path: root/app/models/project_services/jira_service.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/models/project_services/jira_service.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 541 deletions
diff --git a/app/models/project_services/jira_service.rb b/app/models/project_services/jira_service.rb
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index 5cd6e79eb1d..00000000000
--- a/app/models/project_services/jira_service.rb
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-# frozen_string_literal: true
-# Accessible as Project#external_issue_tracker
-class JiraService < IssueTrackerService
- extend ::Gitlab::Utils::Override
- include Gitlab::Routing
- include ApplicationHelper
- include ActionView::Helpers::AssetUrlHelper
- include Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize
- # TODO: use jira_service.deployment_type enum when is merged
- server: 'SERVER',
- cloud: 'CLOUD'
- }.freeze
- validates :url, public_url: true, presence: true, if: :activated?
- validates :api_url, public_url: true, allow_blank: true
- validates :username, presence: true, if: :activated?
- validates :password, presence: true, if: :activated?
- validates :jira_issue_transition_id,
- format: { with: Gitlab::Regex.jira_transition_id_regex, message: s_("JiraService|transition ids can have only numbers which can be split with , or ;") },
- allow_blank: true
- # Jira Cloud version is deprecating authentication via username and password.
- # We should use username/password for Jira Server and email/api_token for Jira Cloud,
- # for more information check:
- # TODO: we can probably just delegate as part of
- #
- data_field :username, :password, :url, :api_url, :jira_issue_transition_automatic, :jira_issue_transition_id, :project_key, :issues_enabled,
- :vulnerabilities_enabled, :vulnerabilities_issuetype
- before_update :reset_password
- after_commit :update_deployment_type, on: [:create, :update], if: :update_deployment_type?
- enum comment_detail: {
- standard: 1,
- all_details: 2
- }
- alias_method :project_url, :url
- # When these are false GitLab does not create cross reference
- # comments on Jira except when an issue gets transitioned.
- def self.supported_events
- %w(commit merge_request)
- end
- def self.supported_event_actions
- %w(comment)
- end
- def self.reference_pattern(only_long: true)
- @reference_pattern ||= /(?<issue>\b#{Gitlab::Regex.jira_issue_key_regex})/
- end
- def initialize_properties
- {}
- end
- def data_fields
- jira_tracker_data || self.build_jira_tracker_data
- end
- def reset_password
- data_fields.password = nil if reset_password?
- end
- def set_default_data
- return unless issues_tracker.present?
- return if url
- data_fields.url ||= issues_tracker['url']
- data_fields.api_url ||= issues_tracker['api_url']
- end
- def options
- url = URI.parse(client_url)
- {
- username: username&.strip,
- password: password,
- site: URI.join(url, '/').to_s, # Intended to find the root
- context_path: url.path,
- auth_type: :basic,
- read_timeout: 120,
- use_cookies: true,
- additional_cookies: ['OBBasicAuth=fromDialog'],
- use_ssl: url.scheme == 'https'
- }
- end
- def client
- @client ||= begin
- do |client|
- # Replaces JIRA default http client with our implementation
- client.request_client =
- end
- end
- end
- def help
- jira_doc_link_start = '<a href="%{url}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">'.html_safe % { url: help_page_url('integration/jira/index.html') }
- s_("JiraService|You need to configure Jira before enabling this integration. For more details, read the %{jira_doc_link_start}Jira integration documentation%{link_end}.") % { jira_doc_link_start: jira_doc_link_start, link_end: '</a>'.html_safe }
- end
- def title
- 'Jira'
- end
- def description
- s_("JiraService|Use Jira as this project's issue tracker.")
- end
- def self.to_param
- 'jira'
- end
- def fields
- [
- {
- type: 'text',
- name: 'url',
- title: s_('JiraService|Web URL'),
- placeholder: '',
- help: s_('JiraService|Base URL of the Jira instance.'),
- required: true
- },
- {
- type: 'text',
- name: 'api_url',
- title: s_('JiraService|Jira API URL'),
- help: s_('JiraService|If different from Web URL.')
- },
- {
- type: 'text',
- name: 'username',
- title: s_('JiraService|Username or Email'),
- help: s_('JiraService|Use a username for server version and an email for cloud version.'),
- required: true
- },
- {
- type: 'password',
- name: 'password',
- title: s_('JiraService|Password or API token'),
- non_empty_password_title: s_('JiraService|Enter new password or API token'),
- non_empty_password_help: s_('JiraService|Leave blank to use your current password or API token.'),
- help: s_('JiraService|Use a password for server version and an API token for cloud version.'),
- required: true
- }
- ]
- end
- def issues_url
- "#{url}/browse/:id"
- end
- def new_issue_url
- "#{url}/secure/CreateIssue!default.jspa"
- end
- alias_method :original_url, :url
- def url
- original_url&.delete_suffix('/')
- end
- alias_method :original_api_url, :api_url
- def api_url
- original_api_url&.delete_suffix('/')
- end
- def execute(push)
- # This method is a no-op, because currently JiraService does not
- # support any events.
- end
- def find_issue(issue_key, rendered_fields: false, transitions: false)
- expands = []
- expands << 'renderedFields' if rendered_fields
- expands << 'transitions' if transitions
- options = { expand: expands.join(',') } if expands.any?
- jira_request { client.Issue.find(issue_key, options || {}) }
- end
- def close_issue(entity, external_issue, current_user)
- issue = find_issue(external_issue.iid, transitions: jira_issue_transition_automatic)
- return if issue.nil? || has_resolution?(issue) || !issue_transition_enabled?
- commit_id = case entity
- when Commit then
- when MergeRequest then entity.diff_head_sha
- end
- commit_url = build_entity_url(:commit, commit_id)
- # Depending on the Jira project's workflow, a comment during transition
- # may or may not be allowed. Refresh the issue after transition and check
- # if it is closed, so we don't have one comment for every commit.
- issue = find_issue(issue.key) if transition_issue(issue)
- add_issue_solved_comment(issue, commit_id, commit_url) if has_resolution?(issue)
- log_usage(:close_issue, current_user)
- end
- def create_cross_reference_note(mentioned, noteable, author)
- unless can_cross_reference?(noteable)
- return s_("JiraService|Events for %{noteable_model_name} are disabled.") % { noteable_model_name: noteable.model_name.plural.humanize(capitalize: false) }
- end
- jira_issue = find_issue(
- return unless jira_issue.present?
- noteable_id = noteable.respond_to?(:iid) ? noteable.iid :
- noteable_type = noteable_name(noteable)
- entity_url = build_entity_url(noteable_type, noteable_id)
- entity_meta = build_entity_meta(noteable)
- data = {
- user: {
- name:,
- url: resource_url(user_path(author))
- },
- project: {
- name: project.full_path,
- url: resource_url(project_path(project))
- },
- entity: {
- id: entity_meta[:id],
- name: noteable_type.humanize.downcase,
- url: entity_url,
- title: noteable.title,
- description: entity_meta[:description],
- branch: entity_meta[:branch]
- }
- }
- add_comment(data, jira_issue).tap { log_usage(:cross_reference, author) }
- end
- def valid_connection?
- test(nil)[:success]
- end
- def test(_)
- result = server_info
- success = result.present?
- result = @error&.message unless success
- { success: success, result: result }
- end
- override :support_close_issue?
- def support_close_issue?
- true
- end
- override :support_cross_reference?
- def support_cross_reference?
- true
- end
- def issue_transition_enabled?
- jira_issue_transition_automatic || jira_issue_transition_id.present?
- end
- private
- def server_info
- strong_memoize(:server_info) do
- client_url.present? ? jira_request { client.ServerInfo.all.attrs } : nil
- end
- end
- def can_cross_reference?(noteable)
- case noteable
- when Commit then commit_events
- when MergeRequest then merge_requests_events
- else true
- end
- end
- # jira_issue_transition_id can have multiple values split by , or ;
- # the issue is transitioned at the order given by the user
- # if any transition fails it will log the error message and stop the transition sequence
- def transition_issue(issue)
- return transition_issue_to_done(issue) if jira_issue_transition_automatic
- jira_issue_transition_id.scan(Gitlab::Regex.jira_transition_id_regex).all? do |transition_id|
- transition_issue_to_id(issue, transition_id)
- end
- end
- def transition_issue_to_id(issue, transition_id)
- transition: { id: transition_id }
- )
- true
- rescue StandardError => error
- log_error(
- "Issue transition failed",
- error: {
- exception_class:,
- exception_message: error.message,
- exception_backtrace: Gitlab::BacktraceCleaner.clean_backtrace(error.backtrace)
- },
- client_url: client_url
- )
- false
- end
- def transition_issue_to_done(issue)
- transitions = issue.transitions rescue []
- transition = transitions.find do |transition|
- status = transition&.to&.statusCategory
- status && status['key'] == 'done'
- end
- return false unless transition
- transition_issue_to_id(issue,
- end
- def log_usage(action, user)
- key = "i_ecosystem_jira_service_#{action}"
- Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::HLLRedisCounter.track_event(key, values:
- end
- def add_issue_solved_comment(issue, commit_id, commit_url)
- link_title = "Solved by commit #{commit_id}."
- comment = "Issue solved with [#{commit_id}|#{commit_url}]."
- link_props = build_remote_link_props(url: commit_url, title: link_title, resolved: true)
- send_message(issue, comment, link_props)
- end
- def add_comment(data, issue)
- entity_name = data[:entity][:name]
- entity_url = data[:entity][:url]
- entity_title = data[:entity][:title]
- message = comment_message(data)
- link_title = "#{entity_name.capitalize} - #{entity_title}"
- link_props = build_remote_link_props(url: entity_url, title: link_title)
- unless comment_exists?(issue, message)
- send_message(issue, message, link_props)
- end
- end
- def comment_message(data)
- user_link = build_jira_link(data[:user][:name], data[:user][:url])
- entity = data[:entity]
- entity_ref = all_details? ? "#{entity[:name]} #{entity[:id]}" : "a #{entity[:name]}"
- entity_link = build_jira_link(entity_ref, entity[:url])
- project_link = build_jira_link(project.full_name, Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers.project_url(project))
- branch =
- if entity[:branch].present?
- s_('JiraService| on branch %{branch_link}') % {
- branch_link: build_jira_link(entity[:branch], project_tree_url(project, entity[:branch]))
- }
- end
- entity_message = entity[:description].presence if all_details?
- entity_message ||= entity[:title].chomp
- s_('JiraService|%{user_link} mentioned this issue in %{entity_link} of %{project_link}%{branch}:{quote}%{entity_message}{quote}') % {
- user_link: user_link,
- entity_link: entity_link,
- project_link: project_link,
- branch: branch,
- entity_message: entity_message
- }
- end
- def build_jira_link(title, url)
- "[#{title}|#{url}]"
- end
- def has_resolution?(issue)
- issue.respond_to?(:resolution) && issue.resolution.present?
- end
- def comment_exists?(issue, message)
- comments = jira_request { issue.comments }
- comments.present? && comments.any? { |comment| comment.body.include?(message) }
- end
- def send_message(issue, message, remote_link_props)
- return unless client_url.present?
- jira_request do
- remote_link = find_remote_link(issue, remote_link_props[:object][:url])
- create_issue_comment(issue, message) unless remote_link
- remote_link ||=
- log_info("Successfully posted", client_url: client_url)
- "SUCCESS: Successfully posted to #{client_url}."
- end
- end
- def create_issue_comment(issue, message)
- return unless comment_on_event_enabled
-!(body: message)
- end
- def find_remote_link(issue, url)
- links = jira_request { issue.remotelink.all }
- return unless links
- links.find { |link| link.object["url"] == url }
- end
- def build_remote_link_props(url:, title:, resolved: false)
- status = {
- resolved: resolved
- }
- {
- GlobalID: 'GitLab',
- relationship: 'mentioned on',
- object: {
- url: url,
- title: title,
- status: status,
- icon: {
- title: 'GitLab', url16x16: asset_url(Gitlab::Favicon.main, host: gitlab_config.base_url)
- }
- }
- }
- end
- def resource_url(resource)
- "#{Settings.gitlab.base_url.chomp("/")}#{resource}"
- end
- def build_entity_url(noteable_type, entity_id)
- polymorphic_url(
- [
- self.project,
- noteable_type.to_sym
- ],
- id: entity_id,
- host: Settings.gitlab.base_url
- )
- end
- def build_entity_meta(noteable)
- if noteable.is_a?(Commit)
- {
- id: noteable.short_id,
- description: noteable.safe_message,
- branch: noteable.ref_names(project.repository).first
- }
- elsif noteable.is_a?(MergeRequest)
- {
- id: noteable.to_reference,
- branch: noteable.source_branch
- }
- else
- {}
- end
- end
- def noteable_name(noteable)
- name = noteable.model_name.singular
- # ProjectSnippet inherits from Snippet class so it causes
- # routing error building the URL.
- name == "project_snippet" ? "snippet" : name
- end
- # Handle errors when doing Jira API calls
- def jira_request
- yield
- rescue StandardError => error
- @error = error
- log_error("Error sending message", client_url: client_url, error: @error.message)
- nil
- end
- def client_url
- api_url.presence || url
- end
- def reset_password?
- # don't reset the password if a new one is provided
- return false if password_touched?
- return true if api_url_changed?
- return false if api_url.present?
- url_changed?
- end
- def update_deployment_type?
- (api_url_changed? || url_changed? || username_changed? || password_changed?) &&
- can_test?
- end
- def update_deployment_type
- clear_memoization(:server_info) # ensure we run the request when we try to update deployment type
- results = server_info
- return data_fields.deployment_unknown! unless results.present?
- case results['deploymentType']
- when 'Server'
- data_fields.deployment_server!
- when 'Cloud'
- data_fields.deployment_cloud!
- else
- data_fields.deployment_unknown!
- end
- end
- def self.event_description(event)
- case event
- when "merge_request", "merge_request_events"
- s_("JiraService|Jira comments will be created when an issue gets referenced in a merge request.")
- when "commit", "commit_events"
- s_("JiraService|Jira comments will be created when an issue gets referenced in a commit.")
- end
- end