path: root/lib/declarative_policy
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/declarative_policy')
10 files changed, 0 insertions, 1236 deletions
diff --git a/lib/declarative_policy/base.rb b/lib/declarative_policy/base.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 49cbdd2aeb4..00000000000
--- a/lib/declarative_policy/base.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-module DeclarativePolicy
- class Base
- # A map of ability => list of rules together with :enable
- # or :prevent actions. Used to look up which rules apply to
- # a given ability. See Base.ability_map
- class AbilityMap
- attr_reader :map
- def initialize(map = {})
- @map = map
- end
- # This merge behavior is different than regular hashes - if both
- # share a key, the values at that key are concatenated, rather than
- # overridden.
- def merge(other)
- conflict_proc = proc { |key, my_val, other_val| my_val + other_val }
-, &conflict_proc))
- end
- def actions(key)
- @map[key] ||= []
- end
- def enable(key, rule)
- actions(key) << [:enable, rule]
- end
- def prevent(key, rule)
- actions(key) << [:prevent, rule]
- end
- end
- class << self
- # The `own_ability_map` vs `ability_map` distinction is used so that
- # the data structure is properly inherited - with subclasses recursively
- # merging their parent class.
- #
- # This pattern is also used for conditions, global_actions, and delegations.
- def ability_map
- if self == Base
- own_ability_map
- else
- superclass.ability_map.merge(own_ability_map)
- end
- end
- def own_ability_map
- @own_ability_map ||=
- end
- # an inheritable map of conditions, by name
- def conditions
- if self == Base
- own_conditions
- else
- superclass.conditions.merge(own_conditions)
- end
- end
- def own_conditions
- @own_conditions ||= {}
- end
- # a list of global actions, generated by `prevent_all`. these aren't
- # stored in `ability_map` because they aren't indexed by a particular
- # ability.
- def global_actions
- if self == Base
- own_global_actions
- else
- superclass.global_actions + own_global_actions
- end
- end
- def own_global_actions
- @own_global_actions ||= []
- end
- # an inheritable map of delegations, indexed by name (which may be
- # autogenerated)
- def delegations
- if self == Base
- own_delegations
- else
- superclass.delegations.merge(own_delegations)
- end
- end
- def own_delegations
- @own_delegations ||= {}
- end
- # all the [rule, action] pairs that apply to a particular ability.
- # we combine the specific ones looked up in ability_map with the global
- # ones.
- def configuration_for(ability)
- ability_map.actions(ability) + global_actions
- end
- ### declaration methods ###
- def delegate(name = nil, &delegation_block)
- if name.nil?
- @delegate_name_counter ||= 0
- @delegate_name_counter += 1
- name = :"anonymous_#{@delegate_name_counter}"
- end
- name = name.to_sym
- if delegation_block.nil?
- delegation_block = proc { @subject.__send__(name) } # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend
- end
- own_delegations[name] = delegation_block
- end
- # Declare that the given abilities should not be read from delegates.
- #
- # This is useful if you have an ability that you want to define
- # differently in a policy than in a delegated policy, but still want to
- # delegate all other abilities.
- #
- # example:
- #
- # delegate { @subect.parent }
- #
- # overrides :drive_car, :watch_tv
- #
- def overrides(*names)
- @overrides ||= [].to_set
- @overrides.merge(names)
- end
- # Declares a rule, constructed using RuleDsl, and returns
- # a PolicyDsl which is used for registering the rule with
- # this class. PolicyDsl will call back into Base.enable_when,
- # Base.prevent_when, and Base.prevent_all_when.
- def rule(&block)
- rule =
-, rule)
- end
- # A hash in which to store calls to `desc` and `with_scope`, etc.
- def last_options
- @last_options ||= {}.with_indifferent_access
- end
- # retrieve and zero out the previously set options (used in .condition)
- def last_options!
- last_options.tap { @last_options = nil }
- end
- # Declare a description for the following condition. Currently unused,
- # but opens the potential for explaining to users why they were or were
- # not able to do something.
- def desc(description)
- last_options[:description] = description
- end
- def with_options(opts = {})
- last_options.merge!(opts)
- end
- def with_scope(scope)
- with_options scope: scope
- end
- def with_score(score)
- with_options score: score
- end
- # Declares a condition. It gets stored in `own_conditions`, and generates
- # a query method based on the condition's name.
- def condition(name, opts = {}, &value)
- name = name.to_sym
- opts = last_options!.merge(opts)
- opts[:context_key] ||=
- condition =, opts, &value)
- self.own_conditions[name] = condition
- define_method(:"#{name}?") { condition(name).pass? }
- end
- # These next three methods are mainly called from PolicyDsl,
- # and are responsible for "inverting" the relationship between
- # an ability and a rule. We store in `ability_map` a map of
- # abilities to rules that affect them, together with a
- # symbol indicating :prevent or :enable.
- def enable_when(abilities, rule)
- abilities.each { |a| own_ability_map.enable(a, rule) }
- end
- def prevent_when(abilities, rule)
- abilities.each { |a| own_ability_map.prevent(a, rule) }
- end
- # we store global prevents (from `prevent_all`) separately,
- # so that they can be combined into every decision made.
- def prevent_all_when(rule)
- own_global_actions << [:prevent, rule]
- end
- end
- # A policy object contains a specific user and subject on which
- # to compute abilities. For this reason it's sometimes called
- # "context" within the framework.
- #
- # It also stores a reference to the cache, so it can be used
- # to cache computations by e.g. ManifestCondition.
- attr_reader :user, :subject
- def initialize(user, subject, opts = {})
- @user = user
- @subject = subject
- @cache = opts[:cache] || {}
- end
- # helper for checking abilities on this and other subjects
- # for the current user.
- def can?(ability, new_subject = :_self)
- return allowed?(ability) if new_subject == :_self
- policy_for(new_subject).allowed?(ability)
- end
- # This is the main entry point for permission checks. It constructs
- # or looks up a Runner for the given ability and asks it if it passes.
- def allowed?(*abilities)
- abilities.all? { |a| runner(a).pass? }
- end
- # The inverse of #allowed?, used mainly in specs.
- def disallowed?(*abilities)
- abilities.all? { |a| !runner(a).pass? }
- end
- # computes the given ability and prints a helpful debugging output
- # showing which
- def debug(ability, *args)
- runner(ability).debug(*args)
- end
- desc "Unknown user"
- condition(:anonymous, scope: :user, score: 0) { @user.nil? }
- desc "By default"
- condition(:default, scope: :global, score: 0) { true }
- def repr
- subject_repr =
- if @subject.respond_to?(:id)
- "#{}/#{}"
- else
- @subject.inspect
- end
- user_repr =
- if @user
- @user.to_reference
- else
- "<anonymous>"
- end
- "(#{user_repr} : #{subject_repr})"
- end
- def inspect
- "#<#{} #{repr}>"
- end
- # returns a Runner for the given ability, capable of computing whether
- # the ability is allowed. Runners are cached on the policy (which itself
- # is cached on @cache), and caches its result. This is how we perform caching
- # at the ability level.
- def runner(ability)
- ability = ability.to_sym
- @runners ||= {}
- @runners[ability] ||=
- begin
- own_runner =
- if self.class.overrides.include?(ability)
- own_runner
- else
- delegated_runners = { |p| p.runner(ability) }
- delegated_runners.inject(own_runner, &:merge_runner)
- end
- end
- end
- # Helpers for caching. Used by ManifestCondition in performing condition
- # computation.
- #
- # NOTE we can't use ||= here because the value might be the
- # boolean `false`
- def cache(key)
- return @cache[key] if cached?(key)
- @cache[key] = yield
- end
- def cached?(key)
- !@cache[key].nil?
- end
- # returns a ManifestCondition capable of computing itself. The computation
- # will use our own @cache.
- def condition(name)
- name = name.to_sym
- @_conditions ||= {}
- @_conditions[name] ||=
- begin
- raise "invalid condition #{name}" unless self.class.conditions.key?(name)
-[name], self)
- end
- end
- # used in specs - returns true if there is no possible way for any action
- # to be allowed, determined only by the global :prevent_all rules.
- def banned?
- global_steps = { |(action, rule)|, rule, action) }
- !
- end
- # A list of other policies that we've delegated to (see `Base.delegate`)
- def delegated_policies
- @delegated_policies ||= self.class.delegations.transform_values do |block|
- new_subject = instance_eval(&block)
- # never delegate to nil, as that would immediately prevent_all
- next if new_subject.nil?
- policy_for(new_subject)
- end
- end
- def policy_for(other_subject)
- DeclarativePolicy.policy_for(@user, other_subject, cache: @cache)
- end
- protected
- # constructs steps that come from this policy and not from any delegations
- def own_steps(ability)
- rules = self.class.configuration_for(ability)
- { |(action, rule)|, rule, action) }
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/declarative_policy/cache.rb b/lib/declarative_policy/cache.rb
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index 13006e56454..00000000000
--- a/lib/declarative_policy/cache.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-module DeclarativePolicy
- module Cache
- class << self
- def user_key(user)
- return '<anonymous>' if user.nil?
- id_for(user)
- end
- def policy_key(user, subject)
- u = user_key(user)
- s = subject_key(subject)
- "/dp/policy/#{u}/#{s}"
- end
- def subject_key(subject)
- return '<nil>' if subject.nil?
- return subject.inspect if subject.is_a?(Symbol)
- "#{}:#{id_for(subject)}"
- end
- private
- def id_for(obj)
- id =
- begin
- rescue NoMethodError
- nil
- end
- id || "##{obj.object_id}"
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/declarative_policy/condition.rb b/lib/declarative_policy/condition.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b77f40b1093..00000000000
--- a/lib/declarative_policy/condition.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-module DeclarativePolicy
- # A Condition is the data structure that is created by the
- # `condition` declaration on DeclarativePolicy::Base. It is
- # more or less just a struct of the data passed to that
- # declaration. It holds on to the block to be instance_eval'd
- # on a context (instance of Base) later, via #compute.
- class Condition
- attr_reader :name, :description, :scope
- attr_reader :manual_score
- attr_reader :context_key
- def initialize(name, opts = {}, &compute)
- @name = name
- @compute = compute
- @scope = opts.fetch(:scope, :normal)
- @description = opts.delete(:description)
- @context_key = opts[:context_key]
- @manual_score = opts.fetch(:score, nil)
- end
- def compute(context)
- !!context.instance_eval(&@compute)
- end
- def key
- "#{@context_key}/#{@name}"
- end
- end
- # In contrast to a Condition, a ManifestCondition contains
- # a Condition and a context object, and is capable of calculating
- # a result itself. This is the return value of Base#condition.
- class ManifestCondition
- def initialize(condition, context)
- @condition = condition
- @context = context
- end
- # The main entry point - does this condition pass? We reach into
- # the context's cache here so that we can share in the global
- # cache (often RequestStore or similar).
- def pass?
- @context.cache(cache_key) { @condition.compute(@context) }
- end
- # Whether we've already computed this condition.
- def cached?
- @context.cached?(cache_key)
- end
- # This is used to score Rule::Condition. See Rule::Condition#score
- # and Runner#steps_by_score for how scores are used.
- #
- # The number here is intended to represent, abstractly, how
- # expensive it would be to calculate this condition.
- #
- # See #cache_key for info about @condition.scope.
- def score
- # If we've been cached, no computation is necessary.
- return 0 if cached?
- # Use the override from condition(score: ...) if present
- return @condition.manual_score if @condition.manual_score
- # Global scope rules are cheap due to max cache sharing
- return 2 if @condition.scope == :global
- # "Normal" rules can't share caches with any other policies
- return 16 if @condition.scope == :normal
- # otherwise, we're :user or :subject scope, so it's 4 if
- # the caller has declared a preference
- return 4 if @condition.scope == DeclarativePolicy.preferred_scope
- # and 8 for all other :user or :subject scope conditions.
- 8
- end
- private
- # This method controls the caching for the condition. This is where
- # the condition(scope: ...) option comes into play. Notice that
- # depending on the scope, we may cache only by the user or only by
- # the subject, resulting in sharing across different policy objects.
- def cache_key
- @cache_key ||=
- case @condition.scope
- when :normal then "/dp/condition/#{@condition.key}/#{user_key},#{subject_key}"
- when :user then "/dp/condition/#{@condition.key}/#{user_key}"
- when :subject then "/dp/condition/#{@condition.key}/#{subject_key}"
- when :global then "/dp/condition/#{@condition.key}"
- else raise 'invalid scope'
- end
- end
- def user_key
- Cache.user_key(@context.user)
- end
- def subject_key
- Cache.subject_key(@context.subject)
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/declarative_policy/delegate_dsl.rb b/lib/declarative_policy/delegate_dsl.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 67e3429b696..00000000000
--- a/lib/declarative_policy/delegate_dsl.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-module DeclarativePolicy
- # Used when the name of a delegate is mentioned in
- # the rule DSL.
- class DelegateDsl
- def initialize(rule_dsl, delegate_name)
- @rule_dsl = rule_dsl
- @delegate_name = delegate_name
- end
- def method_missing(msg, *args)
- return super unless args.empty? && !block_given?
- @rule_dsl.delegate(@delegate_name, msg)
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/declarative_policy/policy_dsl.rb b/lib/declarative_policy/policy_dsl.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 69a2bbcc79e..00000000000
--- a/lib/declarative_policy/policy_dsl.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-module DeclarativePolicy
- # The return value of a rule { ... } declaration.
- # Can call back to register rules with the containing
- # Policy class (context_class here). See Base.rule
- #
- # Note that the #policy method just performs an #instance_eval,
- # which is useful for multiple #enable or #prevent calls.
- #
- # Also provides a #method_missing proxy to the context
- # class's class methods, so that helper methods can be
- # defined and used in a #policy { ... } block.
- class PolicyDsl
- def initialize(context_class, rule)
- @context_class = context_class
- @rule = rule
- end
- def policy(&block)
- instance_eval(&block)
- end
- def enable(*abilities)
- @context_class.enable_when(abilities, @rule)
- end
- def prevent(*abilities)
- @context_class.prevent_when(abilities, @rule)
- end
- def prevent_all
- @context_class.prevent_all_when(@rule)
- end
- def method_missing(msg, *args, &block)
- return super unless @context_class.respond_to?(msg)
- @context_class.__send__(msg, *args, &block) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend
- end
- def respond_to_missing?(msg)
- @context_class.respond_to?(msg) || super
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/declarative_policy/preferred_scope.rb b/lib/declarative_policy/preferred_scope.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e512086593..00000000000
--- a/lib/declarative_policy/preferred_scope.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-module DeclarativePolicy
- module PreferredScope
- PREFERRED_SCOPE_KEY = :"DeclarativePolicy.preferred_scope"
- def with_preferred_scope(scope)
- old_scope = Thread.current[PREFERRED_SCOPE_KEY]
- Thread.current[PREFERRED_SCOPE_KEY] = scope
- yield
- ensure
- Thread.current[PREFERRED_SCOPE_KEY] = old_scope
- end
- def preferred_scope
- Thread.current[PREFERRED_SCOPE_KEY]
- end
- def user_scope(&block)
- with_preferred_scope(:user, &block)
- end
- def subject_scope(&block)
- with_preferred_scope(:subject, &block)
- end
- def preferred_scope=(scope)
- Thread.current[PREFERRED_SCOPE_KEY] = scope
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/declarative_policy/rule.rb b/lib/declarative_policy/rule.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 964d35cde9e..00000000000
--- a/lib/declarative_policy/rule.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-module DeclarativePolicy
- module Rule
- # A Rule is the object that results from the `rule` declaration,
- # usually built using the DSL in `RuleDsl`. It is a basic logical
- # combination of building blocks, and is capable of deciding,
- # given a context (instance of DeclarativePolicy::Base) whether it
- # passes or not. Note that this decision doesn't by itself know
- # how that affects the actual ability decision - for that, a
- # `Step` is used.
- class Base
- def self.make(*args)
- new(*args).simplify
- end
- # true or false whether this rule passes.
- # `context` is a policy - an instance of
- # DeclarativePolicy::Base.
- def pass?(context)
- raise 'abstract'
- end
- # same as #pass? except refuses to do any I/O,
- # returning nil if the result is not yet cached.
- # used for accurately scoring And/Or
- def cached_pass?(context)
- raise 'abstract'
- end
- # abstractly, how long would it take to compute
- # this rule? lower-scored rules are tried first.
- def score(context)
- raise 'abstract'
- end
- # unwrap double negatives and nested and/or
- def simplify
- self
- end
- # convenience combination methods
- def or(other)
- Or.make([self, other])
- end
- def and(other)
- And.make([self, other])
- end
- def negate
- Not.make(self)
- end
- alias_method :|, :or
- alias_method :&, :and
- alias_method :~@, :negate
- def inspect
- "#<Rule #{repr}>"
- end
- end
- # A rule that checks a condition. This is the
- # type of rule that results from a basic bareword
- # in the rule dsl (see RuleDsl#method_missing).
- class Condition < Base
- def initialize(name)
- @name = name
- end
- # we delegate scoring to the condition. See
- # ManifestCondition#score.
- def score(context)
- context.condition(@name).score
- end
- # Let the ManifestCondition from the context
- # decide whether we pass.
- def pass?(context)
- context.condition(@name).pass?
- end
- # returns nil unless it's already cached
- def cached_pass?(context)
- condition = context.condition(@name)
- return unless condition.cached?
- condition.pass?
- end
- def description(context)
- context.class.conditions[@name].description
- end
- def repr
- @name.to_s
- end
- end
- # A rule constructed from DelegateDsl - using a condition from a
- # delegated policy.
- class DelegatedCondition < Base
- # Internal use only - this is rescued each time it's raised.
- MissingDelegate =
- def initialize(delegate_name, name)
- @delegate_name = delegate_name
- @name = name
- end
- def delegated_context(context)
- policy = context.delegated_policies[@delegate_name]
- raise MissingDelegate if policy.nil?
- policy
- end
- def score(context)
- delegated_context(context).condition(@name).score
- rescue MissingDelegate
- 0
- end
- def cached_pass?(context)
- condition = delegated_context(context).condition(@name)
- return unless condition.cached?
- condition.pass?
- rescue MissingDelegate
- false
- end
- def pass?(context)
- delegated_context(context).condition(@name).pass?
- rescue MissingDelegate
- false
- end
- def repr
- "#{@delegate_name}.#{@name}"
- end
- end
- # A rule constructed from RuleDsl#can?. Computes a different ability
- # on the same subject.
- class Ability < Base
- attr_reader :ability
- def initialize(ability)
- @ability = ability
- end
- # We ask the ability's runner for a score
- def score(context)
- context.runner(@ability).score
- end
- def pass?(context)
- context.allowed?(@ability)
- end
- def cached_pass?(context)
- runner = context.runner(@ability)
- return unless runner.cached?
- runner.pass?
- end
- def description(context)
- "User can #{@ability.inspect}"
- end
- def repr
- "can?(#{@ability.inspect})"
- end
- end
- # Logical `and`, containing a list of rules. Only passes
- # if all of them do.
- class And < Base
- attr_reader :rules
- def initialize(rules)
- @rules = rules
- end
- def simplify
- simplified_rules = @rules.flat_map do |rule|
- simplified = rule.simplify
- case simplified
- when And then simplified.rules
- else [simplified]
- end
- end
- end
- def score(context)
- return 0 unless cached_pass?(context).nil?
- # note that cached rules will have score 0 anyways.
- { |r| r.score(context) }.inject(0, :+)
- end
- def pass?(context)
- # try to find a cached answer before
- # checking in order
- cached = cached_pass?(context)
- return cached unless cached.nil?
- @rules.all? { |r| r.pass?(context) }
- end
- def cached_pass?(context)
- @rules.each do |rule|
- pass = rule.cached_pass?(context)
- return pass if pass.nil? || pass == false
- end
- true
- end
- def repr
- "all?(#{', ')})"
- end
- end
- # Logical `or`. Mirrors And.
- class Or < Base
- attr_reader :rules
- def initialize(rules)
- @rules = rules
- end
- def pass?(context)
- cached = cached_pass?(context)
- return cached unless cached.nil?
- @rules.any? { |r| r.pass?(context) }
- end
- def simplify
- simplified_rules = @rules.flat_map do |rule|
- simplified = rule.simplify
- case simplified
- when Or then simplified.rules
- else [simplified]
- end
- end
- end
- def cached_pass?(context)
- @rules.each do |rule|
- pass = rule.cached_pass?(context)
- return pass if pass.nil? || pass == true
- end
- false
- end
- def score(context)
- return 0 unless cached_pass?(context).nil?
- { |r| r.score(context) }.inject(0, :+)
- end
- def repr
- "any?(#{', ')})"
- end
- end
- class Not < Base
- attr_reader :rule
- def initialize(rule)
- @rule = rule
- end
- def simplify
- case @rule
- when And then
- when Or then
- when Not then @rule.rule.simplify
- else
- end
- end
- def pass?(context)
- !@rule.pass?(context)
- end
- def cached_pass?(context)
- case @rule.cached_pass?(context)
- when nil then nil
- when true then false
- when false then true
- end
- end
- def score(context)
- @rule.score(context)
- end
- def repr
- "~#{@rule.repr}"
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/declarative_policy/rule_dsl.rb b/lib/declarative_policy/rule_dsl.rb
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index 85da7f261fa..00000000000
--- a/lib/declarative_policy/rule_dsl.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-module DeclarativePolicy
- # The DSL evaluation context inside rule { ... } blocks.
- # Responsible for creating and combining Rule objects.
- #
- # See Base.rule
- class RuleDsl
- def initialize(context_class)
- @context_class = context_class
- end
- def can?(ability)
- end
- def all?(*rules)
- Rule::And.make(rules)
- end
- def any?(*rules)
- Rule::Or.make(rules)
- end
- def none?(*rules)
- end
- def cond(condition)
- end
- def delegate(delegate_name, condition)
-, condition)
- end
- def method_missing(msg, *args)
- return super unless args.empty? && !block_given?
- if @context_class.delegations.key?(msg)
-, msg)
- else
- cond(msg.to_sym)
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/declarative_policy/runner.rb b/lib/declarative_policy/runner.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 59588b4d84e..00000000000
--- a/lib/declarative_policy/runner.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-module DeclarativePolicy
- class Runner
- class State
- def initialize
- @enabled = false
- @prevented = false
- end
- def enable!
- @enabled = true
- end
- def enabled?
- @enabled
- end
- def prevent!
- @prevented = true
- end
- def prevented?
- @prevented
- end
- def pass?
- !prevented? && enabled?
- end
- end
- # a Runner contains a list of Steps to be run.
- attr_reader :steps
- def initialize(steps)
- @steps = steps
- @state = nil
- end
- # We make sure only to run any given Runner once,
- # and just continue to use the resulting @state
- # that's left behind.
- def cached?
- !!@state
- end
- # used by Rule::Ability. See #steps_by_score
- def score
- return 0 if cached?
-, :+)
- end
- def merge_runner(other)
- + other.steps)
- end
- # The main entry point, called for making an ability decision.
- # See #run and DeclarativePolicy::Base#can?
- def pass?
- run unless cached?
- @state.pass?
- end
- # see DeclarativePolicy::Base#debug
- def debug(out = $stderr)
- run(out)
- end
- private
- def flatten_steps!
- @steps = @steps.flat_map { |s| s.flattened(@steps) }
- end
- # This method implements the semantic of "one enable and no prevents".
- # It relies on #steps_by_score for the main loop, and updates @state
- # with the result of the step.
- def run(debug = nil)
- @state =
- steps_by_score do |step, score|
- break if !debug && @state.prevented?
- passed = nil
- case step.action
- when :enable then
- # we only check :enable actions if they have a chance of
- # changing the outcome - if no other rule has enabled or
- # prevented.
- unless @state.enabled? || @state.prevented?
- passed = step.pass?
- @state.enable! if passed
- end
- debug << inspect_step(step, score, passed) if debug
- when :prevent then
- # we only check :prevent actions if the state hasn't already
- # been prevented.
- unless @state.prevented?
- passed = step.pass?
- @state.prevent! if passed
- end
- debug << inspect_step(step, score, passed) if debug
- else raise "invalid action #{step.action.inspect}"
- end
- end
- @state
- end
- # This is the core spot where all those `#score` methods matter.
- # It is critical for performance to run steps in the correct order,
- # so that we don't compute expensive conditions (potentially n times
- # if we're called on, say, a large list of users).
- #
- # In order to determine the cheapest step to run next, we rely on
- # Step#score, which returns a numerical rating of how expensive
- # it would be to calculate - the lower the better. It would be
- # easy enough to statically sort by these scores, but we can do
- # a little better - the scores are cache-aware (conditions that
- # are already in the cache have score 0), which means that running
- # a step can actually change the scores of other steps.
- #
- # So! The way we sort here involves re-scoring at every step. This
- # is by necessity quadratic, but most of the time the number of steps
- # will be low. But just in case, if the number of steps exceeds 50,
- # we print a warning and fall back to a static sort.
- #
- # For each step, we yield the step object along with the computed score
- # for debugging purposes.
- def steps_by_score
- flatten_steps!
- if @steps.size > 50
- warn "DeclarativePolicy: large number of steps (#{steps.size}), falling back to static sort"
- { |s| [s.score, s] }.sort_by { |(score, _)| score }.each do |(score, step)|
- yield step, score
- end
- return
- end
- remaining_steps =
- remaining_enablers, remaining_preventers = remaining_steps.partition(&:enable?).map { |s| }
- loop do
- if @state.enabled?
- # Once we set this, we never need to unset it, because a single
- # prevent will stop this from being enabled
- remaining_steps = remaining_preventers
- else
- # if the permission hasn't yet been enabled and we only have
- # prevent steps left, we short-circuit the state here
- @state.prevent! if remaining_enablers.empty?
- end
- return if remaining_steps.empty?
- lowest_score = Float::INFINITY
- next_step = nil
- remaining_steps.each do |step|
- score = step.score
- if score < lowest_score
- next_step = step
- lowest_score = score
- end
- break if lowest_score == 0
- end
- [remaining_steps, remaining_enablers, remaining_preventers].each do |set|
- set.delete(next_step)
- end
- yield next_step, lowest_score
- end
- end
- # Formatter for debugging output.
- def inspect_step(step, original_score, passed)
- symbol =
- case passed
- when true then '+'
- when false then '-'
- when nil then ' '
- end
- "#{symbol} [#{original_score.to_i}] #{step.repr}\n"
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/declarative_policy/step.rb b/lib/declarative_policy/step.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c289c17cc19..00000000000
--- a/lib/declarative_policy/step.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-module DeclarativePolicy
- # This object represents one step in the runtime decision of whether
- # an ability is allowed. It contains a Rule and a context (instance
- # of DeclarativePolicy::Base), which contains the user, the subject,
- # and the cache. It also contains an "action", which is the symbol
- # :prevent or :enable.
- class Step
- attr_reader :context, :rule, :action
- def initialize(context, rule, action)
- @context = context
- @rule = rule
- @action = action
- end
- # In the flattening process, duplicate steps may be generated in the
- # same rule. This allows us to eliminate those (see Runner#steps_by_score
- # and note its use of a Set)
- def ==(other)
- @context == other.context && @rule == other.rule && @action == other.action
- end
- # In the runner, steps are sorted dynamically by score, so that
- # we are sure to compute them in close to the optimal order.
- #
- # See also Rule#score, ManifestCondition#score, and Runner#steps_by_score.
- def score
- # we slightly prefer the preventative actions
- # since they are more likely to short-circuit
- case @action
- when :prevent
- @rule.score(@context) * (7.0 / 8)
- when :enable
- @rule.score(@context)
- end
- end
- def with_action(action)
-, @rule, action)
- end
- def enable?
- @action == :enable
- end
- def prevent?
- @action == :prevent
- end
- # This rather complex method allows us to split rules into parts so that
- # they can be sorted independently for better optimization
- def flattened(roots)
- case @rule
- when Rule::Or
- # A single `Or` step is the same as each of its elements as separate steps
- @rule.rules.flat_map { |r|, r, @action).flattened(roots) }
- when Rule::Ability
- # This looks like a weird micro-optimization but it buys us quite a lot
- # in some cases. If we depend on an Ability (i.e. a `can?(...)` rule),
- # and that ability *only* has :enable actions (modulo some actions that
- # we already have taken care of), then its rules can be safely inlined.
- steps = @context.runner(@rule.ability).steps.reject { |s| roots.include?(s) }
- if steps.all?(&:enable?)
- # in the case that we are a :prevent step, each inlined step becomes
- # an independent :prevent, even though it was an :enable in its initial
- # context.
-! { |s| s.with_action(:prevent) } if prevent?
- steps.flat_map { |s| s.flattened(roots) }
- else
- [self]
- end
- else
- [self]
- end
- end
- def pass?
- @rule.pass?(@context)
- end
- def repr
- "#{@action} when #{@rule.repr} (#{@context.repr})"
- end
- end