path: root/spec
diff options
authorJacob Schatz <>2016-05-25 19:44:06 +0000
committerJacob Schatz <>2016-05-25 19:44:06 +0000
commit0cc060bc5fe3ba354979fa0be9e4cc2a2887d5f4 (patch)
tree5b5a75effa67e233496bd02551705ccd86936d64 /spec
parent3c2d0cf24c02e02295fd0b6b978b3f191ab4f847 (diff)
parent5cca2d3bb171c260ad4b07f2a69962d3856c4d99 (diff)
Merge branch 'issue-filter-name-options' into 'master'
Issuable filtering improvements This improves the filtering of issues and merge requests by creating a single file that encapsulates all the filtering. Previously this was done with a file for issues and a file for merge requests. Created the ability for the text search to be done alongside other filterables. Previously because this was outside the filterable form, this wasn't possible and would instead do either filter dropdown or text filter - not both. Fixes #4252 Fixed issue with not being able to filter and sort issues without refreshing the page. Fixes #15269 See merge request !3699
Diffstat (limited to 'spec')
1 files changed, 140 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/features/issues/filter_issues_spec.rb b/spec/features/issues/filter_issues_spec.rb
index 192e3619375..bfbd06a29e2 100644
--- a/spec/features/issues/filter_issues_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/features/issues/filter_issues_spec.rb
@@ -154,4 +154,144 @@ describe 'Filter issues', feature: true do
+ describe 'filter issues by text' do
+ before do
+ create(:issue, title: "Bug", project: project)
+ bug_label = create(:label, project: project, title: 'bug')
+ milestone = create(:milestone, title: "8", project: project)
+ issue = create(:issue,
+ title: "Bug 2",
+ project: project,
+ milestone: milestone,
+ author: user,
+ assignee: user)
+ issue.labels << bug_label
+ visit namespace_project_issues_path(project.namespace, project)
+ end
+ context 'only text', js: true do
+ it 'should filter issues by searched text' do
+ fill_in 'issue_search', with: 'Bug'
+ page.within '.issues-list' do
+ expect(page).to have_selector('.issue', count: 2)
+ end
+ end
+ it 'should not show any issues' do
+ fill_in 'issue_search', with: 'testing'
+ page.within '.issues-list' do
+ expect(page).to_not have_selector('.issue')
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'text and dropdown options', js: true do
+ it 'should filter by text and label' do
+ fill_in 'issue_search', with: 'Bug'
+ page.within '.issues-list' do
+ expect(page).to have_selector('.issue', count: 2)
+ end
+ click_button 'Label'
+ page.within '.labels-filter' do
+ click_link 'bug'
+ end
+ page.within '.issues-list' do
+ expect(page).to have_selector('.issue', count: 1)
+ end
+ end
+ it 'should filter by text and milestone' do
+ fill_in 'issue_search', with: 'Bug'
+ page.within '.issues-list' do
+ expect(page).to have_selector('.issue', count: 2)
+ end
+ click_button 'Milestone'
+ page.within '.milestone-filter' do
+ click_link '8'
+ end
+ page.within '.issues-list' do
+ expect(page).to have_selector('.issue', count: 1)
+ end
+ end
+ it 'should filter by text and assignee' do
+ fill_in 'issue_search', with: 'Bug'
+ page.within '.issues-list' do
+ expect(page).to have_selector('.issue', count: 2)
+ end
+ click_button 'Assignee'
+ page.within '.dropdown-menu-assignee' do
+ click_link
+ end
+ page.within '.issues-list' do
+ expect(page).to have_selector('.issue', count: 1)
+ end
+ end
+ it 'should filter by text and author' do
+ fill_in 'issue_search', with: 'Bug'
+ page.within '.issues-list' do
+ expect(page).to have_selector('.issue', count: 2)
+ end
+ click_button 'Author'
+ page.within '.dropdown-menu-author' do
+ click_link
+ end
+ page.within '.issues-list' do
+ expect(page).to have_selector('.issue', count: 1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'filter issues and sort', js: true do
+ before do
+ bug_label = create(:label, project: project, title: 'bug')
+ bug_one = create(:issue, title: "Frontend", project: project)
+ bug_two = create(:issue, title: "Bug 2", project: project)
+ bug_one.labels << bug_label
+ bug_two.labels << bug_label
+ visit namespace_project_issues_path(project.namespace, project)
+ end
+ it 'should be able to filter and sort issues' do
+ click_button 'Label'
+ page.within '.labels-filter' do
+ click_link 'bug'
+ end
+ page.within '.issues-list' do
+ expect(page).to have_selector('.issue', count: 2)
+ end
+ click_button 'Last created'
+ page.within '.dropdown-menu-sort' do
+ click_link 'Oldest created'
+ end
+ page.within '.issues-list' do
+ expect(first('.issue')).to have_content('Frontend')
+ end
+ end
+ end