diff options
2 files changed, 189 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/db/migrate/20170503140202_turn_nested_groups_into_regular_groups_for_mysql.rb b/db/migrate/20170503140202_turn_nested_groups_into_regular_groups_for_mysql.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c67690642c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/migrate/20170503140202_turn_nested_groups_into_regular_groups_for_mysql.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+# See
+# for more information on how to write migrations for GitLab.
+# This migration depends on code external to it. For example, it relies on
+# updating a namespace to also rename directories (uploads, GitLab pages, etc).
+# The alternative is to copy hundreds of lines of code into this migration,
+# adjust them where needed, etc; something which doesn't work well at all.
+class TurnNestedGroupsIntoRegularGroupsForMysql < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers
+ # Set this constant to true if this migration requires downtime.
+ DOWNTIME = false
+ def run_migration?
+ Gitlab::Database.mysql?
+ end
+ def up
+ return unless run_migration?
+ # For all sub-groups we need to give the right people access. We do this as
+ # follows:
+ #
+ # 1. Get all the ancestors for the current namespace
+ # 2. Get all the members of these namespaces, along with their higher access
+ # level
+ # 3. Give these members access to the current namespace
+ Namespace.unscoped.where('parent_id IS NOT NULL').find_each do |namespace|
+ rows = []
+ existing = namespace.members.pluck(:user_id)
+ all_members_for(namespace).each do |member|
+ next if existing.include?(member[:user_id])
+ rows << {
+ access_level: member[:access_level],
+ source_id:,
+ source_type: 'Namespace',
+ user_id: member[:user_id],
+ notification_level: 3, # global
+ type: 'GroupMember',
+ created_at: Time.current,
+ updated_at: Time.current
+ }
+ end
+ bulk_insert_members(rows)
+ # This method relies on the parent to determine the proper path.
+ # Because we reset "parent_id" this method will not return the right path
+ # when moving namespaces.
+ full_path_was = namespace.send(:full_path_was)
+ namespace.define_singleton_method(:full_path_was) { full_path_was }
+ namespace.update!(parent_id: nil, path: new_path_for(namespace))
+ end
+ end
+ def down
+ # There is no way to go back from regular groups to nested groups.
+ end
+ # Generates a new (unique) path for a namespace.
+ def new_path_for(namespace)
+ counter = 1
+ base ='/', '-')
+ new_path = base
+ while Namespace.unscoped.where(path: new_path).exists?
+ new_path = base + "-#{counter}"
+ counter += 1
+ end
+ new_path
+ end
+ # Returns an Array containing all the ancestors of the current namespace.
+ #
+ # This method is not particularly efficient, but it's probably still faster
+ # than using the "routes" table. Most importantly of all, it _only_ depends
+ # on the namespaces table and the "parent_id" column.
+ def ancestors_for(namespace)
+ ancestors = []
+ current = namespace
+ while current&.parent_id
+ # We're using find_by(id: ...) here to deal with cases where the
+ # parent_id may point to a missing row.
+ current =[:id, :parent_id]).
+ find_by(id: current.parent_id)
+ ancestors << if current
+ end
+ ancestors
+ end
+ # Returns a relation containing all the members that have access to any of
+ # the current namespace's parent namespaces.
+ def all_members_for(namespace)
+ Member.
+ unscoped.
+ select(['user_id', 'MAX(access_level) AS access_level']).
+ where(source_type: 'Namespace', source_id: ancestors_for(namespace)).
+ group(:user_id)
+ end
+ def bulk_insert_members(rows)
+ return if rows.empty?
+ keys = rows.first.keys
+ tuples = do |row|
+ { |(_, value)| connection.quote(value) }
+ end
+ execute <<-EOF.strip_heredoc
+ INSERT INTO members (#{keys.join(', ')})
+ VALUES #{ { |tuple| "(#{tuple.join(', ')})" }.join(', ')}
+ end
diff --git a/spec/migrations/turn_nested_groups_into_regular_groups_for_mysql_spec.rb b/spec/migrations/turn_nested_groups_into_regular_groups_for_mysql_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..175bf1876b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/migrations/turn_nested_groups_into_regular_groups_for_mysql_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+require Rails.root.join('db', 'migrate', '20170503140202_turn_nested_groups_into_regular_groups_for_mysql.rb')
+describe TurnNestedGroupsIntoRegularGroupsForMysql do
+ let!(:parent_group) { create(:group) }
+ let!(:child_group) { create(:group, parent: parent_group) }
+ let!(:project) { create(:project, :empty_repo, namespace: child_group) }
+ let!(:member) { create(:user) }
+ let(:migration) { }
+ before do
+ parent_group.add_developer(member)
+ allow(migration).to receive(:run_migration?).and_return(true)
+ allow(migration).to receive(:verbose).and_return(false)
+ end
+ describe '#up' do
+ let(:updated_project) do
+ # path_with_namespace is memoized in an instance variable so we retrieve a
+ # new row here to work around that.
+ Project.find(
+ end
+ before do
+ migration.up
+ end
+ it 'unsets the parent_id column' do
+ expect(Namespace.where('parent_id IS NOT NULL').any?).to eq(false)
+ end
+ it 'adds members of parent groups as members to the migrated group' do
+ is_member = child_group.members.
+ where(user_id: member, access_level: Gitlab::Access::DEVELOPER).any?
+ expect(is_member).to eq(true)
+ end
+ it 'update the path of the nested group' do
+ child_group.reload
+ expect(child_group.path).to eq("#{}-#{}")
+ end
+ it 'renames projects of the nested group' do
+ expect(updated_project.path_with_namespace).
+ to eq("#{}-#{}/#{updated_project.path}")
+ end
+ it 'renames the repository of any projects' do
+ expect(updated_project.repository.path).
+ to end_with("#{}-#{}/#{updated_project.path}.git")
+ expect( eq(true)
+ end
+ it 'creates a redirect route for renamed projects' do
+ exists = RedirectRoute.
+ where(source_type: 'Project', source_id:
+ any?
+ expect(exists).to eq(true)
+ end
+ end