path: root/app/assets/javascripts/users/calendar.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/assets/javascripts/users/calendar.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 231 deletions
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/users/calendar.js b/app/assets/javascripts/users/calendar.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b11f691e424..00000000000
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/users/calendar.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, no-var, prefer-rest-params, wrap-iife, camelcase, vars-on-top, object-shorthand, comma-dangle, eqeqeq, no-mixed-operators, no-return-assign, newline-per-chained-call, prefer-arrow-callback, consistent-return, one-var, one-var-declaration-per-line, prefer-template, quotes, no-unused-vars, no-else-return, max-len */
-import d3 from 'd3';
-(function() {
- this.Calendar = (function() {
- function Calendar(timestamps, calendar_activities_path) {
- this.calendar_activities_path = calendar_activities_path;
- this.clickDay = this.clickDay.bind(this);
- this.currentSelectedDate = '';
- this.daySpace = 1;
- this.daySize = 15;
- this.daySizeWithSpace = this.daySize + (this.daySpace * 2);
- this.monthNames = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];
- this.months = [];
- // Loop through the timestamps to create a group of objects
- // The group of objects will be grouped based on the day of the week they are
- this.timestampsTmp = [];
- var group = 0;
- var today = new Date();
- today.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- var oneYearAgo = new Date(today);
- oneYearAgo.setFullYear(today.getFullYear() - 1);
- var days = gl.utils.getDayDifference(oneYearAgo, today);
- for (var i = 0; i <= days; i += 1) {
- var date = new Date(oneYearAgo);
- date.setDate(date.getDate() + i);
- var day = date.getDay();
- var count = timestamps[date.format('yyyy-mm-dd')];
- // Create a new group array if this is the first day of the week
- // or if is first object
- if ((day === 0 && i !== 0) || i === 0) {
- this.timestampsTmp.push([]);
- group += 1;
- }
- var innerArray = this.timestampsTmp[group - 1];
- // Push to the inner array the values that will be used to render map
- innerArray.push({
- count: count || 0,
- date: date,
- day: day
- });
- }
- // Init color functions
- this.colorKey = this.initColorKey();
- this.color = this.initColor();
- // Init the svg element
- this.renderSvg(group);
- this.renderDays();
- this.renderMonths();
- this.renderDayTitles();
- this.renderKey();
- this.initTooltips();
- }
- // Add extra padding for the last month label if it is also the last column
- Calendar.prototype.getExtraWidthPadding = function(group) {
- var extraWidthPadding = 0;
- var lastColMonth = this.timestampsTmp[group - 1][0].date.getMonth();
- var secondLastColMonth = this.timestampsTmp[group - 2][0].date.getMonth();
- if (lastColMonth != secondLastColMonth) {
- extraWidthPadding = 3;
- }
- return extraWidthPadding;
- };
- Calendar.prototype.renderSvg = function(group) {
- var width = (group + 1) * this.daySizeWithSpace + this.getExtraWidthPadding(group);
- return this.svg ='.js-contrib-calendar').append('svg').attr('width', width).attr('height', 167).attr('class', 'contrib-calendar');
- };
- Calendar.prototype.renderDays = function() {
- return this.svg.selectAll('g').data(this.timestampsTmp).enter().append('g').attr('transform', (function(_this) {
- return function(group, i) {
- _.each(group, function(stamp, a) {
- var lastMonth, lastMonthX, month, x;
- if (a === 0 && === 0) {
- month =;
- x = (_this.daySizeWithSpace * i + 1) + _this.daySizeWithSpace;
- lastMonth = _.last(_this.months);
- if (lastMonth != null) {
- lastMonthX = lastMonth.x;
- }
- if (lastMonth == null) {
- return _this.months.push({
- month: month,
- x: x
- });
- } else if (month !== lastMonth.month && x - _this.daySizeWithSpace !== lastMonthX) {
- return _this.months.push({
- month: month,
- x: x
- });
- }
- }
- });
- return "translate(" + ((_this.daySizeWithSpace * i + 1) + _this.daySizeWithSpace) + ", 18)";
- };
- })(this)).selectAll('rect').data(function(stamp) {
- return stamp;
- }).enter().append('rect').attr('x', '0').attr('y', (function(_this) {
- return function(stamp, i) {
- return _this.daySizeWithSpace *;
- };
- })(this)).attr('width', this.daySize).attr('height', this.daySize).attr('title', (function(_this) {
- return function(stamp) {
- var contribText, date, dateText;
- date = new Date(;
- contribText = 'No contributions';
- if (stamp.count > 0) {
- contribText = stamp.count + " contribution" + (stamp.count > 1 ? 's' : '');
- }
- dateText = date.format('mmm d, yyyy');
- return contribText + "<br />" + (gl.utils.getDayName(date)) + " " + dateText;
- };
- })(this)).attr('class', 'user-contrib-cell js-tooltip').attr('fill', (function(_this) {
- return function(stamp) {
- if (stamp.count !== 0) {
- return _this.color(Math.min(stamp.count, 40));
- } else {
- return '#ededed';
- }
- };
- })(this)).attr('data-container', 'body').on('click', this.clickDay);
- };
- Calendar.prototype.renderDayTitles = function() {
- var days;
- days = [
- {
- text: 'M',
- y: 29 + (this.daySizeWithSpace * 1)
- }, {
- text: 'W',
- y: 29 + (this.daySizeWithSpace * 3)
- }, {
- text: 'F',
- y: 29 + (this.daySizeWithSpace * 5)
- }
- ];
- return this.svg.append('g').selectAll('text').data(days).enter().append('text').attr('text-anchor', 'middle').attr('x', 8).attr('y', function(day) {
- return day.y;
- }).text(function(day) {
- return day.text;
- }).attr('class', 'user-contrib-text');
- };
- Calendar.prototype.renderMonths = function() {
- return this.svg.append('g').attr('direction', 'ltr').selectAll('text').data(this.months).enter().append('text').attr('x', function(date) {
- return date.x;
- }).attr('y', 10).attr('class', 'user-contrib-text').text((function(_this) {
- return function(date) {
- return _this.monthNames[date.month];
- };
- })(this));
- };
- Calendar.prototype.renderKey = function() {
- const keyValues = ['no contributions', '1-9 contributions', '10-19 contributions', '20-29 contributions', '30+ contributions'];
- const keyColors = ['#ededed', this.colorKey(0), this.colorKey(1), this.colorKey(2), this.colorKey(3)];
- this.svg.append('g')
- .attr('transform', `translate(18, ${this.daySizeWithSpace * 8 + 16})`)
- .selectAll('rect')
- .data(keyColors)
- .enter()
- .append('rect')
- .attr('width', this.daySize)
- .attr('height', this.daySize)
- .attr('x', (color, i) => this.daySizeWithSpace * i)
- .attr('y', 0)
- .attr('fill', color => color)
- .attr('class', 'js-tooltip')
- .attr('title', (color, i) => keyValues[i])
- .attr('data-container', 'body');
- };
- Calendar.prototype.initColor = function() {
- var colorRange;
- colorRange = ['#ededed', this.colorKey(0), this.colorKey(1), this.colorKey(2), this.colorKey(3)];
- return d3.scale.threshold().domain([0, 10, 20, 30]).range(colorRange);
- };
- Calendar.prototype.initColorKey = function() {
- return d3.scale.linear().range(['#acd5f2', '#254e77']).domain([0, 3]);
- };
- Calendar.prototype.clickDay = function(stamp) {
- var formatted_date;
- if (this.currentSelectedDate !== {
- this.currentSelectedDate =;
- formatted_date = this.currentSelectedDate.getFullYear() + "-" + (this.currentSelectedDate.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + this.currentSelectedDate.getDate();
- return $.ajax({
- url: this.calendar_activities_path,
- data: {
- date: formatted_date
- },
- cache: false,
- dataType: 'html',
- beforeSend: function() {
- return $('.user-calendar-activities').html('<div class="text-center"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin user-calendar-activities-loading"></i></div>');
- },
- success: function(data) {
- return $('.user-calendar-activities').html(data);
- }
- });
- } else {
- this.currentSelectedDate = '';
- return $('.user-calendar-activities').html('');
- }
- };
- Calendar.prototype.initTooltips = function() {
- return $('.js-contrib-calendar .js-tooltip').tooltip({
- html: true
- });
- };
- return Calendar;
- })();