path: root/lib/ci/gitlab_ci_yaml_processor.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ci/gitlab_ci_yaml_processor.rb')
1 files changed, 198 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ci/gitlab_ci_yaml_processor.rb b/lib/ci/gitlab_ci_yaml_processor.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e625e790df8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ci/gitlab_ci_yaml_processor.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+module Ci
+ class GitlabCiYamlProcessor
+ class ValidationError < StandardError;end
+ DEFAULT_STAGES = %w(build test deploy)
+ DEFAULT_STAGE = 'test'
+ ALLOWED_YAML_KEYS = [:before_script, :image, :services, :types, :stages, :variables]
+ ALLOWED_JOB_KEYS = [:tags, :script, :only, :except, :type, :image, :services, :allow_failure, :type, :stage]
+ attr_reader :before_script, :image, :services, :variables
+ def initialize(config)
+ @config = YAML.load(config)
+ unless @config.is_a? Hash
+ raise ValidationError, "YAML should be a hash"
+ end
+ @config = @config.deep_symbolize_keys
+ initial_parsing
+ validate!
+ end
+ def builds_for_stage_and_ref(stage, ref, tag = false)
+{|build| build[:stage] == stage && process?(build[:only], build[:except], ref, tag)}
+ end
+ def builds
+ do |name, job|
+ build_job(name, job)
+ end
+ end
+ def stages
+ @stages || DEFAULT_STAGES
+ end
+ private
+ def initial_parsing
+ @before_script = @config[:before_script] || []
+ @image = @config[:image]
+ @services = @config[:services]
+ @stages = @config[:stages] || @config[:types]
+ @variables = @config[:variables] || {}
+ @config.except!(*ALLOWED_YAML_KEYS)
+ # anything that doesn't have script is considered as unknown
+ @config.each do |name, param|
+ raise ValidationError, "Unknown parameter: #{name}" unless param.is_a?(Hash) && param.has_key?(:script)
+ end
+ unless @config.values.any?{|job| job.is_a?(Hash)}
+ raise ValidationError, "Please define at least one job"
+ end
+ @jobs = {}
+ @config.each do |key, job|
+ stage = job[:stage] || job[:type] || DEFAULT_STAGE
+ @jobs[key] = { stage: stage }.merge(job)
+ end
+ end
+ def process?(only_params, except_params, ref, tag)
+ return true if only_params.nil? && except_params.nil?
+ if only_params
+ return true if tag && only_params.include?("tags")
+ return true if !tag && only_params.include?("branches")
+ only_params.find do |pattern|
+ match_ref?(pattern, ref)
+ end
+ else
+ return false if tag && except_params.include?("tags")
+ return false if !tag && except_params.include?("branches")
+ except_params.each do |pattern|
+ return false if match_ref?(pattern, ref)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def build_job(name, job)
+ {
+ stage: job[:stage],
+ script: "#{@before_script.join("\n")}\n#{normalize_script(job[:script])}",
+ tags: job[:tags] || [],
+ name: name,
+ only: job[:only],
+ except: job[:except],
+ allow_failure: job[:allow_failure] || false,
+ options: {
+ image: job[:image] || @image,
+ services: job[:services] || @services
+ }.compact
+ }
+ end
+ def match_ref?(pattern, ref)
+ if pattern.first == "/" && pattern.last == "/"
+[1...-1]) =~ ref
+ else
+ pattern == ref
+ end
+ end
+ def normalize_script(script)
+ if script.is_a? Array
+ script.join("\n")
+ else
+ script
+ end
+ end
+ def validate!
+ unless validate_array_of_strings(@before_script)
+ raise ValidationError, "before_script should be an array of strings"
+ end
+ unless @image.nil? || @image.is_a?(String)
+ raise ValidationError, "image should be a string"
+ end
+ unless @services.nil? || validate_array_of_strings(@services)
+ raise ValidationError, "services should be an array of strings"
+ end
+ unless @stages.nil? || validate_array_of_strings(@stages)
+ raise ValidationError, "stages should be an array of strings"
+ end
+ unless @variables.nil? || validate_variables(@variables)
+ raise ValidationError, "variables should be a map of key-valued strings"
+ end
+ @jobs.each do |name, job|
+ validate_job!("#{name} job", job)
+ end
+ true
+ end
+ def validate_job!(name, job)
+ job.keys.each do |key|
+ unless ALLOWED_JOB_KEYS.include? key
+ raise ValidationError, "#{name}: unknown parameter #{key}"
+ end
+ end
+ if !job[:script].is_a?(String) && !validate_array_of_strings(job[:script])
+ raise ValidationError, "#{name}: script should be a string or an array of a strings"
+ end
+ if job[:stage]
+ unless job[:stage].is_a?(String) && job[:stage].in?(stages)
+ raise ValidationError, "#{name}: stage parameter should be #{stages.join(", ")}"
+ end
+ end
+ if job[:image] && !job[:image].is_a?(String)
+ raise ValidationError, "#{name}: image should be a string"
+ end
+ if job[:services] && !validate_array_of_strings(job[:services])
+ raise ValidationError, "#{name}: services should be an array of strings"
+ end
+ if job[:tags] && !validate_array_of_strings(job[:tags])
+ raise ValidationError, "#{name}: tags parameter should be an array of strings"
+ end
+ if job[:only] && !validate_array_of_strings(job[:only])
+ raise ValidationError, "#{name}: only parameter should be an array of strings"
+ end
+ if job[:except] && !validate_array_of_strings(job[:except])
+ raise ValidationError, "#{name}: except parameter should be an array of strings"
+ end
+ if job[:allow_failure] && !job[:allow_failure].in?([true, false])
+ raise ValidationError, "#{name}: allow_failure parameter should be an boolean"
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def validate_array_of_strings(values)
+ values.is_a?(Array) && values.all? {|tag| tag.is_a?(String)}
+ end
+ def validate_variables(variables)
+ variables.is_a?(Hash) && variables.all? {|key, value| key.is_a?(Symbol) && value.is_a?(String)}
+ end
+ end