diff options
8 files changed, 865 insertions, 128 deletions
diff --git a/changelogs/unreleased/41016-import-gitlab-shell-projects.yml b/changelogs/unreleased/41016-import-gitlab-shell-projects.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..47a9e9c3eec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changelogs/unreleased/41016-import-gitlab-shell-projects.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+title: Import some code and functionality from gitlab-shell to improve subprocess
+ handling
+type: other
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/git/gitlab_projects.rb b/lib/gitlab/git/gitlab_projects.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d948d7895ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/git/gitlab_projects.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+module Gitlab
+ module Git
+ class GitlabProjects
+ include Gitlab::Git::Popen
+ # Absolute path to directory where repositories are stored.
+ # Example: /home/git/repositories
+ attr_reader :shard_path
+ # Relative path is a directory name for repository with .git at the end.
+ # Example: gitlab-org/gitlab-test.git
+ attr_reader :repository_relative_path
+ # Absolute path to the repository.
+ # Example: /home/git/repositorities/gitlab-org/gitlab-test.git
+ attr_reader :repository_absolute_path
+ # This is the path at which the gitlab-shell hooks directory can be found.
+ # It's essential for integration between git and GitLab proper. All new
+ # repositories should have their hooks directory symlinked here.
+ attr_reader :global_hooks_path
+ attr_reader :logger
+ def initialize(shard_path, repository_relative_path, global_hooks_path:, logger:)
+ @shard_path = shard_path
+ @repository_relative_path = repository_relative_path
+ @logger = logger
+ @global_hooks_path = global_hooks_path
+ @repository_absolute_path = File.join(shard_path, repository_relative_path)
+ @output =
+ end
+ def output
+ io = @output.dup
+ io.rewind
+ end
+ def rm_project
+ "Removing repository <#{repository_absolute_path}>."
+ FileUtils.rm_rf(repository_absolute_path)
+ end
+ # Move repository from one directory to another
+ #
+ # Example: gitlab/gitlab-ci.git -> randx/six.git
+ #
+ # Won't work if target namespace directory does not exist
+ #
+ def mv_project(new_path)
+ new_absolute_path = File.join(shard_path, new_path)
+ # verify that the source repo exists
+ unless File.exist?(repository_absolute_path)
+ logger.error "mv-project failed: source path <#{repository_absolute_path}> does not exist."
+ return false
+ end
+ # ...and that the target repo does not exist
+ if File.exist?(new_absolute_path)
+ logger.error "mv-project failed: destination path <#{new_absolute_path}> already exists."
+ return false
+ end
+ "Moving repository from <#{repository_absolute_path}> to <#{new_absolute_path}>."
+, new_absolute_path)
+ end
+ # Import project via git clone --bare
+ # URL must be publicly cloneable
+ def import_project(source, timeout)
+ # Skip import if repo already exists
+ return false if File.exist?(repository_absolute_path)
+ masked_source = mask_password_in_url(source)
+ "Importing project from <#{masked_source}> to <#{repository_absolute_path}>."
+ cmd = %W(git clone --bare -- #{source} #{repository_absolute_path})
+ success = run_with_timeout(cmd, timeout, nil)
+ unless success
+ logger.error("Importing project from <#{masked_source}> to <#{repository_absolute_path}> failed.")
+ FileUtils.rm_rf(repository_absolute_path)
+ return false
+ end
+ Gitlab::Git::Repository.create_hooks(repository_absolute_path, global_hooks_path)
+ # The project was imported successfully.
+ # Remove the origin URL since it may contain password.
+ remove_origin_in_repo
+ true
+ end
+ def fork_repository(new_shard_path, new_repository_relative_path)
+ from_path = repository_absolute_path
+ to_path = File.join(new_shard_path, new_repository_relative_path)
+ # The repository cannot already exist
+ if File.exist?(to_path)
+ logger.error "fork-repository failed: destination repository <#{to_path}> already exists."
+ return false
+ end
+ # Ensure the namepsace / hashed storage directory exists
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(to_path), mode: 0770)
+ "Forking repository from <#{from_path}> to <#{to_path}>."
+ cmd = %W(git clone --bare --no-local -- #{from_path} #{to_path})
+ run(cmd, nil) && Gitlab::Git::Repository.create_hooks(to_path, global_hooks_path)
+ end
+ def fetch_remote(name, timeout, force:, tags:, ssh_key: nil, known_hosts: nil)
+ tags_option = tags ? '--tags' : '--no-tags'
+ "Fetching remote #{name} for repository #{repository_absolute_path}."
+ cmd = %W(git fetch #{name} --prune --quiet)
+ cmd << '--force' if force
+ cmd << tags_option
+ setup_ssh_auth(ssh_key, known_hosts) do |env|
+ success = run_with_timeout(cmd, timeout, repository_absolute_path, env)
+ unless success
+ logger.error "Fetching remote #{name} for repository #{repository_absolute_path} failed."
+ end
+ success
+ end
+ end
+ def push_branches(remote_name, timeout, force, branch_names)
+ "Pushing branches from #{repository_absolute_path} to remote #{remote_name}: #{branch_names}"
+ cmd = %w(git push)
+ cmd << '--force' if force
+ cmd += %W(-- #{remote_name}).concat(branch_names)
+ success = run_with_timeout(cmd, timeout, repository_absolute_path)
+ unless success
+ logger.error("Pushing branches to remote #{remote_name} failed.")
+ end
+ success
+ end
+ def delete_remote_branches(remote_name, branch_names)
+ branches = { |branch_name| ":#{branch_name}" }
+ "Pushing deleted branches from #{repository_absolute_path} to remote #{remote_name}: #{branch_names}"
+ cmd = %W(git push -- #{remote_name}).concat(branches)
+ success = run(cmd, repository_absolute_path)
+ unless success
+ logger.error("Pushing deleted branches to remote #{remote_name} failed.")
+ end
+ success
+ end
+ protected
+ def run(*args)
+ output, exitstatus = popen(*args)
+ @output << output
+ exitstatus&.zero?
+ end
+ def run_with_timeout(*args)
+ output, exitstatus = popen_with_timeout(*args)
+ @output << output
+ exitstatus&.zero?
+ rescue Timeout::Error
+ @output.puts('Timed out')
+ false
+ end
+ def mask_password_in_url(url)
+ result = URI(url)
+ result.password = "*****" unless result.password.nil?
+ result.user = "*****" unless result.user.nil? # it's needed for oauth access_token
+ result
+ rescue
+ url
+ end
+ def remove_origin_in_repo
+ cmd = %w(git remote rm origin)
+ run(cmd, repository_absolute_path)
+ end
+ # Builds a small shell script that can be used to execute SSH with a set of
+ # custom options.
+ #
+ # Options are expanded as `'-oKey="Value"'`, so SSH will correctly interpret
+ # paths with spaces in them. We trust the user not to embed single or double
+ # quotes in the key or value.
+ def custom_ssh_script(options = {})
+ args = { |k, v| %Q{'-o#{k}="#{v}"'} }.join(' ')
+ [
+ "#!/bin/sh",
+ "exec ssh #{args} \"$@\""
+ ].join("\n")
+ end
+ # Known hosts data and private keys can be passed to gitlab-shell in the
+ # environment. If present, this method puts them into temporary files, writes
+ # a script that can substitute as `ssh`, setting the options to respect those
+ # files, and yields: { "GIT_SSH" => "/tmp/myScript" }
+ def setup_ssh_auth(key, known_hosts)
+ options = {}
+ if key
+ key_file ='gitlab-shell-key-file')
+ key_file.chmod(0o400)
+ key_file.write(key)
+ key_file.close
+ options['IdentityFile'] = key_file.path
+ options['IdentitiesOnly'] = 'yes'
+ end
+ if known_hosts
+ known_hosts_file ='gitlab-shell-known-hosts')
+ known_hosts_file.chmod(0o400)
+ known_hosts_file.write(known_hosts)
+ known_hosts_file.close
+ options['StrictHostKeyChecking'] = 'yes'
+ options['UserKnownHostsFile'] = known_hosts_file.path
+ end
+ return yield({}) if options.empty?
+ script ='gitlab-shell-ssh-wrapper')
+ script.chmod(0o755)
+ script.write(custom_ssh_script(options))
+ script.close
+ yield('GIT_SSH' => script.path)
+ ensure
+ key_file&.close!
+ known_hosts_file&.close!
+ script&.close!
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/git/repository.rb b/lib/gitlab/git/repository.rb
index 0e0a1987c7d..c4c6ed7b619 100644
--- a/lib/gitlab/git/repository.rb
+++ b/lib/gitlab/git/repository.rb
@@ -39,10 +39,31 @@ module Gitlab
repo = Rugged::Repository.init_at(repo_path, bare)
- if symlink_hooks_to.present?
- hooks_path = File.join(repo_path, 'hooks')
- FileUtils.rm_rf(hooks_path)
- FileUtils.ln_s(symlink_hooks_to, hooks_path)
+ create_hooks(repo_path, symlink_hooks_to) if symlink_hooks_to.present?
+ true
+ end
+ def create_hooks(repo_path, global_hooks_path)
+ local_hooks_path = File.join(repo_path, 'hooks')
+ real_local_hooks_path = :not_found
+ begin
+ real_local_hooks_path = File.realpath(local_hooks_path)
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT
+ # real_local_hooks_path == :not_found
+ end
+ # Do nothing if hooks already exist
+ unless real_local_hooks_path == File.realpath(global_hooks_path)
+ # Move the existing hooks somewhere safe
+ local_hooks_path,
+ "#{local_hooks_path}.old.#{}"
+ ) if File.exist?(local_hooks_path)
+ # Create the hooks symlink
+ FileUtils.ln_sf(global_hooks_path, local_hooks_path)
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/shell.rb b/lib/gitlab/shell.rb
index a22a63665be..9cdd3d22f18 100644
--- a/lib/gitlab/shell.rb
+++ b/lib/gitlab/shell.rb
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ module Gitlab
# Init new repository
# storage - project's storage name
- # name - project path with namespace
+ # name - project disk path
# Ex.
# add_repository("/path/to/storage", "gitlab/gitlab-ci")
@@ -94,23 +94,28 @@ module Gitlab
# Import repository
# storage - project's storage path
- # name - project path with namespace
+ # name - project disk path
+ # url - URL to import from
# Ex.
- # import_repository("/path/to/storage", "gitlab/gitlab-ci", "")
+ # import_repository("/path/to/storage", "gitlab/gitlab-ci", "")
# Gitaly migration:
def import_repository(storage, name, url)
# The timeout ensures the subprocess won't hang forever
- cmd = [gitlab_shell_projects_path, 'import-project',
- storage, "#{name}.git", url, "#{Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.git_timeout}"]
- gitlab_shell_fast_execute_raise_error(cmd)
+ cmd = gitlab_projects(storage, "#{name}.git")
+ success = cmd.import_project(url, git_timeout)
+ raise Error, cmd.output unless success
+ success
# Fetch remote for repository
# repository - an instance of Git::Repository
# remote - remote name
+ # ssh_auth - SSH known_hosts data and a private key to use for public-key authentication
# forced - should we use --force flag?
# no_tags - should we use --no-tags flag?
@@ -131,16 +136,15 @@ module Gitlab
# Move repository
# storage - project's storage path
- # path - project path with namespace
- # new_path - new project path with namespace
+ # path - project disk path
+ # new_path - new project disk path
# Ex.
# mv_repository("/path/to/storage", "gitlab/gitlab-ci", "randx/gitlab-ci-new")
# Gitaly migration:
def mv_repository(storage, path, new_path)
- gitlab_shell_fast_execute([gitlab_shell_projects_path, 'mv-project',
- storage, "#{path}.git", "#{new_path}.git"])
+ gitlab_projects(storage, "#{path}.git").mv_project("#{new_path}.git")
# Fork repository to new path
@@ -154,30 +158,21 @@ module Gitlab
# Gitaly note: JV: not easy to migrate because this involves two Gitaly servers, not one.
def fork_repository(forked_from_storage, forked_from_disk_path, forked_to_storage, forked_to_disk_path)
- gitlab_shell_fast_execute(
- [
- gitlab_shell_projects_path,
- 'fork-repository',
- forked_from_storage,
- "#{forked_from_disk_path}.git",
- forked_to_storage,
- "#{forked_to_disk_path}.git"
- ]
- )
+ gitlab_projects(forked_from_storage, "#{forked_from_disk_path}.git")
+ .fork_repository(forked_to_storage, "#{forked_to_disk_path}.git")
# Remove repository from file system
# storage - project's storage path
- # name - project path with namespace
+ # name - project disk path
# Ex.
# remove_repository("/path/to/storage", "gitlab/gitlab-ci")
# Gitaly migration:
def remove_repository(storage, name)
- gitlab_shell_fast_execute([gitlab_shell_projects_path,
- 'rm-project', storage, "#{name}.git"])
+ gitlab_projects(storage, "#{name}.git").rm_project
# Add new key to gitlab-shell
@@ -311,6 +306,47 @@ module Gitlab
+ # Push branch to remote repository
+ #
+ # storage - project's storage path
+ # project_name - project's disk path
+ # remote_name - remote name
+ # branch_names - remote branch names to push
+ # forced - should we use --force flag
+ #
+ # Ex.
+ # push_remote_branches('/path/to/storage', 'gitlab-org/gitlab-test' 'upstream', ['feature'])
+ #
+ def push_remote_branches(storage, project_name, remote_name, branch_names, forced: true)
+ cmd = gitlab_projects(storage, "#{project_name}.git")
+ success = cmd.push_branches(remote_name, git_timeout, forced, branch_names)
+ raise Error, cmd.output unless success
+ success
+ end
+ # Delete branch from remote repository
+ #
+ # storage - project's storage path
+ # project_name - project's disk path
+ # remote_name - remote name
+ # branch_names - remote branch names
+ #
+ # Ex.
+ # delete_remote_branches('/path/to/storage', 'gitlab-org/gitlab-test', 'upstream', ['feature'])
+ #
+ def delete_remote_branches(storage, project_name, remote_name, branch_names)
+ cmd = gitlab_projects(storage, "#{project_name}.git")
+ success = cmd.delete_remote_branches(remote_name, branch_names)
+ raise Error, cmd.output unless success
+ success
+ end
def gitlab_shell_path
@@ -341,24 +377,35 @@ module Gitlab
- def local_fetch_remote(storage, name, remote, ssh_auth: nil, forced: false, no_tags: false)
- args = [gitlab_shell_projects_path, 'fetch-remote', storage, name, remote, "#{Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.git_timeout}"]
- args << '--force' if forced
- args << '--no-tags' if no_tags
+ def gitlab_projects(shard_path, disk_path)
+ shard_path,
+ disk_path,
+ global_hooks_path: Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.hooks_path,
+ logger: Rails.logger
+ )
+ end
- vars = {}
+ def local_fetch_remote(storage_path, repository_relative_path, remote, ssh_auth: nil, forced: false, no_tags: false)
+ vars = { force: forced, tags: !no_tags }
if ssh_auth&.ssh_import?
if ssh_auth.ssh_key_auth? && ssh_auth.ssh_private_key.present?
- vars['GITLAB_SHELL_SSH_KEY'] = ssh_auth.ssh_private_key
+ vars[:ssh_key] = ssh_auth.ssh_private_key
if ssh_auth.ssh_known_hosts.present?
- vars['GITLAB_SHELL_KNOWN_HOSTS'] = ssh_auth.ssh_known_hosts
+ vars[:known_hosts] = ssh_auth.ssh_known_hosts
- gitlab_shell_fast_execute_raise_error(args, vars)
+ cmd = gitlab_projects(storage_path, repository_relative_path)
+ success = cmd.fetch_remote(remote, git_timeout, vars)
+ raise Error, cmd.output unless success
+ success
def gitlab_shell_fast_execute(cmd)
@@ -394,6 +441,10 @@ module Gitlab
+ def git_timeout
+ Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.git_timeout
+ end
def gitaly_migrate(method, &block)
Gitlab::GitalyClient.migrate(method, &block)
rescue GRPC::NotFound, GRPC::BadStatus => e
diff --git a/spec/lib/gitlab/git/gitlab_projects_spec.rb b/spec/lib/gitlab/git/gitlab_projects_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..18906955df6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/lib/gitlab/git/gitlab_projects_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe Gitlab::Git::GitlabProjects do
+ after do
+ TestEnv.clean_test_path
+ end
+ let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) }
+ let(:logger) { }
+ else
+ let(:logger) { double('logger').as_null_object }
+ end
+ let(:tmp_repos_path) { TestEnv.repos_path }
+ let(:repo_name) { project.disk_path + '.git' }
+ let(:tmp_repo_path) { File.join(tmp_repos_path, repo_name) }
+ let(:gl_projects) { build_gitlab_projects(tmp_repos_path, repo_name) }
+ describe '#initialize' do
+ it { expect(gl_projects.shard_path).to eq(tmp_repos_path) }
+ it { expect(gl_projects.repository_relative_path).to eq(repo_name) }
+ it { expect(gl_projects.repository_absolute_path).to eq(File.join(tmp_repos_path, repo_name)) }
+ it { expect(gl_projects.logger).to eq(logger) }
+ end
+ describe '#mv_project' do
+ let(:new_repo_path) { File.join(tmp_repos_path, 'repo.git') }
+ it 'moves a repo directory' do
+ expect(File.exist?(tmp_repo_path)).to be_truthy
+ message = "Moving repository from <#{tmp_repo_path}> to <#{new_repo_path}>."
+ expect(logger).to receive(:info).with(message)
+ expect(gl_projects.mv_project('repo.git')).to be_truthy
+ expect(File.exist?(tmp_repo_path)).to be_falsy
+ expect(File.exist?(new_repo_path)).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it "fails if the source path doesn't exist" do
+ expect(logger).to receive(:error).with("mv-project failed: source path <#{tmp_repos_path}/bad-src.git> does not exist.")
+ result = build_gitlab_projects(tmp_repos_path, 'bad-src.git').mv_project('repo.git')
+ expect(result).to be_falsy
+ end
+ it 'fails if the destination path already exists' do
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(tmp_repos_path, 'already-exists.git'))
+ message = "mv-project failed: destination path <#{tmp_repos_path}/already-exists.git> already exists."
+ expect(logger).to receive(:error).with(message)
+ expect(gl_projects.mv_project('already-exists.git')).to be_falsy
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#rm_project' do
+ it 'removes a repo directory' do
+ expect(File.exist?(tmp_repo_path)).to be_truthy
+ expect(logger).to receive(:info).with("Removing repository <#{tmp_repo_path}>.")
+ expect(gl_projects.rm_project).to be_truthy
+ expect(File.exist?(tmp_repo_path)).to be_falsy
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#push_branches' do
+ let(:remote_name) { 'remote-name' }
+ let(:branch_name) { 'master' }
+ let(:cmd) { %W(git push -- #{remote_name} #{branch_name}) }
+ let(:force) { false }
+ subject { gl_projects.push_branches(remote_name, 600, force, [branch_name]) }
+ it 'executes the command' do
+ stub_spawn(cmd, 600, tmp_repo_path, success: true)
+ be_truthy
+ end
+ it 'fails' do
+ stub_spawn(cmd, 600, tmp_repo_path, success: false)
+ be_falsy
+ end
+ context 'with --force' do
+ let(:cmd) { %W(git push --force -- #{remote_name} #{branch_name}) }
+ let(:force) { true }
+ it 'executes the command' do
+ stub_spawn(cmd, 600, tmp_repo_path, success: true)
+ be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#fetch_remote' do
+ let(:remote_name) { 'remote-name' }
+ let(:branch_name) { 'master' }
+ let(:force) { false }
+ let(:tags) { true }
+ let(:args) { { force: force, tags: tags }.merge(extra_args) }
+ let(:extra_args) { {} }
+ let(:cmd) { %W(git fetch #{remote_name} --prune --quiet --tags) }
+ subject { gl_projects.fetch_remote(remote_name, 600, args) }
+ def stub_tempfile(name, filename, opts = {})
+ chmod = opts.delete(:chmod)
+ file =
+ allow(file).to receive(:close!)
+ allow(file).to receive(:path).and_return(name)
+ expect(Tempfile).to receive(:new).with(filename).and_return(file)
+ expect(file).to receive(:chmod).with(chmod) if chmod
+ file
+ end
+ context 'with default args' do
+ it 'executes the command' do
+ stub_spawn(cmd, 600, tmp_repo_path, {}, success: true)
+ be_truthy
+ end
+ it 'fails' do
+ stub_spawn(cmd, 600, tmp_repo_path, {}, success: false)
+ be_falsy
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with --force' do
+ let(:force) { true }
+ let(:cmd) { %W(git fetch #{remote_name} --prune --quiet --force --tags) }
+ it 'executes the command with forced option' do
+ stub_spawn(cmd, 600, tmp_repo_path, {}, success: true)
+ be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with --no-tags' do
+ let(:tags) { false }
+ let(:cmd) { %W(git fetch #{remote_name} --prune --quiet --no-tags) }
+ it 'executes the command' do
+ stub_spawn(cmd, 600, tmp_repo_path, {}, success: true)
+ be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'with an SSH key' do
+ let(:extra_args) { { ssh_key: 'SSH KEY' } }
+ it 'sets GIT_SSH to a custom script' do
+ script = stub_tempfile('scriptFile', 'gitlab-shell-ssh-wrapper', chmod: 0o755)
+ key = stub_tempfile('/tmp files/keyFile', 'gitlab-shell-key-file', chmod: 0o400)
+ stub_spawn(cmd, 600, tmp_repo_path, { 'GIT_SSH' => 'scriptFile' }, success: true)
+ be_truthy
+ expect(script.string).to eq("#!/bin/sh\nexec ssh '-oIdentityFile=\"/tmp files/keyFile\"' '-oIdentitiesOnly=\"yes\"' \"$@\"")
+ expect(key.string).to eq('SSH KEY')
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'with known_hosts data' do
+ let(:extra_args) { { known_hosts: 'KNOWN HOSTS' } }
+ it 'sets GIT_SSH to a custom script' do
+ script = stub_tempfile('scriptFile', 'gitlab-shell-ssh-wrapper', chmod: 0o755)
+ key = stub_tempfile('/tmp files/knownHosts', 'gitlab-shell-known-hosts', chmod: 0o400)
+ stub_spawn(cmd, 600, tmp_repo_path, { 'GIT_SSH' => 'scriptFile' }, success: true)
+ be_truthy
+ expect(script.string).to eq("#!/bin/sh\nexec ssh '-oStrictHostKeyChecking=\"yes\"' '-oUserKnownHostsFile=\"/tmp files/knownHosts\"' \"$@\"")
+ expect(key.string).to eq('KNOWN HOSTS')
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#import_project' do
+ let(:project) { create(:project) }
+ let(:import_url) { TestEnv.factory_repo_path_bare }
+ let(:cmd) { %W(git clone --bare -- #{import_url} #{tmp_repo_path}) }
+ let(:timeout) { 600 }
+ subject { gl_projects.import_project(import_url, timeout) }
+ context 'success import' do
+ it 'imports a repo' do
+ expect(File.exist?(File.join(tmp_repo_path, 'HEAD'))).to be_falsy
+ message = "Importing project from <#{import_url}> to <#{tmp_repo_path}>."
+ expect(logger).to receive(:info).with(message)
+ be_truthy
+ expect(File.exist?(File.join(tmp_repo_path, 'HEAD'))).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ context 'already exists' do
+ it "doesn't import" do
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(tmp_repo_path)
+ be_falsy
+ end
+ end
+ context 'timeout' do
+ it 'does not import a repo' do
+ stub_spawn_timeout(cmd, timeout, nil)
+ message = "Importing project from <#{import_url}> to <#{tmp_repo_path}> failed."
+ expect(logger).to receive(:error).with(message)
+ be_falsy
+ expect(gl_projects.output).to eq("Timed out\n")
+ expect(File.exist?(File.join(tmp_repo_path, 'HEAD'))).to be_falsy
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#fork_repository' do
+ let(:dest_repos_path) { tmp_repos_path }
+ let(:dest_repo_name) { File.join('@hashed', 'aa', 'bb', 'xyz.git') }
+ let(:dest_repo) { File.join(dest_repos_path, dest_repo_name) }
+ let(:dest_namespace) { File.dirname(dest_repo) }
+ subject { gl_projects.fork_repository(dest_repos_path, dest_repo_name) }
+ before do
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(dest_repos_path)
+ end
+ after do
+ FileUtils.rm_rf(dest_repos_path)
+ end
+ it 'forks the repository' do
+ message = "Forking repository from <#{tmp_repo_path}> to <#{dest_repo}>."
+ expect(logger).to receive(:info).with(message)
+ be_truthy
+ expect(File.exist?(dest_repo)).to be_truthy
+ expect(File.exist?(File.join(dest_repo, 'hooks', 'pre-receive'))).to be_truthy
+ expect(File.exist?(File.join(dest_repo, 'hooks', 'post-receive'))).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it 'does not fork if a project of the same name already exists' do
+ # create a fake project at the intended destination
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(dest_repo)
+ # trying to fork again should fail as the repo already exists
+ message = "fork-repository failed: destination repository <#{dest_repo}> already exists."
+ expect(logger).to receive(:error).with(message)
+ be_falsy
+ end
+ context 'different storages' do
+ let(:dest_repos_path) { File.join(File.dirname(tmp_repos_path), 'alternative') }
+ it 'forks the repo' do
+ be_truthy
+ expect(File.exist?(dest_repo)).to be_truthy
+ expect(File.exist?(File.join(dest_repo, 'hooks', 'pre-receive'))).to be_truthy
+ expect(File.exist?(File.join(dest_repo, 'hooks', 'post-receive'))).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def build_gitlab_projects(*args)
+ *args,
+ global_hooks_path: Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.hooks_path,
+ logger: logger
+ )
+ end
+ def stub_spawn(*args, success: true)
+ exitstatus = success ? 0 : nil
+ expect(gl_projects).to receive(:popen_with_timeout).with(*args)
+ .and_return(["output", exitstatus])
+ end
+ def stub_spawn_timeout(*args)
+ expect(gl_projects).to receive(:popen_with_timeout).with(*args)
+ .and_raise(Timeout::Error)
+ end
diff --git a/spec/lib/gitlab/git/repository_spec.rb b/spec/lib/gitlab/git/repository_spec.rb
index e6845420f7d..03a9cc488ca 100644
--- a/spec/lib/gitlab/git/repository_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/lib/gitlab/git/repository_spec.rb
@@ -19,6 +19,51 @@ describe Gitlab::Git::Repository, seed_helper: true do
let(:repository) {'default', TEST_REPO_PATH, '') }
+ describe '.create_hooks' do
+ let(:repo_path) { File.join(TestEnv.repos_path, 'hook-test.git') }
+ let(:hooks_dir) { File.join(repo_path, 'hooks') }
+ let(:target_hooks_dir) { Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.hooks_path }
+ let(:existing_target) { File.join(repo_path, 'foobar') }
+ before do
+ FileUtils.rm_rf(repo_path)
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(repo_path)
+ end
+ context 'hooks is a directory' do
+ let(:existing_file) { File.join(hooks_dir, 'my-file') }
+ before do
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(hooks_dir)
+ FileUtils.touch(existing_file)
+ described_class.create_hooks(repo_path, target_hooks_dir)
+ end
+ it { expect(File.readlink(hooks_dir)).to eq(target_hooks_dir) }
+ it { expect(Dir[File.join(repo_path, "hooks.old.*/my-file")].count).to eq(1) }
+ end
+ context 'hooks is a valid symlink' do
+ before do
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p existing_target
+ File.symlink(existing_target, hooks_dir)
+ described_class.create_hooks(repo_path, target_hooks_dir)
+ end
+ it { expect(File.readlink(hooks_dir)).to eq(target_hooks_dir) }
+ end
+ context 'hooks is a broken symlink' do
+ before do
+ FileUtils.rm_f(existing_target)
+ File.symlink(existing_target, hooks_dir)
+ described_class.create_hooks(repo_path, target_hooks_dir)
+ end
+ it { expect(File.readlink(hooks_dir)).to eq(target_hooks_dir) }
+ end
+ end
describe "Respond to" do
subject { repository }
diff --git a/spec/lib/gitlab/shell_spec.rb b/spec/lib/gitlab/shell_spec.rb
index eec6858a5de..dd779b04741 100644
--- a/spec/lib/gitlab/shell_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/lib/gitlab/shell_spec.rb
@@ -2,12 +2,19 @@ require 'spec_helper'
require 'stringio'
describe Gitlab::Shell do
- let(:project) { double('Project', id: 7, path: 'diaspora') }
+ set(:project) { create(:project, :repository) }
let(:gitlab_shell) { }
let(:popen_vars) { { 'GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT' => ENV['GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT'] } }
+ let(:gitlab_projects) { double('gitlab_projects') }
+ let(:timeout) { Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.git_timeout }
before do
allow(Project).to receive(:find).and_return(project)
+ allow(gitlab_shell).to receive(:gitlab_projects)
+ .with(project.repository_storage_path, project.disk_path + '.git')
+ .and_return(gitlab_projects)
it { respond_to :add_key }
@@ -44,38 +51,6 @@ describe Gitlab::Shell do
- describe 'projects commands' do
- let(:gitlab_shell_path) { File.expand_path('tmp/tests/gitlab-shell') }
- let(:projects_path) { File.join(gitlab_shell_path, 'bin/gitlab-projects') }
- let(:gitlab_shell_hooks_path) { File.join(gitlab_shell_path, 'hooks') }
- before do
- allow(Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell).to receive(:path).and_return(gitlab_shell_path)
- allow(Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell).to receive(:hooks_path).and_return(gitlab_shell_hooks_path)
- allow(Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell).to receive(:git_timeout).and_return(800)
- end
- describe '#mv_repository' do
- it 'executes the command' do
- expect(gitlab_shell).to receive(:gitlab_shell_fast_execute).with(
- [projects_path, 'mv-project', 'storage/path', 'project/path.git', 'new/path.git']
- )
- gitlab_shell.mv_repository('storage/path', 'project/path', 'new/path')
- end
- end
- describe '#add_key' do
- it 'removes trailing garbage' do
- allow(gitlab_shell).to receive(:gitlab_shell_keys_path).and_return(:gitlab_shell_keys_path)
- expect(gitlab_shell).to receive(:gitlab_shell_fast_execute).with(
- [:gitlab_shell_keys_path, 'add-key', 'key-123', 'ssh-rsa foobar']
- )
- gitlab_shell.add_key('key-123', 'ssh-rsa foobar trailing garbage')
- end
- end
- end
describe Gitlab::Shell::KeyAdder do
describe '#add_key' do
it 'removes trailing garbage' do
@@ -121,6 +96,17 @@ describe Gitlab::Shell do
allow(Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell).to receive(:git_timeout).and_return(800)
+ describe '#add_key' do
+ it 'removes trailing garbage' do
+ allow(gitlab_shell).to receive(:gitlab_shell_keys_path).and_return(:gitlab_shell_keys_path)
+ expect(gitlab_shell).to receive(:gitlab_shell_fast_execute).with(
+ [:gitlab_shell_keys_path, 'add-key', 'key-123', 'ssh-rsa foobar']
+ )
+ gitlab_shell.add_key('key-123', 'ssh-rsa foobar trailing garbage')
+ end
+ end
describe '#add_repository' do
shared_examples '#add_repository' do
let(:repository_storage) { 'default' }
@@ -162,83 +148,76 @@ describe Gitlab::Shell do
describe '#remove_repository' do
+ subject { gitlab_shell.remove_repository(project.repository_storage_path, project.disk_path) }
it 'returns true when the command succeeds' do
- expect(Gitlab::Popen).to receive(:popen)
- .with([projects_path, 'rm-project', 'current/storage', 'project/path.git'],
- nil, popen_vars).and_return([nil, 0])
+ expect(gitlab_projects).to receive(:rm_project) { true }
- expect(gitlab_shell.remove_repository('current/storage', 'project/path')).to be true
+ be_truthy
it 'returns false when the command fails' do
- expect(Gitlab::Popen).to receive(:popen)
- .with([projects_path, 'rm-project', 'current/storage', 'project/path.git'],
- nil, popen_vars).and_return(["error", 1])
+ expect(gitlab_projects).to receive(:rm_project) { false }
- expect(gitlab_shell.remove_repository('current/storage', 'project/path')).to be false
+ be_falsy
describe '#mv_repository' do
it 'returns true when the command succeeds' do
- expect(Gitlab::Popen).to receive(:popen)
- .with([projects_path, 'mv-project', 'current/storage', 'project/path.git', 'project/newpath.git'],
- nil, popen_vars).and_return([nil, 0])
+ expect(gitlab_projects).to receive(:mv_project).with('project/newpath.git') { true }
- expect(gitlab_shell.mv_repository('current/storage', 'project/path', 'project/newpath')).to be true
+ expect(gitlab_shell.mv_repository(project.repository_storage_path, project.disk_path, 'project/newpath')).to be_truthy
it 'returns false when the command fails' do
- expect(Gitlab::Popen).to receive(:popen)
- .with([projects_path, 'mv-project', 'current/storage', 'project/path.git', 'project/newpath.git'],
- nil, popen_vars).and_return(["error", 1])
+ expect(gitlab_projects).to receive(:mv_project).with('project/newpath.git') { false }
- expect(gitlab_shell.mv_repository('current/storage', 'project/path', 'project/newpath')).to be false
+ expect(gitlab_shell.mv_repository(project.repository_storage_path, project.disk_path, 'project/newpath')).to be_falsy
describe '#fork_repository' do
+ subject do
+ gitlab_shell.fork_repository(
+ project.repository_storage_path,
+ project.disk_path,
+ 'new/storage',
+ 'fork/path'
+ )
+ end
it 'returns true when the command succeeds' do
- expect(Gitlab::Popen).to receive(:popen)
- .with([projects_path, 'fork-repository', 'current/storage', 'project/path.git', 'new/storage', 'fork/path.git'],
- nil, popen_vars).and_return([nil, 0])
+ expect(gitlab_projects).to receive(:fork_repository).with('new/storage', 'fork/path.git') { true }
- expect(gitlab_shell.fork_repository('current/storage', 'project/path', 'new/storage', 'fork/path')).to be true
+ be_truthy
it 'return false when the command fails' do
- expect(Gitlab::Popen).to receive(:popen)
- .with([projects_path, 'fork-repository', 'current/storage', 'project/path.git', 'new/storage', 'fork/path.git'],
- nil, popen_vars).and_return(["error", 1])
+ expect(gitlab_projects).to receive(:fork_repository).with('new/storage', 'fork/path.git') { false }
- expect(gitlab_shell.fork_repository('current/storage', 'project/path', 'new/storage', 'fork/path')).to be false
+ be_falsy
shared_examples 'fetch_remote' do |gitaly_on|
- let(:project2) { create(:project, :repository) }
- let(:repository) { project2.repository }
+ let(:repository) { project.repository }
def fetch_remote(ssh_auth = nil)
- gitlab_shell.fetch_remote(repository.raw_repository, 'new/storage', ssh_auth: ssh_auth)
+ gitlab_shell.fetch_remote(repository.raw_repository, 'remote-name', ssh_auth: ssh_auth)
- def expect_popen(fail = false, vars = {})
- popen_args = [
- projects_path,
- 'fetch-remote',
- TestEnv.repos_path,
- repository.relative_path,
- 'new/storage',
- Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.git_timeout.to_s
- ]
- return_value = fail ? ["error", 1] : [nil, 0]
+ def expect_gitlab_projects(fail = false, options = {})
+ expect(gitlab_projects).to receive(:fetch_remote).with(
+ 'remote-name',
+ timeout,
+ options
+ ).and_return(!fail)
- expect(Gitlab::Popen).to receive(:popen).with(popen_args, nil, popen_vars.merge(vars)).and_return(return_value)
+ allow(gitlab_projects).to receive(:output).and_return('error') if fail
- def expect_gitaly_call(fail, vars = {})
+ def expect_gitaly_call(fail, options = {})
receive_fetch_remote =
if fail
@@ -250,12 +229,12 @@ describe Gitlab::Shell do
if gitaly_on
- def expect_call(fail, vars = {})
- expect_gitaly_call(fail, vars)
+ def expect_call(fail, options = {})
+ expect_gitaly_call(fail, options)
- def expect_call(fail, vars = {})
- expect_popen(fail, vars)
+ def expect_call(fail, options = {})
+ expect_gitlab_projects(fail, options)
@@ -271,20 +250,27 @@ describe Gitlab::Shell do
it 'returns true when the command succeeds' do
- expect_call(false)
+ expect_call(false, force: false, tags: true)
expect(fetch_remote).to be_truthy
it 'raises an exception when the command fails' do
- expect_call(true)
+ expect_call(true, force: false, tags: true)
expect { fetch_remote }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Shell::Error)
+ it 'allows forced and no_tags to be changed' do
+ expect_call(false, force: true, tags: false)
+ result = gitlab_shell.fetch_remote(repository.raw_repository, 'remote-name', forced: true, no_tags: true)
+ expect(result).to be_truthy
+ end
context 'SSH auth' do
it 'passes the SSH key if specified' do
- expect_call(false, 'GITLAB_SHELL_SSH_KEY' => 'foo')
+ expect_call(false, force: false, tags: true, ssh_key: 'foo')
ssh_auth = build_ssh_auth(ssh_key_auth?: true, ssh_private_key: 'foo')
@@ -292,7 +278,7 @@ describe Gitlab::Shell do
it 'does not pass an empty SSH key' do
- expect_call(false)
+ expect_call(false, force: false, tags: true)
ssh_auth = build_ssh_auth(ssh_key_auth: true, ssh_private_key: '')
@@ -300,7 +286,7 @@ describe Gitlab::Shell do
it 'does not pass the key unless SSH key auth is to be used' do
- expect_call(false)
+ expect_call(false, force: false, tags: true)
ssh_auth = build_ssh_auth(ssh_key_auth: false, ssh_private_key: 'foo')
@@ -308,7 +294,7 @@ describe Gitlab::Shell do
it 'passes the known_hosts data if specified' do
- expect_call(false, 'GITLAB_SHELL_KNOWN_HOSTS' => 'foo')
+ expect_call(false, force: false, tags: true, known_hosts: 'foo')
ssh_auth = build_ssh_auth(ssh_known_hosts: 'foo')
@@ -316,7 +302,7 @@ describe Gitlab::Shell do
it 'does not pass empty known_hosts data' do
- expect_call(false)
+ expect_call(false, force: false, tags: true)
ssh_auth = build_ssh_auth(ssh_known_hosts: '')
@@ -324,7 +310,7 @@ describe Gitlab::Shell do
it 'does not pass known_hosts data unless SSH is to be used' do
- expect_call(false, popen_vars)
+ expect_call(false, force: false, tags: true)
ssh_auth = build_ssh_auth(ssh_import?: false, ssh_known_hosts: 'foo')
@@ -342,20 +328,79 @@ describe Gitlab::Shell do
describe '#import_repository' do
+ let(:import_url) { '' }
it 'returns true when the command succeeds' do
- expect(Gitlab::Popen).to receive(:popen)
- .with([projects_path, 'import-project', 'current/storage', 'project/path.git', '', "800"],
- nil, popen_vars).and_return([nil, 0])
+ expect(gitlab_projects).to receive(:import_project).with(import_url, timeout) { true }
- expect(gitlab_shell.import_repository('current/storage', 'project/path', '')).to be true
+ result = gitlab_shell.import_repository(project.repository_storage_path, project.disk_path, import_url)
+ expect(result).to be_truthy
it 'raises an exception when the command fails' do
- expect(Gitlab::Popen).to receive(:popen)
- .with([projects_path, 'import-project', 'current/storage', 'project/path.git', '', "800"],
- nil, popen_vars).and_return(["error", 1])
+ allow(gitlab_projects).to receive(:output) { 'error' }
+ expect(gitlab_projects).to receive(:import_project) { false }
+ expect do
+ gitlab_shell.import_repository(project.repository_storage_path, project.disk_path, import_url)
+ raise_error(Gitlab::Shell::Error, "error")
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#push_remote_branches' do
+ subject(:result) do
+ gitlab_shell.push_remote_branches(
+ project.repository_storage_path,
+ project.disk_path,
+ 'downstream-remote',
+ ['master']
+ )
+ end
+ it 'executes the command' do
+ expect(gitlab_projects).to receive(:push_branches)
+ .with('downstream-remote', timeout, true, ['master'])
+ .and_return(true)
+ be_truthy
+ end
+ it 'fails to execute the command' do
+ allow(gitlab_projects).to receive(:output) { 'error' }
+ expect(gitlab_projects).to receive(:push_branches)
+ .with('downstream-remote', timeout, true, ['master'])
+ .and_return(false)
+ expect { result }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Shell::Error, 'error')
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#delete_remote_branches' do
+ subject(:result) do
+ gitlab_shell.delete_remote_branches(
+ project.repository_storage_path,
+ project.disk_path,
+ 'downstream-remote',
+ ['master']
+ )
+ end
+ it 'executes the command' do
+ expect(gitlab_projects).to receive(:delete_remote_branches)
+ .with('downstream-remote', ['master'])
+ .and_return(true)
+ be_truthy
+ end
+ it 'fails to execute the command' do
+ allow(gitlab_projects).to receive(:output) { 'error' }
+ expect(gitlab_projects).to receive(:delete_remote_branches)
+ .with('downstream-remote', ['master'])
+ .and_return(false)
- expect { gitlab_shell.import_repository('current/storage', 'project/path', '') }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Shell::Error, "error")
+ expect { result }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Shell::Error, 'error')
diff --git a/spec/support/stub_env.rb b/spec/support/stub_env.rb
index 19fbe572930..f621463e621 100644
--- a/spec/support/stub_env.rb
+++ b/spec/support/stub_env.rb
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ module StubENV
def add_stubbed_value(key, value)
allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with(key).and_return(value)
+ allow(ENV).to receive(:key?).with(key).and_return(true)
allow(ENV).to receive(:fetch).with(key).and_return(value)
allow(ENV).to receive(:fetch).with(key, anything()) do |_, default_val|
value || default_val
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ module StubENV
def init_stub
allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).and_call_original
+ allow(ENV).to receive(:key?).and_call_original
allow(ENV).to receive(:fetch).and_call_original
add_stubbed_value(STUBBED_KEY, true)