # Delete user. Available only for admin
- #
- # Example Request:
- # DELETE /users/:id
- delete ":id" do
- authenticated_as_admin!
- user = User.find_by(id: params[:id])
- if user
- user.destroy
- else
- not_found!('User')
- end
- end
- end
- resource :user do
- # Get currently authenticated user
- #
- # Example Request:
- # GET /user
- get do
- present @current_user, with: Entities::UserLogin
- end
- # Get currently authenticated user's keys
- #
- # Example Request:
- # GET /user/keys
- get "keys" do
- present current_user.keys, with: Entities::SSHKey
- end
- # Get single key owned by currently authenticated user
- #
- # Example Request:
- # GET /user/keys/:id
- get "keys/:id" do
- key = current_user.keys.find params[:id]
- present key, with: Entities::SSHKey
- end
- # Add new ssh key to currently authenticated user
- #
- # Parameters:
- # key (required) - New SSH Key
- # title (required) - New SSH Key's title
- # Example Request:
- # POST /user/keys
- post "keys" do
- required_attributes! [:title, :key]
- attrs = attributes_for_keys [:title, :key]
- key = attrs
- if
- present key, with: Entities::SSHKey
- else
- render_validation_error!(key)
- end
- end
- # Delete existing ssh key of currently authenticated user
- #
- # Parameters:
- # id (required) - SSH Key ID
- # Example Request:
- # DELETE /user/keys/:id
- delete "keys/:id" do
- begin
- key = current_user.keys.find params[:id]
- key.destroy
- rescue
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/assets/.gitkeep b/lib/assets/.gitkeep
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d..00000000000
--- a/lib/assets/.gitkeep
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/lib/backup/database.rb b/lib/backup/database.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ab6aca276d..00000000000
--- a/lib/backup/database.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-require 'yaml'
-module Backup
- class Database
- attr_reader :config, :db_dir
- def initialize
- @config = YAML.load_file(File.join(Rails.root,'config','database.yml'))[Rails.env]
- @db_dir = File.join(Gitlab.config.backup.path, 'db')
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(@db_dir) unless Dir.exists?(@db_dir)
- end
- def dump
- success = case config["adapter"]
- when /^mysql/ then
- $progress.print "Dumping MySQL database #{config['database']} ... "
- system('mysqldump', *mysql_args, config['database'], out: db_file_name)
- when "postgresql" then
- $progress.print "Dumping PostgreSQL database #{config['database']} ... "
- pg_env
- system('pg_dump', config['database'], out: db_file_name)
- end
- report_success(success)
- abort 'Backup failed' unless success
- end
- def restore
- success = case config["adapter"]
- when /^mysql/ then
- $progress.print "Restoring MySQL database #{config['database']} ... "
- system('mysql', *mysql_args, config['database'], in: db_file_name)
- when "postgresql" then
- $progress.print "Restoring PostgreSQL database #{config['database']} ... "
- # Drop all tables because PostgreSQL DB dumps do not contain DROP TABLE
- # statements like MySQL.
- Rake::Task["gitlab:db:drop_all_tables"].invoke
- Rake::Task["gitlab:db:drop_all_postgres_sequences"].invoke
- pg_env
- system('psql', config['database'], '-f', db_file_name)
- end
- report_success(success)
- abort 'Restore failed' unless success
- end
- protected
- def db_file_name
- File.join(db_dir, 'database.sql')
- end
- def mysql_args
- args = {
- 'host' => '--host',
- 'port' => '--port',
- 'socket' => '--socket',
- 'username' => '--user',
- 'encoding' => '--default-character-set',
- 'password' => '--password'
- }
- { |opt, arg| "#{arg}=#{config[opt]}" if config[opt] }.compact
- end
- def pg_env
- ENV['PGUSER'] = config["username"] if config["username"]
- ENV['PGHOST'] = config["host"] if config["host"]
- ENV['PGPORT'] = config["port"].to_s if config["port"]
- ENV['PGPASSWORD'] = config["password"].to_s if config["password"]
- end
- def report_success(success)
- if success
- $progress.puts '[DONE]'.green
- else
- $progress.puts '[FAILED]'.red
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/backup/manager.rb b/lib/backup/manager.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b69aebf9fe1..00000000000
--- a/lib/backup/manager.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-module Backup
- class Manager
- def pack
- # saving additional informations
- s = {}
- s[:db_version] = "#{ActiveRecord::Migrator.current_version}"
- s[:backup_created_at] =
- s[:gitlab_version] = Gitlab::VERSION
- s[:tar_version] = tar_version
- s[:skipped] = ENV["SKIP"]
- tar_file = "#{s[:backup_created_at].to_i}_gitlab_backup.tar"
- Dir.chdir(Gitlab.config.backup.path) do
- "w+") do |file|
- file << s.to_yaml.gsub(/^---\n/,'')
- end
- FileUtils.chmod(0700, folders_to_backup)
- # create archive
- $progress.print "Creating backup archive: #{tar_file} ... "
- orig_umask = File.umask(0077)
- if Kernel.system('tar', '-cf', tar_file, *backup_contents)
- $progress.puts "done".green
- else
- puts "creating archive #{tar_file} failed".red
- abort 'Backup failed'
- end
- File.umask(orig_umask)
- upload(tar_file)
- end
- end
- def upload(tar_file)
- remote_directory = Gitlab.config.backup.upload.remote_directory
- $progress.print "Uploading backup archive to remote storage #{remote_directory} ... "
- connection_settings = Gitlab.config.backup.upload.connection
- if connection_settings.blank?
- $progress.puts "skipped".yellow
- return
- end
- connection =
- directory = connection.directories.get(remote_directory)
- if directory.files.create(key: tar_file, body:, public: false)
- $progress.puts "done".green
- else
- puts "uploading backup to #{remote_directory} failed".red
- abort 'Backup failed'
- end
- end
- def cleanup
- $progress.print "Deleting tmp directories ... "
- backup_contents.each do |dir|
- next unless File.exist?(File.join(Gitlab.config.backup.path, dir))
- if FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join(Gitlab.config.backup.path, dir))
- $progress.puts "done".green
- else
- puts "deleting tmp directory '#{dir}' failed".red
- abort 'Backup failed'
- end
- end
- end
- def remove_old
- # delete backups
- $progress.print "Deleting old backups ... "
- keep_time = Gitlab.config.backup.keep_time.to_i
- if keep_time > 0
- removed = 0
- Dir.chdir(Gitlab.config.backup.path) do
- file_list = Dir.glob('*_gitlab_backup.tar')
-! { |f| $1.to_i if f =~ /(\d+)_gitlab_backup.tar/ }
- file_list.sort.each do |timestamp|
- if < ( - keep_time)
- if Kernel.system(*%W(rm #{timestamp}_gitlab_backup.tar))
- removed += 1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- $progress.puts "done. (#{removed} removed)".green
- else
- $progress.puts "skipping".yellow
- end
- end
- def unpack
- Dir.chdir(Gitlab.config.backup.path)
- # check for existing backups in the backup dir
- file_list = Dir.glob("*_gitlab_backup.tar") { |f| f.split(/_/).first.to_i }
- puts "no backups found" if file_list.count == 0
- if file_list.count > 1 && ENV["BACKUP"].nil?
- puts "Found more than one backup, please specify which one you want to restore:"
- puts "rake gitlab:backup:restore BACKUP=timestamp_of_backup"
- exit 1
- end
- tar_file = ENV["BACKUP"].nil? ? File.join("#{file_list.first}_gitlab_backup.tar") : File.join(ENV["BACKUP"] + "_gitlab_backup.tar")
- unless File.exists?(tar_file)
- puts "The specified backup doesn't exist!"
- exit 1
- end
- $progress.print "Unpacking backup ... "
- unless Kernel.system(*%W(tar -xf #{tar_file}))
- puts "unpacking backup failed".red
- exit 1
- else
- $progress.puts "done".green
- end
- ENV["VERSION"] = "#{settings[:db_version]}" if settings[:db_version].to_i > 0
- # restoring mismatching backups can lead to unexpected problems
- if settings[:gitlab_version] != Gitlab::VERSION
- puts "GitLab version mismatch:".red
- puts " Your current GitLab version (#{Gitlab::VERSION}) differs from the GitLab version in the backup!".red
- puts " Please switch to the following version and try again:".red
- puts " version: #{settings[:gitlab_version]}".red
- puts
- puts "Hint: git checkout v#{settings[:gitlab_version]}"
- exit 1
- end
- end
- def tar_version
- tar_version, _ = Gitlab::Popen.popen(%W(tar --version))
- tar_version.force_encoding('locale').split("\n").first
- end
- def skipped?(item)
- settings[:skipped] && settings[:skipped].include?(item)
- end
- private
- def backup_contents
- folders_to_backup + ["backup_information.yml"]
- end
- def folders_to_backup
- folders = %w{repositories db uploads}
- if ENV["SKIP"]
- return folders.reject{ |folder| ENV["SKIP"].include?(folder) }
- end
- folders
- end
- def settings
- @settings ||= YAML.load_file("backup_information.yml")
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/backup/repository.rb b/lib/backup/repository.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index dfb2da9f84e..00000000000
--- a/lib/backup/repository.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-require 'yaml'
-module Backup
- class Repository
- attr_reader :repos_path
- def dump
- prepare
- Project.find_each(batch_size: 1000) do |project|
- $progress.print " * #{project.path_with_namespace} ... "
- # Create namespace dir if missing
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(backup_repos_path, project.namespace.path)) if project.namespace
- if project.empty_repo?
- $progress.puts "[SKIPPED]".cyan
- else
- cmd = %W(tar -cf #{path_to_bundle(project)} -C #{path_to_repo(project)} .)
- output, status = Gitlab::Popen.popen(cmd)
- if
- $progress.puts "[DONE]".green
- else
- puts "[FAILED]".red
- puts "failed: #{cmd.join(' ')}"
- puts output
- abort 'Backup failed'
- end
- end
- wiki =
- if File.exists?(path_to_repo(wiki))
- $progress.print " * #{wiki.path_with_namespace} ... "
- if wiki.repository.empty?
- $progress.puts " [SKIPPED]".cyan
- else
- cmd = %W(git --git-dir=#{path_to_repo(wiki)} bundle create #{path_to_bundle(wiki)} --all)
- output, status = Gitlab::Popen.popen(cmd)
- if
- $progress.puts " [DONE]".green
- else
- puts " [FAILED]".red
- puts "failed: #{cmd.join(' ')}"
- abort 'Backup failed'
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def restore
- if File.exists?(repos_path)
- # Move repos dir to 'repositories.old' dir
- bk_repos_path = File.join(repos_path, '..', 'repositories.old.' +
-, bk_repos_path)
- end
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(repos_path)
- Project.find_each(batch_size: 1000) do |project|
- $progress.print " * #{project.path_with_namespace} ... "
- project.namespace.ensure_dir_exist if project.namespace
- if File.exists?(path_to_bundle(project))
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(path_to_repo(project))
- cmd = %W(tar -xf #{path_to_bundle(project)} -C #{path_to_repo(project)})
- else
- cmd = %W(git init --bare #{path_to_repo(project)})
- end
- if system(*cmd, silent)
- $progress.puts "[DONE]".green
- else
- puts "[FAILED]".red
- puts "failed: #{cmd.join(' ')}"
- abort 'Restore failed'
- end
- wiki =
- if File.exists?(path_to_bundle(wiki))
- $progress.print " * #{wiki.path_with_namespace} ... "
- # If a wiki bundle exists, first remove the empty repo
- # that was initialized with and then
- # try to restore with 'git clone --bare'.
- FileUtils.rm_rf(path_to_repo(wiki))
- cmd = %W(git clone --bare #{path_to_bundle(wiki)} #{path_to_repo(wiki)})
- if system(*cmd, silent)
- $progress.puts " [DONE]".green
- else
- puts " [FAILED]".red
- puts "failed: #{cmd.join(' ')}"
- abort 'Restore failed'
- end
- end
- end
- $progress.print 'Put GitLab hooks in repositories dirs'.yellow
- cmd = "#{Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.path}/bin/create-hooks"
- if system(cmd)
- $progress.puts " [DONE]".green
- else
- puts " [FAILED]".red
- puts "failed: #{cmd}"
- end
- end
- protected
- def path_to_repo(project)
- project.repository.path_to_repo
- end
- def path_to_bundle(project)
- File.join(backup_repos_path, project.path_with_namespace + ".bundle")
- end
- def repos_path
- Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.repos_path
- end
- def backup_repos_path
- File.join(Gitlab.config.backup.path, "repositories")
- end
- def prepare
- FileUtils.rm_rf(backup_repos_path)
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(backup_repos_path)
- end
- def silent
- {err: '/dev/null', out: '/dev/null'}
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/backup/uploads.rb b/lib/backup/uploads.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e50e1ff4f13..00000000000
--- a/lib/backup/uploads.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-module Backup
- class Uploads
- attr_reader :app_uploads_dir, :backup_uploads_dir, :backup_dir
- def initialize
- @app_uploads_dir = File.realpath(Rails.root.join('public', 'uploads'))
- @backup_dir = Gitlab.config.backup.path
- @backup_uploads_dir = File.join(Gitlab.config.backup.path, 'uploads')
- end
- # Copy uploads from public/uploads to backup/uploads
- def dump
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(backup_uploads_dir)
- FileUtils.cp_r(app_uploads_dir, backup_dir)
- end
- def restore
- backup_existing_uploads_dir
- FileUtils.cp_r(backup_uploads_dir, app_uploads_dir)
- end
- def backup_existing_uploads_dir
- timestamped_uploads_path = File.join(app_uploads_dir, '..', "uploads.#{}")
- if File.exists?(app_uploads_dir)
-, timestamped_uploads_path)
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/disable_email_interceptor.rb b/lib/disable_email_interceptor.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b80be112a4..00000000000
--- a/lib/disable_email_interceptor.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# Read about interceptors in
-class DisableEmailInterceptor
- def self.delivering_email(message)
- message.perform_deliveries = false
- "Emails disabled! Interceptor prevented sending mail #{message.subject}"
- end
diff --git a/lib/email_validator.rb b/lib/email_validator.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f509f0a5843..00000000000
--- a/lib/email_validator.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Based on
-# Extended to use only strict mode with following allowed characters:
-# ' - apostrophe
-# See
-class EmailValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
- @@default_options = {}
- def self.default_options
- @@default_options
- end
- def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
- options = @@default_options.merge(self.options)
- unless value =~ /\A\s*([-a-z0-9+._']{1,64})@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\s*\z/i
- record.errors.add(attribute, options[:message] || :invalid)
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/event_filter.rb b/lib/event_filter.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 163937c02cf..00000000000
--- a/lib/event_filter.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-class EventFilter
- attr_accessor :params
- class << self
- def default_filter
- %w{ push issues merge_requests team}
- end
- def push
- 'push'
- end
- def merged
- 'merged'
- end
- def comments
- 'comments'
- end
- def team
- 'team'
- end
- end
- def initialize(params)
- @params = if params
- params.dup
- else
- []#EventFilter.default_filter
- end
- end
- def apply_filter(events)
- return events unless params.present?
- filter = params.dup
- actions = []
- actions << Event::PUSHED if filter.include? 'push'
- actions << Event::MERGED if filter.include? 'merged'
- if filter.include? 'team'
- actions << Event::JOINED
- actions << Event::LEFT
- end
- actions << Event::COMMENTED if filter.include? 'comments'
- events = events.where(action: actions)
- end
- def options(key)
- filter = params.dup
- if filter.include? key
- filter.delete key
- else
- filter << key
- end
- filter
- end
- def active?(key)
- params.include? key
- end
diff --git a/lib/extracts_path.rb b/lib/extracts_path.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e4ed01e079..00000000000
--- a/lib/extracts_path.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-# Module providing methods for dealing with separating a tree-ish string and a
-# file path string when combined in a request parameter
-module ExtractsPath
- # Raised when given an invalid file path
- class InvalidPathError < StandardError; end
- # Given a string containing both a Git tree-ish, such as a branch or tag, and
- # a filesystem path joined by forward slashes, attempts to separate the two.
- #
- # Expects a @project instance variable to contain the active project. This is
- # used to check the input against a list of valid repository refs.
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # # No @project available
- # extract_ref('master')
- # # => ['', '']
- #
- # extract_ref('master')
- # # => ['master', '']
- #
- # extract_ref("f4b14494ef6abf3d144c28e4af0c20143383e062/CHANGELOG")
- # # => ['f4b14494ef6abf3d144c28e4af0c20143383e062', 'CHANGELOG']
- #
- # extract_ref("v2.0.0/")
- # # => ['v2.0.0', '']
- #
- # extract_ref('master/app/models/project.rb')
- # # => ['master', 'app/models/project.rb']
- #
- # extract_ref('issues/1234/app/models/project.rb')
- # # => ['issues/1234', 'app/models/project.rb']
- #
- # # Given an invalid branch, we fall back to just splitting on the first slash
- # extract_ref('non/existent/branch/')
- # # => ['non', 'existent/branch/']
- #
- # Returns an Array where the first value is the tree-ish and the second is the
- # path
- def extract_ref(id)
- pair = ['', '']
- return pair unless @project
- if id.match(/^([[:alnum:]]{40})(.+)/)
- # If the ref appears to be a SHA, we're done, just split the string
- pair = $~.captures
- else
- # Otherwise, attempt to detect the ref using a list of the project's
- # branches and tags
- # Append a trailing slash if we only get a ref and no file path
- id += '/' unless id.ends_with?('/')
- valid_refs = @project.repository.ref_names
-! { |v| id.start_with?("#{v}/") }
- if valid_refs.length != 1
- # No exact ref match, so just try our best
- pair = id.match(/([^\/]+)(.*)/).captures
- else
- # Partition the string into the ref and the path, ignoring the empty first value
- pair = id.partition(valid_refs.first)[1..-1]
- end
- end
- # Remove ending slashes from path
- pair[1].gsub!(/^\/|\/$/, '')
- pair
- end
- # Assigns common instance variables for views working with Git tree-ish objects
- #
- # Assignments are:
- #
- # - @id - A string representing the joined ref and path
- # - @ref - A string representing the ref (e.g., the branch, tag, or commit SHA)
- # - @path - A string representing the filesystem path
- # - @commit - A Commit representing the commit from the given ref
- #
- # If the :id parameter appears to be requesting a specific response format,
- # that will be handled as well.
- #
- # Automatically renders `not_found!` if a valid tree path could not be
- # resolved (e.g., when a user inserts an invalid path or ref).
- def assign_ref_vars
- # assign allowed options
- allowed_options = ["filter_ref", "extended_sha1"]
- @options = {|key, value| allowed_options.include?(key) && !value.blank? }
- @options =
- @id = get_id
- @ref, @path = extract_ref(@id)
- @repo = @project.repository
- if @options[:extended_sha1].blank?
- @commit = @repo.commit(@ref)
- else
- @commit = @repo.commit(@options[:extended_sha1])
- end
- raise InvalidPathError unless @commit
- @hex_path = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(@path)
- @logs_path = logs_file_namespace_project_ref_path(@project.namespace,
- @project, @ref, @path)
- rescue RuntimeError, NoMethodError, InvalidPathError
- not_found!
- end
- def tree
- @tree ||= @repo.tree(, @path)
- end
- private
- def get_id
- id = params[:id] || params[:ref]
- id += "/" + params[:path] unless params[:path].blank?
- id
- end
diff --git a/lib/file_size_validator.rb b/lib/file_size_validator.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2eae55e534b..00000000000
--- a/lib/file_size_validator.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-class FileSizeValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
- MESSAGES = { is: :wrong_size, minimum: :size_too_small, maximum: :size_too_big }.freeze
- CHECKS = { is: :==, minimum: :>=, maximum: :<= }.freeze
- DEFAULT_TOKENIZER = lambda { |value| value.split(//) }
- RESERVED_OPTIONS = [:minimum, :maximum, :within, :is, :tokenizer, :too_short, :too_long]
- def initialize(options)
- if range = (options.delete(:in) || options.delete(:within))
- raise ArgumentError, ":in and :within must be a Range" unless range.is_a?(Range)
- options[:minimum], options[:maximum] = range.begin, range.end
- options[:maximum] -= 1 if range.exclude_end?
- end
- super
- end
- def check_validity!
- keys = CHECKS.keys & options.keys
- if keys.empty?
- raise ArgumentError, 'Range unspecified. Specify the :within, :maximum, :minimum, or :is option.'
- end
- keys.each do |key|
- value = options[key]
- unless (value.is_a?(Integer) && value >= 0) || value.is_a?(Symbol)
- raise ArgumentError, ":#{key} must be a nonnegative Integer or symbol"
- end
- end
- end
- def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
- raise(ArgumentError, "A CarrierWave::Uploader::Base object was expected") unless value.kind_of? CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
- value = (options[:tokenizer] || DEFAULT_TOKENIZER).call(value) if value.kind_of?(String)
- CHECKS.each do |key, validity_check|
- next unless check_value = options[key]
- check_value =
- case check_value
- when Integer
- check_value
- when Symbol
- record.send(check_value)
- end
- value ||= [] if key == :maximum
- value_size = value.size
- next if value_size.send(validity_check, check_value)
- errors_options = options.except(*RESERVED_OPTIONS)
- errors_options[:file_size] = help.number_to_human_size check_value
- default_message = options[MESSAGES[key]]
- errors_options[:message] ||= default_message if default_message
- record.errors.add(attribute, MESSAGES[key], errors_options)
- end
- end
- def help
- Helper.instance
- end
- class Helper
- include Singleton
- include ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab.rb b/lib/gitlab.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fc1862c3e9..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-require 'gitlab/git'
-module Gitlab
- autoload :Satellite, 'gitlab/satellite/satellite'
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/access.rb b/lib/gitlab/access.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 424541b4a04..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/access.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# Gitlab::Access module
-# Define allowed roles that can be used
-# in GitLab code to determine authorization level
-module Gitlab
- module Access
- GUEST = 10
- MASTER = 40
- OWNER = 50
- # Branch protection settings
- class << self
- def values
- options.values
- end
- def all_values
- options_with_owner.values
- end
- def options
- {
- "Guest" => GUEST,
- "Reporter" => REPORTER,
- "Developer" => DEVELOPER,
- "Master" => MASTER,
- }
- end
- def options_with_owner
- options.merge(
- "Owner" => OWNER
- )
- end
- def sym_options
- {
- guest: GUEST,
- reporter: REPORTER,
- developer: DEVELOPER,
- master: MASTER,
- }
- end
- def protection_options
- {
- "Not protected, developers and masters can (force) push and delete the branch" => PROTECTION_NONE,
- "Partially protected, developers can also push but prevent all force pushes and deletion" => PROTECTION_DEV_CAN_PUSH,
- "Fully protected, only masters can push and prevent all force pushes and deletion" => PROTECTION_FULL,
- }
- end
- def protection_values
- protection_options.values
- end
- end
- def human_access
- Gitlab::Access.options_with_owner.key(access_field)
- end
- def owner?
- access_field == OWNER
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/app_logger.rb b/lib/gitlab/app_logger.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index dddcb2538f9..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/app_logger.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- class AppLogger < Gitlab::Logger
- def self.file_name_noext
- 'application'
- end
- def format_message(severity, timestamp, progname, msg)
- "#{timestamp.to_s(:long)}: #{msg}\n"
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/auth.rb b/lib/gitlab/auth.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 30509528b8b..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/auth.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- class Auth
- def find(login, password)
- user = User.by_login(login)
- # If no user is found, or it's an LDAP server, try LDAP.
- # LDAP users are only authenticated via LDAP
- if user.nil? || user.ldap_user?
- # Second chance - try LDAP authentication
- return nil unless Gitlab::LDAP::Config.enabled?
- Gitlab::LDAP::Authentication.login(login, password)
- else
- user if user.valid_password?(password)
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/backend/grack_auth.rb b/lib/gitlab/backend/grack_auth.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 050b5ba29dd..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/backend/grack_auth.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-require_relative 'rack_attack_helpers'
-require_relative 'shell_env'
-module Grack
- class Auth < Rack::Auth::Basic
- attr_accessor :user, :project, :env
- def call(env)
- @env = env
- @request =
- @auth =
- @gitlab_ci = false
- # Need this patch due to the rails mount
- # Need this if under RELATIVE_URL_ROOT
- unless Gitlab.config.gitlab.relative_url_root.empty?
- # If website is mounted using relative_url_root need to remove it first
- @env['PATH_INFO'] = @request.path.sub(Gitlab.config.gitlab.relative_url_root,'')
- else
- @env['PATH_INFO'] = @request.path
- end
- @env['SCRIPT_NAME'] = ""
- auth!
- if project && authorized_request?
- elsif @user.nil? && !@gitlab_ci
- unauthorized
- else
- render_not_found
- end
- end
- private
- def auth!
- return unless @auth.provided?
- return bad_request unless @auth.basic?
- # Authentication with username and password
- login, password = @auth.credentials
- # Allow authentication for GitLab CI service
- # if valid token passed
- if gitlab_ci_request?(login, password)
- @gitlab_ci = true
- return
- end
- @user = authenticate_user(login, password)
- if @user
- Gitlab::ShellEnv.set_env(@user)
- @env['REMOTE_USER'] = @auth.username
- end
- end
- def gitlab_ci_request?(login, password)
- if login == "gitlab-ci-token" && project && project.gitlab_ci?
- token = project.gitlab_ci_service.token
- if token.present? && token == password && git_cmd == 'git-upload-pack'
- return true
- end
- end
- false
- end
- def oauth_access_token_check(login, password)
- if login == "oauth2" && git_cmd == 'git-upload-pack' && password.present?
- token = Doorkeeper::AccessToken.by_token(password)
- token && token.accessible? && User.find_by(id: token.resource_owner_id)
- end
- end
- def authenticate_user(login, password)
- user =, password)
- unless user
- user = oauth_access_token_check(login, password)
- end
- # If the user authenticated successfully, we reset the auth failure count
- # from Rack::Attack for that IP. A client may attempt to authenticate
- # with a username and blank password first, and only after it receives
- # a 401 error does it present a password. Resetting the count prevents
- # false positives from occurring.
- #
- # Otherwise, we let Rack::Attack know there was a failed authentication
- # attempt from this IP. This information is stored in the Rails cache
- # (Redis) and will be used by the Rack::Attack middleware to decide
- # whether to block requests from this IP.
- config = Gitlab.config.rack_attack.git_basic_auth
- if config.enabled
- if user
- # A successful login will reset the auth failure count from this IP
- Rack::Attack::Allow2Ban.reset(@request.ip, config)
- else
- banned = Rack::Attack::Allow2Ban.filter(@request.ip, config) do
- # Unless the IP is whitelisted, return true so that Allow2Ban
- # increments the counter (stored in Rails.cache) for the IP
- if config.ip_whitelist.include?(@request.ip)
- false
- else
- true
- end
- end
- if banned
- "IP #{@request.ip} failed to login " \
- "as #{login} but has been temporarily banned from Git auth"
- end
- end
- end
- user
- end
- def authorized_request?
- return true if @gitlab_ci
- case git_cmd
- when *Gitlab::GitAccess::DOWNLOAD_COMMANDS
- if user
-, project).download_access_check.allowed?
- elsif project.public?
- # Allow clone/fetch for public projects
- true
- else
- false
- end
- when *Gitlab::GitAccess::PUSH_COMMANDS
- if user
- # Skip user authorization on upload request.
- # It will be done by the pre-receive hook in the repository.
- true
- else
- false
- end
- else
- false
- end
- end
- def git_cmd
- if @request.get?
- @request.params['service']
- elsif
- File.basename(@request.path)
- else
- nil
- end
- end
- def project
- return @project if defined?(@project)
- @project = project_by_path(@request.path_info)
- end
- def project_by_path(path)
- if m = /^([\w\.\/-]+)\.git/.match(path).to_a
- path_with_namespace = m.last
- path_with_namespace.gsub!(/\.wiki$/, '')
- path_with_namespace[0] = '' if path_with_namespace.start_with?('/')
- Project.find_with_namespace(path_with_namespace)
- end
- end
- def render_not_found
- [404, { "Content-Type" => "text/plain" }, ["Not Found"]]
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/backend/rack_attack_helpers.rb b/lib/gitlab/backend/rack_attack_helpers.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8538f3f6eca..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/backend/rack_attack_helpers.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# rack-attack v4.2.0 doesn't yet support clearing of keys.
-# Taken from
-class Rack::Attack::Allow2Ban
- def self.reset(discriminator, options)
- findtime = options[:findtime] or raise ArgumentError, "Must pass findtime option"
- cache.reset_count("#{key_prefix}:count:#{discriminator}", findtime)
- cache.delete("#{key_prefix}:ban:#{discriminator}")
- end
-class Rack::Attack::Cache
- def reset_count(unprefixed_key, period)
- epoch_time =
- # Add 1 to expires_in to avoid timing error:
- expires_in = period - (epoch_time % period) + 1
- key = "#{(epoch_time / period).to_i}:#{unprefixed_key}"
- delete(key)
- end
- def delete(unprefixed_key)
- store.delete("#{prefix}:#{unprefixed_key}")
- end
-class Rack::Attack::StoreProxy::RedisStoreProxy
- def delete(key, options={})
- self.del(key)
- rescue Redis::BaseError
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/backend/shell.rb b/lib/gitlab/backend/shell.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 530f9d93de4..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/backend/shell.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- class Shell
- class AccessDenied < StandardError; end
- class KeyAdder <
- def add_key(id, key)
- io.puts("#{id}\t#{key.strip}")
- end
- end
- class << self
- def version_required
- @version_required ||=
- join('GITLAB_SHELL_VERSION')).strip
- end
- end
- # Init new repository
- #
- # name - project path with namespace
- #
- # Ex.
- # add_repository("gitlab/gitlab-ci")
- #
- def add_repository(name)
- Gitlab::Utils.system_silent([gitlab_shell_projects_path,
- 'add-project', "#{name}.git"])
- end
- # Import repository
- #
- # name - project path with namespace
- #
- # Ex.
- # import_repository("gitlab/gitlab-ci", "")
- #
- def import_repository(name, url)
- Gitlab::Utils.system_silent([gitlab_shell_projects_path, 'import-project',
- "#{name}.git", url, '240'])
- end
- # Move repository
- #
- # path - project path with namespace
- # new_path - new project path with namespace
- #
- # Ex.
- # mv_repository("gitlab/gitlab-ci", "randx/gitlab-ci-new.git")
- #
- def mv_repository(path, new_path)
- Gitlab::Utils.system_silent([gitlab_shell_projects_path, 'mv-project',
- "#{path}.git", "#{new_path}.git"])
- end
- # Update HEAD for repository
- #
- # path - project path with namespace
- # branch - repository branch name
- #
- # Ex.
- # update_repository_head("gitlab/gitlab-ci", "3-1-stable")
- #
- def update_repository_head(path, branch)
- Gitlab::Utils.system_silent([gitlab_shell_projects_path, 'update-head',
- "#{path}.git", branch])
- end
- # Fork repository to new namespace
- #
- # path - project path with namespace
- # fork_namespace - namespace for forked project
- #
- # Ex.
- # fork_repository("gitlab/gitlab-ci", "randx")
- #
- def fork_repository(path, fork_namespace)
- Gitlab::Utils.system_silent([gitlab_shell_projects_path, 'fork-project',
- "#{path}.git", fork_namespace])
- end
- # Remove repository from file system
- #
- # name - project path with namespace
- #
- # Ex.
- # remove_repository("gitlab/gitlab-ci")
- #
- def remove_repository(name)
- Gitlab::Utils.system_silent([gitlab_shell_projects_path,
- 'rm-project', "#{name}.git"])
- end
- # Add repository branch from passed ref
- #
- # path - project path with namespace
- # branch_name - new branch name
- # ref - HEAD for new branch
- #
- # Ex.
- # add_branch("gitlab/gitlab-ci", "4-0-stable", "master")
- #
- def add_branch(path, branch_name, ref)
- Gitlab::Utils.system_silent([gitlab_shell_projects_path, 'create-branch',
- "#{path}.git", branch_name, ref])
- end
- # Remove repository branch
- #
- # path - project path with namespace
- # branch_name - branch name to remove
- #
- # Ex.
- # rm_branch("gitlab/gitlab-ci", "4-0-stable")
- #
- def rm_branch(path, branch_name)
- Gitlab::Utils.system_silent([gitlab_shell_projects_path, 'rm-branch',
- "#{path}.git", branch_name])
- end
- # Add repository tag from passed ref
- #
- # path - project path with namespace
- # tag_name - new tag name
- # ref - HEAD for new tag
- # message - optional message for tag (annotated tag)
- #
- # Ex.
- # add_tag("gitlab/gitlab-ci", "v4.0", "master")
- # add_tag("gitlab/gitlab-ci", "v4.0", "master", "message")
- #
- def add_tag(path, tag_name, ref, message = nil)
- cmd = %W(#{gitlab_shell_path}/bin/gitlab-projects create-tag #{path}.git
- #{tag_name} #{ref})
- cmd << message unless message.nil? || message.empty?
- Gitlab::Utils.system_silent(cmd)
- end
- # Remove repository tag
- #
- # path - project path with namespace
- # tag_name - tag name to remove
- #
- # Ex.
- # rm_tag("gitlab/gitlab-ci", "v4.0")
- #
- def rm_tag(path, tag_name)
- Gitlab::Utils.system_silent([gitlab_shell_projects_path, 'rm-tag',
- "#{path}.git", tag_name])
- end
- # Add new key to gitlab-shell
- #
- # Ex.
- # add_key("key-42", "sha-rsa ...")
- #
- def add_key(key_id, key_content)
- Gitlab::Utils.system_silent([gitlab_shell_keys_path,
- 'add-key', key_id, key_content])
- end
- # Batch-add keys to authorized_keys
- #
- # Ex.
- # batch_add_keys { |adder| adder.add_key("key-42", "sha-rsa ...") }
- def batch_add_keys(&block)
- IO.popen(%W(#{gitlab_shell_path}/bin/gitlab-keys batch-add-keys), 'w') do |io|
- end
- end
- # Remove ssh key from gitlab shell
- #
- # Ex.
- # remove_key("key-342", "sha-rsa ...")
- #
- def remove_key(key_id, key_content)
- Gitlab::Utils.system_silent([gitlab_shell_keys_path,
- 'rm-key', key_id, key_content])
- end
- # Remove all ssh keys from gitlab shell
- #
- # Ex.
- # remove_all_keys
- #
- def remove_all_keys
- Gitlab::Utils.system_silent([gitlab_shell_keys_path, 'clear'])
- end
- # Add empty directory for storing repositories
- #
- # Ex.
- # add_namespace("gitlab")
- #
- def add_namespace(name)
- FileUtils.mkdir(full_path(name), mode: 0770) unless exists?(name)
- end
- # Remove directory from repositories storage
- # Every repository inside this directory will be removed too
- #
- # Ex.
- # rm_namespace("gitlab")
- #
- def rm_namespace(name)
- FileUtils.rm_r(full_path(name), force: true)
- end
- # Move namespace directory inside repositories storage
- #
- # Ex.
- # mv_namespace("gitlab", "gitlabhq")
- #
- def mv_namespace(old_name, new_name)
- return false if exists?(new_name) || !exists?(old_name)
-, full_path(new_name))
- end
- # Remove GitLab Satellites for provided path (namespace or repo dir)
- #
- # Ex.
- # rm_satellites("gitlab")
- #
- # rm_satellites("gitlab/gitlab-ci.git")
- #
- def rm_satellites(path)
- raise"Path can't be blank") if path.blank?
- satellites_path = File.join(Gitlab.config.satellites.path, path)
- FileUtils.rm_r(satellites_path, force: true)
- end
- def url_to_repo(path)
- Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.ssh_path_prefix + "#{path}.git"
- end
- # Return GitLab shell version
- def version
- gitlab_shell_version_file = "#{gitlab_shell_path}/VERSION"
- if File.readable?(gitlab_shell_version_file)
- end
- end
- protected
- def gitlab_shell_path
- Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.path
- end
- def gitlab_shell_user_home
- File.expand_path("~#{Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.ssh_user}")
- end
- def repos_path
- Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.repos_path
- end
- def full_path(dir_name)
- raise"Directory name can't be blank") if dir_name.blank?
- File.join(repos_path, dir_name)
- end
- def exists?(dir_name)
- File.exists?(full_path(dir_name))
- end
- def gitlab_shell_projects_path
- File.join(gitlab_shell_path, 'bin', 'gitlab-projects')
- end
- def gitlab_shell_keys_path
- File.join(gitlab_shell_path, 'bin', 'gitlab-keys')
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/backend/shell_adapter.rb b/lib/gitlab/backend/shell_adapter.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index fbe2a7a0d72..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/backend/shell_adapter.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# == GitLab Shell mixin
-# Provide a shortcut to Gitlab::Shell instance by gitlab_shell
-module Gitlab
- module ShellAdapter
- def gitlab_shell
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/backend/shell_env.rb b/lib/gitlab/backend/shell_env.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 044afb27f3f..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/backend/shell_env.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- # This module provide 2 methods
- # to set specific ENV variables for GitLab Shell
- module ShellEnv
- extend self
- def set_env(user)
- # Set GL_ID env variable
- ENV['GL_ID'] = "user-#{}"
- end
- def reset_env
- # Reset GL_ID env variable
- ENV['GL_ID'] = nil
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/bitbucket_import.rb b/lib/gitlab/bitbucket_import.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7298152e7e9..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/bitbucket_import.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module BitbucketImport
- mattr_accessor :public_key
- @public_key = nil
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/bitbucket_import/client.rb b/lib/gitlab/bitbucket_import/client.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b1952b9675..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/bitbucket_import/client.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module BitbucketImport
- class Client
- attr_reader :consumer, :api
- def initialize(access_token = nil, access_token_secret = nil)
- @consumer =
- config.app_id,
- config.app_secret,
- bitbucket_options
- )
- if access_token && access_token_secret
- @api =, access_token, access_token_secret)
- end
- end
- def request_token(redirect_uri)
- request_token = consumer.get_request_token(oauth_callback: redirect_uri)
- {
- oauth_token: request_token.token,
- oauth_token_secret: request_token.secret,
- oauth_callback_confirmed: request_token.callback_confirmed?.to_s
- }
- end
- def authorize_url(request_token, redirect_uri)
- request_token = ::OAuth::RequestToken.from_hash(consumer, request_token) if request_token.is_a?(Hash)
- if request_token.callback_confirmed?
- request_token.authorize_url
- else
- request_token.authorize_url(oauth_callback: redirect_uri)
- end
- end
- def get_token(request_token, oauth_verifier, redirect_uri)
- request_token = ::OAuth::RequestToken.from_hash(consumer, request_token) if request_token.is_a?(Hash)
- if request_token.callback_confirmed?
- request_token.get_access_token(oauth_verifier: oauth_verifier)
- else
- request_token.get_access_token(oauth_callback: redirect_uri)
- end
- end
- def user
- JSON.parse(api.get("/api/1.0/user").body)
- end
- def issues(project_identifier)
- JSON.parse(api.get("/api/1.0/repositories/#{project_identifier}/issues").body)
- end
- def issue_comments(project_identifier, issue_id)
- JSON.parse(api.get("/api/1.0/repositories/#{project_identifier}/issues/#{issue_id}/comments").body)
- end
- def project(project_identifier)
- JSON.parse(api.get("/api/1.0/repositories/#{project_identifier}").body)
- end
- def find_deploy_key(project_identifier, key)
- JSON.parse(api.get("/api/1.0/repositories/#{project_identifier}/deploy-keys").body).find do |deploy_key|
- deploy_key["key"].chomp == key.chomp
- end
- end
- def add_deploy_key(project_identifier, key)
- deploy_key = find_deploy_key(project_identifier, key)
- return if deploy_key
- JSON.parse("/api/1.0/repositories/#{project_identifier}/deploy-keys", key: key, label: "GitLab import key").body)
- end
- def delete_deploy_key(project_identifier, key)
- deploy_key = find_deploy_key(project_identifier, key)
- return unless deploy_key
- api.delete("/api/1.0/repositories/#{project_identifier}/deploy-keys/#{deploy_key["pk"]}").code == "204"
- end
- def projects
- JSON.parse(api.get("/api/1.0/user/repositories").body).select { |repo| repo["scm"] == "git" }
- end
- private
- def config
- Gitlab.config.omniauth.providers.find { |provider| == "bitbucket"}
- end
- def bitbucket_options
- OmniAuth::Strategies::Bitbucket.default_options[:client_options].symbolize_keys
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/bitbucket_import/importer.rb b/lib/gitlab/bitbucket_import/importer.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 42c93707caa..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/bitbucket_import/importer.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module BitbucketImport
- class Importer
- attr_reader :project, :client
- def initialize(project)
- @project = project
- @client =, project.creator.bitbucket_access_token_secret)
- @formatter =
- end
- def execute
- project_identifier = project.import_source
- return true unless client.project(project_identifier)["has_issues"]
- #Issues && Comments
- issues = client.issues(project_identifier)
- issues["issues"].each do |issue|
- body = @formatter.author_line(issue["reported_by"]["username"], issue["content"])
- comments = client.issue_comments(project_identifier, issue["local_id"])
- if comments.any?
- body += @formatter.comments_header
- end
- comments.each do |comment|
- body += @formatter.comment(comment["author_info"]["username"], comment["utc_created_on"], comment["content"])
- end
- project.issues.create!(
- description: body,
- title: issue["title"],
- state: %w(resolved invalid duplicate wontfix).include?(issue["status"]) ? 'closed' : 'opened',
- author_id: gl_user_id(project, issue["reported_by"]["username"])
- )
- end
- true
- end
- private
- def gl_user_id(project, bitbucket_id)
- user = User.joins(:identities).find_by("identities.extern_uid = ? AND identities.provider = 'bitbucket'", bitbucket_id.to_s)
- (user && || project.creator_id
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/bitbucket_import/key_adder.rb b/lib/gitlab/bitbucket_import/key_adder.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9931aa7e029..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/bitbucket_import/key_adder.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module BitbucketImport
- class KeyAdder
- attr_reader :repo, :current_user, :client
- def initialize(repo, current_user)
- @repo, @current_user = repo, current_user
- @client =, current_user.bitbucket_access_token_secret)
- end
- def execute
- return false unless BitbucketImport.public_key.present?
- project_identifier = "#{repo["owner"]}/#{repo["slug"]}"
- client.add_deploy_key(project_identifier, BitbucketImport.public_key)
- true
- rescue
- false
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/bitbucket_import/key_deleter.rb b/lib/gitlab/bitbucket_import/key_deleter.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a24a86fc37..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/bitbucket_import/key_deleter.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module BitbucketImport
- class KeyDeleter
- attr_reader :project, :current_user, :client
- def initialize(project)
- @project = project
- @current_user = project.creator
- @client =, current_user.bitbucket_access_token_secret)
- end
- def execute
- return false unless BitbucketImport.public_key.present?
- client.delete_deploy_key(project.import_source, BitbucketImport.public_key)
- true
- rescue
- false
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/bitbucket_import/project_creator.rb b/lib/gitlab/bitbucket_import/project_creator.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 54420e62c90..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/bitbucket_import/project_creator.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module BitbucketImport
- class ProjectCreator
- attr_reader :repo, :namespace, :current_user
- def initialize(repo, namespace, current_user)
- @repo = repo
- @namespace = namespace
- @current_user = current_user
- end
- def execute
- name: repo["name"],
- path: repo["slug"],
- description: repo["description"],
- namespace_id:,
- visibility_level: repo["is_private"] ? Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PRIVATE : Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PUBLIC,
- import_type: "bitbucket",
- import_source: "#{repo["owner"]}/#{repo["slug"]}",
- import_url: "ssh://{repo["owner"]}/#{repo["slug"]}.git"
- ).execute
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/blacklist.rb b/lib/gitlab/blacklist.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 43145e0ee1b..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/blacklist.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module Blacklist
- extend self
- def path
- %w(
- admin
- dashboard
- files
- groups
- help
- profile
- projects
- search
- public
- assets
- u
- s
- teams
- merge_requests
- issues
- users
- snippets
- services
- repository
- hooks
- notes
- unsubscribes
- all
- ci
- )
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/closing_issue_extractor.rb b/lib/gitlab/closing_issue_extractor.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ab184d95c05..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/closing_issue_extractor.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- class ClosingIssueExtractor
- def initialize(project, current_user = nil)
- @extractor =, current_user)
- end
- def closed_by_message(message)
- return [] if message.nil?
- closing_statements = message.scan(ISSUE_CLOSING_REGEX).
- map { |ref| ref[0] }.join(" ")
- @extractor.analyze(closing_statements)
- @extractor.issues
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/compare_result.rb b/lib/gitlab/compare_result.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d72391dade5..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/compare_result.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- class CompareResult
- attr_reader :commits, :diffs
- def initialize(compare)
- @commits, @diffs = compare.commits, compare.diffs
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/config_helper.rb b/lib/gitlab/config_helper.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 41880069e4c..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/config_helper.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab::ConfigHelper
- def gitlab_config_features
- Gitlab.config.gitlab.default_projects_features
- end
- def gitlab_config
- Gitlab.config.gitlab
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/contributions_calendar.rb b/lib/gitlab/contributions_calendar.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fd0823df06..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/contributions_calendar.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- class ContributionsCalendar
- attr_reader :timestamps, :projects, :user
- def initialize(projects, user)
- @projects = projects
- @user = user
- end
- def timestamps
- return @timestamps if @timestamps.present?
- @timestamps = {}
- date_from = 1.year.ago
- date_to =
- events = Event.reorder(nil).contributions.where(author_id:
- where("created_at > ?", date_from).where(project_id: projects).
- group('date(created_at)').
- select('date(created_at), count(id) as total_amount').
- map(&:attributes)
- dates = (1.year.ago.to_date..( +
- dates.each do |date|
- date_id = date.to_time.to_i.to_s
- @timestamps[date_id] = 0
- day_events = events.find { |day_events| day_events["date"] == date }
- if day_events
- @timestamps[date_id] = day_events["total_amount"]
- end
- end
- @timestamps
- end
- def events_by_date(date)
- events = Event.contributions.where(author_id:
- where("created_at > ? AND created_at < ?", date.beginning_of_day, date.end_of_day).
- where(project_id: projects)
- do |event|
- event.push? || event.issue? || event.merge_request?
- end
- end
- def starting_year
- ( - 1.year).strftime("%Y")
- end
- def starting_month
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/contributor.rb b/lib/gitlab/contributor.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c41e92b620f..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/contributor.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- class Contributor
- attr_accessor :email, :name, :commits, :additions, :deletions
- def initialize
- @commits, @additions, @deletions = 0, 0, 0
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/current_settings.rb b/lib/gitlab/current_settings.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d8f696d247b..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/current_settings.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module CurrentSettings
- def current_application_settings
- key = :current_application_settings
-[key] ||= begin
- if ActiveRecord::Base.connected? && ActiveRecord::Base.connection.table_exists?('application_settings')
- ApplicationSetting.current || ApplicationSetting.create_from_defaults
- else
- fake_application_settings
- end
- end
- end
- def fake_application_settings
- default_projects_limit: Settings.gitlab['default_projects_limit'],
- default_branch_protection: Settings.gitlab['default_branch_protection'],
- signup_enabled: Settings.gitlab['signup_enabled'],
- signin_enabled: Settings.gitlab['signin_enabled'],
- gravatar_enabled: Settings.gravatar['enabled'],
- sign_in_text: Settings.extra['sign_in_text'],
- restricted_visibility_levels: Settings.gitlab['restricted_visibility_levels'],
- max_attachment_size: Settings.gitlab['max_attachment_size']
- )
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/diff/file.rb b/lib/gitlab/diff/file.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4daf65331e8..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/diff/file.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module Diff
- class File
- attr_reader :diff
- delegate :new_file, :deleted_file, :renamed_file,
- :old_path, :new_path, to: :diff, prefix: false
- def initialize(diff)
- @diff = diff
- end
- # Array of Gitlab::DIff::Line objects
- def diff_lines
- @lines ||= parser.parse(raw_diff.lines)
- end
- def mode_changed?
- !!(diff.a_mode && diff.b_mode && diff.a_mode != diff.b_mode)
- end
- def parser
- end
- def raw_diff
- diff.diff.to_s
- end
- def next_line(index)
- diff_lines[index + 1]
- end
- def prev_line(index)
- if index > 0
- diff_lines[index - 1]
- end
- end
- def file_path
- if diff.new_path.present?
- diff.new_path
- elsif diff.old_path.present?
- diff.old_path
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/diff/line.rb b/lib/gitlab/diff/line.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ac1b15e88a..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/diff/line.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module Diff
- class Line
- attr_reader :type, :text, :index, :old_pos, :new_pos
- def initialize(text, type, index, old_pos, new_pos)
- @text, @type, @index = text, type, index
- @old_pos, @new_pos = old_pos, new_pos
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/diff/line_code.rb b/lib/gitlab/diff/line_code.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f3578ab3d35..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/diff/line_code.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module Diff
- class LineCode
- def self.generate(file_path, new_line_position, old_line_position)
- "#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(file_path)}_#{old_line_position}_#{new_line_position}"
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/diff/parser.rb b/lib/gitlab/diff/parser.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c1d9520ddf1..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/diff/parser.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module Diff
- class Parser
- include Enumerable
- def parse(lines)
- @lines = lines
- lines_obj = []
- line_obj_index = 0
- line_old = 1
- line_new = 1
- type = nil
- lines_arr = ::Gitlab::InlineDiff.processing lines
- lines_arr.each do |line|
- raw_line = line.dup
- next if filename?(line)
- full_line = html_escape(line.gsub(/\n/, ''))
- full_line = ::Gitlab::InlineDiff.replace_markers full_line
- if line.match(/^@@ -/)
- type = "match"
- line_old = line.match(/\-[0-9]*/)[0].to_i.abs rescue 0
- line_new = line.match(/\+[0-9]*/)[0].to_i.abs rescue 0
- next if line_old <= 1 && line_new <= 1 #top of file
- lines_obj <<, type, line_obj_index, line_old, line_new)
- line_obj_index += 1
- next
- else
- type = identification_type(line)
- lines_obj <<, type, line_obj_index, line_old, line_new)
- line_obj_index += 1
- end
- if line[0] == "+"
- line_new += 1
- elsif line[0] == "-"
- line_old += 1
- else
- line_new += 1
- line_old += 1
- end
- end
- lines_obj
- end
- def empty?
- @lines.empty?
- end
- private
- def filename?(line)
- line.start_with?('--- /dev/null', '+++ /dev/null', '--- a', '+++ b',
- '--- /tmp/diffy', '+++ /tmp/diffy')
- end
- def identification_type(line)
- if line[0] == "+"
- "new"
- elsif line[0] == "-"
- "old"
- else
- nil
- end
- end
- def html_escape(str)
- replacements = { '&' => '&amp;', '>' => '&gt;', '<' => '&lt;', '"' => '&quot;', "'" => '&#39;' }
- str.gsub(/[&"'><]/, replacements)
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/force_push_check.rb b/lib/gitlab/force_push_check.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index fdb6a35c78d..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/force_push_check.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- class ForcePushCheck
- def self.force_push?(project, oldrev, newrev)
- return false if project.empty_repo?
- # Created or deleted branch
- if Gitlab::Git.blank_ref?(oldrev) || Gitlab::Git.blank_ref?(newrev)
- false
- else
- missed_refs, _ = Gitlab::Popen.popen(%W(git --git-dir=#{project.repository.path_to_repo} rev-list #{oldrev} ^#{newrev}))
- missed_refs.split("\n").size > 0
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/git.rb b/lib/gitlab/git.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c350d7c675..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/git.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module Git
- BLANK_SHA = '0' * 40
- TAG_REF_PREFIX = "refs/tags/"
- BRANCH_REF_PREFIX = "refs/heads/"
- class << self
- def ref_name(ref)
- ref.gsub(/\Arefs\/(tags|heads)\//, '')
- end
- def tag_ref?(ref)
- ref.start_with?(TAG_REF_PREFIX)
- end
- def branch_ref?(ref)
- ref.start_with?(BRANCH_REF_PREFIX)
- end
- def blank_ref?(ref)
- ref == BLANK_SHA
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/git_access.rb b/lib/gitlab/git_access.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index bc72b7528d5..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/git_access.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- class GitAccess
- DOWNLOAD_COMMANDS = %w{ git-upload-pack git-upload-archive }
- PUSH_COMMANDS = %w{ git-receive-pack }
- attr_reader :actor, :project
- def initialize(actor, project)
- @actor = actor
- @project = project
- end
- def user
- return @user if defined?(@user)
- @user =
- case actor
- when User
- actor
- when DeployKey
- nil
- when Key
- actor.user
- end
- end
- def deploy_key
- actor if actor.is_a?(DeployKey)
- end
- def can_push_to_branch?(ref)
- return false unless user
- if project.protected_branch?(ref) &&
- !(project.developers_can_push_to_protected_branch?(ref) &&
- user.can?(:push_code_to_protected_branches, project)
- else
- user.can?(:push_code, project)
- end
- end
- def can_read_project?
- if user
- user.can?(:read_project, project)
- elsif deploy_key
- deploy_key.projects.include?(project)
- else
- false
- end
- end
- def check(cmd, changes = nil)
- case cmd
- download_access_check
- push_access_check(changes)
- else
- build_status_object(false, "Wrong command")
- end
- end
- def download_access_check
- if user
- user_download_access_check
- elsif deploy_key
- deploy_key_download_access_check
- else
- raise 'Wrong actor'
- end
- end
- def push_access_check(changes)
- if user
- user_push_access_check(changes)
- elsif deploy_key
- build_status_object(false, "Deploy key not allowed to push")
- else
- raise 'Wrong actor'
- end
- end
- def user_download_access_check
- if user && user_allowed? && user.can?(:download_code, project)
- build_status_object(true)
- else
- build_status_object(false, "You don't have access")
- end
- end
- def deploy_key_download_access_check
- if can_read_project?
- build_status_object(true)
- else
- build_status_object(false, "Deploy key not allowed to access this project")
- end
- end
- def user_push_access_check(changes)
- unless user && user_allowed?
- return build_status_object(false, "You don't have access")
- end
- if changes.blank?
- return build_status_object(true)
- end
- unless project.repository.exists?
- return build_status_object(false, "Repository does not exist")
- end
- changes = changes.lines if changes.kind_of?(String)
- # Iterate over all changes to find if user allowed all of them to be applied
- do |change|
- status = change_access_check(change)
- unless status.allowed?
- # If user does not have access to make at least one change - cancel all push
- return status
- end
- end
- build_status_object(true)
- end
- def change_access_check(change)
- oldrev, newrev, ref = change.split(' ')
- action =
- if project.protected_branch?(branch_name(ref))
- protected_branch_action(oldrev, newrev, branch_name(ref))
- elsif protected_tag?(tag_name(ref))
- # Prevent any changes to existing git tag unless user has permissions
- :admin_project
- else
- :push_code
- end
- if user.can?(action, project)
- build_status_object(true)
- else
- build_status_object(false, "You don't have permission")
- end
- end
- def forced_push?(oldrev, newrev)
- Gitlab::ForcePushCheck.force_push?(project, oldrev, newrev)
- end
- private
- def protected_branch_action(oldrev, newrev, branch_name)
- # we dont allow force push to protected branch
- if forced_push?(oldrev, newrev)
- :force_push_code_to_protected_branches
- elsif Gitlab::Git.blank_ref?(newrev)
- # and we dont allow remove of protected branch
- :remove_protected_branches
- elsif project.developers_can_push_to_protected_branch?(branch_name)
- :push_code
- else
- :push_code_to_protected_branches
- end
- end
- def protected_tag?(tag_name)
- project.repository.tag_names.include?(tag_name)
- end
- def user_allowed?
- Gitlab::UserAccess.allowed?(user)
- end
- def branch_name(ref)
- ref = ref.to_s
- if Gitlab::Git.branch_ref?(ref)
- Gitlab::Git.ref_name(ref)
- else
- nil
- end
- end
- def tag_name(ref)
- ref = ref.to_s
- if Gitlab::Git.tag_ref?(ref)
- Gitlab::Git.ref_name(ref)
- else
- nil
- end
- end
- protected
- def build_status_object(status, message = '')
-, message)
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/git_access_status.rb b/lib/gitlab/git_access_status.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a806ff6e0d..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/git_access_status.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- class GitAccessStatus
- attr_accessor :status, :message
- alias_method :allowed?, :status
- def initialize(status, message = '')
- @status = status
- @message = message
- end
- def to_json
- { status: @status, message: @message }.to_json
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/git_access_wiki.rb b/lib/gitlab/git_access_wiki.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 73d99b96202..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/git_access_wiki.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- class GitAccessWiki < GitAccess
- def change_access_check(change)
- if user.can?(:write_wiki, project)
- build_status_object(true)
- else
- build_status_object(false, "You don't have access")
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/git_logger.rb b/lib/gitlab/git_logger.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e02ccc0f44..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/git_logger.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- class GitLogger < Gitlab::Logger
- def self.file_name_noext
- 'githost'
- end
- def format_message(severity, timestamp, progname, msg)
- "#{timestamp.to_s(:long)} -> #{severity} -> #{msg}\n"
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/git_ref_validator.rb b/lib/gitlab/git_ref_validator.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 39d17def930..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/git_ref_validator.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module GitRefValidator
- extend self
- # Validates a given name against the git reference specification
- #
- # Returns true for a valid reference name, false otherwise
- def validate(ref_name)
- Gitlab::Utils.system_silent(
- %W(git check-ref-format refs/#{ref_name}))
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/github_import/client.rb b/lib/gitlab/github_import/client.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 270cbcd9ccd..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/github_import/client.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module GithubImport
- class Client
- attr_reader :client, :api
- def initialize(access_token)
- @client =
- config.app_id,
- config.app_secret,
- github_options
- )
- if access_token
- ::Octokit.auto_paginate = true
- @api = access_token)
- end
- end
- def authorize_url(redirect_uri)
- client.auth_code.authorize_url({
- redirect_uri: redirect_uri,
- scope: "repo, user, user:email"
- })
- end
- def get_token(code)
- client.auth_code.get_token(code).token
- end
- def method_missing(method, *args, &block)
- if api.respond_to?(method)
- api.send(method, *args, &block)
- else
- super(method, *args, &block)
- end
- end
- def respond_to?(method)
- api.respond_to?(method) || super
- end
- private
- def config
- Gitlab.config.omniauth.providers.find{|provider| == "github"}
- end
- def github_options
- OmniAuth::Strategies::GitHub.default_options[:client_options].symbolize_keys
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/github_import/importer.rb b/lib/gitlab/github_import/importer.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 23832b3233c..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/github_import/importer.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module GithubImport
- class Importer
- attr_reader :project, :client
- def initialize(project)
- @project = project
- @client =
- @formatter =
- end
- def execute
- #Issues && Comments
- client.list_issues(project.import_source, state: :all).each do |issue|
- if issue.pull_request.nil?
- body = @formatter.author_line(issue.user.login, issue.body)
- if issue.comments > 0
- body += @formatter.comments_header
- client.issue_comments(project.import_source, issue.number).each do |c|
- body += @formatter.comment(c.user.login, c.created_at, c.body)
- end
- end
- project.issues.create!(
- description: body,
- title: issue.title,
- state: issue.state == 'closed' ? 'closed' : 'opened',
- author_id: gl_user_id(project,
- )
- end
- end
- end
- private
- def gl_user_id(project, github_id)
- user = User.joins(:identities).
- find_by("identities.extern_uid = ? AND identities.provider = 'github'", github_id.to_s)
- (user && || project.creator_id
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/github_import/project_creator.rb b/lib/gitlab/github_import/project_creator.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2723eec933e..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/github_import/project_creator.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module GithubImport
- class ProjectCreator
- attr_reader :repo, :namespace, :current_user
- def initialize(repo, namespace, current_user)
- @repo = repo
- @namespace = namespace
- @current_user = current_user
- end
- def execute
- name:,
- path:,
- description: repo.description,
- namespace_id:,
- visibility_level: repo.private ? Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PRIVATE : Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PUBLIC,
- import_type: "github",
- import_source: repo.full_name,
- import_url: repo.clone_url.sub("https://", "https://#{current_user.github_access_token}@")
- ).execute
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/gitlab_import/client.rb b/lib/gitlab/gitlab_import/client.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c00896c913..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/gitlab_import/client.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module GitlabImport
- class Client
- attr_reader :client, :api
- PER_PAGE = 100
- def initialize(access_token)
- @client =
- config.app_id,
- config.app_secret,
- gitlab_options
- )
- if access_token
- @api = OAuth2::AccessToken.from_hash(@client, access_token: access_token)
- end
- end
- def authorize_url(redirect_uri)
- client.auth_code.authorize_url({
- redirect_uri: redirect_uri,
- scope: "api"
- })
- end
- def get_token(code, redirect_uri)
- client.auth_code.get_token(code, redirect_uri: redirect_uri).token
- end
- def user
- api.get("/api/v3/user").parsed
- end
- def issues(project_identifier)
- lazy_page_iterator(PER_PAGE) do |page|
- api.get("/api/v3/projects/#{project_identifier}/issues?per_page=#{PER_PAGE}&page=#{page}").parsed
- end
- end
- def issue_comments(project_identifier, issue_id)
- lazy_page_iterator(PER_PAGE) do |page|
- api.get("/api/v3/projects/#{project_identifier}/issues/#{issue_id}/notes?per_page=#{PER_PAGE}&page=#{page}").parsed
- end
- end
- def project(id)
- api.get("/api/v3/projects/#{id}").parsed
- end
- def projects
- lazy_page_iterator(PER_PAGE) do |page|
- api.get("/api/v3/projects?per_page=#{PER_PAGE}&page=#{page}").parsed
- end
- end
- private
- def lazy_page_iterator(per_page)
- do |y|
- page = 1
- loop do
- items = yield(page)
- items.each do |item|
- y << item
- end
- break if items.empty? || items.size < per_page
- page += 1
- end
- end
- end
- def config
- Gitlab.config.omniauth.providers.find{|provider| == "gitlab"}
- end
- def gitlab_options
- OmniAuth::Strategies::GitLab.default_options[:client_options].symbolize_keys
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/gitlab_import/importer.rb b/lib/gitlab/gitlab_import/importer.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c5304a0699b..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/gitlab_import/importer.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module GitlabImport
- class Importer
- attr_reader :project, :client
- def initialize(project)
- @project = project
- @client =
- @formatter =
- end
- def execute
- project_identifier = URI.encode(project.import_source, '/')
- #Issues && Comments
- issues = client.issues(project_identifier)
- issues.each do |issue|
- body = @formatter.author_line(issue["author"]["name"], issue["description"])
- comments = client.issue_comments(project_identifier, issue["id"])
- if comments.any?
- body += @formatter.comments_header
- end
- comments.each do |comment|
- body += @formatter.comment(comment["author"]["name"], comment["created_at"], comment["body"])
- end
- project.issues.create!(
- description: body,
- title: issue["title"],
- state: issue["state"],
- author_id: gl_user_id(project, issue["author"]["id"])
- )
- end
- true
- end
- private
- def gl_user_id(project, gitlab_id)
- user = User.joins(:identities).find_by("identities.extern_uid = ? AND identities.provider = 'gitlab'", gitlab_id.to_s)
- (user && || project.creator_id
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/gitlab_import/project_creator.rb b/lib/gitlab/gitlab_import/project_creator.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f0d7141bf56..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/gitlab_import/project_creator.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module GitlabImport
- class ProjectCreator
- attr_reader :repo, :namespace, :current_user
- def initialize(repo, namespace, current_user)
- @repo = repo
- @namespace = namespace
- @current_user = current_user
- end
- def execute
- name: repo["name"],
- path: repo["path"],
- description: repo["description"],
- namespace_id:,
- visibility_level: repo["visibility_level"],
- import_type: "gitlab",
- import_source: repo["path_with_namespace"],
- import_url: repo["http_url_to_repo"].sub("://", "://oauth2:#{current_user.gitlab_access_token}@")
- ).execute
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/gitorious_import/client.rb b/lib/gitlab/gitorious_import/client.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cdc3d4afae..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/gitorious_import/client.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module GitoriousImport
- class Client
- attr_reader :repo_list
- def initialize(repo_list)
- @repo_list = repo_list
- end
- def authorize_url(redirect_uri)
- "#{GITORIOUS_HOST}/gitlab-import?callback_url=#{redirect_uri}"
- end
- def repos
- @repos ||= { |full_name| }
- end
- def repo(id)
- repos.find { |repo| == id }
- end
- private
- def repo_names
- repo_list.to_s.split(',').map(&:strip).reject(&:blank?)
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/gitorious_import/project_creator.rb b/lib/gitlab/gitorious_import/project_creator.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cc9a91c91f4..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/gitorious_import/project_creator.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module GitoriousImport
- class ProjectCreator
- attr_reader :repo, :namespace, :current_user
- def initialize(repo, namespace, current_user)
- @repo = repo
- @namespace = namespace
- @current_user = current_user
- end
- def execute
- name:,
- path: repo.path,
- description: repo.description,
- namespace_id:,
- visibility_level: Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PUBLIC,
- import_type: "gitorious",
- import_source: repo.full_name,
- import_url: repo.import_url
- ).execute
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/gitorious_import/repository.rb b/lib/gitlab/gitorious_import/repository.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f702797dc6e..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/gitorious_import/repository.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module GitoriousImport
- Repository = do
- def id
- Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(full_name)
- end
- def namespace
- segments.first
- end
- def path
- segments.last
- end
- def name
- path.titleize
- end
- def description
- ""
- end
- def import_url
- "#{GITORIOUS_HOST}/#{full_name}.git"
- end
- private
- def segments
- full_name.split('/')
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/google_code_import/client.rb b/lib/gitlab/google_code_import/client.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 02f31e45f88..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/google_code_import/client.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module GoogleCodeImport
- class Client
- attr_reader :raw_data
- def self.mask_email(author)
- parts = author.split("@", 2)
- parts[0] = "#{parts[0][0...-3]}..."
- parts.join("@")
- end
- def initialize(raw_data)
- @raw_data = raw_data
- end
- def valid?
- raw_data.is_a?(Hash) && raw_data["kind"] == "projecthosting#user" && raw_data.has_key?("projects")
- end
- def repos
- @repos ||= raw_data["projects"].map { |raw_repo| }.select(&:git?)
- end
- def repo(id)
- repos.find { |repo| == id }
- end
- def user_map
- user_map = { |hash, user| hash[user] = self.class.mask_email(user) }
- repos.each do |repo|
- next unless repo.valid? && repo.issues
- repo.issues.each do |raw_issue|
- # Touching is enough to add the entry and masked email.
- user_map[raw_issue["author"]["name"]]
- raw_issue["comments"]["items"].each do |raw_comment|
- user_map[raw_comment["author"]["name"]]
- end
- end
- end
- Hash[user_map.sort]
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/google_code_import/repository.rb b/lib/gitlab/google_code_import/repository.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ad33fc2cad2..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/google_code_import/repository.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module GoogleCodeImport
- class Repository
- attr_accessor :raw_data
- def initialize(raw_data)
- @raw_data = raw_data
- end
- def valid?
- raw_data.is_a?(Hash) && raw_data["kind"] == "projecthosting#project"
- end
- def id
- raw_data["externalId"]
- end
- def name
- raw_data["name"]
- end
- def summary
- raw_data["summary"]
- end
- def description
- raw_data["description"]
- end
- def git?
- raw_data["versionControlSystem"] == "git"
- end
- def import_url
- raw_data["repositoryUrls"].first
- end
- def issues
- raw_data["issues"] && raw_data["issues"]["items"]
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/graphs/commits.rb b/lib/gitlab/graphs/commits.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2122339d2db..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/graphs/commits.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module Graphs
- class Commits
- attr_reader :commits, :start_date, :end_date, :duration,
- :commits_per_week_days, :commits_per_time, :commits_per_month
- def initialize(commits)
- @commits = commits
- @start_date = commits.last.committed_date.to_date
- @end_date = commits.first.committed_date.to_date
- @duration = (@end_date - @start_date).to_i
- collect_data
- end
- def authors
- @authors ||=
- end
- def commit_per_day
- @commit_per_day ||= (@commits.size.to_f / @duration).round(1)
- end
- def collect_data
- @commits_per_week_days = {}
- Date::DAYNAMES.each { |day| @commits_per_week_days[day] = 0 }
- @commits_per_time = {}
- (0..23).to_a.each { |hour| @commits_per_time[hour] = 0 }
- @commits_per_month = {}
- (1..31).to_a.each { |day| @commits_per_month[day] = 0 }
- @commits.each do |commit|
- hour = commit.committed_date.strftime('%k').to_i
- day_of_month = commit.committed_date.strftime('%e').to_i
- weekday = commit.committed_date.strftime('%A')
- @commits_per_week_days[weekday] ||= 0
- @commits_per_week_days[weekday] += 1
- @commits_per_time[hour] ||= 0
- @commits_per_time[hour] += 1
- @commits_per_month[day_of_month] ||= 0
- @commits_per_month[day_of_month] += 1
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/identifier.rb b/lib/gitlab/identifier.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e4de197eeb..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/identifier.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Detect user based on identifier like
-# key-13 or user-36 or last commit
-module Gitlab
- module Identifier
- def identify(identifier, project, newrev)
- if identifier.blank?
- # Local push from gitlab
- email = project.repository.commit(newrev).author_email rescue nil
- User.find_by(email: email) if email
- elsif identifier =~ /\Auser-\d+\Z/
- # git push over http
- user_id = identifier.gsub("user-", "")
- User.find_by(id: user_id)
- elsif identifier =~ /\Akey-\d+\Z/
- # git push over ssh
- key_id = identifier.gsub("key-", "")
- Key.find_by(id: key_id).try(:user)
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/import_formatter.rb b/lib/gitlab/import_formatter.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 72e041a90b1..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/import_formatter.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- class ImportFormatter
- def comment(author, date, body)
- "\n\n*By #{author} on #{date}*\n\n#{body}"
- end
- def comments_header
- "\n\n\n**Imported comments:**\n"
- end
- def author_line(author, body)
- "*Created by: #{author}*\n\n#{body}"
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/inline_diff.rb b/lib/gitlab/inline_diff.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3517ecdf5cf..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/inline_diff.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- class InlineDiff
- class << self
- START = "#!idiff-start!#"
- FINISH = "#!idiff-finish!#"
- def processing(diff_arr)
- indexes = _indexes_of_changed_lines diff_arr
- indexes.each do |index|
- first_line = diff_arr[index+1]
- second_line = diff_arr[index+2]
- max_length = [first_line.size, second_line.size].max
- # Skip inline diff if empty line was replaced with content
- next if first_line == "-\n"
- first_the_same_symbols = 0
- (0..max_length + 1).each do |i|
- first_the_same_symbols = i - 1
- if first_line[i] != second_line[i] && i > 0
- break
- end
- end
- first_token = first_line[0..first_the_same_symbols][1..-1]
- start = first_token + START
- if first_token.empty?
- # In case if we remove string of spaces in commit
- diff_arr[index+1].sub!("-", "-" => "-#{START}")
- diff_arr[index+2].sub!("+", "+" => "+#{START}")
- else
- diff_arr[index+1].sub!(first_token, first_token => start)
- diff_arr[index+2].sub!(first_token, first_token => start)
- end
- last_the_same_symbols = 0
- (1..max_length + 1).each do |i|
- last_the_same_symbols = -i
- shortest_line = second_line.size > first_line.size ? first_line : second_line
- if ( first_line[-i] != second_line[-i] ) || "#{first_token}#{START}".size == shortest_line[1..-i].size
- break
- end
- end
- last_the_same_symbols += 1
- last_token = first_line[last_the_same_symbols..-1]
- diff_arr[index+1].sub!(/#{Regexp.escape(last_token)}$/, FINISH + last_token)
- diff_arr[index+2].sub!(/#{Regexp.escape(last_token)}$/, FINISH + last_token)
- end
- diff_arr
- end
- def _indexes_of_changed_lines(diff_arr)
- chain_of_first_symbols = ""
- diff_arr.each_with_index do |line, i|
- chain_of_first_symbols += line[0]
- end
- chain_of_first_symbols.gsub!(/[^\-\+]/, "#")
- offset = 0
- indexes = []
- while index = chain_of_first_symbols.index("#-+#", offset)
- indexes << index
- offset = index + 1
- end
- indexes
- end
- def replace_markers(line)
- line.gsub!(START, "<span class='idiff'>")
- line.gsub!(FINISH, "</span>")
- line
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/issues_labels.rb b/lib/gitlab/issues_labels.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bec6088292..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/issues_labels.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- class IssuesLabels
- class << self
- def generate(project)
- red = '#d9534f'
- yellow = '#f0ad4e'
- blue = '#428bca'
- green = '#5cb85c'
- labels = [
- { title: "bug", color: red },
- { title: "critical", color: red },
- { title: "confirmed", color: red },
- { title: "documentation", color: yellow },
- { title: "support", color: yellow },
- { title: "discussion", color: blue },
- { title: "suggestion", color: blue },
- { title: "enhancement", color: green }
- ]
- labels.each do |label|
- project.labels.create(label)
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/key_fingerprint.rb b/lib/gitlab/key_fingerprint.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index baf52ff750d..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/key_fingerprint.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- class KeyFingerprint
- include Gitlab::Popen
- attr_accessor :key
- def initialize(key)
- @key = key
- end
- def fingerprint
- cmd_status = 0
- cmd_output = ''
-'gitlab_key_file') do |file|
- file.puts key
- file.rewind
- cmd = []
- cmd.push *%W(ssh-keygen)
- cmd.push *%W(-E md5) if explicit_fingerprint_algorithm?
- cmd.push *%W(-lf #{file.path})
- cmd_output, cmd_status = popen(cmd, '/tmp')
- end
- return nil unless
- # 16 hex bytes separated by ':', optionally starting with "MD5:"
- fingerprint_matches = cmd_output.match(/(MD5:)?(?<fingerprint>(\h{2}:){15}\h{2})/)
- return nil unless fingerprint_matches
- fingerprint_matches[:fingerprint]
- end
- private
- def explicit_fingerprint_algorithm?
- # OpenSSH 6.8 introduces a new default output format for fingerprints.
- # Check the version and decide which command to use.
- version_output, version_status = popen(%W(ssh -V))
- return false unless
- version_matches = version_output.match(/OpenSSH_(?<major>\d+)\.(?<minor>\d+)/)
- return false unless version_matches
- version_info =[:major].to_i, version_matches[:minor].to_i)
- required_version_info =, 8)
- version_info >= required_version_info
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/ldap/access.rb b/lib/gitlab/ldap/access.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 960fb3849b4..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/ldap/access.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-# LDAP authorization model
-# * Check if we are allowed access (not blocked)
-module Gitlab
- module LDAP
- class Access
- attr_reader :adapter, :provider, :user
- def, &block)
- do |adapter|
-, adapter))
- end
- end
- def self.allowed?(user)
- do |access|
- if access.allowed?
- user.last_credential_check_at =
- true
- else
- false
- end
- end
- end
- def initialize(user, adapter=nil)
- @adapter = adapter
- @user = user
- @provider = user.ldap_identity.provider
- end
- def allowed?
- if Gitlab::LDAP::Person.find_by_dn(user.ldap_identity.extern_uid, adapter)
- return true unless ldap_config.active_directory
- # Block user in GitLab if he/she was blocked in AD
- if Gitlab::LDAP::Person.disabled_via_active_directory?(user.ldap_identity.extern_uid, adapter)
- user.block unless user.blocked?
- false
- else
- user.activate if user.blocked?
- true
- end
- else
- false
- end
- rescue
- false
- end
- def adapter
- @adapter ||=
- end
- def ldap_config
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/ldap/adapter.rb b/lib/gitlab/ldap/adapter.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 577a890a7d9..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/ldap/adapter.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module LDAP
- class Adapter
- attr_reader :provider, :ldap
- def, &block)
- do |ldap|
-, ldap))
- end
- end
- def self.config(provider)
- end
- def initialize(provider, ldap=nil)
- @provider = provider
- @ldap = ldap ||
- end
- def config
- end
- def users(field, value, limit = nil)
- if field.to_sym == :dn
- options = {
- base: value,
- scope: Net::LDAP::SearchScope_BaseObject
- }
- else
- options = {
- base: config.base,
- filter: Net::LDAP::Filter.eq(field, value)
- }
- end
- if config.user_filter.present?
- user_filter = Net::LDAP::Filter.construct(config.user_filter)
- options[:filter] = if options[:filter]
- Net::LDAP::Filter.join(options[:filter], user_filter)
- else
- user_filter
- end
- end
- if limit.present?
- options.merge!(size: limit)
- end
- entries = ldap_search(options).select do |entry|
- entry.respond_to? config.uid
- end
- do |entry|
-, provider)
- end
- end
- def user(*args)
- users(*args).first
- end
- def dn_matches_filter?(dn, filter)
- ldap_search(base: dn,
- filter: filter,
- scope: Net::LDAP::SearchScope_BaseObject,
- attributes: %w{dn}).any?
- end
- def ldap_search(*args)
- results =*args)
- if results.nil?
- response = ldap.get_operation_result
- unless
- Rails.logger.warn("LDAP search error: #{response.message}")
- end
- []
- else
- results
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/ldap/authentication.rb b/lib/gitlab/ldap/authentication.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 649cf3194b8..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/ldap/authentication.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-# This calls helps to authenticate to LDAP by providing username and password
-# Since multiple LDAP servers are supported, it will loop through all of them
-# until a valid bind is found
-module Gitlab
- module LDAP
- class Authentication
- def self.login(login, password)
- return unless Gitlab::LDAP::Config.enabled?
- return unless login.present? && password.present?
- auth = nil
- # loop through providers until valid bind
- providers.find do |provider|
- auth = new(provider)
- auth.login(login, password) # true will exit the loop
- end
- # If (login, password) was invalid for all providers, the value of auth is now the last
- # Gitlab::LDAP::Authentication instance we tried.
- auth.user
- end
- def self.providers
- Gitlab::LDAP::Config.providers
- end
- attr_accessor :provider, :ldap_user
- def initialize(provider)
- @provider = provider
- end
- def login(login, password)
- @ldap_user = adapter.bind_as(
- filter: user_filter(login),
- size: 1,
- password: password
- )
- end
- def adapter
- end
- def config
- end
- def user_filter(login)
- filter = Net::LDAP::Filter.equals(config.uid, login)
- # Apply LDAP user filter if present
- if config.user_filter.present?
- filter = Net::LDAP::Filter.join(
- filter,
- Net::LDAP::Filter.construct(config.user_filter)
- )
- end
- filter
- end
- def user
- return nil unless ldap_user
- Gitlab::LDAP::User.find_by_uid_and_provider(ldap_user.dn, provider)
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/ldap/config.rb b/lib/gitlab/ldap/config.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d2ffa2e1fe8..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/ldap/config.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-# Load a specific server configuration
-module Gitlab
- module LDAP
- class Config
- attr_accessor :provider, :options
- def self.enabled?
- Gitlab.config.ldap.enabled
- end
- def self.servers
- Gitlab.config.ldap.servers.values
- end
- def self.providers
- {|server| server['provider_name'] }
- end
- def self.valid_provider?(provider)
- providers.include?(provider)
- end
- def self.invalid_provider(provider)
- raise "Unknown provider (#{provider}). Available providers: #{providers}"
- end
- def initialize(provider)
- if self.class.valid_provider?(provider)
- @provider = provider
- else
- self.class.invalid_provider(provider)
- end
- @options = config_for(@provider) # Use @provider, not provider
- end
- def enabled?
- base_config.enabled
- end
- def adapter_options
- {
- host: options['host'],
- port: options['port'],
- encryption: encryption
- }.tap do |options|
- options.merge!(auth_options) if has_auth?
- end
- end
- def base
- options['base']
- end
- def uid
- options['uid']
- end
- def sync_ssh_keys?
- sync_ssh_keys.present?
- end
- # The LDAP attribute in which the ssh keys are stored
- def sync_ssh_keys
- options['sync_ssh_keys']
- end
- def user_filter
- options['user_filter']
- end
- def group_base
- options['group_base']
- end
- def admin_group
- options['admin_group']
- end
- def active_directory
- options['active_directory']
- end
- def block_auto_created_users
- options['block_auto_created_users']
- end
- protected
- def base_config
- Gitlab.config.ldap
- end
- def config_for(provider)
- base_config.servers.values.find { |server| server['provider_name'] == provider }
- end
- def encryption
- case options['method'].to_s
- when 'ssl'
- :simple_tls
- when 'tls'
- :start_tls
- else
- nil
- end
- end
- def auth_options
- {
- auth: {
- method: :simple,
- username: options['bind_dn'],
- password: options['password']
- }
- }
- end
- def has_auth?
- options['password'] || options['bind_dn']
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/ldap/person.rb b/lib/gitlab/ldap/person.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b81f3e8e8f5..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/ldap/person.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module LDAP
- class Person
- # Active Directory-specific LDAP filter that checks if bit 2 of the
- # userAccountControl attribute is set.
- # Source:
- AD_USER_DISABLED = Net::LDAP::Filter.ex("userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803", "2")
- attr_accessor :entry, :provider
- def self.find_by_uid(uid, adapter)
- uid = Net::LDAP::Filter.escape(uid)
- adapter.user(adapter.config.uid, uid)
- end
- def self.find_by_dn(dn, adapter)
- adapter.user('dn', dn)
- end
- def self.disabled_via_active_directory?(dn, adapter)
- adapter.dn_matches_filter?(dn, AD_USER_DISABLED)
- end
- def initialize(entry, provider)
- Rails.logger.debug { "Instantiating #{} with LDIF:\n#{entry.to_ldif}" }
- @entry = entry
- @provider = provider
- end
- def name
- end
- def uid
- entry.send(config.uid).first
- end
- def username
- uid
- end
- def email
- entry.try(:mail)
- end
- def dn
- entry.dn
- end
- private
- def entry
- @entry
- end
- def config
- @config ||=
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/ldap/user.rb b/lib/gitlab/ldap/user.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f7f3ba9ad7d..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/ldap/user.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-require 'gitlab/o_auth/user'
-# LDAP extension for User model
-# * Find or create user from omniauth.auth data
-# * Links LDAP account with existing user
-# * Auth LDAP user with login and password
-module Gitlab
- module LDAP
- class User < Gitlab::OAuth::User
- class << self
- def find_by_uid_and_provider(uid, provider)
- # LDAP distinguished name is case-insensitive
- identity = ::Identity.
- where(provider: provider).
- where('lower(extern_uid) = ?', uid.downcase).last
- identity && identity.user
- end
- end
- def initialize(auth_hash)
- super
- update_user_attributes
- end
- # instance methods
- def gl_user
- @gl_user ||= find_by_uid_and_provider || find_by_email || build_new_user
- end
- def find_by_uid_and_provider
- self.class.find_by_uid_and_provider(
- auth_hash.uid.downcase, auth_hash.provider)
- end
- def find_by_email
- ::User.find_by(email:
- end
- def update_user_attributes
- return unless persisted?
- gl_user.skip_reconfirmation!
- =
- # Build new identity only if we dont have have same one
- gl_user.identities.find_or_initialize_by(provider: auth_hash.provider,
- extern_uid: auth_hash.uid)
- gl_user
- end
- def changed?
- gl_user.changed? || gl_user.identities.any?(&:changed?)
- end
- def block_after_signup?
- ldap_config.block_auto_created_users
- end
- def allowed?
- Gitlab::LDAP::Access.allowed?(gl_user)
- end
- def ldap_config
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/logger.rb b/lib/gitlab/logger.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 59b21149a9a..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/logger.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- class Logger < ::Logger
- def self.file_name
- file_name_noext + '.log'
- end
- def self.error(message)
- build.error(message)
- end
- def
- end
- def self.read_latest
- path = Rails.root.join("log", file_name)
- unless File.exist?(path)
- tail_output, _ = Gitlab::Popen.popen(%W(tail -n 2000 #{path}))
- tail_output.split("\n")
- end
- def self.read_latest_for(filename)
- path = Rails.root.join("log", filename)
- tail_output, _ = Gitlab::Popen.popen(%W(tail -n 2000 #{path}))
- tail_output.split("\n")
- end
- def
- new(Rails.root.join("log", file_name))
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/markdown_helper.rb b/lib/gitlab/markdown_helper.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e3cfc0585b..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/markdown_helper.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module MarkdownHelper
- module_function
- # Public: Determines if a given filename is compatible with GitHub::Markup.
- #
- # filename - Filename string to check
- #
- # Returns boolean
- def markup?(filename)
- filename.downcase.end_with?(*%w(.textile .rdoc .org .creole .wiki
- .mediawiki .rst .adoc .asciidoc .asc))
- end
- # Public: Determines if a given filename is compatible with
- # GitLab-flavored Markdown.
- #
- # filename - Filename string to check
- #
- # Returns boolean
- def gitlab_markdown?(filename)
- filename.downcase.end_with?(*%w(.mdown .md .markdown))
- end
- def previewable?(filename)
- gitlab_markdown?(filename) || markup?(filename)
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/middleware/static.rb b/lib/gitlab/middleware/static.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 85ffa8aca68..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/middleware/static.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module Middleware
- class Static < ActionDispatch::Static
- UPLOADS_REGEX = /\A\/uploads(\/|\z)/.freeze
- def call(env)
- return if env['PATH_INFO'] =~ UPLOADS_REGEX
- super
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/note_data_builder.rb b/lib/gitlab/note_data_builder.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 644dec45dca..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/note_data_builder.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- class NoteDataBuilder
- class << self
- # Produce a hash of post-receive data
- #
- # For all notes:
- #
- # data = {
- # object_kind: "note",
- # user: {
- # name: String,
- # username: String,
- # avatar_url: String
- # }
- # project_id: Integer,
- # repository: {
- # name: String,
- # url: String,
- # description: String,
- # homepage: String,
- # }
- # object_attributes: {
- # <hook data for note>
- # }
- # <note-specific data>: {
- # }
- # note-specific data is a hash with one of the following keys and contains
- # the hook data for that type.
- # - commit
- # - issue
- # - merge_request
- # - snippet
- #
- def build(note, user)
- project = note.project
- data = build_base_data(project, user, note)
- if note.for_commit?
- data[:commit] = build_data_for_commit(project, user, note)
- elsif note.for_issue?
- data[:issue] = note.noteable.hook_attrs
- elsif note.for_merge_request?
- data[:merge_request] = note.noteable.hook_attrs
- elsif note.for_project_snippet?
- data[:snippet] = note.noteable.hook_attrs
- end
- data
- end
- def build_base_data(project, user, note)
- base_data = {
- object_kind: "note",
- user: user.hook_attrs,
- project_id:,
- repository: {
- name:,
- url: project.url_to_repo,
- description: project.description,
- homepage: project.web_url,
- },
- object_attributes: note.hook_attrs
- }
- base_data[:object_attributes][:url] =
- base_data
- end
- def build_data_for_commit(project, user, note)
- # commit_id is the SHA hash
- commit = project.repository.commit(note.commit_id)
- commit.hook_attrs(project)
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/o_auth/auth_hash.rb b/lib/gitlab/o_auth/auth_hash.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ce52beec78e..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/o_auth/auth_hash.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-# Class to parse and transform the info provided by omniauth
-module Gitlab
- module OAuth
- class AuthHash
- attr_reader :auth_hash
- def initialize(auth_hash)
- @auth_hash = auth_hash
- end
- def uid
- auth_hash.uid.to_s
- end
- def provider
- auth_hash.provider
- end
- def info
- end
- def name
- (info.try(:name) || full_name).to_s.force_encoding('utf-8')
- end
- def full_name
- "#{info.first_name} #{info.last_name}"
- end
- def username
- (info.try(:nickname) || generate_username).to_s.force_encoding('utf-8')
- end
- def email
- (info.try(:email) || generate_temporarily_email).downcase
- end
- def password
- @password ||= Devise.friendly_token[0, 8].downcase
- end
- # Get the first part of the email address (before @)
- # In addtion in removes illegal characters
- def generate_username
- email.match(/^[^@]*/)[0].parameterize
- end
- def generate_temporarily_email
- "temp-email-for-oauth-#{username}@gitlab.localhost"
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/o_auth/user.rb b/lib/gitlab/o_auth/user.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f5c217d764..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/o_auth/user.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-# OAuth extension for User model
-# * Find GitLab user based on omniauth uid and provider
-# * Create new user from omniauth data
-module Gitlab
- module OAuth
- class ForbiddenAction < StandardError; end
- class User
- attr_accessor :auth_hash, :gl_user
- def initialize(auth_hash)
- self.auth_hash = auth_hash
- end
- def persisted?
- gl_user.try(:persisted?)
- end
- def new?
- !persisted?
- end
- def valid?
- gl_user.try(:valid?)
- end
- def save
- unauthorized_to_create unless gl_user
- if needs_blocking?
- gl_user.block
- else
- end
- "(OAuth) saving user #{} from login with extern_uid => #{auth_hash.uid}"
- gl_user
- rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => e
- "(OAuth) Error saving user: #{gl_user.errors.full_messages}"
- return self, e.record.errors
- end
- def gl_user
- @user ||= find_by_uid_and_provider
- if signup_enabled?
- @user ||= build_new_user
- end
- @user
- end
- protected
- def needs_blocking?
- new? && block_after_signup?
- end
- def signup_enabled?
- Gitlab.config.omniauth.allow_single_sign_on
- end
- def block_after_signup?
- Gitlab.config.omniauth.block_auto_created_users
- end
- def auth_hash=(auth_hash)
- @auth_hash =
- end
- def find_by_uid_and_provider
- identity = Identity.find_by(provider: auth_hash.provider, extern_uid: auth_hash.uid)
- identity && identity.user
- end
- def build_new_user
- user =
- user.skip_confirmation!
- auth_hash.uid, provider: auth_hash.provider)
- user
- end
- def user_attributes
- {
- name:,
- username: ::Namespace.clean_path(auth_hash.username),
- email:,
- password: auth_hash.password,
- password_confirmation: auth_hash.password,
- password_automatically_set: true
- }
- end
- def log
- Gitlab::AppLogger
- end
- def unauthorized_to_create
- raise"Unauthorized to create user, signup disabled for #{auth_hash.provider}")
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/popen.rb b/lib/gitlab/popen.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 43e07e09160..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/popen.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-require 'fileutils'
-require 'open3'
-module Gitlab
- module Popen
- extend self
- def popen(cmd, path=nil)
- unless cmd.is_a?(Array)
- raise "System commands must be given as an array of strings"
- end
- path ||= Dir.pwd
- vars = { "PWD" => path }
- options = { chdir: path }
- unless
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(path)
- end
- @cmd_output = ""
- @cmd_status = 0
- Open3.popen3(vars, *cmd, options) do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr|
- # We are not using stdin so we should close it, in case the command we
- # are running waits for input.
- stdin.close
- @cmd_output <<
- @cmd_output <<
- @cmd_status = wait_thr.value.exitstatus
- end
- [@cmd_output, @cmd_status]
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/production_logger.rb b/lib/gitlab/production_logger.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 89ce7144b1b..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/production_logger.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- class ProductionLogger < Gitlab::Logger
- def self.file_name_noext
- 'production'
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/project_search_results.rb b/lib/gitlab/project_search_results.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dab7bcfa4d..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/project_search_results.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- class ProjectSearchResults < SearchResults
- attr_reader :project, :repository_ref
- def initialize(project_id, query, repository_ref = nil)
- @project = Project.find(project_id)
- @repository_ref = if repository_ref.present?
- repository_ref
- else
- nil
- end
- @query = Shellwords.shellescape(query) if query.present?
- end
- def objects(scope, page = nil)
- case scope
- when 'notes'
- when 'blobs'
- Kaminari.paginate_array(blobs).page(page).per(per_page)
- when 'wiki_blobs'
- Kaminari.paginate_array(wiki_blobs).page(page).per(per_page)
- else
- super
- end
- end
- def total_count
- @total_count ||= issues_count + merge_requests_count + blobs_count +
- notes_count + wiki_blobs_count
- end
- def blobs_count
- @blobs_count ||= blobs.count
- end
- def notes_count
- @notes_count ||= notes.count
- end
- def wiki_blobs_count
- @wiki_blobs_count ||= wiki_blobs.count
- end
- private
- def blobs
- if project.empty_repo? || query.blank?
- []
- else
- project.repository.search_files(query, repository_ref)
- end
- end
- def wiki_blobs
- if project.wiki_enabled? && query.present?
- project_wiki =
- unless project_wiki.empty?
- project_wiki.search_files(query)
- else
- []
- end
- else
- []
- end
- end
- def notes
- Note.where(project_id: limit_project_ids)'updated_at DESC')
- end
- def limit_project_ids
- []
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/push_data_builder.rb b/lib/gitlab/push_data_builder.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f8da452e4c0..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/push_data_builder.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- class PushDataBuilder
- class << self
- # Produce a hash of post-receive data
- #
- # data = {
- # before: String,
- # after: String,
- # ref: String,
- # user_id: String,
- # user_name: String,
- # user_email: String
- # project_id: String,
- # repository: {
- # name: String,
- # url: String,
- # description: String,
- # homepage: String,
- # },
- # commits: Array,
- # total_commits_count: Fixnum
- # }
- #
- def build(project, user, oldrev, newrev, ref, commits = [], message = nil)
- # Total commits count
- commits_count = commits.size
- # Get latest 20 commits ASC
- commits_limited = commits.last(20)
- # For performance purposes maximum 20 latest commits
- # will be passed as post receive hook data.
- commit_attrs = do |commit|
- commit.hook_attrs(project)
- end
- type = Gitlab::Git.tag_ref?(ref) ? "tag_push" : "push"
- # Hash to be passed as post_receive_data
- data = {
- object_kind: type,
- before: oldrev,
- after: newrev,
- ref: ref,
- checkout_sha: checkout_sha(project.repository, newrev, ref),
- message: message,
- user_id:,
- user_name:,
- user_email:,
- project_id:,
- repository: {
- name:,
- url: project.url_to_repo,
- description: project.description,
- homepage: project.web_url,
- git_http_url: project.http_url_to_repo,
- git_ssh_url: project.ssh_url_to_repo,
- visibility_level: project.visibility_level
- },
- commits: commit_attrs,
- total_commits_count: commits_count
- }
- data
- end
- # This method provide a sample data generated with
- # existing project and commits to test web hooks
- def build_sample(project, user)
- commits = project.repository.commits(project.default_branch, nil, 3)
- ref = "#{Gitlab::Git::BRANCH_REF_PREFIX}#{project.default_branch}"
- build(project, user,,, ref, commits)
- end
- def checkout_sha(repository, newrev, ref)
- # Find sha for tag, except when it was deleted.
- if Gitlab::Git.tag_ref?(ref) && !Gitlab::Git.blank_ref?(newrev)
- tag_name = Gitlab::Git.ref_name(ref)
- tag = repository.find_tag(tag_name)
- if tag
- commit = repository.commit(
- commit.try(:sha)
- end
- else
- newrev
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/reference_extractor.rb b/lib/gitlab/reference_extractor.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a502a8fe9cd..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/reference_extractor.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- # Extract possible GFM references from an arbitrary String for further processing.
- class ReferenceExtractor
- attr_accessor :project, :current_user, :references
- include ::Gitlab::Markdown
- def initialize(project, current_user = nil)
- @project = project
- @current_user = current_user
- end
- def can?(user, action, subject)
- Ability.abilities.allowed?(user, action, subject)
- end
- def analyze(text)
- text = text.dup
- # Remove preformatted/code blocks so that references are not included
- text.gsub!(%r{<pre>.*?</pre>|<code>.*?</code>}m) { |match| '' }
- text.gsub!(%r{^```.*?^```}m) { |match| '' }
- @references = { |hash, type| hash[type] = [] }
- parse_references(text)
- end
- # Given a valid project, resolve the extracted identifiers of the requested type to
- # model objects.
- def users
- references[:user] do |project, identifier|
- if identifier == "all"
- elsif namespace = Namespace.find_by(path: identifier)
- if namespace.is_a?(Group)
- namespace.users
- else
- namespace.owner
- end
- end
- end.flatten.compact.uniq
- end
- def labels
- references[:label] do |project, identifier|
- project.labels.where(id: identifier).first
- end.compact.uniq
- end
- def issues
- references[:issue] do |project, identifier|
- if project.default_issues_tracker?
- project.issues.where(iid: identifier).first
- end
- end.compact.uniq
- end
- def merge_requests
- references[:merge_request] do |project, identifier|
- project.merge_requests.where(iid: identifier).first
- end.compact.uniq
- end
- def snippets
- references[:snippet] do |project, identifier|
- project.snippets.where(id: identifier).first
- end.compact.uniq
- end
- def commits
- references[:commit] do |project, identifier|
- repo = project.repository
- repo.commit(identifier) if repo
- end.compact.uniq
- end
- def commit_ranges
- references[:commit_range] do |project, identifier|
- repo = project.repository
- if repo
- from_id, to_id = identifier.split(/\.{2,3}/, 2)
- [repo.commit(from_id), repo.commit(to_id)]
- end
- end.compact.uniq
- end
- private
- def reference_link(type, identifier, project, _)
- references[type] << [project, identifier]
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/satellite/action.rb b/lib/gitlab/satellite/action.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4890ccf21e6..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/satellite/action.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module Satellite
- class Action
- DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { git_timeout: Gitlab.config.satellites.timeout.seconds }
- attr_accessor :options, :project, :user
- def initialize(user, project, options = {})
- @options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge(options)
- @project = project
- @user = user
- end
- protected
- # * Sets a 30s timeout for Git
- # * Locks the satellite repo
- # * Yields the prepared satellite repo
- def in_locked_and_timed_satellite
- Gitlab::ShellEnv.set_env(user)
- Grit::Git.with_timeout(options[:git_timeout]) do
- project.satellite.lock do
- return yield project.satellite.repo
- end
- end
- rescue Errno::ENOMEM => ex
- return handle_exception(ex)
- rescue Grit::Git::GitTimeout => ex
- return handle_exception(ex)
- ensure
- Gitlab::ShellEnv.reset_env
- end
- # * Recreates the satellite
- # * Sets up Git variables for the user
- #
- # Note: use this within #in_locked_and_timed_satellite
- def prepare_satellite!(repo)
- project.satellite.clear_and_update!
- repo.config[''] =
- repo.config[''] =
- end
- def default_options(options = {})
- { raise: true, timeout: true }.merge(options)
- end
- def handle_exception(exception)
- Gitlab::GitLogger.error(exception.message)
- false
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/satellite/compare_action.rb b/lib/gitlab/satellite/compare_action.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 46c98a8f4ca..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/satellite/compare_action.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module Satellite
- class BranchesWithoutParent < StandardError; end
- class CompareAction < Action
- def initialize(user, target_project, target_branch, source_project, source_branch)
- super user, target_project
- @target_project, @target_branch = target_project, target_branch
- @source_project, @source_branch = source_project, source_branch
- end
- # Compare 2 repositories and return Gitlab::CompareResult object
- def result
- in_locked_and_timed_satellite do |target_repo|
- prepare_satellite!(target_repo)
- update_satellite_source_and_target!(target_repo)
- end
- rescue Grit::Git::CommandFailed => ex
- raise BranchesWithoutParent
- end
- private
- # Assumes a satellite exists that is a fresh clone of the projects repo, prepares satellite for diffs
- def update_satellite_source_and_target!(target_repo)
- target_repo.remote_add('source', @source_project.repository.path_to_repo)
- target_repo.remote_fetch('source')
- rescue Grit::Git::CommandFailed => ex
- handle_exception(ex)
- end
- def compare(repo)
- @compare ||=
- "origin/#{@target_branch}",
- "source/#{@source_branch}"
- )
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/satellite/files/delete_file_action.rb b/lib/gitlab/satellite/files/delete_file_action.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d37b9dea85..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/satellite/files/delete_file_action.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-require_relative 'file_action'
-module Gitlab
- module Satellite
- class DeleteFileAction < FileAction
- # Deletes file and creates a new commit for it
- #
- # Returns false if committing the change fails
- # Returns false if pushing from the satellite to bare repo failed or was rejected
- # Returns true otherwise
- def commit!(content, commit_message)
- in_locked_and_timed_satellite do |repo|
- prepare_satellite!(repo)
- # create target branch in satellite at the corresponding commit from bare repo
- repo.git.checkout({ raise: true, timeout: true, b: true }, ref, "origin/#{ref}")
- # update the file in the satellite's working dir
- file_path_in_satellite = File.join(repo.working_dir, file_path)
- # Prevent relative links
- unless safe_path?(file_path_in_satellite)
- Gitlab::GitLogger.error("FileAction: Relative path not allowed")
- return false
- end
- File.delete(file_path_in_satellite)
- # add removed file
- repo.remove(file_path_in_satellite)
- # commit the changes
- # will raise CommandFailed when commit fails
- repo.git.commit(raise: true, timeout: true, a: true, m: commit_message)
- # push commit back to bare repo
- # will raise CommandFailed when push fails
- repo.git.push({ raise: true, timeout: true }, :origin, ref)
- # everything worked
- true
- end
- rescue Grit::Git::CommandFailed => ex
- Gitlab::GitLogger.error(ex.message)
- false
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/satellite/files/edit_file_action.rb b/lib/gitlab/satellite/files/edit_file_action.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cb9c0b5ecb..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/satellite/files/edit_file_action.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-require_relative 'file_action'
-module Gitlab
- module Satellite
- # GitLab server-side file update and commit
- class EditFileAction < FileAction
- # Updates the files content and creates a new commit for it
- #
- # Returns false if the ref has been updated while editing the file
- # Returns false if committing the change fails
- # Returns false if pushing from the satellite to bare repo failed or was rejected
- # Returns true otherwise
- def commit!(content, commit_message, encoding, new_branch = nil)
- in_locked_and_timed_satellite do |repo|
- prepare_satellite!(repo)
- # create target branch in satellite at the corresponding commit from bare repo
- begin
- repo.git.checkout({ raise: true, timeout: true, b: true }, ref, "origin/#{ref}")
- rescue Grit::Git::CommandFailed => ex
- log_and_raise(CheckoutFailed, ex.message)
- end
- # update the file in the satellite's working dir
- file_path_in_satellite = File.join(repo.working_dir, file_path)
- # Prevent relative links
- unless safe_path?(file_path_in_satellite)
- Gitlab::GitLogger.error("FileAction: Relative path not allowed")
- return false
- end
- # Write file
- write_file(file_path_in_satellite, content, encoding)
- # commit the changes
- # will raise CommandFailed when commit fails
- begin
- repo.git.commit(raise: true, timeout: true, a: true, m: commit_message)
- rescue Grit::Git::CommandFailed => ex
- log_and_raise(CommitFailed, ex.message)
- end
- target_branch = new_branch.present? ? "#{ref}:#{new_branch}" : ref
- # push commit back to bare repo
- # will raise CommandFailed when push fails
- begin
- repo.git.push({ raise: true, timeout: true }, :origin, target_branch)
- rescue Grit::Git::CommandFailed => ex
- log_and_raise(PushFailed, ex.message)
- end
- # everything worked
- true
- end
- end
- private
- def log_and_raise(errorClass, message)
- Gitlab::GitLogger.error(message)
- raise(errorClass, message)
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/satellite/files/file_action.rb b/lib/gitlab/satellite/files/file_action.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6446b14568a..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/satellite/files/file_action.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module Satellite
- class FileAction < Action
- attr_accessor :file_path, :ref
- def initialize(user, project, ref, file_path)
- super user, project
- @file_path = file_path
- @ref = ref
- end
- def safe_path?(path)
- File.absolute_path(path) == path
- end
- def write_file(abs_file_path, content, file_encoding = 'text')
- if file_encoding == 'base64'
-, 'wb') { |f| f.write(Base64.decode64(content)) }
- else
-, 'w') { |f| f.write(content) }
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/satellite/files/new_file_action.rb b/lib/gitlab/satellite/files/new_file_action.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 724dfa0d042..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/satellite/files/new_file_action.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-require_relative 'file_action'
-module Gitlab
- module Satellite
- class NewFileAction < FileAction
- # Updates the files content and creates a new commit for it
- #
- # Returns false if the ref has been updated while editing the file
- # Returns false if committing the change fails
- # Returns false if pushing from the satellite to bare repo failed or was rejected
- # Returns true otherwise
- def commit!(content, commit_message, encoding, new_branch = nil)
- in_locked_and_timed_satellite do |repo|
- prepare_satellite!(repo)
- # create target branch in satellite at the corresponding commit from bare repo
- current_ref =
- if @project.empty_repo?
- # skip this step if we want to add first file to empty repo
- else
- repo.git.checkout({ raise: true, timeout: true, b: true }, ref, "origin/#{ref}")
- ref
- end
- file_path_in_satellite = File.join(repo.working_dir, file_path)
- dir_name_in_satellite = File.dirname(file_path_in_satellite)
- # Prevent relative links
- unless safe_path?(file_path_in_satellite)
- Gitlab::GitLogger.error("FileAction: Relative path not allowed")
- return false
- end
- # Create dir if not exists
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir_name_in_satellite)
- # Write file
- write_file(file_path_in_satellite, content, encoding)
- # add new file
- repo.add(file_path_in_satellite)
- # commit the changes
- # will raise CommandFailed when commit fails
- repo.git.commit(raise: true, timeout: true, a: true, m: commit_message)
- target_branch = if new_branch.present? && !@project.empty_repo?
- "#{ref}:#{new_branch}"
- else
- "#{current_ref}:#{ref}"
- end
- # push commit back to bare repo
- # will raise CommandFailed when push fails
- repo.git.push({ raise: true, timeout: true }, :origin, target_branch)
- # everything worked
- true
- end
- rescue Grit::Git::CommandFailed => ex
- Gitlab::GitLogger.error(ex.message)
- false
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/satellite/logger.rb b/lib/gitlab/satellite/logger.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f3f8255aca..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/satellite/logger.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module Satellite
- class Logger < Gitlab::Logger
- def self.file_name
- 'satellites.log'
- end
- def format_message(severity, timestamp, progname, msg)
- "#{timestamp.to_s(:long)}: #{msg}\n"
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/satellite/merge_action.rb b/lib/gitlab/satellite/merge_action.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f2e5f82dd5..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/satellite/merge_action.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module Satellite
- # GitLab server-side merge
- class MergeAction < Action
- attr_accessor :merge_request
- def initialize(user, merge_request)
- super user, merge_request.target_project
- @merge_request = merge_request
- end
- # Checks if a merge request can be executed without user interaction
- def can_be_merged?
- in_locked_and_timed_satellite do |merge_repo|
- prepare_satellite!(merge_repo)
- merge_in_satellite!(merge_repo)
- end
- end
- # Merges the source branch into the target branch in the satellite and
- # pushes it back to the repository.
- # It also removes the source branch if requested in the merge request (and this is permitted by the merge request).
- #
- # Returns false if the merge produced conflicts
- # Returns false if pushing from the satellite to the repository failed or was rejected
- # Returns true otherwise
- def merge!(merge_commit_message = nil)
- in_locked_and_timed_satellite do |merge_repo|
- prepare_satellite!(merge_repo)
- if merge_in_satellite!(merge_repo, merge_commit_message)
- # push merge back to bare repo
- # will raise CommandFailed when push fails
- merge_repo.git.push(default_options, :origin, merge_request.target_branch)
- # remove source branch
- if merge_request.should_remove_source_branch && !project.root_ref?(merge_request.source_branch) && !merge_request.for_fork?
- # will raise CommandFailed when push fails
- merge_repo.git.push(default_options, :origin, ":#{merge_request.source_branch}")
- end
- # merge, push and branch removal successful
- true
- end
- end
- rescue Grit::Git::CommandFailed => ex
- handle_exception(ex)
- end
- def diff_in_satellite
- in_locked_and_timed_satellite do |merge_repo|
- prepare_satellite!(merge_repo)
- update_satellite_source_and_target!(merge_repo)
- # Only show what is new in the source branch compared to the target branch, not the other way around.
- # The line below with merge_base is equivalent to diff with three dots (git diff branch1...branch2)
- # From the git documentation: "git diff A...B" is equivalent to "git diff $(git-merge-base A B) B"
- common_commit = merge_repo.git.native(:merge_base, default_options, ["origin/#{merge_request.target_branch}", "source/#{merge_request.source_branch}"]).strip
- merge_repo.git.native(:diff, default_options, common_commit, "source/#{merge_request.source_branch}")
- end
- rescue Grit::Git::CommandFailed => ex
- handle_exception(ex)
- end
- def diffs_between_satellite
- in_locked_and_timed_satellite do |merge_repo|
- prepare_satellite!(merge_repo)
- update_satellite_source_and_target!(merge_repo)
- if merge_request.for_fork?
- repository =
- diffs = Gitlab::Git::Diff.between(
- repository,
- "source/#{merge_request.source_branch}",
- "origin/#{merge_request.target_branch}"
- )
- else
- raise "Attempt to determine diffs between for a non forked merge request in satellite[#{}]"
- end
- return diffs
- end
- rescue Grit::Git::CommandFailed => ex
- handle_exception(ex)
- end
- # Get commit as an email patch
- def format_patch
- in_locked_and_timed_satellite do |merge_repo|
- prepare_satellite!(merge_repo)
- update_satellite_source_and_target!(merge_repo)
- patch = merge_repo.git.format_patch(default_options({ stdout: true }), "origin/#{merge_request.target_branch}..source/#{merge_request.source_branch}")
- end
- rescue Grit::Git::CommandFailed => ex
- handle_exception(ex)
- end
- # Retrieve an array of commits between the source and the target
- def commits_between
- in_locked_and_timed_satellite do |merge_repo|
- prepare_satellite!(merge_repo)
- update_satellite_source_and_target!(merge_repo)
- if merge_request.for_fork?
- repository =
- commits = Gitlab::Git::Commit.between(
- repository,
- "origin/#{merge_request.target_branch}",
- "source/#{merge_request.source_branch}"
- )
- else
- raise "Attempt to determine commits between for a non forked merge request in satellite[#{}]"
- end
- return commits
- end
- rescue Grit::Git::CommandFailed => ex
- handle_exception(ex)
- end
- private
- # Merges the source_branch into the target_branch in the satellite.
- #
- # Note: it will clear out the satellite before doing anything
- #
- # Returns false if the merge produced conflicts
- # Returns true otherwise
- def merge_in_satellite!(repo, message = nil)
- update_satellite_source_and_target!(repo)
- message ||= "Merge branch '#{merge_request.source_branch}' into '#{merge_request.target_branch}'"
- # merge the source branch into the satellite
- # will raise CommandFailed when merge fails
- repo.git.merge(default_options({ no_ff: true }), "-m#{message}", "source/#{merge_request.source_branch}")
- rescue Grit::Git::CommandFailed => ex
- handle_exception(ex)
- end
- # Assumes a satellite exists that is a fresh clone of the projects repo, prepares satellite for merges, diffs etc
- def update_satellite_source_and_target!(repo)
- repo.remote_add('source', merge_request.source_project.repository.path_to_repo)
- repo.remote_fetch('source')
- repo.git.checkout(default_options({ b: true }), merge_request.target_branch, "origin/#{merge_request.target_branch}")
- rescue Grit::Git::CommandFailed => ex
- handle_exception(ex)
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/satellite/satellite.rb b/lib/gitlab/satellite/satellite.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 398643d68de..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/satellite/satellite.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module Satellite
- autoload :DeleteFileAction, 'gitlab/satellite/files/delete_file_action'
- autoload :EditFileAction, 'gitlab/satellite/files/edit_file_action'
- autoload :FileAction, 'gitlab/satellite/files/file_action'
- autoload :NewFileAction, 'gitlab/satellite/files/new_file_action'
- class CheckoutFailed < StandardError; end
- class CommitFailed < StandardError; end
- class PushFailed < StandardError; end
- class Satellite
- include Gitlab::Popen
- PARKING_BRANCH = "__parking_branch"
- attr_accessor :project
- def initialize(project)
- @project = project
- end
- def log(message)
- Gitlab::Satellite::Logger.error(message)
- end
- def clear_and_update!
- project.ensure_satellite_exists
- @repo = nil
- clear_working_dir!
- delete_heads!
- remove_remotes!
- update_from_source!
- end
- def create
- output, status = popen(%W(git clone -- #{project.repository.path_to_repo} #{path}),
- Gitlab.config.satellites.path)
- log("PID: #{}: git clone #{project.repository.path_to_repo} #{path}")
- log("PID: #{}: -> #{output}")
- if
- true
- else
- log("Failed to create satellite for #{project.name_with_namespace}")
- false
- end
- end
- def exists?
- File.exists? path
- end
- # * Locks the satellite
- # * Changes the current directory to the satellite's working dir
- # * Yields
- def lock
- project.ensure_satellite_exists
-, "w+") do |f|
- begin
- f.flock File::LOCK_EX
- yield
- ensure
- f.flock File::LOCK_UN
- end
- end
- end
- def lock_file
- create_locks_dir unless File.exists?(lock_files_dir)
- File.join(lock_files_dir, "satellite_#{}.lock")
- end
- def path
- File.join(Gitlab.config.satellites.path, project.path_with_namespace)
- end
- def repo
- project.ensure_satellite_exists
- @repo ||=
- end
- def destroy
- FileUtils.rm_rf(path)
- end
- private
- # Clear the working directory
- def clear_working_dir!
- repo.git.reset(hard: true)
- repo.git.clean(f: true, d: true, x: true)
- end
- # Deletes all branches except the parking branch
- #
- # This ensures we have no name clashes or issues updating branches when
- # working with the satellite.
- def delete_heads!
- heads =
- # update or create the parking branch
- repo.git.checkout(default_options({ B: true }), PARKING_BRANCH)
- # remove the parking branch from the list of heads ...
- heads.delete(PARKING_BRANCH)
- # ... and delete all others
- heads.each { |head| repo.git.branch(default_options({ D: true }), head) }
- end
- # Deletes all remotes except origin
- #
- # This ensures we have no remote name clashes or issues updating branches when
- # working with the satellite.
- def remove_remotes!
- remotes = repo.git.remote.split(' ')
- remotes.delete('origin')
- remotes.each { |name| repo.git.remote(default_options,'rm', name)}
- end
- # Updates the satellite from bare repo
- #
- # Note: this will only update remote branches (i.e. origin/*)
- def update_from_source!
- repo.git.remote(default_options, 'set-url', :origin, project.repository.path_to_repo)
- repo.git.fetch(default_options, :origin)
- end
- def default_options(options = {})
- { raise: true, timeout: true }.merge(options)
- end
- # Create directory for storing
- # satellites lock files
- def create_locks_dir
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(lock_files_dir)
- end
- def lock_files_dir
- @lock_files_dir ||= File.join(Gitlab.config.satellites.path, "tmp")
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/search_results.rb b/lib/gitlab/search_results.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 75a3dfe37c3..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/search_results.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- class SearchResults
- attr_reader :query
- # Limit search results by passed project ids
- # It allows us to search only for projects user has access to
- attr_reader :limit_project_ids
- def initialize(limit_project_ids, query)
- @limit_project_ids = limit_project_ids || Project.all
- @query = Shellwords.shellescape(query) if query.present?
- end
- def objects(scope, page = nil)
- case scope
- when 'projects'
- when 'issues'
- when 'merge_requests'
- else
- Kaminari.paginate_array([]).page(page).per(per_page)
- end
- end
- def total_count
- @total_count ||= projects_count + issues_count + merge_requests_count
- end
- def projects_count
- @projects_count ||= projects.count
- end
- def issues_count
- @issues_count ||= issues.count
- end
- def merge_requests_count
- @merge_requests_count ||= merge_requests.count
- end
- def empty?
- end
- private
- def projects
- Project.where(id: limit_project_ids).search(query)
- end
- def issues
- Issue.where(project_id: limit_project_ids).full_search(query).order('updated_at DESC')
- end
- def merge_requests
- MergeRequest.in_projects(limit_project_ids).full_search(query).order('updated_at DESC')
- end
- def default_scope
- 'projects'
- end
- def per_page
- 20
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/seeder.rb b/lib/gitlab/seeder.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 31aa3528c4c..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/seeder.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- class Seeder
- def self.quiet
- mute_mailer
- SeedFu.quiet = true
- yield
- SeedFu.quiet = false
- puts "\nOK".green
- end
- def self.by_user(user)
- yield
- end
- def self.mute_mailer
- code = <<-eos
-def Notify.delay
- self
- eos
- eval(code)
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/sidekiq_logger.rb b/lib/gitlab/sidekiq_logger.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c1dab87a432..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/sidekiq_logger.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- class SidekiqLogger < Gitlab::Logger
- def self.file_name_noext
- 'sidekiq'
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/sidekiq_middleware/arguments_logger.rb b/lib/gitlab/sidekiq_middleware/arguments_logger.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7813091ec7b..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/sidekiq_middleware/arguments_logger.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module SidekiqMiddleware
- class ArgumentsLogger
- def call(worker, job, queue)
- "arguments: #{job['args']}"
- yield
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/sidekiq_middleware/memory_killer.rb b/lib/gitlab/sidekiq_middleware/memory_killer.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f2db50e98c..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/sidekiq_middleware/memory_killer.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module SidekiqMiddleware
- class MemoryKiller
- # Default the RSS limit to 0, meaning the MemoryKiller is disabled
- # Give Sidekiq 15 minutes of grace time after exceeding the RSS limit
- # Wait 30 seconds for running jobs to finish during graceful shutdown
- # Create a mutex used to ensure there will be only one thread waiting to
- # shut Sidekiq down
- def call(worker, job, queue)
- yield
- current_rss = get_rss
- return unless MAX_RSS > 0 && current_rss > MAX_RSS
- do
- # Return if another thread is already waiting to shut Sidekiq down
- return unless MUTEX.try_lock
- Sidekiq.logger.warn "current RSS #{current_rss} exceeds maximum RSS "\
- "#{MAX_RSS}"
- Sidekiq.logger.warn "spawned thread that will shut down PID "\
- "#{} in #{GRACE_TIME} seconds"
- sleep(GRACE_TIME)
- Sidekiq.logger.warn "sending SIGUSR1 to PID #{}"
- Process.kill('SIGUSR1',
- Sidekiq.logger.warn "waiting #{SHUTDOWN_WAIT} seconds before sending "\
- "SIGTERM to PID #{}"
- Sidekiq.logger.warn "sending SIGTERM to PID #{}"
- Process.kill('SIGTERM',
- end
- end
- private
- def get_rss
- output, status = Gitlab::Popen.popen(%W(ps -o rss= -p #{}))
- return 0 unless
- output.to_i
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/snippet_search_results.rb b/lib/gitlab/snippet_search_results.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 938219efdb2..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/snippet_search_results.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- class SnippetSearchResults < SearchResults
- attr_reader :limit_snippet_ids
- def initialize(limit_snippet_ids, query)
- @limit_snippet_ids = limit_snippet_ids
- @query = query
- end
- def objects(scope, page = nil)
- case scope
- when 'snippet_titles'
- Kaminari.paginate_array(snippet_titles).page(page).per(per_page)
- when 'snippet_blobs'
- Kaminari.paginate_array(snippet_blobs).page(page).per(per_page)
- else
- super
- end
- end
- def total_count
- @total_count ||= snippet_titles_count + snippet_blobs_count
- end
- def snippet_titles_count
- @snippet_titles_count ||= snippet_titles.count
- end
- def snippet_blobs_count
- @snippet_blobs_count ||= snippet_blobs.count
- end
- private
- def snippet_titles
- Snippet.where(id: limit_snippet_ids).search(query).order('updated_at DESC')
- end
- def snippet_blobs
- search = Snippet.where(id: limit_snippet_ids).search_code(query)
- search = search.order('updated_at DESC').to_a
- snippets = []
- search.each { |e| snippets << chunk_snippet(e) }
- snippets
- end
- def default_scope
- 'snippet_blobs'
- end
- # Get an array of line numbers surrounding a matching
- # line, bounded by min/max.
- #
- # @returns Array of line numbers
- def bounded_line_numbers(line, min, max)
- lower = line - surrounding_lines > min ? line - surrounding_lines : min
- upper = line + surrounding_lines < max ? line + surrounding_lines : max
- (lower..upper).to_a
- end
- # Returns a sorted set of lines to be included in a snippet preview.
- # This ensures matching adjacent lines do not display duplicated
- # surrounding code.
- #
- # @returns Array, unique and sorted.
- def matching_lines(lined_content)
- used_lines = []
- lined_content.each_with_index do |line, line_number|
- used_lines.concat bounded_line_numbers(
- line_number,
- 0,
- lined_content.size
- ) if line.include?(query)
- end
- used_lines.uniq.sort
- end
- # 'Chunkify' entire snippet. Splits the snippet data into matching lines +
- # surrounding_lines() worth of unmatching lines.
- #
- # @returns a hash with {snippet_object, snippet_chunks:{data,start_line}}
- def chunk_snippet(snippet)
- lined_content = snippet.content.split("\n")
- used_lines = matching_lines(lined_content)
- snippet_chunk = []
- snippet_chunks = []
- snippet_start_line = 0
- last_line = -1
- # Go through each used line, and add consecutive lines as a single chunk
- # to the snippet chunk array.
- used_lines.each do |line_number|
- if last_line < 0
- # Start a new chunk.
- snippet_start_line = line_number
- snippet_chunk << lined_content[line_number]
- elsif last_line == line_number - 1
- # Consecutive line, continue chunk.
- snippet_chunk << lined_content[line_number]
- else
- # Non-consecutive line, add chunk to chunk array.
- snippet_chunks << {
- data: snippet_chunk.join("\n"),
- start_line: snippet_start_line + 1
- }
- # Start a new chunk.
- snippet_chunk = [lined_content[line_number]]
- snippet_start_line = line_number
- end
- last_line = line_number
- end
- # Add final chunk to chunk array
- snippet_chunks << {
- data: snippet_chunk.join("\n"),
- start_line: snippet_start_line + 1
- }
- # Return snippet with chunk array
- { snippet_object: snippet, snippet_chunks: snippet_chunks }
- end
- # Defines how many unmatching lines should be
- # included around the matching lines in a snippet
- def surrounding_lines
- 3
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/theme.rb b/lib/gitlab/theme.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 43093c7d27e..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/theme.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- class Theme
- BASIC = 1 unless const_defined?(:BASIC)
- MARS = 2 unless const_defined?(:MARS)
- MODERN = 3 unless const_defined?(:MODERN)
- GRAY = 4 unless const_defined?(:GRAY)
- COLOR = 5 unless const_defined?(:COLOR)
- BLUE = 6 unless const_defined?(:BLUE)
- def self.css_class_by_id(id)
- themes = {
- BASIC => "ui_basic",
- MARS => "ui_mars",
- MODERN => "ui_modern",
- GRAY => "ui_gray",
- COLOR => "ui_color",
- BLUE => "ui_blue"
- }
- id ||= Gitlab.config.gitlab.default_theme
- themes[id]
- end
- def self.type_css_class_by_id(id)
- types = {
- BASIC => 'light_theme',
- MARS => 'dark_theme',
- MODERN => 'dark_theme',
- GRAY => 'dark_theme',
- COLOR => 'dark_theme'
- }
- id ||= Gitlab.config.gitlab.default_theme
- types[id]
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/upgrader.rb b/lib/gitlab/upgrader.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0570c2fbeb5..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/upgrader.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-require_relative "popen"
-require_relative "version_info"
-module Gitlab
- class Upgrader
- def execute
- puts "GitLab #{current_version.major} upgrade tool"
- puts "Your version is #{current_version}"
- puts "Latest available version for GitLab #{current_version.major} is #{latest_version}"
- if latest_version?
- puts "You are using the latest GitLab version"
- else
- puts "Newer GitLab version is available"
- answer = if ARGV.first == "-y"
- "yes"
- else
- prompt("Do you want to upgrade (yes/no)? ", %w{yes no})
- end
- if answer == "yes"
- upgrade
- else
- exit 0
- end
- end
- end
- def latest_version?
- current_version >= latest_version
- end
- def current_version
- @current_version ||= Gitlab::VersionInfo.parse(current_version_raw)
- end
- def latest_version
- @latest_version ||= Gitlab::VersionInfo.parse(latest_version_raw)
- end
- def current_version_raw
-, "VERSION")).strip
- end
- def latest_version_raw
- remote_tags, _ = Gitlab::Popen.popen(%W(git ls-remote --tags
- git_tags = remote_tags.split("\n").grep(/tags\/v#{current_version.major}/)
- git_tags = { |version| version =~ /v\d\.\d\.\d\Z/ }
- last_tag = git_tags.last.match(/v\d\.\d\.\d/).to_s
- end
- def update_commands
- {
- "Stash changed files" => %W(git stash),
- "Get latest code" => %W(git fetch),
- "Switch to new version" => %W(git checkout v#{latest_version}),
- "Install gems" => %W(bundle),
- "Migrate DB" => %W(bundle exec rake db:migrate),
- "Recompile assets" => %W(bundle exec rake assets:clean assets:precompile),
- "Clear cache" => %W(bundle exec rake cache:clear)
- }
- end
- def env
- { 'RAILS_ENV' => 'production' }
- end
- def upgrade
- update_commands.each do |title, cmd|
- puts title
- puts " -> #{cmd.join(' ')}"
- if system(env, *cmd)
- puts " -> OK"
- else
- puts " -> FAILED"
- puts "Failed to upgrade. Try to repeat task or proceed with upgrade manually "
- exit 1
- end
- end
- puts "Done"
- end
- def gitlab_path
- File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../..'))
- end
- # Prompt the user to input something
- #
- # message - the message to display before input
- # choices - array of strings of acceptable answers or nil for any answer
- #
- # Returns the user's answer
- def prompt(message, choices = nil)
- begin
- print(message)
- answer = STDIN.gets.chomp
- end while !choices.include?(answer)
- answer
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/url_builder.rb b/lib/gitlab/url_builder.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 11b0d44f340..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/url_builder.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- class UrlBuilder
- include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
- include GitlabRoutingHelper
- def initialize(type)
- @type = type
- end
- def build(id)
- case @type
- when :issue
- build_issue_url(id)
- when :merge_request
- build_merge_request_url(id)
- when :note
- build_note_url(id)
- end
- end
- private
- def build_issue_url(id)
- issue = Issue.find(id)
- issue_url(issue, host: Gitlab.config.gitlab['url'])
- end
- def build_merge_request_url(id)
- merge_request = MergeRequest.find(id)
- merge_request_url(merge_request, host: Gitlab.config.gitlab['url'])
- end
- def build_note_url(id)
- note = Note.find(id)
- if note.for_commit?
- namespace_project_commit_url(namespace_id: note.project.namespace,
- id: note.commit_id,
- project_id: note.project,
- host: Gitlab.config.gitlab['url'],
- anchor: "note_#{}")
- elsif note.for_issue?
- issue = Issue.find(note.noteable_id)
- issue_url(issue,
- host: Gitlab.config.gitlab['url'],
- anchor: "note_#{}")
- elsif note.for_merge_request?
- merge_request = MergeRequest.find(note.noteable_id)
- merge_request_url(merge_request,
- host: Gitlab.config.gitlab['url'],
- anchor: "note_#{}")
- elsif note.for_project_snippet?
- snippet = Snippet.find(note.noteable_id)
- project_snippet_url(snippet,
- host: Gitlab.config.gitlab['url'],
- anchor: "note_#{}")
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/user_access.rb b/lib/gitlab/user_access.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4885baf9526..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/user_access.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module UserAccess
- def self.allowed?(user)
- return false if user.blocked?
- if user.requires_ldap_check?
- return false unless Gitlab::LDAP::Access.allowed?(user)
- end
- true
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/utils.rb b/lib/gitlab/utils.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index bd184c27187..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/utils.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- module Utils
- extend self
- # Run system command without outputting to stdout.
- #
- # @param cmd [Array<String>]
- # @return [Boolean]
- def system_silent(cmd)
- Popen::popen(cmd)
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/version_info.rb b/lib/gitlab/version_info.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ee41e85cc9..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/version_info.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- class VersionInfo
- include Comparable
- attr_reader :major, :minor, :patch
- def self.parse(str)
- if str && m = str.match(/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/)
-[1].to_i, m[2].to_i, m[3].to_i)
- else
- end
- end
- def initialize(major = 0, minor = 0, patch = 0)
- @major = major
- @minor = minor
- @patch = patch
- end
- def <=>(other)
- return unless other.is_a? VersionInfo
- return unless valid? && other.valid?
- if other.major < @major
- 1
- elsif @major < other.major
- -1
- elsif other.minor < @minor
- 1
- elsif @minor < other.minor
- -1
- elsif other.patch < @patch
- 1
- elsif @patch < other.patch
- -1
- else
- 0
- end
- end
- def to_s
- if valid?
- "%d.%d.%d" % [@major, @minor, @patch]
- else
- "Unknown"
- end
- end
- def valid?
- @major >= 0 && @minor >= 0 && @patch >= 0 && @major + @minor + @patch > 0
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/visibility_level.rb b/lib/gitlab/visibility_level.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 582fc759efd..00000000000
--- a/lib/gitlab/visibility_level.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-# Gitlab::VisibilityLevel module
-# Define allowed public modes that can be used for
-# GitLab projects to determine project public mode
-module Gitlab
- module VisibilityLevel
- extend CurrentSettings
- PRIVATE = 0 unless const_defined?(:PRIVATE)
- INTERNAL = 10 unless const_defined?(:INTERNAL)
- PUBLIC = 20 unless const_defined?(:PUBLIC)
- class << self
- def values
- options.values
- end
- def options
- {
- 'Private' => PRIVATE,
- 'Internal' => INTERNAL,
- 'Public' => PUBLIC
- }
- end
- def allowed_for?(user, level)
- user.is_admin? || allowed_level?(level.to_i)
- end
- # Return true if the specified level is allowed for the current user.
- # Level should be a numeric value, e.g. `20`.
- def allowed_level?(level)
- valid_level?(level) && non_restricted_level?(level)
- end
- def non_restricted_level?(level)
- restricted_levels = current_application_settings.restricted_visibility_levels
- if restricted_levels.nil?
- true
- else
- !restricted_levels.include?(level)
- end
- end
- def valid_level?(level)
- options.has_value?(level)
- end
- end
- def private?
- visibility_level_field == PRIVATE
- end
- def internal?
- visibility_level_field == INTERNAL
- end
- def public?
- visibility_level_field == PUBLIC
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gt_one_coercion.rb b/lib/gt_one_coercion.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ef2dc09767c..00000000000
--- a/lib/gt_one_coercion.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-class GtOneCoercion < Virtus::Attribute
- def coerce(value)
- [1, value.to_i].max
- end
diff --git a/lib/redcarpet/render/gitlab_html.rb b/lib/redcarpet/render/gitlab_html.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 10efff2ae9f..00000000000
--- a/lib/redcarpet/render/gitlab_html.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-class Redcarpet::Render::GitlabHTML < Redcarpet::Render::HTML
- attr_reader :template
- alias_method :h, :template
- def initialize(template, color_scheme, options = {})
- @template = template
- @color_scheme = color_scheme
- @project = @template.instance_variable_get("@project")
- @options = options.dup
- super options
- end
- def preprocess(full_document)
- # Redcarpet doesn't allow SMB links when `safe_links_only` is enabled.
- # FTP links are allowed, so we trick Redcarpet.
- full_document.gsub("smb://", "ftp://smb:")
- end
- # If project has issue number 39, apostrophe will be linked in
- # regular text to the issue as Redcarpet will convert apostrophe to
- # #39;
- # We replace apostrophe with right single quote before Redcarpet
- # does the processing and put the apostrophe back in postprocessing.
- # This only influences regular text, code blocks are untouched.
- def normal_text(text)
- return text unless text.present?
- text.gsub("'", "&rsquo;")
- end
- # Stolen from Rugments::Plugins::Redcarpet as this module is not required
- # from Rugments's gem root.
- def block_code(code, language)
- lexer = Rugments::Lexer.find_fancy(language, code) || Rugments::Lexers::PlainText
- # XXX HACK: Redcarpet strips hard tabs out of code blocks,
- # so we assume you're not using leading spaces that aren't tabs,
- # and just replace them here.
- if lexer.tag == 'make'
- code.gsub! /^ /, "\t"
- end
- formatter =
- cssclass: "code highlight #{@color_scheme} #{lexer.tag}"
- )
- formatter.format(lexer.lex(code))
- end
- def link(link, title, content)
- h.link_to_gfm(content, link, title: title)
- end
- def header(text, level)
- if @options[:no_header_anchors]
- "<h#{level}>#{text}</h#{level}>"
- else
- id = ActionController::Base.helpers.strip_tags(h.gfm(text)).downcase() \
- .gsub(/[^a-z0-9_-]/, '-').gsub(/-+/, '-').gsub(/^-/, '').gsub(/-$/, '')
- "<h#{level} id=\"#{id}\">#{text}<a href=\"\##{id}\"></a></h#{level}>"
- end
- end
- def postprocess(full_document)
- full_document.gsub!("ftp://smb:", "smb://")
- full_document.gsub!("&rsquo;", "'")
- unless @template.instance_variable_get("@project_wiki") || @project.nil?
- full_document = h.create_relative_links(full_document)
- end
- h.gfm_with_options(full_document, @options)
- end
diff --git a/lib/repository_cache.rb b/lib/repository_cache.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index fa016a170cd..00000000000
--- a/lib/repository_cache.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Interface to the Redis-backed cache store used by the Repository model
-class RepositoryCache
- attr_reader :namespace, :backend
- def initialize(namespace, backend = Rails.cache)
- @namespace = namespace
- @backend = backend
- end
- def cache_key(type)
- "#{type}:#{namespace}"
- end
- def expire(key)
- backend.delete(cache_key(key))
- end
- def fetch(key, &block)
- backend.fetch(cache_key(key), &block)
- end
diff --git a/lib/static_model.rb b/lib/static_model.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 185921d8fbe..00000000000
--- a/lib/static_model.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# Provides an ActiveRecord-like interface to a model whose data is not persisted to a database.
-module StaticModel
- extend ActiveSupport::Concern
- module ClassMethods
- # Used by ActiveRecord's polymorphic association to set object_id
- def primary_key
- 'id'
- end
- # Used by ActiveRecord's polymorphic association to set object_type
- def base_class
- self
- end
- end
- # Used by AR for fetching attributes
- #
- # Pass it along if we respond to it.
- def [](key)
- send(key) if respond_to?(key)
- end
- def to_param
- id
- end
- def new_record?
- false
- end
- def persisted?
- false
- end
- def destroyed?
- false
- end
- def ==(other)
- if other.is_a? ::StaticModel
- id ==
- else
- super
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/support/deploy/ b/lib/support/deploy/
deleted file mode 100755
index adea4c7a747..00000000000
--- a/lib/support/deploy/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# This is deploy script we use to update staging server
-# You can always modify it for your needs :)
-# If any command return non-zero status - stop deploy
-set -e
-echo 'Deploy: Stopping sidekiq..'
-cd /home/git/gitlab/ && sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake sidekiq:stop RAILS_ENV=production
-echo 'Deploy: Show deploy index page'
-sudo -u git -H cp /home/git/gitlab/public/deploy.html /home/git/gitlab/public/index.html
-echo 'Deploy: Starting backup...'
-cd /home/git/gitlab/ && sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:backup:create RAILS_ENV=production
-echo 'Deploy: Stop GitLab server'
-sudo service gitlab stop
-echo 'Deploy: Get latest code'
-cd /home/git/gitlab/
-# clean working directory
-sudo -u git -H git stash
-# change branch to
-sudo -u git -H git pull origin master
-echo 'Deploy: Bundle and migrate'
-# change it to your needs
-sudo -u git -H bundle --without aws development test mysql --deployment
-sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
-sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake assets:clean RAILS_ENV=production
-sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production
-sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake cache:clear RAILS_ENV=production
-# return stashed changes (if necessary)
-# sudo -u git -H git stash pop
-echo 'Deploy: Starting GitLab server...'
-sudo service gitlab start
-sudo -u git -H rm /home/git/gitlab/public/index.html
-echo 'Deploy: Done'
diff --git a/lib/support/init.d/gitlab b/lib/support/init.d/gitlab
deleted file mode 100755
index b066a1a6935..00000000000
--- a/lib/support/init.d/gitlab
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# Maintainer: @randx
-# Authors:, @randx
-# Provides: gitlab
-# Required-Start: $local_fs $remote_fs $network $syslog redis-server
-# Required-Stop: $local_fs $remote_fs $network $syslog
-# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
-# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
-# Short-Description: GitLab git repository management
-# Description: GitLab git repository management
-# chkconfig: - 85 14
-# This file will be overwritten on update.
-# Instead add/change your variables in /etc/default/gitlab
-# An example defaults file can be found in lib/support/init.d/gitlab.default.example
-### Environment variables
-# Script variable names should be lower-case not to conflict with
-# internal /bin/sh variables such as PATH, EDITOR or SHELL.
-# Read configuration variable file if it is present
-test -f /etc/default/gitlab && . /etc/default/gitlab
-# Switch to the app_user if it is not he/she who is running the script.
-if [ "$USER" != "$app_user" ]; then
- eval su - "$app_user" -c $(echo \")$0 "$@"$(echo \"); exit;
-# Switch to the gitlab path, exit on failure.
-if ! cd "$app_root" ; then
- echo "Failed to cd into $app_root, exiting!"; exit 1
-### Init Script functions
-## Gets the pids from the files
- if ! mkdir -p "$pid_path"; then
- echo "Could not create the path $pid_path needed to store the pids."
- exit 1
- fi
- # If there exists a file which should hold the value of the Unicorn pid: read it.
- if [ -f "$web_server_pid_path" ]; then
- wpid=$(cat "$web_server_pid_path")
- else
- wpid=0
- fi
- if [ -f "$sidekiq_pid_path" ]; then
- spid=$(cat "$sidekiq_pid_path")
- else
- spid=0
- fi
-## Called when we have started the two processes and are waiting for their pid files.
- # We are sleeping a bit here mostly because sidekiq is slow at writing it's pid
- i=0;
- while [ ! -f $web_server_pid_path -o ! -f $sidekiq_pid_path ]; do
- sleep 0.1;
- i=$((i+1))
- if [ $((i%10)) = 0 ]; then
- echo -n "."
- elif [ $((i)) = 301 ]; then
- echo "Waited 30s for the processes to write their pids, something probably went wrong."
- exit 1;
- fi
- done
- echo
-# We use the pids in so many parts of the script it makes sense to always check them.
-# Only after start() is run should the pids change. Sidekiq sets it's own pid.
-## Checks whether the different parts of the service are already running or not.
- check_pids
- # If the web server is running kill -0 $wpid returns true, or rather 0.
- # Checks of *_status should only check for == 0 or != 0, never anything else.
- if [ $wpid -ne 0 ]; then
- kill -0 "$wpid" 2>/dev/null
- web_status="$?"
- else
- web_status="-1"
- fi
- if [ $spid -ne 0 ]; then
- kill -0 "$spid" 2>/dev/null
- sidekiq_status="$?"
- else
- sidekiq_status="-1"
- fi
- if [ $web_status = 0 -a $sidekiq_status = 0 ]; then
- gitlab_status=0
- else
- #
- # code 3 means 'program is not running'
- gitlab_status=3
- fi
-## Check for stale pids and remove them if necessary.
- check_status
- # If there is a pid it is something else than 0, the service is running if
- # *_status is == 0.
- if [ "$wpid" != "0" -a "$web_status" != "0" ]; then
- echo "Removing stale Unicorn web server pid. This is most likely caused by the web server crashing the last time it ran."
- if ! rm "$web_server_pid_path"; then
- echo "Unable to remove stale pid, exiting."
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- if [ "$spid" != "0" -a "$sidekiq_status" != "0" ]; then
- echo "Removing stale Sidekiq job dispatcher pid. This is most likely caused by Sidekiq crashing the last time it ran."
- if ! rm "$sidekiq_pid_path"; then
- echo "Unable to remove stale pid, exiting"
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
-## If no parts of the service is running, bail out.
- check_stale_pids
- if [ "$web_status" != "0" -a "$sidekiq_status" != "0" ]; then
- echo "GitLab is not running."
- exit
- fi
-## Starts Unicorn and Sidekiq if they're not running.
-start_gitlab() {
- check_stale_pids
- if [ "$web_status" != "0" -a "$sidekiq_status" != "0" ]; then
- echo -n "Starting both the GitLab Unicorn and Sidekiq"
- elif [ "$web_status" != "0" ]; then
- echo -n "Starting GitLab Unicorn"
- elif [ "$sidekiq_status" != "0" ]; then
- echo -n "Starting GitLab Sidekiq"
- fi
- # Then check if the service is running. If it is: don't start again.
- if [ "$web_status" = "0" ]; then
- echo "The Unicorn web server already running with pid $wpid, not restarting."
- else
- # Remove old socket if it exists
- rm -f "$socket_path"/gitlab.socket 2>/dev/null
- # Start the web server
- RAILS_ENV=$RAILS_ENV bin/web start
- fi
- # If sidekiq is already running, don't start it again.
- if [ "$sidekiq_status" = "0" ]; then
- echo "The Sidekiq job dispatcher is already running with pid $spid, not restarting"
- else
- RAILS_ENV=$RAILS_ENV bin/background_jobs start &
- fi
- # Wait for the pids to be planted
- wait_for_pids
- # Finally check the status to tell wether or not GitLab is running
- print_status
-## Asks the Unicorn and the Sidekiq if they would be so kind as to stop, if not kills them.
-stop_gitlab() {
- exit_if_not_running
- if [ "$web_status" = "0" -a "$sidekiq_status" = "0" ]; then
- echo -n "Shutting down both Unicorn and Sidekiq"
- elif [ "$web_status" = "0" ]; then
- echo -n "Shutting down Unicorn"
- elif [ "$sidekiq_status" = "0" ]; then
- echo -n "Shutting down Sidekiq"
- fi
- # If the Unicorn web server is running, tell it to stop;
- if [ "$web_status" = "0" ]; then
- RAILS_ENV=$RAILS_ENV bin/web stop
- fi
- # And do the same thing for the Sidekiq.
- if [ "$sidekiq_status" = "0" ]; then
- RAILS_ENV=$RAILS_ENV bin/background_jobs stop
- fi
- # If something needs to be stopped, lets wait for it to stop. Never use SIGKILL in a script.
- while [ "$web_status" = "0" -o "$sidekiq_status" = "0" ]; do
- sleep 1
- check_status
- printf "."
- if [ "$web_status" != "0" -a "$sidekiq_status" != "0" ]; then
- printf "\n"
- break
- fi
- done
- sleep 1
- # Cleaning up unused pids
- rm "$web_server_pid_path" 2>/dev/null
- # rm "$sidekiq_pid_path" # Sidekiq seems to be cleaning up it's own pid.
- print_status
-## Prints the status of GitLab and it's components.
-print_status() {
- check_status
- if [ "$web_status" != "0" -a "$sidekiq_status" != "0" ]; then
- echo "GitLab is not running."
- return
- fi
- if [ "$web_status" = "0" ]; then
- echo "The GitLab Unicorn web server with pid $wpid is running."
- else
- printf "The GitLab Unicorn web server is \033[31mnot running\033[0m.\n"
- fi
- if [ "$sidekiq_status" = "0" ]; then
- echo "The GitLab Sidekiq job dispatcher with pid $spid is running."
- else
- printf "The GitLab Sidekiq job dispatcher is \033[31mnot running\033[0m.\n"
- fi
- if [ "$web_status" = "0" -a "$sidekiq_status" = "0" ]; then
- printf "GitLab and all its components are \033[32mup and running\033[0m.\n"
- fi
-## Tells unicorn to reload it's config and Sidekiq to restart
- exit_if_not_running
- if [ "$wpid" = "0" ];then
- echo "The GitLab Unicorn Web server is not running thus its configuration can't be reloaded."
- exit 1
- fi
- printf "Reloading GitLab Unicorn configuration... "
- RAILS_ENV=$RAILS_ENV bin/web reload
- echo "Done."
- echo "Restarting GitLab Sidekiq since it isn't capable of reloading its config..."
- RAILS_ENV=$RAILS_ENV bin/background_jobs restart
- wait_for_pids
- print_status
-## Restarts Sidekiq and Unicorn.
- check_status
- if [ "$web_status" = "0" -o "$sidekiq_status" = "0" ]; then
- stop_gitlab
- fi
- start_gitlab
-### Finally the input handling.
-case "$1" in
- start)
- start_gitlab
- ;;
- stop)
- stop_gitlab
- ;;
- restart)
- restart_gitlab
- ;;
- reload|force-reload)
- reload_gitlab
- ;;
- status)
- print_status
- exit $gitlab_status
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Usage: service gitlab {start|stop|restart|reload|status}"
- exit 1
- ;;
diff --git a/lib/support/init.d/gitlab.default.example b/lib/support/init.d/gitlab.default.example
deleted file mode 100755
index 9951bacedf5..00000000000
--- a/lib/support/init.d/gitlab.default.example
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# Copy this lib/support/init.d/gitlab.default.example file to
-# /etc/default/gitlab in order for it to apply to your system.
-# RAILS_ENV defines the type of installation that is running.
-# Normal values are "production", "test" and "development".
-# app_user defines the user that GitLab is run as.
-# The default is "git".
-# app_root defines the folder in which gitlab and it's components are installed.
-# The default is "/home/$app_user/gitlab"
-# pid_path defines a folder in which the gitlab and it's components place their pids.
-# This variable is also used below to define the relevant pids for the gitlab components.
-# The default is "$app_root/tmp/pids"
-# socket_path defines the folder in which gitlab places the sockets
-#The default is "$app_root/tmp/sockets"
-# web_server_pid_path defines the path in which to create the pid file fo the web_server
-# The default is "$pid_path/"
-# sidekiq_pid_path defines the path in which to create the pid file for sidekiq
-# The default is "$pid_path/"
diff --git a/lib/support/logrotate/gitlab b/lib/support/logrotate/gitlab
deleted file mode 100644
index d9b07b61ec3..00000000000
--- a/lib/support/logrotate/gitlab
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# GitLab logrotate settings
-# based on:
-/home/git/gitlab/log/*.log {
- daily
- missingok
- rotate 90
- compress
- notifempty
- copytruncate
-/home/git/gitlab-shell/gitlab-shell.log {
- daily
- missingok
- rotate 90
- compress
- notifempty
- copytruncate
diff --git a/lib/support/nginx/gitlab b/lib/support/nginx/gitlab
deleted file mode 100644
index 62a4276536c..00000000000
--- a/lib/support/nginx/gitlab
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-## GitLab
-## Contributors: randx, yin8086, sashkab, orkoden, axilleas, bbodenmiller, DouweM
-## Lines starting with two hashes (##) are comments with information.
-## Lines starting with one hash (#) are configuration parameters that can be uncommented.
-## It is a known issue that Git-over-HTTP requires chunked transfer encoding [0]
-## which is not supported by Nginx < 1.3.9 [1]. As a result, pushing a large object
-## with Git (i.e. a single large file) can lead to a 411 error. In theory you can get
-## around this by tweaking this configuration file and either:
-## - installing an old version of Nginx with the chunkin module [2] compiled in, or
-## - using a newer version of Nginx.
-## At the time of writing we do not know if either of these theoretical solutions works.
-## As a workaround users can use Git over SSH to push large files.
-## [0]
-## [1]
-## [2]
-## configuration ##
-## See for additional HTTPS configuration details.
-upstream gitlab {
- server unix:/home/git/gitlab/tmp/sockets/gitlab.socket fail_timeout=0;
-## Normal HTTP host
-server {
- listen default_server;
- listen [::]:80 default_server;
- server_name YOUR_SERVER_FQDN; ## Replace this with something like
- server_tokens off; ## Don't show the nginx version number, a security best practice
- root /home/git/gitlab/public;
- ## Increase this if you want to upload large attachments
- ## Or if you want to accept large git objects over http
- client_max_body_size 20m;
- ## See app/controllers/application_controller.rb for headers set
- ## Individual nginx logs for this GitLab vhost
- access_log /var/log/nginx/gitlab_access.log;
- error_log /var/log/nginx/gitlab_error.log;
- location / {
- ## Serve static files from defined root folder.
- ## @gitlab is a named location for the upstream fallback, see below.
- try_files $uri $uri/index.html $uri.html @gitlab;
- }
- ## We route uploads through GitLab to prevent XSS and enforce access control.
- location /uploads/ {
- ## If you use HTTPS make sure you disable gzip compression
- ## to be safe against BREACH attack.
- # gzip off;
- ##
- ## Some requests take more than 30 seconds.
- proxy_read_timeout 300;
- proxy_connect_timeout 300;
- proxy_redirect off;
- proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
- proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
- proxy_set_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN;
- proxy_pass http://gitlab;
- }
- ## If a file, which is not found in the root folder is requested,
- ## then the proxy passes the request to the upsteam (gitlab unicorn).
- location @gitlab {
- ## If you use HTTPS make sure you disable gzip compression
- ## to be safe against BREACH attack.
- # gzip off;
- ##
- ## Some requests take more than 30 seconds.
- proxy_read_timeout 300;
- proxy_connect_timeout 300;
- proxy_redirect off;
- proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
- proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
- proxy_set_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN;
- proxy_pass http://gitlab;
- }
- ## Enable gzip compression as per rails guide:
- ##
- ## WARNING: If you are using relative urls remove the block below
- ## See config/application.rb under "Relative url support" for the list of
- ## other files that need to be changed for relative url support
- location ~ ^/(assets)/ {
- root /home/git/gitlab/public;
- gzip_static on; # to serve pre-gzipped version
- expires max;
- add_header Cache-Control public;
- }
- error_page 502 /502.html;
diff --git a/lib/support/nginx/gitlab-ssl b/lib/support/nginx/gitlab-ssl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2aefc944698..00000000000
--- a/lib/support/nginx/gitlab-ssl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-## GitLab
-## Contributors: randx, yin8086, sashkab, orkoden, axilleas, bbodenmiller, DouweM
-## Modified from nginx http version
-## Modified from
-## Modified from
-## Lines starting with two hashes (##) are comments with information.
-## Lines starting with one hash (#) are configuration parameters that can be uncommented.
-## It is a known issue that Git-over-HTTP requires chunked transfer encoding [0]
-## which is not supported by Nginx < 1.3.9 [1]. As a result, pushing a large object
-## with Git (i.e. a single large file) can lead to a 411 error. In theory you can get
-## around this by tweaking this configuration file and either:
-## - installing an old version of Nginx with the chunkin module [2] compiled in, or
-## - using a newer version of Nginx.
-## At the time of writing we do not know if either of these theoretical solutions works.
-## As a workaround users can use Git over SSH to push large files.
-## [0]
-## [1]
-## [2]
-## configuration ##
-## See for additional HTTPS configuration details.
-upstream gitlab {
- server unix:/home/git/gitlab/tmp/sockets/gitlab.socket fail_timeout=0;
-## Redirects all HTTP traffic to the HTTPS host
-server {
- listen;
- listen [::]:80 ipv6only=on default_server;
- server_name YOUR_SERVER_FQDN; ## Replace this with something like
- server_tokens off; ## Don't show the nginx version number, a security best practice
- return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;
- access_log /var/log/nginx/gitlab_access.log;
- error_log /var/log/nginx/gitlab_error.log;
-## HTTPS host
-server {
- listen ssl;
- listen [::]:443 ipv6only=on ssl default_server;
- server_name YOUR_SERVER_FQDN; ## Replace this with something like
- server_tokens off; ## Don't show the nginx version number, a security best practice
- root /home/git/gitlab/public;
- ## Increase this if you want to upload large attachments
- ## Or if you want to accept large git objects over http
- client_max_body_size 20m;
- ## Strong SSL Security
- ## &
- ssl on;
- ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/gitlab.crt;
- ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/gitlab.key;
- # GitLab needs backwards compatible ciphers to retain compatibility with Java IDEs
- ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
- ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
- ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m;
- ssl_session_timeout 5m;
- ## See app/controllers/application_controller.rb for headers set
- ## [Optional] If your certficate has OCSP, enable OCSP stapling to reduce the overhead and latency of running SSL.
- ## Replace with your ssl_trusted_certificate. For more info see:
- ## -
- ## -
- ## -
- # ssl_stapling on;
- # ssl_stapling_verify on;
- # ssl_trusted_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/stapling.trusted.crt;
- # resolver valid=300s; # Can change to your DNS resolver if desired
- # resolver_timeout 5s;
- ## [Optional] Generate a stronger DHE parameter:
- ## sudo openssl dhparam -out /etc/ssl/certs/dhparam.pem 4096
- ##
- # ssl_dhparam /etc/ssl/certs/dhparam.pem;
- ## Individual nginx logs for this GitLab vhost
- access_log /var/log/nginx/gitlab_access.log;
- error_log /var/log/nginx/gitlab_error.log;
- location / {
- ## Serve static files from defined root folder.
- ## @gitlab is a named location for the upstream fallback, see below.
- try_files $uri $uri/index.html $uri.html @gitlab;
- }
- ## We route uploads through GitLab to prevent XSS and enforce access control.
- location /uploads/ {
- ## If you use HTTPS make sure you disable gzip compression
- ## to be safe against BREACH attack.
- gzip off;
- ##
- ## Some requests take more than 30 seconds.
- proxy_read_timeout 300;
- proxy_connect_timeout 300;
- proxy_redirect off;
- proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
- proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Ssl on;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
- proxy_set_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN;
- proxy_pass http://gitlab;
- }
- ## If a file, which is not found in the root folder is requested,
- ## then the proxy passes the request to the upsteam (gitlab unicorn).
- location @gitlab {
- ## If you use HTTPS make sure you disable gzip compression
- ## to be safe against BREACH attack.
- gzip off;
- ##
- ## Some requests take more than 30 seconds.
- proxy_read_timeout 300;
- proxy_connect_timeout 300;
- proxy_redirect off;
- proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
- proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Ssl on;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
- proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
- proxy_set_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN;
- proxy_pass http://gitlab;
- }
- ## Enable gzip compression as per rails guide:
- ##
- ## WARNING: If you are using relative urls remove the block below
- ## See config/application.rb under "Relative url support" for the list of
- ## other files that need to be changed for relative url support
- location ~ ^/(assets)/ {
- root /home/git/gitlab/public;
- gzip_static on; # to serve pre-gzipped version
- expires max;
- add_header Cache-Control public;
- }
- error_page 502 /502.html;
diff --git a/lib/tasks/.gitkeep b/lib/tasks/.gitkeep
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d..00000000000
--- a/lib/tasks/.gitkeep
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/lib/tasks/brakeman.rake b/lib/tasks/brakeman.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a225801ff2..00000000000
--- a/lib/tasks/brakeman.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-desc 'Security check via brakeman'
-task :brakeman do
- if system("brakeman --skip-files lib/backup/repository.rb -w3 -z")
- puts 'Security check succeed'
- else
- puts 'Security check failed'
- exit 1
- end
diff --git a/lib/tasks/cache.rake b/lib/tasks/cache.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index 753a5a11070..00000000000
--- a/lib/tasks/cache.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-namespace :cache do
- desc "GITLAB | Clear redis cache"
- task :clear => :environment do
- # Hack into Rails.cache until
- # is accepted (I hope) and we can update the redis-store gem.
- redis_store = Rails.cache.instance_variable_get(:@data)
- redis_store.keys.each_slice(1000) do |key_slice|
- redis_store.del(*key_slice)
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/tasks/dev.rake b/lib/tasks/dev.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index 058c7417040..00000000000
--- a/lib/tasks/dev.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-task dev: ["dev:setup"]
-namespace :dev do
- desc "GITLAB | Setup developer environment (db, fixtures)"
- task :setup => :environment do
- ENV['force'] = 'yes'
- Rake::Task["gitlab:setup"].invoke
- Rake::Task["gitlab:shell:setup"].invoke
- end
diff --git a/lib/tasks/gitlab/backup.rake b/lib/tasks/gitlab/backup.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index 84445b3bf2f..00000000000
--- a/lib/tasks/gitlab/backup.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-require 'active_record/fixtures'
-namespace :gitlab do
- namespace :backup do
- # Create backup of GitLab system
- desc "GITLAB | Create a backup of the GitLab system"
- task create: :environment do
- warn_user_is_not_gitlab
- configure_cron_mode
- Rake::Task["gitlab:backup:db:create"].invoke
- Rake::Task["gitlab:backup:repo:create"].invoke
- Rake::Task["gitlab:backup:uploads:create"].invoke
- backup =
- backup.pack
- backup.cleanup
- backup.remove_old
- end
- # Restore backup of GitLab system
- desc "GITLAB | Restore a previously created backup"
- task restore: :environment do
- warn_user_is_not_gitlab
- configure_cron_mode
- backup =
- backup.unpack
- Rake::Task["gitlab:backup:db:restore"].invoke unless backup.skipped?("db")
- Rake::Task["gitlab:backup:repo:restore"].invoke unless backup.skipped?("repositories")
- Rake::Task["gitlab:backup:uploads:restore"].invoke unless backup.skipped?("uploads")
- Rake::Task["gitlab:shell:setup"].invoke
- backup.cleanup
- end
- namespace :repo do
- task create: :environment do
- $progress.puts "Dumping repositories ...".blue
- if ENV["SKIP"] && ENV["SKIP"].include?("repositories")
- $progress.puts "[SKIPPED]".cyan
- else
- $progress.puts "done".green
- end
- end
- task restore: :environment do
- $progress.puts "Restoring repositories ...".blue
- $progress.puts "done".green
- end
- end
- namespace :db do
- task create: :environment do
- $progress.puts "Dumping database ... ".blue
- if ENV["SKIP"] && ENV["SKIP"].include?("db")
- $progress.puts "[SKIPPED]".cyan
- else
- $progress.puts "done".green
- end
- end
- task restore: :environment do
- $progress.puts "Restoring database ... ".blue
- $progress.puts "done".green
- end
- end
- namespace :uploads do
- task create: :environment do
- $progress.puts "Dumping uploads ... ".blue
- if ENV["SKIP"] && ENV["SKIP"].include?("uploads")
- $progress.puts "[SKIPPED]".cyan
- else
- $progress.puts "done".green
- end
- end
- task restore: :environment do
- $progress.puts "Restoring uploads ... ".blue
- $progress.puts "done".green
- end
- end
- def configure_cron_mode
- if ENV['CRON']
- # We need an object we can say 'puts' and 'print' to; let's use a
- # StringIO.
- require 'stringio'
- $progress =
- else
- $progress = $stdout
- end
- end
- end # namespace end: backup
-end # namespace end: gitlab
diff --git a/lib/tasks/gitlab/bulk_add_permission.rake b/lib/tasks/gitlab/bulk_add_permission.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d8c171dfa3..00000000000
--- a/lib/tasks/gitlab/bulk_add_permission.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-namespace :gitlab do
- namespace :import do
- desc "GITLAB | Add all users to all projects (admin users are added as masters)"
- task all_users_to_all_projects: :environment do |t, args|
- user_ids = User.where(admin: false).pluck(:id)
- admin_ids = User.where(admin: true).pluck(:id)
- projects_ids = Project.pluck(:id)
- puts "Importing #{user_ids.size} users into #{projects_ids.size} projects"
- ProjectMember.add_users_into_projects(projects_ids, user_ids, ProjectMember::DEVELOPER)
- puts "Importing #{admin_ids.size} admins into #{projects_ids.size} projects"
- ProjectMember.add_users_into_projects(projects_ids, admin_ids, ProjectMember::MASTER)
- end
- desc "GITLAB | Add a specific user to all projects (as a developer)"
- task :user_to_projects, [:email] => :environment do |t, args|
- user = User.find_by(email:
- project_ids = Project.pluck(:id)
- puts "Importing #{} users into #{project_ids.size} projects"
- ProjectMember.add_users_into_projects(project_ids, Array.wrap(, ProjectMember::DEVELOPER)
- end
- desc "GITLAB | Add all users to all groups (admin users are added as owners)"
- task all_users_to_all_groups: :environment do |t, args|
- user_ids = User.where(admin: false).pluck(:id)
- admin_ids = User.where(admin: true).pluck(:id)
- groups = Group.all
- puts "Importing #{user_ids.size} users into #{groups.size} groups"
- puts "Importing #{admin_ids.size} admins into #{groups.size} groups"
- groups.each do |group|
- group.add_users(user_ids, GroupMember::DEVELOPER)
- group.add_users(admin_ids, GroupMember::OWNER)
- end
- end
- desc "GITLAB | Add a specific user to all groups (as a developer)"
- task :user_to_groups, [:email] => :environment do |t, args|
- user = User.find_by_email
- groups = Group.all
- puts "Importing #{} users into #{groups.size} groups"
- groups.each do |group|
- group.add_users(Array.wrap(, GroupMember::DEVELOPER)
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/tasks/gitlab/cleanup.rake b/lib/tasks/gitlab/cleanup.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c9802a0be4..00000000000
--- a/lib/tasks/gitlab/cleanup.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-namespace :gitlab do
- namespace :cleanup do
- desc "GITLAB | Cleanup | Clean namespaces"
- task dirs: :environment do
- warn_user_is_not_gitlab
- remove_flag = ENV['REMOVE']
- namespaces = Namespace.pluck(:path)
- git_base_path = Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.repos_path
- all_dirs = Dir.glob(git_base_path + '/*')
- puts git_base_path.yellow
- puts "Looking for directories to remove... "
- all_dirs.reject! do |dir|
- # skip if git repo
- dir =~ /.git$/
- end
- all_dirs.reject! do |dir|
- dir_name = File.basename dir
- # skip if namespace present
- namespaces.include?(dir_name)
- end
- all_dirs.each do |dir_path|
- if remove_flag
- if FileUtils.rm_rf dir_path
- puts "Removed...#{dir_path}".red
- else
- puts "Cannot remove #{dir_path}".red
- end
- else
- puts "Can be removed: #{dir_path}".red
- end
- end
- unless remove_flag
- puts "To cleanup this directories run this command with REMOVE=true".yellow
- end
- end
- desc "GITLAB | Cleanup | Clean repositories"
- task repos: :environment do
- warn_user_is_not_gitlab
- remove_flag = ENV['REMOVE']
- git_base_path = Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.repos_path
- all_dirs = Dir.glob(git_base_path + '/*')
- global_projects = Project.where(namespace_id: nil).pluck(:path)
- puts git_base_path.yellow
- puts "Looking for global repos to remove... "
- # skip non git repo
-! do |dir|
- dir =~ /.git$/
- end
- # skip existing repos
- all_dirs.reject! do |dir|
- repo_name = File.basename dir
- path = repo_name.gsub(/\.git$/, "")
- global_projects.include?(path)
- end
- all_dirs.each do |dir_path|
- if remove_flag
- if FileUtils.rm_rf dir_path
- puts "Removed...#{dir_path}".red
- else
- puts "Cannot remove #{dir_path}".red
- end
- else
- puts "Can be removed: #{dir_path}".red
- end
- end
- unless remove_flag
- puts "To cleanup this directories run this command with REMOVE=true".yellow
- end
- end
- desc "GITLAB | Cleanup | Block users that have been removed in LDAP"
- task block_removed_ldap_users: :environment do
- warn_user_is_not_gitlab
- block_flag = ENV['BLOCK']
- User.find_each do |user|
- next unless user.ldap_user?
- print "#{} (#{user.ldap_identity.extern_uid}) ..."
- if Gitlab::LDAP::Access.allowed?(user)
- puts " [OK]".green
- else
- if block_flag
- user.block! unless user.blocked?
- puts " [BLOCKED]".red
- else
- puts " [NOT IN LDAP]".yellow
- end
- end
- end
- unless block_flag
- puts "To block these users run this command with BLOCK=true".yellow
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/tasks/gitlab/db/drop_all_postgres_sequences.rake b/lib/tasks/gitlab/db/drop_all_postgres_sequences.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index e9cf0a9b5e8..00000000000
--- a/lib/tasks/gitlab/db/drop_all_postgres_sequences.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-namespace :gitlab do
- namespace :db do
- task drop_all_postgres_sequences: :environment do
- connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection
- connection.execute("SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c WHERE c.relkind = 'S';").each do |sequence|
- connection.execute("DROP SEQUENCE #{sequence['relname']}")
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/tasks/gitlab/db/drop_all_tables.rake b/lib/tasks/gitlab/db/drop_all_tables.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index a66030ab93a..00000000000
--- a/lib/tasks/gitlab/db/drop_all_tables.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-namespace :gitlab do
- namespace :db do
- task drop_all_tables: :environment do
- connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection
- connection.tables.each do |table|
- connection.drop_table(table)
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/tasks/gitlab/enable_automerge.rake b/lib/tasks/gitlab/enable_automerge.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index aa9869daf2f..00000000000
--- a/lib/tasks/gitlab/enable_automerge.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-namespace :gitlab do
- namespace :satellites do
- desc "GITLAB | Create satellite repos"
- task create: :environment do
- create_satellites
- end
- end
- def create_satellites
- warn_user_is_not_gitlab
- print "Creating satellites for ..."
- unless Project.count > 0
- puts "skipping, because you have no projects".magenta
- return
- end
- puts ""
- Project.find_each(batch_size: 100) do |project|
- print "#{project.name_with_namespace.yellow} ... "
- unless project.repo_exists?
- puts "skipping, because the repo is empty".magenta
- next
- end
- if project.satellite.exists?
- puts "exists already".green
- else
- print "\n... "
- if project.satellite.create
- puts "created".green
- else
- puts "error".red
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/tasks/gitlab/generate_docs.rake b/lib/tasks/gitlab/generate_docs.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index 332cd61f84c..00000000000
--- a/lib/tasks/gitlab/generate_docs.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-namespace :gitlab do
- desc "GITLAB | Generate sdocs for project"
- task generate_docs: :environment do
- system(*%W(bundle exec sdoc -o doc/code app lib))
- end
diff --git a/lib/tasks/gitlab/import.rake b/lib/tasks/gitlab/import.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index 20abb2fa500..00000000000
--- a/lib/tasks/gitlab/import.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-namespace :gitlab do
- namespace :import do
- # How to use:
- #
- # 1. copy the bare repos under the repos_path (commonly /home/git/repositories)
- # 2. run: bundle exec rake gitlab:import:repos RAILS_ENV=production
- #
- # Notes:
- # * The project owner will set to the first administator of the system
- # * Existing projects will be skipped
- #
- desc "GITLAB | Import bare repositories from gitlab_shell -> repos_path into GitLab project instance"
- task repos: :environment do
- git_base_path = Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.repos_path
- repos_to_import = Dir.glob(git_base_path + '/**/*.git')
- repos_to_import.each do |repo_path|
- # strip repo base path
- repo_path[0..git_base_path.length] = ''
- path = repo_path.sub(/\.git$/, '')
- group_name, name = File.split(path)
- group_name = nil if group_name == '.'
- puts "Processing #{repo_path}".yellow
- if path.end_with?('.wiki')
- puts " * Skipping wiki repo"
- next
- end
- project = Project.find_with_namespace(path)
- if project
- puts " * #{} (#{repo_path}) exists"
- else
- user = User.admins.first
- project_params = {
- name: name,
- path: name
- }
- # find group namespace
- if group_name
- group = Namespace.find_by(path: group_name)
- # create group namespace
- unless group
- group = => group_name)
- group.path = group_name
- group.owner = user
- if
- puts " * Created Group #{} (#{})".green
- else
- puts " * Failed trying to create group #{}".red
- end
- end
- # set project group
- project_params[:namespace_id] =
- end
- project =, project_params).execute
- if project.valid?
- puts " * Created #{} (#{repo_path})".green
- else
- puts " * Failed trying to create #{} (#{repo_path})".red
- puts " Validation Errors: #{project.errors.messages}".red
- end
- end
- end
- puts "Done!".green
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/tasks/gitlab/info.rake b/lib/tasks/gitlab/info.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index 72452e1d8ea..00000000000
--- a/lib/tasks/gitlab/info.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-namespace :gitlab do
- namespace :env do
- desc "GITLAB | Show information about GitLab and its environment"
- task info: :environment do
- # check if there is an RVM environment
- rvm_version = run_and_match(%W(rvm --version), /[\d\.]+/).try(:to_s)
- # check Ruby version
- ruby_version = run_and_match(%W(ruby --version), /[\d\.p]+/).try(:to_s)
- # check Gem version
- gem_version = run(%W(gem --version))
- # check Bundler version
- bunder_version = run_and_match(%W(bundle --version), /[\d\.]+/).try(:to_s)
- # check Bundler version
- rake_version = run_and_match(%W(rake --version), /[\d\.]+/).try(:to_s)
- puts ""
- puts "System information".yellow
- puts "System:\t\t#{os_name || "unknown".red}"
- puts "Current User:\t#{run(%W(whoami))}"
- puts "Using RVM:\t#{rvm_version.present? ? "yes".green : "no"}"
- puts "RVM Version:\t#{rvm_version}" if rvm_version.present?
- puts "Ruby Version:\t#{ruby_version || "unknown".red}"
- puts "Gem Version:\t#{gem_version || "unknown".red}"
- puts "Bundler Version:#{bunder_version || "unknown".red}"
- puts "Rake Version:\t#{rake_version || "unknown".red}"
- puts "Sidekiq Version:#{Sidekiq::VERSION}"
- # check database adapter
- database_adapter = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name.downcase
- project = "some-project")
- project.path = "some-project"
- # construct clone URLs
- http_clone_url = project.http_url_to_repo
- ssh_clone_url = project.ssh_url_to_repo
- omniauth_providers = Gitlab.config.omniauth.providers
-! { |provider| provider['name'] }
- puts ""
- puts "GitLab information".yellow
- puts "Version:\t#{Gitlab::VERSION}"
- puts "Revision:\t#{Gitlab::REVISION}"
- puts "Directory:\t#{Rails.root}"
- puts "DB Adapter:\t#{database_adapter}"
- puts "URL:\t\t#{Gitlab.config.gitlab.url}"
- puts "HTTP Clone URL:\t#{http_clone_url}"
- puts "SSH Clone URL:\t#{ssh_clone_url}"
- puts "Using LDAP:\t#{Gitlab.config.ldap.enabled ? "yes".green : "no"}"
- puts "Using Omniauth:\t#{Gitlab.config.omniauth.enabled ? "yes".green : "no"}"
- puts "Omniauth Providers: #{', ')}" if Gitlab.config.omniauth.enabled
- # check Gitolite version
- gitlab_shell_version_file = "#{Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.hooks_path}/../VERSION"
- if File.readable?(gitlab_shell_version_file)
- gitlab_shell_version =
- end
- puts ""
- puts "GitLab Shell".yellow
- puts "Version:\t#{gitlab_shell_version || "unknown".red}"
- puts "Repositories:\t#{Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.repos_path}"
- puts "Hooks:\t\t#{Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.hooks_path}"
- puts "Git:\t\t#{Gitlab.config.git.bin_path}"
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/tasks/gitlab/mail_google_schema_whitelisting.rake b/lib/tasks/gitlab/mail_google_schema_whitelisting.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index 102c6ae55d5..00000000000
--- a/lib/tasks/gitlab/mail_google_schema_whitelisting.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-require "#{Rails.root}/app/helpers/emails_helper"
-require 'action_view/helpers'
-extend ActionView::Helpers
-include ActionView::Context
-include EmailsHelper
-namespace :gitlab do
- desc "Email google whitelisting email with example email for actions in inbox"
- task mail_google_schema_whitelisting: :environment do
- subject = "Rails | Implemented feature"
- url = "#{Gitlab.config.gitlab.url}/base/rails-project/issues/#{rand(1..100)}#note_#{rand(10..1000)}"
- schema = email_action(url)
- body = email_template(schema, url)
- mail = Notify.test_email("", subject, body.html_safe)
- if send_now
- mail.deliver
- else
- puts "WOULD SEND:"
- end
- puts mail
- end
- def email_template(schema, url)
- "<html lang='en'>
- <head>
- <meta content='text/html; charset=utf-8' http-equiv='Content-Type'>
- <title>
- GitLab
- </title>
- </meta>
- </head>
- <style>
- img {
- max-width: 100%;
- height: auto;
- }
- p.details {
- font-style:italic;
- color:#777
- }
- .footer p {
- font-size:small;
- color:#777
- }
- </style>
- <body>
- <div class='content'>
- <div>
- <p>I like it :+1: </p>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class='footer' style='margin-top: 10px;'>
- <p>
- <br>
- <a href=\"#{url}\">View it on GitLab</a>
- You're receiving this notification because you are a member of the Base / Rails Project project team.
- #{schema}
- </p>
- </div>
- </body>
- </html>"
- end
- def send_now
- if ENV['SEND'] == "true"
- true
- else
- false
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/tasks/gitlab/setup.rake b/lib/tasks/gitlab/setup.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b4ccdfc3fe..00000000000
--- a/lib/tasks/gitlab/setup.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-namespace :gitlab do
- desc "GITLAB | Setup production application"
- task setup: :environment do
- setup_db
- end
- def setup_db
- warn_user_is_not_gitlab
- unless ENV['force'] == 'yes'
- puts "This will create the necessary database tables and seed the database."
- puts "You will lose any previous data stored in the database."
- ask_to_continue
- puts ""
- end
- Rake::Task["db:setup"].invoke
- Rake::Task["add_limits_mysql"].invoke
- Rake::Task["db:seed_fu"].invoke
- rescue Gitlab::TaskAbortedByUserError
- puts "Quitting...".red
- exit 1
- end
diff --git a/lib/tasks/gitlab/shell.rake b/lib/tasks/gitlab/shell.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index e835d6cb9b7..00000000000
--- a/lib/tasks/gitlab/shell.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-namespace :gitlab do
- namespace :shell do
- desc "GITLAB | Install or upgrade gitlab-shell"
- task :install, [:tag, :repo] => :environment do |t, args|
- warn_user_is_not_gitlab
- default_version = Gitlab::Shell.version_required
- args.with_defaults(tag: 'v' + default_version, repo: "")
- user = Gitlab.config.gitlab.user
- home_dir = Rails.env.test? ? Rails.root.join('tmp/tests') : Gitlab.config.gitlab.user_home
- gitlab_url = Gitlab.config.gitlab.url
- # gitlab-shell requires a / at the end of the url
- gitlab_url += '/' unless gitlab_url.end_with?('/')
- repos_path = Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.repos_path
- target_dir = Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.path
- # Clone if needed
- unless
- system(*%W(git clone -- #{args.repo} #{target_dir}))
- end
- # Make sure we're on the right tag
- Dir.chdir(target_dir) do
- # First try to checkout without fetching
- # to avoid stalling tests if the Internet is down.
- reseted = reset_to_commit(args)
- unless reseted
- system(*%W(git fetch origin))
- reset_to_commit(args)
- end
- config = {
- user: user,
- gitlab_url: gitlab_url,
- http_settings: {self_signed_cert: false}.stringify_keys,
- repos_path: repos_path,
- auth_file: File.join(home_dir, ".ssh", "authorized_keys"),
- redis: {
- bin: %x{which redis-cli}.chomp,
- namespace: "resque:gitlab"
- }.stringify_keys,
- log_level: "INFO",
- audit_usernames: false
- }.stringify_keys
- redis_url = URI.parse(ENV['REDIS_URL'] || "redis://localhost:6379")
- if redis_url.scheme == 'unix'
- config['redis']['socket'] = redis_url.path
- else
- config['redis']['host'] =
- config['redis']['port'] = redis_url.port
- end
- # Generate config.yml based on existing gitlab settings
-"config.yml", "w+") {|f| f.puts config.to_yaml}
- # Launch installation process
- system(*%W(bin/install))
- end
- # Required for debian packaging with PKGR: Setup .ssh/environment with
- # the current PATH, so that the correct ruby version gets loaded
- # Requires to set "PermitUserEnvironment yes" in sshd config (should not
- # be an issue since it is more than likely that there are no "normal"
- # user accounts on a gitlab server). The alternative is for the admin to
- # install a ruby (1.9.3+) in the global path.
-, ".ssh", "environment"), "w+") do |f|
- f.puts "PATH=#{ENV['PATH']}"
- end
- end
- desc "GITLAB | Setup gitlab-shell"
- task setup: :environment do
- setup
- end
- desc "GITLAB | Build missing projects"
- task build_missing_projects: :environment do
- Project.find_each(batch_size: 1000) do |project|
- path_to_repo = project.repository.path_to_repo
- if File.exists?(path_to_repo)
- print '-'
- else
- if
- print '.'
- else
- print 'F'
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def setup
- warn_user_is_not_gitlab
- unless ENV['force'] == 'yes'
- puts "This will rebuild an authorized_keys file."
- puts "You will lose any data stored in authorized_keys file."
- ask_to_continue
- puts ""
- end
- do |adder|
- Key.find_each(batch_size: 1000) do |key|
- adder.add_key(key.shell_id, key.key)
- print '.'
- end
- end
- puts ""
- unless $?.success?
- puts "Failed to add keys...".red
- exit 1
- end
- rescue Gitlab::TaskAbortedByUserError
- puts "Quitting...".red
- exit 1
- end
- def reset_to_commit(args)
- tag, status = Gitlab::Popen.popen(%W(git describe -- #{args.tag}))
- unless
- tag, status = Gitlab::Popen.popen(%W(git describe -- origin/#{args.tag}))
- end
- tag = tag.strip
- system(*%W(git reset --hard #{tag}))
- end
diff --git a/lib/tasks/gitlab/sidekiq.rake b/lib/tasks/gitlab/sidekiq.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e2a6668e59..00000000000
--- a/lib/tasks/gitlab/sidekiq.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-namespace :gitlab do
- namespace :sidekiq do
- QUEUE = 'queue:post_receive'
- desc 'Drop all Sidekiq PostReceive jobs for a given project'
- task :drop_post_receive , [:project] => :environment do |t, args|
- unless args.project.present?
- abort "Please specify the project you want to drop PostReceive jobs for:\n rake gitlab:sidekiq:drop_post_receive[group/project]"
- end
- project_path = Project.find_with_namespace(args.project).repository.path_to_repo
- Sidekiq.redis do |redis|
- unless redis.exists(QUEUE)
- abort "Queue #{QUEUE} is empty"
- end
- temp_queue = "#{QUEUE}_#{}"
- redis.rename(QUEUE, temp_queue)
- # At this point, then post_receive queue is empty. It may be receiving
- # new jobs already. We will repopulate it with the old jobs, skipping the
- # ones we want to drop.
- dropped = 0
- while (job = redis.lpop(temp_queue)) do
- if repo_path(job) == project_path
- dropped += 1
- else
- redis.rpush(QUEUE, job)
- end
- end
- # The temp_queue will delete itself after we have popped all elements
- # from it
- puts "Dropped #{dropped} jobs containing #{project_path} from #{QUEUE}"
- end
- end
- def repo_path(job)
- job_args = JSON.parse(job)['args']
- if job_args
- job_args.first
- else
- nil
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/tasks/gitlab/task_helpers.rake b/lib/tasks/gitlab/task_helpers.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index 14a130be2ca..00000000000
--- a/lib/tasks/gitlab/task_helpers.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-module Gitlab
- class TaskAbortedByUserError < StandardError; end
-unless STDOUT.isatty
- module Colored
- extend self
- def colorize(string, options={})
- string
- end
- end
-namespace :gitlab do
- # Ask if the user wants to continue
- #
- # Returns "yes" the user chose to continue
- # Raises Gitlab::TaskAbortedByUserError if the user chose *not* to continue
- def ask_to_continue
- answer = prompt("Do you want to continue (yes/no)? ".blue, %w{yes no})
- raise Gitlab::TaskAbortedByUserError unless answer == "yes"
- end
- # Check which OS is running
- #
- # It will primarily use lsb_relase to determine the OS.
- # It has fallbacks to Debian, SuSE, OS X and systems running systemd.
- def os_name
- os_name = run(%W(lsb_release -irs))
- os_name ||= if File.readable?('/etc/system-release')
- end
- os_name ||= if File.readable?('/etc/debian_version')
- debian_version ='/etc/debian_version')
- "Debian #{debian_version}"
- end
- os_name ||= if File.readable?('/etc/SuSE-release')
- end
- os_name ||= if os_x_version = run(%W(sw_vers -productVersion))
- "Mac OS X #{os_x_version}"
- end
- os_name ||= if File.readable?('/etc/os-release')
- end
- os_name.try(:squish!)
- end
- # Prompt the user to input something
- #
- # message - the message to display before input
- # choices - array of strings of acceptable answers or nil for any answer
- #
- # Returns the user's answer
- def prompt(message, choices = nil)
- begin
- print(message)
- answer = STDIN.gets.chomp
- end while choices.present? && !choices.include?(answer)
- answer
- end
- # Runs the given command and matches the output against the given pattern
- #
- # Returns nil if nothing matched
- # Returns the MatchData if the pattern matched
- #
- # see also #run
- # see also String#match
- def run_and_match(command, regexp)
- run(command).try(:match, regexp)
- end
- # Runs the given command
- #
- # Returns nil if the command was not found
- # Returns the output of the command otherwise
- #
- # see also #run_and_match
- def run(command)
- output, _ = Gitlab::Popen.popen(command)
- output
- rescue Errno::ENOENT
- '' # if the command does not exist, return an empty string
- end
- def uid_for(user_name)
- run(%W(id -u #{user_name})).chomp.to_i
- end
- def gid_for(group_name)
- begin
- Etc.getgrnam(group_name).gid
- rescue ArgumentError # no group
- "group #{group_name} doesn't exist"
- end
- end
- def warn_user_is_not_gitlab
- unless @warned_user_not_gitlab
- gitlab_user = Gitlab.config.gitlab.user
- current_user = run(%W(whoami)).chomp
- unless current_user == gitlab_user
- puts "#{Colored.color(:black)+Colored.color(:on_yellow)} Warning #{Colored.extra(:clear)}"
- puts " You are running as user #{current_user.magenta}, we hope you know what you are doing."
- puts " Things may work\/fail for the wrong reasons."
- puts " For correct results you should run this as user #{gitlab_user.magenta}."
- puts ""
- end
- @warned_user_not_gitlab = true
- end
- end
- # Tries to configure git itself
- #
- # Returns true if all subcommands were successfull (according to their exit code)
- # Returns false if any or all subcommands failed.
- def auto_fix_git_config(options)
- if !@warned_user_not_gitlab && options[''] != '' # default email should be overridden?
- command_success = do |name, value|
- system(%W(#{Gitlab.config.git.bin_path} config --global #{name} #{value}))
- end
- command_success.all?
- else
- false
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/tasks/gitlab/test.rake b/lib/tasks/gitlab/test.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index b4c0ae3ff79..00000000000
--- a/lib/tasks/gitlab/test.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-namespace :gitlab do
- desc "GITLAB | Run all tests"
- task :test do
- cmds = [
- %W(rake brakeman),
- %W(rake rubocop),
- %W(rake spinach),
- %W(rake spec),
- %W(rake jasmine:ci)
- ]
- cmds.each do |cmd|
- system({'RAILS_ENV' => 'test', 'force' => 'yes'}, *cmd) or raise("#{cmd} failed!")
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/tasks/gitlab/web_hook.rake b/lib/tasks/gitlab/web_hook.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index f9f586db93c..00000000000
--- a/lib/tasks/gitlab/web_hook.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-namespace :gitlab do
- namespace :web_hook do
- desc "GITLAB | Adds a web hook to the projects"
- task :add => :environment do
- web_hook_url = ENV['URL']
- namespace_path = ENV['NAMESPACE']
- projects = find_projects(namespace_path)
- puts "Adding web hook '#{web_hook_url}' to:"
- projects.find_each(batch_size: 1000) do |project|
- print "- #{} ... "
- web_hook = web_hook_url)
- if
- puts "added".green
- else
- print "failed".red
- puts " [#{web_hook.errors.full_messages.to_sentence}]"
- end
- end
- end
- desc "GITLAB | Remove a web hook from the projects"
- task :rm => :environment do
- web_hook_url = ENV['URL']
- namespace_path = ENV['NAMESPACE']
- projects = find_projects(namespace_path)
- projects_ids = projects.pluck(:id)
- puts "Removing web hooks with the url '#{web_hook_url}' ... "
- count = WebHook.where(url: web_hook_url, project_id: projects_ids, type: 'ProjectHook').delete_all
- puts "#{count} web hooks were removed."
- end
- desc "GITLAB | List web hooks"
- task :list => :environment do
- namespace_path = ENV['NAMESPACE']
- projects = find_projects(namespace_path)
- web_hooks =
- web_hooks.each do |hook|
- puts "#{} -> #{hook.url}"
- end
- puts "\n#{web_hooks.size} web hooks found."
- end
- end
- def find_projects(namespace_path)
- if namespace_path.blank?
- Project
- elsif namespace_path == '/'
- Project.where(namespace_id: nil)
- else
- namespace = Namespace.where(path: namespace_path).first
- if namespace
- Project.where(namespace_id:
- else
- puts "Namespace not found: #{namespace_path}".red
- exit 2
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/tasks/migrate/add_limits_mysql.rake b/lib/tasks/migrate/add_limits_mysql.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index a1972a682d8..00000000000
--- a/lib/tasks/migrate/add_limits_mysql.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-require Rails.root.join('db/migrate/limits_to_mysql')
-desc "GITLAB | Add limits to strings in mysql database"
-task add_limits_mysql: :environment do
- puts "Adding limits to schema.rb for mysql"
diff --git a/lib/tasks/migrate/migrate_iids.rake b/lib/tasks/migrate/migrate_iids.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index 33271e1a2bb..00000000000
--- a/lib/tasks/migrate/migrate_iids.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-desc "GITLAB | Build internal ids for issues and merge requests"
-task migrate_iids: :environment do
- puts 'Issues'.yellow
- Issue.where(iid: nil).find_each(batch_size: 100) do |issue|
- begin
- issue.set_iid
- if issue.update_attribute(:iid, issue.iid)
- print '.'
- else
- print 'F'
- end
- rescue
- print 'F'
- end
- end
- puts 'done'
- puts 'Merge Requests'.yellow
- MergeRequest.where(iid: nil).find_each(batch_size: 100) do |mr|
- begin
- mr.set_iid
- if mr.update_attribute(:iid, mr.iid)
- print '.'
- else
- print 'F'
- end
- rescue => ex
- print 'F'
- end
- end
- puts 'done'
- puts 'Milestones'.yellow
- Milestone.where(iid: nil).find_each(batch_size: 100) do |m|
- begin
- m.set_iid
- if m.update_attribute(:iid, m.iid)
- print '.'
- else
- print 'F'
- end
- rescue
- print 'F'
- end
- end
- puts 'done'
diff --git a/lib/tasks/rubocop.rake b/lib/tasks/rubocop.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index ddfaf5d51f2..00000000000
--- a/lib/tasks/rubocop.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-unless Rails.env.production?
- require 'rubocop/rake_task'
diff --git a/lib/tasks/setup.rake b/lib/tasks/setup.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index 93701de8f63..00000000000
--- a/lib/tasks/setup.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-desc "GITLAB | Setup gitlab db"
-task :setup do
- Rake::Task["gitlab:setup"].invoke
diff --git a/lib/tasks/sidekiq.rake b/lib/tasks/sidekiq.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index e4bd6545755..00000000000
--- a/lib/tasks/sidekiq.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-namespace :sidekiq do
- desc "GITLAB | Stop sidekiq"
- task :stop do
- system *%W(bin/background_jobs stop)
- end
- desc "GITLAB | Start sidekiq"
- task :start do
- system *%W(bin/background_jobs start)
- end
- desc 'GitLab | Restart sidekiq'
- task :restart do
- system *%W(bin/background_jobs restart)
- end
- desc "GITLAB | Start sidekiq with launchd on Mac OS X"
- task :launchd do
- system *%W(bin/background_jobs start_no_deamonize)
- end
diff --git a/lib/tasks/spec.rake b/lib/tasks/spec.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index bee22300298..00000000000
--- a/lib/tasks/spec.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-Rake::Task["spec"].clear if Rake::Task.task_defined?('spec')
-namespace :spec do
- desc 'GITLAB | Run request specs'
- task :api do
- cmds = [
- %W(rake gitlab:setup),
- %W(rspec spec --tag @api)
- ]
- run_commands(cmds)
- end
- desc 'GITLAB | Run feature specs'
- task :feature do
- cmds = [
- %W(rake gitlab:setup),
- %W(rspec spec --tag @feature)
- ]
- run_commands(cmds)
- end
- desc 'GITLAB | Run other specs'
- task :other do
- cmds = [
- %W(rake gitlab:setup),
- %W(rspec spec --tag ~@api --tag ~@feature)
- ]
- run_commands(cmds)
- end
-desc "GITLAB | Run specs"
-task :spec do
- cmds = [
- %W(rake gitlab:setup),
- %W(rspec spec),
- ]
- run_commands(cmds)
-def run_commands(cmds)
- cmds.each do |cmd|
- system({'RAILS_ENV' => 'test', 'force' => 'yes'}, *cmd) or raise("#{cmd} failed!")
- end
diff --git a/lib/tasks/spinach.rake b/lib/tasks/spinach.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index 4aefc18ce14..00000000000
--- a/lib/tasks/spinach.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-Rake::Task["spinach"].clear if Rake::Task.task_defined?('spinach')
-desc "GITLAB | Run spinach"
-task :spinach do
- tags = if ENV['SEMAPHORE']
- '~@tricky'
- else
- '~@semaphore'
- end
- cmds = [
- %W(rake gitlab:setup),
- %W(spinach --tags #{tags}),
- ]
- run_commands(cmds)
-desc "GITLAB | Run project spinach features"
-task :spinach_project do
- cmds = [
- %W(rake gitlab:setup),
- %W(spinach --tags ~@admin,~@dashboard,~@profile,~@public,~@snippets),
- ]
- run_commands(cmds)
-desc "GITLAB | Run other spinach features"
-task :spinach_other do
- cmds = [
- %W(rake gitlab:setup),
- %W(spinach --tags @admin,@dashboard,@profile,@public,@snippets),
- ]
- run_commands(cmds)
-def run_commands(cmds)
- cmds.each do |cmd|
- system({'RAILS_ENV' => 'test', 'force' => 'yes'}, *cmd) or raise("#{cmd} failed!")
- end
diff --git a/lib/tasks/test.rake b/lib/tasks/test.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index a39d9649876..00000000000
--- a/lib/tasks/test.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-desc "GITLAB | Run all tests"
-task :test do
- Rake::Task["gitlab:test"].invoke
-unless Rails.env.production?
- require 'coveralls/rake/task'
- desc "GITLAB | Run all tests on CI with simplecov"
- task :test_ci => [:rubocop, :brakeman, 'jasmine:ci', :spinach, :spec, 'coveralls:push']
diff --git a/lib/unfold_form.rb b/lib/unfold_form.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 46b12beeaaf..00000000000
--- a/lib/unfold_form.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-require_relative 'gt_one_coercion'
-class UnfoldForm
- include Virtus.model
- attribute :since, GtOneCoercion
- attribute :to, GtOneCoercion
- attribute :bottom, Boolean
- attribute :unfold, Boolean, default: true
- attribute :offset, Integer