path: root/spec/features/projects/pipelines
diff options
authorFilipa Lacerda <>2016-11-25 12:13:12 +0000
committerFilipa Lacerda <>2016-11-30 17:06:47 +0000
commitcb9cee545a5952ed35ccd95e8cd4abe228f09a7b (patch)
tree04d7c96e23232f82863ae18f7f4bf57435b30024 /spec/features/projects/pipelines
parent58d6120a3b9b5d38566766b7e0154010c6a00bd5 (diff)
Adds .matches polyfill
Moves matches poly to the correct file Divides pipelines index and show tests in order to be able to test with JS
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/features/projects/pipelines')
2 files changed, 381 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/features/projects/pipelines/pipeline_spec.rb b/spec/features/projects/pipelines/pipeline_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..201caf3bbd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/features/projects/pipelines/pipeline_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe "Pipelines", feature: true, js: true do
+ include GitlabRoutingHelper
+ let(:project) { create(:empty_project) }
+ let(:user) { create(:user) }
+ before do
+ login_as(user)
+ << [user, :developer]
+ end
+ describe 'GET /:project/pipelines/:id' do
+ let(:project) { create(:project) }
+ let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project, ref: 'master', sha: }
+ before do
+ @success = create(:ci_build, :success, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'build', name: 'build')
+ @failed = create(:ci_build, :failed, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'test', name: 'test', commands: 'test')
+ @running = create(:ci_build, :running, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'deploy', name: 'deploy')
+ @manual = create(:ci_build, :manual, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'deploy', name: 'manual build')
+ @external = create(:generic_commit_status, status: 'success', pipeline: pipeline, name: 'jenkins', stage: 'external')
+ end
+ before { visit namespace_project_pipeline_path(project.namespace, project, pipeline) }
+ it 'shows a list of builds' do
+ expect(page).to have_content('Test')
+ expect(page).to have_content(
+ expect(page).to have_content('Deploy')
+ expect(page).to have_content(
+ expect(page).to have_content(
+ expect(page).to have_content(
+ expect(page).to have_content('Retry failed')
+ expect(page).to have_content('Cancel running')
+ expect(page).to have_link('Play')
+ end
+ it 'shows Pipeline tab pane as active' do
+ expect(page).to have_css('')
+ end
+ context 'page tabs' do
+ it 'shows Pipeline and Builds tabs with link' do
+ expect(page).to have_link('Pipeline')
+ expect(page).to have_link('Builds')
+ end
+ it 'shows counter in Builds tab' do
+ expect(page.find('.js-builds-counter').text).to eq(pipeline.statuses.count.to_s)
+ end
+ it 'shows Pipeline tab as active' do
+ expect(page).to have_css('')
+ end
+ end
+ context 'retrying builds' do
+ it { expect(page).not_to have_content('retried') }
+ context 'when retrying' do
+ before { click_on 'Retry failed' }
+ it { expect(page).not_to have_content('Retry failed') }
+ it { expect(page).to have_selector('.retried') }
+ end
+ end
+ context 'canceling builds' do
+ it { expect(page).not_to have_selector('.ci-canceled') }
+ context 'when canceling' do
+ before { click_on 'Cancel running' }
+ it { expect(page).not_to have_content('Cancel running') }
+ it { expect(page).to have_selector('.ci-canceled') }
+ end
+ end
+ context 'playing manual build' do
+ before do
+ within '.pipeline-holder' do
+ click_link('Play')
+ end
+ end
+ it { expect(@manual.reload).to be_pending }
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'GET /:project/pipelines/:id/builds' do
+ let(:project) { create(:project) }
+ let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project, ref: 'master', sha: }
+ before do
+ @success = create(:ci_build, :success, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'build', name: 'build')
+ @failed = create(:ci_build, :failed, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'test', name: 'test', commands: 'test')
+ @running = create(:ci_build, :running, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'deploy', name: 'deploy')
+ @manual = create(:ci_build, :manual, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'deploy', name: 'manual build')
+ @external = create(:generic_commit_status, status: 'success', pipeline: pipeline, name: 'jenkins', stage: 'external')
+ end
+ before { visit builds_namespace_project_pipeline_path(project.namespace, project, pipeline)}
+ it 'shows a list of builds' do
+ expect(page).to have_content('Test')
+ expect(page).to have_content(
+ expect(page).to have_content('Deploy')
+ expect(page).to have_content(
+ expect(page).to have_content(
+ expect(page).to have_content(
+ expect(page).to have_content('Retry failed')
+ expect(page).to have_content('Cancel running')
+ expect(page).to have_link('Play')
+ end
+ it 'shows Builds tab pane as active' do
+ expect(page).to have_css('')
+ end
+ context 'page tabs' do
+ it 'shows Pipeline and Builds tabs with link' do
+ expect(page).to have_link('Pipeline')
+ expect(page).to have_link('Builds')
+ end
+ it 'shows counter in Builds tab' do
+ expect(page.find('.js-builds-counter').text).to eq(pipeline.statuses.count.to_s)
+ end
+ it 'shows Builds tab as active' do
+ expect(page).to have_css('')
+ end
+ end
+ context 'retrying builds' do
+ it { expect(page).not_to have_content('retried') }
+ context 'when retrying' do
+ before { click_on 'Retry failed' }
+ it { expect(page).not_to have_content('Retry failed') }
+ it { expect(page).to have_selector('.retried') }
+ end
+ end
+ context 'canceling builds' do
+ it { expect(page).not_to have_selector('.ci-canceled') }
+ context 'when canceling' do
+ before { click_on 'Cancel running' }
+ it { expect(page).not_to have_content('Cancel running') }
+ it { expect(page).to have_selector('.ci-canceled') }
+ end
+ end
+ context 'playing manual build' do
+ before do
+ within '.pipeline-holder' do
+ click_link('Play')
+ end
+ end
+ it { expect(@manual.reload).to be_pending }
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/features/projects/pipelines/pipelines_spec.rb b/spec/features/projects/pipelines/pipelines_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f3731698a18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/features/projects/pipelines/pipelines_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe "Pipelines" do
+ include GitlabRoutingHelper
+ let(:project) { create(:empty_project) }
+ let(:user) { create(:user) }
+ before do
+ login_as(user)
+ << [user, :developer]
+ end
+ describe 'GET /:project/pipelines' do
+ let!(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, project: project, ref: 'master', status: 'running') }
+ [:all, :running, :branches].each do |scope|
+ context "displaying #{scope}" do
+ let(:project) { create(:project) }
+ before { visit namespace_project_pipelines_path(project.namespace, project, scope: scope) }
+ it { expect(page).to have_content(pipeline.short_sha) }
+ end
+ end
+ context 'anonymous access' do
+ before { visit namespace_project_pipelines_path(project.namespace, project) }
+ it { expect(page).to have_http_status(:success) }
+ end
+ context 'cancelable pipeline' do
+ let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'test', commands: 'test') }
+ before do
+ visit namespace_project_pipelines_path(project.namespace, project)
+ end
+ it { expect(page).to have_link('Cancel') }
+ it { expect(page).to have_selector('.ci-running') }
+ context 'when canceling' do
+ before { click_link('Cancel') }
+ it { expect(page).not_to have_link('Cancel') }
+ it { expect(page).to have_selector('.ci-canceled') }
+ end
+ end
+ context 'retryable pipelines' do
+ let!(:build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'test', commands: 'test') }
+ before do
+ build.drop
+ visit namespace_project_pipelines_path(project.namespace, project)
+ end
+ it { expect(page).to have_link('Retry') }
+ it { expect(page).to have_selector('.ci-failed') }
+ context 'when retrying' do
+ before { click_link('Retry') }
+ it { expect(page).not_to have_link('Retry') }
+ it { expect(page).to have_selector('.ci-running') }
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with manual actions' do
+ let!(:manual) { create(:ci_build, :manual, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'manual build', stage: 'test', commands: 'test') }
+ before { visit namespace_project_pipelines_path(project.namespace, project) }
+ it { expect(page).to have_link('Manual build') }
+ context 'when playing' do
+ before { click_link('Manual build') }
+ it { expect(manual.reload).to be_pending }
+ end
+ end
+ context 'for generic statuses' do
+ context 'when running' do
+ let!(:running) { create(:generic_commit_status, status: 'running', pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'test') }
+ before do
+ visit namespace_project_pipelines_path(project.namespace, project)
+ end
+ it 'is cancelable' do
+ expect(page).to have_link('Cancel')
+ end
+ it 'has pipeline running' do
+ expect(page).to have_selector('.ci-running')
+ end
+ context 'when canceling' do
+ before { click_link('Cancel') }
+ it { expect(page).not_to have_link('Cancel') }
+ it { expect(page).to have_selector('.ci-canceled') }
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when failed' do
+ let!(:status) { create(:generic_commit_status, :pending, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'test') }
+ before do
+ status.drop
+ visit namespace_project_pipelines_path(project.namespace, project)
+ end
+ it 'is not retryable' do
+ expect(page).not_to have_link('Retry')
+ end
+ it 'has failed pipeline' do
+ expect(page).to have_selector('.ci-failed')
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'downloadable pipelines' do
+ context 'with artifacts' do
+ let!(:with_artifacts) { create(:ci_build, :artifacts, :success, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'rspec tests', stage: 'test') }
+ before { visit namespace_project_pipelines_path(project.namespace, project) }
+ it { expect(page).to have_selector('.build-artifacts') }
+ it { expect(page).to have_link( }
+ end
+ context 'with artifacts expired' do
+ let!(:with_artifacts_expired) { create(:ci_build, :artifacts_expired, :success, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'rspec', stage: 'test') }
+ before { visit namespace_project_pipelines_path(project.namespace, project) }
+ it { expect(page).not_to have_selector('.build-artifacts') }
+ end
+ context 'without artifacts' do
+ let!(:without_artifacts) { create(:ci_build, :success, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'rspec', stage: 'test') }
+ before { visit namespace_project_pipelines_path(project.namespace, project) }
+ it { expect(page).not_to have_selector('.build-artifacts') }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'POST /:project/pipelines' do
+ let(:project) { create(:project) }
+ before { visit new_namespace_project_pipeline_path(project.namespace, project) }
+ context 'for valid commit' do
+ before { fill_in('pipeline[ref]', with: 'master') }
+ context 'with gitlab-ci.yml' do
+ before { stub_ci_pipeline_to_return_yaml_file }
+ it { expect{ click_on 'Create pipeline' }.to change{ Ci::Pipeline.count }.by(1) }
+ end
+ context 'without gitlab-ci.yml' do
+ before { click_on 'Create pipeline' }
+ it { expect(page).to have_content('Missing .gitlab-ci.yml file') }
+ end
+ end
+ context 'for invalid commit' do
+ before do
+ fill_in('pipeline[ref]', with: 'invalid-reference')
+ click_on 'Create pipeline'
+ end
+ it { expect(page).to have_content('Reference not found') }
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'Create pipelines', feature: true do
+ let(:project) { create(:project) }
+ before do
+ visit new_namespace_project_pipeline_path(project.namespace, project)
+ end
+ describe 'new pipeline page' do
+ it 'has field to add a new pipeline' do
+ expect(page).to have_field('pipeline[ref]')
+ expect(page).to have_content('Create for')
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'find pipelines' do
+ it 'shows filtered pipelines', js: true do
+ fill_in('pipeline[ref]', with: 'fix')
+ find('input#ref').native.send_keys(:keydown)
+ within('.ui-autocomplete') do
+ expect(page).to have_selector('li', text: 'fix')
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end