diff options
3 files changed, 81 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/features/admin/deploy_keys.feature b/features/admin/deploy_keys.feature
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9df47eb51fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/admin/deploy_keys.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Feature: Admin Deploy Keys
+ Background:
+ Given I sign in as an admin
+ And there are public deploy keys in system
+ Scenario: Deploy Keys list
+ When I visit admin deploy keys page
+ Then I should see all public deploy keys
+ Scenario: Deploy Keys show
+ When I visit admin deploy keys page
+ And I click on first deploy key
+ Then I should see deploy key details
+ Scenario: Deploy Keys new
+ When I visit admin deploy keys page
+ And I click 'New Deploy Key'
+ And I submit new deploy key
+ Then I should be on admin deploy keys page
+ And I should see newly created deploy key
diff --git a/features/steps/admin/deploy_keys.rb b/features/steps/admin/deploy_keys.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fb0b611762e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/steps/admin/deploy_keys.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+class Spinach::Features::AdminDeployKeys < Spinach::FeatureSteps
+ include SharedAuthentication
+ include SharedPaths
+ include SharedAdmin
+ step 'there are public deploy keys in system' do
+ create(:deploy_key, public: true)
+ create(:another_deploy_key, public: true)
+ end
+ step 'I should see all public deploy keys' do
+ DeployKey.are_public.each do |p|
+ page.should have_content p.title
+ end
+ end
+ step 'I click on first deploy key' do
+ click_link DeployKey.are_public.first.title
+ end
+ step 'I should see deploy key details' do
+ deploy_key = DeployKey.are_public.first
+ current_path.should == admin_deploy_key_path(deploy_key)
+ page.should have_content(deploy_key.title)
+ page.should have_content(deploy_key.key)
+ end
+ step 'I visit admin deploy key page' do
+ visit admin_deploy_key_path(deploy_key)
+ end
+ step 'I visit admin deploy keys page' do
+ visit admin_deploy_keys_path
+ end
+ step 'I click \'New Deploy Key\'' do
+ click_link 'New Deploy Key'
+ end
+ step 'I submit new deploy key' do
+ fill_in "deploy_key_title", with: "laptop"
+ fill_in "deploy_key_key", with: "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAzrEJUIR6Y03TCE9rIJ+GqTBvgb8t1jI9h5UBzCLuK4VawOmkLornPqLDrGbm6tcwM/wBrrLvVOqi2HwmkKEIecVO0a64A4rIYScVsXIniHRS6w5twyn1MD3sIbN+socBDcaldECQa2u1dI3tnNVcs8wi77fiRe7RSxePsJceGoheRQgC8AZ510UdIlO+9rjIHUdVN7LLyz512auAfYsgx1OfablkQ/XJcdEwDNgi9imI6nAXhmoKUm1IPLT2yKajTIC64AjLOnE0YyCh6+7RFMpiMyu1qiOCpdjYwTgBRiciNRZCH8xIedyCoAmiUgkUT40XYHwLuwiPJICpkAzp7Q== user@laptop"
+ click_button "Create"
+ end
+ step 'I should be on admin deploy keys page' do
+ current_path.should == admin_deploy_keys_path
+ end
+ step 'I should see newly created deploy key' do
+ page.should have_content(deploy_key.title)
+ end
+ def deploy_key
+ @deploy_key ||= DeployKey.are_public.first
+ end
diff --git a/spec/factories.rb b/spec/factories.rb
index fc103e5b133..b9bfd3cebb4 100644
--- a/spec/factories.rb
+++ b/spec/factories.rb
@@ -111,6 +111,9 @@ FactoryGirl.define do
key do
"ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDmTillFzNTrrGgwaCKaSj+QCz81E6jBc/s9av0+3b1Hwfxgkqjl4nAK/OD2NjgyrONDTDfR8cRN4eAAy6nY8GLkOyYBDyuc5nTMqs5z3yVuTwf3koGm/YQQCmo91psZ2BgDFTor8SVEE5Mm1D1k3JDMhDFxzzrOtRYFPci9lskTJaBjpqWZ4E9rDTD2q/QZntCqbC3wE9uSemRQB5f8kik7vD/AD8VQXuzKladrZKkzkONCPWsXDspUitjM8HkQdOf0PsYn1CMUC1xKYbCxkg5TkEosIwGv6CoEArUrdu/4+10LVslq494mAvEItywzrluCLCnwELfW+h/m8UHoVhZ"
+ factory :another_deploy_key, class: 'DeployKey' do
+ end
factory :invalid_key do