diff options
3 files changed, 172 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/app/finders/issuable_finder.rb b/app/finders/issuable_finder.rb
index f1df6832bf6..f8e2062d110 100644
--- a/app/finders/issuable_finder.rb
+++ b/app/finders/issuable_finder.rb
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ class IssuableFinder
if filter_by_no_label?
items = items.without_label
- items = items.with_label(label_names)
+ items = items.with_label(label_names.flatten)
if projects
items = items.where(labels: { project_id: projects })
diff --git a/app/models/concerns/issuable.rb b/app/models/concerns/issuable.rb
index afa2ca039ae..e2a2899941f 100644
--- a/app/models/concerns/issuable.rb
+++ b/app/models/concerns/issuable.rb
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ module Issuable
scope :closed, -> { with_state(:closed) }
scope :order_milestone_due_desc, -> { joins(:milestone).reorder('milestones.due_date DESC, DESC') }
scope :order_milestone_due_asc, -> { joins(:milestone).reorder('milestones.due_date ASC, ASC') }
- scope :with_label, ->(title) { joins(:labels).where(labels: { title: title }) }
+ scope :with_label, ->(title) { joins(:labels).where(labels: { title: title }).group('').having("count(distinct labels.title) = #{title.count}") }
scope :without_label, -> { joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN label_links ON label_links.target_type = '#{name}' AND label_links.target_id = #{table_name}.id").where(label_links: { id: nil }) }
scope :join_project, -> { joins(:project) }
diff --git a/spec/features/issues/filter_by_labels_spec.rb b/spec/features/issues/filter_by_labels_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..27d9ea7c62f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/features/issues/filter_by_labels_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+# Uncomment once this is merged with multi-filter-labels
+# Changes are related to using AND in label filters instead of OR
+# require 'rails_helper'
+# feature 'Issue filtering by Labels', feature: true do
+# let(:project) { create(:project, :public) }
+# let!(:user) { create(:user)}
+# let!(:label) { create(:label, project: project) }
+# before do
+# ['bug', 'feature', 'enhancement'].each do |title|
+# create(:label,
+# project: project,
+# title: title)
+# end
+# issue1 = create(:issue, title: "Bugfix1", project: project)
+# issue1.labels << project.labels.find_by(title: 'bug')
+# issue2 = create(:issue, title: "Bugfix2", project: project)
+# issue2.labels << project.labels.find_by(title: 'bug')
+# issue2.labels << project.labels.find_by(title: 'enhancement')
+# issue3 = create(:issue, title: "Feature1", project: project)
+# issue3.labels << project.labels.find_by(title: 'feature')
+# << [user, :master]
+# login_as(user)
+# visit namespace_project_issues_path(project.namespace, project)
+# end
+# context 'filter by label bug', js: true do
+# before do
+# page.find('.js-label-select').click
+# sleep 0.5
+# execute_script("$('.dropdown-menu-labels li:contains(\"bug\") a').click()")
+# page.first('.labels-filter .dropdown-title .dropdown-menu-close-icon').click
+# sleep 2
+# end
+# it 'should show issue "Bugfix1" and "Bugfix2" in issues list' do
+# expect(page).to have_content "Bugfix1"
+# expect(page).to have_content "Bugfix2"
+# end
+# it 'should not show "Feature1" in issues list' do
+# expect(page).not_to have_content "Feature1"
+# end
+# it 'should show label "bug" in filtered-labels' do
+# expect(find('.filtered-labels')).to have_content "bug"
+# end
+# it 'should not show label "feature" and "enhancement" in filtered-labels' do
+# expect(find('.filtered-labels')).not_to have_content "feature"
+# expect(find('.filtered-labels')).not_to have_content "enhancement"
+# end
+# end
+# context 'filter by label feature', js: true do
+# before do
+# page.find('.js-label-select').click
+# sleep 0.5
+# execute_script("$('.dropdown-menu-labels li:contains(\"feature\") a').click()")
+# page.first('.labels-filter .dropdown-title .dropdown-menu-close-icon').click
+# sleep 2
+# end
+# it 'should show issue "Feature1" in issues list' do
+# expect(page).to have_content "Feature1"
+# end
+# it 'should not show "Bugfix1" and "Bugfix2" in issues list' do
+# expect(page).not_to have_content "Bugfix2"
+# expect(page).not_to have_content "Bugfix1"
+# end
+# it 'should show label "feature" in filtered-labels' do
+# expect(find('.filtered-labels')).to have_content "feature"
+# end
+# it 'should not show label "bug" and "enhancement" in filtered-labels' do
+# expect(find('.filtered-labels')).not_to have_content "bug"
+# expect(find('.filtered-labels')).not_to have_content "enhancement"
+# end
+# end
+# context 'filter by label enhancement', js: true do
+# before do
+# page.find('.js-label-select').click
+# sleep 0.5
+# execute_script("$('.dropdown-menu-labels li:contains(\"enhancement\") a').click()")
+# page.first('.labels-filter .dropdown-title .dropdown-menu-close-icon').click
+# sleep 2
+# end
+# it 'should show issue "Bugfix2" in issues list' do
+# expect(page).to have_content "Bugfix2"
+# end
+# it 'should not show "Feature1" and "Bugfix1" in issues list' do
+# expect(page).not_to have_content "Feature1"
+# expect(page).not_to have_content "Bugfix1"
+# end
+# it 'should show label "enhancement" in filtered-labels' do
+# expect(find('.filtered-labels')).to have_content "enhancement"
+# end
+# it 'should not show label "feature" and "bug" in filtered-labels' do
+# expect(find('.filtered-labels')).not_to have_content "bug"
+# expect(find('.filtered-labels')).not_to have_content "feature"
+# end
+# end
+# context 'filter by label enhancement or feature', js: true do
+# before do
+# page.find('.js-label-select').click
+# sleep 0.5
+# execute_script("$('.dropdown-menu-labels li:contains(\"enhancement\") a').click()")
+# execute_script("$('.dropdown-menu-labels li:contains(\"feature\") a').click()")
+# page.first('.labels-filter .dropdown-title .dropdown-menu-close-icon').click
+# sleep 2
+# end
+# it 'should not show "Bugfix1" or "Feature1" in issues list' do
+# expect(page).not_to have_content "Bugfix1"
+# expect(page).not_to have_content "Feature1"
+# end
+# it 'should show label "enhancement" and "feature" in filtered-labels' do
+# expect(find('.filtered-labels')).to have_content "enhancement"
+# expect(find('.filtered-labels')).to have_content "feature"
+# end
+# it 'should not show label "bug" in filtered-labels' do
+# expect(find('.filtered-labels')).not_to have_content "bug"
+# end
+# end
+# context 'filter by label enhancement and bug in issues list', js: true do
+# before do
+# page.find('.js-label-select').click
+# sleep 0.5
+# execute_script("$('.dropdown-menu-labels li:contains(\"enhancement\") a').click()")
+# execute_script("$('.dropdown-menu-labels li:contains(\"bug\") a').click()")
+# page.first('.labels-filter .dropdown-title .dropdown-menu-close-icon').click
+# sleep 2
+# end
+# it 'should show issue "Bugfix2" in issues list' do
+# expect(page).to have_content "Bugfix2"
+# end
+# it 'should not show "Feature1"' do
+# expect(page).not_to have_content "Feature1"
+# end
+# it 'should show label "bug" and "enhancement" in filtered-labels' do
+# expect(find('.filtered-labels')).to have_content "bug"
+# expect(find('.filtered-labels')).to have_content "enhancement"
+# end
+# it 'should not show label "feature" in filtered-labels' do
+# expect(find('.filtered-labels')).not_to have_content "feature"
+# end
+# end
+# end