path: root/lib/bitbucket_server
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/bitbucket_server')
11 files changed, 779 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/bitbucket_server/client.rb b/lib/bitbucket_server/client.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..15e59f93141
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bitbucket_server/client.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module BitbucketServer
+ class Client
+ attr_reader :connection
+ ServerError =
+ SERVER_ERRORS = [SocketError,
+ OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError,
+ Net::OpenTimeout,
+ Net::ReadTimeout,
+ Gitlab::HTTP::BlockedUrlError,
+ BitbucketServer::Connection::ConnectionError].freeze
+ def initialize(options = {})
+ @connection =
+ end
+ def pull_requests(project_key, repo)
+ path = "/projects/#{project_key}/repos/#{repo}/pull-requests?state=ALL"
+ get_collection(path, :pull_request)
+ end
+ def activities(project_key, repo, pull_request_id)
+ path = "/projects/#{project_key}/repos/#{repo}/pull-requests/#{pull_request_id}/activities"
+ get_collection(path, :activity)
+ end
+ def repo(project, repo_name)
+ parsed_response = connection.get("/projects/#{project}/repos/#{repo_name}")
+ end
+ def repos
+ path = "/repos"
+ get_collection(path, :repo)
+ end
+ def create_branch(project_key, repo, branch_name, sha)
+ payload = {
+ name: branch_name,
+ startPoint: sha,
+ message: 'GitLab temporary branch for import'
+ }
+"/projects/#{project_key}/repos/#{repo}/branches", payload.to_json)
+ end
+ def delete_branch(project_key, repo, branch_name, sha)
+ payload = {
+ name: Gitlab::Git::BRANCH_REF_PREFIX + branch_name,
+ dryRun: false
+ }
+ connection.delete(:branches, "/projects/#{project_key}/repos/#{repo}/branches", payload.to_json)
+ end
+ private
+ def get_collection(path, type)
+ paginator =, Addressable::URI.escape(path), type)
+ rescue *SERVER_ERRORS => e
+ raise ServerError, e
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/bitbucket_server/collection.rb b/lib/bitbucket_server/collection.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b50c5dde352
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bitbucket_server/collection.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module BitbucketServer
+ class Collection < Enumerator
+ def initialize(paginator)
+ super() do |yielder|
+ loop do
+ paginator.items.each { |item| yielder << item }
+ end
+ end
+ lazy
+ end
+ def method_missing(method, *args)
+ return super unless self.respond_to?(method)
+ self.__send__(method, *args) do |item| # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend
+ block_given? ? yield(item) : item
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/bitbucket_server/connection.rb b/lib/bitbucket_server/connection.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..45a437844bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bitbucket_server/connection.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module BitbucketServer
+ class Connection
+ include ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper
+ attr_reader :api_version, :base_uri, :username, :token
+ ConnectionError =
+ def initialize(options = {})
+ @api_version = options.fetch(:api_version, DEFAULT_API_VERSION)
+ @base_uri = options[:base_uri]
+ @username = options[:user]
+ @token = options[:password]
+ end
+ def get(path, extra_query = {})
+ response = Gitlab::HTTP.get(build_url(path),
+ basic_auth: auth,
+ headers: accept_headers,
+ query: extra_query)
+ check_errors!(response)
+ response.parsed_response
+ end
+ def post(path, body)
+ response =,
+ basic_auth: auth,
+ headers: post_headers,
+ body: body)
+ check_errors!(response)
+ response.parsed_response
+ end
+ # We need to support two different APIs for deletion:
+ #
+ # /rest/api/1.0/projects/{projectKey}/repos/{repositorySlug}/branches/default
+ # /rest/branch-utils/1.0/projects/{projectKey}/repos/{repositorySlug}/branches
+ def delete(resource, path, body)
+ url = delete_url(resource, path)
+ response = Gitlab::HTTP.delete(url,
+ basic_auth: auth,
+ headers: post_headers,
+ body: body)
+ check_errors!(response)
+ response.parsed_response
+ end
+ private
+ def check_errors!(response)
+ raise ConnectionError, "Response is not valid JSON" unless response.parsed_response.is_a?(Hash)
+ return if response.code >= 200 && response.code < 300
+ details = sanitize(response.parsed_response.dig('errors', 0, 'message'))
+ message = "Error #{response.code}"
+ message += ": #{details}" if details
+ raise ConnectionError, message
+ rescue JSON::ParserError
+ raise ConnectionError, "Unable to parse the server response as JSON"
+ end
+ def auth
+ @auth ||= { username: username, password: token }
+ end
+ def accept_headers
+ @accept_headers ||= { 'Accept' => 'application/json' }
+ end
+ def post_headers
+ @post_headers ||= accept_headers.merge({ 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' })
+ end
+ def build_url(path)
+ return path if path.starts_with?(root_url)
+ url_join_paths(root_url, path)
+ end
+ def root_url
+ url_join_paths(base_uri, "/rest/api/#{api_version}")
+ end
+ def delete_url(resource, path)
+ if resource == :branches
+ url_join_paths(base_uri, "/rest/branch-utils/#{api_version}#{path}")
+ else
+ build_url(path)
+ end
+ end
+ # URI.join is stupid in that slashes are important:
+ #
+ # # URI.join('', 'hello')
+ # =>
+ #
+ # We really want
+ #
+ def url_join_paths(*paths)
+ { |path| strip_slashes(path) }.join(SEPARATOR)
+ end
+ def strip_slashes(path)
+ path = path[1..-1] if path.starts_with?(SEPARATOR)
+ path.chomp(SEPARATOR)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/bitbucket_server/page.rb b/lib/bitbucket_server/page.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5d9a3168876
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bitbucket_server/page.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module BitbucketServer
+ class Page
+ attr_reader :attrs, :items
+ def initialize(raw, type)
+ @attrs = parse_attrs(raw)
+ @items = parse_values(raw, representation_class(type))
+ end
+ def next?
+ !attrs.fetch(:isLastPage, true)
+ end
+ def next
+ attrs.fetch(:nextPageStart)
+ end
+ private
+ def parse_attrs(raw)
+ raw.slice('size', 'nextPageStart', 'isLastPage').symbolize_keys
+ end
+ def parse_values(raw, bitbucket_rep_class)
+ return [] unless raw['values'] && raw['values'].is_a?(Array)
+ bitbucket_rep_class.decorate(raw['values'])
+ end
+ def representation_class(type)
+ BitbucketServer::Representation.const_get(type.to_s.camelize)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/bitbucket_server/paginator.rb b/lib/bitbucket_server/paginator.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c351fb2f11f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bitbucket_server/paginator.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module BitbucketServer
+ class Paginator
+ def initialize(connection, url, type)
+ @connection = connection
+ @type = type
+ @url = url
+ @page = nil
+ end
+ def items
+ raise StopIteration unless has_next_page?
+ @page = fetch_next_page
+ @page.items
+ end
+ private
+ attr_reader :connection, :page, :url, :type
+ def has_next_page?
+ page.nil? ||
+ end
+ def next_offset
+ page.nil? ? 0 :
+ end
+ def fetch_next_page
+ parsed_response = connection.get(@url, start: next_offset, limit: PAGE_LENGTH)
+, type)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/bitbucket_server/representation/activity.rb b/lib/bitbucket_server/representation/activity.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..08bf30a5d1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bitbucket_server/representation/activity.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module BitbucketServer
+ module Representation
+ class Activity < Representation::Base
+ def comment?
+ action == 'COMMENTED'
+ end
+ def inline_comment?
+ !!(comment? && comment_anchor)
+ end
+ def comment
+ return unless comment?
+ @comment ||=
+ if inline_comment?
+ else
+ end
+ end
+ # TODO Move this into MergeEvent
+ def merge_event?
+ action == 'MERGED'
+ end
+ def committer_user
+ commit.dig('committer', 'displayName')
+ end
+ def committer_email
+ commit.dig('committer', 'emailAddress')
+ end
+ def merge_timestamp
+ timestamp = commit['committerTimestamp']
+ self.class.convert_timestamp(timestamp)
+ end
+ def merge_commit
+ commit['id']
+ end
+ def created_at
+ self.class.convert_timestamp(created_date)
+ end
+ private
+ def commit
+ raw.fetch('commit', {})
+ end
+ def action
+ raw['action']
+ end
+ def comment_anchor
+ raw['commentAnchor']
+ end
+ def created_date
+ raw['createdDate']
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/bitbucket_server/representation/base.rb b/lib/bitbucket_server/representation/base.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a1961bae6ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bitbucket_server/representation/base.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module BitbucketServer
+ module Representation
+ class Base
+ attr_reader :raw
+ def initialize(raw)
+ @raw = raw
+ end
+ def self.decorate(entries)
+ { |entry| new(entry)}
+ end
+ def self.convert_timestamp(time_usec)
+ / 1000) if time_usec.is_a?(Integer)
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/bitbucket_server/representation/comment.rb b/lib/bitbucket_server/representation/comment.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..99b97a3b181
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bitbucket_server/representation/comment.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module BitbucketServer
+ module Representation
+ # A general comment with the structure:
+ # "comment": {
+ # "author": {
+ # "active": true,
+ # "displayName": "root",
+ # "emailAddress": "",
+ # "id": 1,
+ # "links": {
+ # "self": [
+ # {
+ # "href": "http://localhost:7990/users/root"
+ # }
+ # ]
+ # },
+ # "name": "root",
+ # "slug": "root",
+ # "type": "NORMAL"
+ # }
+ # }
+ # }
+ class Comment < Representation::Base
+ attr_reader :parent_comment
+ CommentNode =, :parent)
+ def initialize(raw, parent_comment: nil)
+ super(raw)
+ @parent_comment = parent_comment
+ end
+ def id
+ raw_comment['id']
+ end
+ def author_username
+ author['displayName']
+ end
+ def author_email
+ author['emailAddress']
+ end
+ def note
+ raw_comment['text']
+ end
+ def created_at
+ self.class.convert_timestamp(created_date)
+ end
+ def updated_at
+ self.class.convert_timestamp(created_date)
+ end
+ # Bitbucket Server supports the ability to reply to any comment
+ # and created multiple threads. It represents these as a linked list
+ # of comments within comments. For example:
+ #
+ # "comments": [
+ # {
+ # "author" : ...
+ # "comments": [
+ # {
+ # "author": ...
+ #
+ # Since GitLab only supports a single thread, we flatten all these
+ # comments into a single discussion.
+ def comments
+ @comments ||= flatten_comments
+ end
+ private
+ # In order to provide context for each reply, we need to track
+ # the parent of each comment. This method works as follows:
+ #
+ # 1. Insert the root comment into the workset. The root element is the current note.
+ # 2. For each node in the workset:
+ # a. Examine if it has replies to that comment. If it does,
+ # insert that node into the workset.
+ # b. Parse that note into a Comment structure and add it to a flat list.
+ def flatten_comments
+ comments = raw_comment['comments']
+ workset =
+ if comments
+ [, self)]
+ else
+ []
+ end
+ all_comments = []
+ until workset.empty?
+ node = workset.pop
+ parent = node.parent
+ node.raw_comments.each do |comment|
+ new_comments = comment.delete('comments')
+ current_comment ={ 'comment' => comment }, parent_comment: parent)
+ all_comments << current_comment
+ workset <<, current_comment) if new_comments
+ end
+ end
+ all_comments
+ end
+ def raw_comment
+ raw.fetch('comment', {})
+ end
+ def author
+ raw_comment['author']
+ end
+ def created_date
+ raw_comment['createdDate']
+ end
+ def updated_date
+ raw_comment['updatedDate']
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/bitbucket_server/representation/pull_request.rb b/lib/bitbucket_server/representation/pull_request.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c3e927d8de7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bitbucket_server/representation/pull_request.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module BitbucketServer
+ module Representation
+ class PullRequest < Representation::Base
+ def author
+ raw.dig('author', 'user', 'name')
+ end
+ def author_email
+ raw.dig('author', 'user', 'emailAddress')
+ end
+ def description
+ raw['description']
+ end
+ def iid
+ raw['id']
+ end
+ def state
+ case raw['state']
+ when 'MERGED'
+ 'merged'
+ when 'DECLINED'
+ 'closed'
+ else
+ 'opened'
+ end
+ end
+ def merged?
+ state == 'merged'
+ end
+ def created_at
+ self.class.convert_timestamp(created_date)
+ end
+ def updated_at
+ self.class.convert_timestamp(updated_date)
+ end
+ def title
+ raw['title']
+ end
+ def source_branch_name
+ raw.dig('fromRef', 'id')
+ end
+ def source_branch_sha
+ raw.dig('fromRef', 'latestCommit')
+ end
+ def target_branch_name
+ raw.dig('toRef', 'id')
+ end
+ def target_branch_sha
+ raw.dig('toRef', 'latestCommit')
+ end
+ private
+ def created_date
+ raw['createdDate']
+ end
+ def updated_date
+ raw['updatedDate']
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/bitbucket_server/representation/pull_request_comment.rb b/lib/bitbucket_server/representation/pull_request_comment.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a2b3873a397
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bitbucket_server/representation/pull_request_comment.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module BitbucketServer
+ module Representation
+ # An inline comment with the following structure that identifies
+ # the part of the diff:
+ #
+ # "commentAnchor": {
+ # "diffType": "EFFECTIVE",
+ # "fileType": "TO",
+ # "fromHash": "c5f4288162e2e6218180779c7f6ac1735bb56eab",
+ # "line": 1,
+ # "lineType": "ADDED",
+ # "orphaned": false,
+ # "path": "",
+ # "toHash": "a4c2164330f2549f67c13f36a93884cf66e976be"
+ # }
+ #
+ # More details in
+ class PullRequestComment < Comment
+ def from_sha
+ comment_anchor['fromHash']
+ end
+ def to_sha
+ comment_anchor['toHash']
+ end
+ def to?
+ file_type == 'TO'
+ end
+ def from?
+ file_type == 'FROM'
+ end
+ def added?
+ line_type == 'ADDED'
+ end
+ def removed?
+ line_type == 'REMOVED'
+ end
+ # There are three line comment types: added, removed, or context.
+ #
+ # 1. An added type means a new line was inserted, so there is no old position.
+ # 2. A removed type means a line was removed, so there is no new position.
+ # 3. A context type means the line was unmodified, so there is both a
+ # old and new position.
+ def new_pos
+ return if removed?
+ return unless line_position
+ line_position[1]
+ end
+ def old_pos
+ return if added?
+ return unless line_position
+ line_position[0]
+ end
+ def file_path
+ comment_anchor.fetch('path')
+ end
+ private
+ def file_type
+ comment_anchor['fileType']
+ end
+ def line_type
+ comment_anchor['lineType']
+ end
+ # Each comment contains the following information about the diff:
+ #
+ # hunks: [
+ # {
+ # segments: [
+ # {
+ # "lines": [
+ # {
+ # "commentIds": [ N ],
+ # "source": X,
+ # "destination": Y
+ # }, ...
+ # ] ....
+ #
+ # To determine the line position of a comment, we search all the lines
+ # entries until we find this comment ID.
+ def line_position
+ @line_position ||= diff_hunks.each do |hunk|
+ segments = hunk.fetch('segments', [])
+ segments.each do |segment|
+ lines = segment.fetch('lines', [])
+ lines.each do |line|
+ if line['commentIds']&.include?(id)
+ return [line['source'], line['destination']]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def comment_anchor
+ raw.fetch('commentAnchor', {})
+ end
+ def diff
+ raw.fetch('diff', {})
+ end
+ def diff_hunks
+ diff.fetch('hunks', [])
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/bitbucket_server/representation/repo.rb b/lib/bitbucket_server/representation/repo.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6c494b79166
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bitbucket_server/representation/repo.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module BitbucketServer
+ module Representation
+ class Repo < Representation::Base
+ def initialize(raw)
+ super(raw)
+ end
+ def project_key
+ raw.dig('project', 'key')
+ end
+ def project_name
+ raw.dig('project', 'name')
+ end
+ def slug
+ raw['slug']
+ end
+ def browse_url
+ # The JSON reponse contains an array of 1 element. Not sure if there
+ # are cases where multiple links would be provided.
+ raw.dig('links', 'self').first.fetch('href')
+ end
+ def clone_url
+ raw['links']['clone'].find { |link| link['name'].starts_with?('http') }.fetch('href')
+ end
+ def description
+ project['description']
+ end
+ def full_name
+ "#{project_name}/#{name}"
+ end
+ def issues_enabled?
+ true
+ end
+ def name
+ raw['name']
+ end
+ def valid?
+ raw['scmId'] == 'git'
+ end
+ def visibility_level
+ if project['public']
+ Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PUBLIC
+ else
+ Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PRIVATE
+ end
+ end
+ def project
+ raw['project']
+ end
+ def to_s
+ full_name
+ end
+ end
+ end