path: root/app/assets/javascripts/design_management_legacy/components/design_notes/design_discussion.vue
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/assets/javascripts/design_management_legacy/components/design_notes/design_discussion.vue')
1 files changed, 297 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/design_management_legacy/components/design_notes/design_discussion.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/design_management_legacy/components/design_notes/design_discussion.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6a20517eed7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/design_management_legacy/components/design_notes/design_discussion.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+import { ApolloMutation } from 'vue-apollo';
+import { GlTooltipDirective, GlIcon, GlLoadingIcon, GlLink } from '@gitlab/ui';
+import { s__ } from '~/locale';
+import ReplyPlaceholder from '~/notes/components/discussion_reply_placeholder.vue';
+import TimeAgoTooltip from '~/vue_shared/components/time_ago_tooltip.vue';
+import allVersionsMixin from '../../mixins/all_versions';
+import createNoteMutation from '../../graphql/mutations/create_note.mutation.graphql';
+import toggleResolveDiscussionMutation from '../../graphql/mutations/toggle_resolve_discussion.mutation.graphql';
+import getDesignQuery from '../../graphql/queries/get_design.query.graphql';
+import activeDiscussionQuery from '../../graphql/queries/active_discussion.query.graphql';
+import DesignNote from './design_note.vue';
+import DesignReplyForm from './design_reply_form.vue';
+import { updateStoreAfterAddDiscussionComment } from '../../utils/cache_update';
+import { ACTIVE_DISCUSSION_SOURCE_TYPES } from '../../constants';
+import ToggleRepliesWidget from './toggle_replies_widget.vue';
+export default {
+ components: {
+ ApolloMutation,
+ DesignNote,
+ ReplyPlaceholder,
+ DesignReplyForm,
+ GlIcon,
+ GlLoadingIcon,
+ GlLink,
+ ToggleRepliesWidget,
+ TimeAgoTooltip,
+ },
+ directives: {
+ GlTooltip: GlTooltipDirective,
+ },
+ mixins: [allVersionsMixin],
+ props: {
+ discussion: {
+ type: Object,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ noteableId: {
+ type: String,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ designId: {
+ type: String,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ markdownPreviewPath: {
+ type: String,
+ required: false,
+ default: '',
+ },
+ resolvedDiscussionsExpanded: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ discussionWithOpenForm: {
+ type: String,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ },
+ apollo: {
+ activeDiscussion: {
+ query: activeDiscussionQuery,
+ result({ data }) {
+ const discussionId =;
+ if (this.discussion.resolved && !this.resolvedDiscussionsExpanded) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // We watch any changes to the active discussion from the design pins and scroll to this discussion if it exists
+ // We don't want scrollIntoView to be triggered from the discussion click itself
+ if (
+ discussionId &&
+ data.activeDiscussion.source === &&
+ discussionId === this.discussion.notes[0].id
+ ) {
+ this.$el.scrollIntoView({
+ behavior: 'smooth',
+ inline: 'start',
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ discussionComment: '',
+ isFormRendered: false,
+ activeDiscussion: {},
+ isResolving: false,
+ shouldChangeResolvedStatus: false,
+ areRepliesCollapsed: this.discussion.resolved,
+ };
+ },
+ computed: {
+ mutationPayload() {
+ return {
+ noteableId: this.noteableId,
+ body: this.discussionComment,
+ discussionId:,
+ };
+ },
+ designVariables() {
+ return {
+ fullPath: this.projectPath,
+ iid: this.issueIid,
+ filenames: [this.$],
+ atVersion: this.designsVersion,
+ };
+ },
+ isDiscussionHighlighted() {
+ return this.discussion.notes[0].id ===;
+ },
+ resolveCheckboxText() {
+ return this.discussion.resolved
+ ? s__('DesignManagement|Unresolve thread')
+ : s__('DesignManagement|Resolve thread');
+ },
+ firstNote() {
+ return this.discussion.notes[0];
+ },
+ discussionReplies() {
+ return this.discussion.notes.slice(1);
+ },
+ areRepliesShown() {
+ return !this.discussion.resolved || !this.areRepliesCollapsed;
+ },
+ resolveIconName() {
+ return this.discussion.resolved ? 'check-circle-filled' : 'check-circle';
+ },
+ isRepliesWidgetVisible() {
+ return this.discussion.resolved && this.discussionReplies.length > 0;
+ },
+ isReplyPlaceholderVisible() {
+ return this.areRepliesShown || !this.discussionReplies.length;
+ },
+ isFormVisible() {
+ return this.isFormRendered && this.discussionWithOpenForm ===;
+ },
+ },
+ methods: {
+ addDiscussionComment(
+ store,
+ {
+ data: { createNote },
+ },
+ ) {
+ updateStoreAfterAddDiscussionComment(
+ store,
+ createNote,
+ getDesignQuery,
+ this.designVariables,
+ );
+ },
+ onDone() {
+ this.discussionComment = '';
+ this.hideForm();
+ if (this.shouldChangeResolvedStatus) {
+ this.toggleResolvedStatus();
+ }
+ },
+ onCreateNoteError(err) {
+ this.$emit('createNoteError', err);
+ },
+ hideForm() {
+ this.isFormRendered = false;
+ this.discussionComment = '';
+ },
+ showForm() {
+ this.$emit('openForm',;
+ this.isFormRendered = true;
+ },
+ toggleResolvedStatus() {
+ this.isResolving = true;
+ this.$apollo
+ .mutate({
+ mutation: toggleResolveDiscussionMutation,
+ variables: { id:, resolve: !this.discussion.resolved },
+ })
+ .then(({ data }) => {
+ if (data.errors?.length > 0) {
+ this.$emit('resolveDiscussionError', data.errors[0]);
+ }
+ })
+ .catch(err => {
+ this.$emit('resolveDiscussionError', err);
+ })
+ .finally(() => {
+ this.isResolving = false;
+ });
+ },
+ },
+ createNoteMutation,
+ <div class="design-discussion-wrapper">
+ <div
+ class="badge badge-pill gl-display-flex gl-align-items-center gl-justify-content-center"
+ :class="{ resolved: discussion.resolved }"
+ type="button"
+ >
+ {{ discussion.index }}
+ </div>
+ <ul
+ class="design-discussion bordered-box gl-relative gl-p-0 gl-list-style-none"
+ data-qa-selector="design_discussion_content"
+ >
+ <design-note
+ :note="firstNote"
+ :markdown-preview-path="markdownPreviewPath"
+ :is-resolving="isResolving"
+ :class="{ 'gl-bg-blue-50': isDiscussionHighlighted }"
+ @error="$emit('updateNoteError', $event)"
+ >
+ <template v-if="discussion.resolvable" #resolveDiscussion>
+ <button
+ v-gl-tooltip
+ :class="{ 'is-active': discussion.resolved }"
+ :title="resolveCheckboxText"
+ :aria-label="resolveCheckboxText"
+ type="button"
+ class="line-resolve-btn note-action-button gl-mr-3"
+ data-testid="resolve-button"
+ @click.stop="toggleResolvedStatus"
+ >
+ <gl-icon v-if="!isResolving" :name="resolveIconName" data-testid="resolve-icon" />
+ <gl-loading-icon v-else inline />
+ </button>
+ </template>
+ <template v-if="discussion.resolved" #resolvedStatus>
+ <p class="gl-text-gray-500 gl-font-sm gl-m-0 gl-mt-5" data-testid="resolved-message">
+ {{ __('Resolved by') }}
+ <gl-link
+ class="gl-text-gray-500 gl-text-decoration-none gl-font-sm link-inherit-color"
+ :href="discussion.resolvedBy.webUrl"
+ target="_blank"
+ >{{ }}</gl-link
+ >
+ <time-ago-tooltip :time="discussion.resolvedAt" tooltip-placement="bottom" />
+ </p>
+ </template>
+ </design-note>
+ <toggle-replies-widget
+ v-if="isRepliesWidgetVisible"
+ :collapsed="areRepliesCollapsed"
+ :replies="discussionReplies"
+ @toggle="areRepliesCollapsed = !areRepliesCollapsed"
+ />
+ <design-note
+ v-for="note in discussionReplies"
+ v-show="areRepliesShown"
+ :key=""
+ :note="note"
+ :markdown-preview-path="markdownPreviewPath"
+ :is-resolving="isResolving"
+ :class="{ 'gl-bg-blue-50': isDiscussionHighlighted }"
+ @error="$emit('updateNoteError', $event)"
+ />
+ <li v-show="isReplyPlaceholderVisible" class="reply-wrapper">
+ <reply-placeholder
+ v-if="!isFormVisible"
+ class="qa-discussion-reply"
+ :button-text="__('Reply...')"
+ @onClick="showForm"
+ />
+ <apollo-mutation
+ v-else
+ #default="{ mutate, loading }"
+ :mutation="$options.createNoteMutation"
+ :variables="{
+ input: mutationPayload,
+ }"
+ :update="addDiscussionComment"
+ @done="onDone"
+ @error="onCreateNoteError"
+ >
+ <design-reply-form
+ v-model="discussionComment"
+ :is-saving="loading"
+ :markdown-preview-path="markdownPreviewPath"
+ @submitForm="mutate"
+ @cancelForm="hideForm"
+ >
+ <template v-if="discussion.resolvable" #resolveCheckbox>
+ <label data-testid="resolve-checkbox">
+ <input v-model="shouldChangeResolvedStatus" type="checkbox" />
+ {{ resolveCheckboxText }}
+ </label>
+ </template>
+ </design-reply-form>
+ </apollo-mutation>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>