path: root/app/assets/javascripts/blob/file_template_mediator.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/assets/javascripts/blob/file_template_mediator.js')
1 files changed, 241 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/blob/file_template_mediator.js b/app/assets/javascripts/blob/file_template_mediator.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3062cd51ee3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/blob/file_template_mediator.js
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+/* eslint-disable class-methods-use-this */
+/* global Flash */
+import FileTemplateTypeSelector from './template_selectors/type_selector';
+import BlobCiYamlSelector from './template_selectors/ci_yaml_selector';
+import DockerfileSelector from './template_selectors/dockerfile_selector';
+import GitignoreSelector from './template_selectors/gitignore_selector';
+import LicenseSelector from './template_selectors/license_selector';
+export default class FileTemplateMediator {
+ constructor({ editor, currentAction }) {
+ this.editor = editor;
+ this.currentAction = currentAction;
+ this.initTemplateSelectors();
+ this.initTemplateTypeSelector();
+ this.initDomElements();
+ this.initDropdowns();
+ this.initPageEvents();
+ }
+ initTemplateSelectors() {
+ // Order dictates template type dropdown item order
+ this.templateSelectors = [
+ GitignoreSelector,
+ BlobCiYamlSelector,
+ DockerfileSelector,
+ LicenseSelector,
+ ].map(TemplateSelectorClass => new TemplateSelectorClass({ mediator: this }));
+ }
+ initTemplateTypeSelector() {
+ this.typeSelector = new FileTemplateTypeSelector({
+ mediator: this,
+ dropdownData: this.templateSelectors
+ .map((templateSelector) => {
+ const cfg = templateSelector.config;
+ return {
+ name:,
+ key: cfg.key,
+ };
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ initDomElements() {
+ const $templatesMenu = $('.template-selectors-menu');
+ const $undoMenu = $templatesMenu.find('.template-selectors-undo-menu');
+ const $fileEditor = $('.file-editor');
+ this.$templatesMenu = $templatesMenu;
+ this.$undoMenu = $undoMenu;
+ this.$undoBtn = $undoMenu.find('button');
+ this.$templateSelectors = $templatesMenu.find('.template-selector-dropdowns-wrap');
+ this.$filenameInput = $fileEditor.find('.js-file-path-name-input');
+ this.$fileContent = $fileEditor.find('#file-content');
+ this.$commitForm = $fileEditor.find('form');
+ this.$navLinks = $fileEditor.find('.nav-links');
+ }
+ initDropdowns() {
+ if (this.currentAction === 'create') {
+ } else {
+ this.hideTemplateSelectorMenu();
+ }
+ this.displayMatchedTemplateSelector();
+ }
+ initPageEvents() {
+ this.listenForFilenameInput();
+ this.prepFileContentForSubmit();
+ this.listenForPreviewMode();
+ }
+ listenForFilenameInput() {
+ this.$filenameInput.on('keyup blur', () => {
+ this.displayMatchedTemplateSelector();
+ });
+ }
+ prepFileContentForSubmit() {
+ this.$commitForm.submit(() => {
+ this.$fileContent.val(this.editor.getValue());
+ });
+ }
+ listenForPreviewMode() {
+ this.$navLinks.on('click', 'a', (e) => {
+ const urlPieces ='#');
+ const hash = urlPieces[1];
+ if (hash === 'preview') {
+ this.hideTemplateSelectorMenu();
+ } else if (hash === 'editor') {
+ this.showTemplateSelectorMenu();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ selectTemplateType(item, el, e) {
+ if (e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ this.templateSelectors.forEach((selector) => {
+ if (selector.config.key === item.key) {
+ } else {
+ selector.hide();
+ }
+ });
+ this.typeSelector.setToggleText(;
+ this.cacheToggleText();
+ }
+ selectTemplateFile(selector, query, data) {
+ selector.renderLoading();
+ // in case undo menu is already already there
+ this.destroyUndoMenu();
+ this.fetchFileTemplate(selector.config.endpoint, query, data)
+ .then((file) => {
+ this.showUndoMenu();
+ this.setEditorContent(file);
+ this.setFilename(;
+ selector.renderLoaded();
+ })
+ .catch(err => new Flash(`An error occurred while fetching the template: ${err}`));
+ }
+ displayMatchedTemplateSelector() {
+ const currentInput = this.getFilename();
+ this.templateSelectors.forEach((selector) => {
+ const match = selector.config.pattern.test(currentInput);
+ if (match) {
+ this.selectTemplateType(selector.config);
+ this.showTemplateSelectorMenu();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ fetchFileTemplate(apiCall, query, data) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ const resolveFile = file => resolve(file);
+ if (!data) {
+ apiCall(query, resolveFile);
+ } else {
+ apiCall(query, data, resolveFile);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ setEditorContent(file) {
+ if (!file && file !== '') return;
+ const newValue = file.content || file;
+ this.editor.setValue(newValue, 1);
+ this.editor.focus();
+ this.editor.navigateFileStart();
+ }
+ findTemplateSelectorByKey(key) {
+ return this.templateSelectors.find(selector => selector.config.key === key);
+ }
+ showUndoMenu() {
+ this.$undoMenu.removeClass('hidden');
+ this.$undoBtn.on('click', () => {
+ this.restoreFromCache();
+ this.destroyUndoMenu();
+ });
+ }
+ destroyUndoMenu() {
+ this.cacheFileContents();
+ this.cacheToggleText();
+ this.$undoMenu.addClass('hidden');
+ this.$'click');
+ }
+ hideTemplateSelectorMenu() {
+ this.$templatesMenu.hide();
+ }
+ showTemplateSelectorMenu() {
+ this.$;
+ }
+ cacheToggleText() {
+ this.cachedToggleText = this.getTemplateSelectorToggleText();
+ }
+ cacheFileContents() {
+ this.cachedContent = this.editor.getValue();
+ this.cachedFilename = this.getFilename();
+ }
+ restoreFromCache() {
+ this.setEditorContent(this.cachedContent);
+ this.setFilename(this.cachedFilename);
+ this.setTemplateSelectorToggleText();
+ }
+ getTemplateSelectorToggleText() {
+ return this.$templateSelectors
+ .find('.js-template-selector-wrap:visible .dropdown-toggle-text')
+ .text();
+ }
+ setTemplateSelectorToggleText() {
+ return this.$templateSelectors
+ .find('.js-template-selector-wrap:visible .dropdown-toggle-text')
+ .text(this.cachedToggleText);
+ }
+ getTypeSelectorToggleText() {
+ return this.typeSelector.getToggleText();
+ }
+ getFilename() {
+ return this.$filenameInput.val();
+ }
+ setFilename(name) {
+ this.$filenameInput.val(name);
+ }
+ getSelected() {
+ return this.templateSelectors.find(selector => selector.selected);
+ }