path: root/lib/gitlab/database/migration_helpers.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/gitlab/database/migration_helpers.rb')
1 files changed, 139 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/database/migration_helpers.rb b/lib/gitlab/database/migration_helpers.rb
index dc4de9b1906..3922f5c6683 100644
--- a/lib/gitlab/database/migration_helpers.rb
+++ b/lib/gitlab/database/migration_helpers.rb
@@ -1178,8 +1178,147 @@ into similar problems in the future (e.g. when new tables are created).
+ # Returns the name for a check constraint
+ #
+ # type:
+ # - Any value, as long as it is unique
+ # - Constraint names are unique per table in Postgres, and, additionally,
+ # we can have multiple check constraints over a column
+ # So we use the (table, column, type) triplet as a unique name
+ # - e.g. we use 'max_length' when adding checks for text limits
+ # or 'not_null' when adding a NOT NULL constraint
+ #
+ def check_constraint_name(table, column, type)
+ identifier = "#{table}_#{column}_check_#{type}"
+ # Check concurrent_foreign_key_name() for info on why we use a hash
+ hashed_identifier = Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(identifier).first(10)
+ "check_#{hashed_identifier}"
+ end
+ def check_constraint_exists?(table, constraint_name)
+ # Constraint names are unique per table in Postgres, not per schema
+ # Two tables can have constraints with the same name, so we filter by
+ # the table name in addition to using the constraint_name
+ check_sql = <<~SQL
+ FROM pg_constraint
+ JOIN pg_class ON pg_constraint.conrelid = pg_class.oid
+ WHERE pg_constraint.contype = 'c'
+ AND pg_constraint.conname = '#{constraint_name}'
+ AND pg_class.relname = '#{table}'
+ connection.select_value(check_sql).positive?
+ end
+ # Adds a check constraint to a table
+ #
+ # This method is the generic helper for adding any check constraint
+ # More specialized helpers may use it (e.g. add_text_limit or add_not_null)
+ #
+ # This method only requires minimal locking:
+ # - The constraint is added using NOT VALID
+ # This allows us to add the check constraint without validating it
+ # - The check will be enforced for new data (inserts) coming in
+ # - If `validate: true` the constraint is also validated
+ # Otherwise, validate_check_constraint() can be used at a later stage
+ # - Check comments on add_concurrent_foreign_key for more info
+ #
+ # table - The table the constraint will be added to
+ # check - The check clause to add
+ # e.g. 'char_length(name) <= 5' or 'store IS NOT NULL'
+ # constraint_name - The name of the check constraint (otherwise auto-generated)
+ # Should be unique per table (not per column)
+ # validate - Whether to validate the constraint in this call
+ #
+ # rubocop:disable Gitlab/RailsLogger
+ def add_check_constraint(table, check, constraint_name, validate: true)
+ # Transactions would result in ALTER TABLE locks being held for the
+ # duration of the transaction, defeating the purpose of this method.
+ if transaction_open?
+ raise 'add_check_constraint can not be run inside a transaction'
+ end
+ if check_constraint_exists?(table, constraint_name)
+ warning_message = <<~MESSAGE
+ Check constraint was not created because it exists already
+ (this may be due to an aborted migration or similar)
+ table: #{table}, check: #{check}, constraint name: #{constraint_name}
+ Rails.logger.warn warning_message
+ else
+ # Only add the constraint without validating it
+ # Even though it is fast, ADD CONSTRAINT requires an EXCLUSIVE lock
+ # Use with_lock_retries to make sure that this operation
+ # will not timeout on tables accessed by many processes
+ with_lock_retries do
+ execute <<-EOF.strip_heredoc
+ ALTER TABLE #{table}
+ ADD CONSTRAINT #{constraint_name}
+ CHECK ( #{check} )
+ end
+ end
+ if validate
+ validate_check_constraint(table, constraint_name)
+ end
+ end
+ def validate_check_constraint(table, constraint_name)
+ unless check_constraint_exists?(table, constraint_name)
+ raise missing_schema_object_message(table, "check constraint", constraint_name)
+ end
+ disable_statement_timeout do
+ # It only conflicts with other validations and creating indexes
+ execute("ALTER TABLE #{table} VALIDATE CONSTRAINT #{constraint_name};")
+ end
+ end
+ def remove_check_constraint(table, constraint_name)
+ # DROP CONSTRAINT requires an EXCLUSIVE lock
+ # Use with_lock_retries to make sure that this will not timeout
+ with_lock_retries do
+ execute <<-EOF.strip_heredoc
+ ALTER TABLE #{table}
+ DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS #{constraint_name}
+ end
+ end
+ # Migration Helpers for adding limit to text columns
+ def add_text_limit(table, column, limit, constraint_name: nil, validate: true)
+ add_check_constraint(
+ table,
+ "char_length(#{column}) <= #{limit}",
+ text_limit_name(table, column, name: constraint_name),
+ validate: validate
+ )
+ end
+ def validate_text_limit(table, column, constraint_name: nil)
+ validate_check_constraint(table, text_limit_name(table, column, name: constraint_name))
+ end
+ def remove_text_limit(table, column, constraint_name: nil)
+ remove_check_constraint(table, text_limit_name(table, column, name: constraint_name))
+ end
+ def check_text_limit_exists?(table, column, constraint_name: nil)
+ check_constraint_exists?(table, text_limit_name(table, column, name: constraint_name))
+ end
+ def text_limit_name(table, column, name: nil)
+ name.presence || check_constraint_name(table, column, 'max_length')
+ end
def missing_schema_object_message(table, type, name)
Could not find #{type} "#{name}" on table "#{table}" which was referenced during the migration.