path: root/doc/administration/auth/ldap/
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+type: reference
+stage: Manage
+group: Access
+info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
+# General LDAP Setup
+GitLab integrates with LDAP to support user authentication.
+This integration works with most LDAP-compliant directory servers, including:
+- Microsoft Active Directory
+- Apple Open Directory
+- Open LDAP
+- 389 Server
+GitLab Enterprise Editions (EE) include enhanced integration,
+including group membership syncing as well as multiple LDAP servers support.
+NOTE: **Note:**
+[Microsoft Active Directory Trusts]( are not supported.
+## Overview
+stands for **Lightweight Directory Access Protocol**, which is a standard
+application protocol for accessing and maintaining distributed directory
+information services over an Internet Protocol (IP) network.
+## Security **(CORE ONLY)**
+GitLab assumes that LDAP users:
+- Are not able to change their LDAP `mail`, `email`, or `userPrincipalName` attributes.
+ An LDAP user who is allowed to change their email on the LDAP server can potentially
+ [take over any account](#enabling-ldap-sign-in-for-existing-gitlab-users-core-only)
+ on your GitLab server.
+- Have unique email addresses, otherwise it is possible for LDAP users with the same
+ email address to share the same GitLab account.
+We recommend against using LDAP integration if your LDAP users are
+allowed to change their 'mail', 'email' or 'userPrincipalName' attribute on
+the LDAP server or share email addresses.
+### User deletion **(CORE ONLY)**
+If a user is deleted from the LDAP server, they will be blocked in GitLab as
+well. Users will be immediately blocked from logging in. However, there is an
+LDAP check cache time of one hour (see note) which means users that
+are already logged in or are using Git over SSH will still be able to access
+GitLab for up to one hour. Manually block the user in the GitLab Admin Area to
+immediately block all access.
+NOTE: **Note**:
+GitLab Enterprise Edition Starter supports a
+[configurable sync time](#adjusting-ldap-user-sync-schedule-starter-only).
+## Git password authentication **(CORE ONLY)**
+LDAP-enabled users can always authenticate with Git using their GitLab username
+or email and LDAP password, even if password authentication for Git is disabled
+in the application settings.
+## Enabling LDAP sign-in for existing GitLab users **(CORE ONLY)**
+When a user signs in to GitLab with LDAP for the first time, and their LDAP
+email address is the primary email address of an existing GitLab user, then
+the LDAP DN will be associated with the existing user. If the LDAP email
+attribute is not found in GitLab's database, a new user is created.
+In other words, if an existing GitLab user wants to enable LDAP sign-in for
+themselves, they should check that their GitLab email address matches their
+LDAP email address, and then sign into GitLab via their LDAP credentials.
+## Google Secure LDAP **(CORE ONLY)**
+> Introduced in GitLab 11.9.
+[Google Cloud Identity]( provides a Secure
+LDAP service that can be configured with GitLab for authentication and group sync.
+See [Google Secure LDAP]( for detailed configuration instructions.
+## Configuration **(CORE ONLY)**
+To enable LDAP integration you need to add your LDAP server settings in
+`/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` or `/home/git/gitlab/config/gitlab.yml` for Omnibus
+GitLab and installations from source respectively.
+There is a Rake task to check LDAP configuration. After configuring LDAP
+using the documentation below, see [LDAP check Rake task](../../raketasks/
+for information on the LDAP check Rake task.
+NOTE: **Note:**
+The `encryption` value `simple_tls` corresponds to 'Simple TLS' in the LDAP
+library. `start_tls` corresponds to StartTLS, not to be confused with regular TLS.
+Normally, if you specify `simple_tls` it will be on port 636, while `start_tls` (StartTLS)
+would be on port 389. `plain` also operates on port 389. Removed values: `tls` was replaced with `start_tls` and `ssl` was replaced with `simple_tls`.
+NOTE: **Note:**
+LDAP users must have an email address set, regardless of whether it is used to log in.
+### Example Configurations **(CORE ONLY)**
+**Omnibus Configuration**
+gitlab_rails['ldap_enabled'] = true
+gitlab_rails['prevent_ldap_sign_in'] = false
+gitlab_rails['ldap_servers'] = {
+'main' => {
+ 'label' => 'LDAP',
+ 'host' => '',
+ 'port' => 389,
+ 'uid' => 'sAMAccountName',
+ 'encryption' => 'simple_tls',
+ 'verify_certificates' => true,
+ 'bind_dn' => '_the_full_dn_of_the_user_you_will_bind_with',
+ 'password' => '_the_password_of_the_bind_user',
+ 'encryption' => 'plain',
+ 'verify_certificates' => true,
+ 'tls_options' => {
+ 'ca_file' => '',
+ 'ssl_version' => '',
+ 'ciphers' => '',
+ 'cert' => '',
+ 'key' => ''
+ },
+ 'timeout' => 10,
+ 'active_directory' => true,
+ 'allow_username_or_email_login' => false,
+ 'block_auto_created_users' => false,
+ 'base' => 'dc=example,dc=com',
+ 'user_filter' => '',
+ 'attributes' => {
+ 'username' => ['uid', 'userid', 'sAMAccountName'],
+ 'email' => ['mail', 'email', 'userPrincipalName'],
+ 'name' => 'cn',
+ 'first_name' => 'givenName',
+ 'last_name' => 'sn'
+ },
+ 'lowercase_usernames' => false,
+ # EE Only
+ 'group_base' => '',
+ 'admin_group' => '',
+ 'external_groups' => [],
+ 'sync_ssh_keys' => false
+ }
+**Source Configuration**
+ # snip...
+ ldap:
+ enabled: false
+ prevent_ldap_sign_in: false
+ servers:
+ main:
+ label: 'LDAP'
+ ...
+### Basic Configuration Settings **(CORE ONLY)**
+| Setting | Description | Required | Examples |
+| ------- | ----------- | -------- | -------- |
+| `label` | A human-friendly name for your LDAP server. It will be displayed on your login page. | yes | `'Paris'` or `'Acme, Ltd.'` |
+| `host` | IP address or domain name of your LDAP server. | yes | `''` |
+| `port` | The port to connect with on your LDAP server. Always an integer, not a string. | yes | `389` or `636` (for SSL) |
+| `uid` | LDAP attribute for username. Should be the attribute, not the value that maps to the `uid`. | yes | `'sAMAccountName'`, `'uid'`, `'userPrincipalName'` |
+| `bind_dn` | The full DN of the user you will bind with. | no | `'america\momo'` or `'CN=Gitlab,OU=Users,DC=domain,DC=com'` |
+| `password` | The password of the bind user. | no | `'your_great_password'` |
+| `encryption` | Encryption method. The `method` key is deprecated in favor of `encryption`. | yes | `'start_tls'` or `'simple_tls'` or `'plain'` |
+| `verify_certificates` | Enables SSL certificate verification if encryption method is `start_tls` or `simple_tls`. Defaults to true. | no | boolean |
+| `timeout` | Set a timeout, in seconds, for LDAP queries. This helps avoid blocking a request if the LDAP server becomes unresponsive. A value of 0 means there is no timeout. | no | `10` or `30` |
+| `active_directory` | This setting specifies if LDAP server is Active Directory LDAP server. For non-AD servers it skips the AD specific queries. If your LDAP server is not AD, set this to false. | no | boolean |
+| `allow_username_or_email_login` | If enabled, GitLab will ignore everything after the first `@` in the LDAP username submitted by the user on login. If you are using `uid: 'userPrincipalName'` on ActiveDirectory you need to disable this setting, because the userPrincipalName contains an `@`. | no | boolean |
+| `block_auto_created_users` | To maintain tight control over the number of active users on your GitLab installation, enable this setting to keep new users blocked until they have been cleared by the admin (default: false). | no | boolean |
+| `base` | Base where we can search for users. | yes | `'ou=people,dc=gitlab,dc=example'` or `'DC=mydomain,DC=com'` |
+| `user_filter` | Filter LDAP users. Format: [RFC 4515]( Note: GitLab does not support `omniauth-ldap`'s custom filter syntax. | no | `'(employeeType=developer)'` or `'(&(objectclass=user)(|(samaccountname=momo)(samaccountname=toto)))'` |
+| `lowercase_usernames` | If lowercase_usernames is enabled, GitLab will lower case the username. | no | boolean |
+### SSL Configuration Settings **(CORE ONLY)**
+| Setting | Description | Required | Examples |
+| ------- | ----------- | -------- | -------- |
+| `ca_file` | Specifies the path to a file containing a PEM-format CA certificate, e.g. if you need to use an internal CA. | no | `'/etc/ca.pem'` |
+| `ssl_version` | Specifies the SSL version for OpenSSL to use, if the OpenSSL default is not appropriate. | no | `'TLSv1_1'` |
+| `ciphers` | Specific SSL ciphers to use in communication with LDAP servers. | no | `'ALL:!EXPORT:!LOW:!aNULL:!eNULL:!SSLv2'` |
+| `cert` | Client certificate | no | `'-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- <REDACTED> -----END CERTIFICATE -----'` |
+| `key` | Client private key | no | `'-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- <REDACTED> -----END PRIVATE KEY -----'` |
+### Attribute Configuration Settings **(CORE ONLY)**
+LDAP attributes that GitLab will use to create an account for the LDAP user. The specified attribute can either be the attribute name as a string (e.g. `'mail'`), or an array of attribute names to try in order (e.g. `['mail', 'email']`). Note that the user's LDAP login will always be the attribute specified as `uid` above.
+| Setting | Description | Required | Examples |
+| ------- | ----------- | -------- | -------- |
+| `username` | The username will be used in paths for the user's own projects (like ``) and when mentioning them in issues, merge request and comments (like `@username`). If the attribute specified for `username` contains an email address, the GitLab username will be the part of the email address before the `@`. | no | `['uid', 'userid', 'sAMAccountName']` |
+| `email` | LDAP attribute for user email. | no | `['mail', 'email', 'userPrincipalName']` |
+| `name` | LDAP attribute for user display name. If no full name could be found at the attribute specified for `name`, the full name is determined using the attributes specified for `first_name` and `last_name`. | no | `'cn'` or `'displayName'` |
+| `first_name` | LDAP attribute for user first name. | no | `'givenName'` |
+| `last_name` | LDAP attribute for user last name. | no | `'sn'` |
+### LDAP Sync Configuration Settings **(STARTER ONLY)**
+| Setting | Description | Required | Examples |
+| ------- | ----------- | -------- | -------- |
+| `group_base` | Base used to search for groups. | no | `'ou=groups,dc=gitlab,dc=example'` |
+| `admin_group` | The CN of a group containing GitLab administrators. Note: Not `cn=administrators` or the full DN. | no | `'administrators'` |
+| `external_groups` | An array of CNs of groups containing users that should be considered external. Note: Not `cn=interns` or the full DN. | no | `['interns', 'contractors']` |
+| `sync_ssh_keys` | The LDAP attribute containing a user's public SSH key. | no | `'sshPublicKey'` or false if not set |
+### Set up LDAP user filter **(CORE ONLY)**
+If you want to limit all GitLab access to a subset of the LDAP users on your
+LDAP server, the first step should be to narrow the configured `base`. However,
+it is sometimes necessary to filter users further. In this case, you can set up
+an LDAP user filter. The filter must comply with
+[RFC 4515](
+**Omnibus configuration**
+gitlab_rails['ldap_servers'] = {
+'main' => {
+ # snip...
+ 'user_filter' => '(employeeType=developer)'
+ }
+**Source configuration**
+ ldap:
+ servers:
+ main:
+ # snip...
+ user_filter: '(employeeType=developer)'
+If you want to limit access to the nested members of an Active Directory
+group, you can use the following syntax:
+(memberOf:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=My Group,DC=Example,DC=com)
+For more information about this "LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_IN_CHAIN" filter, see the following
+[Microsoft Search Filter Syntax]( document.
+Support for nested members in the user filter should not be confused with
+[group sync nested groups support](#supported-ldap-group-typesattributes). **(STARTER ONLY)**
+Please note that GitLab does not support the custom filter syntax used by
+OmniAuth LDAP.
+#### Escaping special characters **(CORE ONLY)**
+The `user_filter` DN can contain special characters. For example:
+- A comma:
+ ```plaintext
+ OU=GitLab, Inc,DC=gitlab,DC=com
+ ```
+- Open and close brackets:
+ ```plaintext
+ OU=Gitlab (Inc),DC=gitlab,DC=com
+ ```
+ These characters must be escaped as documented in
+ [RFC 4515](
+- Escape commas with `\2C`. For example:
+ ```plaintext
+ OU=GitLab\2C Inc,DC=gitlab,DC=com
+ ```
+- Escape open and close brackets with `\28` and `\29`, respectively. For example:
+ ```plaintext
+ OU=Gitlab \28Inc\29,DC=gitlab,DC=com
+ ```
+### Enabling LDAP username lowercase **(CORE ONLY)**
+Some LDAP servers, depending on their configurations, can return uppercase usernames.
+This can lead to several confusing issues such as creating links or namespaces with uppercase names.
+GitLab can automatically lowercase usernames provided by the LDAP server by enabling
+the configuration option `lowercase_usernames`. By default, this configuration option is `false`.
+**Omnibus configuration**
+1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`:
+ ```ruby
+ gitlab_rails['ldap_servers'] = {
+ 'main' => {
+ # snip...
+ 'lowercase_usernames' => true
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+1. [Reconfigure GitLab](../../ for the changes to take effect.
+**Source configuration**
+1. Edit `config/gitlab.yaml`:
+ ```yaml
+ production:
+ ldap:
+ servers:
+ main:
+ # snip...
+ lowercase_usernames: true
+ ```
+1. [Restart GitLab](../../ for the changes to take effect.
+### Disable LDAP web sign in **(CORE ONLY)**
+It can be useful to prevent using LDAP credentials through the web UI when
+an alternative such as SAML is preferred. This allows LDAP to be used for group
+sync, while also allowing your SAML identity provider to handle additional
+checks like custom 2FA.
+When LDAP web sign in is disabled, users will not see a **LDAP** tab on the sign in page.
+This does not disable [using LDAP credentials for Git access](#git-password-authentication-core-only).
+**Omnibus configuration**
+1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`:
+ ```ruby
+ gitlab_rails['prevent_ldap_sign_in'] = true
+ ```
+1. [Reconfigure GitLab](../../ for the changes to take effect.
+**Source configuration**
+1. Edit `config/gitlab.yaml`:
+ ```yaml
+ production:
+ ldap:
+ prevent_ldap_sign_in: true
+ ```
+1. [Restart GitLab](../../ for the changes to take effect.
+## Encryption **(CORE ONLY)**
+### TLS Server Authentication
+There are two encryption methods, `simple_tls` and `start_tls`.
+For either encryption method, if setting `verify_certificates: false`, TLS
+encryption is established with the LDAP server before any LDAP-protocol data is
+exchanged but no validation of the LDAP server's SSL certificate is performed.
+### Limitations
+#### TLS Client Authentication
+Not implemented by `Net::LDAP`.
+You should disable anonymous LDAP authentication and enable simple or SASL
+authentication. The TLS client authentication setting in your LDAP server cannot
+be mandatory and clients cannot be authenticated with the TLS protocol.
+## Multiple LDAP servers **(STARTER ONLY)**
+With GitLab Enterprise Edition Starter, you can configure multiple LDAP servers
+that your GitLab instance will connect to.
+To add another LDAP server:
+1. Duplicate the settings under [the main configuration](#configuration-core-only).
+1. Edit them to match the additional LDAP server.
+Be sure to choose a different provider ID made of letters a-z and numbers 0-9.
+This ID will be stored in the database so that GitLab can remember which LDAP
+server a user belongs to.
+![Multiple LDAP Servers Login](img/multi_login.gif)
+Based on the example illustrated on the image above,
+our `gitlab.rb` configuration would look like:
+gitlab_rails['ldap_enabled'] = true
+gitlab_rails['ldap_servers'] = {
+'main' => {
+ 'label' => 'GitLab AD',
+ 'host' => '',
+ 'port' => 636,
+ ...
+ },
+'secondary' => {
+ 'label' => 'GitLab Secondary AD',
+ 'host' => '',
+ 'port' => 636,
+ ...
+ },
+'tertiary' => {
+ 'label' => 'GitLab Tertiary AD',
+ 'host' => '',
+ 'port' => 636,
+ ...
+ }
+NOTE: **Note:**
+Any number of LDAP servers can be configured. However, make sure to use a unique naming convention for the `label` section of each entry as this will be the display name of the tab shown on the sign-in page.
+## User sync **(STARTER ONLY)**
+Once per day, GitLab runs a worker to check and update GitLab
+users against LDAP.
+The process executes the following access checks:
+- Ensure the user is still present in LDAP.
+- If the LDAP server is Active Directory, ensure the user is active (not
+ blocked/disabled state). This will only be checked if
+ `active_directory: true` is set in the LDAP configuration.
+NOTE: **Note:**
+In Active Directory, a user is marked as disabled/blocked if the user
+account control attribute (`userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803`)
+has bit 2 set. See <>
+for more information.
+The user will be set to `ldap_blocked` state in GitLab if the above conditions
+fail. This means the user will not be able to login or push/pull code.
+The process will also update the following user information:
+- Email address.
+- If `sync_ssh_keys` is set, SSH public keys.
+- If Kerberos is enabled, Kerberos identity.
+NOTE: **Note:**
+The LDAP sync process updates existing users while new users are created on first sign in.
+### Adjusting LDAP user sync schedule **(STARTER ONLY)**
+NOTE: **Note:**
+These are cron formatted values. You can use a crontab generator to create
+these values, for example <>.
+By default, GitLab will run a worker once per day at 01:30 a.m. server time to
+check and update GitLab users against LDAP.
+You can manually configure LDAP user sync times by setting the
+following configuration values. The example below shows how to set LDAP user
+sync to run once every 12 hours at the top of the hour.
+**Omnibus installations**
+1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`:
+ ```ruby
+ gitlab_rails['ldap_sync_worker_cron'] = "0 */12 * * *"
+ ```
+1. [Reconfigure GitLab](../../ for the changes to take effect.
+**Source installations**
+1. Edit `config/gitlab.yaml`:
+ ```yaml
+ cron_jobs:
+ ldap_sync_worker_cron:
+ "0 */12 * * *"
+ ```
+1. [Restart GitLab](../../ for the changes to take effect.
+## Group Sync **(STARTER ONLY)**
+If your LDAP supports the `memberof` property, when the user signs in for the
+first time GitLab will trigger a sync for groups the user should be a member of.
+That way they don't need to wait for the hourly sync to be granted
+access to their groups and projects.
+A group sync process will run every hour on the hour, and `group_base` must be set
+in LDAP configuration for LDAP synchronizations based on group CN to work. This allows
+GitLab group membership to be automatically updated based on LDAP group members.
+The `group_base` configuration should be a base LDAP 'container', such as an
+'organization' or 'organizational unit', that contains LDAP groups that should
+be available to GitLab. For example, `group_base` could be
+`ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com`. In the config file it will look like the
+**Omnibus configuration**
+1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`:
+ ```ruby
+ gitlab_rails['ldap_servers'] = {
+ 'main' => {
+ # snip...
+ 'group_base' => 'ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com',
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+1. [Apply your changes to GitLab](../../
+**Source configuration**
+1. Edit `/home/git/gitlab/config/gitlab.yml`:
+ ```yaml
+ production:
+ ldap:
+ servers:
+ main:
+ # snip...
+ group_base: ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com
+ ```
+1. [Restart GitLab](../../ for the changes to take effect.
+To take advantage of group sync, group owners or maintainers will need to [create one
+or more LDAP group links](#adding-group-links-starter-only).
+### Adding group links **(STARTER ONLY)**
+For information on adding group links via CNs and filters, refer to [the GitLab groups documentation](../../../user/group/
+### Administrator sync **(STARTER ONLY)**
+As an extension of group sync, you can automatically manage your global GitLab
+administrators. Specify a group CN for `admin_group` and all members of the
+LDAP group will be given administrator privileges. The configuration will look
+like the following.
+NOTE: **Note:**
+Administrators will not be synced unless `group_base` is also
+specified alongside `admin_group`. Also, only specify the CN of the admin
+group, as opposed to the full DN.
+**Omnibus configuration**
+1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`:
+ ```ruby
+ gitlab_rails['ldap_servers'] = {
+ 'main' => {
+ # snip...
+ 'group_base' => 'ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com',
+ 'admin_group' => 'my_admin_group',
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+1. [Apply your changes to GitLab](../../
+**Source configuration**
+1. Edit `/home/git/gitlab/config/gitlab.yml`:
+ ```yaml
+ production:
+ ldap:
+ servers:
+ main:
+ # snip...
+ group_base: ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com
+ admin_group: my_admin_group
+ ```
+1. [Restart GitLab](../../ for the changes to take effect.
+### Global group memberships lock **(STARTER ONLY)**
+"Lock memberships to LDAP synchronization" setting allows instance administrators
+to lock down user abilities to invite new members to a group.
+When enabled, the following applies:
+- Only administrator can manage memberships of any group including access levels.
+- Users are not allowed to share project with other groups or invite members to
+ a project created in a group.
+### Adjusting LDAP group sync schedule **(STARTER ONLY)**
+NOTE: **Note:**
+These are cron formatted values. You can use a crontab generator to create
+these values, for example [Crontab Generator](
+By default, GitLab runs a group sync process every hour, on the hour.
+CAUTION: **Important:**
+It's recommended that you do not start the sync process too frequently as this
+could lead to multiple syncs running concurrently. This is primarily a concern
+for installations with a large number of LDAP users. Please review the
+[LDAP group sync benchmark metrics](#benchmarks) to see how
+your installation compares before proceeding.
+You can manually configure LDAP group sync times by setting the
+following configuration values. The example below shows how to set group
+sync to run once every 2 hours at the top of the hour.
+**Omnibus installations**
+1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`:
+ ```ruby
+ gitlab_rails['ldap_group_sync_worker_cron'] = "0 */2 * * * *"
+ ```
+1. [Reconfigure GitLab](../../ for the changes to take effect.
+**Source installations**
+1. Edit `config/gitlab.yaml`:
+ ```yaml
+ cron_jobs:
+ ldap_group_sync_worker_cron:
+ "*/30 * * * *"
+ ```
+1. [Restart GitLab](../../ for the changes to take effect.
+### External groups **(STARTER ONLY)**
+Using the `external_groups` setting will allow you to mark all users belonging
+to these groups as [external users](../../../user/
+Group membership is checked periodically through the `LdapGroupSync` background
+**Omnibus configuration**
+1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`:
+ ```ruby
+ gitlab_rails['ldap_servers'] = {
+ 'main' => {
+ # snip...
+ 'external_groups' => ['interns', 'contractors'],
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+1. [Apply your changes to GitLab](../../
+**Source configuration**
+1. Edit `config/gitlab.yaml`:
+ ```yaml
+ production:
+ ldap:
+ servers:
+ main:
+ # snip...
+ external_groups: ['interns', 'contractors']
+ ```
+1. [Restart GitLab](../../ for the changes to take effect.
+### Group sync technical details
+There is a lot going on with group sync 'under the hood'. This section
+outlines what LDAP queries are executed and what behavior you can expect
+from group sync.
+Group member access will be downgraded from a higher level if their LDAP group
+membership changes. For example, if a user has 'Owner' rights in a group and the
+next group sync reveals they should only have 'Developer' privileges, their
+access will be adjusted accordingly. The only exception is if the user is the
+*last* owner in a group. Groups need at least one owner to fulfill
+administrative duties.
+#### Supported LDAP group types/attributes
+GitLab supports LDAP groups that use member attributes:
+- `member`
+- `submember`
+- `uniquemember`
+- `memberof`
+- `memberuid`.
+This means group sync supports, at least, LDAP groups with the following object classes:
+`groupOfNames`, `posixGroup`, and `groupOfUniqueNames`.
+Other object classes should work fine as long as members
+are defined as one of the mentioned attributes. This also means GitLab supports
+Microsoft Active Directory, Apple Open Directory, Open LDAP, and 389 Server.
+Other LDAP servers should work, too.
+Active Directory also supports nested groups. Group sync will recursively
+resolve membership if `active_directory: true` is set in the configuration file.
+NOTE: **Note:**
+Nested group memberships are resolved only if the nested group
+is found within the configured `group_base`. For example, if GitLab sees a
+nested group with DN `cn=nested_group,ou=special_groups,dc=example,dc=com` but
+the configured `group_base` is `ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com`, `cn=nested_group`
+is ignored.
+#### Queries
+- Each LDAP group is queried a maximum of one time with base `group_base` and
+ filter `(cn=<cn_from_group_link>)`.
+- If the LDAP group has the `memberuid` attribute, GitLab will execute another
+ LDAP query per member to obtain each user's full DN. These queries are
+ executed with base `base`, scope 'base object', and a filter depending on
+ whether `user_filter` is set. Filter may be `(uid=<uid_from_group>)` or a
+ joining of `user_filter`.
+#### Benchmarks
+Group sync was written to be as performant as possible. Data is cached, database
+queries are optimized, and LDAP queries are minimized. The last benchmark run
+revealed the following metrics:
+For 20000 LDAP users, 11000 LDAP groups and 1000 GitLab groups with 10
+LDAP group links each:
+- Initial sync (no existing members assigned in GitLab) took 1.8 hours
+- Subsequent syncs (checking membership, no writes) took 15 minutes
+These metrics are meant to provide a baseline and performance may vary based on
+any number of factors. This was a pretty extreme benchmark and most instances will
+not have near this many users or groups. Disk speed, database performance,
+network and LDAP server response time will affect these metrics.
+## Troubleshooting
+Please see our [administrator guide to troubleshooting LDAP](