path: root/app/views/projects/boards/components/_board.html.haml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/views/projects/boards/components/_board.html.haml')
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/app/views/projects/boards/components/_board.html.haml b/app/views/projects/boards/components/_board.html.haml
index f7071051efc..a2e5118a9f3 100644
--- a/app/views/projects/boards/components/_board.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/projects/boards/components/_board.html.haml
@@ -1,80 +1,34 @@
-%board{ "inline-template" => true,
- "v-cloak" => true,
- "v-for" => "list in state.lists | orderBy 'position'",
- "v-ref:board" => true,
- ":list" => "list",
- ":disabled" => "disabled",
- ":issue-link-base" => "issueLinkBase",
- "track-by" => "_uid" }
- .board{ ":class" => "{ 'is-draggable': !list.preset }",
- ":data-id" => "" }
- .board-inner
- %header.board-header{ ":class" => "{ 'has-border': list.label }", ":style" => "{ borderTopColor: (list.label ? list.label.color : null) }" }
- %h3.board-title.js-board-handle{ ":class" => "{ 'user-can-drag': (!disabled && !list.preset) }" }
- %span.has-tooltip{ ":title" => "(list.label ? list.label.description : '')",
- data: { container: "body", placement: "bottom" } }
- {{ list.title }}
- .board-issue-count-holder.pull-right.clearfix{ "v-if" => "list.type !== 'blank'" }
- %span.board-issue-count.pull-left{ ":class" => "{ 'has-btn': list.type !== 'done' }" }
- {{ list.issuesSize }}
- - if can?(current_user, :admin_issue, @project)
- %button.btn.btn-small.btn-default.pull-right.has-tooltip{ type: "button",
- "@click" => "showNewIssueForm",
- "v-if" => "list.type !== 'done'",
- "aria-label" => "Add an issue",
- "title" => "Add an issue",
- data: { placement: "top", container: "body" } }
- = icon("plus")
- - if can?(current_user, :admin_list, @project)
- %board-delete{ "inline-template" => true,
- ":list" => "list",
- "v-if" => "!list.preset &&" }
- %button.board-delete.has-tooltip.pull-right{ type: "button", title: "Delete list", "aria-label" => "Delete list", data: { placement: "bottom" }, "@click.stop" => "deleteBoard" }
- = icon("trash")
- %board-list{ "inline-template" => true,
- "v-if" => "list.type !== 'blank'",
- ":list" => "list",
- ":issues" => "list.issues",
- ":loading" => "list.loading",
- ":disabled" => "disabled",
- ":show-issue-form.sync" => "showIssueForm",
- ":issue-link-base" => "issueLinkBase" }
- .board-list-loading.text-center{ "v-if" => "loading" }
- = icon("spinner spin")
- - if can? current_user, :create_issue, @project
- %board-new-issue{ "inline-template" => true,
+.board{ ":class" => '{ "is-draggable": !list.preset }',
+ ":data-id" => "" }
+ .board-inner
+ %header.board-header{ ":class" => '{ "has-border": list.label }', ":style" => "{ borderTopColor: (list.label ? list.label.color : null) }" }
+ %h3.board-title.js-board-handle{ ":class" => '{ "user-can-drag": (!disabled && !list.preset) }' }
+ %span.has-tooltip{ ":title" => '(list.label ? list.label.description : "")',
+ data: { container: "body", placement: "bottom" } }
+ {{ list.title }}
+ .board-issue-count-holder.pull-right.clearfix{ "v-if" => 'list.type !== "blank"' }
+ %span.board-issue-count.pull-left{ ":class" => '{ "has-btn": list.type !== "done" && !disabled }' }
+ {{ list.issuesSize }}
+ - if can?(current_user, :admin_issue, @project)
+ %button.btn.btn-small.btn-default.pull-right.has-tooltip{ type: "button",
+ "@click" => "showNewIssueForm",
+ "v-if" => 'list.type !== "done"',
+ "aria-label" => "Add an issue",
+ "title" => "Add an issue",
+ data: { placement: "top", container: "body" } }
+ = icon("plus")
+ - if can?(current_user, :admin_list, @project)
+ %board-delete{ "inline-template" => true,
":list" => "list",
- ":show-issue-form.sync" => "showIssueForm",
- "v-show" => "list.type !== 'done' && showIssueForm" }
- .card.board-new-issue-form
- %form{ "@submit" => "submit($event)" }
- .flash-container{ "v-if" => "error" }
- .flash-alert
- An error occured. Please try again.
- %label.label-light{ ":for" => " + '-title'" }
- Title
- %input.form-control{ type: "text",
- "v-model" => "title",
- "v-el:input" => true,
- ":id" => " + '-title'" }
- .clearfix.prepend-top-10
- %button.btn.btn-success.pull-left{ type: "submit",
- ":disabled" => "title === ''",
- "v-el:submit-button" => true }
- Submit issue
- %button.btn.btn-default.pull-right{ type: "button",
- "@click" => "cancel" }
- Cancel
- %ul.board-list{ "v-el:list" => true,
- "v-show" => "!loading",
- ":data-board" => "",
- ":class" => "{ 'is-smaller': showIssueForm }" }
- = render "projects/boards/components/card"
- %li.board-list-count.text-center{ "v-if" => "showCount" }
- = icon("spinner spin", "v-show" => "list.loadingMore" )
- %span{ "v-if" => "list.issues.length === list.issuesSize" }
- Showing all issues
- %span{ "v-else" => true }
- Showing {{ list.issues.length }} of {{ list.issuesSize }} issues
- - if can?(current_user, :admin_list, @project)
- = render "projects/boards/components/blank_state"
+ "v-if" => "!list.preset &&" }
+ %button.board-delete.has-tooltip.pull-right{ type: "button", title: "Delete list", "aria-label" => "Delete list", data: { placement: "bottom" }, "@click.stop" => "deleteBoard" }
+ = icon("trash")
+ %board-list{ "v-if" => 'list.type !== "blank"',
+ ":list" => "list",
+ ":issues" => "list.issues",
+ ":loading" => "list.loading",
+ ":disabled" => "disabled",
+ ":issue-link-base" => "issueLinkBase",
+ "ref" => "board-list" }
+ - if can?(current_user, :admin_list, @project)
+ = render "projects/boards/components/blank_state"