diff options
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 190 deletions
diff --git a/config/gitlab.yml.example b/config/gitlab.yml.example
index f7a58753421..37639e52e66 100644
--- a/config/gitlab.yml.example
+++ b/config/gitlab.yml.example
@@ -184,7 +184,6 @@ production: &base
# internal_host: localhost
# key: config/registry.key
# issuer: omnibus-certificate
- # path: shared/registry
# 2. GitLab CI settings
diff --git a/config/initializers/1_settings.rb b/config/initializers/1_settings.rb
index 140d086054a..1040d840e30 100644
--- a/config/initializers/1_settings.rb
+++ b/config/initializers/1_settings.rb
@@ -272,7 +272,6 @@ Settings.artifacts['max_size'] ||= 100 # in megabytes
Settings['registry'] ||={})
Settings.registry['registry'] = false if Settings.registry['enabled'].nil?
-Settings.registry['path'] = File.expand_path(Settings.registry['path'] || File.join(Settings.shared['path'], "registry"), Rails.root)
Settings.registry['host'] ||= ""
Settings.registry['internal_host']||= "localhost"
Settings.registry['key'] ||= nil
diff --git a/lib/api/api.rb b/lib/api/api.rb
index 6ddfe11d98e..cc1004f8005 100644
--- a/lib/api/api.rb
+++ b/lib/api/api.rb
@@ -58,6 +58,5 @@ module API
mount Variables
mount Runners
mount Licenses
- mount Auth
diff --git a/lib/api/auth.rb b/lib/api/auth.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index dab04bca818..00000000000
--- a/lib/api/auth.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-module API
- # Projects builds API
- class Auth < Grape::API
- namespace 'auth' do
- get 'token' do
- required_attributes! [:service]
- keys = attributes_for_keys [:offline_token, :scope, :service]
- case keys[:service]
- when 'docker'
- docker_token_auth(keys[:scope], keys[:offline_token])
- else
- not_found!
- end
- end
- end
- helpers do
- def docker_token_auth(scope, offline_token)
- auth!
- if offline_token
- forbidden! unless @user
- elsif scope
- @type, @path, actions = scope.split(':', 3)
- bad_request!("invalid type: #{@type}") unless @type == 'repository'
- @actions = actions.split(',')
- bad_request!('missing actions') if @actions.empty?
- @project = Project.find_with_namespace(@path)
- not_found!('Project') unless @project
- authorize_actions!(@actions)
- end
- { token: encode(docker_payload) }
- end
- def auth!
- auth =
- return unless auth.provided?
- return bad_request unless auth.basic?
- # Authentication with username and password
- login, password = auth.credentials
- if ci_request?(login, password)
- @ci = true
- return
- end
- @user = authenticate_user(login, password)
- if @user
- request.env['REMOTE_USER'] = @user.username
- end
- end
- def ci_request?(login, password)
- matched_login = /(?<s>^[a-zA-Z]*-ci)-token$/.match(login)
- if @project && matched_login.present?
- underscored_service = matched_login['s'].underscore
- if underscored_service == 'gitlab_ci'
- return @project.valid_build_token?(password)
- end
- end
- false
- end
- def authenticate_user(login, password)
- user =, password)
- # If the user authenticated successfully, we reset the auth failure count
- # from Rack::Attack for that IP. A client may attempt to authenticate
- # with a username and blank password first, and only after it receives
- # a 401 error does it present a password. Resetting the count prevents
- # false positives from occurring.
- #
- # Otherwise, we let Rack::Attack know there was a failed authentication
- # attempt from this IP. This information is stored in the Rails cache
- # (Redis) and will be used by the Rack::Attack middleware to decide
- # whether to block requests from this IP.
- config = Gitlab.config.rack_attack.git_basic_auth
- if config.enabled
- if user
- # A successful login will reset the auth failure count from this IP
- Rack::Attack::Allow2Ban.reset(@request.ip, config)
- else
- banned = Rack::Attack::Allow2Ban.filter(@request.ip, config) do
- # Unless the IP is whitelisted, return true so that Allow2Ban
- # increments the counter (stored in Rails.cache) for the IP
- if config.ip_whitelist.include?(@request.ip)
- false
- else
- true
- end
- end
- if banned
- "IP #{@request.ip} failed to login " \
- "as #{login} but has been temporarily banned from Git auth"
- end
- end
- end
- user
- end
- def docker_payload
- issued_at =
- {
- access: [
- type: @type,
- name: @path,
- actions: @actions
- ],
- iss: Gitlab.config.registry.issuer,
- aud: "docker",
- sub: @user.try(:username),
- aud: @service,
- iat: issued_at,
- nbf: issued_at - 5.seconds,
- exp: issued_at + 60.minutes,
- jti: SecureRandom.uuid,
- exp: + 3600
- }.compact
- end
- def private_key
- @private_key ||= Gitlab.config.registry.key
- end
- def encode(payload)
- headers = {
- kid: kid(private_key)
- }
- JWT.encode(payload, private_key, 'RS256', headers)
- end
- def authorize_actions!(actions)
- actions.each do |action|
- forbidden! unless can_access?(action)
- end
- end
- def can_access?(action)
- case action
- when 'pull'
- @ci || can?(@user, :download_code, @project)
- when 'push'
- @ci || can?(@user, :push_code, @project)
- else
- false
- end
- end
- def kid(private_key)
- sha256 =
- sha256.update(private_key.public_key.to_der)
- payload =
- Base32.encode(payload).split("").each_slice(4).each_with_object([]) do |slice, mem|
- mem << slice.join
- end.join(":")
- end
- class BasicRequest < Rack::Auth::AbstractRequest
- def basic?
- "basic" == scheme
- end
- def credentials
- @credentials ||= params.unpack("m*").first.split(/:/, 2)
- end
- def username
- credentials.first
- end
- end
- end
- end