path: root/app/models/notification_recipient.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'app/models/notification_recipient.rb')
1 files changed, 142 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/models/notification_recipient.rb b/app/models/notification_recipient.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dc862565a71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/models/notification_recipient.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+class NotificationRecipient
+ attr_reader :user, :type
+ def initialize(
+ user, type,
+ custom_action: nil,
+ target: nil,
+ acting_user: nil,
+ project: nil,
+ group: nil,
+ skip_read_ability: false
+ )
+ unless NotificationSetting.levels.key?(type) || type == :subscription
+ raise ArgumentError, "invalid type: #{type.inspect}"
+ end
+ @custom_action = custom_action
+ @acting_user = acting_user
+ @target = target
+ @project = project || default_project
+ @group = group || @project&.group
+ @user = user
+ @type = type
+ @skip_read_ability = skip_read_ability
+ end
+ def notification_setting
+ @notification_setting ||= find_notification_setting
+ end
+ def raw_notification_level
+ notification_setting&.level&.to_sym
+ end
+ def notification_level
+ # custom is treated the same as watch if it's enabled - otherwise it's
+ # set to :custom, meaning to send exactly when our type is :participating
+ # or :mention.
+ @notification_level ||=
+ case raw_notification_level
+ when :custom
+ if @custom_action && notification_setting&.event_enabled?(@custom_action)
+ :watch
+ else
+ :custom
+ end
+ else
+ raw_notification_level
+ end
+ end
+ def notifiable?
+ return false unless has_access?
+ return false if own_activity?
+ return true if @type == :subscription
+ return false if notification_level.nil? || notification_level == :disabled
+ return %i[participating mention].include?(@type) if notification_level == :custom
+ return false if %i[watch participating].include?(notification_level) && excluded_watcher_action?
+ return false unless NotificationSetting.levels[notification_level] <= NotificationSetting.levels[@type]
+ return false if unsubscribed?
+ true
+ end
+ def unsubscribed?
+ return false unless @target
+ return false unless @target.respond_to?(:subscriptions)
+ subscription = @target.subscriptions.find_by_user_id(
+ subscription && !subscription.subscribed
+ end
+ def own_activity?
+ return false unless @acting_user
+ return false if @acting_user.notified_of_own_activity?
+ user == @acting_user
+ end
+ def has_access?
+ DeclarativePolicy.subject_scope do
+ return false unless user.can?(:receive_notifications)
+ return true if @skip_read_ability
+ return false if @project && !user.can?(:read_project, @project)
+ return true unless read_ability
+ return true unless DeclarativePolicy.has_policy?(@target)
+ user.can?(read_ability, @target)
+ end
+ end
+ def excluded_watcher_action?
+ return false unless @custom_action
+ return false if raw_notification_level == :custom
+ NotificationSetting::EXCLUDED_WATCHER_EVENTS.include?(@custom_action)
+ end
+ private
+ def read_ability
+ return nil if @skip_read_ability
+ return @read_ability if instance_variable_defined?(:@read_ability)
+ @read_ability =
+ case @target
+ when Issuable
+ :"read_#{@target.to_ability_name}"
+ when Ci::Pipeline
+ :read_build # We have build trace in pipeline emails
+ when ActiveRecord::Base
+ :"read_#{}"
+ else
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ def default_project
+ return nil if @target.nil?
+ return @target if @target.is_a?(Project)
+ return @target.project if @target.respond_to?(:project)
+ end
+ def find_notification_setting
+ project_setting = @project && user.notification_settings_for(@project)
+ return project_setting unless project_setting.nil? ||
+ group_setting = @group && user.notification_settings_for(@group)
+ return group_setting unless group_setting.nil? ||
+ user.global_notification_setting
+ end