path: root/app/assets/javascripts/ci/ci_variable_list/components
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/assets/javascripts/ci/ci_variable_list/components')
9 files changed, 1392 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/ci/ci_variable_list/components/ci_admin_variables.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/ci/ci_variable_list/components/ci_admin_variables.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..719696f682e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/ci/ci_variable_list/components/ci_admin_variables.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+import getAdminVariables from '../graphql/queries/variables.query.graphql';
+import addAdminVariable from '../graphql/mutations/admin_add_variable.mutation.graphql';
+import deleteAdminVariable from '../graphql/mutations/admin_delete_variable.mutation.graphql';
+import updateAdminVariable from '../graphql/mutations/admin_update_variable.mutation.graphql';
+import CiVariableShared from './ci_variable_shared.vue';
+export default {
+ components: {
+ CiVariableShared,
+ },
+ mutationData: {
+ [ADD_MUTATION_ACTION]: addAdminVariable,
+ [UPDATE_MUTATION_ACTION]: updateAdminVariable,
+ [DELETE_MUTATION_ACTION]: deleteAdminVariable,
+ },
+ queryData: {
+ ciVariables: {
+ lookup: (data) => data?.ciVariables,
+ query: getAdminVariables,
+ },
+ },
+ <ci-variable-shared
+ :are-scoped-variables-available="false"
+ component-name="InstanceVariables"
+ :hide-environment-scope="true"
+ :mutation-data="$options.mutationData"
+ :refetch-after-mutation="true"
+ :query-data="$options.queryData"
+ />
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/ci/ci_variable_list/components/ci_environments_dropdown.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/ci/ci_variable_list/components/ci_environments_dropdown.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7387a490177
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/ci/ci_variable_list/components/ci_environments_dropdown.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+import { GlDropdownDivider, GlDropdownItem, GlCollapsibleListbox } from '@gitlab/ui';
+import { __, sprintf } from '~/locale';
+import { convertEnvironmentScope } from '../utils';
+export default {
+ name: 'CiEnvironmentsDropdown',
+ components: {
+ GlDropdownDivider,
+ GlDropdownItem,
+ GlCollapsibleListbox,
+ },
+ props: {
+ environments: {
+ type: Array,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ selectedEnvironmentScope: {
+ type: String,
+ required: false,
+ default: '',
+ },
+ },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ selectedEnvironment: '',
+ searchTerm: '',
+ };
+ },
+ computed: {
+ composedCreateButtonLabel() {
+ return sprintf(__('Create wildcard: %{searchTerm}'), { searchTerm: this.searchTerm });
+ },
+ filteredEnvironments() {
+ const lowerCasedSearchTerm = this.searchTerm.toLowerCase();
+ return this.environments
+ .filter((environment) => {
+ return environment.toLowerCase().includes(lowerCasedSearchTerm);
+ })
+ .map((environment) => ({
+ value: environment,
+ text: environment,
+ }));
+ },
+ shouldRenderCreateButton() {
+ return this.searchTerm && !this.environments.includes(this.searchTerm);
+ },
+ environmentScopeLabel() {
+ return convertEnvironmentScope(this.selectedEnvironmentScope);
+ },
+ },
+ methods: {
+ selectEnvironment(selected) {
+ this.$emit('select-environment', selected);
+ this.selectedEnvironment = selected;
+ },
+ createEnvironmentScope() {
+ this.$emit('create-environment-scope', this.searchTerm);
+ this.selectEnvironment(this.searchTerm);
+ },
+ },
+ <gl-collapsible-listbox
+ v-model="selectedEnvironment"
+ searchable
+ :items="filteredEnvironments"
+ :toggle-text="environmentScopeLabel"
+ @search="searchTerm = $event.trim()"
+ @select="selectEnvironment"
+ >
+ <template v-if="shouldRenderCreateButton" #footer>
+ <gl-dropdown-divider />
+ <gl-dropdown-item data-testid="create-wildcard-button" @click="createEnvironmentScope">
+ {{ composedCreateButtonLabel }}
+ </gl-dropdown-item>
+ </template>
+ </gl-collapsible-listbox>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/ci/ci_variable_list/components/ci_group_variables.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/ci/ci_variable_list/components/ci_group_variables.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4466a6a8081
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/ci/ci_variable_list/components/ci_group_variables.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+import { convertToGraphQLId } from '~/graphql_shared/utils';
+import glFeatureFlagsMixin from '~/vue_shared/mixins/gl_feature_flags_mixin';
+import {
+} from '../constants';
+import getGroupVariables from '../graphql/queries/group_variables.query.graphql';
+import addGroupVariable from '../graphql/mutations/group_add_variable.mutation.graphql';
+import deleteGroupVariable from '../graphql/mutations/group_delete_variable.mutation.graphql';
+import updateGroupVariable from '../graphql/mutations/group_update_variable.mutation.graphql';
+import CiVariableShared from './ci_variable_shared.vue';
+export default {
+ components: {
+ CiVariableShared,
+ },
+ mixins: [glFeatureFlagsMixin()],
+ inject: ['groupPath', 'groupId'],
+ computed: {
+ areScopedVariablesAvailable() {
+ return this.glFeatures.groupScopedCiVariables;
+ },
+ graphqlId() {
+ return convertToGraphQLId(GRAPHQL_GROUP_TYPE, this.groupId);
+ },
+ },
+ mutationData: {
+ [ADD_MUTATION_ACTION]: addGroupVariable,
+ [UPDATE_MUTATION_ACTION]: updateGroupVariable,
+ [DELETE_MUTATION_ACTION]: deleteGroupVariable,
+ },
+ queryData: {
+ ciVariables: {
+ lookup: (data) => data?.group?.ciVariables,
+ query: getGroupVariables,
+ },
+ },
+ <ci-variable-shared
+ :id="graphqlId"
+ :are-scoped-variables-available="areScopedVariablesAvailable"
+ component-name="GroupVariables"
+ entity="group"
+ :full-path="groupPath"
+ :mutation-data="$options.mutationData"
+ :query-data="$options.queryData"
+ />
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/ci/ci_variable_list/components/ci_project_variables.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/ci/ci_variable_list/components/ci_project_variables.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6326940148a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/ci/ci_variable_list/components/ci_project_variables.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+import { convertToGraphQLId } from '~/graphql_shared/utils';
+import glFeatureFlagsMixin from '~/vue_shared/mixins/gl_feature_flags_mixin';
+import {
+} from '../constants';
+import getProjectEnvironments from '../graphql/queries/project_environments.query.graphql';
+import getProjectVariables from '../graphql/queries/project_variables.query.graphql';
+import addProjectVariable from '../graphql/mutations/project_add_variable.mutation.graphql';
+import deleteProjectVariable from '../graphql/mutations/project_delete_variable.mutation.graphql';
+import updateProjectVariable from '../graphql/mutations/project_update_variable.mutation.graphql';
+import CiVariableShared from './ci_variable_shared.vue';
+export default {
+ components: {
+ CiVariableShared,
+ },
+ mixins: [glFeatureFlagsMixin()],
+ inject: ['projectFullPath', 'projectId'],
+ computed: {
+ graphqlId() {
+ return convertToGraphQLId(GRAPHQL_PROJECT_TYPE, this.projectId);
+ },
+ },
+ mutationData: {
+ [ADD_MUTATION_ACTION]: addProjectVariable,
+ [UPDATE_MUTATION_ACTION]: updateProjectVariable,
+ [DELETE_MUTATION_ACTION]: deleteProjectVariable,
+ },
+ queryData: {
+ ciVariables: {
+ lookup: (data) => data?.project?.ciVariables,
+ query: getProjectVariables,
+ },
+ environments: {
+ lookup: (data) => data?.project?.environments,
+ query: getProjectEnvironments,
+ },
+ },
+ <ci-variable-shared
+ :id="graphqlId"
+ :are-scoped-variables-available="true"
+ component-name="ProjectVariables"
+ entity="project"
+ :full-path="projectFullPath"
+ :mutation-data="$options.mutationData"
+ :query-data="$options.queryData"
+ />
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/ci/ci_variable_list/components/ci_variable_autocomplete_tokens.js b/app/assets/javascripts/ci/ci_variable_list/components/ci_variable_autocomplete_tokens.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3f25e3df305
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/ci/ci_variable_list/components/ci_variable_autocomplete_tokens.js
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+export const awsTokens = {
+ },
+ },
+ },
+export const awsTokenList = Object.keys(awsTokens);
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/ci/ci_variable_list/components/ci_variable_modal.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/ci/ci_variable_list/components/ci_variable_modal.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..967125c7b0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/ci/ci_variable_list/components/ci_variable_modal.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
+import {
+ GlAlert,
+ GlButton,
+ GlCollapse,
+ GlFormCheckbox,
+ GlFormCombobox,
+ GlFormGroup,
+ GlFormSelect,
+ GlFormInput,
+ GlFormTextarea,
+ GlIcon,
+ GlLink,
+ GlModal,
+ GlSprintf,
+} from '@gitlab/ui';
+import { getCookie, setCookie } from '~/lib/utils/common_utils';
+import { __ } from '~/locale';
+import Tracking from '~/tracking';
+import {
+ allEnvironments,
+ defaultVariableState,
+ variableOptions,
+} from '../constants';
+import { createJoinedEnvironments } from '../utils';
+import CiEnvironmentsDropdown from './ci_environments_dropdown.vue';
+import { awsTokens, awsTokenList } from './ci_variable_autocomplete_tokens';
+const trackingMixin = Tracking.mixin({ label: EVENT_LABEL });
+export default {
+ tokens: awsTokens,
+ tokenList: awsTokenList,
+ awsTipMessage: AWS_TIP_MESSAGE,
+ containsVariableReferenceMessage: CONTAINS_VARIABLE_REFERENCE_MESSAGE,
+ environmentScopeLinkTitle: ENVIRONMENT_SCOPE_LINK_TITLE,
+ expandedVariablesNote: EXPANDED_VARIABLES_NOTE,
+ components: {
+ CiEnvironmentsDropdown,
+ GlAlert,
+ GlButton,
+ GlCollapse,
+ GlFormCheckbox,
+ GlFormCombobox,
+ GlFormGroup,
+ GlFormSelect,
+ GlFormInput,
+ GlFormTextarea,
+ GlIcon,
+ GlLink,
+ GlModal,
+ GlSprintf,
+ },
+ mixins: [trackingMixin],
+ inject: [
+ 'awsLogoSvgPath',
+ 'awsTipCommandsLink',
+ 'awsTipDeployLink',
+ 'awsTipLearnLink',
+ 'containsVariableReferenceLink',
+ 'environmentScopeLink',
+ 'isProtectedByDefault',
+ 'maskedEnvironmentVariablesLink',
+ 'maskableRegex',
+ 'protectedEnvironmentVariablesLink',
+ ],
+ props: {
+ areScopedVariablesAvailable: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: false,
+ default: false,
+ },
+ environments: {
+ type: Array,
+ required: false,
+ default: () => [],
+ },
+ hideEnvironmentScope: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: false,
+ default: false,
+ },
+ mode: {
+ type: String,
+ required: true,
+ validator(val) {
+ return VARIABLE_ACTIONS.includes(val);
+ },
+ },
+ selectedVariable: {
+ type: Object,
+ required: false,
+ default: () => {},
+ },
+ variables: {
+ type: Array,
+ required: false,
+ default: () => [],
+ },
+ },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ newEnvironments: [],
+ isTipDismissed: getCookie(AWS_TIP_DISMISSED_COOKIE_NAME) === 'true',
+ validationErrorEventProperty: '',
+ variable: { ...defaultVariableState, ...this.selectedVariable },
+ };
+ },
+ computed: {
+ canMask() {
+ const regex = RegExp(this.maskableRegex);
+ return regex.test(this.variable.value);
+ },
+ canSubmit() {
+ return this.variableValidationState && this.variable.key !== '' && this.variable.value !== '';
+ },
+ containsVariableReference() {
+ const regex = /\$/;
+ return regex.test(this.variable.value) && this.isExpanded;
+ },
+ displayMaskedError() {
+ return !this.canMask && this.variable.masked;
+ },
+ isEditing() {
+ return this.mode === EDIT_VARIABLE_ACTION;
+ },
+ isExpanded() {
+ return !this.variable.raw;
+ },
+ isTipVisible() {
+ return !this.isTipDismissed && AWS_TOKEN_CONSTANTS.includes(this.variable.key);
+ },
+ joinedEnvironments() {
+ return createJoinedEnvironments(this.variables, this.environments, this.newEnvironments);
+ },
+ maskedFeedback() {
+ return this.displayMaskedError ? __('This variable can not be masked.') : '';
+ },
+ maskedState() {
+ if (this.displayMaskedError) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ modalActionText() {
+ return this.isEditing ? __('Update variable') : __('Add variable');
+ },
+ tokenValidationFeedback() {
+ const tokenSpecificFeedback = this.$options.tokens?.[this.variable.key]?.invalidMessage;
+ if (!this.tokenValidationState && tokenSpecificFeedback) {
+ return tokenSpecificFeedback;
+ }
+ return '';
+ },
+ tokenValidationState() {
+ const validator = this.$options.tokens?.[this.variable.key]?.validation;
+ if (validator) {
+ return validator(this.variable.value);
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ variableValidationFeedback() {
+ return `${this.tokenValidationFeedback} ${this.maskedFeedback}`;
+ },
+ variableValidationState() {
+ return this.variable.value === '' || (this.tokenValidationState && this.maskedState);
+ },
+ },
+ watch: {
+ variable: {
+ handler() {
+ this.trackVariableValidationErrors();
+ },
+ deep: true,
+ },
+ },
+ methods: {
+ addVariable() {
+ this.$emit('add-variable', this.variable);
+ },
+ createEnvironmentScope(env) {
+ this.newEnvironments.push(env);
+ },
+ deleteVariable() {
+ this.$emit('delete-variable', this.variable);
+ },
+ updateVariable() {
+ this.$emit('update-variable', this.variable);
+ },
+ dismissTip() {
+ setCookie(AWS_TIP_DISMISSED_COOKIE_NAME, 'true', { expires: 90 });
+ this.isTipDismissed = true;
+ },
+ deleteVarAndClose() {
+ this.deleteVariable();
+ this.hideModal();
+ },
+ hideModal() {
+ this.$refs.modal.hide();
+ },
+ onShow() {
+ this.setVariableProtectedByDefault();
+ },
+ resetModalHandler() {
+ this.resetVariableData();
+ this.resetValidationErrorEvents();
+ this.$emit('hideModal');
+ },
+ resetVariableData() {
+ this.variable = { ...defaultVariableState };
+ },
+ setEnvironmentScope(scope) {
+ this.variable = { ...this.variable, environmentScope: scope };
+ },
+ setVariableRaw(expanded) {
+ this.variable = { ...this.variable, raw: !expanded };
+ },
+ setVariableProtected() {
+ this.variable = { ...this.variable, protected: true };
+ },
+ updateOrAddVariable() {
+ if (this.isEditing) {
+ this.updateVariable();
+ } else {
+ this.addVariable();
+ }
+ this.hideModal();
+ },
+ setVariableProtectedByDefault() {
+ if (this.isProtectedByDefault && !this.isEditing) {
+ this.setVariableProtected();
+ }
+ },
+ trackVariableValidationErrors() {
+ const property = this.getTrackingErrorProperty();
+ if (!this.validationErrorEventProperty && property) {
+ this.track(EVENT_ACTION, { property });
+ this.validationErrorEventProperty = property;
+ }
+ },
+ getTrackingErrorProperty() {
+ let property;
+ if (this.variable.value?.length && !property) {
+ if (this.displayMaskedError && this.maskableRegex?.length) {
+ const supportedChars = this.maskableRegex.replace('^', '').replace(/{(\d,)}\$/, '');
+ const regex = new RegExp(supportedChars, 'g');
+ property = this.variable.value.replace(regex, '');
+ }
+ if (this.containsVariableReference) {
+ property = '$';
+ }
+ }
+ return property;
+ },
+ resetValidationErrorEvents() {
+ this.validationErrorEventProperty = '';
+ },
+ },
+ defaultScope: allEnvironments.text,
+ variableOptions,
+ <gl-modal
+ ref="modal"
+ :modal-id="$options.modalId"
+ :title="modalActionText"
+ static
+ lazy
+ @hidden="resetModalHandler"
+ @shown="onShow"
+ >
+ <form>
+ <gl-form-combobox
+ v-model="variable.key"
+ :token-list="$options.tokenList"
+ :label-text="__('Key')"
+ data-testid="pipeline-form-ci-variable-key"
+ data-qa-selector="ci_variable_key_field"
+ />
+ <gl-form-group
+ :label="__('Value')"
+ label-for="ci-variable-value"
+ :state="variableValidationState"
+ :invalid-feedback="variableValidationFeedback"
+ >
+ <gl-form-textarea
+ id="ci-variable-value"
+ ref="valueField"
+ v-model="variable.value"
+ :state="variableValidationState"
+ rows="3"
+ max-rows="10"
+ data-testid="pipeline-form-ci-variable-value"
+ data-qa-selector="ci_variable_value_field"
+ class="gl-font-monospace!"
+ spellcheck="false"
+ />
+ <p
+ v-if="variable.raw"
+ class="gl-mt-2 gl-mb-0 text-secondary"
+ data-testid="raw-variable-tip"
+ >
+ {{ __('Variable value will be evaluated as raw string.') }}
+ </p>
+ </gl-form-group>
+ <div class="gl-display-flex">
+ <gl-form-group :label="__('Type')" label-for="ci-variable-type" class="gl-w-half gl-mr-5">
+ <gl-form-select
+ id="ci-variable-type"
+ v-model="variable.variableType"
+ :options="$options.variableOptions"
+ />
+ </gl-form-group>
+ <template v-if="!hideEnvironmentScope">
+ <gl-form-group
+ label-for="ci-variable-env"
+ class="gl-w-half"
+ data-testid="environment-scope"
+ >
+ <template #label>
+ {{ __('Environment scope') }}
+ <gl-link
+ :title="$options.environmentScopeLinkTitle"
+ :href="environmentScopeLink"
+ target="_blank"
+ data-testid="environment-scope-link"
+ >
+ <gl-icon name="question" :size="12" />
+ </gl-link>
+ </template>
+ <ci-environments-dropdown
+ v-if="areScopedVariablesAvailable"
+ :selected-environment-scope="variable.environmentScope"
+ :environments="joinedEnvironments"
+ @select-environment="setEnvironmentScope"
+ @create-environment-scope="createEnvironmentScope"
+ />
+ <gl-form-input v-else :value="$options.defaultScope" class="gl-w-full" readonly />
+ </gl-form-group>
+ </template>
+ </div>
+ <gl-form-group :label="__('Flags')" label-for="ci-variable-flags">
+ <gl-form-checkbox
+ v-model="variable.protected"
+ class="gl-mb-0"
+ data-testid="ci-variable-protected-checkbox"
+ :data-is-protected-checked="variable.protected"
+ >
+ {{ __('Protect variable') }}
+ <gl-link target="_blank" :href="protectedEnvironmentVariablesLink">
+ <gl-icon name="question" :size="12" />
+ </gl-link>
+ <p class="gl-mt-2 text-secondary">
+ {{ __('Export variable to pipelines running on protected branches and tags only.') }}
+ </p>
+ </gl-form-checkbox>
+ <gl-form-checkbox
+ ref="masked-ci-variable"
+ v-model="variable.masked"
+ data-testid="ci-variable-masked-checkbox"
+ >
+ {{ __('Mask variable') }}
+ <gl-link target="_blank" :href="maskedEnvironmentVariablesLink">
+ <gl-icon name="question" :size="12" />
+ </gl-link>
+ <p class="gl-mt-2 text-secondary">
+ {{ __('Variable will be masked in job logs.') }}
+ <span
+ :class="{
+ 'bold text-plain': displayMaskedError,
+ }"
+ >
+ {{ __('Requires values to meet regular expression requirements.') }}</span
+ >
+ <gl-link target="_blank" :href="maskedEnvironmentVariablesLink">{{
+ __('More information')
+ }}</gl-link>
+ </p>
+ </gl-form-checkbox>
+ <gl-form-checkbox
+ ref="expanded-ci-variable"
+ :checked="isExpanded"
+ data-testid="ci-variable-expanded-checkbox"
+ @change="setVariableRaw"
+ >
+ {{ __('Expand variable reference') }}
+ <gl-link target="_blank" :href="containsVariableReferenceLink">
+ <gl-icon name="question" :size="12" />
+ </gl-link>
+ <p class="gl-mt-2 gl-mb-0 gl-text-secondary">
+ <gl-sprintf :message="$options.expandedVariablesNote">
+ <template #code="{ content }">
+ <code>{{ content }}</code>
+ </template>
+ </gl-sprintf>
+ </p>
+ </gl-form-checkbox>
+ </gl-form-group>
+ </form>
+ <gl-collapse :visible="isTipVisible">
+ <gl-alert
+ :title="__('Deploying to AWS is easy with GitLab')"
+ variant="tip"
+ data-testid="aws-guidance-tip"
+ @dismiss="dismissTip"
+ >
+ <div class="gl-display-flex gl-flex-direction-row gl-flex-wrap-wrap gl-md-flex-wrap-nowrap">
+ <div>
+ <p>
+ <gl-sprintf :message="$options.awsTipMessage">
+ <template #deployLink="{ content }">
+ <gl-link :href="awsTipDeployLink" target="_blank">{{ content }}</gl-link>
+ </template>
+ <template #commandsLink="{ content }">
+ <gl-link :href="awsTipCommandsLink" target="_blank">{{ content }}</gl-link>
+ </template>
+ </gl-sprintf>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <gl-button
+ :href="awsTipLearnLink"
+ target="_blank"
+ category="secondary"
+ variant="confirm"
+ class="gl-overflow-wrap-break"
+ >{{ __('Learn more about deploying to AWS') }}</gl-button
+ >
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ <img
+ class="gl-mt-3"
+ :alt="__('Amazon Web Services Logo')"
+ :src="awsLogoSvgPath"
+ height="32"
+ />
+ </div>
+ </gl-alert>
+ </gl-collapse>
+ <gl-alert
+ v-if="containsVariableReference"
+ :title="__('Value might contain a variable reference')"
+ :dismissible="false"
+ variant="warning"
+ data-testid="contains-variable-reference"
+ >
+ <gl-sprintf :message="$options.containsVariableReferenceMessage">
+ <template #code="{ content }">
+ <code>{{ content }}</code>
+ </template>
+ <template #docsLink="{ content }">
+ <gl-link :href="containsVariableReferenceLink" target="_blank">{{ content }}</gl-link>
+ </template>
+ </gl-sprintf>
+ </gl-alert>
+ <template #modal-footer>
+ <gl-button @click="hideModal">{{ __('Cancel') }}</gl-button>
+ <gl-button
+ v-if="isEditing"
+ ref="deleteCiVariable"
+ variant="danger"
+ category="secondary"
+ data-qa-selector="ci_variable_delete_button"
+ @click="deleteVarAndClose"
+ >{{ __('Delete variable') }}</gl-button
+ >
+ <gl-button
+ ref="updateOrAddVariable"
+ :disabled="!canSubmit"
+ variant="confirm"
+ category="primary"
+ data-testid="ciUpdateOrAddVariableBtn"
+ data-qa-selector="ci_variable_save_button"
+ @click="updateOrAddVariable"
+ >{{ modalActionText }}
+ </gl-button>
+ </template>
+ </gl-modal>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/ci/ci_variable_list/components/ci_variable_settings.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/ci/ci_variable_list/components/ci_variable_settings.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3c6114b38ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/ci/ci_variable_list/components/ci_variable_settings.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+import CiVariableTable from './ci_variable_table.vue';
+import CiVariableModal from './ci_variable_modal.vue';
+export default {
+ components: {
+ CiVariableTable,
+ CiVariableModal,
+ },
+ props: {
+ areScopedVariablesAvailable: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: false,
+ default: false,
+ },
+ entity: {
+ type: String,
+ required: false,
+ default: '',
+ },
+ environments: {
+ type: Array,
+ required: false,
+ default: () => [],
+ },
+ hideEnvironmentScope: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: false,
+ default: false,
+ },
+ isLoading: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: false,
+ },
+ maxVariableLimit: {
+ type: Number,
+ required: false,
+ default: 0,
+ },
+ variables: {
+ type: Array,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ selectedVariable: {},
+ mode: null,
+ };
+ },
+ computed: {
+ showModal() {
+ return VARIABLE_ACTIONS.includes(this.mode);
+ },
+ },
+ methods: {
+ addVariable(variable) {
+ this.$emit('add-variable', variable);
+ },
+ deleteVariable(variable) {
+ this.$emit('delete-variable', variable);
+ },
+ updateVariable(variable) {
+ this.$emit('update-variable', variable);
+ },
+ hideModal() {
+ this.mode = null;
+ },
+ setSelectedVariable(variable = null) {
+ if (!variable) {
+ this.selectedVariable = {};
+ this.mode = ADD_VARIABLE_ACTION;
+ } else {
+ this.selectedVariable = variable;
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="col-lg-12">
+ <ci-variable-table
+ :entity="entity"
+ :is-loading="isLoading"
+ :max-variable-limit="maxVariableLimit"
+ :variables="variables"
+ @set-selected-variable="setSelectedVariable"
+ />
+ <ci-variable-modal
+ v-if="showModal"
+ :are-scoped-variables-available="areScopedVariablesAvailable"
+ :environments="environments"
+ :hide-environment-scope="hideEnvironmentScope"
+ :variables="variables"
+ :mode="mode"
+ :selected-variable="selectedVariable"
+ @add-variable="addVariable"
+ @delete-variable="deleteVariable"
+ @hideModal="hideModal"
+ @update-variable="updateVariable"
+ />
+ </div>
+ </div>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/ci/ci_variable_list/components/ci_variable_shared.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/ci/ci_variable_list/components/ci_variable_shared.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6e39bda0b07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/ci/ci_variable_list/components/ci_variable_shared.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+import { createAlert } from '~/flash';
+import { __ } from '~/locale';
+import { mapEnvironmentNames, reportMessageToSentry } from '../utils';
+import {
+ environmentFetchErrorText,
+ genericMutationErrorText,
+ variableFetchErrorText,
+} from '../constants';
+import CiVariableSettings from './ci_variable_settings.vue';
+export default {
+ components: {
+ CiVariableSettings,
+ },
+ inject: ['endpoint'],
+ props: {
+ areScopedVariablesAvailable: {
+ required: true,
+ type: Boolean,
+ },
+ componentName: {
+ required: true,
+ type: String,
+ },
+ entity: {
+ required: false,
+ type: String,
+ default: '',
+ },
+ fullPath: {
+ required: false,
+ type: String,
+ default: null,
+ },
+ hideEnvironmentScope: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: false,
+ default: false,
+ },
+ id: {
+ required: false,
+ type: String,
+ default: null,
+ },
+ mutationData: {
+ required: true,
+ type: Object,
+ validator: (obj) => {
+ const hasValidKeys = Object.keys(obj).includes(
+ );
+ const hasValidValues = Object.values(obj).reduce((acc, val) => {
+ return acc && typeof val === 'object';
+ }, true);
+ return hasValidKeys && hasValidValues;
+ },
+ },
+ refetchAfterMutation: {
+ required: false,
+ type: Boolean,
+ default: false,
+ },
+ queryData: {
+ required: true,
+ type: Object,
+ validator: (obj) => {
+ const { ciVariables, environments } = obj;
+ const hasCiVariablesKey = Boolean(ciVariables);
+ let hasCorrectEnvData = true;
+ const hasCorrectVariablesData =
+ typeof ciVariables?.lookup === 'function' && typeof ciVariables.query === 'object';
+ if (environments) {
+ hasCorrectEnvData =
+ typeof environments?.lookup === 'function' && typeof environments.query === 'object';
+ }
+ return hasCiVariablesKey && hasCorrectVariablesData && hasCorrectEnvData;
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ ciVariables: [],
+ hasNextPage: false,
+ isInitialLoading: true,
+ isLoadingMoreItems: false,
+ loadingCounter: 0,
+ maxVariableLimit: 0,
+ pageInfo: {},
+ };
+ },
+ apollo: {
+ ciVariables: {
+ query() {
+ return this.queryData.ciVariables.query;
+ },
+ variables() {
+ return {
+ fullPath: this.fullPath || undefined,
+ };
+ },
+ update(data) {
+ return this.queryData.ciVariables.lookup(data)?.nodes || [];
+ },
+ result({ data }) {
+ this.maxVariableLimit = this.queryData.ciVariables.lookup(data)?.limit || 0;
+ this.pageInfo = this.queryData.ciVariables.lookup(data)?.pageInfo || this.pageInfo;
+ this.hasNextPage = this.pageInfo?.hasNextPage || false;
+ // Because graphQL has a limit of 100 items,
+ // we batch load all the variables by making successive queries
+ // to keep the same UX. As a safeguard, we make sure that we cannot go over
+ // 20 consecutive API calls, which means 2000 variables loaded maximum.
+ if (!this.hasNextPage) {
+ this.isLoadingMoreItems = false;
+ } else if (this.loadingCounter < 20) {
+ this.hasNextPage = false;
+ this.fetchMoreVariables();
+ this.loadingCounter += 1;
+ } else {
+ createAlert({ message: this.$options.tooManyCallsError });
+ reportMessageToSentry(this.componentName, this.$options.tooManyCallsError, {});
+ }
+ },
+ error() {
+ this.isLoadingMoreItems = false;
+ this.hasNextPage = false;
+ createAlert({ message: variableFetchErrorText });
+ },
+ watchLoading(flag) {
+ if (!flag) {
+ this.isInitialLoading = false;
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ environments: {
+ query() {
+ return this.queryData?.environments?.query || {};
+ },
+ skip() {
+ return !this.queryData?.environments?.query;
+ },
+ variables() {
+ return {
+ fullPath: this.fullPath,
+ };
+ },
+ update(data) {
+ return mapEnvironmentNames(this.queryData.environments.lookup(data)?.nodes);
+ },
+ error() {
+ createAlert({ message: environmentFetchErrorText });
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ computed: {
+ isLoading() {
+ return (
+ (this.$apollo.queries.ciVariables.loading && this.isInitialLoading) ||
+ this.$apollo.queries.environments.loading ||
+ this.isLoadingMoreItems
+ );
+ },
+ },
+ methods: {
+ addVariable(variable) {
+ this.variableMutation(ADD_MUTATION_ACTION, variable);
+ },
+ deleteVariable(variable) {
+ this.variableMutation(DELETE_MUTATION_ACTION, variable);
+ },
+ fetchMoreVariables() {
+ this.isLoadingMoreItems = true;
+ this.$apollo.queries.ciVariables.fetchMore({
+ variables: {
+ after: this.pageInfo.endCursor,
+ },
+ });
+ },
+ updateVariable(variable) {
+ this.variableMutation(UPDATE_MUTATION_ACTION, variable);
+ },
+ async variableMutation(mutationAction, variable) {
+ try {
+ const currentMutation = this.mutationData[mutationAction];
+ const { data } = await this.$apollo.mutate({
+ mutation: currentMutation,
+ variables: {
+ endpoint: this.endpoint,
+ fullPath: this.fullPath || undefined,
+ id: || undefined,
+ variable,
+ },
+ });
+ if (data.ciVariableMutation?.errors?.length) {
+ const { errors } = data.ciVariableMutation;
+ createAlert({ message: errors[0] });
+ } else if (this.refetchAfterMutation) {
+ // The writing to cache for admin variable is not working
+ // because there is no ID in the cache at the top level.
+ // We therefore need to manually refetch.
+ this.$apollo.queries.ciVariables.refetch();
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ createAlert({ message: genericMutationErrorText });
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ i18n: {
+ tooManyCallsError: __('Maximum number of variables loaded (2000)'),
+ },
+ <ci-variable-settings
+ :are-scoped-variables-available="areScopedVariablesAvailable"
+ :entity="entity"
+ :hide-environment-scope="hideEnvironmentScope"
+ :is-loading="isLoading"
+ :variables="ciVariables"
+ :max-variable-limit="maxVariableLimit"
+ :environments="environments"
+ @add-variable="addVariable"
+ @delete-variable="deleteVariable"
+ @update-variable="updateVariable"
+ />
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/ci/ci_variable_list/components/ci_variable_table.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/ci/ci_variable_list/components/ci_variable_table.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..345a8def49d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/ci/ci_variable_list/components/ci_variable_table.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+import {
+ GlAlert,
+ GlButton,
+ GlLoadingIcon,
+ GlModalDirective,
+ GlTable,
+ GlTooltipDirective,
+} from '@gitlab/ui';
+import { __, s__, sprintf } from '~/locale';
+import glFeatureFlagsMixin from '~/vue_shared/mixins/gl_feature_flags_mixin';
+import {
+ variableText,
+} from '../constants';
+import { convertEnvironmentScope } from '../utils';
+export default {
+ fields: [
+ {
+ key: 'variableType',
+ label: s__('CiVariables|Type'),
+ thClass: 'gl-w-10p',
+ },
+ {
+ key: 'key',
+ label: s__('CiVariables|Key'),
+ tdClass: 'text-plain',
+ sortable: true,
+ },
+ {
+ key: 'value',
+ label: s__('CiVariables|Value'),
+ thClass: 'gl-w-15p',
+ },
+ {
+ key: 'options',
+ label: s__('CiVariables|Options'),
+ thClass: 'gl-w-10p',
+ },
+ {
+ key: 'environmentScope',
+ label: s__('CiVariables|Environments'),
+ },
+ {
+ key: 'actions',
+ label: '',
+ tdClass: 'text-right',
+ thClass: 'gl-w-5p',
+ },
+ ],
+ components: {
+ GlAlert,
+ GlButton,
+ GlLoadingIcon,
+ GlTable,
+ },
+ directives: {
+ GlModalDirective,
+ GlTooltip: GlTooltipDirective,
+ },
+ mixins: [glFeatureFlagsMixin()],
+ props: {
+ entity: {
+ type: String,
+ required: false,
+ default: '',
+ },
+ isLoading: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ maxVariableLimit: {
+ type: Number,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ variables: {
+ type: Array,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ areValuesHidden: true,
+ };
+ },
+ computed: {
+ exceedsVariableLimit() {
+ return this.maxVariableLimit > 0 && this.variables.length >= this.maxVariableLimit;
+ },
+ exceedsVariableLimitText() {
+ if (this.exceedsVariableLimit && this.entity) {
+ entity: this.entity,
+ currentVariableCount: this.variables.length,
+ maxVariableLimit: this.maxVariableLimit,
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ showAlert() {
+ return !this.isLoading && this.exceedsVariableLimit;
+ },
+ valuesButtonText() {
+ return this.areValuesHidden ? __('Reveal values') : __('Hide values');
+ },
+ isTableEmpty() {
+ return !this.variables || this.variables.length === 0;
+ },
+ fields() {
+ return this.$options.fields;
+ },
+ variablesWithOptions() {
+ return this.variables?.map((item, index) => ({
+ ...item,
+ options: this.getOptions(item),
+ index,
+ }));
+ },
+ },
+ methods: {
+ convertEnvironmentScopeValue(env) {
+ return convertEnvironmentScope(env);
+ },
+ generateTypeText(item) {
+ return variableText[item.variableType];
+ },
+ toggleHiddenState() {
+ this.areValuesHidden = !this.areValuesHidden;
+ },
+ setSelectedVariable(index = -1) {
+ this.$emit('set-selected-variable', this.variables[index] ?? null);
+ },
+ getOptions(item) {
+ const options = [];
+ if (item.protected) {
+ options.push(s__('CiVariables|Protected'));
+ }
+ if (item.masked) {
+ options.push(s__('CiVariables|Masked'));
+ }
+ if (!item.raw) {
+ options.push(s__('CiVariables|Expanded'));
+ }
+ return options.join(', ');
+ },
+ },
+ maximumVariableLimitReached: MAXIMUM_VARIABLE_LIMIT_REACHED,
+ <div class="ci-variable-table" data-testid="ci-variable-table">
+ <gl-loading-icon v-if="isLoading" />
+ <gl-alert
+ v-if="showAlert"
+ :dismissible="false"
+ :title="$options.maximumVariableLimitReached"
+ variant="info"
+ >
+ {{ exceedsVariableLimitText }}
+ </gl-alert>
+ <gl-table
+ v-if="!isLoading"
+ :fields="fields"
+ :items="variablesWithOptions"
+ tbody-tr-class="js-ci-variable-row"
+ data-qa-selector="ci_variable_table_content"
+ sort-by="key"
+ sort-direction="asc"
+ stacked="lg"
+ table-class="text-secondary"
+ fixed
+ show-empty
+ sort-icon-left
+ no-sort-reset
+ >
+ <template #table-colgroup="scope">
+ <col v-for="field in scope.fields" :key="field.key" :style="field.customStyle" />
+ </template>
+ <template #cell(variableType)="{ item }">
+ {{ generateTypeText(item) }}
+ </template>
+ <template #cell(key)="{ item }">
+ <div
+ class="gl-display-flex gl-align-items-flex-start gl-justify-content-end gl-lg-justify-content-start gl-mr-n3"
+ >
+ <span
+ :id="`ci-variable-key-${}`"
+ class="gl-display-inline-block gl-max-w-full gl-word-break-word"
+ >{{ item.key }}</span
+ >
+ <gl-button
+ v-gl-tooltip
+ category="tertiary"
+ icon="copy-to-clipboard"
+ class="gl-my-n3 gl-ml-2"
+ :title="__('Copy key')"
+ :data-clipboard-text="item.key"
+ :aria-label="__('Copy to clipboard')"
+ />
+ </div>
+ </template>
+ <template #cell(value)="{ item }">
+ <div
+ class="gl-display-flex gl-align-items-flex-start gl-justify-content-end gl-lg-justify-content-start gl-mr-n3"
+ >
+ <span v-if="areValuesHidden" data-testid="hiddenValue">*****</span>
+ <span
+ v-else
+ :id="`ci-variable-value-${}`"
+ class="gl-display-inline-block gl-max-w-full gl-text-truncate"
+ data-testid="revealedValue"
+ >{{ item.value }}</span
+ >
+ <gl-button
+ v-gl-tooltip
+ category="tertiary"
+ icon="copy-to-clipboard"
+ class="gl-my-n3 gl-ml-2"
+ :title="__('Copy value')"
+ :data-clipboard-text="item.value"
+ :aria-label="__('Copy to clipboard')"
+ />
+ </div>
+ </template>
+ <template #cell(options)="{ item }">
+ <span data-testid="ci-variable-table-row-options">{{ item.options }}</span>
+ </template>
+ <template #cell(environmentScope)="{ item }">
+ <div
+ class="gl-display-flex gl-align-items-flex-start gl-justify-content-end gl-lg-justify-content-start gl-mr-n3"
+ >
+ <span
+ :id="`ci-variable-env-${}`"
+ class="gl-display-inline-block gl-max-w-full gl-word-break-word"
+ >{{ convertEnvironmentScopeValue(item.environmentScope) }}</span
+ >
+ <gl-button
+ v-gl-tooltip
+ category="tertiary"
+ icon="copy-to-clipboard"
+ class="gl-my-n3 gl-ml-2"
+ :title="__('Copy environment')"
+ :data-clipboard-text="convertEnvironmentScopeValue(item.environmentScope)"
+ :aria-label="__('Copy to clipboard')"
+ />
+ </div>
+ </template>
+ <template #cell(actions)="{ item }">
+ <gl-button
+ v-gl-modal-directive="$options.modalId"
+ icon="pencil"
+ :aria-label="__('Edit')"
+ data-qa-selector="edit_ci_variable_button"
+ @click="setSelectedVariable(item.index)"
+ />
+ </template>
+ <template #empty>
+ <p class="gl-text-center gl-py-6 gl-text-black-normal gl-mb-0">
+ {{ __('There are no variables yet.') }}
+ </p>
+ </template>
+ </gl-table>
+ <gl-alert
+ v-if="showAlert"
+ :dismissible="false"
+ :title="$options.maximumVariableLimitReached"
+ variant="info"
+ >
+ {{ exceedsVariableLimitText }}
+ </gl-alert>
+ <div class="ci-variable-actions gl-display-flex gl-mt-5">
+ <gl-button
+ v-gl-modal-directive="$options.modalId"
+ class="gl-mr-3"
+ data-qa-selector="add_ci_variable_button"
+ variant="confirm"
+ category="primary"
+ :aria-label="__('Add')"
+ :disabled="exceedsVariableLimit"
+ @click="setSelectedVariable()"
+ >{{ __('Add variable') }}</gl-button
+ >
+ <gl-button
+ v-if="!isTableEmpty"
+ data-qa-selector="reveal_ci_variable_value_button"
+ @click="toggleHiddenState"
+ >{{ valuesButtonText }}</gl-button
+ >
+ </div>
+ </div>