path: root/app/services/issues/relative_position_rebalancing_service.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'app/services/issues/relative_position_rebalancing_service.rb')
1 files changed, 193 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/services/issues/relative_position_rebalancing_service.rb b/app/services/issues/relative_position_rebalancing_service.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7d199f99a24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/services/issues/relative_position_rebalancing_service.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module Issues
+ class RelativePositionRebalancingService
+ TooManyConcurrentRebalances =
+ def initialize(projects)
+ @projects_collection = (projects.is_a?(Array) ? Project.id_in(projects) : projects).projects_order_id_asc
+ @root_namespace = @projects_collection.take.root_namespace # rubocop:disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord
+ @caching =, @projects_collection)
+ end
+ def execute
+ return unless Feature.enabled?(:rebalance_issues, root_namespace)
+ # Given can_start_rebalance? and track_new_running_rebalance are not atomic
+ # it can happen that we end up with more than Rebalancing::State::MAX_NUMBER_OF_CONCURRENT_REBALANCES running.
+ # Considering the number of allowed Rebalancing::State::MAX_NUMBER_OF_CONCURRENT_REBALANCES is small we should be ok,
+ # but should be something to consider if we'd want to scale this up.
+ error_message = "#{caching.concurrent_running_rebalances_count} concurrent re-balances currently running"
+ raise TooManyConcurrentRebalances, error_message unless caching.can_start_rebalance?
+ block_issue_repositioning! unless root_namespace.issue_repositioning_disabled?
+ caching.track_new_running_rebalance
+ index = caching.get_current_index
+ loop do
+ issue_ids = get_issue_ids(index, PREFETCH_ISSUES_BATCH_SIZE)
+ pairs_with_index = assign_indexes(issue_ids, index)
+ pairs_with_index.each_slice(UPDATE_BATCH_SIZE) do |pairs_batch|
+ update_positions_with_retry(pairs_batch, 're-balance issue positions in batches ordered by position')
+ end
+ index = caching.get_current_index
+ break if index >= caching.issue_count - 1
+ end
+ caching.cleanup_cache
+ unblock_issue_repositioning!
+ end
+ private
+ attr_reader :root_namespace, :projects_collection, :caching
+ def block_issue_repositioning!
+ Feature.enable(:block_issue_repositioning, root_namespace)
+ end
+ def unblock_issue_repositioning!
+ Feature.disable(:block_issue_repositioning, root_namespace)
+ end
+ def get_issue_ids(index, limit)
+ issue_ids = caching.get_cached_issue_ids(index, limit)
+ # if we have a list of cached issues and no current project id cached,
+ # then we successfully cached issues for all projects
+ return issue_ids if issue_ids.any? && caching.get_current_project_id.blank?
+ # if we got no issue ids at the start of re-balancing then we did not cache any issue ids yet
+ preload_issue_ids
+ caching.get_cached_issue_ids(index, limit)
+ end
+ # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord
+ def preload_issue_ids
+ index = 0
+ cached_project_id = caching.get_current_project_id
+ collection = projects_collection
+ collection = projects_collection.where(Project.arel_table[:id].gteq(cached_project_id.to_i)) if cached_project_id.present?
+ collection.each do |project|
+ caching.cache_current_project_id(
+ index += 1
+ scope = Issue.in_projects(project).reorder(custom_reorder).select(:id, :relative_position)
+ with_retry(PREFETCH_ISSUES_BATCH_SIZE, 100) do |batch_size|
+ scope).each_batch(of: batch_size) do |batch|
+ caching.cache_issue_ids(batch)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ caching.remove_current_project_id_cache
+ end
+ # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord
+ def assign_indexes(ids, start_index)
+ do |id, idx|
+ [id, start_index + idx]
+ end
+ end
+ # The method runs in a loop where we try for RETRIES_LIMIT=3 times, to run the update statement on
+ # a number of records(batch size). Method gets an array of (id, value) pairs as argument that is used
+ # to build the update query matching by id and updating relative_position = value. If we get a statement
+ # timeout, we split the batch size in half and try(for 3 times again) to batch update on a smaller number of records.
+ # On success, because we know the batch size and we always pick from the beginning of the array param,
+ # we can remove first batch_size number of items from array and continue with the successful batch_size for next batches.
+ # On failures we continue to split batch size to a SMALLEST_BATCH_SIZE limit, which is now set at 5.
+ #
+ # e.g.
+ # 0. items | previous batch size|new batch size | comment
+ # 1. 100 | 100 | 100 | 3 failures -> split the batch size in half
+ # 2. 100 | 100 | 50 | 3 failures -> split the batch size in half again
+ # 3. 100 | 50 | 25 | 3 succeed -> so we drop 25 items 3 times, 4th fails -> split the batch size in half again
+ # 5. 25 | 25 | 12 | 3 failures -> split the batch size in half
+ # 6. 25 | 12 | 6 | 3 failures -> we exit because smallest batch size is 5 and we'll be at 3 if we split again
+ def update_positions_with_retry(pairs_with_index, query_name)
+ retry_batch_size = pairs_with_index.size
+ until pairs_with_index.empty?
+ with_retry(retry_batch_size, SMALLEST_BATCH_SIZE) do |batch_size|
+ retry_batch_size = batch_size
+ update_positions(pairs_with_index.first(batch_size), query_name)
+ # pairs_with_index[batch_size - 1] - can be nil for last batch
+ # if last batch is smaller than batch_size, so we just get the last pair.
+ last_pair_in_batch = pairs_with_index[batch_size - 1] || pairs_with_index.last
+ caching.cache_current_index(last_pair_in_batch.last + 1)
+ pairs_with_index = pairs_with_index.drop(batch_size)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def update_positions(pairs_with_position, query_name)
+ values = do |id, index|
+ "(#{id}, #{start_position + (index * gap_size)})"
+ end.join(', ')
+ run_update_query(values, query_name)
+ end
+ def run_update_query(values, query_name)
+ Issue.connection.exec_query(<<~SQL, query_name)
+ WITH cte(cte_id, new_pos) AS #{Gitlab::Database::AsWithMaterialized.materialized_if_supported} (
+ FROM (VALUES #{values}) as t (id, pos)
+ )
+ UPDATE #{Issue.table_name}
+ SET relative_position = cte.new_pos
+ FROM cte
+ WHERE cte_id = id
+ end
+ def gaps
+ caching.issue_count - 1
+ end
+ def gap_size
+ RelativePositioning::MAX_GAP
+ end
+ def start_position
+ @start_position ||= (RelativePositioning::START_POSITION - (gaps / 2) * gap_size).to_i
+ end
+ def custom_reorder
+[Issue.column_order_relative_position, Issue.column_order_id_asc])
+ end
+ def with_retry(initial_batch_size, exit_batch_size)
+ retries = 0
+ batch_size = initial_batch_size
+ begin
+ yield batch_size
+ retries = 0
+ rescue ActiveRecord::StatementTimeout, ActiveRecord::QueryCanceled => ex
+ raise ex if batch_size < exit_batch_size
+ if (retries += 1) == RETRIES_LIMIT
+ # shrink the batch size in half when RETRIES limit is reached and update still fails perhaps because batch size is still too big
+ batch_size = (batch_size / 2).to_i
+ retries = 0
+ end
+ retry
+ end
+ end
+ end