path: root/doc/ci/triggers/
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/ci/triggers/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/doc/ci/triggers/ b/doc/ci/triggers/
index 5f611314d09..1251313cd14 100644
--- a/doc/ci/triggers/
+++ b/doc/ci/triggers/
@@ -216,42 +216,4 @@ You can add the following webhook to another project in order to trigger a job:[UPLOAD_TO_S3]=true
-### Using cron to trigger nightly jobs
-Whether you craft a script or just run cURL directly, you can trigger jobs
-in conjunction with cron. The example below triggers a job on the `master`
-branch of project with ID `9` every night at `00:30`:
-30 0 * * * curl --request POST --form token=TOKEN --form ref=master
-## Using scheduled triggers
-> [Introduced][ci-10533] in GitLab CE 9.1 as experimental.
-In order to schedule a trigger, navigate to your project's **Settings ➔ CI/CD Pipelines ➔ Triggers** and edit an existing trigger token.
-![Triggers Schedule edit](img/trigger_schedule_edit.png)
-To set up a scheduled trigger:
-1. Check the **Schedule trigger (experimental)** checkbox
-1. Enter a cron value for the frequency of the trigger ([learn more about cron notation](
-1. Enter the timezone of the cron trigger ([see a list of timezones](
-1. Enter the branch or tag that the trigger will target
-1. Hit **Save trigger** for the changes to take effect
-![Triggers Schedule create](img/trigger_schedule_create.png)
-You can check a next execution date of the scheduled trigger, which is automatically calculated by a server.
-![Triggers Schedule create](img/trigger_schedule_updated_next_run_at.png)
-> **Notes**:
-- Those triggers won't be executed precicely. Because scheduled triggers are handled by Sidekiq, which runs according to its interval. For exmaple, if you set a trigger to be executed every minute (`* * * * *`) and the Sidekiq worker performs 00:00 and 12:00 o'clock every day (`0 */12 * * *`), then your trigger will be executed only 00:00 and 12:00 o'clock every day. To change the Sidekiq worker's frequency, you have to edit the `trigger_schedule_worker` value in `config/gitlab.yml` and restart GitLab. The Sidekiq worker's configuration on is able to be looked up at [here](
-- Cron notation is parsed by [Rufus-Scheduler](