path: root/doc/development/fe_guide/
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+# Vue
+For more complex frontend features, we recommend using Vue.js. It shares
+some ideas with React.js as well as Angular.
+To get started with Vue, read through [their documentation][vue-docs].
+## When to use Vue.js
+We recommend using Vue for more complex features. Here are some guidelines for when to use Vue.js:
+- If you are starting a new feature or refactoring an old one that highly interacts with the DOM;
+- For real time data updates;
+- If you are creating a component that will be reused elsewhere;
+## When not to use Vue.js
+We don't want to refactor all GitLab frontend code into Vue.js, here are some guidelines for
+when not to use Vue.js:
+- Adding or changing static information;
+- Features that highly depend on jQuery will be hard to work with Vue.js;
+- Features without reactive data;
+As always, the Frontend Architectural Experts are available to help with any Vue or JavaScript questions.
+## Vue architecture
+All new features built with Vue.js must follow a [Flux architecture][flux].
+The main goal we are trying to achieve is to have only one data flow and only one data entry.
+In order to achieve this goal, each Vue bundle needs a Store - where we keep all the data -,
+a Service - that we use to communicate with the server - and a main Vue component.
+Think of the Main Vue Component as the entry point of your application. This is the only smart
+component that should exist in each Vue feature.
+This component is responsible for:
+1. Calling the Service to get data from the server
+1. Calling the Store to store the data received
+1. Mounting all the other components
+ ![Vue Architecture](img/vue_arch.png)
+You can also read about this architecture in vue docs about [state management][state-management]
+and about [one way data flow][one-way-data-flow].
+### Components, Stores and Services
+In some features implemented with Vue.js, like the [issue board][issue-boards]
+or [environments table][environments-table]
+you can find a clear separation of concerns:
+├── components
+│ └── component.js.es6
+│ └── ...
+├── store
+│ └── new_feature_store.js.es6
+├── service
+│ └── new_feature_service.js.es6
+├── new_feature_bundle.js.es6
+_For consistency purposes, we recommend you to follow the same structure._
+Let's look into each of them:
+### A `*_bundle.js` file
+This is the index file of your new feature. This is where the root Vue instance
+of the new feature should be.
+The Store and the Service should be imported and initialized in this file and
+provided as a prop to the main component.
+Don't forget to follow [these steps.][page_specific_javascript]
+### A folder for Components
+This folder holds all components that are specific of this new feature.
+If you need to use or create a component that will probably be used somewhere
+else, please refer to `vue_shared/components`.
+A good thumb rule to know when you should create a component is to think if
+it will be reusable elsewhere.
+For example, tables are used in a quite amount of places across GitLab, a table
+would be a good fit for a component. On the other hand, a table cell used only
+in one table would not be a good use of this pattern.
+You can read more about components in Vue.js site, [Component System][component-system]
+### A folder for the Store
+The Store is a class that allows us to manage the state in a single
+source of truth. It is not aware of the service or the components.
+The concept we are trying to follow is better explained by Vue documentation
+itself, please read this guide: [State Management][state-management]
+### A folder for the Service
+The Service is a class used only to communicate with the server.
+It does not store or manipulate any data. It is not aware of the store or the components.
+We use [vue-resource][vue-resource-repo] to communicate with the server.
+Vue Resource should only be imported in the service file.
+ ```javascript
+ import Vue from 'vue';
+ import VueResource from 'vue-resource';
+ Vue.use(VueResource);
+ ```
+#### Vue-resource gotchas
+#### Headers
+Headers are being parsed into a plain object in an interceptor.
+In Vue-resource 1.x `headers` object was changed into an `Headers` object. In order to not change all old code, an interceptor was added.
+If you need to write a unit test that takes the headers in consideration, you need to include an interceptor to parse the headers after your test interceptor.
+You can see an example in `spec/javascripts/environments/environment_spec.js`:
+ ```javascript
+ import { headersInterceptor } from './helpers/vue_resource_helper';
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ Vue.http.interceptors.push(myInterceptor);
+ Vue.http.interceptors.push(headersInterceptor);
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ Vue.http.interceptors = _.without(Vue.http.interceptors, myInterceptor);
+ Vue.http.interceptors = _.without(Vue.http.interceptors, headersInterceptor);
+ });
+ ```
+#### `.json()`
+When making a request to the server, you will most likely need to access the body of the response.
+Use `.json()` to convert. Because `.json()` returns a Promise the follwoing structure should be used:
+ ```javascript
+ service.get('url')
+ .then(resp => resp.json())
+ .then((data) => {
+ })
+ .catch(() => new Flash('Something went wrong'));
+ ```
+When using `Poll` (`app/assets/javascripts/lib/utils/poll.js`), the `successCallback` needs to handle `.json()` as a Promise:
+ ```javascript
+ successCallback: (response) => {
+ return response.json().then((data) => {
+ // handle the response
+ });
+ }
+ ```
+#### CSRF token
+We use a Vue Resource interceptor to manage the CSRF token.
+`app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/vue_resource_interceptor.js` holds all our common interceptors.
+Note: You don't need to load `app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/vue_resource_interceptor.js`
+since it's already being loaded by `common_vue.js`.
+### End Result
+The following example shows an application:
+// store.js
+export default class Store {
+ /**
+ * This is where we will iniatialize the state of our data.
+ * Usually in a small SPA you don't need any options when starting the store. In the case you do
+ * need guarantee it's an Object and it's documented.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} options
+ */
+ constructor(options) {
+ this.options = options;
+ // Create a state object to handle all our data in the same place
+ this.todos = []:
+ }
+ setTodos(todos = []) {
+ this.todos = todos;
+ }
+ addTodo(todo) {
+ this.todos.push(todo);
+ }
+ removeTodo(todoID) {
+ const state = this.todos;
+ const newState = state.filter((element) => { !== todoID});
+ this.todos = newState;
+ }
+// service.js
+import Vue from 'vue';
+import VueResource from 'vue-resource';
+import 'vue_shared/vue_resource_interceptor';
+export default class Service {
+ constructor(options) {
+ this.todos = Vue.resource(endpoint.todosEndpoint);
+ }
+ getTodos() {
+ return this.todos.get();
+ }
+ addTodo(todo) {
+ return this.todos.put(todo);
+ }
+// todo_component.vue
+export default {
+ props: {
+ data: {
+ type: Object,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ }
+ <div>
+ <h1>
+ Title: {{data.title}}
+ </h1>
+ <p>
+ {{data.text}}
+ </p>
+ </div>
+// todos_main_component.vue
+import Store from 'store';
+import Service from 'service';
+import TodoComponent from 'todoComponent';
+export default {
+ /**
+ * Although most data belongs in the store, each component it's own state.
+ * We want to show a loading spinner while we are fetching the todos, this state belong
+ * in the component.
+ *
+ * We need to access the store methods through all methods of our component.
+ * We need to access the state of our store.
+ */
+ data() {
+ const store = new Store();
+ return {
+ isLoading: false,
+ store: store,
+ todos: store.todos,
+ };
+ },
+ components: {
+ todo: TodoComponent,
+ },
+ created() {
+ this.service = new Service('todos');
+ this.getTodos();
+ },
+ methods: {
+ getTodos() {
+ this.isLoading = true;
+ this.service.getTodos()
+ .then(response => response.json())
+ .then((response) => {
+ this.isLoading = false;
+ })
+ .catch(() => {
+ this.isLoading = false;
+ // Show an error
+ });
+ },
+ addTodo(todo) {
+ this.service.addTodo(todo)
+ then(response => response.json())
+ .then((response) => {
+ })
+ .catch(() => {
+ // Show an error
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ <div class="container">
+ <div v-if="isLoading">
+ <i
+ class="fa fa-spin fa-spinner"
+ aria-hidden="true" />
+ </div>
+ <div
+ v-if="!isLoading"
+ class="js-todo-list">
+ <template v-for='todo in todos'>
+ <todo :data="todo" />
+ </template>
+ <button
+ @click="addTodo"
+ class="js-add-todo">
+ Add Todo
+ </button>
+ </div>
+ <div>
+// bundle.js
+import todoComponent from 'todos_main_component.vue';
+new Vue({
+ el: '.js-todo-app',
+ components: {
+ todoComponent,
+ },
+ render: createElement => createElement('todo-component' {
+ props: {
+ someProp: [],
+ }
+ }),
+The [issue boards service][issue-boards-service]
+is a good example of this pattern.
+## Style guide
+Please refer to the Vue section of our [style guide](
+for best practices while writing your Vue components and templates.
+## Testing Vue Components
+Each Vue component has a unique output. This output is always present in the render function.
+Although we can test each method of a Vue component individually, our goal must be to test the output
+of the render/template function, which represents the state at all times.
+Make use of Vue Resource Interceptors to mock data returned by the service.
+Here's how we would test the Todo App above:
+import component from 'todos_main_component';
+describe('Todos App', () => {
+ it('should render the loading state while the request is being made', () => {
+ const Component = Vue.extend(component);
+ const vm = new Component().$mount();
+ expect(vm.$el.querySelector('i.fa-spin')).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ describe('with data', () => {
+ // Mock the service to return data
+ const interceptor = (request, next) => {
+ next(request.respondWith(JSON.stringify([{
+ title: 'This is a todo',
+ body: 'This is the text'
+ }]), {
+ status: 200,
+ }));
+ };
+ let vm;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ Vue.http.interceptors.push(interceptor);
+ const Component = Vue.extend(component);
+ vm = new Component().$mount();
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ Vue.http.interceptors = _.without(Vue.http.interceptors, interceptor);
+ });
+ it('should render todos', (done) => {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ expect(vm.$el.querySelectorAll('.js-todo-list div').length).toBe(1);
+ done();
+ }, 0);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('add todo', () => {
+ let vm;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ const Component = Vue.extend(component);
+ vm = new Component().$mount();
+ });
+ it('should add a todos', (done) => {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ vm.$el.querySelector('.js-add-todo').click();
+ // Add a new interceptor to mock the add Todo request
+ Vue.nextTick(() => {
+ expect(vm.$el.querySelectorAll('.js-todo-list div').length).toBe(2);
+ });
+ }, 0);
+ });
+ });
+#### Test the component's output
+The main return value of a Vue component is the rendered output. In order to test the component we
+need to test the rendered output. [Vue][vue-test] guide's to unit test show us exactly that:
+### Stubbing API responses
+[Vue Resource Interceptors][vue-resource-interceptor] allow us to add a interceptor with
+the response we need:
+ ```javascript
+ // Mock the service to return data
+ const interceptor = (request, next) => {
+ next(request.respondWith(JSON.stringify([{
+ title: 'This is a todo',
+ body: 'This is the text'
+ }]), {
+ status: 200,
+ }));
+ };
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ Vue.http.interceptors.push(interceptor);
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ Vue.http.interceptors = _.without(Vue.http.interceptors, interceptor);
+ });
+ it('should do something', (done) => {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ // Test received data
+ done();
+ }, 0);
+ });
+ ```
+1. Headers interceptor
+Refer to [this section](
+1. Use `$.mount()` to mount the component
+// bad
+new Component({
+ el: document.createElement('div')
+// good
+new Component().$mount();