path: root/doc/user/project/pages/
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-last_updated: 2019-06-25
-type: concepts, reference, howto
-# GitLab Pages custom domains and SSL/TLS Certificates
-Setting up GitLab Pages with custom domains, and adding SSL/TLS certificates to them, are optional features of GitLab Pages.
-These steps assume you've already [set your site up]( and it's served under the default Pages domain ``, or ``.
-## Adding your custom domain to GitLab Pages
-To use one or more custom domain with your Pages site, there are two things
-you should consider first, which we'll cover in this guide:
-1. Either if you're adding a **root domain** or a **subdomain**, for which
- you'll need to set up [DNS records](#dns-records)
-1. Whether you want to add an [SSL/TLS certificate](#ssltls-certificates) or not
-To finish the association, you need to [add your domain to your project's Pages settings](#add-your-custom-domain-to-gitlab-pages-settings).
-Let's start from the beginning with [DNS records](#dns-records).
-If you already know how they work and want to skip the introduction to DNS,
-you may be interested in skipping it until the [TL;DR](#tldr) section below.
-### DNS Records
-A Domain Name System (DNS) web service routes visitors to websites
-by translating domain names (such as ``) into the
-numeric IP addresses (such as ``) that computers use to
-connect to each other.
-A DNS record is created to point a (sub)domain to a certain location,
-which can be an IP address or another domain. In case you want to use
-GitLab Pages with your own (sub)domain, you need to access your domain's
-registrar control panel to add a DNS record pointing it back to your
-GitLab Pages site.
-Note that **how to** add DNS records depends on which server your domain
-is hosted on. Every control panel has its own place to do it. If you are
-not an admin of your domain, and don't have access to your registrar,
-you'll need to ask for the technical support of your hosting service
-to do it for you.
-To help you out, we've gathered some instructions on how to do that
-for the most popular hosting services:
-- [Amazon](
-- [Bluehost](
-- [CloudFlare](
-- [cPanel](
-- [DreamHost](
-- [Go Daddy](
-- [Hostgator](
-- [Inmotion hosting](
-- [Media Temple](
-- [Microsoft](
-If your hosting service is not listed above, you can just try to
-search the web for `how to add dns record on <my hosting service>`.
-#### DNS A record
-In case you want to point a root domain (``) to your
-GitLab Pages site, deployed to ``, you need to
-log into your domain's admin control panel and add a DNS `A` record
-pointing your domain to Pages' server IP address. For projects on, this IP is ``. For projects living in
-other GitLab instances (CE or EE), please contact your sysadmin
-asking for this information (which IP address is Pages server
-running on your instance).
-**Practical Example:**
-![DNS A record pointing to Pages server](img/dns_add_new_a_record_example_updated_2018.png)
-CAUTION: **Caution:**
-Note that if you use your root domain for your GitLab Pages website
-**only**, and if your domain registrar supports this feature, you can
-add a DNS apex `CNAME` record instead of an `A` record. The main
-advantage of doing so is that when GitLab Pages IP on
-changes for whatever reason, you don't need to update your `A` record.
-There may be a few exceptions, but **this method is not recommended**
-as it most likely won't work if you set an `MX` record for your root domain.
-#### DNS CNAME record
-In case you want to point a subdomain (``)
-to your GitLab Pages site initially deployed to ``,
-you need to log into your domain's admin control panel and add a DNS
-`CNAME` record pointing your subdomain to your website URL
-(``) address.
-Note that, whether it's a user or a project website, the `CNAME`
-should point to your Pages domain (``),
-without any `/project-name`.
-**Practical Example:**
-![DNS CNAME record pointing to project](img/dns_cname_record_example.png)
-#### DNS TXT record
-Unless your GitLab administrator has [disabled custom domain verification](../../../administration/pages/,
-you'll have to prove that you own the domain by creating a `TXT` record
-containing a verification code. The code will be displayed after you
-[add your custom domain to GitLab Pages settings](#add-your-custom-domain-to-gitlab-pages-settings).
-If using a [DNS A record](#dns-a-record), you can place the TXT record directly
-under the domain. If using a [DNS CNAME record](#dns-cname-record), the two record types won't
-co-exist, so you need to place the TXT record in a special subdomain of its own.
-If the domain cannot be verified for 7 days, it will be removed from the GitLab project.
-#### TL;DR
-For root domains (``), set a DNS `A` record and verify your
-domain's ownership with a TXT record:
-| From | DNS Record | To |
-| ---- | ---------- | -- |
-| | A | |
-| | TXT | gitlab-pages-verification-code=00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff |
-For subdomains (``), set a DNS `CNAME` record and
-verify your domain's ownership with a TXT record:
-| From | DNS Record | To |
-| ---- | ---------- | -- |
-| | CNAME | |
-| | TXT | gitlab-pages-verification-code=00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff |
-> **Notes**:
-> - **Do not** use a CNAME record if you want to point your
- `` to your GitLab Pages site. Use an `A` record instead.
-> - **Do not** add any special chars after the default Pages
- domain. E.g., **do not** point your `` to
- `` or ``.
-> - GitLab Pages IP on [was changed]( in 2017.
-> - GitLab Pages IP on [has been changed](
- from `` to `` in 2018.
-### Add your custom domain to GitLab Pages settings
-Once you've set the DNS record, you'll need navigate to your project's
-**Setting > Pages** and click **+ New domain** to add your custom domain to
-GitLab Pages. You can choose whether to add an [SSL/TLS certificate](#ssltls-certificates)
-to make your website accessible under HTTPS or leave it blank. If you don't add a certificate,
-your site will be accessible only via HTTP:
-![Add new domain](img/add_certificate_to_pages.png)
-Once you have added a new domain, you will need to **verify your ownership**
-(unless the GitLab administrator has disabled this feature). A verification code
-will be shown to you; add it as a [DNS TXT record](#dns-txt-record), then press
-the "Verify ownership" button to activate your new domain:
-![Verify your domain](img/verify_your_domain.png)
-Once your domain has been verified, leave the verification record in place -
-your domain will be periodically reverified, and may be disabled if the record
-is removed.
-You can add more than one alias (custom domains and subdomains) to the same project.
-An alias can be understood as having many doors leading to the same room.
-All the aliases you've set to your site will be listed on **Setting > Pages**.
-From that page, you can view, add, and remove them.
-Note that [DNS propagation may take some time (up to 24h)](,
-although it's usually a matter of minutes to complete. Until it does, verification
-will fail and attempts to visit your domain will respond with a 404.
-### Redirecting `` to `` with Cloudflare
-If you use Cloudflare, you can redirect `www` to `` without the need of adding both
-`` and `` to GitLab. This happens due to a [Cloudflare feature that creates
-a 301 redirect as a "page rule"]( for redirecting `` to ``. In this case,
-you can use the following setup:
-- In Cloudflare, create a DNS `A` record pointing `` to ``
-- In GitLab, add the domain to GitLab Pages
-- In Cloudflare, create a DNS `TXT` record to verify your domain
-- In Cloudflare, create a DNS `CNAME` record pointing `www` to ``
-## SSL/TLS Certificates
-Every GitLab Pages project on will be available under
-HTTPS for the default Pages domain (`*`). Once you set
-up your Pages project with your custom (sub)domain, if you want
-it secured by HTTPS, you will have to issue a certificate for that
-(sub)domain and install it on your project.
-Certificates are NOT required to add to your custom
-(sub)domain on your GitLab Pages project, though they are
-highly recommendable.
-Let's start with an introduction to the importance of HTTPS.
-Alternatively, jump ahead to [adding certificates to your project](#adding-certificates-to-pages).
-### Why should I care about HTTPS?
-This might be your first question. If our sites are hosted by GitLab Pages,
-they are static, hence we are not dealing with server-side scripts
-nor credit card transactions, then why do we need secure connections?
-Back in the 1990s, where HTTPS came out, [SSL]( was considered a "special"
-security measure, necessary just for big companies, like banks and shoppings sites
-with financial transactions.
-Now we have a different picture. [According to Josh Aas](, Executive Director at [ISRG](
-> _We’ve since come to realize that HTTPS is important for almost all websites. It’s important for any website that allows people to log in with a password, any website that [tracks its users]( in any way, any website that [doesn’t want its content altered](, and for any site that offers content people might not want others to know they are consuming. We’ve also learned that any site not secured by HTTPS [can be used to attack other sites](
-Therefore, the reason why certificates are so important is that they encrypt
-the connection between the **client** (you, me, your visitors)
-and the **server** (where you site lives), through a keychain of
-authentications and validations.
-How about taking Josh's advice and protecting our sites too? We will be
-well supported, and we'll contribute to a safer internet.
-### Organizations supporting HTTPS
-There is a huge movement in favor of securing all the web. W3C fully
-[supports the cause]( and explains very well
-the reasons for that. Richard Barnes, a writer for Mozilla Security Blog,
-suggested that [Firefox would deprecate HTTP](,
-and would no longer accept unsecured connections. Recently, Mozilla published a
-reiterating the importance of HTTPS.
-## Issuing Certificates
-GitLab Pages accepts certificates provided in the [PEM]( format, issued by
-[Certificate Authorities (CAs)]( or as
-[self-signed certificates]( Note that [self-signed certificates are typically not used](
-for public websites for security reasons and to ensure that browsers trust your site's certificate.
-There are various kinds of certificates, each one
-with a certain security level. A static personal website will
-not require the same security level as an online banking web app,
-for instance.
-There are some certificate authorities that
-offer free certificates, aiming to make the internet more secure
-to everyone. The most popular is [Let's Encrypt](,
-which issues certificates trusted by most of browsers, it's open
-source, and free to use. See our tutorial on [how to secure your GitLab Pages website with Let's Encrypt](
-Similarly popular are [certificates issued by CloudFlare](,
-which also offers a [free CDN service](
-Their certs are valid up to 15 years. See the tutorial on
-[how to add a CloudFlare Certificate to your GitLab Pages website](
-### Adding certificates to Pages
-Regardless the CA you choose, the steps to add your certificate to
-your Pages project are the same.
-#### Requirements
-1. A PEM certificate
-1. An intermediate certificate
-1. A private key
-![Pages project - adding certificates](img/add_certificate_to_pages.png)
-These fields are found under your **Project**'s **Settings** > **Pages** > **New Domain**.
-#### Certificate types
-- A PEM certificate is the certificate generated by the CA,
- which needs to be added to the field **Certificate (PEM)**.
-- An [intermediate certificate]( (aka "root certificate") is
- the part of the encryption keychain that identifies the CA.
- Usually it's combined with the PEM certificate, but there are
- some cases in which you need to add them manually.
- [CloudFlare certs](
- are one of these cases.
-- A private key is an encrypted key which validates
- your PEM against your domain.
-#### Add the certificate to your project
-Once you've met the requirements:
-- Your PEM certificate needs to be added to the first field.
-- If your certificate is missing its intermediate, copy
- and paste the root certificate (usually available from your CA website)
- and paste it in the [same field as your PEM certificate](,
- just jumping a line between them.
-- Copy your private key and paste it in the last field.
-NOTE: **Note:**
-**Do not** open certificates or encryption keys in
-regular text editors. Always use code editors (such as
-Sublime Text, Atom, Dreamweaver, Brackets, etc).
-## Force HTTPS for GitLab Pages websites
-> [Introduced]( in GitLab 10.7.
-To make your website's visitors even more secure, you can choose to
-force HTTPS for GitLab Pages. By doing so, all attempts to visit your
-website via HTTP will be automatically redirected to HTTPS via 301.
-It works with both GitLab's default domain and with your custom
-domain (as long as you've set a valid certificate for it).
-To enable this setting, navigate to your project's **Settings > Pages**
-and tick the checkbox **Force HTTPS (requires valid certificates)**.
+This document was moved to [another location](custom_domains_ssl_tls_certification/