path: root/lib/gitlab/background_migration/populate_untracked_uploads_dependencies.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/gitlab/background_migration/populate_untracked_uploads_dependencies.rb')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/background_migration/populate_untracked_uploads_dependencies.rb b/lib/gitlab/background_migration/populate_untracked_uploads_dependencies.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a2c5acbde71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/background_migration/populate_untracked_uploads_dependencies.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module Gitlab
+ module BackgroundMigration
+ module PopulateUntrackedUploadsDependencies
+ # This class is responsible for producing the attributes necessary to
+ # track an uploaded file in the `uploads` table.
+ class UntrackedFile < ActiveRecord::Base # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength, Metrics/LineLength
+ self.table_name = 'untracked_files_for_uploads'
+ # Ends with /:random_hex/:filename
+ FILE_UPLOADER_PATH = %r{/\h+/[^/]+\z}
+ # These regex patterns are tested against a relative path, relative to
+ # the upload directory.
+ # For convenience, if there exists a capture group in the pattern, then
+ # it indicates the model_id.
+ {
+ pattern: %r{\A-/system/appearance/logo/(\d+)/},
+ uploader: 'AttachmentUploader',
+ model_type: 'Appearance'
+ },
+ {
+ pattern: %r{\A-/system/appearance/header_logo/(\d+)/},
+ uploader: 'AttachmentUploader',
+ model_type: 'Appearance'
+ },
+ {
+ pattern: %r{\A-/system/note/attachment/(\d+)/},
+ uploader: 'AttachmentUploader',
+ model_type: 'Note'
+ },
+ {
+ pattern: %r{\A-/system/user/avatar/(\d+)/},
+ uploader: 'AvatarUploader',
+ model_type: 'User'
+ },
+ {
+ pattern: %r{\A-/system/group/avatar/(\d+)/},
+ uploader: 'AvatarUploader',
+ model_type: 'Namespace'
+ },
+ {
+ pattern: %r{\A-/system/project/avatar/(\d+)/},
+ uploader: 'AvatarUploader',
+ model_type: 'Project'
+ },
+ {
+ uploader: 'FileUploader',
+ model_type: 'Project'
+ }
+ ].freeze
+ def to_h
+ @upload_hash ||= {
+ path: upload_path,
+ uploader: uploader,
+ model_type: model_type,
+ model_id: model_id,
+ size: file_size,
+ checksum: checksum
+ }
+ end
+ def upload_path
+ # UntrackedFile#path is absolute, but Upload#path depends on uploader
+ @upload_path ||=
+ if uploader == 'FileUploader'
+ # Path relative to project directory in uploads
+ matchd = path_relative_to_upload_dir.match(FILE_UPLOADER_PATH)
+ matchd[0].sub(%r{\A/}, '') # remove leading slash
+ else
+ path
+ end
+ end
+ def uploader
+ matching_pattern_map[:uploader]
+ end
+ def model_type
+ matching_pattern_map[:model_type]
+ end
+ def model_id
+ return @model_id if defined?(@model_id)
+ pattern = matching_pattern_map[:pattern]
+ matchd = path_relative_to_upload_dir.match(pattern)
+ # If something is captured (matchd[1] is not nil), it is a model_id
+ # Only the FileUploader pattern will not match an ID
+ @model_id = matchd[1] ? matchd[1].to_i : file_uploader_model_id
+ end
+ def file_size
+ File.size(absolute_path)
+ end
+ def checksum
+ Digest::SHA256.file(absolute_path).hexdigest
+ end
+ private
+ def matching_pattern_map
+ @matching_pattern_map ||= PATH_PATTERNS.find do |path_pattern_map|
+ path_relative_to_upload_dir.match(path_pattern_map[:pattern])
+ end
+ unless @matching_pattern_map
+ raise "Unknown upload path pattern \"#{path}\""
+ end
+ @matching_pattern_map
+ end
+ def file_uploader_model_id
+ matchd = path_relative_to_upload_dir.match(FULL_PATH_CAPTURE)
+ not_found_msg = <<~MSG
+ Could not capture project full_path from a FileUploader path:
+ "#{path_relative_to_upload_dir}"
+ raise not_found_msg unless matchd
+ full_path = matchd[1]
+ project = Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::PopulateUntrackedUploadsDependencies::Project.find_by_full_path(full_path)
+ return nil unless project
+ end
+ # Not including a leading slash
+ def path_relative_to_upload_dir
+ upload_dir = Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::PrepareUntrackedUploads::RELATIVE_UPLOAD_DIR # rubocop:disable Metrics/LineLength
+ base = %r{\A#{Regexp.escape(upload_dir)}/}
+ @path_relative_to_upload_dir ||= path.sub(base, '')
+ end
+ def absolute_path
+ File.join(Gitlab.config.uploads.storage_path, path)
+ end
+ end
+ # Avoid using application code
+ class Upload < ActiveRecord::Base
+ self.table_name = 'uploads'
+ end
+ # Avoid using application code
+ class Appearance < ActiveRecord::Base
+ self.table_name = 'appearances'
+ end
+ # Avoid using application code
+ class Namespace < ActiveRecord::Base
+ self.table_name = 'namespaces'
+ end
+ # Avoid using application code
+ class Note < ActiveRecord::Base
+ self.table_name = 'notes'
+ end
+ # Avoid using application code
+ class User < ActiveRecord::Base
+ self.table_name = 'users'
+ end
+ # Since project Markdown upload paths don't contain the project ID, we have to find the
+ # project by its full_path. Due to MySQL/PostgreSQL differences, and historical reasons,
+ # the logic is somewhat complex, so I've mostly copied it in here.
+ class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
+ self.table_name = 'projects'
+ def self.find_by_full_path(path)
+ binary = Gitlab::Database.mysql? ? 'BINARY' : ''
+ order_sql = "(CASE WHEN #{binary} routes.path = #{connection.quote(path)} THEN 0 ELSE 1 END)"
+ where_full_path_in(path).reorder(order_sql).take
+ end
+ def self.where_full_path_in(path)
+ cast_lower = Gitlab::Database.postgresql?
+ path = connection.quote(path)
+ where =
+ if cast_lower
+ "(LOWER(routes.path) = LOWER(#{path}))"
+ else
+ "(routes.path = #{path})"
+ end
+ joins("INNER JOIN routes ON routes.source_id = AND routes.source_type = 'Project'").where(where)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end