path: root/lib/api/v3/entities.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/api/v3/entities.rb')
1 files changed, 237 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/api/v3/entities.rb b/lib/api/v3/entities.rb
index 3cc0dc968a8..832b4bdeb4f 100644
--- a/lib/api/v3/entities.rb
+++ b/lib/api/v3/entities.rb
@@ -11,6 +11,243 @@ module API
+ class Note < Grape::Entity
+ expose :id
+ expose :note, as: :body
+ expose :attachment_identifier, as: :attachment
+ expose :author, using: ::API::Entities::UserBasic
+ expose :created_at, :updated_at
+ expose :system?, as: :system
+ expose :noteable_id, :noteable_type
+ # upvote? and downvote? are deprecated, always return false
+ expose(:upvote?) { |note| false }
+ expose(:downvote?) { |note| false }
+ end
+ class Event < Grape::Entity
+ expose :title, :project_id, :action_name
+ expose :target_id, :target_type, :author_id
+ expose :data, :target_title
+ expose :created_at
+ expose :note, using: Entities::Note, if: ->(event, options) { event.note? }
+ expose :author, using: ::API::Entities::UserBasic, if: ->(event, options) { }
+ expose :author_username do |event, options|
+ end
+ end
+ class AwardEmoji < Grape::Entity
+ expose :id
+ expose :name
+ expose :user, using: ::API::Entities::UserBasic
+ expose :created_at, :updated_at
+ expose :awardable_id, :awardable_type
+ end
+ class Project < Grape::Entity
+ expose :id, :description, :default_branch, :tag_list
+ expose :public?, as: :public
+ expose :archived?, as: :archived
+ expose :visibility_level, :ssh_url_to_repo, :http_url_to_repo, :web_url
+ expose :owner, using: ::API::Entities::UserBasic, unless: ->(project, options) { }
+ expose :name, :name_with_namespace
+ expose :path, :path_with_namespace
+ expose :container_registry_enabled
+ # Expose old field names with the new permissions methods to keep API compatible
+ expose(:issues_enabled) { |project, options| project.feature_available?(:issues, options[:current_user]) }
+ expose(:merge_requests_enabled) { |project, options| project.feature_available?(:merge_requests, options[:current_user]) }
+ expose(:wiki_enabled) { |project, options| project.feature_available?(:wiki, options[:current_user]) }
+ expose(:builds_enabled) { |project, options| project.feature_available?(:builds, options[:current_user]) }
+ expose(:snippets_enabled) { |project, options| project.feature_available?(:snippets, options[:current_user]) }
+ expose :created_at, :last_activity_at
+ expose :shared_runners_enabled
+ expose :lfs_enabled?, as: :lfs_enabled
+ expose :creator_id
+ expose :namespace, using: 'API::Entities::Namespace'
+ expose :forked_from_project, using: ::API::Entities::BasicProjectDetails, if: lambda{ |project, options| project.forked? }
+ expose :avatar_url
+ expose :star_count, :forks_count
+ expose :open_issues_count, if: lambda { |project, options| project.feature_available?(:issues, options[:current_user]) && project.default_issues_tracker? }
+ expose :runners_token, if: lambda { |_project, options| options[:user_can_admin_project] }
+ expose :public_builds
+ expose :shared_with_groups do |project, options|
+ ::API::Entities::SharedGroup.represent(project.project_group_links.all, options)
+ end
+ expose :only_allow_merge_if_pipeline_succeeds, as: :only_allow_merge_if_build_succeeds
+ expose :request_access_enabled
+ expose :only_allow_merge_if_all_discussions_are_resolved
+ expose :statistics, using: '::API::V3::Entities::ProjectStatistics', if: :statistics
+ end
+ class ProjectWithAccess < Project
+ expose :permissions do
+ expose :project_access, using: ::API::Entities::ProjectAccess do |project, options|
+ project.project_members.find_by(user_id: options[:current_user].id)
+ end
+ expose :group_access, using: ::API::Entities::GroupAccess do |project, options|
+ if
+ options[:current_user].id)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class MergeRequest < Grape::Entity
+ expose :id, :iid
+ expose(:project_id) { |entity| }
+ expose :title, :description
+ expose :state, :created_at, :updated_at
+ expose :target_branch, :source_branch
+ expose :upvotes, :downvotes
+ expose :author, :assignee, using: ::API::Entities::UserBasic
+ expose :source_project_id, :target_project_id
+ expose :label_names, as: :labels
+ expose :work_in_progress?, as: :work_in_progress
+ expose :milestone, using: ::API::Entities::Milestone
+ expose :merge_when_pipeline_succeeds, as: :merge_when_build_succeeds
+ expose :merge_status
+ expose :diff_head_sha, as: :sha
+ expose :merge_commit_sha
+ expose :subscribed do |merge_request, options|
+ merge_request.subscribed?(options[:current_user], options[:project])
+ end
+ expose :user_notes_count
+ expose :should_remove_source_branch?, as: :should_remove_source_branch
+ expose :force_remove_source_branch?, as: :force_remove_source_branch
+ expose :web_url do |merge_request, options|
+ end
+ end
+ class Group < Grape::Entity
+ expose :id, :name, :path, :description, :visibility_level
+ expose :lfs_enabled?, as: :lfs_enabled
+ expose :avatar_url
+ expose :web_url
+ expose :request_access_enabled
+ expose :full_name, :full_path
+ expose :parent_id
+ expose :statistics, if: :statistics do
+ with_options format_with: -> (value) { value.to_i } do
+ expose :storage_size
+ expose :repository_size
+ expose :lfs_objects_size
+ expose :build_artifacts_size
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class GroupDetail < Group
+ expose :projects, using: Entities::Project
+ expose :shared_projects, using: Entities::Project
+ end
+ class ApplicationSetting < Grape::Entity
+ expose :id
+ expose :default_projects_limit
+ expose :signup_enabled
+ expose :signin_enabled
+ expose :gravatar_enabled
+ expose :sign_in_text
+ expose :after_sign_up_text
+ expose :created_at
+ expose :updated_at
+ expose :home_page_url
+ expose :default_branch_protection
+ expose :restricted_visibility_levels
+ expose :max_attachment_size
+ expose :session_expire_delay
+ expose :default_project_visibility
+ expose :default_snippet_visibility
+ expose :default_group_visibility
+ expose :domain_whitelist
+ expose :domain_blacklist_enabled
+ expose :domain_blacklist
+ expose :user_oauth_applications
+ expose :after_sign_out_path
+ expose :container_registry_token_expire_delay
+ expose :repository_storage
+ expose :repository_storages
+ expose :koding_enabled
+ expose :koding_url
+ expose :plantuml_enabled
+ expose :plantuml_url
+ expose :terminal_max_session_time
+ end
+ class Environment < ::API::Entities::EnvironmentBasic
+ expose :project, using: Entities::Project
+ end
+ class Trigger < Grape::Entity
+ expose :token, :created_at, :updated_at, :deleted_at, :last_used
+ expose :owner, using: ::API::Entities::UserBasic
+ end
+ class TriggerRequest < Grape::Entity
+ expose :id, :variables
+ end
+ class Build < Grape::Entity
+ expose :id, :status, :stage, :name, :ref, :tag, :coverage
+ expose :created_at, :started_at, :finished_at
+ expose :user, with: ::API::Entities::User
+ expose :artifacts_file, using: ::API::Entities::JobArtifactFile, if: -> (build, opts) { build.artifacts? }
+ expose :commit, with: ::API::Entities::RepoCommit
+ expose :runner, with: ::API::Entities::Runner
+ expose :pipeline, with: ::API::Entities::PipelineBasic
+ end
+ class BuildArtifactFile < Grape::Entity
+ expose :filename, :size
+ end
+ class Deployment < Grape::Entity
+ expose :id, :iid, :ref, :sha, :created_at
+ expose :user, using: ::API::Entities::UserBasic
+ expose :environment, using: ::API::Entities::EnvironmentBasic
+ expose :deployable, using: Entities::Build
+ end
+ class MergeRequestChanges < MergeRequest
+ expose :diffs, as: :changes, using: ::API::Entities::RepoDiff do |compare, _|
+ compare.raw_diffs(all_diffs: true).to_a
+ end
+ end
+ class ProjectStatistics < Grape::Entity
+ expose :commit_count
+ expose :storage_size
+ expose :repository_size
+ expose :lfs_objects_size
+ expose :build_artifacts_size
+ end
+ class ProjectService < Grape::Entity
+ expose :id, :title, :created_at, :updated_at, :active
+ expose :push_events, :issues_events, :merge_requests_events
+ expose :tag_push_events, :note_events, :build_events, :pipeline_events
+ # Expose serialized properties
+ expose :properties do |service, options|
+ field_names = service.fields.
+ select { |field| options[:include_passwords] || field[:type] != 'password' }.
+ map { |field| field[:name] }
+ end
+ end
+ class ProjectHook < ::API::Entities::Hook
+ expose :project_id, :issues_events, :merge_requests_events
+ expose :note_events, :build_events, :pipeline_events, :wiki_page_events
+ end