path: root/doc/development/documentation/site_architecture/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/development/documentation/site_architecture/')
1 files changed, 175 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/development/documentation/site_architecture/ b/doc/development/documentation/site_architecture/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b5e9764f99f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/development/documentation/site_architecture/
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+# How the website versions are built
+This directory contains all needed Dockerfiles to build and deploy the
+versioned website. It is heavily inspired by Docker's
+[publish tools](
+The following Dockerfiles are used.
+| Dockerfile | Docker image | Description |
+| ---------- | ------------ | ----------- |
+| [`Dockerfile.bootstrap`]( | `gitlab-docs:bootstrap` | Contains all the dependencies that are needed to build the website. If the gems are updated and `Gemfile{,.lock}` changes, the image must be rebuilt. |
+| [`Dockerfile.builder.onbuild`]( | `gitlab-docs:builder-onbuild` | Base image to build the docs website. It uses `ONBUILD` to perform all steps and depends on `gitlab-docs:bootstrap`. |
+| [`Dockerfile.nginx.onbuild`]( | `gitlab-docs:nginx-onbuild` | Base image to use for building documentation archives. It uses `ONBUILD` to perform all required steps to copy the archive, and relies upon its parent `Dockerfile.builder.onbuild` that is invoked when building single documentation achives (see the `Dockerfile` of each branch. |
+| [`Dockerfile.archives`]( | `gitlab-docs:archives` | Contains all the versions of the website in one archive. It copies all generated HTML files from every version in one location. |
+## How to build the images
+You can build and tag all tooling images locally:
+1. Make sure you're on the `dockerfiles/` directory of the `gitlab-docs` repo.
+1. Build the images:
+ ```sh
+ docker build -t -f Dockerfile.bootstrap ../
+ docker build -t -f Dockerfile.builder.onbuild ../
+ docker build -t -f Dockerfile.nginx.onbuild ../
+ ```
+For each image, there's a manual job under the `images` stage in
+[`.gitlab-ci.yml`]( which can be invoked at will.
+## Release process
+When a new GitLab version is released on the 22nd, we need to create the respective
+single Docker image, and update some files.
+### 1. Add the chart version
+Since the charts use a different version number than all the other GitLab
+products, we need to add the new
+[version mapping](
+1. Make sure you're on the root path of the `gitlab-docs` repo.
+1. Open `content/_data/chart_versions.yaml` and add the new version using the
+ [version mapping](
+ Note that only the `major.minor` version is needed.
+1. Create a new merge request and merge it.
+TIP: **Tip:**
+It can be handy to create the future mappings since they are pretty much known.
+In that case, when a new GitLab version is released, you don't have to repeat
+this first step.
+### 2. Create an image for a single version
+1. Make sure you're on the root path of the `gitlab-docs` repo.
+1. Run the raketask to create the single version:
+ ```
+ bundle exec rake "release:single[12.0]"
+ ```
+ A new `Dockerfile.12.0` should have been created.
+1. Test locally by building the image and running it:
+ ```
+ docker build -t docs:12.0 -f Dockerfile.12.0 .
+ docker run -it --rm -p 4000:4000 docs:12.0
+ ```
+1. Visit `http://localhost:4000/12.0/` and make sure everything works correctly.
+1. Commit your changes and push the newly created branch, but **don't create a merge request**.
+Once you push, the `image:docker-singe` job will create a new Docker image
+tagged with the branch name you created in the first step.
+### 3. Create the release merge request
+1. Make sure you're on the root path of the `gitlab-docs` repo.
+1. Create a branch `release-X-Y`.
+1. **Rotate the online and offline versions:**
+ At any given time, there are 4 browsable online versions: one pulled from
+ the upstream master branches and the three latest stable versions.
+ Edit [`content/_data/versions.yaml`]( and rotate
+ the versions to reflect the new changes:
+ - `online`: The 3 latest stable versions.
+ - `offline`: All the previous versions not available online.
+1. **Add the new offline version in the 404 page redirect script:**
+ Since we're deprecating the oldest version each month, we need to redirect
+ those URLs in order not to create [404 entries](
+ There's a temporary hack for now:
+ 1. Edit `content/404.html`, making sure all offline versions under
+ `content/_data/versions.yaml` are in the javascript snippet at the end of
+ the document.
+1. **Update the `latest` and `archives` images:**
+ The following two Dockerfiles need to be updated:
+ 1. `Dockerfile.archives` - Add the latest version to the
+ list.
+ 1. `Dockerfile.master` - Rotate the versions (oldest
+ gets removed and latest is added at the end of the list).
+1. Commit and push to create the merge request using the "Release" template.
+### 4. Update the dropdown for all online versions
+The versions dropdown is in a way "hardcoded". When the site is built, it looks
+at the contents of `content/_data/versions.yaml` and based on that, the dropdown
+is populated. So, older branches will have different content, which means the
+dropdown will be one release behind. Remember that the new changes of the dropdown
+are included in the unmerged `release-X-Y` branch.
+The content of `content/_data/versions.yaml` needs to change for all online
+versions. Here's a script to do this in one go:
+# Change this to reflect the latest stable version
+# Change this to the latest 3 stable versions
+for branch in 12.2 12.1 12.0
+ git checkout ${branch}
+ git checkout release-${CURRENT_BRANCH} -- content/_data/versions.yaml
+ git commit -m "Update dropdown for ${branch} to ${CURRENT_VESION}"
+ git push origin ${branch}
+Replace `CURRENT_VERSION` and `CURRENT_BRANCH` with the current values.
+### 5. Merge the release merge request
+After all the pipelines of the online versions succeed, it's time to merge the
+release merge request.
+Once you merge, you may need to [run the scheduled pipeline](
+(press the play button), since this is built on a schedule, once an hour.
+Once the scheduled pipeline succeeds, the docs site will be deployed with all
+new versions online.
+## Update an old image with new upstream content
+If there are upstream changes not included in the single Docker image, just
+[rerun the pipeline](
+for the branch in question.
+## Porting new website changes to old versions
+CAUTION: **Warning:**
+Porting changes to older branches can have unintended effects as we're constantly
+changing the backend of the website. Use only when you know what you're doing
+and make sure to test locally.
+The website will keep changing and being improved. In order to consolidate
+those changes to the stable branches, we'd need to pick certain changes
+from time to time.
+If this is not possible or there are many changes, merge master into them:
+git branch 12.0
+git fetch origin master
+git merge origin/master