path: root/app/assets/javascripts/ide/lib/editor.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/assets/javascripts/ide/lib/editor.js')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/ide/lib/editor.js b/app/assets/javascripts/ide/lib/editor.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..38de2fe2b27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/ide/lib/editor.js
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+import _ from 'underscore';
+import DecorationsController from './decorations/controller';
+import DirtyDiffController from './diff/controller';
+import Disposable from './common/disposable';
+import ModelManager from './common/model_manager';
+import editorOptions, { defaultEditorOptions } from './editor_options';
+import gitlabTheme from './themes/gl_theme';
+export const clearDomElement = el => {
+ if (!el || !el.firstChild) return;
+ while (el.firstChild) {
+ el.removeChild(el.firstChild);
+ }
+export default class Editor {
+ static create(monaco) {
+ if (this.editorInstance) return this.editorInstance;
+ this.editorInstance = new Editor(monaco);
+ return this.editorInstance;
+ }
+ constructor(monaco) {
+ this.monaco = monaco;
+ this.currentModel = null;
+ this.instance = null;
+ this.dirtyDiffController = null;
+ this.disposable = new Disposable();
+ this.modelManager = new ModelManager(this.monaco);
+ this.decorationsController = new DecorationsController(this);
+ this.setupMonacoTheme();
+ this.debouncedUpdate = _.debounce(() => {
+ this.updateDimensions();
+ }, 200);
+ }
+ createInstance(domElement) {
+ if (!this.instance) {
+ clearDomElement(domElement);
+ this.disposable.add(
+ (this.instance = this.monaco.editor.create(domElement, {
+ ...defaultEditorOptions,
+ })),
+ (this.dirtyDiffController = new DirtyDiffController(
+ this.modelManager,
+ this.decorationsController,
+ )),
+ );
+ window.addEventListener('resize', this.debouncedUpdate, false);
+ }
+ }
+ createDiffInstance(domElement) {
+ if (!this.instance) {
+ clearDomElement(domElement);
+ this.disposable.add(
+ (this.instance = this.monaco.editor.createDiffEditor(domElement, {
+ ...defaultEditorOptions,
+ readOnly: true,
+ })),
+ );
+ window.addEventListener('resize', this.debouncedUpdate, false);
+ }
+ }
+ createModel(file) {
+ return this.modelManager.addModel(file);
+ }
+ attachModel(model) {
+ if (this.instance.getEditorType() === 'vs.editor.IDiffEditor') {
+ this.instance.setModel({
+ original: model.getOriginalModel(),
+ modified: model.getModel(),
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ this.instance.setModel(model.getModel());
+ if (this.dirtyDiffController) this.dirtyDiffController.attachModel(model);
+ this.currentModel = model;
+ this.instance.updateOptions(
+ editorOptions.reduce((acc, obj) => {
+ Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => {
+ Object.assign(acc, {
+ [key]: obj[key](model),
+ });
+ });
+ return acc;
+ }, {}),
+ );
+ if (this.dirtyDiffController) this.dirtyDiffController.reDecorate(model);
+ }
+ setupMonacoTheme() {
+ this.monaco.editor.defineTheme(
+ gitlabTheme.themeName,
+ gitlabTheme.monacoTheme,
+ );
+ this.monaco.editor.setTheme('gitlab');
+ }
+ clearEditor() {
+ if (this.instance) {
+ this.instance.setModel(null);
+ }
+ }
+ dispose() {
+ window.removeEventListener('resize', this.debouncedUpdate);
+ // catch any potential errors with disposing the error
+ // this is mainly for tests caused by elements not existing
+ try {
+ this.disposable.dispose();
+ this.instance = null;
+ } catch (e) {
+ this.instance = null;
+ if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test') {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ updateDimensions() {
+ this.instance.layout();
+ }
+ setPosition({ lineNumber, column }) {
+ this.instance.revealPositionInCenter({
+ lineNumber,
+ column,
+ });
+ this.instance.setPosition({
+ lineNumber,
+ column,
+ });
+ }
+ onPositionChange(cb) {
+ if (!this.instance.onDidChangeCursorPosition) return;
+ this.disposable.add(
+ this.instance.onDidChangeCursorPosition(e => cb(this.instance, e)),
+ );
+ }