path: root/doc/administration/troubleshooting/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/administration/troubleshooting/')
1 files changed, 1040 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/administration/troubleshooting/ b/doc/administration/troubleshooting/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0c5611aa6cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/administration/troubleshooting/
@@ -0,0 +1,1040 @@
+type: reference
+# GitLab Rails Console Cheat Sheet
+This is the GitLab Support Team's collection of information regarding the GitLab rails
+console, for use while troubleshooting. It is listed here for transparency,
+and it may be useful for users with experience with these tools. If you are currently
+having an issue with GitLab, it is highly recommended that you check your
+[support options]( first, before attempting to use
+this information.
+Please note that some of these scripts could be damaging if not run correctly,
+or under the right conditions. We highly recommend running them under the
+guidance of a Support Engineer, or running them in a test environment with a
+backup of the instance ready to be restored, just in case.
+Please also note that as GitLab changes, changes to the code are inevitable,
+and so some scripts may not work as they once used to. These are not kept
+up-to-date as these scripts/commands were added as they were found/needed. As
+mentioned above, we recommend running these scripts under the supervision of a
+Support Engineer, who can also verify that they will continue to work as they
+should and, if needed, update the script for the latest version of GitLab.
+## Use the Rails Runner
+If the script you want to run is short, you can use the Rails Runner to avoid
+entering the rails console in the first place. Here's an example of its use:
+gitlab-rails runner "RAILS_COMMAND"
+# Example with a 2-line script
+gitlab-rails runner "user = User.first; puts user.username"
+## Enable debug logging on rails console
+Rails.logger.level = 0
+## Enable debug logging for ActiveRecord (db issues)
+ActiveRecord::Base.logger =
+## Temporarily Disable Timeout
+ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute('SET statement_timeout TO 0')
+## Find specific methods for an object
+```ruby { |m| m.to_s.include? "sing" }
+## Find method source
+Works for [non-instrumented methods](
+# Example for when we would call project.private?
+## Query an object
+o = Object.where('attribute like ?', 'ex')
+## View all keys in cache
+## Rails console history
+puts Readline::HISTORY.to_a
+## Profile a page
+# Before 11.6.0
+logger =
+admin_token = User.find_by_username('ADMIN_USERNAME').personal_access_tokens.first.token
+# From 11.6.0
+admin = User.find_by_username('ADMIN_USERNAME')
+url = "/url/goes/here"
+Gitlab::Profiler.with_user(admin) { app.get(url) }
+## Using the GitLab profiler inside console (used as of 10.5)
+logger =
+admin = User.find_by_username('ADMIN_USERNAME')
+Gitlab::Profiler.profile('URL', logger: logger, user: admin)
+## Time an operation
+# A single operation
+Benchmark.measure { <operation> }
+# A breakdown of multiple operations do |x|
+ { <operation_1> }
+ { <operation_2> }
+## Command Line
+### Check the GitLab version fast
+grep -m 1 gitlab /opt/gitlab/version-manifest.txt
+### Debugging SSH
+GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -vvv" git clone <repository>
+### Debugging over HTTPS
+GIT_CURL_VERBOSE=1 GIT_TRACE=1 git clone <repository>
+## Projects
+### Find projects
+# A single project
+project = Project.find_by_full_path('PROJECT_PATH')
+# All projects in a particular namespace. Can be a username, a group
+# ('gitlab-org'), or even include subgroups ('gitlab-org/distribution')
+namespace = Namespace.find_by_full_path('NAMESPACE_PATH')
+projects = namespace.all_projects
+### Clear a project's cache
+### Expire the .exists? cache
+### Make all projects private
+Project.update_all(visibility_level: 0)
+### Find & remove projects that are pending deletion
+# This section will list all the projects which are pending deletion
+projects = Project.where(pending_delete: true)
+projects.each do |p|
+ puts "Project name: #{}"
+ puts "Project name: #{}"
+ puts "Repository path: #{p.repository.storage_path}"
+# Assign a user (the root user will do)
+user = User.find_by_username('root')
+# For each project listed repeat these two commands
+# Find the project, update the xxx-changeme values from above
+project = Project.find_by_full_path('group-changeme/project-changeme')
+# Delete the project, user, {}).execute
+Next, run `sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:cleanup:repos` on the command line to finish.
+### Destroy a project
+project = Project.find_by_full_path('')
+user = User.find_by_username('')
+ProjectDestroyWorker.perform_async(,, {})
+# or,, {})
+# or, user).execute
+### Remove fork relationship manually
+p = Project.find_by_full_path('')
+u = User.find_by_username(''), u).execute
+### Make a project read-only (can only be done in the console)
+# Make a project read-only
+project.repository_read_only = true;
+# OR
+project.update!(repository_read_only: true)
+### Bulk update service integration password for _all_ projects
+For example, change the Jira user's password for all projects that have the Jira
+integration active:
+p = Project.find_by_sql("SELECT FROM projects p LEFT JOIN services s ON = s.project_id WHERE s.type = 'JiraService' AND = true")
+p.each do |project|
+ project.jira_service.update_attribute(:password, '<your-new-password>')
+### Identify un-indexed projects
+Project.find_each do |project|
+ puts "id #{}: #{}/#{}" if project.index_status.nil?
+## Imports / Exports
+# Find the project and get the error
+p = Project.find_by_full_path('<username-or-group>/<project-name>')
+# To finish the import on GitLab running version before 11.6
+# To finish the import on GitLab running version 11.6 or after
+p.import_state.mark_as_failed("Failed manually through console.")
+### Rename imported repository
+In a specific situation, an imported repository needed to be renamed. The Support
+Team was informed of a backup restore that failed on a single repository, which created
+the project with an empty repository. The project was successfully restored to a dev
+instance, then exported, and imported into a new project under a different name.
+The Support Team was able to transfer the incorrectly named imported project into the
+correctly named empty project using the steps below.
+Move the new repository to the empty repository:
+mv /var/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories/<group>/<new-project> /var/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories/<group>/<empty-project>
+Make sure the permissions are correct:
+chown -R git:git <path-to-directory>.git
+Clear the cache:
+sudo gitlab-rake cache:clear
+## Repository
+### Search sequence of pushes to a repository
+If it seems that a commit has gone "missing", search the sequence of pushes to a repository.
+[This StackOverflow article](
+describes how you can end up in this state without a force push.
+If you look at the output from the sample code below for the target branch, you will
+see a discontinuity in the from/to commits as you step through the output. Each new
+push should be "from" the "to" SHA of the previous push. When this discontinuity happens,
+you will see two pushes with the same "from" SHA:
+p = Project.find_with_namespace('u/p') do |e|
+ printf "%-20.20s %8s...%8s (%s)\n",[:ref],[:before],[:after],
+GitLab 9.5 and above:
+p = Project.find_by_full_path('u/p') do |e|
+ printf "%-20.20s %8s...%8s (%s)\n", e.push_event_payload[:ref], e.push_event_payload[:commit_from], e.push_event_payload[:commit_to],
+## Mirrors
+### Find mirrors with "bad decrypt" errors
+total = 0
+bad = []
+ProjectImportData.find_each do |data|
+ begin
+ total += 1
+ data.credentials
+ rescue => e
+ bad << data
+ end
+puts "Bad count: #{bad.count} / #{total}"
+bad.each do |repo|
+ puts Project.find(repo.project_id).full_path
+end; bad.count
+### Transfer mirror users and tokens to a single service account
+Use case: If you have multiple users using their own GitHub credentials to set up
+repository mirroring, mirroring breaks when people leave the company. Use this
+script to migrate disparate mirroring users and tokens into a single service account:
+svc_user = User.find_by(username: 'ourServiceUser')
+token = 'githubAccessToken'
+Project.where(mirror: true).each do |project|
+ import_url = project.import_url
+ # The url we want is https://token@project/path.git
+ repo_url = if import_url.include?('@')
+ # Case 1: The url is something like https://23423432@project/path.git
+ import_url.split('@').last
+ elsif import_url.include?('//')
+ # Case 2: The url is something like https://project/path.git
+ import_url.split('//').last
+ end
+ next unless repo_url
+ final_url = "https://#{token}@#{repo_url}"
+ project.mirror_user = svc_user
+ project.import_url = final_url
+ project.username_only_import_url = final_url
+## Users
+### Finding users
+# By username
+user = User.find_by(username: '')
+# By primary email
+user = User.find_by(email: '')
+# By any email (primary or secondary)
+user = User.find_by_any_email('')
+# Admins
+admin = User.admins.first
+### Block
+### Unblock
+### Skip reconfirmation
+user = User.find_by_username ''
+### Get an admin token
+# Get the first admin's first access token (no longer works on 11.9+. see:
+# Get the first admin's private token (no longer works on 10.2+)
+### Create personal access token
+personal_access_token = User.find(123).personal_access_tokens.create(
+ name: 'apitoken',
+ impersonation: false,
+ scopes: [:api]
+You might also want to manually set the token string:
+ name: 'apitoken',
+ token_digest: Gitlab::CryptoHelper.sha256('some-token-string-here'),
+ impersonation: false,
+ scopes: [:api]
+### Disable 2FA on a user
+user = User.find_by_username('username')
+### Active users & Historical users
+# Active users on the instance, now
+# The historical max on the instance as of the past year
+# Using curl and jq (up to a max 100, see [pagination](
+curl --silent --header "Private-Token: ********************" "" | jq --compact-output '.[] | [.id,.name,.username]'
+### Block or Delete Users that have no projects or groups
+users = User.where('id NOT IN (select distinct(user_id) from project_authorizations)')
+# How many users will be removed?
+# If that count looks sane:
+# You can either block the users:
+users.each { |user| user.block! }
+# Or you can delete them:
+ # need 'current user' (your user) for auditing purposes
+current_user = User.find_by(username: '<your username>')
+users.each do |user|
+ DeleteUserWorker.perform_async(,
+### Block Users that have no recent activity
+days_inactive = 60
+inactive_users ="last_activity_on <= ?", days_inactive.days.ago)
+inactive_users.each do |user|
+ puts "user '#{user.username}': #{user.last_activity_on}"
+ user.block!
+### Find Max permissions for project/group
+user = User.find_by_username 'username'
+project = Project.find_by_full_path 'group/project'
+user = User.find_by_username 'username'
+group = Group.find_by_full_path 'group'
+## Groups
+### Count unique users in a group and sub-groups
+group = Group.find_by_path_or_name("groupname")
+members = []
+for member in group.members_with_descendants
+ members.push(member.user_name)
+group = Group.find_by_path_or_name("groupname")
+# Count users from subgroup and up (inherited)
+# Count users from parent group and down (specific grants)
+### Delete a group
+GroupDestroyWorker.perform_async(group_id, user_id)
+## LDAP
+### LDAP commands in the rails console
+TIP: **TIP:**
+Use the rails runner to avoid entering the rails console in the first place.
+This is great when only a single command (such as a UserSync or GroupSync)
+is needed.
+# Get debug output
+Rails.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG
+# Run a UserSync (normally performed once a day)
+# Run a GroupSync for all groups (9.3-)
+# Run a GroupSync for all groups (9.3+)
+# Run a GroupSync for a single group (10.6-)
+group = Group.find_by(name: 'my_gitlab_group')
+# Run a GroupSync for a single group (10.6+)
+group = Group.find_by(name: 'my_gitlab_group')
+# Query an LDAP group directly (10.6-)
+adapter ='ldapmain') # If `main` is the LDAP provider
+ldap_group = EE::Gitlab::LDAP::Group.find_by_cn('group_cn_here', adapter)
+# Query an LDAP group directly (10.6+)
+adapter ='ldapmain') # If `main` is the LDAP provider
+ldap_group = EE::Gitlab::Auth::LDAP::Group.find_by_cn('group_cn_here', adapter)
+# Lookup a particular user (10.6+)
+# This could expose potential errors connecting to and/or querying LDAP that may seem to
+# fail silently in the GitLab UI
+adapter ='ldapmain') # If `main` is the LDAP provider
+user = Gitlab::Auth::LDAP::Person.find_by_uid('<username>',adapter)
+# Query the LDAP server directly (10.6+)
+## For an example, see
+adapter ='ldapmain')
+options = {
+ # the :base is required
+ # use adapter.config.base for the base or .group_base for the group_base
+ base: adapter.config.group_base,
+ # :filter is optional
+ # 'cn' looks for all "cn"s under :base
+ # '*' is the search string - here, it's a wildcard
+ filter: Net::LDAP::Filter.eq('cn', '*'),
+ # :attributes is optional
+ # the attributes we want to get returned
+ attributes: %w(dn cn memberuid member submember uniquemember memberof)
+### Update user accounts when the `dn` and email change
+The following will require that any accounts with the new email address are removed.
+Emails have to be unique in GitLab. This is expected to work but unverified as of yet:
+# Here's an example with a couple users.
+# Each entry will have to include the old username and the new email
+emails = {
+ ...
+emails.each do |username, email|
+ user = User.find_by_username(username)
+ = email
+ user.skip_reconfirmation!
+# Run the UserSync to update the above users' data
+## Routes
+### Remove redirecting routes
+See <>.
+path = 'foo'
+conflicting_permanent_redirects = RedirectRoute.matching_path_and_descendants(path)
+# Check that conflicting_permanent_redirects is as expected
+## Merge Requests
+### Find Merge Request
+m = project.merge_requests.find_by(iid: <IID>)
+m = MergeRequest.find_by_title('NEEDS UNIQUE TITLE!!!')
+### Close a merge request properly (if merged but still marked as open)
+p = Project.find_by_full_path('')
+m = project.merge_requests.find_by(iid: )
+u = User.find_by_username(''), u).execute(m)
+### Rebase manually
+p = Project.find_by_full_path('')
+m = project.merge_requests.find_by(iid: )
+u = User.find_by_username(''), u).execute(m)
+## CI
+### Cancel stuck pending pipelines
+See <>.
+Ci::Pipeline.where(project_id: 'pending').count
+Ci::Pipeline.where(project_id: 'pending').each {|p| p.cancel}
+Ci::Pipeline.where(project_id: 'pending').count
+### Manually modify runner minutes
+Namespace.find_by_full_path("user/proj").namespace_statistics.update(shared_runners_seconds: 27360)
+### Remove artifacts more than a week old
+# For a single project:
+project = Project.find_by_full_path('')
+builds_with_artifacts = project.builds.with_artifacts_archive
+# Prior to 10.6 the above line would be:
+# builds_with_artifacts = project.builds.with_artifacts
+# Instance-wide:
+builds_with_artifacts = Ci::Build.with_artifacts
+builds_to_clear = builds_with_artifacts.where("finished_at < ?", 1.week.ago)
+builds_to_clear.each do |build|
+ build.artifacts_expire_at =
+ build.erase_erasable_artifacts!
+### Find reason failure (for when build trace is empty) (Introduced in 10.3.0)
+See <>.
+build = Ci::Build.find(78420)
+build.dependencies.each do |d| { puts "status: #{d.status}, finished at: #{d.finished_at},
+ completed: #{d.complete?}, artifacts_expired: #{d.artifacts_expired?}, erased: #{d.erased?}" }
+### Disable strict artifact checking (Introduced in GitLab 10.3.0)
+See <>.
+### Remove CI traces older than 6 months
+current_user = User.find_by_email('')
+Ci::Build.where("finished_at < ?", 6.months.ago.to_date).each {|b| puts; b.erase(erased_by: current_user) if b.erasable?};nil
+### Try CI service
+p = Project.find_by_full_path('')
+m = project.merge_requests.find_by(iid: )
+### Disable AutoDevOps on Existing Projects
+Project.all.each do |p|
+ p.auto_devops_attributes={"enabled"=>"0"}
+## License
+### See license plan name (since v9.3.0-ee)
+### Check if a project feature is available on the instance
+Features listed in <>.
+### Check if a project feature is available in a project
+Features listed in <>.
+p = Project.find_by_full_path('<group>/<project>')
+### Add a license through the console
+key = "<key>"
+license = key)
+License.current # check to make sure it applied
+## Unicorn
+From [Zendesk ticket #91083]( (internal)
+### Poll unicorn requests by seconds
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'unicorn'
+# Usage for this program
+def usage
+ puts "ruby unicorn_status.rb <path to unix socket> <poll interval in seconds>"
+ puts "Polls the given Unix socket every interval in seconds. Will not allow you to drop below 3 second poll intervals."
+ puts "Example: /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/ruby poll_unicorn.rb /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/sockets/gitlab.socket 10"
+# Look for required args. Throw usage and exit if they don't exist.
+if ARGV.count < 2
+ usage
+ exit 1
+# Get the socket and threshold values.
+socket = ARGV[0]
+threshold = (ARGV[1]).to_i
+# Check threshold - is it less than 3? If so, set to 3 seconds. Safety first!
+if threshold.to_i < 3
+ threshold = 3
+# Check - does that socket exist?
+unless File.exist?(socket)
+ puts "Socket file not found: #{socket}"
+ exit 1
+# Poll the given socket every THRESHOLD seconds as specified above.
+puts "Running infinite loop. Use CTRL+C to exit."
+puts "------------------------------------------"
+loop do
+ Raindrops::Linux.unix_listener_stats([socket]).each do |addr, stats|
+ puts + " Active: " + + " Queued: " + stats.queued.to_s
+ end
+ sleep threshold
+## Sidekiq
+### Size of a queue
+### Kill a worker's Sidekiq jobs
+queue ='repository_import')
+queue.each { |job| job.delete if <condition>}
+### Enable debug logging of Sidekiq
+gitlab_rails['env'] = {
+Then `gitlab-ctl reconfigure; gitlab-ctl restart sidekiq`. The Sidekiq logs will now include additional data for troubleshooting.
+### Sidekiq kill signals
+See <>.
+## Redis
+### Connect to redis (omnibus)
+/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/redis-cli -s /var/opt/gitlab/redis/redis.socket
+### Connect to redis (HA)
+/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/redis-cli -h <host ip> -a <password>
+## LFS
+### Get info about LFS objects and associated project
+o=LfsObject.find_by(oid: "<oid>")
+You can then delete these records from the database with:
+You would also want to combine this with deleting the LFS file in the LFS storage
+area on disk. It remains to be seen exactly how or whether the deletion is useful, however.
+## Decryption Problems
+### Bad Decrypt Script (for encrypted variables)
+See <>.
+This script will go through all the encrypted variables and count how many are not able
+to be decrypted. Might be helpful to run on multiple nodes to see which `gitlab-secrets.json`
+file is most up to date:
+wget -O /tmp/bad-decrypt.rb
+gitlab-rails runner /tmp/bad-decrypt.rb
+If `ProjectImportData Bad count:` is detected and the decision is made to delete the
+encrypted credentials to allow manual reentry:
+ # Find the ids of the corrupt ProjectImportData objects
+ total = 0
+ bad = []
+ ProjectImportData.find_each do |data|
+ begin
+ total += 1
+ data.credentials
+ rescue => e
+ bad <<
+ end
+ end
+ puts "Bad count: #{bad.count} / #{total}"
+ # See the bad ProjectImportData ids
+ bad
+ # Remove the corrupted credentials
+ import_data = ProjectImportData.where(id: bad)
+ import_data.each do |data|
+ data.update_columns({ encrypted_credentials: nil, encrypted_credentials_iv: nil, encrypted_credentials_salt: nil})
+ end
+If `User OTP Secret Bad count:` is detected. For each user listed disable/enable
+two-factor authentication.
+### Decrypt Script for encrypted tokens
+This script will search for all encrypted tokens that are causing decryption errors,
+and update or reset as needed:
+wget -O /tmp/encrypted-tokens.rb
+gitlab-rails runner /tmp/encrypted-tokens.rb
+## Geo
+### Artifacts
+#### Find failed artifacts
+#### Download artifact
+```ruby, <artifact_id>).execute
+#### Get a count of the synced artifacts
+#### Find `ID` of synced artifacts that are missing on primary
+### Repository verification failures
+#### Get the number of verification failed repositories
+#### Find the verification failed repositories
+### Find repositories that failed to sync
+### Resync repositories
+#### Queue up all repositories for resync. Sidekiq will handle each sync
+Geo::ProjectRegistry.update_all(resync_repository: true, resync_wiki: true)
+#### Sync individual repository now
+project = Project.find_by_full_path('<group/project>')