path: root/spec/features/uploads
diff options
authorRobert Speicher <>2017-02-24 16:37:32 -0500
committerRobert Speicher <>2017-02-24 16:41:27 -0500
commit2858bc20378907325cb2f9487f31d335a5568677 (patch)
treee44bcfe20a80b17c0947fe07e1cd4976c35a3576 /spec/features/uploads
parenta8c62dfe5c01ed08f170c1d41a39d5167b09631b (diff)
Add feature specs for three types of user uploadsrs-uploaders
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/features/uploads')
3 files changed, 72 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/features/uploads/user_uploads_avatar_to_group_spec.rb b/spec/features/uploads/user_uploads_avatar_to_group_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f88a515f7fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/features/uploads/user_uploads_avatar_to_group_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+require 'rails_helper'
+feature 'User uploads avatar to group', feature: true do
+ scenario 'they see the new avatar' do
+ user = create(:user)
+ group = create(:group)
+ group.add_owner(user)
+ login_as(user)
+ visit edit_group_path(group)
+ attach_file(
+ 'group_avatar',
+ Rails.root.join('spec', 'fixtures', 'dk.png'),
+ visible: false
+ )
+ click_button 'Save group'
+ visit group_path(group)
+ expect(page).to have_selector(%Q(img[src$="/uploads/group/avatar/#{}/dk.png"]))
+ # Cheating here to verify something that isn't user-facing, but is important
+ expect(group.reload.avatar.file).to exist
+ end
diff --git a/spec/features/uploads/user_uploads_avatar_to_profile_spec.rb b/spec/features/uploads/user_uploads_avatar_to_profile_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0dfd29045e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/features/uploads/user_uploads_avatar_to_profile_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+require 'rails_helper'
+feature 'User uploads avatar to profile', feature: true do
+ scenario 'they see their new avatar' do
+ user = create(:user)
+ login_as(user)
+ visit profile_path
+ attach_file(
+ 'user_avatar',
+ Rails.root.join('spec', 'fixtures', 'dk.png'),
+ visible: false
+ )
+ click_button 'Update profile settings'
+ visit user_path(user)
+ expect(page).to have_selector(%Q(img[src$="/uploads/user/avatar/#{}/dk.png"]))
+ # Cheating here to verify something that isn't user-facing, but is important
+ expect(user.reload.avatar.file).to exist
+ end
diff --git a/spec/features/uploads/user_uploads_file_to_note_spec.rb b/spec/features/uploads/user_uploads_file_to_note_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0c160dd74b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/features/uploads/user_uploads_file_to_note_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+require 'rails_helper'
+feature 'User uploads file to note', feature: true do
+ include DropzoneHelper
+ let(:user) { create(:user) }
+ let(:project) { create(:empty_project, creator: user, namespace: user.namespace) }
+ scenario 'they see the attached file', js: true do
+ issue = create(:issue, project: project, author: user)
+ login_as(user)
+ visit namespace_project_issue_path(project.namespace, project, issue)
+ dropzone_file(Rails.root.join('spec', 'fixtures', 'dk.png'))
+ click_button 'Comment'
+ wait_for_ajax
+ expect(find(' img[alt="dk"]')['src'])
+ .to match(%r{/#{project.full_path}/uploads/\h{32}/dk\.png$})
+ end