path: root/app/assets/javascripts/super_sidebar/components/help_center.vue
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/assets/javascripts/super_sidebar/components/help_center.vue')
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/super_sidebar/components/help_center.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/super_sidebar/components/help_center.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8e7c7efa631
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/super_sidebar/components/help_center.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+import { GlBadge, GlButton, GlDisclosureDropdown, GlDisclosureDropdownGroup } from '@gitlab/ui';
+import GitlabVersionCheckBadge from '~/gitlab_version_check/components/gitlab_version_check_badge.vue';
+import { helpPagePath } from '~/helpers/help_page_helper';
+import { PROMO_URL } from 'jh_else_ce/lib/utils/url_utility';
+import { __ } from '~/locale';
+import { STORAGE_KEY } from '~/whats_new/utils/notification';
+export default {
+ components: {
+ GlBadge,
+ GlButton,
+ GlDisclosureDropdown,
+ GlDisclosureDropdownGroup,
+ GitlabVersionCheckBadge,
+ },
+ i18n: {
+ help: __('Help'),
+ support: __('Support'),
+ docs: __('GitLab documentation'),
+ plans: __('Compare GitLab plans'),
+ forum: __('Community forum'),
+ contribute: __('Contribute to GitLab'),
+ feedback: __('Provide feedback'),
+ shortcuts: __('Keyboard shortcuts'),
+ version: __('Your GitLab version'),
+ whatsnew: __("What's new"),
+ },
+ props: {
+ sidebarData: {
+ type: Object,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ showWhatsNewNotification: this.shouldShowWhatsNewNotification(),
+ };
+ },
+ computed: {
+ itemGroups() {
+ return {
+ versionCheck: {
+ items: [
+ {
+ text: this.$options.i18n.version,
+ href: helpPagePath('update/index'),
+ version: `${this.sidebarData.gitlab_version.major}.${this.sidebarData.gitlab_version.minor}`,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ helpLinks: {
+ items: [
+ { text: this.$, href: helpPagePath() },
+ { text: this.$, href: this.sidebarData.support_path },
+ { text: this.$, href: '' },
+ { text: this.$options.i18n.plans, href: `${PROMO_URL}/pricing` },
+ { text: this.$, href: '' },
+ {
+ text: this.$options.i18n.contribute,
+ href: helpPagePath('', { anchor: 'contributing-to-gitlab' }),
+ },
+ { text: this.$, href: '' },
+ ],
+ },
+ helpActions: {
+ items: [
+ {
+ text: this.$options.i18n.shortcuts,
+ action: this.showKeyboardShortcuts,
+ shortcut: '?',
+ },
+ this.sidebarData.display_whats_new && {
+ text: this.$options.i18n.whatsnew,
+ action: this.showWhatsNew,
+ count:
+ this.showWhatsNewNotification &&
+ this.sidebarData.whats_new_most_recent_release_items_count,
+ },
+ ].filter(Boolean),
+ },
+ };
+ },
+ updateSeverity() {
+ return this.sidebarData.gitlab_version_check?.severity;
+ },
+ },
+ methods: {
+ shouldShowWhatsNewNotification() {
+ if (
+ !this.sidebarData.display_whats_new ||
+ localStorage.getItem(STORAGE_KEY) === this.sidebarData.whats_new_version_digest
+ ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ handleAction({ action }) {
+ if (action) {
+ action();
+ }
+ },
+ showKeyboardShortcuts() {
+ this.$refs.dropdown.close();
+ window?.toggleShortcutsHelp();
+ },
+ async showWhatsNew() {
+ this.$refs.dropdown.close();
+ this.showWhatsNewNotification = false;
+ if (!this.toggleWhatsNewDrawer) {
+ const appEl = document.getElementById('whats-new-app');
+ const { default: toggleWhatsNewDrawer } = await import(
+ /* webpackChunkName: 'whatsNewApp' */ '~/whats_new'
+ );
+ this.toggleWhatsNewDrawer = toggleWhatsNewDrawer;
+ this.toggleWhatsNewDrawer(appEl);
+ } else {
+ this.toggleWhatsNewDrawer();
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ <gl-disclosure-dropdown ref="dropdown">
+ <template #toggle>
+ <gl-button category="tertiary" icon="question-o" class="btn-with-notification">
+ <span v-if="showWhatsNewNotification" class="notification"></span>
+ {{ $ }}
+ </gl-button>
+ </template>
+ <gl-disclosure-dropdown-group
+ v-if="sidebarData.show_version_check"
+ :group="itemGroups.versionCheck"
+ >
+ <template #list-item="{ item }">
+ <a
+ :href="item.href"
+ tabindex="-1"
+ class="gl-display-flex gl-flex-direction-column gl-line-height-24 gl-text-gray-900 gl-hover-text-gray-900 gl-hover-text-decoration-none"
+ >
+ <span class="gl-font-sm gl-font-weight-bold">
+ {{ item.text }}
+ <gl-emoji data-name="rocket" />
+ </span>
+ <span>
+ <span class="gl-mr-2">{{ item.version }}</span>
+ <gitlab-version-check-badge v-if="updateSeverity" :status="updateSeverity" size="sm" />
+ </span>
+ </a>
+ </template>
+ </gl-disclosure-dropdown-group>
+ <gl-disclosure-dropdown-group
+ :group="itemGroups.helpLinks"
+ :bordered="sidebarData.show_version_check"
+ />
+ <gl-disclosure-dropdown-group :group="itemGroups.helpActions" bordered @action="handleAction">
+ <template #list-item="{ item }">
+ <button
+ tabindex="-1"
+ class="gl-bg-transparent gl-w-full gl-border-none gl-display-flex gl-justify-content-space-between gl-p-0 gl-text-gray-900"
+ >
+ {{ item.text }}
+ <gl-badge v-if="item.count" pill size="sm" variant="info">{{ item.count }}</gl-badge>
+ <kbd v-else-if="item.shortcut" class="flat">?</kbd>
+ </button>
+ </template>
+ </gl-disclosure-dropdown-group>
+ </gl-disclosure-dropdown>