path: root/doc/development/testing_guide/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/development/testing_guide/')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 190 deletions
diff --git a/doc/development/testing_guide/ b/doc/development/testing_guide/
index 27d5ae70ed7..f5483a4b79c 100644
--- a/doc/development/testing_guide/
+++ b/doc/development/testing_guide/
@@ -172,8 +172,6 @@ subgraph "CNG-mirror pipeline"
them in its [registry](
- We use the [`CNG-mirror`]( project so that the `CNG`, (Cloud
Native GitLab), project's registry is not overloaded with a lot of transient Docker images.
- - Note that the official CNG images are built by the `cloud-native-image`
- job, which runs only for tags, and triggers itself a [`CNG`]( pipeline.
1. Once `review-build-cng` is done, the [`review-deploy`]( job
deploys the Review App using [the official GitLab Helm chart]( to
the [`review-apps`](
@@ -224,14 +222,10 @@ If you need your Review App to stay up for a longer time, you can
`review-deploy` job to update the "latest deployed at" time.
The `review-cleanup` job that automatically runs in scheduled
-pipelines (and is manual in merge request) stops stale Review Apps after 5 days,
+pipelines stops stale Review Apps after 5 days,
deletes their environment after 6 days, and cleans up any dangling Helm releases
and Kubernetes resources after 7 days.
-The `review-gcp-cleanup` job that automatically runs in scheduled pipelines
-(and is manual in merge request) removes any dangling GCP network resources
-that were not removed along with the Kubernetes resources.
## Cluster configuration
The cluster is configured via Terraform in the [`engineering-productivity-infrastructure`]( project.
@@ -254,189 +248,7 @@ Leading indicators may be health check failures leading to restarts or majority
The [Review Apps Overview dashboard](
aids in identifying load spikes on the cluster, and if nodes are problematic or the entire cluster is trending towards unhealthy.
-### Database related errors in `review-deploy`, `review-qa-smoke`, or `review-qa-reliable`
-Occasionally the state of a Review App's database could diverge from the database schema. This could be caused by
-changes to migration files or schema, such as a migration being renamed or deleted. This typically manifests in migration errors such as:
-- migration job failing with a column that already exists
-- migration job failing with a column that does not exist
-To recover from this, please attempt to [redeploy Review App from a clean slate](#redeploy-review-app-from-a-clean-slate)
-### Release failed with `ImagePullBackOff`
-**Potential cause:**
-If you see an `ImagePullBackoff` status, check for a missing Docker image.
-**Where to look for further debugging:**
-To check that the Docker images were created, run the following Docker command:
-`DOCKER_CLI_EXPERIMENTAL=enabled docker manifest repository:tag`
-The output of this command indicates if the Docker image exists. For example:
-DOCKER_CLI_EXPERIMENTAL=enabled docker manifest inspect
-If the Docker image does not exist:
-- Verify the `image.repository` and `image.tag` options in the `helm upgrade --install` command match the repository names used by CNG-mirror pipeline.
-- Look further in the corresponding downstream CNG-mirror pipeline in `review-build-cng` job.
-### Node count is always increasing (never stabilizing or decreasing)
-**Potential cause:**
-That could be a sign that the `review-cleanup` job is
-failing to cleanup stale Review Apps and Kubernetes resources.
-**Where to look for further debugging:**
-Look at the latest `review-cleanup` job log, and identify look for any
-unexpected failure.
-### p99 CPU utilization is at 100% for most of the nodes and/or many components
-**Potential cause:**
-This could be a sign that Helm is failing to deploy Review Apps. When Helm has a
-lot of `FAILED` releases, it seems that the CPU utilization is increasing, probably
-due to Helm or Kubernetes trying to recreate the components.
-**Where to look for further debugging:**
-Look at a recent `review-deploy` job log.
-**Useful commands:**
-# Identify if node spikes are common or load on specific nodes which may get rebalanced by the Kubernetes scheduler
-kubectl top nodes | sort --key 3 --numeric
-# Identify pods under heavy CPU load
-kubectl top pods | sort --key 2 --numeric
-### The `logging/user/events/FailedMount` chart is going up
-**Potential cause:**
-This could be a sign that there are too many stale secrets and/or configuration maps.
-**Where to look for further debugging:**
-Look at [the list of Configurations](
-or `kubectl get secret,cm --sort-by='{.metadata.creationTimestamp}' | grep 'review-'`.
-Any secrets or configuration maps older than 5 days are suspect and should be deleted.
-**Useful commands:**
-# List secrets and config maps ordered by created date
-kubectl get secret,cm --sort-by='{.metadata.creationTimestamp}' | grep 'review-'
-# Delete all secrets that are 5 to 9 days old
-kubectl get secret --sort-by='{.metadata.creationTimestamp}' | grep '^review-' | grep '[5-9]d$' | cut -d' ' -f1 | xargs kubectl delete secret
-# Delete all secrets that are 10 to 99 days old
-kubectl get secret --sort-by='{.metadata.creationTimestamp}' | grep '^review-' | grep '[1-9][0-9]d$' | cut -d' ' -f1 | xargs kubectl delete secret
-# Delete all config maps that are 5 to 9 days old
-kubectl get cm --sort-by='{.metadata.creationTimestamp}' | grep 'review-' | grep -v 'dns-gitlab-review-app' | grep '[5-9]d$' | cut -d' ' -f1 | xargs kubectl delete cm
-# Delete all config maps that are 10 to 99 days old
-kubectl get cm --sort-by='{.metadata.creationTimestamp}' | grep 'review-' | grep -v 'dns-gitlab-review-app' | grep '[1-9][0-9]d$' | cut -d' ' -f1 | xargs kubectl delete cm
-### Using K9s
-[K9s]( is a powerful command line dashboard which allows you to filter by labels. This can help identify trends with apps exceeding the [review-app resource requests]( Kubernetes schedules pods to nodes based on resource requests and allow for CPU usage up to the limits.
-- In K9s you can sort or add filters by typing the `/` character
- - `-lrelease=<review-app-slug>` - filters down to all pods for a release. This aids in determining what is having issues in a single deployment
- - `-lapp=<app>` - filters down to all pods for a specific app. This aids in determining resource usage by app.
-- You can scroll to a Kubernetes resource and hit `d`(describe), `s`(shell), `l`(logs) for a deeper inspection
-### Troubleshoot a pending `dns-gitlab-review-app-external-dns` Deployment
-#### Finding the problem
-[In the past](, it happened
-that the `dns-gitlab-review-app-external-dns` Deployment was in a pending state,
-effectively preventing all the Review Apps from getting a DNS record assigned,
-making them unreachable via domain name.
-This in turn prevented other components of the Review App to properly start
-(for example, `gitlab-runner`).
-After some digging, we found that new mounts fail when performed
-with transient scopes (for example, pods) of `systemd-mount`:
-MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "dns-gitlab-review-app-external-dns-token-sj5jm" : mount failed: exit status 1
-Mounting command: systemd-run
-Mounting arguments: --description=Kubernetes transient mount for /var/lib/kubelet/pods/06add1c3-87b4-11e9-80a9-42010a800107/volumes/ --scope -- mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /var/lib/kubelet/pods/06add1c3-87b4-11e9-80a9-42010a800107/volumes/
-Output: Failed to start transient scope unit: Connection timed out
-This probably happened because the GitLab chart creates 67 resources, leading to
-a lot of mount points being created on the underlying GCP node.
-The [underlying issue seems to be a `systemd` bug](
-that was fixed in `systemd` `v237`. Unfortunately, our GCP nodes are currently
-using `v232`.
-For the record, the debugging steps to find out this issue were:
-1. Switch kubectl context to `review-apps-ce` (we recommend using [`kubectx`](
-1. `kubectl get pods | grep dns`
-1. `kubectl describe pod <pod name>` & confirm exact error message
-1. Web search for exact error message, following rabbit hole to [a relevant Kubernetes bug report](
-1. Access the node over SSH via the GCP console (**Computer Engine > VM
- instances** then click the "SSH" button for the node where the `dns-gitlab-review-app-external-dns` pod runs)
-1. In the node: `systemctl --version` => `systemd 232`
-1. Gather some more information:
- - `mount | grep kube | wc -l` (returns a count, for example, 290)
- - `systemctl list-units --all | grep -i var-lib-kube | wc -l` (returns a count, for example, 142)
-1. Check how many pods are in a bad state:
- - Get all pods running a given node: `kubectl get pods --field-selector=spec.nodeName=NODE_NAME`
- - Get all the `Running` pods on a given node: `kubectl get pods --field-selector=spec.nodeName=NODE_NAME | grep Running`
- - Get all the pods in a bad state on a given node: `kubectl get pods --field-selector=spec.nodeName=NODE_NAME | grep -v 'Running' | grep -v 'Completed'`
-#### Solving the problem
-To resolve the problem, we needed to (forcibly) drain some nodes:
-1. Try a normal drain on the node where the `dns-gitlab-review-app-external-dns`
- pod runs so that Kubernetes automatically move it to another node: `kubectl drain NODE_NAME`
-1. If that doesn't work, you can also perform a forcible "drain" the node by removing all pods: `kubectl delete pods --field-selector=spec.nodeName=NODE_NAME`
-1. In the node:
- - Perform `systemctl daemon-reload` to remove the dead/inactive units
- - If that doesn't solve the problem, perform a hard reboot: `sudo systemctl reboot`
-1. Uncordon any cordoned nodes: `kubectl uncordon NODE_NAME`
-In parallel, since most Review Apps were in a broken state, we deleted them to
-clean up the list of non-`Running` pods.
-Following is a command to delete Review Apps based on their last deployment date
-(current date was June 6th at the time) with
-helm ls -d | grep "Jun 4" | cut -f1 | xargs helm delete --purge
-#### Mitigation steps taken to avoid this problem in the future
-We've created a new node pool with smaller machines to reduce the risk
-that a machine reaches the "too many mount points" problem in the future.
+See the [review apps page of the Engineering Productivity Runbook]( for troubleshooting review app releases.
## Frequently Asked Questions