path: root/spec/rack_servers
diff options
authorAndrew Newdigate <>2018-10-20 19:00:19 +0100
committerAndrew Newdigate <>2018-10-25 17:50:15 +0100
commit1065f8ce7a261dff5a3077be46405343141733df (patch)
tree92669873cb55a448de6a581a86d970148762d210 /spec/rack_servers
parent605e952e39ddad4efa786ebc06a3175727563db5 (diff)
Add experimental support for Pumaan-multithreading
This allows us (and others) to test drive Puma without it affecting all users. Puma can be enabled by setting the environment variable "EXPERIMENTAL_PUMA" to a non empty value.
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/rack_servers')
4 files changed, 233 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/rack_servers/configs/ b/spec/rack_servers/configs/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..63daeb9eec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rack_servers/configs/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+app = proc do |env|
+ if env['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET'
+ [200, {}, ["#{}"]]
+ else
+ Process.kill(env['QUERY_STRING'],
+ [200, {}, ['Bye!']]
+ end
+run app
diff --git a/spec/rack_servers/configs/puma.rb b/spec/rack_servers/configs/puma.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d6b6d83d648
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rack_servers/configs/puma.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+# Note: this file is used for testing puma in `spec/rack_servers/puma_spec.rb` only
+# Note: as per the convention in `config/puma.example.development.rb`,
+# this file will replace `/home/git` with the actual working directory
+directory '/home/git'
+threads 1, 10
+queue_requests false
+pidfile '/home/git/gitlab/tmp/pids/'
+bind 'unix:///home/git/gitlab/tmp/tests/puma.socket'
+workers 1
+worker_timeout 60
+require_relative "/home/git/gitlab/lib/gitlab/cluster/lifecycle_events"
+require_relative "/home/git/gitlab/lib/gitlab/cluster/puma_worker_killer_initializer"
+before_fork do
+ Gitlab::Cluster::PumaWorkerKillerInitializer.start @config.options
+ Gitlab::Cluster::LifecycleEvents.do_before_fork
+Gitlab::Cluster::LifecycleEvents.set_puma_options @config.options
+on_worker_boot do
+ Gitlab::Cluster::LifecycleEvents.do_worker_start
+ File.write('/home/git/gitlab/tmp/tests/puma-worker-ready',
+on_restart do
+ Gitlab::Cluster::LifecycleEvents.do_master_restart
diff --git a/spec/rack_servers/puma_spec.rb b/spec/rack_servers/puma_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..431fab87857
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rack_servers/puma_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'excon'
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe 'Puma' do
+ before(:all) do
+ project_root = File.expand_path('../..', __dir__)
+ config_lines ='spec/rack_servers/configs/puma.rb')
+ .gsub('/home/git/gitlab', project_root)
+ .gsub('/home/git', project_root)
+ config_path = File.join(project_root, "tmp/tests/puma.rb")
+ @socket_path = File.join(project_root, 'tmp/tests/puma.socket')
+ File.write(config_path, config_lines)
+ cmd = %W[puma -e test -C #{config_path} #{File.join(__dir__, 'configs/')}]
+ @puma_master_pid = spawn(*cmd)
+ wait_puma_boot!(@puma_master_pid, File.join(project_root, 'tmp/tests/puma-worker-ready'))
+ WebMock.allow_net_connect!
+ end
+ %w[SIGQUIT SIGTERM SIGKILL].each do |signal|
+ it "has a worker that self-terminates on signal #{signal}" do
+ response = Excon.get('unix://', socket: @socket_path)
+ expect(response.status).to eq(200)
+ worker_pid = response.body.to_i
+ expect(worker_pid).to be > 0
+ begin
+"unix://?#{signal}", socket: @socket_path)
+ rescue Excon::Error::Socket
+ # The connection may be closed abruptly
+ end
+ expect(pid_gone?(worker_pid)).to eq(true)
+ end
+ end
+ after(:all) do
+ begin
+ WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow_localhost: true)
+ Process.kill('TERM', @puma_master_pid)
+ rescue Errno::ESRCH
+ end
+ end
+ def wait_puma_boot!(master_pid, ready_file)
+ # We have seen the boot timeout after 2 minutes in CI so let's set it to 5 minutes.
+ timeout = 5 * 60
+ timeout.times do
+ return if File.exist?(ready_file)
+ pid = Process.waitpid(master_pid, Process::WNOHANG)
+ raise "puma failed to boot: #{$?}" unless pid.nil?
+ sleep 1
+ end
+ raise "puma boot timed out after #{timeout} seconds"
+ end
+ def pid_gone?(pid)
+ # Worker termination should take less than a second. That makes 10
+ # seconds a generous timeout.
+ 10.times do
+ begin
+ Process.kill(0, pid)
+ rescue Errno::ESRCH
+ return true
+ end
+ sleep 1
+ end
+ false
+ end
diff --git a/spec/rack_servers/unicorn_spec.rb b/spec/rack_servers/unicorn_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6a02ebcd048
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/rack_servers/unicorn_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'excon'
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe 'Unicorn' do
+ before(:all) do
+ project_root = File.expand_path('../..', __dir__)
+ config_lines ='config/unicorn.rb.example')
+ .gsub('/home/git/gitlab', project_root)
+ .gsub('/home/git', project_root)
+ .split("\n")
+ # Remove these because they make setup harder.
+ config_lines = config_lines.reject do |line|
+ %w[
+ worker_processes
+ listen
+ pid
+ stderr_path
+ stdout_path
+ ].any? { |prefix| line.start_with?(prefix) }
+ end
+ config_lines << "working_directory '#{Rails.root}'"
+ # We want to have exactly 1 worker process because that makes it
+ # predictable which process will handle our requests.
+ config_lines << 'worker_processes 1'
+ @socket_path = File.join(project_root, 'tmp/tests/unicorn.socket')
+ config_lines << "listen '#{@socket_path}'"
+ ready_file = File.join(project_root, 'tmp/tests/unicorn-worker-ready')
+ FileUtils.rm_f(ready_file)
+ after_fork_index = config_lines.index { |l| l.start_with?('after_fork') }
+ config_lines.insert(after_fork_index + 1, "File.write('#{ready_file}',")
+ config_path = File.join(project_root, 'tmp/tests/unicorn.rb')
+ File.write(config_path, config_lines.join("\n") + "\n")
+ cmd = %W[unicorn -E test -c #{config_path} spec/rack_servers/configs/]
+ @unicorn_master_pid = spawn(*cmd)
+ wait_unicorn_boot!(@unicorn_master_pid, ready_file)
+ WebMock.allow_net_connect!
+ end
+ %w[SIGQUIT SIGTERM SIGKILL].each do |signal|
+ it "has a worker that self-terminates on signal #{signal}" do
+ response = Excon.get('unix://', socket: @socket_path)
+ expect(response.status).to eq(200)
+ worker_pid = response.body.to_i
+ expect(worker_pid).to be > 0
+ begin
+"unix://?#{signal}", socket: @socket_path)
+ rescue Excon::Error::Socket
+ # The connection may be closed abruptly
+ end
+ expect(pid_gone?(worker_pid)).to eq(true)
+ end
+ end
+ after(:all) do
+ WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow_localhost: true)
+ Process.kill('TERM', @unicorn_master_pid)
+ end
+ def wait_unicorn_boot!(master_pid, ready_file)
+ # We have seen the boot timeout after 2 minutes in CI so let's set it to 5 minutes.
+ timeout = 5 * 60
+ timeout.times do
+ return if File.exist?(ready_file)
+ pid = Process.waitpid(master_pid, Process::WNOHANG)
+ raise "unicorn failed to boot: #{$?}" unless pid.nil?
+ sleep 1
+ end
+ raise "unicorn boot timed out after #{timeout} seconds"
+ end
+ def pid_gone?(pid)
+ # Worker termination should take less than a second. That makes 10
+ # seconds a generous timeout.
+ 10.times do
+ begin
+ Process.kill(0, pid)
+ rescue Errno::ESRCH
+ return true
+ end
+ sleep 1
+ end
+ false
+ end