path: root/lib/banzai/filter/commit_trailers_filter.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/banzai/filter/commit_trailers_filter.rb')
1 files changed, 152 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/banzai/filter/commit_trailers_filter.rb b/lib/banzai/filter/commit_trailers_filter.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ef16df1f3ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/banzai/filter/commit_trailers_filter.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+module Banzai
+ module Filter
+ # HTML filter that replaces users' names and emails in commit trailers
+ # with links to their GitLab accounts or mailto links to their mentioned
+ # emails.
+ #
+ # Commit trailers are special labels in the form of `*-by:` and fall on a
+ # single line, ex:
+ #
+ # Reported-By: John S. Doe <>
+ #
+ # More info about this can be found here:
+ # *
+ class CommitTrailersFilter < HTML::Pipeline::Filter
+ include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper
+ include ApplicationHelper
+ include AvatarsHelper
+ TRAILER_REGEXP = /(?<label>[[:alpha:]-]+-by:)/i.freeze
+ AUTHOR_REGEXP = /(?<author_name>.+)/.freeze
+ # Devise.email_regexp wouldn't work here since its designed to match
+ # against strings that only contains email addresses; the \A and \z
+ # around the expression will only match if the string being matched
+ # contains just the email nothing else.
+ MAIL_REGEXP = /&lt;(?<author_email>[^@\s]+@[^@\s]+)&gt;/.freeze
+ FILTER_REGEXP = /(?<trailer>^\s*#{TRAILER_REGEXP}\s*#{AUTHOR_REGEXP}\s+#{MAIL_REGEXP}$)/mi.freeze
+ def call
+ doc.xpath('descendant-or-self::text()').each do |node|
+ content = node.to_html
+ next unless content.match(FILTER_REGEXP)
+ html = trailer_filter(content)
+ next if html == content
+ node.replace(html)
+ end
+ doc
+ end
+ private
+ # Replace trailer lines with links to GitLab users or mailto links to
+ # non GitLab users.
+ #
+ # text - String text to replace trailers in.
+ #
+ # Returns a String with all trailer lines replaced with links to GitLab
+ # users and mailto links to non GitLab users. All links have `data-trailer`
+ # and `data-user` attributes attached.
+ def trailer_filter(text)
+ text.gsub(FILTER_REGEXP) do |author_match|
+ label = $~[:label]
+ "#{label} #{parse_user($~[:author_name], $~[:author_email], label)}"
+ end
+ end
+ # Find a GitLab user using the supplied email and generate
+ # a valid link to them, otherwise, generate a mailto link.
+ #
+ # name - String name used in the commit message for the user
+ # email - String email used in the commit message for the user
+ # trailer - String trailer used in the commit message
+ #
+ # Returns a String with a link to the user.
+ def parse_user(name, email, trailer)
+ link_to_user User.find_by_any_email(email),
+ name: name,
+ email: email,
+ trailer: trailer
+ end
+ def urls
+ Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers
+ end
+ def link_to_user(user, name:, email:, trailer:)
+ wrapper = link_wrapper(data: {
+ trailer: trailer,
+ user: user.try(:id)
+ })
+ avatar = user_avatar_without_link(
+ user: user,
+ user_email: email,
+ css_class: 'avatar-inline',
+ has_tooltip: false
+ )
+ link_href = user.nil? ? "mailto:#{email}" : urls.user_url(user)
+ avatar_link = link_tag(
+ link_href,
+ content: avatar,
+ title: email
+ )
+ name_link = link_tag(
+ link_href,
+ content: name,
+ title: email
+ )
+ email_link = link_tag(
+ "mailto:#{email}",
+ content: email,
+ title: email
+ )
+ wrapper << "#{avatar_link}#{name_link} <#{email_link}>"
+ end
+ def link_wrapper(data: {})
+ data_attributes = data_attributes_from_hash(data)
+ doc.document.create_element(
+ 'span',
+ data_attributes
+ )
+ end
+ def link_tag(url, title: "", content: "", data: {})
+ data_attributes = data_attributes_from_hash(data)
+ attributes = data_attributes.merge(
+ href: url,
+ title: title
+ )
+ link = doc.document.create_element('a', attributes)
+ if content.html_safe?
+ link << content
+ else
+ link.content = content # make sure we escape content using nokogiri's #content=
+ end
+ link
+ end
+ def data_attributes_from_hash(data = {})
+ data.reject! {|_, value| value.nil?}
+ do |key, value|
+ [%(data-#{key.to_s.dasherize}), value]
+ end.to_h
+ end
+ end
+ end