path: root/app/assets/javascripts/ide/stores/actions
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/assets/javascripts/ide/stores/actions')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 395 deletions
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/ide/stores/actions/branch.js b/app/assets/javascripts/ide/stores/actions/branch.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bc6fd2d4163..00000000000
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/ide/stores/actions/branch.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-import service from '../../services';
-import flash from '../../../flash';
-import * as types from '../mutation_types';
-export const getBranchData = (
- { commit, state, dispatch },
- { projectId, branchId, force = false } = {},
-) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- if ((typeof state.projects[`${projectId}`] === 'undefined' ||
- !state.projects[`${projectId}`].branches[branchId])
- || force) {
- service.getBranchData(`${projectId}`, branchId)
- .then(({ data }) => {
- const { id } = data.commit;
- commit(types.SET_BRANCH, { projectPath: `${projectId}`, branchName: branchId, branch: data });
- commit(types.SET_BRANCH_WORKING_REFERENCE, { projectId, branchId, reference: id });
- resolve(data);
- })
- .catch(() => {
- flash('Error loading branch data. Please try again.', 'alert', document, null, false, true);
- reject(new Error(`Branch not loaded - ${projectId}/${branchId}`));
- });
- } else {
- resolve(state.projects[`${projectId}`].branches[branchId]);
- }
-export const createNewBranch = ({ state, commit }, branch) => service.createBranch(
- state.currentProjectId,
- {
- branch,
- ref: state.currentBranchId,
- },
-.then(res => res.json())
-.then((data) => {
- const branchName =;
- const url = location.href.replace(state.currentBranchId, branchName);
- if (this.$router) this.$router.push(url);
- commit(types.SET_CURRENT_BRANCH, branchName);
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/ide/stores/actions/file.js b/app/assets/javascripts/ide/stores/actions/file.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 670af2fb89e..00000000000
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/ide/stores/actions/file.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-import { normalizeHeaders } from '../../../lib/utils/common_utils';
-import flash from '../../../flash';
-import service from '../../services';
-import * as types from '../mutation_types';
-import router from '../../ide_router';
-import {
- findEntry,
- setPageTitle,
- createTemp,
- findIndexOfFile,
-} from '../utils';
-export const closeFile = ({ commit, state, dispatch }, { file, force = false }) => {
- if ((file.changed || file.tempFile) && !force) return;
- const indexOfClosedFile = findIndexOfFile(state.openFiles, file);
- const fileWasActive =;
- commit(types.TOGGLE_FILE_OPEN, file);
- commit(types.SET_FILE_ACTIVE, { file, active: false });
- if (state.openFiles.length > 0 && fileWasActive) {
- const nextIndexToOpen = indexOfClosedFile === 0 ? 0 : indexOfClosedFile - 1;
- const nextFileToOpen = state.openFiles[nextIndexToOpen];
- dispatch('setFileActive', nextFileToOpen);
- } else if (!state.openFiles.length) {
- router.push(`/project/${file.projectId}/tree/${file.branchId}/`);
- }
- dispatch('getLastCommitData');
-export const setFileActive = ({ commit, state, getters, dispatch }, file) => {
- const currentActiveFile = getters.activeFile;
- if ( return;
- if (currentActiveFile) {
- commit(types.SET_FILE_ACTIVE, { file: currentActiveFile, active: false });
- }
- commit(types.SET_FILE_ACTIVE, { file, active: true });
- dispatch('scrollToTab');
- // reset hash for line highlighting
- location.hash = '';
- commit(types.SET_CURRENT_PROJECT, file.projectId);
- commit(types.SET_CURRENT_BRANCH, file.branchId);
-export const getFileData = ({ state, commit, dispatch }, file) => {
- commit(types.TOGGLE_LOADING, file);
- service.getFileData(file.url)
- .then((res) => {
- const pageTitle = decodeURI(normalizeHeaders(res.headers)['PAGE-TITLE']);
- setPageTitle(pageTitle);
- return res.json();
- })
- .then((data) => {
- commit(types.SET_FILE_DATA, { data, file });
- commit(types.TOGGLE_FILE_OPEN, file);
- dispatch('setFileActive', file);
- commit(types.TOGGLE_LOADING, file);
- })
- .catch(() => {
- commit(types.TOGGLE_LOADING, file);
- flash('Error loading file data. Please try again.', 'alert', document, null, false, true);
- });
-export const getRawFileData = ({ commit, dispatch }, file) => service.getRawFileData(file)
- .then((raw) => {
- commit(types.SET_FILE_RAW_DATA, { file, raw });
- })
- .catch(() => flash('Error loading file content. Please try again.', 'alert', document, null, false, true));
-export const changeFileContent = ({ commit }, { file, content }) => {
- commit(types.UPDATE_FILE_CONTENT, { file, content });
-export const setFileLanguage = ({ state, commit }, { fileLanguage }) => {
- if (state.selectedFile) {
- commit(types.SET_FILE_LANGUAGE, { file: state.selectedFile, fileLanguage });
- }
-export const setFileEOL = ({ state, commit }, { eol }) => {
- if (state.selectedFile) {
- commit(types.SET_FILE_EOL, { file: state.selectedFile, eol });
- }
-export const setEditorPosition = ({ state, commit }, { editorRow, editorColumn }) => {
- if (state.selectedFile) {
- commit(types.SET_FILE_POSITION, { file: state.selectedFile, editorRow, editorColumn });
- }
-export const createTempFile = ({ state, commit, dispatch }, { projectId, branchId, parent, name, content = '', base64 = '' }) => {
- const path = parent.path !== undefined ? parent.path : '';
- // We need to do the replacement otherwise the web_url + file.url duplicate
- const newUrl = `/${projectId}/blob/${branchId}/${path}${path ? '/' : ''}${name}`;
- const file = createTemp({
- projectId,
- branchId,
- name: name.replace(`${path}/`, ''),
- path,
- type: 'blob',
- level: parent.level !== undefined ? parent.level + 1 : 0,
- changed: true,
- content,
- base64,
- url: newUrl,
- });
- if (findEntry(parent.tree, 'blob', return flash(`The name "${}" is already taken in this directory.`, 'alert', document, null, false, true);
- commit(types.CREATE_TMP_FILE, {
- parent,
- file,
- });
- commit(types.TOGGLE_FILE_OPEN, file);
- dispatch('setFileActive', file);
- if (!state.editMode && !file.base64) {
- dispatch('toggleEditMode', true);
- }
- router.push(`/project${file.url}`);
- return Promise.resolve(file);
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/ide/stores/actions/project.js b/app/assets/javascripts/ide/stores/actions/project.js
deleted file mode 100644
index faeceb430a2..00000000000
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/ide/stores/actions/project.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-import service from '../../services';
-import flash from '../../../flash';
-import * as types from '../mutation_types';
-// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
-export const getProjectData = (
- { commit, state, dispatch },
- { namespace, projectId, force = false } = {},
-) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- if (!state.projects[`${namespace}/${projectId}`] || force) {
- commit(types.TOGGLE_LOADING, state);
- service.getProjectData(namespace, projectId)
- .then(res =>
- .then((data) => {
- commit(types.TOGGLE_LOADING, state);
- commit(types.SET_PROJECT, { projectPath: `${namespace}/${projectId}`, project: data });
- if (!state.currentProjectId) commit(types.SET_CURRENT_PROJECT, `${namespace}/${projectId}`);
- resolve(data);
- })
- .catch(() => {
- flash('Error loading project data. Please try again.', 'alert', document, null, false, true);
- reject(new Error(`Project not loaded ${namespace}/${projectId}`));
- });
- } else {
- resolve(state.projects[`${namespace}/${projectId}`]);
- }
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/ide/stores/actions/tree.js b/app/assets/javascripts/ide/stores/actions/tree.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 302ba45edee..00000000000
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/ide/stores/actions/tree.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-import { visitUrl } from '../../../lib/utils/url_utility';
-import { normalizeHeaders } from '../../../lib/utils/common_utils';
-import flash from '../../../flash';
-import service from '../../services';
-import * as types from '../mutation_types';
-import router from '../../ide_router';
-import {
- setPageTitle,
- findEntry,
- createTemp,
- createOrMergeEntry,
-} from '../utils';
-export const getTreeData = (
- { commit, state, dispatch },
- { endpoint, tree = null, projectId, branch, force = false } = {},
-) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- // We already have the base tree so we resolve immediately
- if (!tree && state.trees[`${projectId}/${branch}`] && !force) {
- resolve();
- } else {
- if (tree) commit(types.TOGGLE_LOADING, tree);
- const selectedProject = state.projects[projectId];
- // We are merging the web_url that we got on the project info with the endpoint
- // we got on the tree entry, as both contain the projectId, we replace it in the tree endpoint
- const completeEndpoint = selectedProject.web_url + (endpoint).replace(projectId, '');
- if (completeEndpoint && (!tree || !tree.tempFile)) {
- service.getTreeData(completeEndpoint)
- .then((res) => {
- const pageTitle = decodeURI(normalizeHeaders(res.headers)['PAGE-TITLE']);
- setPageTitle(pageTitle);
- return res.json();
- })
- .then((data) => {
- if (!state.isInitialRoot) {
- commit(types.SET_ROOT, data.path === '/');
- }
- dispatch('updateDirectoryData', { data, tree, projectId, branch });
- const selectedTree = tree || state.trees[`${projectId}/${branch}`];
- commit(types.SET_PARENT_TREE_URL, data.parent_tree_url);
- commit(types.SET_LAST_COMMIT_URL, { tree: selectedTree, url: data.last_commit_path });
- if (tree) commit(types.TOGGLE_LOADING, selectedTree);
- const prevLastCommitPath = selectedTree.lastCommitPath;
- if (prevLastCommitPath !== null) {
- dispatch('getLastCommitData', selectedTree);
- }
- resolve(data);
- })
- .catch((e) => {
- flash('Error loading tree data. Please try again.', 'alert', document, null, false, true);
- if (tree) commit(types.TOGGLE_LOADING, tree);
- reject(e);
- });
- } else {
- resolve();
- }
- }
-export const toggleTreeOpen = ({ commit, dispatch }, { endpoint, tree }) => {
- if (tree.opened) {
- // send empty data to clear the tree
- const data = { trees: [], blobs: [], submodules: [] };
- dispatch('updateDirectoryData', { data, tree, projectId: tree.projectId, branchId: tree.branchId });
- } else {
- dispatch('getTreeData', { endpoint, tree, projectId: tree.projectId, branch: tree.branchId });
- }
- commit(types.TOGGLE_TREE_OPEN, tree);
-export const handleTreeEntryAction = ({ commit, dispatch }, row) => {
- if (row.type === 'tree') {
- dispatch('toggleTreeOpen', {
- endpoint: row.url,
- tree: row,
- });
- } else if (row.type === 'submodule') {
- commit(types.TOGGLE_LOADING, row);
- visitUrl(row.url);
- } else if (row.type === 'blob' && row.opened) {
- dispatch('setFileActive', row);
- } else {
- dispatch('getFileData', row);
- }
-export const createTempTree = (
- { state, commit, dispatch },
- { projectId, branchId, parent, name },
-) => {
- let selectedTree = parent;
- const dirNames = name.replace(new RegExp(`^${state.path}/`), '').split('/');
- dirNames.forEach((dirName) => {
- const foundEntry = findEntry(selectedTree.tree, 'tree', dirName);
- if (!foundEntry) {
- const path = selectedTree.path !== undefined ? selectedTree.path : '';
- const tmpEntry = createTemp({
- projectId,
- branchId,
- name: dirName,
- path,
- type: 'tree',
- level: selectedTree.level !== undefined ? selectedTree.level + 1 : 0,
- tree: [],
- url: `/${projectId}/blob/${branchId}/${path}${path ? '/' : ''}${dirName}`,
- });
- commit(types.CREATE_TMP_TREE, {
- parent: selectedTree,
- tmpEntry,
- });
- commit(types.TOGGLE_TREE_OPEN, tmpEntry);
- router.push(`/project${tmpEntry.url}`);
- selectedTree = tmpEntry;
- } else {
- selectedTree = foundEntry;
- }
- });
-export const getLastCommitData = ({ state, commit, dispatch, getters }, tree = state) => {
- if (!tree || tree.lastCommitPath === null || !tree.lastCommitPath) return;
- service.getTreeLastCommit(tree.lastCommitPath)
- .then((res) => {
- const lastCommitPath = normalizeHeaders(res.headers)['MORE-LOGS-URL'] || null;
- commit(types.SET_LAST_COMMIT_URL, { tree, url: lastCommitPath });
- return res.json();
- })
- .then((data) => {
- data.forEach((lastCommit) => {
- const entry = findEntry(tree.tree, lastCommit.type, lastCommit.file_name);
- if (entry) {
- commit(types.SET_LAST_COMMIT_DATA, { entry, lastCommit });
- }
- });
- dispatch('getLastCommitData', tree);
- })
- .catch(() => flash('Error fetching log data.', 'alert', document, null, false, true));
-export const updateDirectoryData = (
- { commit, state },
- { data, tree, projectId, branch },
-) => {
- if (!tree) {
- const existingTree = state.trees[`${projectId}/${branch}`];
- if (!existingTree) {
- commit(types.CREATE_TREE, { treePath: `${projectId}/${branch}` });
- }
- }
- const selectedTree = tree || state.trees[`${projectId}/${branch}`];
- const level = selectedTree.level !== undefined ? selectedTree.level + 1 : 0;
- const parentTreeUrl = data.parent_tree_url ? `${data.parent_tree_url}${data.path}` : state.endpoints.rootUrl;
- const createEntry = (entry, type) => createOrMergeEntry({
- tree: selectedTree,
- projectId: `${projectId}`,
- branchId: branch,
- entry,
- level,
- type,
- parentTreeUrl,
- });
- const formattedData = [
- => createEntry(t, 'tree')),
- => createEntry(m, 'submodule')),
- => createEntry(b, 'blob')),
- ];
- commit(types.SET_DIRECTORY_DATA, { tree: selectedTree, data: formattedData });