path: root/doc/administration/geo/replication/
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-# Geo database replication (source) **[PREMIUM ONLY]**
-NOTE: **Note:**
-This documentation applies to GitLab source installations. In GitLab 11.5, this documentation was deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
-Please consider [migrating to GitLab Omnibus install]( For installations
-using the Omnibus GitLab packages, follow the
-[**database replication for Omnibus GitLab**][database] guide.
-NOTE: **Note:**
-The stages of the setup process must be completed in the documented order.
-Before attempting the steps in this stage, [complete all prior stages](
-This document describes the minimal steps you have to take in order to
-replicate your **primary** GitLab database to a **secondary** node's database. You may
-have to change some values according to your database setup, how big it is, etc.
-You are encouraged to first read through all the steps before executing them
-in your testing/production environment.
-## PostgreSQL replication
-The GitLab **primary** node where the write operations happen will connect to
-**primary** database server, and the **secondary** ones which are read-only will
-connect to **secondary** database servers (which are read-only too).
-NOTE: **Note:**
-In many databases' documentation, you will see "**primary**" being referenced as "master"
-and "**secondary**" as either "slave" or "standby" server (read-only).
-We recommend using [PostgreSQL replication slots][replication-slots-article]
-to ensure the **primary** node retains all the data necessary for the secondaries to
-recover. See below for more details.
-The following guide assumes that:
-- You are using PostgreSQL 9.6 or later which includes the
- [`pg_basebackup` tool][pgback] and improved [Foreign Data Wrapper][FDW] support.
-- You have a **primary** node already set up (the GitLab server you are
- replicating from), running PostgreSQL 9.6 or later, and
- you have a new **secondary** server set up with the same versions of the OS,
- PostgreSQL, and GitLab on all nodes.
-- The IP of the **primary** server for our examples is ``, whereas the
- **secondary** node's IP is ``. Note that the **primary** and **secondary** servers
- **must** be able to communicate over these addresses. These IP addresses can either
- be public or private.
-CAUTION: **Warning:**
-Geo works with streaming replication. Logical replication is not supported at this time.
-There is an [issue where support is being discussed](
-### Step 1. Configure the **primary** server
-1. SSH into your GitLab **primary** server and login as root:
- ```sh
- sudo -i
- ```
-1. Add this node as the Geo **primary** by running:
- ```sh
- bundle exec rake geo:set_primary_node
- ```
-1. Create a [replication user] named `gitlab_replicator`:
- ```sql
- --- Create a new user 'replicator'
- CREATE USER gitlab_replicator;
- --- Set/change a password and grants replication privilege
- ALTER USER gitlab_replicator WITH REPLICATION ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '<replication_password>';
- ```
-1. Make sure your the `gitlab` database user has a password defined:
- ```sh
- sudo \
- -u postgres psql \
- -d template1 \
- -c "ALTER USER gitlab WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '<database_password>';"
- ```
-1. Edit the content of `database.yml` in `production:` and add the password like the example below:
- ```yaml
- #
- #
- production:
- adapter: postgresql
- encoding: unicode
- database: gitlabhq_production
- pool: 10
- username: gitlab
- password: <database_password>
- host: /var/opt/gitlab/geo-postgresql
- ```
-1. Set up TLS support for the PostgreSQL **primary** server:
- CAUTION: **Warning**:
- Only skip this step if you **know** that PostgreSQL traffic
- between the **primary** and **secondary** nodes will be secured through some other
- means, e.g., a known-safe physical network path or a site-to-site VPN that
- you have configured.
- If you are replicating your database across the open Internet, it is
- **essential** that the connection is TLS-secured. Correctly configured, this
- provides protection against both passive eavesdroppers and active
- "man-in-the-middle" attackers.
- To generate a self-signed certificate and key, run this command:
- ```sh
- openssl req \
- -nodes \
- -batch \
- -x509 \
- -newkey rsa:4096 \
- -keyout server.key \
- -out server.crt \
- -days 3650
- ```
- This will create two files - `server.key` and `server.crt` - that you can
- use for authentication.
- Copy them to the correct location for your PostgreSQL installation:
- ```sh
- # Copying a self-signed certificate and key
- install -o postgres -g postgres -m 0400 -T server.crt ~postgres/9.x/main/data/server.crt
- install -o postgres -g postgres -m 0400 -T server.key ~postgres/9.x/main/data/server.key
- ```
- Add this configuration to `postgresql.conf`, removing any existing
- configuration for `ssl_cert_file` or `ssl_key_file`:
- ```
- ssl = on
- ssl_cert_file='server.crt'
- ssl_key_file='server.key'
- ```
-1. Edit `postgresql.conf` to configure the **primary** server for streaming replication
- (for Debian/Ubuntu that would be `/etc/postgresql/9.x/main/postgresql.conf`):
- ```
- listen_address = '<primary_node_ip>'
- wal_level = hot_standby
- max_wal_senders = 5
- min_wal_size = 80MB
- max_wal_size = 1GB
- max_replicaton_slots = 1 # Number of Geo secondary nodes
- wal_keep_segments = 10
- hot_standby = on
- ```
- NOTE: **Note**:
- Be sure to set `max_replication_slots` to the number of Geo **secondary**
- nodes that you may potentially have (at least 1).
- For security reasons, PostgreSQL by default only listens on the local
- interface (e.g. However, Geo needs to communicate
- between the **primary** and **secondary** nodes over a common network, such as a
- corporate LAN or the public Internet. For this reason, we need to
- configure PostgreSQL to listen on more interfaces.
- The `listen_address` option opens PostgreSQL up to external connections
- with the interface corresponding to the given IP. See [the PostgreSQL
- documentation][pg-docs-runtime-conn] for more details.
- You may also want to edit the `wal_keep_segments` and `max_wal_senders` to
- match your database replication requirements. Consult the
- [PostgreSQL - Replication documentation][pg-docs-runtime-replication] for more information.
-1. Set the access control on the **primary** node to allow TCP connections using the
- server's public IP and set the connection from the **secondary** node to require a
- password. Edit `pg_hba.conf` (for Debian/Ubuntu that would be
- `/etc/postgresql/9.x/main/pg_hba.conf`):
- ```sh
- host all all <primary_node_ip>/32 md5
- host replication gitlab_replicator <secondary_node_ip>/32 md5
- ```
- If you want to add another secondary, add one more row like the replication
- one and change the IP address:
- ```sh
- host all all <primary_node_ip>/32 md5
- host replication gitlab_replicator <secondary_node_ip>/32 md5
- host replication gitlab_replicator <another_secondary_node_ip>/32 md5
- ```
-1. Restart PostgreSQL for the changes to take effect.
-1. Choose a database-friendly name to use for your secondary to use as the
- replication slot name. For example, if your domain is
- ``, you may use `secondary_example` as the slot
- name.
-1. Create the replication slot on the **primary** node:
- ```sh
- $ sudo -u postgres psql -c "SELECT * FROM pg_create_physical_replication_slot('secondary_example');"
- slot_name | xlog_position
- ------------------+---------------
- secondary_example |
- (1 row)
- ```
-1. Now that the PostgreSQL server is set up to accept remote connections, run
- `netstat -plnt` to make sure that PostgreSQL is listening to the server's
- public IP.
-### Step 2. Configure the secondary server
-Follow the first steps in ["configure the secondary server"][database-replication] and note that since you are installing from source, the username and
-group listed as `gitlab-psql` in those steps should be replaced by `postgres`
-instead. After completing the "Test that the `gitlab-psql` user can connect to
-the **primary** node's database" step, continue here:
-1. Edit `postgresql.conf` to configure the secondary for streaming replication
- (for Debian/Ubuntu that would be `/etc/postgresql/9.*/main/postgresql.conf`):
- ```sh
- wal_level = hot_standby
- max_wal_senders = 5
- checkpoint_segments = 10
- wal_keep_segments = 10
- hot_standby = on
- ```
-1. Restart PostgreSQL for the changes to take effect.
-#### Enable tracking database on the secondary server
-Geo secondary nodes use a tracking database to keep track of replication status
-and recover automatically from some replication issues. Follow the steps below to create
-the tracking database.
-1. On the secondary node, run the following command to create `database_geo.yml` with the
- information of your secondary PostgreSQL instance:
- ```sh
- sudo cp /home/git/gitlab/config/database_geo.yml.postgresql /home/git/gitlab/config/database_geo.yml
- ```
-1. Edit the content of `database_geo.yml` in `production:` as in the example below:
- ```yaml
- #
- #
- production:
- adapter: postgresql
- encoding: unicode
- database: gitlabhq_geo_production
- pool: 10
- username: gitlab_geo
- # password:
- host: /var/opt/gitlab/geo-postgresql
- ```
-1. Create the database `gitlabhq_geo_production` on the PostgreSQL instance of the **secondary** node.
-1. Set up the Geo tracking database:
- ```sh
- bundle exec rake geo:db:migrate
- ```
-1. Configure the [PostgreSQL FDW][FDW] connection and credentials:
- Save the script below in a file, ex. `/tmp/` and modify the connection
- params to match your environment. Execute it to set up the FDW connection.
- ```sh
- #!/bin/bash
- # Secondary Database connection params:
- DB_HOST="/var/opt/gitlab/postgresql" # change to the public IP or VPC private IP if its an external server
- DB_NAME="gitlabhq_production"
- DB_USER="gitlab"
- DB_PORT="5432"
- # Tracking Database connection params:
- GEO_DB_HOST="/var/opt/gitlab/geo-postgresql" # change to the public IP or VPC private IP if its an external server
- GEO_DB_NAME="gitlabhq_geo_production"
- GEO_DB_USER="gitlab_geo"
- GEO_DB_PORT="5432"
- query_exec () {
- gitlab-psql -h $GEO_DB_HOST -d $GEO_DB_NAME -p $GEO_DB_PORT -c "${1}"
- }
- query_exec "CREATE EXTENSION postgres_fdw;"
- query_exec "CREATE SERVER gitlab_secondary FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres_fdw OPTIONS (host '${DB_HOST}', dbname '${DB_NAME}', port '${DB_PORT}');"
- query_exec "CREATE USER MAPPING FOR ${GEO_DB_USER} SERVER gitlab_secondary OPTIONS (user '${DB_USER}');"
- query_exec "CREATE SCHEMA gitlab_secondary;"
- query_exec "GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN SERVER gitlab_secondary TO ${GEO_DB_USER};"
- ```
- And edit the content of `database_geo.yml` and to add `fdw: true` to
- the `production:` block.
-### Step 3. Initiate the replication process
-Below we provide a script that connects the database on the **secondary** node to
-the database on the **primary** node, replicates the database, and creates the
-needed files for streaming replication.
-The directories used are the defaults for Debian/Ubuntu. If you have changed
-any defaults, configure it as you see fit replacing the directories and paths.
-CAUTION: **Warning:**
-Make sure to run this on the **secondary** server as it removes all PostgreSQL's
-data before running `pg_basebackup`.
-1. SSH into your GitLab **secondary** server and login as root:
- ```sh
- sudo -i
- ```
-1. Save the snippet below in a file, let's say `/tmp/`. Modify the
- embedded paths if necessary:
- ```
- #!/bin/bash
- PORT="5432"
- USER="gitlab_replicator"
- echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
- echo WARNING: Make sure this script is run from the secondary server
- echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
- echo
- echo Enter the IP or FQDN of the primary PostgreSQL server
- read HOST
- echo Enter the password for $USER@$HOST
- read -s PASSWORD
- echo Enter the required sslmode
- read SSLMODE
- echo Stopping PostgreSQL and all GitLab services
- sudo service gitlab stop
- sudo service postgresql stop
- echo Backing up postgresql.conf
- sudo -u postgres mv /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/
- echo Cleaning up old cluster directory
- sudo -u postgres rm -rf /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/data
- echo Starting base backup as the replicator user
- echo Enter the password for $USER@$HOST
- sudo -u postgres /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/pg_basebackup -h $HOST -D /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/data -U gitlab_replicator -v -x -P
- echo Writing recovery.conf file
- sudo -u postgres bash -c "cat > /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/data/recovery.conf <<- _EOF1_
- standby_mode = 'on'
- primary_conninfo = 'host=$HOST port=$PORT user=$USER password=$PASSWORD sslmode=$SSLMODE'
- _EOF1_
- "
- echo Restoring postgresql.conf
- sudo -u postgres mv /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/postgresql.conf /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/data/
- echo Starting PostgreSQL
- sudo service postgresql start
- ```
-1. Run it with:
- ```sh
- bash /tmp/
- ```
- When prompted, enter the IP/FQDN of the **primary** node, and the password you set up
- for the `gitlab_replicator` user in the first step.
- You should use `verify-ca` for the `sslmode`. You can use `disable` if you
- are happy to skip PostgreSQL TLS authentication altogether (e.g., you know
- the network path is secure, or you are using a site-to-site VPN). This is
- **not** safe over the public Internet!
- You can read more details about each `sslmode` in the
- [PostgreSQL documentation][pg-docs-ssl];
- the instructions above are carefully written to ensure protection against
- both passive eavesdroppers and active "man-in-the-middle" attackers.
-The replication process is now over.
-## PGBouncer support (optional)
-1. First, enter the PostgreSQL console as an admin user.
-1. Then create the read-only user:
- ```sql
- -- NOTE: Use the password defined earlier
- CREATE USER gitlab_geo_fdw WITH password '<your_password_here>';
- GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE gitlabhq_production to gitlab_geo_fdw;
- GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO gitlab_geo_fdw;
- GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO gitlab_geo_fdw;
- -- Tables created by "gitlab" should be made read-only for "gitlab_geo_fdw"
- -- automatically.
- ```
-1. Enter the PostgreSQL console on the **secondary** tracking database and change the user mapping to this new user:
- ```
- ALTER USER MAPPING FOR gitlab_geo SERVER gitlab_secondary OPTIONS (SET user 'gitlab_geo_fdw')
- ```
-## MySQL replication
-MySQL replication is not supported for Geo.
-## Troubleshooting
-Read the [troubleshooting document](
-[replication user]: