path: root/app/assets/javascripts/filtered_search/filtered_search_manager.js.es6
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/assets/javascripts/filtered_search/filtered_search_manager.js.es6')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 231 deletions
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/filtered_search/filtered_search_manager.js.es6 b/app/assets/javascripts/filtered_search/filtered_search_manager.js.es6
deleted file mode 100644
index bbafead0305..00000000000
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/filtered_search/filtered_search_manager.js.es6
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-(() => {
- class FilteredSearchManager {
- constructor(page) {
- this.filteredSearchInput = document.querySelector('.filtered-search');
- this.clearSearchButton = document.querySelector('.clear-search');
- this.filteredSearchTokenKeys = gl.FilteredSearchTokenKeys;
- if (this.filteredSearchInput) {
- this.tokenizer = gl.FilteredSearchTokenizer;
- this.dropdownManager = new gl.FilteredSearchDropdownManager(this.filteredSearchInput.getAttribute('data-base-endpoint') || '', page);
- this.bindEvents();
- this.loadSearchParamsFromURL();
- this.dropdownManager.setDropdown();
- this.cleanupWrapper = this.cleanup.bind(this);
- document.addEventListener('beforeunload', this.cleanupWrapper);
- }
- }
- cleanup() {
- this.unbindEvents();
- document.removeEventListener('beforeunload', this.cleanupWrapper);
- }
- bindEvents() {
- this.handleFormSubmit = this.handleFormSubmit.bind(this);
- this.setDropdownWrapper = this.dropdownManager.setDropdown.bind(this.dropdownManager);
- this.toggleClearSearchButtonWrapper = this.toggleClearSearchButton.bind(this);
- this.checkForEnterWrapper = this.checkForEnter.bind(this);
- this.clearSearchWrapper = this.clearSearch.bind(this);
- this.checkForBackspaceWrapper = this.checkForBackspace.bind(this);
- this.tokenChange = this.tokenChange.bind(this);
- this.filteredSearchInput.form.addEventListener('submit', this.handleFormSubmit);
- this.filteredSearchInput.addEventListener('input', this.setDropdownWrapper);
- this.filteredSearchInput.addEventListener('input', this.toggleClearSearchButtonWrapper);
- this.filteredSearchInput.addEventListener('keydown', this.checkForEnterWrapper);
- this.filteredSearchInput.addEventListener('keyup', this.checkForBackspaceWrapper);
- this.filteredSearchInput.addEventListener('click', this.tokenChange);
- this.filteredSearchInput.addEventListener('keyup', this.tokenChange);
- this.clearSearchButton.addEventListener('click', this.clearSearchWrapper);
- }
- unbindEvents() {
- this.filteredSearchInput.form.removeEventListener('submit', this.handleFormSubmit);
- this.filteredSearchInput.removeEventListener('input', this.setDropdownWrapper);
- this.filteredSearchInput.removeEventListener('input', this.toggleClearSearchButtonWrapper);
- this.filteredSearchInput.removeEventListener('keydown', this.checkForEnterWrapper);
- this.filteredSearchInput.removeEventListener('keyup', this.checkForBackspaceWrapper);
- this.filteredSearchInput.removeEventListener('click', this.tokenChange);
- this.filteredSearchInput.removeEventListener('keyup', this.tokenChange);
- this.clearSearchButton.removeEventListener('click', this.clearSearchWrapper);
- }
- checkForBackspace(e) {
- // 8 = Backspace Key
- // 46 = Delete Key
- if (e.keyCode === 8 || e.keyCode === 46) {
- // Reposition dropdown so that it is aligned with cursor
- this.dropdownManager.updateCurrentDropdownOffset();
- }
- }
- checkForEnter(e) {
- if (e.keyCode === 38 || e.keyCode === 40) {
- const selectionStart = this.filteredSearchInput.selectionStart;
- e.preventDefault();
- this.filteredSearchInput.setSelectionRange(selectionStart, selectionStart);
- }
- if (e.keyCode === 13) {
- const dropdown = this.dropdownManager.mapping[this.dropdownManager.currentDropdown];
- const dropdownEl = dropdown.element;
- const activeElements = dropdownEl.querySelectorAll('.dropdown-active');
- e.preventDefault();
- if (!activeElements.length) {
- // Prevent droplab from opening dropdown
- this.dropdownManager.destroyDroplab();
- }
- }
- }
- toggleClearSearchButton(e) {
- if ( {
- this.clearSearchButton.classList.remove('hidden');
- } else {
- this.clearSearchButton.classList.add('hidden');
- }
- }
- clearSearch(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- this.filteredSearchInput.value = '';
- this.clearSearchButton.classList.add('hidden');
- this.dropdownManager.resetDropdowns();
- }
- handleFormSubmit(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- loadSearchParamsFromURL() {
- const params = gl.utils.getUrlParamsArray();
- const usernameParams = this.getUsernameParams();
- const inputValues = [];
- params.forEach((p) => {
- const split = p.split('=');
- const keyParam = decodeURIComponent(split[0]);
- const value = split[1];
- // Check if it matches edge conditions listed in this.filteredSearchTokenKeys
- const condition = this.filteredSearchTokenKeys.searchByConditionUrl(p);
- if (condition) {
- inputValues.push(`${condition.tokenKey}:${condition.value}`);
- } else {
- // Sanitize value since URL converts spaces into +
- // Replace before decode so that we know what was originally + versus the encoded +
- const sanitizedValue = value ? decodeURIComponent(value.replace(/\+/g, ' ')) : value;
- const match = this.filteredSearchTokenKeys.searchByKeyParam(keyParam);
- if (match) {
- const indexOf = keyParam.indexOf('_');
- const sanitizedKey = indexOf !== -1 ? keyParam.slice(0, keyParam.indexOf('_')) : keyParam;
- const symbol = match.symbol;
- let quotationsToUse = '';
- if (sanitizedValue.indexOf(' ') !== -1) {
- // Prefer ", but use ' if required
- quotationsToUse = sanitizedValue.indexOf('"') === -1 ? '"' : '\'';
- }
- inputValues.push(`${sanitizedKey}:${symbol}${quotationsToUse}${sanitizedValue}${quotationsToUse}`);
- } else if (!match && keyParam === 'assignee_id') {
- const id = parseInt(value, 10);
- if (usernameParams[id]) {
- inputValues.push(`assignee:@${usernameParams[id]}`);
- }
- } else if (!match && keyParam === 'author_id') {
- const id = parseInt(value, 10);
- if (usernameParams[id]) {
- inputValues.push(`author:@${usernameParams[id]}`);
- }
- } else if (!match && keyParam === 'search') {
- inputValues.push(sanitizedValue);
- }
- }
- });
- // Trim the last space value
- this.filteredSearchInput.value = inputValues.join(' ');
- if (inputValues.length > 0) {
- this.clearSearchButton.classList.remove('hidden');
- }
- }
- search() {
- const paths = [];
- const { tokens, searchToken } = this.tokenizer.processTokens(this.filteredSearchInput.value);
- const currentState = gl.utils.getParameterByName('state') || 'opened';
- paths.push(`state=${currentState}`);
- tokens.forEach((token) => {
- const condition = this.filteredSearchTokenKeys
- .searchByConditionKeyValue(token.key, token.value.toLowerCase());
- const { param } = this.filteredSearchTokenKeys.searchByKey(token.key) || {};
- const keyParam = param ? `${token.key}_${param}` : token.key;
- let tokenPath = '';
- if (condition) {
- tokenPath = condition.url;
- } else {
- let tokenValue = token.value;
- if ((tokenValue[0] === '\'' && tokenValue[tokenValue.length - 1] === '\'') ||
- (tokenValue[0] === '"' && tokenValue[tokenValue.length - 1] === '"')) {
- tokenValue = tokenValue.slice(1, tokenValue.length - 1);
- }
- tokenPath = `${keyParam}=${encodeURIComponent(tokenValue)}`;
- }
- paths.push(tokenPath);
- });
- if (searchToken) {
- const sanitized = searchToken.split(' ').map(t => encodeURIComponent(t)).join('+');
- paths.push(`search=${sanitized}`);
- }
- const parameterizedUrl = `?scope=all&utf8=✓&${paths.join('&')}`;
- gl.utils.visitUrl(parameterizedUrl);
- }
- getUsernameParams() {
- const usernamesById = {};
- try {
- const attribute = this.filteredSearchInput.getAttribute('data-username-params');
- JSON.parse(attribute).forEach((user) => {
- usernamesById[] = user.username;
- });
- } catch (e) {
- // do nothing
- }
- return usernamesById;
- }
- tokenChange() {
- const dropdown = this.dropdownManager.mapping[this.dropdownManager.currentDropdown];
- const currentDropdownRef = dropdown.reference;
- this.setDropdownWrapper();
- currentDropdownRef.dispatchInputEvent();
- }
- }
- = || {};
- gl.FilteredSearchManager = FilteredSearchManager;