path: root/doc/university/high-availability/aws
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+redirect_to: '../../../install/aws/'
-> **Note**: We **do not** recommend using the AWS Elastic File System (EFS), as it can result
-in [significantly degraded performance](../../../administration/high_availability/
-# High Availability on AWS
-GitLab on AWS can leverage many of the services that are already
-configurable with High Availability. These services have a lot of
-flexibility and are able to adapt to most companies, best of all is the
-ability to automate both vertical and horizontal scaling.
-In this article we'll go through a basic HA setup where we'll start by
-configuring our Virtual Private Cloud and subnets to later integrate
-services such as RDS for our database server and ElastiCache as a Redis
-cluster to finally manage them within an auto scaling group with custom
-scaling policies.
-## Where to Start
-Login to your AWS account through the `My Account` dropdown on
-`` or through the URI assigned to your team such as
-``. You'll start on the
-Amazon Web Services console from where we can choose all of the services
-we'll be using to configure our cloud infrastructure.
-### Reference Architecture
-![Reference Architecture](img/reference-arch2.png)
-## Network
-We'll start by creating a VPC for our GitLab cloud infrastructure, then
-we can create subnets to have public and private instances in at least
-two AZs. Public subnets will require a Route Table keep an associated
-Internet Gateway.
-### VPC
-Start by looking for the VPC option on the web console. Now create a new
-VPC. We can use `` for the CIDR block and leave tenancy as
-default if we don't require dedicated hardware.
-![New VPC](img/new_vpc.png)
-If you're setting up the Elastic File System service then select the VPC
-and from the Actions dropdown choose Edit DNS Hostnames and select Yes.
-### Subnet
-Now let's create some subnets in different Availability Zones. Make sure
-that each subnet is associated to the VPC we just created, that it has
-a distinct VPC and lastly that CIDR blocks don't overlap. This will also
-allow us to enable multi-AZ for redundancy.
-We will create private and public subnets to match load balancers and
-RDS instances as well.
-![Subnet Creation](img/subnet.png)
-The subnets are listed with their name, AZ and CIDR block:
-- gitlab-public- - us-west-2a -
-- gitlab-private- - us-west-2a -
-- gitlab-public- - us-west-2b -
-- gitlab-private- - us-west-2b -
-### Route Table
-Up to now all our subnets are private. We need to create a Route Table
-to associate an Internet Gateway. On the same VPC dashboard choose
-Route Tables on the left column and give it a name and associate it to
-our newly created VPC.
-![Route Table](img/route_table.png)
-### Internet Gateway
-Now still on the same dashboard head over to Internet Gateways and
-create a new one. After its created press on the `Attach to VPC` button and
-select our VPC.
-![Internet Gateway](img/ig.png)
-### Configure Subnets
-Go back to the Router Tables screen and select the newly created one,
-press the Routes tab on the bottom section and edit it. We need to add a
-new target which will be our Internet Gateway and have it receive
-traffic from any destination.
-![Subnet Config](img/ig-rt.png)
-Before leaving this screen select the next tab to the right which is
-Subnet Associations and add our public subnets. If you followed our
-naming convention they should be easy to find.
-## Database with RDS
-For our database server we will use Amazon RDS which offers Multi-AZ
-for redundancy. Let's start by creating a subnet group and then we'll
-create the actual RDS instance.
-### Subnet Group
-From the RDS dashboard select Subnet Groups. Lets select our VPC from
-the VPC ID dropdown and at the bottom we can add our private subnets.
-![Subnet Group](img/db-subnet-group.png)
-### RDS
-Select the RDS service from the Database section and create a new
-PostgreSQL instance. After choosing between a Production or
-Development instance we'll start with the actual configuration. On the
-image below we have the settings for this article but note the
-following two options which are of particular interest for HA:
-1. Multi-AZ-Deployment is recommended as redundancy.
- [High Availability (Multi-AZ)](
-1. While we chose a General Purpose (SSD) for this article a Provisioned
- IOPS (SSD) is best suited for HA. Read more about it at
- [Storage for Amazon RDS](
-![RDS Instance Specs](img/instance_specs.png)
-The rest of the setting on this page request a DB identifier, username,
-and a master password. We've chosen to use `gitlab-ha`, `gitlab` and a
-very secure password respectively. Keep these in hand for later.
-![Network and Security](img/rds-net-opt.png)
-Make sure to choose our gitlab VPC, our subnet group, not have it public,
-and to leave it to create a new security group. The only additional
-change which will be helpful is the database name for which we can use
-## ElastiCache
-EC is an in-memory hosted caching solution. Redis maintains its own
-persistence and is used for certain types of application.
-Let's choose the ElastiCache service in the Database section from our
-AWS console. Now let's create a cache subnet group which will be very
-similar to the RDS subnet group. Make sure to select our VPC and its
-private subnets.
-Now press the Launch a Cache Cluster and choose Redis for our
-DB engine. You'll be able to configure details such as replication,
-Multi-AZ and node types. The second section will allow us to choose our
-subnet and security group and
-![Redis Cluster details](img/redis-cluster-det.png)
-![Redis Network](img/redis-net.png)
-## Network File System
-GitLab requires a shared filesystem such as NFS. The file share(s) will be
-mounted on all application servers. There are a variety of ways to build an
-NFS server on AWS.
-One option is to use a third-party AMI that offers NFS as a service. A [search
-for 'NFS' in the AWS Marketplace](
-shows options such as NetApp, SoftNAS and others.
-Another option is to build a simple NFS server using a vanilla Linux server backed
-by AWS Elastic Block Storage (EBS).
-> **Note:** GitLab does not recommend using AWS Elastic File System (EFS). See
- details in [High Availability NFS documentation](../../../administration/high_availability/
-## Initiate AMI
-We are going to launch an EC2 instance and bake an image so that we can
-later use it for auto scaling. We'll also take this opportunity to add an
-extension to our RDS through this temporary EC2 instance.
-### EC2 Instance
-Look for the EC2 option and choose to create an instance. We'll need at
-least a t2.medium type and for this article we'll choose an Ubuntu 14.04
-HVM 64-bit. In the Configure Instance section choose our GitLab VPC and
-a public subnet. I'd choose at least 10GB of storage.
-In the security group we'll create a new one considering that we need to
-SSH into the instance and also try it out through http. So let's add the
-http traffic from anywhere and name it something such as
-While we wait for it to launch we can allocate an Elastic IP and
-associate it with our new EC2 instance.
-### RDS and Redis Security Group
-After the instance is being created we will navigate to our EC2 security
-groups and add a small change for our EC2 instances to be able to
-connect to RDS. First copy the security group name we just defined,
-namely `gitlab-ec2-security-group`, and edit select the RDS security
-group and edit the inbound rules. Choose the rule type to be PostgreSQL
-and paste the name under source.
-![RDS security group](img/rds-sec-group.png)
-Similar to the above we'll jump to the `gitlab-ec2-security-group` group
-and add a custom TCP rule for port 6379 accessible within itself.
-### Install GitLab
-To connect through SSH you will need to have the `pem` file which you
-chose available and with the correct permissions such as `400`.
-After accessing your server don't forget to update and upgrade your
- sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
-Then follow installation instructions from
-[GitLab](, but before
-running reconfigure we need to make sure all our services are tied down
-so just leave the reconfigure command until after we edit our gitlab.rb
-### Extension for PostgreSQL
-Connect to your new RDS instance to verify access and to install
-a required extension. We can find the host or endpoint by selecting the
-instance and we just created and after the details drop down we'll find
-it labeled as 'Endpoint'; do remember not to include the colon and port
- sudo /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/psql -U gitlab -h <rds-endpoint> -d gitlabhq_production
- psql (9.4.7)
- Type "help" for help.
- gitlab=# CREATE EXTENSION pg_trgm;
- gitlab=# \q
-### Configure GitLab
-While connected to your server edit the `gitlab.rb` file at `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`
-find the `external_url ''` option and change it
-to the domain you will be using or the public IP address of the current
-instance to test the configuration.
-For a more detailed description about configuring GitLab read [Configuring GitLab for HA](
-Now look for the GitLab database settings and uncomment as necessary. In
-our current case we'll specify the adapter, encoding, host, db name,
-username, and password.
- gitlab_rails['db_adapter'] = "postgresql"
- gitlab_rails['db_encoding'] = "unicode"
- gitlab_rails['db_database'] = "gitlabhq_production"
- gitlab_rails['db_username'] = "gitlab"
- gitlab_rails['db_password'] = "mypassword"
- gitlab_rails['db_host'] = "<rds-endpoint>"
-Next, we only need to configure the Redis section by adding the host and
-uncommenting the port.
-The last configuration step is to [change the default file locations ](
-to make the EFS integration easier to manage.
- gitlab_rails['redis_host'] = "<redis-endpoint>"
- gitlab_rails['redis_port'] = 6379
-Finally, run reconfigure. You might find it useful to run a check and
-a service status to make sure everything has been set up correctly.
- sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
- sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:check
- sudo gitlab-ctl status
-If everything looks good copy the Elastic IP over to your browser and
-test the instance manually.
-### AMI
-After you finish testing your EC2 instance go back to its dashboard and
-while the instance is selected press on the Actions dropdown to choose
-Image -> Create an Image. Give it a name and description and confirm.
-## Load Balancer
-On the same dashboard look for Load Balancer on the left column and press
-the Create button. Choose a classic Load Balancer, our gitlab VPC, not
-internal and make sure its listening for HTTP and HTTPS on port 80.
-Here is a tricky part though, when adding subnets we need to associate
-public subnets instead of the private ones where our instances will
-actually live.
-On the security group section let's create a new one named
-`gitlab-loadbalancer-sec-group` and allow both HTTP ad HTTPS traffic
-from anywhere.
-The Load Balancer Health will allow us to indicate where to ping and what
-makes up a healthy or unhealthy instance.
-We won't add the instance on the next session because we'll destroy it
-momentarily as we'll be using the image we were creating. We will keep
-the Enable Cross-Zone and Enable Connection Draining active.
-After we finish creating the Load Balancer we can revisit our Security
-Groups to improve access only through the ELB and any other requirement
-you might have.
-## Auto Scaling Group
-Our AMI should be done by now so we can start working on our Auto
-Scaling Group.
-This option is also available through the EC2 dashboard on the left
-sidebar. Press on the create button. Select the new image on My AMIs and
-give it a `t2.medium` size. To be able to use Elastic File System we need
-to add a script to mount EFS automatically at launch. We'll do this at
-the Advanced Details section where we have a [User Data](
-text area that allows us to add a lot of custom configurations which
-allows you to add a custom script for when launching an instance. Let's
-add the following script to the User Data section:
- #cloud-config
- package_upgrade: true
- packages:
- - nfs-common
- runcmd:
- - mkdir -p /gitlab-data
- - chown ec2-user:ec2-user /gitlab-data
- - echo "$(curl --silent /gitlab-data nfs defaults,vers=4.1 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
- - mount -a -t nfs
- - sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
-On the security group section we can choose our existing
-`gitlab-ec2-security-group` group which has already been tested.
-After this is launched we are able to start creating our Auto Scaling
-Group. Start by giving it a name and assigning it our VPC and private
-subnets. We also want to always start with two instances and if you
-scroll down to Advanced Details we can choose to receive traffic from ELBs.
-Let's enable that option and select our ELB. We also want to use the ELB's
-health check.
-![Auto scaling](img/auto-scaling-det.png)
-### Policies
-This is the really great part of Auto Scaling, we get to choose when AWS
-launches new instances and when it removes them. For this group we'll
-scale between 2 and 4 instances where one instance will be added if CPU
-utilization is greater than 60% and one instance is removed if it falls
-to less than 45%. Here are the complete policies:
-You'll notice that after we save this AWS starts launching our two
-instances in different AZs and without a public IP which is exactly what
-we where aiming for.
-## Final Thoughts
-After you're done with the policies section have some fun trying to break
-instances. You should be able to see how the Auto Scaling Group and the
-EC2 screen starts bringing them up again.
-High Availability is a vast area, we went mostly through scaling and
-some redundancy options but it might also imply Geographic replication.
-There is a lot of ground yet to cover so have a read through these other
-resources and feel free to open an issue to request additional material.
-- [GitLab High Availability](../../../administration/high_availability/
-- [GitLab Geo](../../../administration/geo/replication/
+This document was moved to [another location](../../../install/aws/
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