path: root/spec/migrations
diff options
authorKamil Trzciński <>2018-02-28 21:14:25 +0100
committerKamil Trzciński <>2018-02-28 21:14:25 +0100
commit79a5e7fb539dc6df7de590efb69fb9ab9d4614eb (patch)
tree951e2f3194c4b4d5488864791a9a94afe7122280 /spec/migrations
parent729391fbfce4dea58478b65c684a24a1bfd125a2 (diff)
parent7e424eb852716495073881710e8a8851b4a4cd5a (diff)
Merge commit '7e424eb852716495073881710e8a8851b4a4cd5a' into object-storage-ee-to-ce-backport
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/migrations')
4 files changed, 147 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/spec/migrations/add_foreign_keys_to_todos_spec.rb b/spec/migrations/add_foreign_keys_to_todos_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4a22bd6f342
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/migrations/add_foreign_keys_to_todos_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+require Rails.root.join('db', 'migrate', '20180201110056_add_foreign_keys_to_todos.rb')
+describe AddForeignKeysToTodos, :migration do
+ let(:todos) { table(:todos) }
+ let(:project) { create(:project) }
+ let(:user) { create(:user) }
+ context 'add foreign key on user_id' do
+ let!(:todo_with_user) { create_todo(user_id: }
+ let!(:todo_without_user) { create_todo(user_id: 4711) }
+ it 'removes orphaned todos without corresponding user' do
+ expect { migrate! }.to change { Todo.count }.from(2).to(1)
+ end
+ it 'does not remove entries with valid user_id' do
+ expect { migrate! }.not_to change { todo_with_user.reload }
+ end
+ end
+ context 'add foreign key on author_id' do
+ let!(:todo_with_author) { create_todo(author_id: }
+ let!(:todo_with_invalid_author) { create_todo(author_id: 4711) }
+ it 'removes orphaned todos by author_id' do
+ expect { migrate! }.to change { Todo.count }.from(2).to(1)
+ end
+ it 'does not touch author_id for valid entries' do
+ expect { migrate! }.not_to change { todo_with_author.reload }
+ end
+ end
+ context 'add foreign key on note_id' do
+ let(:note) { create(:note) }
+ let!(:todo_with_note) { create_todo(note_id: }
+ let!(:todo_with_invalid_note) { create_todo(note_id: 4711) }
+ let!(:todo_without_note) { create_todo(note_id: nil) }
+ it 'deletes todo if note_id is set but does not exist in notes table' do
+ expect { migrate! }.to change { Todo.count }.from(3).to(2)
+ end
+ it 'does not touch entry if note_id is nil' do
+ expect { migrate! }.not_to change { todo_without_note.reload }
+ end
+ it 'does not touch note_id for valid entries' do
+ expect { migrate! }.not_to change { todo_with_note.reload }
+ end
+ end
+ def create_todo(**opts)
+ todos.create!(
+ project_id:,
+ user_id:,
+ author_id:,
+ target_type: '',
+ action: 0,
+ state: '', **opts
+ )
+ end
diff --git a/spec/migrations/convert_custom_notification_settings_to_columns_spec.rb b/spec/migrations/convert_custom_notification_settings_to_columns_spec.rb
index 759e77ac9db..d1bf6bdf9d6 100644
--- a/spec/migrations/convert_custom_notification_settings_to_columns_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/migrations/convert_custom_notification_settings_to_columns_spec.rb
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ describe ConvertCustomNotificationSettingsToColumns, :migration do
events[event] = true
- user = build(:user).becomes(user_class).tap(&:save!)
+ user = user_class.create!(email: "user-#{SecureRandom.hex}", username: "user-#{SecureRandom.hex}", encrypted_password: '12345678')
create_params = { user_id:, level: params[:level], events: events }
notification_setting = described_class::NotificationSetting.create(create_params)
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ describe ConvertCustomNotificationSettingsToColumns, :migration do
events[event] = true
- user = build(:user).becomes(user_class).tap(&:save!)
+ user = user_class.create!(email: "user-#{SecureRandom.hex}", username: "user-#{SecureRandom.hex}", encrypted_password: '12345678')
create_params = events.merge(user_id:, level: params[:level])
notification_setting = described_class::NotificationSetting.create(create_params)
diff --git a/spec/migrations/remove_project_labels_group_id_spec.rb b/spec/migrations/remove_project_labels_group_id_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d80d61af20b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/migrations/remove_project_labels_group_id_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+require 'spec_helper'
+require Rails.root.join('db', 'post_migrate', '20180202111106_remove_project_labels_group_id.rb')
+describe RemoveProjectLabelsGroupId, :delete do
+ let(:migration) { }
+ let(:group) { create(:group) }
+ let!(:project_label) { create(:label, group_id: }
+ let!(:group_label) { create(:group_label) }
+ describe '#up' do
+ it 'updates the project labels group ID' do
+ expect { migration.up }.to change { project_label.reload.group_id }.to(nil)
+ end
+ it 'keeps the group labels group ID' do
+ expect { migration.up }.not_to change { group_label.reload.group_id }
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/migrations/remove_redundant_pipeline_stages_spec.rb b/spec/migrations/remove_redundant_pipeline_stages_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8325f986594
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/migrations/remove_redundant_pipeline_stages_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+require Rails.root.join('db', 'post_migrate', '20180119121225_remove_redundant_pipeline_stages.rb')
+describe RemoveRedundantPipelineStages, :migration do
+ let(:projects) { table(:projects) }
+ let(:pipelines) { table(:ci_pipelines) }
+ let(:stages) { table(:ci_stages) }
+ let(:builds) { table(:ci_builds) }
+ before do
+ projects.create!(id: 123, name: 'gitlab', path: 'gitlab-ce')
+ pipelines.create!(id: 234, project_id: 123, ref: 'master', sha: 'adf43c3a')
+ stages.create!(id: 6, project_id: 123, pipeline_id: 234, name: 'build')
+ stages.create!(id: 10, project_id: 123, pipeline_id: 234, name: 'build')
+ stages.create!(id: 21, project_id: 123, pipeline_id: 234, name: 'build')
+ stages.create!(id: 41, project_id: 123, pipeline_id: 234, name: 'test')
+ stages.create!(id: 62, project_id: 123, pipeline_id: 234, name: 'test')
+ stages.create!(id: 102, project_id: 123, pipeline_id: 234, name: 'deploy')
+ builds.create!(id: 1, commit_id: 234, project_id: 123, stage_id: 10)
+ builds.create!(id: 2, commit_id: 234, project_id: 123, stage_id: 21)
+ builds.create!(id: 3, commit_id: 234, project_id: 123, stage_id: 21)
+ builds.create!(id: 4, commit_id: 234, project_id: 123, stage_id: 41)
+ builds.create!(id: 5, commit_id: 234, project_id: 123, stage_id: 62)
+ builds.create!(id: 6, commit_id: 234, project_id: 123, stage_id: 102)
+ end
+ it 'removes ambiguous stages and preserves builds' do
+ expect(stages.all.count).to eq 6
+ expect(builds.all.count).to eq 6
+ migrate!
+ expect(stages.all.count).to eq 1
+ expect(builds.all.count).to eq 6
+ expect(builds.all.pluck(:stage_id).compact).to eq [102]
+ end
+ it 'retries when incorrectly added index exception is caught' do
+ allow_any_instance_of(described_class)
+ .to receive(:remove_redundant_pipeline_stages!)
+ expect_any_instance_of(described_class)
+ .to receive(:remove_outdated_index!)
+ .exactly(100).times.and_call_original
+ expect { migrate! }
+ .to raise_error StandardError, /Failed to add an unique index/
+ end
+ it 'does not retry when unknown exception is being raised' do
+ allow(subject).to receive(:remove_outdated_index!)
+ expect(subject).to receive(:remove_redundant_pipeline_stages!).once
+ allow(subject).to receive(:add_unique_index!).and_raise(StandardError)
+ expect { subject.up(attempts: 3) }.to raise_error StandardError
+ end