path: root/doc/university/training/end-user/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/university/training/end-user/')
1 files changed, 420 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/university/training/end-user/ b/doc/university/training/end-user/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..03c62a81b10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/university/training/end-user/
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+# Training
+This training material is the markdown used to generate training slides
+which can be found at [End User Slides](
+through it's [RevealJS](
+## Git Intro
+### What is a Version Control System (VCS)
+- Records changes to a file
+- Maintains history of changes
+- Disaster Recovery
+- Types of VCS: Local, Centralized and Distributed
+### Short Story of Git
+- 1991-2002: The Linux kernel was being maintaned by sharing archived files
+ and patches.
+- 2002: The Linux kernel project began using a DVCS called BitKeeper
+- 2005: BitKeeper revoked the free-of-charge status and Git was created
+### What is Git
+- Distributed Version Control System
+- Great branching model that adapts well to most workflows
+- Fast and reliable
+- Keeps a complete history
+- Disaster recovery friendly
+- Open Source
+### Getting Help
+- Use the tools at your disposal when you get stuck.
+ - Use `git help <command>` command
+ - Use Google (i.e. StackOverflow, Google groups)
+ - Read documentation at
+## Git Setup
+Workshop Time!
+### Setup
+- Windows: Install 'Git for Windows'
+ -
+- Mac: Type `git` in the Terminal application.
+ - If it's not installed, it will prompt you to install it.
+- Linux
+ - Debian: `sudo apt-get install git-all`
+ - Red Hat `sudo yum install git-all`
+### Configure
+- One-time configuration of the Git client:
+git config --global "Your Name"
+git config --global
+- If you don't use the global flag you can setup a different author for
+ each project
+- Check settings with:
+git config --global --list
+- You might want or be required to use an SSH key.
+ - Instructions: [SSH](
+### Workspace
+- Choose a directory on you machine easy to access
+- Create a workspace or development directory
+- This is where we'll be working and adding content
+mkdir ~/development
+cd ~/development
+mkdir ~/workspace
+cd ~/workspace
+## Git Basics
+### Git Workflow
+- Untracked files
+ - New files that Git has not been told to track previously.
+- Working area (Workspace)
+ - Files that have been modified but are not committed.
+- Staging area (Index)
+ - Modified files that have been marked to go in the next commit.
+- Upstream
+ - Hosted repository on a shared server
+### GitLab
+- GitLab is an application to code, test and deploy.
+- Provides repository management with access controls, code reviews,
+ issue tracking, Merge Requests, and other features.
+- The hosted version of GitLab is
+### New Project
+- Sign in into your account
+- Create a project
+- Choose to import from 'Any Repo by URL' and use
+- On your machine clone the `training-examples` project
+### Git and GitLab basics
+1. Edit `edit_this_file.rb` in `training-examples`
+2. See it listed as a changed file (working area)
+3. View the differences
+4. Stage the file
+5. Commit
+6. Push the commit to the remote
+7. View the git log
+# Edit `edit_this_file.rb`
+git status
+git diff
+git add <file>
+git commit -m 'My change'
+git push origin master
+git log
+### Feature Branching
+1. Create a new feature branch called `squash_some_bugs`
+2. Edit `bugs.rb` and remove all the bugs.
+3. Commit
+4. Push
+git checkout -b squash_some_bugs
+# Edit `bugs.rb`
+git status
+git add bugs.rb
+git commit -m 'Fix some buggy code'
+git push origin squash_some_bugs
+## Merge Request
+### Merge requests
+- When you want feedback create a merge request
+- Target is the ‘default’ branch (usually master)
+- Assign or mention the person you would like to review
+- Add `WIP` to the title if it's a work in progress
+- When accepting, always delete the branch
+- Anyone can comment, not just the assignee
+- Push corrections to the same branch
+### Merge request example
+- Create your first merge request
+ - Use the blue button in the activity feed
+ - View the diff (changes) and leave a comment
+ - Push a new commit to the same branch
+ - Review the changes again and notice the update
+### Feedback and Collaboration
+- Merge requests are a time for feedback and collaboration
+- Giving feedback is hard
+- Be as kind as possible
+- Receiving feedback is hard
+- Be as receptive as possible
+- Feedback is about the best code, not the person. You are not your code
+- Feedback and Collaboration
+### Feedback and Collaboration
+- Review the Thoughtbot code-review guide for suggestions to follow when reviewing merge requests:[Thoughtbot](
+- See GitLab merge requests for examples: [Merge Requests](
+## Merge Conflicts
+### Merge Conflicts
+* Happen often
+* Learning to fix conflicts is hard
+* Practice makes perfect
+* Force push after fixing conflicts. Be careful!
+### Example Plan
+1. Checkout a new branch and edit conflicts.rb. Add 'Line4' and 'Line5'.
+2. Commit and push
+3. Checkout master and edit conflicts.rb. Add 'Line6' and 'Line7' below 'Line3'.
+4. Commit and push to master
+5. Create a merge request and watch it fail
+6. Rebase our new branch with master
+7. Fix conflicts on the conflicts.rb file.
+8. Stage the file and continue rebasing
+9. Force push the changes
+10. Finally continue with the Merge Request
+### Example 1/2
+ git checkout -b conflicts_branch
+ # vi conflicts.rb
+ # Add 'Line4' and 'Line5'
+ git commit -am "add line4 and line5"
+ git push origin conflicts_branch
+ git checkout master
+ # vi conflicts.rb
+ # Add 'Line6' and 'Line7'
+ git commit -am "add line6 and line7"
+ git push origin master
+### Example 2/2
+Create a merge request on the GitLab web UI. You'll see a conflict warning.
+ git checkout conflicts_branch
+ git fetch
+ git rebase master
+ # Fix conflicts by editing the files.
+ git add conflicts.rb
+ # No need to commit this file
+ git rebase --continue
+ # Remember that we have rewritten our commit history so we
+ # need to force push so that our remote branch is restructured
+ git push origin conflicts_branch -f
+### Notes
+* When to use `git merge` and when to use `git rebase`
+* Rebase when updating your branch with master
+* Merge when bringing changes from feature to master
+* Reference:
+## Revert and Unstage
+### Unstage
+To remove files from stage use reset HEAD. Where HEAD is the last commit of the current branch:
+ git reset HEAD <file>
+This will unstage the file but maintain the modifications. To revert the file back to the state it was in before the changes we can use:
+ git checkout -- <file>
+To remove a file from disk and repo use 'git rm' and to rm a dir use the '-r' flag:
+ git rm '*.txt'
+ git rm -r <dirname>
+If we want to remove a file from the repository but keep it on disk, say we forgot to add it to our .gitignore file then use `--cache`:
+ git rm <filename> --cache
+### Undo Commits
+Undo last commit putting everything back into the staging area:
+ git reset --soft HEAD^
+Add files and change message with:
+ git commit --amend -m "New Message"
+Undo last and remove changes
+ git reset --hard HEAD^
+Same as last one but for two commits back:
+ git reset --hard HEAD^^
+Don't reset after pushing
+### Reset Workflow
+1. Edit file again 'edit_this_file.rb'
+2. Check status
+3. Add and commit with wrong message
+4. Check log
+5. Amend commit
+6. Check log
+7. Soft reset
+8. Check log
+9. Pull for updates
+10. Push changes
+ # Change file edit_this_file.rb
+ git status
+ git commit -am "kjkfjkg"
+ git log
+ git commit --amend -m "New comment added"
+ git log
+ git reset --soft HEAD^
+ git log
+ git pull origin master
+ git push origin master
+### Note
+git revert vs git reset
+Reset removes the commit while revert removes the changes but leaves the commit
+Revert is safer considering we can revert a revert
+ # Changed file
+ git commit -am "bug introduced"
+ git revert HEAD
+ # New commit created reverting changes
+ # Now we want to re apply the reverted commit
+ git log # take hash from the revert commit
+ git revert <rev commit hash>
+ # reverted commit is back (new commit created again)
+## Questions
+## Instructor Notes
+### Version Control
+ - Local VCS was used with a filesystem or a simple db.
+ - Centralized VCS such as Subversion includes collaboration but
+ still is prone to data loss as the main server is the single point of
+ failure.
+ - Distributed VCS enables the team to have a complete copy of the project
+ and work with little dependency to the main server. In case of a main
+ server failing the project can be recovered by any of the latest copies
+ from the team