path: root/app/assets/javascripts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/assets/javascripts/')
1 files changed, 349 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/ b/app/assets/javascripts/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a3baea1ae01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+class @SearchAutocomplete
+ ESCAPE: 27
+ ENTER: 13
+ UP: 38
+ DOWN: 40
+ constructor: (opts = {}) ->
+ {
+ @wrap = $('.search')
+ @optsEl = @wrap.find('.search-autocomplete-opts')
+ @autocompletePath ='autocomplete-path')
+ @projectId ='autocomplete-project-id') || ''
+ @projectRef ='autocomplete-project-ref') || ''
+ } = opts
+ # Dropdown Element
+ @dropdown = @wrap.find('.dropdown')
+ @dropdownContent = @dropdown.find('.dropdown-content')
+ @locationBadgeEl = @getElement('.location-badge')
+ @scopeInputEl = @getElement('#scope')
+ @searchInput = @getElement('.search-input')
+ @projectInputEl = @getElement('#search_project_id')
+ @groupInputEl = @getElement('#group_id')
+ @searchCodeInputEl = @getElement('#search_code')
+ @repositoryInputEl = @getElement('#repository_ref')
+ @clearInput = @getElement('.js-clear-input')
+ @saveOriginalState()
+ # Only when user is logged in
+ @createAutocomplete() if gon.current_user_id
+ @searchInput.addClass('disabled')
+ @saveTextLength()
+ @bindEvents()
+ # Finds an element inside wrapper element
+ getElement: (selector) ->
+ @wrap.find(selector)
+ saveOriginalState: ->
+ @originalState = @serializeState()
+ saveTextLength: ->
+ @lastTextLength = @searchInput.val().length
+ createAutocomplete: ->
+ @searchInput.glDropdown
+ filterInputBlur: false
+ filterable: true
+ filterRemote: true
+ highlight: true
+ enterCallback: false
+ filterInput: 'input#search'
+ search:
+ fields: ['text']
+ data: @getData.bind(@)
+ selectable: true
+ clicked: @onClick.bind(@)
+ getData: (term, callback) ->
+ _this = @
+ unless term
+ if contents = @getCategoryContents()
+'glDropdown').filter.options.callback contents
+ @enableAutocomplete()
+ return
+ # Prevent multiple ajax calls
+ return if @loadingSuggestions
+ @loadingSuggestions = true
+ jqXHR = $.get(@autocompletePath, {
+ project_id: @projectId
+ project_ref: @projectRef
+ term: term
+ }, (response) ->
+ # Hide dropdown menu if no suggestions returns
+ if !response.length
+ _this.disableAutocomplete()
+ return
+ data = []
+ # List results
+ firstCategory = true
+ for suggestion in response
+ # Add group header before list each group
+ if lastCategory isnt suggestion.category
+ data.push 'separator' if !firstCategory
+ firstCategory = false if firstCategory
+ data.push
+ header: suggestion.category
+ lastCategory = suggestion.category
+ data.push
+ id: "#{suggestion.category.toLowerCase()}-#{}"
+ category: suggestion.category
+ text: suggestion.label
+ url: suggestion.url
+ # Add option to proceed with the search
+ if data.length
+ data.push('separator')
+ data.push
+ text: "Result name contains \"#{term}\""
+ url: "/search?\
+ search=#{term}\
+ &project_id=#{_this.projectInputEl.val()}\
+ &group_id=#{_this.groupInputEl.val()}"
+ callback(data)
+ ).always ->
+ _this.loadingSuggestions = false
+ getCategoryContents: ->
+ userId = gon.current_user_id
+ { utils, projectOptions, groupOptions, dashboardOptions } = gl
+ if utils.isInGroupsPage() and groupOptions
+ options = groupOptions[utils.getGroupSlug()]
+ else if utils.isInProjectPage() and projectOptions
+ options = projectOptions[utils.getProjectSlug()]
+ else if dashboardOptions
+ options = dashboardOptions
+ { issuesPath, mrPath, name } = options
+ items = [
+ { header: "#{name}" }
+ { text: 'Issues assigned to me', url: "#{issuesPath}/?assignee_id=#{userId}" }
+ { text: "Issues I've created", url: "#{issuesPath}/?author_id=#{userId}" }
+ 'separator'
+ { text: 'Merge requests assigned to me', url: "#{mrPath}/?assignee_id=#{userId}" }
+ { text: "Merge requests I've created", url: "#{mrPath}/?author_id=#{userId}" }
+ ]
+ items.splice 0, 1 unless name
+ return items
+ serializeState: ->
+ {
+ # Search Criteria
+ search_project_id: @projectInputEl.val()
+ group_id: @groupInputEl.val()
+ search_code: @searchCodeInputEl.val()
+ repository_ref: @repositoryInputEl.val()
+ scope: @scopeInputEl.val()
+ # Location badge
+ _location: @locationBadgeEl.text()
+ }
+ bindEvents: ->
+ @searchInput.on 'keydown', @onSearchInputKeyDown
+ @searchInput.on 'keyup', @onSearchInputKeyUp
+ @searchInput.on 'click', @onSearchInputClick
+ @searchInput.on 'focus', @onSearchInputFocus
+ @searchInput.on 'blur', @onSearchInputBlur
+ @clearInput.on 'click', @onClearInputClick
+ @locationBadgeEl.on 'click', =>
+ @searchInput.focus()
+ enableAutocomplete: ->
+ # No need to enable anything if user is not logged in
+ return if !gon.current_user_id
+ unless @dropdown.hasClass('open')
+ _this = @
+ @loadingSuggestions = false
+ # If not enabled already, enable
+ if not @dropdown.hasClass('open')
+ # Open dropdown and invoke its opened() method
+ @dropdown.addClass('open')
+ .trigger('')
+ @searchInput.removeClass('disabled')
+ onSearchInputKeyDown: =>
+ # Saves last length of the entered text
+ @saveTextLength()
+ onSearchInputKeyUp: (e) =>
+ switch e.keyCode
+ # when trying to remove the location badge
+ if @lastTextLength is 0 and @badgePresent()
+ @removeLocationBadge()
+ # When removing the last character and no badge is present
+ if @lastTextLength is 1
+ @disableAutocomplete()
+ # When removing any character from existin value
+ if @lastTextLength > 1
+ @enableAutocomplete()
+ @restoreOriginalState()
+ # Close autocomplete on enter
+ @disableAutocomplete()
+ return
+ else
+ # Handle the case when deleting the input value other than backspace
+ # e.g. Pressing ctrl + backspace or ctrl + x
+ if @searchInput.val() is ''
+ @disableAutocomplete()
+ else
+ # We should display the menu only when input is not empty
+ @enableAutocomplete()
+ @wrap.toggleClass 'has-value', !!
+ # Avoid falsy value to be returned
+ return
+ onSearchInputClick: (e) =>
+ # Prevents closing the dropdown menu
+ e.stopImmediatePropagation()
+ onSearchInputFocus: =>
+ @isFocused = true
+ @wrap.addClass('search-active')
+ @getData() if @getValue() is ''
+ getValue: -> return @searchInput.val()
+ onClearInputClick: (e) =>
+ e.preventDefault()
+ @searchInput.val('').focus()
+ onSearchInputBlur: (e) =>
+ @isFocused = false
+ @wrap.removeClass('search-active')
+ # If input is blank then restore state
+ if @searchInput.val() is ''
+ @restoreOriginalState()
+ addLocationBadge: (item) ->
+ category = if item.category? then "#{item.category}: " else ''
+ value = if item.value? then item.value else ''
+ badgeText = "#{category}#{value}"
+ @locationBadgeEl.text(badgeText).show()
+ @wrap.addClass('has-location-badge')
+ hasLocationBadge: -> return '.has-location-badge'
+ restoreOriginalState: ->
+ inputs = Object.keys @originalState
+ for input in inputs
+ @getElement("##{input}").val(@originalState[input])
+ if @originalState._location is ''
+ @locationBadgeEl.hide()
+ else
+ @addLocationBadge(
+ value: @originalState._location
+ )
+ badgePresent: ->
+ @locationBadgeEl.length
+ resetSearchState: ->
+ inputs = Object.keys @originalState
+ for input in inputs
+ # _location isnt a input
+ break if input is '_location'
+ @getElement("##{input}").val('')
+ removeLocationBadge: ->
+ @locationBadgeEl.hide()
+ @resetSearchState()
+ @wrap.removeClass('has-location-badge')
+ @disableAutocomplete()
+ disableAutocomplete: ->
+ # If not disabled already, disable
+ if not @searchInput.hasClass('disabled') && @dropdown.hasClass('open')
+ @searchInput.addClass('disabled')
+ # Close dropdown and invoke its hidden() method
+ @dropdown.removeClass('open')
+ .trigger('')
+ @restoreMenu()
+ restoreMenu: ->
+ html = "<ul>
+ <li><a class='dropdown-menu-empty-link is-focused'>Loading...</a></li>
+ </ul>"
+ @dropdownContent.html(html)
+ onClick: (item, $el, e) ->
+ if location.pathname.indexOf(item.url) isnt -1
+ e.preventDefault()
+ if not @badgePresent
+ if item.category is 'Projects'
+ @projectInputEl.val(
+ @addLocationBadge(
+ value: 'This project'
+ )
+ if item.category is 'Groups'
+ @groupInputEl.val(
+ @addLocationBadge(
+ value: 'This group'
+ )
+ $el.removeClass('is-active')
+ @disableAutocomplete()
+ @searchInput.val('').focus()