path: root/doc/administration/geo/replication/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/administration/geo/replication/')
1 files changed, 426 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/administration/geo/replication/ b/doc/administration/geo/replication/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6d550a49df4
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@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+# Version specific update instructions
+Check this document if it includes instructions for the version you are updating.
+These steps go together with the [general steps](
+for updating Geo nodes.
+## Updating to GitLab 12.1
+By default, GitLab 12.1 will attempt to automatically update the
+embedded PostgreSQL server to 10.7 from 9.6. Please see
+[the omnibus documentation](
+for the recommended procedure.
+This can be temporarily disabled by running the following before updating:
+sudo touch /etc/gitlab/disable-postgresql-upgrade
+## Updating to GitLab 10.8
+Before 10.8, broadcast messages would not propagate without flushing
+the cache on the **secondary** nodes. This has been fixed in 10.8, but
+requires one last cache flush on each **secondary** node:
+sudo gitlab-rake cache:clear
+## Updating to GitLab 10.6
+In 10.4, we started to recommend that you define a password for database user (`gitlab`).
+We now require this change as we use this password to enable the Foreign Data Wrapper, as a way to optimize
+the Geo Tracking Database. We are also improving security by disabling the use of **trust**
+authentication method.
+1. **(primary)** Login to your **primary** node and run:
+ ```sh
+ gitlab-ctl pg-password-md5 gitlab
+ # Enter password: <your_password_here>
+ # Confirm password: <your_password_here>
+ # fca0b89a972d69f00eb3ec98a5838484
+ ```
+ Copy the generated hash and edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`:
+ ```ruby
+ # Fill with the hash generated by `gitlab-ctl pg-password-md5 gitlab`
+ postgresql['sql_user_password'] = '<md5_hash_of_your_password>'
+ # Every node that runs Unicorn or Sidekiq needs to have the database
+ # password specified as below. If you have a high-availability setup, this
+ # must be present in all application nodes.
+ gitlab_rails['db_password'] = '<your_password_here>'
+ ```
+ Still in the configuration file, locate and remove the `trust_auth_cidr_address`:
+ ```ruby
+ postgresql['trust_auth_cidr_addresses'] = ['',''] # <- Remove this
+ ```
+1. **(primary)** Reconfigure and restart:
+ ```sh
+ sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
+ sudo gitlab-ctl restart
+ ```
+1. **(secondary)** Login to all **secondary** nodes and edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`:
+ ```ruby
+ # Fill with the hash generated by `gitlab-ctl pg-password-md5 gitlab`
+ postgresql['sql_user_password'] = '<md5_hash_of_your_password>'
+ # Every node that runs Unicorn or Sidekiq needs to have the database
+ # password specified as below. If you have a high-availability setup, this
+ # must be present in all application nodes.
+ gitlab_rails['db_password'] = '<your_password_here>'
+ # Enable Foreign Data Wrapper
+ geo_secondary['db_fdw'] = true
+ # Secondary address in CIDR format, for example ''
+ postgresql['md5_auth_cidr_addresses'] = ['<secondary_node_ip>/32']
+ ```
+ Still in the configuration file, locate and remove the `trust_auth_cidr_address`:
+ ```ruby
+ postgresql['trust_auth_cidr_addresses'] = ['',''] # <- Remove this
+ ```
+1. **(secondary)** Reconfigure and restart:
+ ```sh
+ sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
+ sudo gitlab-ctl restart
+ ```
+## Updating to GitLab 10.5
+For Geo Disaster Recovery to work with minimum downtime, your **secondary** node
+should use the same set of secrets as the **primary** node. However, setup instructions
+prior to the 10.5 release only synchronized the `db_key_base` secret.
+To rectify this error on existing installations, you should **overwrite** the
+contents of `/etc/gitlab/gitlab-secrets.json` on each **secondary** node with the
+contents of `/etc/gitlab/gitlab-secrets.json` on the **primary** node, then run the
+following command on each **secondary** node:
+sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
+If you do not perform this step, you may find that two-factor authentication
+[is broken following DR](../disaster_recovery/index.html#i-followed-the-disaster-recovery-instructions-and-now-two-factor-auth-is-broken).
+To prevent SSH requests to the newly promoted **primary** node from failing
+due to SSH host key mismatch when updating the **primary** node domain's DNS record
+you should perform the step to [Manually replicate **primary** SSH host keys]( in each
+**secondary** node.
+## Updating to GitLab 10.3
+### Support for SSH repository synchronization removed
+In GitLab 10.2, synchronizing secondaries over SSH was deprecated. In 10.3,
+support is removed entirely. All installations will switch to the HTTP/HTTPS
+cloning method instead. Before updating, ensure that all your Geo nodes are
+configured to use this method and that it works for your installation. In
+particular, ensure that [Git access over HTTP/HTTPS is enabled](
+Synchronizing repositories over the public Internet using HTTP is insecure, so
+you should ensure that you have HTTPS configured before updating. Note that
+file synchronization is **also** insecure in these cases!
+## Updating to GitLab 10.2
+### Secure PostgreSQL replication
+Support for TLS-secured PostgreSQL replication has been added. If you are
+currently using PostgreSQL replication across the open internet without an
+external means of securing the connection (e.g., a site-to-site VPN), then you
+should immediately reconfigure your **primary** and **secondary** PostgreSQL instances
+according to the [updated instructions](
+If you *are* securing the connections externally and wish to continue doing so,
+ensure you include the new option `--sslmode=prefer` in future invocations of
+`gitlab-ctl replicate-geo-database`.
+### HTTPS repository sync
+Support for replicating repositories and wikis over HTTP/HTTPS has been added.
+Replicating over SSH has been deprecated, and support for this option will be
+removed in a future release.
+To switch to HTTP/HTTPS replication, log into the **primary** node as an admin and visit
+**Admin Area > Geo** (`/admin/geo/nodes`). For each **secondary** node listed,
+press the "Edit" button, change the "Repository cloning" setting from
+"SSH (deprecated)" to "HTTP/HTTPS", and press "Save changes". This should take
+effect immediately.
+Any new secondaries should be created using HTTP/HTTPS replication - this is the
+default setting.
+After you've verified that HTTP/HTTPS replication is working, you should remove
+the now-unused SSH keys from your secondaries, as they may cause problems if the
+**secondary** node if ever promoted to a **primary** node:
+1. **(secondary)** Login to **all** your **secondary** nodes and run:
+ ```ruby
+ sudo -u git -H rm ~git/.ssh/id_rsa ~git/.ssh/
+ ```
+### Hashed Storage
+CAUTION: **Warning:**
+Hashed storage is in **Alpha**. It is considered experimental and not
+production-ready. See [Hashed Storage](../../ for more detail.
+If you previously enabled Hashed Storage and migrated all your existing
+projects to Hashed Storage, disabling hashed storage will not migrate projects
+to their previous project based storage path. As such, once enabled and
+migrated we recommend leaving Hashed Storage enabled.
+## Updating to GitLab 10.1
+CAUTION: **Warning:**
+Hashed storage is in **Alpha**. It is considered experimental and not
+production-ready. See [Hashed Storage](../../ for more detail.
+[Hashed storage](../../ was introduced in
+GitLab 10.0, and a [migration path](../../raketasks/ for
+existing repositories was added in GitLab 10.1.
+## Updating to GitLab 10.0
+Since GitLab 10.0, we require all **Geo** systems to [use SSH key lookups via
+the database](../../operations/ to avoid having to maintain consistency of the
+`authorized_keys` file for SSH access. Failing to do this will prevent users
+from being able to clone via SSH.
+Note that in older versions of Geo, attachments downloaded on the **secondary**
+nodes would be saved to the wrong directory. We recommend that you do the
+following to clean this up.
+On the **secondary** Geo nodes, run as root:
+mv /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/working /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/working.old
+mkdir /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/working
+chmod 700 /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/working
+chown git:git /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/working
+You may delete `/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/working.old` any time.
+Once this is done, we advise restarting GitLab on the **secondary** nodes for the
+new working directory to be used:
+sudo gitlab-ctl restart
+## Updating from GitLab 9.3 or older
+If you started running Geo on GitLab 9.3 or older, we recommend that you
+resync your **secondary** PostgreSQL databases to use replication slots. If you
+started using Geo with GitLab 9.4 or 10.x, no further action should be
+required because replication slots are used by default. However, if you
+started with GitLab 9.3 and updated later, you should still follow the
+instructions below.
+When in doubt, it does not hurt to do a resync. The easiest way to do this in
+Omnibus is the following:
+1. Make sure you have Omnibus GitLab on the **primary** server.
+1. Run `gitlab-ctl reconfigure` and `gitlab-ctl restart postgresql`. This will enable replication slots on the **primary** database.
+1. Check the steps about defining `postgresql['sql_user_password']`, `gitlab_rails['db_password']`.
+1. Make sure `postgresql['max_replication_slots']` matches the number of **secondary** Geo nodes locations.
+1. Install GitLab on the **secondary** server.
+1. Re-run the [database replication process](
+## Updating to GitLab 9.0
+With GitLab 9.0, the PostgreSQL version is updated to 9.6 and manual steps are
+required in order to update the **secondary** nodes and keep the Streaming
+Replication working. Downtime is required, so plan ahead.
+The following steps apply only if you update from a 8.17 GitLab version to
+9.0+. For previous versions, update to GitLab 8.17 first before attempting to
+update to 9.0+.
+Make sure to follow the steps in the exact order as they appear below and pay
+extra attention in what node (either **primary** or **secondary**) you execute them! Each step
+is prepended with the relevant node for better clarity:
+1. **(secondary)** Log in to **all** your **secondary** nodes and stop all services:
+ ```ruby
+ sudo gitlab-ctl stop
+ ```
+1. **(secondary)** Make a backup of the `recovery.conf` file on **all**
+ **secondary** nodes to preserve PostgreSQL's credentials:
+ ```sh
+ sudo cp /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/data/recovery.conf /var/opt/gitlab/
+ ```
+1. **(primary)** Update the **primary** node to GitLab 9.0 following the
+ [regular update docs](../../../update/ At the end of the
+ update, the **primary** node will be running with PostgreSQL 9.6.
+1. **(primary)** To prevent a de-synchronization of the repository replication,
+ stop all services except `postgresql` as we will use it to re-initialize the
+ **secondary** node's database:
+ ```sh
+ sudo gitlab-ctl stop
+ sudo gitlab-ctl start postgresql
+ ```
+1. **(secondary)** Run the following steps on each of the **secondary** nodes:
+ 1. **(secondary)** Stop all services:
+ ```sh
+ sudo gitlab-ctl stop
+ ```
+ 1. **(secondary)** Prevent running database migrations:
+ ```sh
+ sudo touch /etc/gitlab/skip-auto-migrations
+ ```
+ 1. **(secondary)** Move the old database to another directory:
+ ```sh
+ sudo mv /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql{,.bak}
+ ```
+ 1. **(secondary)** Update to GitLab 9.0 following the [regular update docs](../../../update/
+ At the end of the update, the node will be running with PostgreSQL 9.6.
+ 1. **(secondary)** Make sure all services are up:
+ ```sh
+ sudo gitlab-ctl start
+ ```
+ 1. **(secondary)** Reconfigure GitLab:
+ ```sh
+ sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
+ ```
+ 1. **(secondary)** Run the PostgreSQL upgrade command:
+ ```sh
+ sudo gitlab-ctl pg-upgrade
+ ```
+ 1. **(secondary)** See the stored credentials for the database that you will
+ need to re-initialize the replication:
+ ```sh
+ sudo grep -s primary_conninfo /var/opt/gitlab/recovery.conf
+ ```
+ 1. **(secondary)** Save the snippet below in a file, let's say `/tmp/`. Modify the
+ embedded paths if necessary:
+ ```
+ #!/bin/bash
+ PORT="5432"
+ USER="gitlab_replicator"
+ echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ echo WARNING: Make sure this script is run from the secondary server
+ echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ echo
+ echo Enter the IP or FQDN of the primary PostgreSQL server
+ read HOST
+ echo Enter the password for $USER@$HOST
+ read -s PASSWORD
+ echo Enter the required sslmode
+ read SSLMODE
+ echo Stopping PostgreSQL and all GitLab services
+ sudo service gitlab stop
+ sudo service postgresql stop
+ echo Backing up postgresql.conf
+ sudo -u postgres mv /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/
+ echo Cleaning up old cluster directory
+ sudo -u postgres rm -rf /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/data
+ echo Starting base backup as the replicator user
+ echo Enter the password for $USER@$HOST
+ sudo -u postgres /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/pg_basebackup -h $HOST -D /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/data -U gitlab_replicator -v -x -P
+ echo Writing recovery.conf file
+ sudo -u postgres bash -c "cat > /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/data/recovery.conf <<- _EOF1_
+ standby_mode = 'on'
+ primary_conninfo = 'host=$HOST port=$PORT user=$USER password=$PASSWORD sslmode=$SSLMODE'
+ _EOF1_
+ "
+ echo Restoring postgresql.conf
+ sudo -u postgres mv /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/postgresql.conf /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/data/
+ echo Starting PostgreSQL
+ sudo service postgresql start
+ ```
+ 1. **(secondary)** Run the recovery script using the credentials from the
+ previous step:
+ ```sh
+ sudo bash /tmp/
+ ```
+ 1. **(secondary)** Reconfigure GitLab:
+ ```sh
+ sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
+ ```
+ 1. **(secondary)** Start all services:
+ ```sh
+ sudo gitlab-ctl start
+ ```
+ 1. **(secondary)** Repeat the steps for the remaining **secondary** nodes.
+1. **(primary)** After all **secondary** nodes are updated, start all services in
+ **primary** node:
+ ```sh
+ sudo gitlab-ctl start
+ ```
+### Update tracking database on **secondary** node
+After updating a **secondary** node, you might need to run migrations on
+the tracking database. The tracking database was added in GitLab 9.1,
+and it is required since 10.0.
+1. Run database migrations on tracking database:
+ ```sh
+ sudo gitlab-rake geo:db:migrate
+ ```
+1. Repeat this step for each **secondary** node.