path: root/app/assets/javascripts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/assets/javascripts/')
1 files changed, 194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/ b/app/assets/javascripts/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f15d65473c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+class GitLabDropdownFilter
+ BLUR_KEYCODES = [27, 40]
+ constructor: (@dropdown, @remote, @data, @callback) ->
+ @input = @dropdown.find(".dropdown-input-field")
+ # Key events
+ @input.on "keyup", (e) =>
+ blur_field = @shouldBlur e.keyCode
+ search_text = @input.val()
+ if blur_field
+ @input.blur()
+ if @remote
+ @remote search_text, (data) =>
+ @callback(data)
+ else
+ @filter search_text
+ shouldBlur: (keyCode) ->
+ return BLUR_KEYCODES.indexOf(keyCode) >= 0
+ filter: (search_text) ->
+ data = @data()
+ results = if search_text isnt "" then else data.list
+ @callback results
+class GitLabDropdownRemote
+ constructor: (@dataEndpoint, @options) ->
+ execute: ->
+ if typeof @dataEndpoint is "string"
+ @fetchData()
+ else if typeof @dataEndpoint is "function"
+ if @options.beforeSend
+ @options.beforeSend()
+ # Fetch the data by calling the data funcfion
+ @dataEndpoint (data) =>
+ if @options.success
+ @options.success(data)
+ if @options.beforeSend
+ @options.beforeSend()
+ # Fetch the data through ajax if the data is a string
+ fetchData: ->
+ $.ajax(
+ url: @dataEndpoint,
+ dataType: @options.dataType,
+ beforeSend: =>
+ if @options.beforeSend
+ @options.beforeSend()
+ success: (data) =>
+ if @options.success
+ @options.success(data)
+ )
+class GitLabDropdown
+ LOADING_CLASS = "is-loading"
+ constructor: (@el, @options) ->
+ self = @
+ @dropdown = $(@el).parent()
+ search_fields = if then else [];
+ if
+ # Remote data
+ @remote = new GitLabDropdownRemote, {
+ dataType: @options.dataType,
+ beforeSend: @toggleLoading.bind(@)
+ success: (data) =>
+ @fullData = data
+ dataToPrase = @fullData
+ if @options.filterable
+ @fullData = new Fuse data, {
+ keys: search_fields
+ }
+ dataToPrase = @fullData.list
+ @parseData dataToPrase
+ }
+ # Init filiterable
+ if @options.filterable
+ @filter = new GitLabDropdownFilter @dropdown, @options.query, =>
+ return @fullData
+ , (data) =>
+ @parseData data
+ # Event listeners
+ $(@el).parent().on "", @opened
+ if @options.selectable
+ @dropdown.on "click", "a", (e) ->
+ self.rowClicked $(@)
+ if self.options.clicked
+ self.options.clicked()
+ toggleLoading: ->
+ $('.dropdown-menu', @dropdown).toggleClass LOADING_CLASS
+ parseData: (data) ->
+ @renderedData = data
+ # Render each row
+ html = $.map data, (obj) =>
+ return @renderItem(obj)
+ if @options.filterable and data.length is 0
+ # render no matching results
+ html = [@noResults()]
+ # Render the full menu
+ full_html = @renderMenu(html.join(""))
+ @appendMenu(full_html)
+ opened: =>
+ if @remote
+ @remote.execute()
+ # Render the full menu
+ renderMenu: (html) ->
+ menu_html = ""
+ if @options.renderMenu
+ menu_html = @options.renderMenu(html)
+ else
+ menu_html = "<ul>#{html}</ul>"
+ return menu_html
+ # Append the menu into the dropdown
+ appendMenu: (html) ->
+ $('.dropdown-content', @dropdown).html html
+ # Render the row
+ renderItem: (data) ->
+ html = ""
+ if @options.renderRow
+ # Call the render function
+ html = @options.renderRow(data)
+ else
+ selected = if @options.isSelected then @options.isSelected(data) else false
+ url = if @options.url then @options.url(data) else ""
+ text = if @options.text then @options.text(data) else ""
+ cssClass = "";
+ if selected
+ cssClass = "is-active"
+ html = "<li>"
+ html += "<a href='#{url}' class='#{cssClass}'>"
+ html += text
+ html += "</a>"
+ html += "</li>"
+ return html
+ noResults: ->
+ html = "<li>"
+ html += "<a href='#' class='is-focused'>"
+ html += "No matching results."
+ html += "</a>"
+ html += "</li>"
+ rowClicked: (el) ->
+ fieldName = @options.fieldName
+ selectedIndex = el.parent().index()
+ selectedObject = @renderedData[selectedIndex]
+ value = if then else
+ if @options.multiSelect
+ fieldName = "[#{fieldName}]"
+ else
+ @dropdown.find('.is-active').removeClass 'is-active'
+ @dropdown.parent().find("input[name='#{fieldName}']").remove()
+ # Toggle active class for the tick mark
+ el.toggleClass "is-active"
+ # Create hidden input for form
+ input = "<input type='hidden' name='#{fieldName}' value='#{value}' />"
+ @dropdown.before input
+$.fn.glDropdown = (opts) ->
+ return @.each ->
+ new GitLabDropdown @, opts