path: root/doc/development/testing_guide/end_to_end/
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+# End-to-end Testing
+## What is end-to-end testing?
+End-to-end testing is a strategy used to check whether your application works
+as expected across the entire software stack and architecture, including
+integration of all micro-services and components that are supposed to work
+## Branch naming
+If your contribution contains **only** changes under the
+[`qa/` folder](, you can
+speed up the CI process by following some branch naming conventions. You have
+three choices:
+| Branch name | Valid example |
+| Starting with `qa/` | `qa/new-oauth-login-test` |
+| Starting with `qa-` | `qa-new-oauth-login-test` |
+| Ending in `-qa` | `123-new-oauth-login-test-qa` |
+If your branch name matches any of the above, it will run only the QA-related
+If it does not, the whole application test suite will run (including QA-related
+## How do we test GitLab?
+We use [Omnibus GitLab][omnibus-gitlab] to build GitLab packages and then we
+test these packages using the [GitLab QA orchestrator][gitlab-qa] tool, which is
+a black-box testing framework for the API and the UI.
+### Testing nightly builds
+We run scheduled pipeline each night to test nightly builds created by Omnibus.
+You can find these nightly pipelines at [gitlab-org/quality/nightly/pipelines][quality-nightly-pipelines].
+Results are reported in the `#qa-nightly` Slack channel.
+### Testing staging
+We run scheduled pipeline each night to test staging.
+You can find these nightly pipelines at [gitlab-org/quality/staging/pipelines][quality-staging-pipelines].
+Results are reported in the `#qa-staging` Slack channel.
+### Testing code in merge requests
+#### Using the `package-and-qa` job
+It is possible to run end-to-end tests for a merge request, eventually being run in
+a pipeline in the [`gitlab-qa`]( project,
+by triggering the `package-and-qa` manual action in the `test` stage (not
+available for forks).
+**This runs end-to-end tests against a custom Omnibus package built from your
+merge request's changes.**
+Manual action that starts end-to-end tests is also available in merge requests
+in [Omnibus GitLab][omnibus-gitlab].
+Below you can read more about how to use it and how does it work.
+#### How does it work?
+Currently, we are using _multi-project pipeline_-like approach to run QA
+![QA on merge requests CI/CD architecture](../img/qa_on_merge_requests_cicd_architecture.png)
+<summary>Show mermaid source</summary>
+graph LR
+ A1 -.->|1. Triggers an omnibus-gitlab pipeline and wait for it to be done| A2
+ B2[<b>`Trigger-qa` stage</b><br />`Trigger:qa-test` job] -.->|2. Triggers a gitlab-qa pipeline and wait for it to be done| A3
+subgraph gitlab-ce/ee pipeline
+ A1[<b>`test` stage</b><br />`package-and-qa` job]
+ end
+subgraph omnibus-gitlab pipeline
+ A2[<b>`Trigger-docker` stage</b></b><br />`Trigger:gitlab-docker` job] -->|once done| B2
+ end
+subgraph gitlab-qa pipeline
+ A3>QA jobs run] -.->|3. Reports back the pipeline result to the `package-and-qa` job<br />and post the result on the original commit tested| A1
+ end
+1. Developer triggers a manual action, that can be found in CE / EE merge
+ requests. This starts a chain of pipelines in multiple projects.
+1. The script being executed triggers a pipeline in [Omnibus GitLab][omnibus-gitlab]
+ and waits for the resulting status. We call this a _status attribution_.
+1. GitLab packages are being built in the [Omnibus GitLab][omnibus-gitlab]
+ pipeline. Packages are then pushed to its Container Registry.
+1. When packages are ready, and available in the registry, a final step in the
+ [Omnibus GitLab][omnibus-gitlab] pipeline, triggers a new
+ GitLab QA pipeline (those with access can view them at ``). It also waits for a resulting status.
+1. GitLab QA pulls images from the registry, spins-up containers and runs tests
+ against a test environment that has been just orchestrated by the `gitlab-qa`
+ tool.
+1. The result of the GitLab QA pipeline is being
+ propagated upstream, through Omnibus, back to the CE / EE merge request.
+#### Using the `review-qa-all` jobs
+On every pipeline during the `test` stage, the `review-qa-smoke` job is
+automatically started: it runs the QA smoke suite against the
+[Review App][review-apps].
+You can also manually start the `review-qa-all`: it runs the full QA suite
+against the [Review App][review-apps].
+**This runs end-to-end tests against a Review App based on [the official GitLab
+Helm chart][helm-chart], itself deployed with custom
+[Cloud Native components][cng] built from your merge request's changes.**
+See [Review Apps][review-apps] for more details about Review Apps.
+## How do I write tests?
+In order to write new tests, you first need to learn more about GitLab QA
+architecture. See the [documentation about it][gitlab-qa-architecture].
+Once you decided where to put [test environment orchestration scenarios] and
+[instance-level scenarios], take a look at the [GitLab QA README][instance-qa-readme],
+the [GitLab QA orchestrator README][gitlab-qa-readme], and [the already existing
+instance-level scenarios][instance-level scenarios].
+Continued reading:
+- [Quick Start Guide](
+- [Style Guide](
+- [Best Practices](
+## Where can I ask for help?
+You can ask question in the `#quality` channel on Slack (GitLab internal) or
+you can find an issue you would like to work on in
+[the `gitlab-ce` issue tracker][gitlab-ce-issues],
+[the `gitlab-ee` issue tracker][gitlab-ce-issues], or
+[the `gitlab-qa` issue tracker][gitlab-qa-issues].
+[review-apps]: ../
+[test environment orchestration scenarios]:
+[instance-level scenarios]:
+[Page objects documentation]: