path: root/doc/administration/reference_architectures/
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+# Troubleshooting a reference architecture set up
+This page serves as the troubleshooting documentation if you followed one of
+the [reference architectures](
+## Troubleshooting object storage
+### S3 API compatibility issues
+Not all S3 providers [are fully compatible](../../raketasks/
+with the Fog library that GitLab uses. Symptoms include:
+411 Length Required
+### GitLab Pages requires NFS
+If you intend to use [GitLab Pages](../../user/project/pages/, this currently requires
+[NFS](../high_availability/ There is [work in progress](
+to remove this dependency. In the future, GitLab Pages may use
+[object storage](
+The dependency on disk storage also prevents Pages being deployed using the
+[GitLab Helm chart](
+### Incremental logging is required for CI to use object storage
+If you configure GitLab to use object storage for CI logs and artifacts,
+[you must also enable incremental logging](../
+### Proxy Download
+A number of the use cases for object storage allow client traffic to be redirected to the
+object storage back end, like when Git clients request large files via LFS or when
+downloading CI artifacts and logs.
+When the files are stored on local block storage or NFS, GitLab has to act as a proxy.
+With object storage, the default behavior is for GitLab to redirect to the object
+storage device rather than proxy the request.
+The `proxy_download` setting controls this behavior: the default is generally `false`.
+Verify this in the documentation for each use case. Set it to `true` to make
+GitLab proxy the files rather than redirect.
+When not proxying files, GitLab returns an
+[HTTP 302 redirect with a pre-signed, time-limited object storage URL](
+This can result in some of the following problems:
+- If GitLab is using non-secure HTTP to access the object storage, clients may generate
+`https->http` downgrade errors and refuse to process the redirect. The solution to this
+is for GitLab to use HTTPS. LFS, for example, will generate this error:
+ ```plaintext
+ LFS: lfsapi/client: refusing insecure redirect, https->http
+ ```
+- Clients will need to trust the certificate authority that issued the object storage
+certificate, or may return common TLS errors such as:
+ ```plaintext
+ x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
+ ```
+- Clients will need network access to the object storage. Errors that might result
+if this access is not in place include:
+ ```plaintext
+ Received status code 403 from server: Forbidden
+ ```
+### ETag mismatch
+Using the default GitLab settings, some object storage back-ends such as
+and [Alibaba](
+might generate `ETag mismatch` errors.
+When using GitLab direct upload, the
+[workaround for MinIO](
+is to use the `--compat` parameter on the server.
+We are working on a fix to GitLab component Workhorse, and also
+a workaround, in the mean time, to
+[allow ETag verification to be disabled](
+## Troubleshooting Redis
+If the application node cannot connect to the Redis node, check your firewall rules and
+make sure Redis can accept TCP connections under port `6379`.
+## Troubleshooting Gitaly
+### Checking versions when using standalone Gitaly nodes
+When using standalone Gitaly nodes, you must make sure they are the same version
+as GitLab to ensure full compatibility. Check **Admin Area > Gitaly Servers** on
+your GitLab instance and confirm all Gitaly Servers are `Up to date`.
+![Gitaly standalone software versions diagram](../gitaly/img/gitlab_gitaly_version_mismatch_v12_4.png)
+### `gitaly-debug`
+The `gitaly-debug` command provides "production debugging" tools for Gitaly and Git
+performance. It is intended to help production engineers and support
+engineers investigate Gitaly performance problems.
+If you're using GitLab 11.6 or newer, this tool should be installed on
+your GitLab / Gitaly server already at `/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/gitaly-debug`.
+If you're investigating an older GitLab version you can compile this
+tool offline and copy the executable to your server:
+git clone
+cd cmd/gitaly-debug
+GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o gitaly-debug
+To see the help page of `gitaly-debug` for a list of supported sub-commands, run:
+gitaly-debug -h
+### Commits, pushes, and clones return a 401
+remote: GitLab: 401 Unauthorized
+You will need to sync your `gitlab-secrets.json` file with your GitLab
+app nodes.
+### Client side gRPC logs
+Gitaly uses the [gRPC]( RPC framework. The Ruby gRPC
+client has its own log file which may contain useful information when
+you are seeing Gitaly errors. You can control the log level of the
+gRPC client with the `GRPC_LOG_LEVEL` environment variable. The
+default level is `WARN`.
+You can run a gRPC trace with:
+sudo GRPC_TRACE=all GRPC_VERBOSITY=DEBUG gitlab-rake gitlab:gitaly:check
+### Observing `gitaly-ruby` traffic
+[`gitaly-ruby`](../gitaly/ is an internal implementation detail of Gitaly,
+so, there's not that much visibility into what goes on inside
+`gitaly-ruby` processes.
+If you have Prometheus set up to scrape your Gitaly process, you can see
+request rates and error codes for individual RPCs in `gitaly-ruby` by
+querying `grpc_client_handled_total`. Strictly speaking, this metric does
+not differentiate between `gitaly-ruby` and other RPCs, but in practice
+(as of GitLab 11.9), all gRPC calls made by Gitaly itself are internal
+calls from the main Gitaly process to one of its `gitaly-ruby` sidecars.
+Assuming your `grpc_client_handled_total` counter only observes Gitaly,
+the following query shows you RPCs are (most likely) internally
+implemented as calls to `gitaly-ruby`:
+sum(rate(grpc_client_handled_total[5m])) by (grpc_method) > 0
+### Repository changes fail with a `401 Unauthorized` error
+If you're running Gitaly on its own server and notice that users can
+successfully clone and fetch repositories (via both SSH and HTTPS), but can't
+push to them or make changes to the repository in the web UI without getting a
+`401 Unauthorized` message, then it's possible Gitaly is failing to authenticate
+with the other nodes due to having the wrong secrets file.
+Confirm the following are all true:
+- When any user performs a `git push` to any repository on this Gitaly node, it
+ fails with the following error (note the `401 Unauthorized`):
+ ```shell
+ remote: GitLab: 401 Unauthorized
+ ! [remote rejected] branch-name -> branch-name (pre-receive hook declined)
+ error: failed to push some refs to '<REMOTE_URL>'
+ ```
+- When any user adds or modifies a file from the repository using the GitLab
+ UI, it immediately fails with a red `401 Unauthorized` banner.
+- Creating a new project and [initializing it with a README](../../gitlab-basics/
+ successfully creates the project but doesn't create the README.
+- When [tailing the logs]( on an app node and reproducing the error, you get `401` errors
+ when reaching the `/api/v4/internal/allowed` endpoint:
+ ```shell
+ # api_json.log
+ {
+ "time": "2019-07-18T00:30:14.967Z",
+ "severity": "INFO",
+ "duration": 0.57,
+ "db": 0,
+ "view": 0.57,
+ "status": 401,
+ "method": "POST",
+ "path": "\/api\/v4\/internal\/allowed",
+ "params": [
+ {
+ "key": "action",
+ "value": "git-receive-pack"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "changes",
+ "value": "REDACTED"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gl_repository",
+ "value": "REDACTED"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "project",
+ "value": "\/path\/to\/project.git"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "protocol",
+ "value": "web"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "env",
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "user_id",
+ "value": "2"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "secret_token",
+ "value": "[FILTERED]"
+ }
+ ],
+ "host": "",
+ "ip": "REDACTED",
+ "ua": "Ruby",
+ "route": "\/api\/:version\/internal\/allowed",
+ "queue_duration": 4.24,
+ "gitaly_calls": 0,
+ "gitaly_duration": 0,
+ "correlation_id": "XPUZqTukaP3"
+ }
+ # nginx_access.log
+ [IP] - - [18/Jul/2019:00:30:14 +0000] "POST /api/v4/internal/allowed HTTP/1.1" 401 30 "" "Ruby"
+ ```
+To fix this problem, confirm that your `gitlab-secrets.json` file
+on the Gitaly node matches the one on all other nodes. If it doesn't match,
+update the secrets file on the Gitaly node to match the others, then
+[reconfigure the node](../
+### Command line tools cannot connect to Gitaly
+If you are having trouble connecting to a Gitaly node with command line (CLI) tools, and certain actions result in a `14: Connect Failed` error message, it means that gRPC cannot reach your Gitaly node.
+Verify that you can reach Gitaly via TCP:
+sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:tcp_check[GITALY_SERVER_IP,GITALY_LISTEN_PORT]
+If the TCP connection fails, check your network settings and your firewall rules. If the TCP connection succeeds, your networking and firewall rules are correct.
+If you use proxy servers in your command line environment, such as Bash, these can interfere with your gRPC traffic.
+If you use Bash or a compatible command line environment, run the following commands to determine whether you have proxy servers configured:
+echo $http_proxy
+echo $https_proxy
+If either of these variables have a value, your Gitaly CLI connections may be getting routed through a proxy which cannot connect to Gitaly.
+To remove the proxy setting, run the following commands (depending on which variables had values):
+unset http_proxy
+unset https_proxy
+### Gitaly not listening on new address after reconfiguring
+When updating the `gitaly['listen_addr']` or `gitaly['prometheus_listen_addr']` values, Gitaly may continue to listen on the old address after a `sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure`.
+When this occurs, performing a `sudo gitlab-ctl restart` will resolve the issue. This will no longer be necessary after [this issue]( is resolved.
+### Permission denied errors appearing in Gitaly logs when accessing repositories from a standalone Gitaly node
+If this error occurs even though file permissions are correct, it's likely that
+the Gitaly node is experiencing
+[clock drift](
+Please ensure that the GitLab and Gitaly nodes are synchronized and use an NTP time
+server to keep them synchronized if possible.
+## Troubleshooting the GitLab Rails application
+- `mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on`
+You have not installed the necessary NFS client utilities. See step 1 above.
+- `mount: mount point /var/opt/gitlab/... does not exist`
+This particular directory does not exist on the NFS server. Ensure
+the share is exported and exists on the NFS server and try to remount.
+## Troubleshooting Monitoring
+If the monitoring node is not receiving any data, check that the exporters are
+capturing data.
+curl http[s]://localhost:<EXPORTER LISTENING PORT>/metric
+curl http[s]://localhost:<EXPORTER LISTENING PORT>/-/metric