path: root/app/assets/javascripts/repo/helpers/repo_helper.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/assets/javascripts/repo/helpers/repo_helper.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 317 deletions
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/helpers/repo_helper.js b/app/assets/javascripts/repo/helpers/repo_helper.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fb26f3b7380..00000000000
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/repo/helpers/repo_helper.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-import Service from '../services/repo_service';
-import Store from '../stores/repo_store';
-import Flash from '../../flash';
-const RepoHelper = {
- monacoInstance: null,
- getDefaultActiveFile() {
- return {
- id: '',
- active: true,
- binary: false,
- extension: '',
- html: '',
- mime_type: '',
- name: '',
- plain: '',
- size: 0,
- url: '',
- raw: false,
- newContent: '',
- changed: false,
- loading: false,
- };
- },
- key: '',
- Time: window.performance
- &&
- ? window.performance
- : Date,
- getFileExtension(fileName) {
- return fileName.split('.').pop();
- },
- getLanguageIDForFile(file, langs) {
- const ext = RepoHelper.getFileExtension(;
- const foundLang = RepoHelper.findLanguage(ext, langs);
- return foundLang ? : 'plaintext';
- },
- setMonacoModelFromLanguage() {
- RepoHelper.monacoInstance.setModel(null);
- const languages = RepoHelper.monaco.languages.getLanguages();
- const languageID = RepoHelper.getLanguageIDForFile(Store.activeFile, languages);
- const newModel = RepoHelper.monaco.editor.createModel(Store.blobRaw, languageID);
- RepoHelper.monacoInstance.setModel(newModel);
- },
- findLanguage(ext, langs) {
- return langs.find(lang => lang.extensions && lang.extensions.indexOf(`.${ext}`) > -1);
- },
- setDirectoryOpen(tree, title) {
- if (!tree) return;
- Object.assign(tree, {
- opened: true,
- });
- RepoHelper.updateHistoryEntry(tree.url, title);
- Store.path = tree.path;
- },
- setDirectoryToClosed(entry) {
- Object.assign(entry, {
- opened: false,
- files: [],
- });
- },
- isRenderable() {
- const okExts = ['md', 'svg'];
- return okExts.indexOf(Store.activeFile.extension) > -1;
- },
- setBinaryDataAsBase64(file) {
- Service.getBase64Content(file.raw_path)
- .then((response) => {
- Store.blobRaw = response;
- file.base64 = response; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
- })
- .catch(RepoHelper.loadingError);
- },
- getContent(treeOrFile, emptyFiles = false) {
- let file = treeOrFile;
- if (!Store.files.length) {
- Store.loading.tree = true;
- }
- return Service.getContent()
- .then((response) => {
- const data =;
- if (response.headers && response.headers['page-title']) data.pageTitle = decodeURI(response.headers['page-title']);
- if (data.path && !Store.isInitialRoot) {
- Store.isRoot = data.path === '/';
- Store.isInitialRoot = Store.isRoot;
- }
- if (file && file.type === 'blob') {
- if (!file) file = data;
- Store.binary = data.binary;
- if (data.binary) {
- // file might be undefined
- RepoHelper.setBinaryDataAsBase64(data);
- Store.setViewToPreview();
- } else if (!Store.isPreviewView() && !data.render_error) {
- Service.getRaw(data)
- .then((rawResponse) => {
- Store.blobRaw =;
- data.plain =;
- RepoHelper.setFile(data, file);
- }).catch(RepoHelper.loadingError);
- }
- if (Store.isPreviewView()) {
- RepoHelper.setFile(data, file);
- }
- } else {
- Store.loading.tree = false;
- RepoHelper.setDirectoryOpen(file, data.pageTitle ||;
- if (emptyFiles) {
- Store.files = [];
- }
- this.addToDirectory(file, data);
- Store.prevURL = Service.blobURLtoParentTree(Service.url);
- }
- }).catch(RepoHelper.loadingError);
- },
- addToDirectory(file, data) {
- const tree = file || Store;
- // TODO: Figure out why `popstate` is being trigger in the specs
- if (!tree.files) return;
- const files = tree.files.concat(this.dataToListOfFiles(data, file ? file.level + 1 : 0));
- tree.files = files;
- },
- setFile(data, file) {
- const newFile = data;
- newFile.url = file.url || Service.url; // Grab the URL from service, happens on page refresh.
- if (newFile.render_error === 'too_large' || newFile.render_error === 'collapsed') {
- newFile.tooLarge = true;
- }
- newFile.newContent = '';
- Store.addToOpenedFiles(newFile);
- Store.setActiveFiles(newFile);
- },
- serializeRepoEntity(type, entity, level = 0) {
- const {
- id,
- url,
- name,
- icon,
- last_commit,
- tree_url,
- path,
- tempFile,
- active,
- opened,
- } = entity;
- return {
- id,
- type,
- name,
- url,
- tree_url,
- path,
- level,
- tempFile,
- icon: `fa-${icon}`,
- files: [],
- loading: false,
- opened,
- active,
- // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
- lastCommit: last_commit ? {
- url: `${Store.projectUrl}/commit/${}`,
- message: last_commit.message,
- updatedAt: last_commit.committed_date,
- } : {},
- };
- },
- scrollTabsRight() {
- const tabs = document.getElementById('tabs');
- if (!tabs) return;
- tabs.scrollLeft = tabs.scrollWidth;
- },
- dataToListOfFiles(data, level) {
- const { blobs, trees, submodules } = data;
- return [
- => RepoHelper.serializeRepoEntity('tree', tree, level)),
- => RepoHelper.serializeRepoEntity('submodule', submodule, level)),
- => RepoHelper.serializeRepoEntity('blob', blob, level)),
- ];
- },
- genKey() {
- return;
- },
- updateHistoryEntry(url, title) {
- const history = window.history;
- RepoHelper.key = RepoHelper.genKey();
- if (document.location.pathname !== url) {
- history.pushState({ key: RepoHelper.key }, '', url);
- }
- if (title) {
- document.title = title;
- }
- },
- findOpenedFileFromActive() {
- return Store.openedFiles.find(openedFile => ===;
- },
- getFileFromPath(path) {
- return Store.openedFiles.find(file => file.url === path);
- },
- loadingError() {
- Flash('Unable to load this content at this time.');
- },
- openEditMode() {
- Store.editMode = true;
- Store.currentBlobView = 'repo-editor';
- },
- updateStorePath(path) {
- Store.path = path;
- },
- findOrCreateEntry(type, tree, name) {
- let exists = true;
- let foundEntry = tree.files.find(dir => dir.type === type && === name);
- if (!foundEntry) {
- foundEntry = RepoHelper.serializeRepoEntity(type, {
- id: name,
- name,
- path: tree.path ? `${tree.path}/${name}` : name,
- icon: type === 'tree' ? 'folder' : 'file-text-o',
- tempFile: true,
- opened: true,
- active: true,
- }, tree.level !== undefined ? tree.level + 1 : 0);
- exists = false;
- tree.files.push(foundEntry);
- }
- return {
- entry: foundEntry,
- exists,
- };
- },
- removeAllTmpFiles(storeFilesKey) {
- Store[storeFilesKey] = Store[storeFilesKey].filter(f => !f.tempFile);
- },
- createNewEntry(name, type) {
- const originalPath = Store.path;
- let entryName = name;
- if (entryName.indexOf(`${originalPath}/`) !== 0) {
- this.updateStorePath('');
- } else {
- entryName = entryName.replace(`${originalPath}/`, '');
- }
- if (entryName === '') return;
- const fileName = type === 'tree' ? '.gitkeep' : entryName;
- let tree = Store;
- if (type === 'tree') {
- const dirNames = entryName.split('/');
- dirNames.forEach((dirName) => {
- if (dirName === '') return;
- tree = this.findOrCreateEntry('tree', tree, dirName).entry;
- });
- }
- if ((type === 'tree' && tree.tempFile) || type === 'blob') {
- const file = this.findOrCreateEntry('blob', tree, fileName);
- if (!file.exists) {
- this.setFile(file.entry, file.entry);
- this.openEditMode();
- }
- }
- this.updateStorePath(originalPath);
- },
-export default RepoHelper;