path: root/doc/development/testing_guide/end_to_end/
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diff --git a/doc/development/testing_guide/end_to_end/ b/doc/development/testing_guide/end_to_end/
index 041bdf716b3..e1df8be8b6f 100644
--- a/doc/development/testing_guide/end_to_end/
+++ b/doc/development/testing_guide/end_to_end/
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ it 'replaces an existing label if it has the same key' do
- labels_block = page.find('.qa-labels-block')
+ labels_block = page.find(%q([data-qa-selector="labels_block"]))
expect(labels_block).to have_content('animal::dolphin')
expect(labels_block).not_to have_content('animal::fox')
@@ -110,15 +110,15 @@ end
> Notice that the test itself is simple. The most challenging part is the creation of the application state, which will be covered later.
> The exemplified test case's MVC is not enough for the change to be merged, but it helps to build up the test logic. The reason is that we do not want to use locators directly in the tests, and tests **must** use [Page Objects] before they can be merged. This way we better separate the responsibilities, where the Page Objects encapsulate elements and methods that allow us to interact with pages, while the spec files describe the test cases in more business-related language.
Below are the steps that the test covers:
1. The test finds the 'Edit' link for the labels and clicks on it.
-2. Then it fills in the 'Assign labels' input field with the value 'animal::dolphin' and press enters.
-3. Then it clicks in the content body to apply the label and refreshes the page.
-4. Finally, the expectations check that the previous scoped label was removed and that the new one was added.
+1. Then it fills in the 'Assign labels' input field with the value 'animal::dolphin' and press enters.
+1. Then it clicks in the content body to apply the label and refreshes the page.
+1. Finally, the expectations check that the previous scoped label was removed and that the new one was added.
Let's now see how the second test case would look.
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ it 'keeps both scoped labels when adding a label with a different key' do
- labels_block = page.find('.qa-labels-block')
+ labels_block = page.find(%q([data-qa-selector="labels_block"]))
expect(labels_block).to have_content('animal::fox')
expect(labels_block).to have_content('plant::orchid')
@@ -139,14 +139,14 @@ it 'keeps both scoped labels when adding a label with a different key' do
-> Note that elements are always located using CSS selectors, and a good practice is to add test-specific selectors (this is called adding testability to the application and we will talk more about it later.) For example, the `labels_block` element uses the selector `.qa-labels-block`, which was added specifically for testing purposes.
+> Note that elements are always located using CSS selectors, and a good practice is to add test-specific selectors (this is called "testability"). For example, the `labels_block` element uses the CSS selector [`data-qa-selector="labels_block"`](, which was added specifically for testing purposes.
Below are the steps that the test covers:
1. The test finds the 'Edit' link for the labels and clicks on it.
-2. Then it fills in the 'Assign labels' input field with the value 'plant::orchid' and press enters.
-3. Then it clicks in the content body to apply the label and refreshes the page.
-4. Finally, the expectations check that both scoped labels are present.
+1. Then it fills in the 'Assign labels' input field with the value 'plant::orchid' and press enters.
+1. Then it clicks in the content body to apply the label and refreshes the page.
+1. Finally, the expectations check that both scoped labels are present.
> Similar to the previous test, this one is also very straightforward, but there is some code duplication. Let's address it.
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ end
it 'replaces an existing label if it has the same key' do
select_label_and_refresh @new_label_same_scope
- labels_block = page.find('.qa-labels-block')
+ labels_block = page.find(%q([data-qa-selector="labels_block"]))
expect(labels_block).to have_content(@new_label_same_scope)
expect(labels_block).not_to have_content(@initial_label)
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ end
it 'keeps both scoped label when adding a label with a different key' do
select_label_and_refresh @new_label_different_scope
- labels_block = page.find('.qa-labels-block')
+ labels_block = page.find(%q([data-qa-selector="labels_block"]))
expect(labels_blocks).to have_content(@new_label_different_scope)
expect(labels_blocks).to have_content(@initial_label)
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ A pre-condition for the entire test suite is defined in the `before :context` bl
> For our test suite, due to the need of the tests being completely independent of each other, we won't use the `before :context` block. The `before :context` block would make the tests dependent on each other because the first test changes the label of the issue, and the second one depends on the `'animal::fox'` label being set.
-> **Tip:** In case of a test suite with only one `it` block it's ok to use only the `before` block (see below) with all the test's pre-conditions.
+TIP: **Tip:** In case of a test suite with only one `it` block it's ok to use only the `before` block (see below) with all the test's pre-conditions.
#### `before`
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ As the pre-conditions for our test suite, the things that needs to happen before
- A project being created with an issue and labels already set;
- The issue page being opened with only one scoped label applied to it.
-> When running end-to-end tests as part of the GitLab's continuous integration process [a license is already set as an environment variable]( For running tests locally you can set up such license by following the document [what tests can be run?](, based on the [supported GitLab environment variables](
+> When running end-to-end tests as part of the GitLab's continuous integration process [a license is already set as an environment variable]( For running tests locally you can set up such license by following the document [what tests can be run?](, based on the [supported GitLab environment variables](
#### Implementation
@@ -274,11 +274,11 @@ end
In the `before` block we create all the application state needed for the tests to run. We do that by using the `Runtime::Browser.visit` method to go to the login page, by performing a `sign_in_using_credentials` from the `Login` Page Object, by fabricating resources via APIs (`issue`, and `Resource::Label`), and by using the `issue.visit!` to visit the issue page.
> A project is created in the background by creating the `issue` resource.
> When creating the [Resources], notice that when calling the `fabricate_via_api` method, we pass some attribute:values, like `title`, and `labels` for the `issue` resource; and `project` and `title` for the `label` resource.
> What's important to understand here is that by creating the application state mostly using the public APIs we save a lot of time in the test suite setup stage.
> Soon we will cover the use of the already existing resources' methods and the creation of your own `fabricate_via_api` methods for resources where this is still not available, but first, let's optimize our implementation.
### 6. Optimization
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ As already mentioned in the [best practices]( document, end-to
Some improvements that we could make in our test suite to optimize its time to run are:
1. Having a single test case (an `it` block) that exercises both scenarios to avoid "wasting" time in the tests' pre-conditions, instead of having two different test cases.
-2. Making the selection of labels more performant by allowing for the selection of more than one label in the same reusable method.
+1. Making the selection of labels more performant by allowing for the selection of more than one label in the same reusable method.
Let's look at a suggestion that addresses the above points, one by one:
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ module QA
it 'correctly applies scoped labels depending on if they are from the same or a different scope' do
select_labels_and_refresh [@new_label_same_scope, @new_label_different_scope]
- labels_block = page.all('.qa-labels-block')
+ labels_block = page.all(%q([data-qa-selector="labels_block"]))
expect(labels_block).to have_content(@new_label_same_scope)
expect(labels_block).to have_content(@new_label_different_scope)
@@ -332,8 +332,8 @@ To address point 1, we changed the test implementation from two `it` blocks into
> Notice that the implementation of the new and unique `it` block had to change a little bit. Below we describe in details what it does.
1. It selects two scoped labels simultaneously, one from the same scope of the one already applied in the issue during the setup phase (in the `before` block), and another one from a different scope.
-2. It asserts that the correct labels are visible in the `labels_block`, and that the labels were correctly added and removed;
-3. Finally, the `select_label_and_refresh` method is changed to `select_labels_and_refresh`, which accepts an array of labels instead of a single label, and it iterates on them for faster label selection (this is what is used in step 1 explained above.)
+1. It asserts that the correct labels are visible in the `labels_block`, and that the labels were correctly added and removed;
+1. Finally, the `select_label_and_refresh` method is changed to `select_labels_and_refresh`, which accepts an array of labels instead of a single label, and it iterates on them for faster label selection (this is what is used in step 1 explained above.)
### 7. Resources
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ First, in the [issue resource](
Add the following `attribute :id` and `attribute :labels` right above the [`attribute :title`](
> This line is needed to allow for the issue fabrication, and for labels to be automatically added to the issue when fabricating it via API.
> We add the attributes above the existing attribute to keep them alphabetically organized.
Then, let's initialize an instance variable for labels to allow an empty array as default value when such information is not passed during the resource fabrication, since this optional. [Between the attributes and the `fabricate!` method](, add the following:
@@ -394,15 +394,15 @@ end
By defining the `api_get_path` method, we allow the [`ApiFabricator`]( module to know which path to use to get a single issue.
-> This `GET` path can be found in the [public API documentation](
+> This `GET` path can be found in the [public API documentation](../../../api/
By defining the `api_post_path` method, we allow the [`ApiFabricator`]( module to know which path to use to create a new issue in a specific project.
-> This `POST` path can be found in the [public API documentation](
+> This `POST` path can be found in the [public API documentation](../../../api/
By defining the `api_post_body` method, we allow the [`ApiFabricator.api_post`]( method to know which data to send when making the `POST` request.
-> Notice that we pass both `labels` and `title` attributes in the `api_post_body`, where `labels` receives an array of labels, and [`title` is required]( Also, notice that we keep them alphabetically organized.
+> Notice that we pass both `labels` and `title` attributes in the `api_post_body`, where `labels` receives an array of labels, and [`title` is required](../../../api/ Also, notice that we keep them alphabetically organized.
**Label resource**
@@ -437,11 +437,11 @@ By defining the `resource_web_url(resource)` method, we override the one from th
By defining the `api_get_path` method, we **would** allow for the [`ApiFabricator`]( module to know which path to use to get a single label, but since there's no path available for that in the publich API, we raise a `NotImplementedError` instead.
-By defining the `api_post_path` method, we allow for the [`ApiFabricator `]( module to know which path to use to create a new label in a specific project.
+By defining the `api_post_path` method, we allow for the [`ApiFabricator`]( module to know which path to use to create a new label in a specific project.
By defining the `api_post_body` method, we we allow for the [`ApiFabricator.api_post`]( method to know which data to send when making the `POST` request.
-> Notice that we pass both `color` and `name` attributes in the `api_post_body` since [those are required]( Also, notice that we keep them alphabetically organized.
+> Notice that we pass both `color` and `name` attributes in the `api_post_body` since [those are required](../../../api/ Also, notice that we keep them alphabetically organized.
### 8. Page Objects
@@ -542,9 +542,9 @@ end
Notice that we have not only moved the `select_labels_and_refresh` method, but we have also changed its implementation to:
1. Click the `:edit_link_labels` element previously defined, instead of using `find('.block.labels .edit-link').click`
-2. Use `within_element(:dropdown_menu_labels, text: label)`, and inside of it, we call `send_keys_to_element(:dropdown_input_field, [label, :enter])`, which is a method that we will implement in the `QA::Page::Base` class to replace `find('.dropdown-menu-labels .dropdown-input-field').send_keys [label, :enter]`
-3. Use `click_body` after iterating on each label, instead of using `find('#content-body').click`
-4. Iterate on every label again, and then we use `has_element?(:labels_block, text: label)` after clicking the page body (which applies the labels), and before refreshing the page, to avoid test flakiness due to refreshing too fast.
+1. Use `within_element(:dropdown_menu_labels, text: label)`, and inside of it, we call `send_keys_to_element(:dropdown_input_field, [label, :enter])`, which is a method that we will implement in the `QA::Page::Base` class to replace `find('.dropdown-menu-labels .dropdown-input-field').send_keys [label, :enter]`
+1. Use `click_body` after iterating on each label, instead of using `find('#content-body').click`
+1. Iterate on every label again, and then we use `has_element?(:labels_block, text: label)` after clicking the page body (which applies the labels), and before refreshing the page, to avoid test flakiness due to refreshing too fast.
##### Details of `text_of_labels_block`
@@ -552,37 +552,36 @@ The `text_of_labels_block` method is a simple method that returns the `:labels_b
#### Updates in the view (*.html.haml) and `dropdowns_helper.rb` files
-Now let's change the view and the `dropdowns_helper` files to add the selectors that relate to the Page Object.
+Now let's change the view and the `dropdowns_helper` files to add the selectors that relate to the [Page Objects].
-In the [app/views/shared/issuable/_sidebar.html.haml]( file, on [line 105 ](, add an extra class `qa-edit-link-labels`.
+In [`app/views/shared/issuable/_sidebar.html.haml:105`](, add a `data: { qa_selector: 'edit_link_labels' }` data attribute.
The code should look like this:
-= link_to _('Edit'), '#', class: 'js-sidebar-dropdown-toggle edit-link float-right qa-edit-link-labels'
+= link_to _('Edit'), '#', class: 'js-sidebar-dropdown-toggle edit-link float-right', data: { qa_selector: 'edit_link_labels' }
-In the same file, on [line 121](, add an extra class `.qa-dropdown-menu-labels`.
+In the same file, on [line 121](, add a `data: { qa_selector: 'dropdown_menu_labels' }` data attribute.
The code should look like this:
+.dropdown-menu.dropdown-select.dropdown-menu-paging.dropdown-menu-labels.dropdown-menu-selectable.dropdown-extended-height{ data: { qa_selector: 'dropdown_menu_labels' } }
-In the [`dropdowns_helper.rb`]( file, on [line 94](, add an extra class `qa-dropdown-input-field`.
+In [`app/helpers/dropdowns_helper.rb:94`](, add a `data: { qa_selector: 'dropdown_input_field' }` data attribute.
The code should look like this:
-filter_output = search_field_tag search_id, nil, class: "dropdown-input-field qa-dropdown-input-field", placeholder: placeholder, autocomplete: 'off'
+filter_output = search_field_tag search_id, nil, class: "dropdown-input-field", placeholder: placeholder, autocomplete: 'off', data: { qa_selector: 'dropdown_input_field' }
-> Classes starting with `qa-` are used for testing purposes only, and by defining such classes in the elements we add **testability** in the application.
-> When defining a class like `qa-labels-block`, it is transformed into `:labels_block` for usage in the Page Objects. So, `qa-edit-link-labels` is transformed into `:edit_link_labels`, `qa-dropdown-menu-labels` is transformed into `:dropdown_menu_labels`, and `qa-dropdown-input-field` is transformed into `:dropdown_input_field`. Also, we use a [sanity test]( to check that defined elements have their respective `qa-` selectors in the specified views.
-> We did not define the `qa-labels-block` class in the `app/views/shared/issuable/_sidebar.html.haml` file because it was already there to be used.
+> `data-qa-*` data attributes and CSS classes starting with `qa-` are used solely for the purpose of QA and testing.
+> By defining these, we add **testability** to the application.
+> When defining a data attribute like: `qa_selector: 'labels_block'`, it should match the element definition: `element :labels_block`. We use a [sanity test]( to check that defined elements have their respective selectors in the specified views.
#### Updates in the `QA::Page::Base` class
@@ -600,8 +599,6 @@ This method receives an element (`name`) and the `keys` that it will send to tha
As you might remember, in the Issue Page Object we call this method like this: `send_keys_to_element(:dropdown_input_field, [label, :enter])`.
With that, you should be able to start writing end-to-end tests yourself. *Congratulations!*
[Page Objects]: